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   1 /*
   2  * vim: filetype=c:tabstop=4:ai:expandtab
   3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: ICU
   4  * scspell-id: 0538414e-f62f-11ec-8915-80ee73e9b8e7
   5  *
   6  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   7  *
   8  * Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Michael Mondy
   9  * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Harry Reed
  10  * Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Charles Anthony
  11  * Copyright (c) 2021-2024 The DPS8M Development Team
  12  *
  13  * This software is made available under the terms of the ICU License.
  14  * See the file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
  15  *
  16  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17  */
  19 #if !defined(_DPS8_SYS_H)
  20 # define _DPS8_SYS_H
  22 # include <uv.h>
  23 # include "uvutil.h"
  25 // System-wide info and options not tied to a specific CPU, IOM, or SCU
  26 typedef struct
  27   {
  28     // Delay times are in cycles; negative for immediate
  29     struct
  30       {
  31         int connect;    // Delay between CIOC instr & connect channel operation
  32         //int chan_activate;  // Time for a list service to send a DCW
  33         //int boot_time; // delay between CPU start and IOM starting boot process
  34         //int terminate_time; // delay between CPU start and IOM starting boot process
  35       } iom_times;
  36     // struct {
  37         // int read;
  38         // int xfer;
  39     // } mt_times;
  40     // bool warn_uninit; // Warn when reading uninitialized memory
  42     bool no_color;
  43     uint sys_poll_interval; // Polling interval in milliseconds
  44     uint sys_slow_poll_interval; // Polling interval in polling intervals
  45     uint sys_poll_check_rate; // Check for pooling interval rate in CPU cycles
  46 } sysinfo_t;
  48 # if defined(DBGEVENT)
  49 #  define max_dbgevents 128u
  50 #  define dbgevent_tagsize 128
  51 struct dbgevent_t
  52   {
  53     word15 segno;
  54     word18 offset;
  55     bool t0;
  56     char tag[dbgevent_tagsize];
  57   };
  59 extern uint n_dbgevents;
  60 extern struct dbgevent_t dbgevents[max_dbgevents];
  61 extern struct timespec dbgevent_t0;
  62 int dbgevent_lookup (word15 segno, word18 offset);
  63 # endif
  65 extern vol word36 * M;  //-V707
  66 extern sysinfo_t sys_opts;
  67 extern uint64 sim_deb_start;
  68 extern uint64 sim_deb_stop;
  69 extern uint64 sim_deb_break;
  70 # define DEBUG_SEGNO_LIMIT 1024
  71 extern bool sim_deb_segno_on;
  72 extern bool sim_deb_segno[DEBUG_SEGNO_LIMIT];
  73 # define NO_SUCH_RINGNO ((uint64) -1ll)
  74 extern uint64 sim_deb_ringno;
  75 extern uint64 sim_deb_skip_limit;
  76 extern uint64 sim_deb_mme_cntdwn;
  77 extern uint64 sim_deb_skip_cnt;
  78 extern bool sim_deb_bar;
  79 extern DEVICE *sim_devices[];
  80 extern uint dbgCPUMask;
  81 extern bool breakEnable;
  83 char * lookup_address (word18 segno, word18 offset, char * * compname, word18 * compoffset);
  84 void list_source (char * compname, word18 offset, uint dflag);
  85 //t_stat computeAbsAddrN (word24 * absAddr, int segno, uint offset);
  87 t_stat brkbrk (int32 arg, const char * buf);
  88 extern int32 luf_flag;
  90 #endif

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