bool               33 src/dps8/doAppendCycleABSA.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool               31 src/dps8/doAppendCycleAPUDataRMW.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool               31 src/dps8/doAppendCycleAPUDataRead.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool               31 src/dps8/doAppendCycleAPUDataStore.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool               74 src/dps8/doAppendCycleIndirectWordFetch.h   bool paged = false;
bool              116 src/dps8/doAppendCycleIndirectWordFetch.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool               85 src/dps8/doAppendCycleInstructionFetch.h   bool paged = false;
bool              111 src/dps8/doAppendCycleInstructionFetch.h   bool cacheHit;
bool              146 src/dps8/doAppendCycleInstructionFetch.h   bool cachedPaged;
bool              176 src/dps8/doAppendCycleInstructionFetch.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool              531 src/dps8/doAppendCycleInstructionFetch.h     bool err = false;
bool               31 src/dps8/doAppendCycleOperandRMW.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool               84 src/dps8/doAppendCycleOperandRead.h   bool paged;
bool               90 src/dps8/doAppendCycleOperandRead.h   bool cacheHit;
bool              133 src/dps8/doAppendCycleOperandRead.h   bool cachedPaged;
bool              180 src/dps8/doAppendCycleOperandRead.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool              647 src/dps8/doAppendCycleOperandRead.h     bool err = false;
bool               31 src/dps8/doAppendCycleOperandStore.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool               31 src/dps8/doAppendCycleRTCDOperandFetch.h   bool nomatch = true;
bool              519 src/dps8/dps8.h # define READOP(i) ((bool) (i->info->flags    &  \
bool              526 src/dps8/dps8.h # define WRITEOP(i) ((bool) (i->info->flags   &  \
bool              534 src/dps8/dps8.h # define RMWOP(i) ((bool) READOP(i) && WRITEOP(i))
bool              536 src/dps8/dps8.h # define TRANSOP(i) ((bool) (i->info->flags & (TRANSFER_INS) ))
bool              290 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     bool lck = get_rmw_lock ();
bool              586 src/dps8/dps8_append.c static void load_sdwam (cpu_state_t * cpup, word15 segno, bool nomatch)
bool              778 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     bool lck = get_rmw_lock ();
bool              822 src/dps8/dps8_append.c static void loadPTWAM (cpu_state_t * cpup, word15 segno, word18 offset, UNUSED bool nomatch)
bool              934 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     bool lck = get_rmw_lock ();
bool             1214 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     bool StrOp = (thisCycle == OPERAND_STORE ||
bool             1217 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     bool nomatch = true;
bool             1397 src/dps8/dps8_append.c 
bool             1401 src/dps8/dps8_append.c 
bool             1978 src/dps8/dps8_append.c 
bool              200 src/dps8/dps8_cable.c static bool name_match (const char * str, const char * pattern, uint * val)
bool              349 src/dps8/dps8_cable.c         uint scu_subport_num, uint cpu_unit_idx, uint cpu_port_num, bool is_exp)
bool              497 src/dps8/dps8_cable.c         bool is_exp = false;
bool             1344 src/dps8/dps8_cable.c         bool cpus_used[N_CPU_UNITS_MAX];
bool             1355 src/dps8/dps8_cable.c         bool scus_used[N_SCU_UNITS_MAX];
bool             1372 src/dps8/dps8_cable.c         bool ioms_used[N_IOM_UNITS_MAX];
bool              102 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     bool in_use;
bool              109 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     bool in_use;
bool              117 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     bool in_use;
bool              124 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     bool in_use;
bool              148 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     bool in_use;
bool              160 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     bool in_use;
bool              198 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     bool in_use;
bool              205 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     bool in_use;
bool              316 src/dps8/dps8_console.c     bool echo;
bool              318 src/dps8/dps8_console.c     bool attn_pressed;
bool              319 src/dps8/dps8_console.c     bool simh_attn_pressed;
bool              321 src/dps8/dps8_console.c     bool bcd;
bool              324 src/dps8/dps8_console.c     bool escapeSequence;
bool              333 src/dps8/dps8_console.c     bool tabStops [bufsize];
bool              362 src/dps8/dps8_console.c static bool ta_ovf  = false;
bool              607 src/dps8/dps8_console.c static bool ttyTermiosOk = false;
bool              666 src/dps8/dps8_console.c         bool withring = (strcmp (with, "with") == 0);
bool              678 src/dps8/dps8_console.c         bool withring = (strcmp (with, "with") == 0);
bool              132 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c bool stall_point_active = false;
bool              619 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c             bool was = cpus[cpu_unit_idx].tweaks.isolts_mode;
bool              951 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c void cpu_reset_unit_idx (UNUSED uint cpun, bool clear_mem)
bool             1253 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c static bool watch_bits [MEMSIZE];
bool             1429 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c       bool havesn = false;
bool             1480 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c     static bool first = true;
bool             1746 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c bool sample_interrupts (cpu_state_t * cpup)
bool             1842 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c bool bce_dis_called = false;
bool             1851 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c 
bool             2083 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c     bool warned = false;
bool             2175 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c static bool clear_temporary_absolute_mode (cpu_state_t * cpup)
bool             2629 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                 bool tmp_priv_mode = is_priv_mode (cpup);
bool             2630 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                 bool is_dis        = cpu.currentInstruction.opcode  == 0616 &&
bool             2632 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                 bool noCheckTR     = tmp_priv_mode &&
bool             2880 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                         bool alldone = true;
bool             4236 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c bool get_bar_mode (cpu_state_t * cpup)
bool             5379 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c bool running_perf_test;
bool               42 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h extern bool running_perf_test;
bool              521 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool cacheValid;
bool              522 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool cacheDirty;
bool              527 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool wordDirty [paragraphSz];
bool              539 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool     P;             // 4-bit data sign character control
bool              632 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool    mopES;          // End Suppression flag; initially OFF, set ON by
bool              634 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool    mopSN;          // Sign flag; initially set OFF if the sending
bool              645 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool    mopZ;           // Zero flag; initially set ON. It is set OFF
bool              648 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool    mopBZ;          // Blank-when-zero flag; initially set OFF and
bool              668 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool    mvne;           // for MSES micro-op. True when mvne, false when mve
bool              677 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool   opcodeX;         // opcode extension
bool              681 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool   i;               // interrupt inhibit bit.
bool              684 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool stiTally;          // for sti instruction
bool              685 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool restart;           // instruction is to be restarted
bool              694 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     volAtomic bool XIP [N_SCU_UNITS_MAX];
bool              715 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool enable_cache;   // Enable 8K cache
bool              716 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool sdwam_enable;   // Enable Segment Descriptor WAM
bool              717 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool ptwam_enable;   // Enable Page Table WAM
bool              726 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h   bool hex_mode_installed;
bool              727 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h   bool prom_installed;
bool              728 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h   bool cache_installed;
bool              729 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h   bool clock_slave_installed;
bool              737 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool useMap;          // If set, consult memory configuration switches to translate memory
bool              741 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool isolts_mode;     // If true, CPU is configured to run ISOLTS.
