PRIo64            126 src/dps8/dps8.h #  ifdef PRIo64
PRIo64            129 src/dps8/dps8.h #  ifndef PRIo64
PRIo64             81 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                     "%s(TD_DU): rY=%06o directOperand=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64            107 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                        "%s(TD_DL): rY=%06o directOperand=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64            287 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                "do_ITS/ITP: %012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64            329 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                "updateIWB: IWB was %012"PRIo64" %06o %s\n",
PRIo64            338 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                "updateIWB: IWB now %012"PRIo64" %06o %s\n",
PRIo64            478 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                        "R_MOD: directOperand = %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64            614 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                    "RI_MOD: cpu.itxPair[0]=%012"PRIo64
PRIo64            676 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                    "IR_MOD1: cpu.itxPair[0]=%012"PRIo64
PRIo64            854 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD CI/SC/SCR indword=%012"PRIo64"\n", indword);
PRIo64            962 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD CI/SC/SCR data=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1025 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                                "update IT wrote tally word %012"PRIo64
PRIo64           1046 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_I): indword=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1083 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_AD): indword=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1116 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_AD): wrote tally word %012"PRIo64
PRIo64           1153 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_SD): indword=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1184 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_SD): wrote tally word %012"PRIo64
PRIo64           1221 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_DI): indword=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1242 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_DI): writing indword=%012"PRIo64" to "
PRIo64           1289 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_ID): indword=%012"PRIo64
PRIo64           1313 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_ID): writing indword=%012"PRIo64" to "
PRIo64           1374 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_DIC): indword=%012"PRIo64" Yi=%06o "
PRIo64           1396 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_DIC): writing indword=%012"PRIo64" to "
PRIo64           1486 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_IDC): indword=%012"PRIo64" Yi=%06o "
PRIo64           1507 src/dps8/dps8_addrmods.c                            "IT_MOD(IT_IDC): writing indword=%012"PRIo64""
PRIo64            272 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     DBGAPP ("%s x1 0%o DSBR.ADDR 0%o PTWx1 0%012"PRIo64" "
PRIo64            458 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     DBGAPP ("%s y1 0%o p->ADDR 0%o SDW 0%012"PRIo64" 0%012"PRIo64" "
PRIo64            819 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     DBGAPP ("%s x2 0%o sdw->ADDR 0%o PTWx2 0%012"PRIo64" "
PRIo64            983 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     DBGAPP ("%s x2 0%o sdw->ADDR 0%o PTW2 0%012"PRIo64" "
PRIo64           3581 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                "core_read  %08o %012"PRIo64" (%s)\n",
PRIo64           3648 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                "core_write %08o %012"PRIo64" (%s)\n",
PRIo64           3730 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                "core_write_zone %08o %012"PRIo64" (%s)\n",
PRIo64           3785 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                "core_read2 %08o %012"PRIo64" (%s)\n",
PRIo64           3821 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                "core_read2 %08o %012"PRIo64" (%s)\n",
PRIo64           3895 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c   sim_debug (DBG_CORE, & cpu_dev, "core_write2 %08o %012"PRIo64" (%s)\n", addr, odd, ctx);
PRIo64            740 src/dps8/dps8_crdrdr.c 
PRIo64            726 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     if_sim_debug (DBG_TRACE, & dsk_dev) { sim_printf ("// Seek address %012"PRIo64"\n", seekData); }
PRIo64            822 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c         sim_printf ("// Seek address %012"PRIo64"\n", seekData);
PRIo64            422 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
PRIo64            578 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                              "%s: writeCache (PR) %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64            606 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                              "%s: writeCache %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64            657 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                          "%s: readCache (PR) %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64            677 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                          "%s: readCache %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64            819 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                          "%s: (PR) %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64            823 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                          "%s: (PR) %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64            842 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                          "%s: %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64            881 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                          "%s: (PR) %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64            885 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                          "%s: (PR) %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64            904 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                          "%s: %012"PRIo64"@%o:%06o\n",
PRIo64           1204 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
PRIo64           1205 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
PRIo64           1877 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "bitstring k %d RL reg %u val %"PRIo64"\n", k, reg, (word36)e->N[k-1]);
PRIo64           1884 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "bitstring k %d opdesc %012"PRIo64"\n", k, opDesc);
PRIo64           2768 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT|DBG_CAC, & cpu_dev, "asxbd sz %d r 0%"PRIo64"\n", sz, rcnt);
PRIo64           7664 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                "mvn(3): OP1 %012"PRIo64" OP2 %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           10021 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
PRIo64            396 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c                "Fault %d(0%0o), sub %"PRIu64"(0%"PRIo64"), dfc %c, '%s'\n",
PRIo64            897 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c     sim_debug (DBG_FAULT, & cpu_dev, "setG7fault CPU %d fault %d (%o) sub %"PRId64" %"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64            567 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c 
PRIo64            568 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c 
PRIo64            570 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c 
PRIo64             79 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c         sim_printf ("l_putbits36_1: bad args (%012"PRIo64",pos=%d)\n", *x, p);
