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This source file includes following definitions.
  1. set_apu_status
  2. fauxDoAppendCycle

   1 /*
   2  * vim: filetype=c:tabstop=4:ai:expandtab
   3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: ICU
   4  * scspell-id: 506d89bb-f62d-11ec-b87a-80ee73e9b8e7
   5  *
   6  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   7  *
   8  * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Charles Anthony
   9  * Copyright (c) 2021-2023 The DPS8M Development Team
  10  *
  11  * This software is made available under the terms of the ICU License.
  12  * See the file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
  13  *
  14  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15  */
  17 // Appending unit stuff .......
  19 // Once segno and offset are formed in TPR.SNR and TPR.CA, respectively, the
  20 // process of generating the 24-bit absolute main memory address can involve a
  21 // number of different and distinct appending unit cycles.
  22 //
  23 // The operation of the appending unit is shown in the flowchart in Figure 5-4.
  24 // This flowchart assumes that directed faults, store faults, and parity faults
  25 // do not occur.
  26 //
  27 // A segment boundary check is made in every cycle except PSDW. If a boundary
  28 // violation is detected, an access violation, out of segment bounds, fault is
  29 // generated and the execution of the instruction interrupted. The occurrence
  30 // of any fault interrupts the sequence at the point of occurrence. The
  31 // operating system software should store the control unit data for possible
  32 // later continuation and attempt to resolve the fault condition.
  33 //
  34 // The value of the associative memories may be seen in the flowchart by
  35 // observing the number of appending unit cycles bypassed if an SDW or PTW is
  36 // found in the associative memories.
  37 //
  38 // There are nine different appending unit cycles that involve accesses to main
  39 // memory. Two of these (FANP, FAP) generate the 24-bit absolute main memory
  40 // address and initiate a main memory access for the operand, indirect word, or
  41 // instruction pair; five (NSDW, PSDW, PTW, PTW2, and DSPTW) generate a main
  42 // memory access to fetch an SDW or PTW; and two (MDSPTW and MPTW) generate a
  43 // main memory access to update page status bits (PTW.U and PTW.M) in a PTW.
  44 // The cycles are defined in Table 5-1.
  46 // enum _appendingUnit_cycle_type {
  47 //     apuCycle_APPUNKNOWN = 0,    // unknown
  48 //
  49 //     apuCycle_FIAP,       // Fetch instruction
  50 //
  51 //     apuCycle_FANP,       // Final address nonpaged.
  52 //               // Generates the 24-bit absolute main memory address and
  53 //               // initiates a main memory access to an unpaged segment for
  54 //               // operands, indirect words, or instructions.
  55 //
  56 //     apuCycle_FAP,        // Final address paged
  57 //               // Generates the 24-bit absolute main memory address and
  58 //               // initiates a main memory access to a paged segment for
  59 //               // operands, indirect words, or instructions.
  60 //
  61 //     apuCycle_NSDW,       // Nonpaged SDW Fetch
  62 //               // Fetches an SDW from an unpaged descriptor segment.
  63 //
  64 //     apuCycle_PSDW,       // Paged SDW Fetch
  65 //               // Fetches an SDW from a paged descriptor segment.
  66 //
  67 //     apuCycle_PTWfetch,   // PTW fetch
  68 //               // Fetches a PTW from a page table other than a descriptor
  69 //               // segment page table and sets the page accessed bit (PTW.U).
  70 //
  71 //     apuCycle_PTW2,       // Prepage PTW fetch
  72 //               // Fetches the next PTW from a page table other than a
  73 //               // descriptor segment page table during hardware prepaging for
  74 //               // certain uninterruptible EIS instructions. This cycle does
  75 //               // not load the next PTW into the appending unit. It merely
  76 //               // assures that the PTW is not faulted (PTW.F = 1) and that
  77 //               // the target page will be in main memory when and if needed
  78 //               // by the instruction.
  79 //
  80 //     apuCycle_DSPTW,      // Descriptor segment PTW fetch
  81 //              // Fetches a PTW from a descriptor segment page table.
  82 //
  83 //     apuCycle_MDSPTW,     // Modify DSPTW
  84 //              // Sets the page accessed bit (PTW.U) in the PTW for a page
  85 //              // in a descriptor segment page table. This cycle always
  86 //              // immediately follows a DSPTW cycle.
  87 //
  88 //     apuCycle_MPTW        // Modify PTW
  89 //              // Sets the page modified bit (PTW.M) in the PTW for a page
  90 //              // in other than a descriptor segment page table.