bool              744 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool enable_emcall;   // If set, the instruction set is extended with simulator debugging instructions
bool              745 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool nodis;           // If true, start CPU in FETCH cycle; else start in DIS instruction
bool              746 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool l68_mode;        // False: DPS8/M; True: 6180
bool              765 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool   directOperandFlag;
bool              771 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool crflag;
bool             1549 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     volAtomic bool executing;
bool             1550 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     volAtomic bool forceRestart;
bool             1554 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     volAtomic bool inMultics;
bool             1555 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool syncClockModeMaster; // It set, this CPU is the master
bool             1562 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool syncClockModeCache; // Thread copy of syncClockMode
bool             1565 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool becomeSlave;
bool             1745 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool interrupt_flag;     // an interrupt is pending in this cycle
bool             1746 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool g7_flag;            // a g7 fault is pending in this cycle;
bool             1748 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool wasXfer;      // The previous instruction was a transfer
bool             1750 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool wasInhibited; // One or both of the previous instruction
bool             1753 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool isExec;  // The instruction being executed is the target of
bool             1755 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool isXED;   // The instruction being executed is the target of an
bool             1769 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool useZone;
bool             1776 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool bTroubleFaultCycle;
bool             1778 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool lufOccurred;
bool             1779 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool secret_addressing_mode;
bool             1782 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool skip_cu_hist;
bool             1785 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool dlyFlt;
bool             1787 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool restart;
bool             1790 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool is_FFV;
bool             1793 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool isRunning;
bool             1797 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool set_affinity;
bool             1841 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool lastPTWIsDS;
bool             1881 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     volAtomic bool panelInitialize;
bool             1884 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool portBusy;
bool             1898 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool DACVpDF;
bool             1899 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool AR_F_E;
bool             1900 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     bool INS_FETCH;
bool             1976 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h extern bool stall_point_active;
bool             1981 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h extern bool bce_dis_called;
bool             2010 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h bool sample_interrupts (cpu_state_t * cpup);
bool             2397 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h bool get_bar_mode (cpu_state_t * cpup);
bool             2423 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h void cpu_reset_unit_idx (UNUSED uint cpun, bool clear_mem);
bool              243 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c     bool log_cards;                         // Flag to log card images
bool              553 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c     bool top           = char_pos < 11;                              // Top or bottom line of chars
bool              638 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c                                bool banner_card)
bool              206 src/dps8/dps8_crdrdr.c     bool running;
bool              464 src/dps8/dps8_crdrdr.c static bool empty = false;
bool              303 src/dps8/dps8_decimal.c 
bool              506 src/dps8/dps8_decimal.c 
bool              507 src/dps8/dps8_decimal.c 
bool              715 src/dps8/dps8_decimal.c char *formatDecimal (uint8_t * out, decContext *set, decNumber *r, int nout, int s, int sf, bool R, bool *OVR, bool *TRUNC) {
bool               47 src/dps8/dps8_decimal.h                     int sf, bool R, bool *OVR, bool *TRUNC);
bool              520 src/dps8/dps8_dia.c     bool ok = true;
bool              471 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c 
bool              556 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c t_stat loadDisk (uint dsk_unit_idx, const char * disk_filename, bool ro) {
bool               38 src/dps8/dps8_disk.h     bool seekValid; // True if seekPosition contains a valid seek address.
bool               63 src/dps8/dps8_disk.h     bool removable;
bool               81 src/dps8/dps8_disk.h t_stat loadDisk (uint dsk_unit_idx, const char * disk_filename, bool ro);
bool              384 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c static word18 getMFReg18 (cpu_state_t * cpup, uint n, bool allowDU, bool allowNIC, fault_ipr_subtype_ *mod_fault)
bool              477 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c static word36 getMFReg36 (cpu_state_t * cpup, uint n, bool allowDU, bool allowNIC, fault_ipr_subtype_ *mod_fault)
bool              683 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c static void EISWriteIdx (cpu_state_t * cpup, EISaddr *p, uint n, word36 data, bool flush)
bool             1065 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c static bool EISgetBitRWN (cpu_state_t * cpup, EISaddr * p, bool flush)
bool             1250 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool a = opDesc & (1 << 6);
bool             1327 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c static void parseAlphanumericOperandDescriptor (cpu_state_t * cpup, uint k, uint useTA, bool allowDU, fault_ipr_subtype_ *mod_fault)
bool             2581 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c void asxbd (cpu_state_t * cpup, uint sz, bool sub)
bool             4279 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bool             4303 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c static bool isGBCDOvp (uint c, bool * isNeg)
bool             4460 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool ovp = (e -> N1 < e -> N2) && (fill & 0400) && (TA1 == 1) &&
bool             4463 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool ovp = (e -> N1 < e -> N2) && (fill & 0400) && (e -> TA1 == 1) &&
bool             4467 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool isNeg = false;
bool             4859 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool ovp = (e -> N1 < e -> N2) && (fill & 0400) && (TA1 == 1) &&
bool             4862 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool ovp = (e -> N1 < e -> N2) && (fill & 0400) && (e -> TA1 == 1) &&
bool             4865 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool isNeg = false;
bool             7714 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool R = getbits36_1 (, 10) != 0;  // rounding bit
bool             7826 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, EOvr = false, Trunc = false;
bool             8084 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool F = getbits36_1 (, 0) != 0;   // fill bit
bool             8085 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;   // T (enablefault) bit
bool             8088 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B5 = !! (BOLR & 8);
bool             8089 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B6 = !! (BOLR & 4);
bool             8090 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B7 = !! (BOLR & 2);
bool             8091 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B8 = !! (BOLR & 1);
bool             8111 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool bR = false; // result bit
bool             8118 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b1 = EISgetBitRWN(cpup, &e->ADDR1, true);
bool             8120 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b2 = EISgetBitRWN(cpup, &e->ADDR2, true);
bool             8142 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b1 = F;
bool             8145 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b2 = EISgetBitRWN(cpup, &e->ADDR2, true);
bool             8215 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c static bool EISgetBitRWNR (cpu_state_t * cpup, EISaddr * p, bool flush)
bool             8381 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool F = getbits36_1 (, 0) != 0;   // fill bit
bool             8382 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;   // T (enablefault) bit
bool             8385 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B5 = !! (BOLR & 8);
bool             8386 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B6 = !! (BOLR & 4);
bool             8387 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B7 = !! (BOLR & 2);
bool             8388 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B8 = !! (BOLR & 1);
bool             8394 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool bR = false; // result bit
bool             8401 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b1 = EISgetBitRWNR(cpup, &e->ADDR1, true);
bool             8404 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b2 = EISgetBitRWNR(cpup, &e->ADDR2, true);
bool             8423 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b1 = F;
bool             8426 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b2 = EISgetBitRWNR(cpup, &e->ADDR2, true);
bool             8568 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool F = getbits36_1 (, 0) != 0;   // fill bit
bool             8569 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;   // T (enablefault) bit
bool             8572 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B5 = !! (BOLR & 8);
bool             8573 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B6 = !! (BOLR & 4);
bool             8574 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B7 = !! (BOLR & 2);
bool             8575 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B8 = !! (BOLR & 1);
bool             8596 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool bR = false; // result bit
bool             8603 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b1 = EISgetBitRWN (cpup, & e->ADDR1, true);
bool             8604 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b2 = EISgetBitRWN (cpup, & e->ADDR2, true);
bool             8620 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b1 = F;
bool             8621 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b2 = EISgetBitRWN (cpup, & e->ADDR2, true);
bool             8766 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool F = getbits36_1 (, 0) != 0;   // fill bit
bool             8767 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;   // T (enablefault) bit
bool             8770 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B5 = !! (BOLR & 8);
bool             8771 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B6 = !! (BOLR & 4);
bool             8772 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B7 = !! (BOLR & 2);
bool             8773 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool B8 = !! (BOLR & 1);
bool             8779 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool bR = false; // result bit
bool             8786 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b1 = EISgetBitRWNR(cpup, &e->ADDR1, true);
bool             8789 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b2 = EISgetBitRWNR(cpup, &e->ADDR2, true);
bool             8805 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b1 = F;
bool             8808 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b2 = EISgetBitRWNR(cpup, &e->ADDR2, true);
bool             8853 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c static bool EISgetBit(cpu_state_t * cpup, EISaddr *p, int *cpos, int *bpos)
bool             8887 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool b = getbits36_1 (p->data, (uint) bitPosn) != 0;
bool             8949 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool F = getbits36_1 (, 0) != 0;   // fill bit
bool             8978 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b1 = EISgetBit (cpup, &e->ADDR1, &charPosn1, &bitPosn1);
bool             8979 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         bool b2 = EISgetBit (cpup, &e->ADDR2, &charPosn2, &bitPosn2);