PRIo64            389 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            390 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            391 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            392 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            393 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            394 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            395 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            396 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            397 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            398 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64            399 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64           1422 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64           1423 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64           1424 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64           1425 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64           1426 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c 
PRIo64           1750 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c                "%s: chan %d dia_pcw %012"PRIo64"\n", __func__, chan, dia_pcw);
PRIo64             84 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            105 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            125 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64            142 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                "readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64            172 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadAPUDataRead (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            182 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadAPUDataRead (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            198 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadAPUDataRead (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            208 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c           sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadAPUDataRead (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            234 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "readOperandRead (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            244 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "readOperandRead (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            260 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "readOperandRead (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            271 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c           sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "readOperandRead (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            298 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadOperandRMW (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            308 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadOperandRMW (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            324 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadOperandRMW (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            334 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c           sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadOperandRMW (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            360 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadAPUDataRMW (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            370 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadAPUDataRMW (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            386 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadAPUDataRMW (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            396 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c           sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadAPUDataRMW (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            424 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadInstructionFetch (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            434 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadInstructionFetch (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            450 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadInstructionFetch (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            460 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c           sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadInstructionFetch (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            486 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadIndirectWordFetch (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            496 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadIndirectWordFetch (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, *result);
PRIo64            512 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadIndirectWordFetch (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            522 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c           sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "ReadIndirectWordFetch (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, * result);
PRIo64            555 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c               sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2 (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            569 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2 (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            589 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c            sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2 (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=" "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            601 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2 (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            606 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c               sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2 (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            640 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c               sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2OperandRead (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            654 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2OperandRead (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            674 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c            sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2OperandRead (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=" "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            686 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2OperandRead (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            690 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2OperandRead (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            722 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c               sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2OperandRMW (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            736 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2OperandRMW (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            756 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c            sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2OperandRMW (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=" "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            768 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2OperandRMW (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            800 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c               sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2InstructionFetch (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            814 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2InstructionFetch (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            834 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c            sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2InstructionFetch (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=" "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            846 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2InstructionFetch (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            871 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c        sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2 (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=" "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            883 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2 (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            912 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c               sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2IndirectWordFetch (Actual) Read:       bar address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            926 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2IndirectWordFetch (Actual) Read:       abs address=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            946 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c            sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2IndirectWordFetch (Actual) Read:  bar iefpFinalAddress=" "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            958 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c             sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Read2IndirectWordFetch (Actual) Read:  iefpFinalAddress=%08o" "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress + i, result [i]);