  91 // };
  93 // These bits are aligned to match the CU word 0 APU status bit positions.
  94 // This produces some oddness in the scu save/restore code.
  96 typedef enum apuStatusBits
  97   {
  98     apuStatus_PI_AP  = 1u << (35 - 24), //  -AP Instruction fetch append cycle
  99     apuStatus_DSPTW  = 1u << (35 - 25), //  Fetch descriptor segment PTW
 100     apuStatus_SDWNP  = 1u << (35 - 26), //  Fetch SDW non paged
 101     apuStatus_SDWP   = 1u << (35 - 27), //  Fetch SDW paged
 102     apuStatus_PTW    = 1u << (35 - 28), //  Fetch PTW
 103     apuStatus_PTW2   = 1u << (35 - 29), //  Fetch prepage PTW
 104     apuStatus_FAP    = 1u << (35 - 30), //  Fetch final address - paged
 105     apuStatus_FANP   = 1u << (35 - 31), //  Fetch final address - nonpaged
 106     apuStatus_FABS   = 1u << (35 - 32), //  Fetch final address - absolute
 108     // XXX these don't seem like the right solution.
 109     // XXX there are MDSPTW and MPTW bits in the APU history
 110     // register, but not in the CU.
 112     apuStatus_MDSPTW = 1u << (35 - 25), //  Fetch descriptor segment PTW
 113     apuStatus_MPTW   = 1u << (35 - 28)  //  Fetch PTW
 114   } apuStatusBits;
 116 static inline void set_apu_status (cpu_state_t * cpup, apuStatusBits status)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 117   {
 118     word12 FCT = & MASK3;
 119 = (status & 07770) | FCT;
 120   }
 122 #if defined(TESTING)
 123 t_stat dump_sdwam (cpu_state_t * cpup);
 124 #endif
 125 word24 do_append_cycle (cpu_state_t * cpup, processor_cycle_type thisCycle, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 126 #if !defined(OLDAPP)
 127 word24 doAppendCycleUnknown (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 128 word24 doAppendCycleOperandStore (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 129 word24 doAppendCycleOperandRead (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 130 word24 doAppendCycleIndirectWordFetch (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 131 word24 doAppendCycleRTCDOperandFetch (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 132 word24 doAppendCycleInstructionFetch (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 133 word24 doAppendCycleAPUDataRead (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 134 word24 doAppendCycleAPUDataStore (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 135 word24 doAppendCycleABSA (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 136 # if defined(LOCKLESS)
 137 word24 doAppendCycleOperandRMW (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 138 word24 doAppendCycleAPUDataRMW (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * data, uint nWords);
 139 # endif // LOCKLESS
 140 #else // OLDAPP
 141 # define doAppendCycleUnknown(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (UNKNOWN_CYCLE, data, nWords)
 142 # define doAppendCycleOperandStore(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (OPERAND_STORE, data, nWords)
 143 # define doAppendCycleOperandRead(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (OPERAND_READ, data, nWords)
 144 # define doAppendCycleIndirectWordFetch(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (INDIRECT_WORD_FETCH, data, nWords)
 145 # define doAppendCycleRTCDOperandFetch(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (RTCD_OPERAND_FETCH, data, nWords)
 146 # define doAppendCycleInstructionFetch(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (INSTRUCTION_FETCH, data, nWords)
 147 # define doAppendCycleAPUDataRead(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (APU_DATA_READ, data, nWords)
 148 # define doAppendCycleAPUDataStore(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (APU_DATA_STORE, data, nWords)
 149 # define doAppendCycleABSA(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (ABSA_CYCLE, data, nWords)
 150 # if defined(LOCKLESS)
 151 #  define doAppendCycleOperandRMW(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (OPERAND_RMW, data, nWords)
 152 #  define doAppendCycleAPUDataRMW(data, nWords) do_append_cycle (APU_DATA_RMW, data, nWords)
 153 # endif // LOCKLESS
 154 #endif // OLDAPP
 156 void do_ldbr (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 * Ypair);
 157 void do_sdbr (word36 * Ypair);
 158 void do_camp (word36 Y);
 159 void do_cams (word36 Y);
 160 #if defined(TESTING)
 161 int dbgLookupAddress (word18 segno, word18 offset, word24 * finalAddress,
 162                       char * * msg);
 163 #endif
 164 sdw0_s * getSDW (word15 segno);
 166 static inline void fauxDoAppendCycle (cpu_state_t * cpup, processor_cycle_type thisCycle)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 167   {
 168     cpu.apu.lastCycle = thisCycle;
 169   }

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