bool             8999 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b1 = F;
bool             9000 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b2 = EISgetBit(cpup, &e->ADDR2, &charPosn2, &bitPosn2);
bool             9019 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b1 = EISgetBit(cpup, &e->ADDR1, &charPosn1, &bitPosn1);
bool             9020 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             bool b2 = F;
bool             9161 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bool             9264 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c static bool sign9n(word72 n128, int N)
bool             9282 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     return (bool)(sgnmask & n128);
bool             9415 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bool             9680 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, Trunc = false;
bool             10100 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false;
bool             10215 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;  // truncation bit
bool             10216 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool R = getbits36_1 (, 10) != 0;  // rounding bit
bool             10319 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool iOvr = 0;
bool             10353 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, EOvr = false, Trunc = false;
bool             10576 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;  // truncation bit
bool             10577 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool R = getbits36_1 (, 10) != 0;  // rounding bit
bool             10710 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool iOvr = 0;
bool             10744 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, EOvr = false, Trunc = false;
bool             10928 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;  // truncation bit
bool             10929 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool R = getbits36_1 (, 10) != 0;  // rounding bit
bool             11031 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool iOvr = 0;
bool             11065 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, EOvr = false, Trunc = false;
bool             11247 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;  // truncation bit
bool             11248 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool R = getbits36_1 (, 10) != 0;  // rounding bit
bool             11372 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool iOvr = 0;
bool             11406 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, EOvr = false, Trunc = false;
bool             11585 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;  // truncation bit
bool             11586 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool R = getbits36_1 (, 10) != 0;  // rounding bit
bool             11687 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, EOvr = false, Trunc = false;
bool             11865 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool T = getbits36_1 (, 9) != 0;  // truncation bit
bool             11866 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool R = getbits36_1 (, 10) != 0;  // rounding bit
bool             12000 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, EOvr = false, Trunc = false;
bool             12373 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bool             12374 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bool             12376 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bool             12582 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bool             12583 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bool             12928 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool R = getbits36_1 (, 10) != 0;  // rounding bit
bool             13104 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, EOvr = false, Trunc = false;
bool             13333 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool R = getbits36_1 (, 10) != 0;  // rounding bit
bool             13547 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     bool Ovr = false, EOvr = false, Trunc = false;
bool               30 src/dps8/dps8_eis.h void asxbd (cpu_state_t * cpup, uint sz, bool sub);
bool              220 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c static bool port_interrupts[8] = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false };
bool              882 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c bool bG7Pending (cpu_state_t * cpup)
bool              890 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c bool bG7PendingNoTRO (cpu_state_t * cpup)
bool              928 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c void doG7Fault (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool allowTR)
bool               22 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    ILL_OP;     // IPR fault. An illegal operation code has been detected.
bool               23 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    ILL_MOD;    // IPR fault. An illegal address modifier has been detected.
bool               24 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    ILL_SLV;    // IPR fault. An illegal BAR mode procedure has been encountered.
bool               25 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    ILL_PROC;   // IPR fault. An illegal procedure other than the three above has been encountered.
bool               26 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    NEM;        // ONC fault. A nonexistent main memory address has been requested.
bool               27 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    OOB;        // STR fault. A BAR mode boundary violation has occurred.
bool               28 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    ILL_DIG;    // IPR fault. An illegal decimal digit or sign has been detected by the decimal unit.
bool               29 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    PROC_PARU;  // PAR fault. A parity error has been detected in the upper 36 bits of data. (Yeah, right)
bool               30 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    PROC_PARL;  // PAR fault. A parity error has been detected in the lower 36 bits of data. (Yeah, right)
bool               31 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CON_A;      // CON fault. A $CONNECT signal has been received through port A.
bool               32 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CON_B;      // CON fault. A $CONNECT signal has been received through port B.
bool               33 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CON_C;      // CON fault. A $CONNECT signal has been received through port C.
bool               34 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CON_D;      // CON fault. A $CONNECT signal has been received through port D.
bool               35 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    DA_ERR;     // ONC fault. Operation not complete. Processor/system controller interface
bool               37 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    DA_ERR2;    // ONC fault. Operation not completed. Processor/system controller interface
bool               43 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CPAR_DIV;   // A parity error has been detected in the cache memory directory. (Not likely)
bool               44 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CPAR_STR;   // PAR fault. A data parity error has been detected in the cache memory.
bool               45 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CPAR_IA;    // PAR fault. An illegal action has been received from a system controller
bool               47 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CPAR_BLK;   // PAR fault. A cache memory parity error has occurred during a cache memory data block load.
bool               51 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    PORT_A;
bool               52 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    PORT_B;
bool               53 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    PORT_C;
bool               54 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    PORT_D;
bool               56 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CPD;  // Cache Primary Directory WNO Buffer Overflow
bool               60 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    LEVEL_0;
bool               61 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    LEVEL_1;
bool               62 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    LEVEL_2;
bool               63 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    LEVEL_3;
bool               66 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    CDD;
bool               68 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    PAR_SDWAM;  // A parity error has been detected in the SDWAM.
bool               69 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h     bool    PAR_PTWAM;  // A parity error has been detected in the PTWAM.
bool               91 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h NO_RETURN void doG7Fault(cpu_state_t * cpup, bool allowTR);
bool              127 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h bool bG7PendingNoTRO (cpu_state_t * cpup);
bool              128 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h bool bG7Pending (cpu_state_t * cpup);
bool              816 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c static inline bool processInputCharacter (struct t_line * linep, unsigned char kar,
bool              817 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c                                           UNUSED bool endOfBuffer)
bool             1249 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c          bool eob = linep->inUsed >= linep->inSize;
bool             1335 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c static void send_3270_msg (uint ctlr_no, unsigned char * msg, size_t len, bool brk)
bool             1569 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c         bool need_intr = false;
bool             1598 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c             bool do_send_output = linep->send_output == 1;
bool             2099 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c         bool accept = false;
bool             2370 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c 
bool             2548 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.c     bool first = true;
bool               61 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool was_CR;
bool               97 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool echnego_break_table [256];
bool              101 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool echnego_on;
bool              102 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool echnego_synced;
bool              106 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool line_break;
bool              113 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool accept_new_terminal;
bool              117 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool line_disconnected;
bool              119 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool ack_echnego_init;
bool              120 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool ack_echnego_stop;
bool              121 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool acu_dial_failure;
bool              122 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool sendLineStatus;
bool              123 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool wru_timeout;
bool              128 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool force_accept_input;
bool              130 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool waitForMbxDone; // If set, the line has sent input to the CS,
bool              135 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool input_reply_pending;
bool              137 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool input_break;
bool              157 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool is_tun;
bool              159 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool in_frame;
bool              166 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool sendEOT;
bool              177 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h     bool configured;
bool              186 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h     bool sending_stn_in_buffer;
bool              191 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool EORReceived;
bool              192 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h         bool hdr_sent;
bool              203 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h     bool write_complete;
bool              213 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h     bool fnpIsRunning;
bool              214 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h     bool fnpMBXinUse [4];  // 4 FNP submailboxes
bool              215 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h     bool lineWaiting [4]; // If set, fnpMBXlineno is waiting for the mailbox to be marked clear.