PRIo64            999 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1019 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1046 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                 "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1068 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                      "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1123 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1143 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1170 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                 "%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1193 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                      "=%08o  readData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1227 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Write(Actual) Write:      bar address=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, data);
PRIo64           1240 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Write(Actual) Write:      abs address=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, data);
PRIo64           1256 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Write(Actual) Write: bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, data);
PRIo64           1264 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Write(Actual) Write: iefpFinalAddress=%08o " "writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, data);
PRIo64           1292 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "WriteAPUDataStore(Actual) Write:      bar address=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, data);
PRIo64           1302 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "WriteAPUDataStore(Actual) Write:      abs address=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, data);
PRIo64           1318 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "WriteAPUDataStore(Actual) Write: bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, data);
PRIo64           1326 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "WriteAPUDataStore(Actual) Write: iefpFinalAddress=%08o " "writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, data);
PRIo64           1355 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "WriteOperandStore(Actual) Write:      bar address=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, data);
PRIo64           1368 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "WriteOperandStore(Actual) Write:      abs address=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", address, data);
PRIo64           1384 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "WriteOperandStore(Actual) Write: bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, data);
PRIo64           1392 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "WriteOperandStore(Actual) Write: iefpFinalAddress=%08o " "writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.iefpFinalAddress, data);
PRIo64           1431 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "writeData=%012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1442 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "writeData=%012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1464 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "writeData=%012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1478 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "writeData=%012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1512 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Write2OperandStore (Actual) Write:      bar address=%08o " "writeData=%012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n", address, data [0], data [1]);
PRIo64           1518 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Write2OperandStore (Actual) Write:      abs address=%08o " "writeData=%012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n", address, data [0], data [1]);
PRIo64           1535 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Write2OperandStore (Actual) Write: bar iefpFinalAddress=%08o " "writeData=%012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n", address, data [0], data [1]);
PRIo64           1544 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c         sim_debug (DBG_APPENDING | DBG_FINAL, & cpu_dev, "Write2OperandStore (Actual) Write: iefpFinalAddress=%08o " "writeData=%012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n", address, data [0], data [1]);
PRIo64           1575 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1590 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1612 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1626 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                            "writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1663 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1683 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1710 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1730 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1792 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1812 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1839 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "iefpFinalAddress=%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64
PRIo64           1859 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c                                  "%08o writeData=%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64            149 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                    "%s IT wrote char/byte %012"PRIo64" to %06o "
PRIo64            195 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                    "%s DU CY=%012"PRIo64"\n", __func__, cpu.CY);
PRIo64            208 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                    "%s DL CY=%012"PRIo64"\n", __func__, cpu.CY);
PRIo64            234 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                    "%s IT read operand %012"PRIo64" from"
PRIo64            235 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                    " %06o char/byte=%"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64            315 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     sim_debug (DBG_FAULT, & cpu_dev, "CU: iwb %012"PRIo64" irodd %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1204 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                   "%05o|%06o %012"PRIo64" (%s) %06o %03o(%d) %o %o %o %02o\n",
PRIo64           1222 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                   "%06o %012"PRIo64" (%s) %06o %03o(%d) %o %o %o %02o\n",
PRIo64           1242 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                  "%05o:%06o|%06o %o %012"PRIo64" (%s) %06o %03o(%d) %o %o %o %02o\n",
PRIo64           1261 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                   "%05o:%06o %o %012"PRIo64" (%s) %06o %03o(%d) %o %o %o %02o\n",
PRIo64           2220 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     sim_debug (DBG_REGDUMPAQI, &cpu_dev, "A=%012"PRIo64" Q=%012"PRIo64" IR:%s\n", cpu.rA, cpu.rQ, dump_flags (buf,;
PRIo64           2222 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     sim_debug (DBG_REGDUMPFLT, &cpu_dev, "E=%03o A=%012"PRIo64" Q=%012"PRIo64" %.10Lg\n", cpu.rE, cpu.rA, cpu.rQ, EAQToIEEElongdouble ());
PRIo64           2224 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     sim_debug (DBG_REGDUMPFLT, &cpu_dev, "E=%03o A=%012"PRIo64" Q=%012"PRIo64" %.10g\n", cpu.rE, cpu.rA, cpu.rQ, EAQToIEEEdouble ());
