word14 75 src/dps8/doAppendCycleIndirectWordFetch.h word14 bound = 0; word14 86 src/dps8/doAppendCycleInstructionFetch.h word14 bound = 0; word14 145 src/dps8/doAppendCycleInstructionFetch.h word14 cachedBound; word14 85 src/dps8/doAppendCycleOperandRead.h word14 bound = 0; word14 134 src/dps8/doAppendCycleOperandRead.h word14 cachedBound; word14 201 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h word14 BND; // The 14 most significant bits of the highest Y-block16 word14 227 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h word14 BOUND; // The 14 high-order bits of the last Y-block16 address word14 254 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h word14 EB; // Call limiter (entry bound) value. If SDWAM.G is set word14 303 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h word14 330 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h word14 2100 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c word14 252 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h static inline word14 getbits36_14 (word36 x, uint i) word14 676 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h static inline void putbits36_14 (word36 * x, uint p, word14 val) word14 103 src/dps8/segldr.c word14 bound = (word14)(((length + 15) >> 4) + 1); word14 158 src/dps8/segldr.c word14 29 src/dps8/ucache.c void ucCacheSave (uint ucNum, word15 segno, word18 offset, word14 bound, word1 p, word24 address, word3 r1, bool paged) { word14 48 src/dps8/ucache.c bool ucCacheCheck (uint ucNum, word15 segno, word18 offset, word14 * bound, word1 * p, word24 * address, word3 * r1, bool * paged) { word14 34 src/dps8/ucache.h word14 bound; word14 64 src/dps8/ucache.h void ucCacheSave (uint ucNum, word15 segno, word18 offset, word14 bound, word1 p, word24 address, word3 r1, bool paged); word14 65 src/dps8/ucache.h bool ucCacheCheck (uint ucNum, word15 segno, word18 offset, word14 * bound, word1 * p, word24 * address, word3 * r1, bool * paged);