bool              231 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h     bool du_server_inited;
bool              233 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h     bool du3270_server_inited;
bool              326 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2.h     bool accept;
bool             1761 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c     bool have3270 = false;
bool             1828 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c     bool ok = true;
bool             2114 src/dps8/dps8_fnp2_iomcmd.c         bool hdr = false;
bool              431 src/dps8/dps8_hw_consts.h # define GET_OPX(x)      ((bool)   (((x) >> INST_V_OPX)    & INST_M_OPX))
bool               54 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c     bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              157 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              227 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              299 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              369 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              441 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              511 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              584 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              680 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              772 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              858 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              943 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool              982 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool             1065 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c void Read8 (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 * result, bool isAR)
bool             1069 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c     bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool             1184 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c void ReadPage (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 * result, bool isAR)
bool             1193 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c     bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool             1305 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode ();
bool             1379 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool             1447 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool             1523 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c     bool isBAR = get_bar_mode ();
bool             1610 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c   bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool             1680 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c void Write1 (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 data, bool isAR)
bool             1683 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c     bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool             1761 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c void Write8 (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 * data, bool isAR)
bool             1766 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c     bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool             1886 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c void WritePage (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 * data, bool isAR)
bool             1895 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.c     bool isBAR = get_bar_mode (cpup);
bool               69 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.h void Write1 (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 data, bool isAR);
bool               70 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.h void Write8 (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 * data, bool isAR);
bool               73 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.h void Read8 (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 * result, bool isAR);
bool               75 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.h void WritePage (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 * data, bool isAR);
bool               76 src/dps8/dps8_iefp.h void ReadPage (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 address, word36 * result, bool isAR);
bool              102 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     static bool init = false;
bool              926 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c static bool _nodudl[] = {
bool              953 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c static bool _nocss[] = {
bool              977 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c static bool _noddcss[] = {
bool             1001 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c static bool _nodlcss[] = {
bool             1024 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c static bool _onlyaqxn[] = {
bool             1048 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c static bool _illmod[] = {
bool             1086 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c void addToTheMatrix (uint32 opcode, bool opcodeX, bool a, word6 tag)
bool             1224 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c         bool isBAR = TST_I_NBAR ? false : true;
bool             1339 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c bool chkOVF (cpu_state_t * cpup)
bool             1351 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c bool tstOVFfault (cpu_state_t * cpup)
bool             1437 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c   const bool restart      =;   // instruction is to be restarted
bool             1442 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c   const bool opcodeX      = ci->opcodeX;  // opcode extension
bool             1448 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     const bool   opcodeX = ci->opcodeX;  // opcode extension
bool             1450 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     const bool   b29 = ci->b29;          // bit-29 - addressing via pointer
bool             1658 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c       bool prv;
bool             1844 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c       bool icOdd  = !! (cpu.PPR.IC & 1);
bool             1845 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c       bool icEven = ! icOdd;
bool             1908 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c 
bool             2085 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c   bool icOdd = !! (cpu.PPR.IC & 1);
bool             2086 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c   bool icEven = ! icOdd;
bool             2094 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c   bool rf =;
bool             2107 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c       bool rptA = !! (cpu.rX[0] & 01000);
bool             2108 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c       bool rptB = !! (cpu.rX[0] & 00400);
bool             2167 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     bool flt;
bool             2183 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c       bool exit = false;
bool             2331 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c static inline void overflow (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool ovf, bool dly, const char * msg)
bool             2414 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     bool is_ou = false;
bool             2415 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     bool is_du = false;
bool             3050 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             3280 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool bAbsPriv = is_priv_mode (cpup);
bool             3360 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             3602 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             3613 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             3632 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4092 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                   bool a0 = cpu.rA & SIGN36;    // A0
bool             4142 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool A0 = (cpu.rA & SIGN36) != 0;
bool             4161 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool a0 = cpu.rA & SIGN36;    // A0
bool             4207 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                 bool a0 = cpu.rA & SIGN36;         // A0
bool             4211 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                 bool b0 = cpu.rQ & SIGN36;         // Q0
bool             4254 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool allz = cpu.rA == 0 && cpu.rQ == 0;
bool             4255 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool all1 = cpu.rA == MASK36 && cpu.rQ == MASK36;
bool             4274 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool az = captureA == 0;
bool             4275 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool a1 = captureA == MASK36;
bool             4276 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool qz = captureQ == 0;
bool             4277 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool q1 = captureQ == (MASK36 & lmask);
bool             4278 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool allz = az && qz;
bool             4279 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool all1 = a1 && q1;
bool             4296 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool allz = captureA == 0;
bool             4297 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c               bool all1 = captureA == (MASK36 & lmask);
bool             4362 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                 bool b0 = cpu.rQ & SIGN36;    // Q0
bool             4425 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                 bool a35 = cpu.rA & 1;      // A35
bool             4457 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool AQ0 = (cpu.rA & SIGN36) != 0;
bool             4496 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool a0       = cpu.rA & SIGN36;    // A0
bool             4500 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                 bool a35 = cpu.rA & 1;      // A35
bool             4544 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                 bool q0 = cpu.rQ & SIGN36;    // Q0
bool             4595 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool Q0 = (cpu.rQ & SIGN36) != 0;
bool             4613 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool q0 = cpu.rQ & SIGN36;    // Q0
bool             4648 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4665 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4686 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4710 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4734 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4753 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4776 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4803 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4825 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4839 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4862 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4879 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4898 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4918 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4935 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4957 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4978 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             4998 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             5024 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             5040 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             5067 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             5085 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             5099 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             5123 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             5140 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             5159 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             bool ovf;
bool             8916 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c 
bool             9833 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c 
bool               23 src/dps8/dps8_ins.h void addToTheMatrix (uint32 opcode, bool opcodeX, bool a, word6 tag);
bool               32 src/dps8/dps8_ins.h bool tstOVFfault (cpu_state_t * cpup);
bool               33 src/dps8/dps8_ins.h bool chkOVF (cpu_state_t * cpup);
bool             1717 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c static int status_service (uint iom_unit_idx, uint chan, bool marker)
bool             1997 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c void iom_indirect_data_service (uint iom_unit_idx, uint chan, word36 * data, uint * cnt, bool write) {
bool             2074 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c static void update_chan_mode (uint iom_unit_idx, uint chan, bool tdcw)
bool             2499 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c static void fetch_and_parse_DCW (uint iom_unit_idx, uint chan, UNUSED bool read_only)
bool             2696 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c                            bool * ptro, bool * sendp, bool * uffp)
bool             2702 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c     bool isConnChan = chan == IOM_CONNECT_CHAN;
bool             2704 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c     bool uff        = false; // user fault flag
bool             2705 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c     bool send       = false;
bool             3168 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c   bool ptro, send, uff;
bool             3169 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c   bool terminate = false;
bool             3173 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c   bool first = true;
bool             3177 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c   bool idcw_terminate = p -> IDCW_CHAN_CTRL == CHAN_CTRL_TERMINATE;
bool             3326 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c   bool first = true;
bool             3328 src/dps8/dps8_iom.c   bool ptro, send, uff;
bool              243 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h     bool isPCW;
bool              254 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h     bool isRead;
bool              257 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h     bool initiate;
bool              261 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h     bool lsFirst;
bool              263 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h     bool wasTDCW;
bool              265 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h     bool masked;
bool              267 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h     bool in_use;
bool              269 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h     bool start;
bool              399 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h                       bool * ptro, bool * sendp, bool * uffp);
bool              405 src/dps8/dps8_iom.h                                 uint * cnt, bool write);
bool               83 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool S = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (Mant, SIGN72)); // sign of mantissa
bool               87 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool S = Mant & SIGN72; // sign of mantissa
bool              135 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool S = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (Mant, SIGN72)); // sign of mantissa
bool              139 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool S = Mant & SIGN72; // sign of mantissa
bool              180 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool sign = f0 < 0 ? true : false;
bool              304 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool sign = f0 < 0 ? true : false;
bool              359 src/dps8/dps8_math.c 
bool              393 src/dps8/dps8_math.c 
bool              454 src/dps8/dps8_math.c static inline bool isHex (cpu_state_t * cpup) {
bool              462 src/dps8/dps8_math.c void ufa (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool sub, bool normalize) {
bool              541 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool sign = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m1, SIGN72)); // mantissa negative?