PRIo64           2855 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                          "lprp%d CY 0%012"PRIo64", PR[n].RNR 0%o, "
PRIo64           4912 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                          ">>> dividend cpu.rQ %"PRId64" (%012"PRIo64")\n",
PRIo64           4915 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                          ">>> divisor  CY %"PRId64" (%012"PRIo64")\n",
PRIo64           4969 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                              " rQ %012"PRIo64" CY %012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.rQ, cpu.CY);
PRIo64           4979 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               sim_debug (DBG_CAC, & cpu_dev, "rA (rem)  %012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.rA);
PRIo64           4980 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               sim_debug (DBG_CAC, & cpu_dev, "rQ (quot) %012"PRIo64"\n", cpu.rQ);
PRIo64           9246 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c 
PRIo64           9283 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c 
PRIo64           9298 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c 
PRIo64           1764 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c     sim_debug (DBG_DEBUG, & iom_dev, "%s: Status: 0%012"PRIo64" 0%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           2355 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c                "%s: lpw %08o %012"PRIo64"\n", __func__, chanLoc + IOM_MBX_LPW, p->LPW);
PRIo64           1214 src/dps8/dps8_math.c sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "fmp A %012"PRIo64" Q %012"PRIo64" E %03o\n", cpu.rA, cpu.rQ, cpu.rE);
PRIo64           2308 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "dufm e1 %d %03o m1 %012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n", e1, e1, (word36) (m1 >> 36) & MASK36, (word36) m1 & MASK36);
PRIo64           2323 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "dufm e2 %d %03o m2 %012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n", e2, e2, (word36) (m2 >> 36) & MASK36, (word36) m2 & MASK36);
PRIo64           1077 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c 
PRIo64           1639 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c                        "sscr 1 %d A: %012"PRIo64" Q: %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           1719 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c                        "%012"PRIo64",%012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           2025 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c                        "rscr 1 %d A: %012"PRIo64" Q: %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           2558 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c                "RMCM returns %012"PRIo64" %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           2567 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c               "SMCM SCU unit %d CPU unit %d A %012"PRIo64" Q %012"PRIo64"\n",
PRIo64           3427 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     sim_msg ("rA %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", rA, rA);
PRIo64           3428 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     sim_msg ("rQ %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", rQ, rQ);
PRIo64           3439 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("text segno %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64           3449 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("scale %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64           3457 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("divisor %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64           3465 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     sim_msg ("rA %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", rA, rA);
PRIo64           3466 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     sim_msg ("rQ %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", rQ, rQ);
PRIo64           3473 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     sim_msg ("rQ %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", rQ, rQ);
PRIo64           3481 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     sim_msg ("rA %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", rA, rA);
PRIo64           3482 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     sim_msg ("rQ %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", rQ, rQ);
PRIo64           3493 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("text segno %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64           3504 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c 
PRIo64           3516 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c 
PRIo64           3527 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("divisor %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64           3528 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("divisor %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa + 1], M[pa + 1]);
PRIo64           3541 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     sim_msg ("rQ %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", rQ, rQ);
PRIo64           3552 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("text segno %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64           3563 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c 
PRIo64           3572 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("divisor %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64           3585 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     sim_msg ("rQ %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", rQ, rQ);
PRIo64           3596 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("text segno %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64           3606 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("scale %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64           3614 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c         sim_msg ("divisor %012"PRIo64" (%llu)\n", M[pa], M[pa]);
PRIo64            178 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Add36b op1 %012"PRIo64" op2 %012"PRIo64" carryin %o flagsToSet %06o flags %06o\n", op1, op2, carryin, flagsToSet, * flags);
PRIo64            249 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Add36b res %012"PRIo64" flags %06o ovf %o\n", res, * flags, * ovf);
PRIo64            615 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Sub72b op1 %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" op2 %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" carryin %o flagsToSet %06o flags %06o\n",
PRIo64            618 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Sub72b op1 %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" op2 %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" carryin %o flagsToSet %06o flags %06o\n",
PRIo64            659 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Sub72b op1e %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" op2e %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" carryin %o flagsToSet %06o flags %06o\n",
PRIo64            662 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Sub72b op1e %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" op2e %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" carryin %o flagsToSet %06o flags %06o\n",
PRIo64            673 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Sub72b res %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" flags %06o ovf %o\n", (word36) (rshift_128 (res, 36).l & MASK36), (word36) (res.l & MASK36), * flags, * ovf);
PRIo64            675 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Sub72b res %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" flags %06o ovf %o\n", (word36) ((res >> 36) & MASK36), (word36) (res & MASK36), * flags, * ovf);
PRIo64            753 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Sub72b res %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" flags %06o ovf %o\n", (word36) (rshift_128 (res, 36).l & MASK36), (word36) (res.l & MASK36), * flags, * ovf);
PRIo64            755 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     sim_debug (DBG_TRACEEXT, & cpu_dev, "Sub72b res %012"PRIo64"%012"PRIo64" flags %06o ovf %o\n", (word36) ((res >> 36) & MASK36), (word36) (res & MASK36), * flags, * ovf);