bool              555 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool sign = m1 & SIGN72;   // mantissa negative?
bool              574 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool sign = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m2, SIGN72)); // mantissa negative?
bool              588 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool sign = m2 & SIGN72;   // mantissa negative?
bool              604 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool ovf;
bool              853 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m, SIGN72));
bool              855 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool s = (m & SIGN72) != (word72)0;    ///< save sign bit
bool             1030 src/dps8/dps8_math.c 
bool             1031 src/dps8/dps8_math.c 
bool             1124 src/dps8/dps8_math.c void ufm (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool normalize) {
bool             1248 src/dps8/dps8_math.c static void fdvX (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool bInvert) {
bool             1273 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool roundovf = 0;
bool             1562 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool ovf;
bool             1592 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool savedovf = TST_I_OFLOW;
bool             1634 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool ovf;
bool             1664 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool savedovf = TST_I_OFLOW;
bool             1723 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m1, SIGN72));
bool             1725 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = (m1 & SIGN72) != (word72)0;
bool             1756 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m2, SIGN72));
bool             1758 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = (m2 & SIGN72) != (word72)0;
bool             1857 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m1, SIGN72));
bool             1859 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = (m1 & SIGN72) != (word72)0;    ///< save sign bit
bool             1890 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m2, SIGN72));
bool             1892 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = (m2 & SIGN72) != (word72)0;    ///< save sign bit
bool             1967 src/dps8/dps8_math.c void dufa (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool subtract, bool normalize) {
bool             2062 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m1, SIGN72));
bool             2064 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = (m1 & SIGN72) != (word72)0;
bool             2095 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m2, SIGN72));
bool             2097 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = (m2 & SIGN72) != (word72)0;    ///< save sign bit
bool             2126 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool ovf;
bool             2140 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m3, SIGN72));
bool             2142 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = (m3 & SIGN72) != (word72)0;
bool             2254 src/dps8/dps8_math.c 
bool             2291 src/dps8/dps8_math.c void dufm (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool normalize) {
bool             2452 src/dps8/dps8_math.c static void dfdvX (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool bInvert) {
bool             2478 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool roundovf = 0;
bool             2797 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool dividendNegative = (getbits36_1 (cpu.rA, 0) != 0);
bool             2798 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool divisorNegative = (getbits36_1 (cpu.CY, 0) != 0);
bool             2930 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool dividendNegative = (getbits36_1 (cpu . rA, 0) != 0);
bool             2931 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool divisorNegative = (getbits36_1 (cpu.CY, 0) != 0);
bool             3066 src/dps8/dps8_math.c         bool Aneg = (cpu.rA & SIGN36) != 0; // blood type
bool             3067 src/dps8/dps8_math.c         bool AQzero = cpu.rA == 0 && cpu.rQ == 0;
bool             3173 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool ovf;
bool             3203 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   bool savedovf = TST_I_OFLOW;
bool             3261 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool ovf;
bool             3292 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool savedovf = TST_I_OFLOW;
bool             3351 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m1, SIGN72));   ///< mantissa negative?
bool             3369 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m2, SIGN72));   ///< mantissa negative?
bool             3395 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = m1 & SIGN72;   ///< mantissa negative?
bool             3413 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = m2 & SIGN72;   ///< mantissa negative?
bool             3487 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m1, SIGN72));   ///< mantissa negative?
bool             3503 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = m1 & SIGN72;   ///< mantissa negative?
bool             3522 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (m2, SIGN72));   ///< mantissa negative?
bool             3538 src/dps8/dps8_math.c     bool s = m2 & SIGN72;   ///< mantissa negative?
bool               29 src/dps8/dps8_math.h void ufa (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool sub, bool normalize);
bool               35 src/dps8/dps8_math.h void ufm (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool normalize);
bool               44 src/dps8/dps8_math.h void dufa (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool subtract, bool normalize);
bool               45 src/dps8/dps8_math.h void dufm (cpu_state_t * cpup, bool normalize);
bool               35 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c bool iszero_128 (uint128 w)
bool               42 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c bool isnonzero_128 (uint128 w)
bool               49 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c bool iseq_128 (uint128 a, uint128 b)
bool               54 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c bool isgt_128 (uint128 a, uint128 b)
bool               62 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c bool islt_128 (uint128 a, uint128 b)
bool               70 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c bool isge_128 (uint128 a, uint128 b)
bool               78 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c bool islt_s128 (int128 a, int128 b)
bool               86 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c bool isgt_s128 (int128 a, int128 b)
bool              146 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     bool borrow = !! (b.l > a.l);
bool              641 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c static void tisz (uint64_t h, uint64_t l, bool expect)
bool              643 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     bool r = iszero_128 (construct_128 (h, l));
bool              748 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c                  bool expect)
bool              753 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     bool r = isgt_128 (a, b);
bool               27 src/dps8/dps8_math128.h bool iszero_128 (uint128 w);
bool               28 src/dps8/dps8_math128.h bool isnonzero_128 (uint128 w);
bool               29 src/dps8/dps8_math128.h bool iseq_128 (uint128 a, uint128 b);
bool               30 src/dps8/dps8_math128.h bool isgt_128 (uint128 a, uint128 b);
bool               31 src/dps8/dps8_math128.h bool islt_128 (uint128 a, uint128 b);
bool               32 src/dps8/dps8_math128.h bool isge_128 (uint128 a, uint128 b);
bool               33 src/dps8/dps8_math128.h bool islt_s128 (int128 a, int128 b);
bool               34 src/dps8/dps8_math128.h bool isgt_s128 (int128 a, int128 b);
bool              348 src/dps8/dps8_mgp.c get_ddcw(iom_chan_data_t *p, uint iom_unit_idx, uint chan, bool *ptro,
bool              354 src/dps8/dps8_mgp.c   bool  send, uff;
bool              465 src/dps8/dps8_mgp.c   bool ptro;
bool              694 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c 
bool              929 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c t_stat loadTape (uint driveNumber, char * tapeFilename, bool ro)
bool             2428 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c t_stat attachTape (char * label, bool withring, char * drive)
bool             2459 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c     bool withring;
bool               29 src/dps8/dps8_mt.h     bool is9;
bool               53 src/dps8/dps8_mt.h t_stat loadTape (uint driveNumber, char * tapeFilename, bool ro);
bool               54 src/dps8/dps8_mt.h t_stat attachTape (char * label, bool withring, char * drive);
bool               88 src/dps8/dps8_priv.c     bool warn_changed = false;
bool              269 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c     bool isBCD;
bool              270 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c     bool isEdited;
bool              275 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c     bool cachedFF;
bool              276 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c     bool split;
bool              528 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c 
bool              529 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c 
bool              530 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c 
bool              620 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c static int print_buf (int prt_unit_num, bool isBCD, bool is_edited, int slew, word36 * buffer, uint tally)
bool             1023 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c static iom_cmd_rc_t print_cmd (uint iom_unit_idx, uint chan, int prt_unit_num, bool isBCD, bool is_edited, int slew)
bool             1038 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c 
bool             1935 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c 
bool               75 src/dps8/dps8_rt.c volatile bool realtime_ok = false;
bool              133 src/dps8/dps8_rt.c   const bool forever = true;
bool              154 src/dps8/dps8_rt.c   const bool forever = true;
bool              238 src/dps8/dps8_rt.c check_realtime_priority_impl(const pthread_t thread_id, const int priority, const bool verify)
bool               24 src/dps8/dps8_rt.h extern volatile bool realtime_ok;
bool               66 src/dps8/dps8_scu.h         bool is_exp;
bool               71 src/dps8/dps8_scu.h         volAtomic bool subport_enables [N_SCU_SUBPORTS];
bool               72 src/dps8/dps8_scu.h         volAtomic bool xipmask [N_SCU_SUBPORTS];
bool               68 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     bool  fd_nonblock[N_FDS]; // socket() call had NON_BLOCK set
bool              803 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c static int get_ddcw (iom_chan_data_t * p, uint iom_unit_idx, uint chan, bool * ptro, uint expected_tally, uint * tally)
bool              805 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     bool send, uff;
bool              858 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     bool ptro;
bool             1917 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c bool sim_deb_segno_on     = false;
bool             1919 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c bool sim_deb_segno[DEBUG_SEGNO_LIMIT];
bool             1921 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c bool sim_deb_segno[DEBUG_SEGNO_LIMIT] = { [0 ... DEBUG_SEGNO_LIMIT - 1] = false };
bool             1938 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c bool sim_deb_bar          = false;
bool             2587 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c                 bool foundTable = false;
bool             3811 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     bool ro = false;
bool             4823 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c volAtomic bool syncClockMode;
bool             4845 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c bool breakEnable = false;
bool               42 src/dps8/dps8_sys.h     volAtomic bool no_color;
bool               46 src/dps8/dps8_sys.h     bool nosync;          // If true, disable clock sync.
bool               50 src/dps8/dps8_sys.h extern volAtomic bool syncClockMode;
bool               87 src/dps8/dps8_sys.h     bool t0;
bool              103 src/dps8/dps8_sys.h extern bool sim_deb_segno_on;
bool              104 src/dps8/dps8_sys.h extern bool sim_deb_segno[DEBUG_SEGNO_LIMIT];
bool              110 src/dps8/dps8_sys.h extern bool sim_deb_bar;
bool              113 src/dps8/dps8_sys.h extern bool breakEnable;
bool               99 src/dps8/dps8_topo.c bool dps8_topo_used = false;
bool               23 src/dps8/dps8_topo.h extern bool dps8_topo_used;
bool              173 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word36 Add36b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 op1, word36 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf)
bool              197 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r37 = res & BIT37 ? true : false;
bool              198 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r36 = res & SIGN36 ? true : false;
bool              201 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r38 = res & BIT38 ? true : false;
bool              207 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool cry = r38;
bool              253 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word36 Sub36b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 op1, word36 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf)
bool              282 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r37 = (res & BIT37) ? true : false;
bool              283 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r36 = (res & SIGN36) ? true : false;
bool              286 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r38 = res & BIT38 ? true : false;
bool              295 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool cry = r38;
bool              337 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word18 Add18b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 op1, word18 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf)
bool              358 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r19 = (res & BIT19)  ? true : false;
bool              359 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r18 = (res & SIGN18) ? true : false;
bool              362 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r20 = res & BIT20 ? true : false;
bool              371 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool cry = r20;
bool              413 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word18 Sub18b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 op1, word18 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf)
bool              442 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r19 = res & BIT19  ? true : false;
bool              443 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r18 = res & SIGN18 ? true : false;
bool              446 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r20 = res & BIT20 ? true : false;
bool              455 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool cry = r20;
bool              497 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word72 Add72b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word72 op1, word72 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf)
bool              536 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r73 = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (res, BIT73));
bool              537 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r72 = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (res, SIGN72));
bool              539 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r73 = res & BIT73  ? true : false;
bool              540 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r72 = res & SIGN72 ? true : false;
bool              545 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r74 = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (res, BIT74));
bool              547 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r74 = res & BIT74 ? true : false;
bool              561 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool cry = r74;
bool              611 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word72 Sub72b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word72 op1, word72 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf)
bool              702 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r73 = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (res, BIT73));
bool              703 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r72 = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (res, SIGN72));
bool              705 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r73 = res & BIT73  ? true : false;
bool              706 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r72 = res & SIGN72 ? true : false;
bool              711 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r74 = isnonzero_128 (and_128 (res, BIT74));
bool              713 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool r74 = res & BIT74 ? true : false;
bool              727 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool cry = r74;
bool              785 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word36 compl36(cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 op1, word18 *flags, bool * ovf)
bool              821 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word18 compl18(cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 op1, word18 *flags, bool * ovf)
bool             1084 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     bool Z = (As <= Ys && Ys <= Qs) || (As >= Ys && Ys >= Qs);
bool             1396 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c 
bool             2023 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c 
bool               50 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word36 compl36(cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 op1, word18 *flags, bool * ovf);
bool               51 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word18 compl18(cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 op1, word18 *flags, bool * ovf);
bool              889 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word36 Add36b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 op1, word36 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf);
bool              890 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word36 Sub36b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word36 op1, word36 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf);
bool              891 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word18 Add18b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 op1, word18 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf);
bool              892 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word18 Sub18b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word18 op1, word18 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf);
bool              893 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word72 Add72b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word72 op1, word72 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf);
bool              894 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word72 Sub72b (cpu_state_t * cpup, word72 op1, word72 op2, word1 carryin, word18 flagsToSet, word18 * flags, bool * ovf);
bool              900 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h void currentTR (word27 * trunits, bool * ovf);
bool             1036 src/dps8/fnpuv.c     bool accept = true;
bool             1361 src/dps8/fnpuv.c void fnpuv3270Poll (bool start)
bool               21 src/dps8/fnpuv.h     bool assoc;
bool               40 src/dps8/fnpuv.h void fnpuv3270Poll (bool start);
bool              151 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          rxpending;        // TRUE if a read is pending on this line
bool              152 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          rxerror;          // TRUE if any modem error detected
bool              158 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          lloop;            // line loop back enabled
bool              159 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          iloop;            // interface loop back enabled
bool              173 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          lloop;            // local loop back enabled
bool              174 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          enabled;          // TRUE if the host is enabled
bool              175 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          error;            // TRUE for any host error
bool              176 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          ready;            // TRUE if the host is ready
bool              177 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          full;             // TRUE if the host buffer is full
bool              178 src/dps8/h316_imp.h   bool          eom;              // TRUE when end of message is reached
bool               64 src/dps8/hdbg.c   bool rw; // F: read  T: write
bool              135 src/dps8/hdbg.c static bool blacklist[MAX18];
bool               75 src/dps8/panelScraper.c static bool banks [nrows] [ncols];
bool              928 src/dps8/panelScraper.c     bool exc_int = cpu.cycle == INTERRUPT_cycle ||
bool              934 src/dps8/panelScraper.c     bool ins_fch = cpu.cycle == INTERRUPT_cycle ||
bool             1270 src/dps8/panelScraper.c static bool port_data [40];
bool             1460 src/dps8/panelScraper.c static volatile bool scraperRunning = false;
bool             1461 src/dps8/panelScraper.c static volatile bool scraperCancel = false;
bool               75 src/dps8/threadz.c bool test_libuv_lock (void)
bool              114 src/dps8/threadz.c static __thread bool have_mem_lock = false;
bool              115 src/dps8/threadz.c static __thread bool have_rmw_lock = false;
bool              117 src/dps8/threadz.c bool get_rmw_lock (void)
bool              329 src/dps8/threadz.c bool test_tst_lock (void)
bool              101 src/dps8/threadz.h bool test_libuv_lock (void);
bool              111 src/dps8/threadz.h bool get_rmw_lock (void);
bool              136 src/dps8/threadz.h bool test_tst_lock (void);
bool              146 src/dps8/threadz.h     bool run;
bool              159 src/dps8/threadz.h     volAtomic bool sleeping;
bool              180 src/dps8/threadz.h     volAtomic bool ready;
bool              183 src/dps8/threadz.h     bool intr;
bool              206 src/dps8/threadz.h     bool started;
bool              212 src/dps8/threadz.h     volatile bool ready;
bool              215 src/dps8/threadz.h     bool connect;
bool               34 src/dps8/tracker.c static bool writing;
bool               35 src/dps8/tracker.c static bool tracking = false;
bool               72 src/dps8/tracker.c void trk_init (bool write)
bool               17 src/dps8/tracker.h void trk_init (bool write);
bool               28 src/dps8/ucache.c           word1 p, word24 address, word3 r1, bool paged) {
bool               48 src/dps8/ucache.c bool ucCacheCheck \
bool               50 src/dps8/ucache.c           word1 * p, word24 * address, word3 * r1, bool * paged) {
bool               28 src/dps8/ucache.h   bool   valid;
bool               35 src/dps8/ucache.h   bool   paged;
bool               65 src/dps8/ucache.h   word18 offset, word14   bound, word1   p, word24   address, word3   r1, bool   paged);
bool               66 src/dps8/ucache.h bool ucCacheCheck \
bool               68 src/dps8/ucache.h   word18 offset, word14 * bound, word1 * p, word24 * address, word3 * r1, bool * paged);
bool               96 src/dps8/udplib.c     bool      used;                 // TRUE if this UDP_LINK is in use
bool               35 src/dps8/uvutil.h     bool open;
bool               38 src/dps8/uvutil.h     bool useTelnet;
bool               40 src/dps8/uvutil.h     bool loggedOn;
bool               77 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_makeinit(sirinit* si);
bool               99 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_init(sirinit* si);
bool              115 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_cleanup(void);
bool              130 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_isinitialized(void);
bool              189 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_debug(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...);
bool              215 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_info(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...);
bool              241 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_notice(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...);
bool              267 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_warn(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...);
bool              293 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_error(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...);
bool              319 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_crit(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...);
bool              345 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_alert(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...);
bool              371 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_emerg(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...);
bool              433 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_remfile(sirfileid id);
bool              482 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_unloadplugin(sirpluginid id);
bool              500 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_filelevels(sirfileid id, sir_levels levels);
bool              519 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_fileopts(sirfileid id, sir_options opts);
bool              541 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_settextstyle(sir_level level, sir_textattr attr, sir_textcolor fg,
bool              558 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_resettextstyles(void);
bool              604 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_setcolormode(sir_colormode mode);
bool              626 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_stdoutlevels(sir_levels levels);
bool              648 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_stdoutopts(sir_options opts);
bool              670 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_stderrlevels(sir_levels levels);
bool              692 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_stderropts(sir_options opts);
bool              715 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_sysloglevels(sir_levels levels);
bool              734 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_syslogopts(sir_options opts);
bool              760 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_syslogid(const char* identity);
bool              788 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_syslogcat(const char* category);
bool              822 src/libsir/include/sir.h bool sir_isprerelease(void);
bool               43 src/libsir/include/sir/condition.h bool _sir_condcreate(sir_condition* cond);
bool               52 src/libsir/include/sir/condition.h bool _sir_condsignal(sir_condition* cond);
bool               61 src/libsir/include/sir/condition.h bool _sir_condbroadcast(sir_condition* cond);
bool               69 src/libsir/include/sir/condition.h bool _sir_conddestroy(sir_condition* cond);
bool               78 src/libsir/include/sir/condition.h bool _sir_condwait(sir_condition* cond, sir_mutex* mutex);
bool               90 src/libsir/include/sir/condition.h bool _sir_condwait_timeout(sir_condition* cond, sir_mutex* mutex, const sir_wait* howlong);
bool               39 src/libsir/include/sir/console.h bool _sir_write_stdio(FILE* stream, const char* message);
bool               42 src/libsir/include/sir/console.h bool _sir_write_stdout(const char* message, size_t len) {
bool               48 src/libsir/include/sir/console.h bool _sir_write_stderr(const char* message, size_t len) {
bool               57 src/libsir/include/sir/console.h bool _sir_write_stdio(HANDLE console, const char* message, size_t len);
bool               60 src/libsir/include/sir/console.h bool _sir_write_stdout(const char* message, size_t len) {
bool               65 src/libsir/include/sir/console.h bool _sir_write_stderr(const char* message, size_t len) {
bool               83 src/libsir/include/sir/errors.h bool _sir_validerror(uint32_t err) {
bool              120 src/libsir/include/sir/errors.h bool __sir_seterror(uint32_t err, const char* func, const char* file, uint32_t line);
bool              127 src/libsir/include/sir/errors.h bool __sir_handleerr(int code, const char* func, const char* file, uint32_t line);
bool              134 src/libsir/include/sir/errors.h bool __sir_handlewin32err(DWORD code, const char* func, const char* file, uint32_t line);
bool               38 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h typedef bool (*sir_fcache_pred)(const void* match, const sirfile* iter);
bool               41 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sir_updatefile(sirfileid id, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               42 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sir_remfile(sirfileid id);
bool               45 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sirfile_open(sirfile* sf);
bool               47 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sirfile_write(sirfile* sf, const char* output);
bool               48 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sirfile_writeheader(sirfile* sf, const char* msg);
bool               49 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sirfile_needsroll(sirfile* sf);
bool               50 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sirfile_roll(sirfile* sf, char** newpath);
bool               52 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sirfile_archive(sirfile* sf, const char* newpath);
bool               53 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sirfile_splitpath(const sirfile* sf, char** name, char** ext);
bool               55 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sirfile_validate(const sirfile* sf);
bool               56 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sirfile_update(sirfile* sf, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               60 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sir_fcache_update(const sirfcache* sfc, sirfileid id, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               61 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sir_fcache_rem(sirfcache* sfc, sirfileid id);
bool               64 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sir_fcache_pred_path(const void* match, const sirfile* iter);
bool               65 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sir_fcache_pred_id(const void* match, const sirfile* iter);
bool               68 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sir_fcache_destroy(sirfcache* sfc);
bool               69 src/libsir/include/sir/filecache.h bool _sir_fcache_dispatch(const sirfcache* sfc, sir_level level, sirbuf* buf,
bool               57 src/libsir/include/sir/filesystem.h bool _sir_pathgetstat(const char* restrict path, struct stat* restrict st, sir_rel_to rel_to);
bool               58 src/libsir/include/sir/filesystem.h bool _sir_pathexists(const char* restrict path, bool* restrict exists, sir_rel_to rel_to);
bool               59 src/libsir/include/sir/filesystem.h bool _sir_openfile(FILE* restrict* restrict f, const char* restrict path,
bool               71 src/libsir/include/sir/filesystem.h bool _sir_ispathrelative(const char* restrict path, bool* restrict relative);
bool               72 src/libsir/include/sir/filesystem.h bool _sir_getrelbasepath(const char* restrict path, bool* restrict relative,
bool               75 src/libsir/include/sir/filesystem.h bool _sir_deletefile(const char* restrict path);
bool               48 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h     bool ret = false; \
bool              107 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validptr(const void* restrict p, bool fail, const char* func,
bool              109 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h     bool valid = NULL != p;
bool              119 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validptrptr(const void* restrict* pp, bool fail, const char* func,
bool              121 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h     bool valid = NULL != pp;
bool              147 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool _sir_bittest(uint32_t flags, uint32_t test) {
bool              182 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool _sir_validfd(int fd);
bool              186 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool _sir_validfileid(sirfileid id) {
bool              192 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool _sir_validpluginid(sirpluginid id) {
bool              197 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validupdatedata(const sir_update_config_data* data, const char* func,
bool              205 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validlevels(sir_levels levels, const char* func, const char* file,
bool              213 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validlevel(sir_level level, const char* func, const char* file,
bool              235 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validopts(sir_options opts, const char* func, const char* file,
bool              243 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validtextattr(sir_textattr attr, const char* func, const char* file,
bool              251 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validtextcolor(sir_colormode mode, sir_textcolor color, const char* func,
bool              259 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validcolormode(sir_colormode mode, const char* func, const char* file,
bool              320 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool __sir_validstr(const char* restrict str, bool fail, const char* func,
bool              322 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h     bool valid = str && *str != '\0';
bool              350 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool _sir_strsame(const char* lhs, const char* rhs, size_t count) {
bool              416 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool _sir_formattime(time_t now, char* buffer, const char* format) {
bool              437 src/libsir/include/sir/helpers.h bool _sir_getchar(char* input);
bool               48 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_makeinit(sirinit* si);
bool               51 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_init(sirinit* si);
bool               54 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_cleanup(void);
bool               57 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_isinitialized(void);
bool               63 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_sanity(void);
bool               66 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_init_sanity(const sirinit* si);
bool               72 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_stdoutlevels(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               75 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_stdoutopts(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               78 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_stderrlevels(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               81 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_stderropts(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               84 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_sysloglevels(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               87 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_syslogopts(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               90 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_syslogid(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               93 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_syslogcat(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool               96 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h typedef bool (*sirinit_update)(sirinit*, const sir_update_config_data*);
bool               99 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_writeinit(const sir_update_config_data* data, sirinit_update update);
bool              108 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_mapmutexid(sir_mutex_id mid, sir_mutex** m, void** section);
bool              119 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_init_common_static(void);
bool              122 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_once(sir_once* once, sir_once_fn func);
bool              126 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_logv(sir_level level, PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, va_list args);
bool              129 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_dispatch(const sirinit* si, sir_level level, sirbuf* buf);
bool              132 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h const char* _sir_format(bool styling, sir_options opts, sirbuf* buf);
bool              135 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_syslog_init(const char* name, sir_syslog_dest* ctx);
bool              144 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_syslog_open(sir_syslog_dest* ctx);
bool              150 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_syslog_write(sir_level level, const sirbuf* buf, const sir_syslog_dest* ctx);
bool              156 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_syslog_updated(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data);
bool              165 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_syslog_close(sir_syslog_dest* ctx);
bool              174 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_clock_gettime(int clock, time_t* tbuf, long* msecbuf);
bool              189 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_getthreadname(char name[SIR_MAXPID]);
bool              192 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_setthreadname(const char* name);
bool              195 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h bool _sir_gethostname(char name[SIR_MAXHOST]);
bool              198 src/libsir/include/sir/internal.h long __sir_nprocs(bool test_mode);
bool               38 src/libsir/include/sir/mutex.h bool _sir_mutexcreate(sir_mutex* mutex);
bool               41 src/libsir/include/sir/mutex.h bool _sir_mutexlock(sir_mutex* mutex);
bool               44 src/libsir/include/sir/mutex.h bool _sir_mutextrylock(sir_mutex* mutex);
bool               47 src/libsir/include/sir/mutex.h bool _sir_mutexunlock(sir_mutex* mutex);
bool               50 src/libsir/include/sir/mutex.h bool _sir_mutexdestroy(sir_mutex* mutex);
bool               37 src/libsir/include/sir/plugins.h typedef bool (*sir_plugin_pred)(const void*, const sir_plugin*);
bool               42 src/libsir/include/sir/plugins.h bool _sir_plugin_unload(sir_plugin* plugin);
bool               45 src/libsir/include/sir/plugins.h bool _sir_plugin_rem(sirpluginid id);
bool               48 src/libsir/include/sir/plugins.h bool _sir_plugin_cache_pred_id(const void* match, const sir_plugin* iter);
bool               53 src/libsir/include/sir/plugins.h bool _sir_plugin_cache_rem(sir_plugincache* spc, sirpluginid id);
bool               54 src/libsir/include/sir/plugins.h bool _sir_plugin_cache_destroy(sir_plugincache* spc);
bool               55 src/libsir/include/sir/plugins.h bool _sir_plugin_cache_dispatch(const sir_plugincache* spc, sir_level level, sirbuf* buf,
bool               42 src/libsir/include/sir/queue.h bool _sir_queue_node_destroy(sir_queue_node** node, void** data);
bool               45 src/libsir/include/sir/queue.h bool _sir_queue_create(sir_queue** q);
bool               48 src/libsir/include/sir/queue.h bool _sir_queue_destroy(sir_queue** q);
bool               54 src/libsir/include/sir/queue.h bool _sir_queue_isempty(const sir_queue* q);
bool               57 src/libsir/include/sir/queue.h bool _sir_queue_push(sir_queue* q, void* data);
bool               60 src/libsir/include/sir/queue.h bool _sir_queue_pop(sir_queue* q, void** data);
bool               43 src/libsir/include/sir/textstyle.h bool _sir_settextstyle(sir_level level, const sir_textstyle* style);
bool               49 src/libsir/include/sir/textstyle.h bool _sir_resettextstyles(void);
bool               52 src/libsir/include/sir/textstyle.h bool _sir_formatstyle(sir_colormode mode, const sir_textstyle* style,
bool               56 src/libsir/include/sir/textstyle.h bool _sir_validtextstyle(sir_colormode mode, const sir_textstyle* style);
bool               59 src/libsir/include/sir/textstyle.h bool _sir_setcolormode(sir_colormode mode);
bool               40 src/libsir/include/sir/threadpool.h bool _sir_threadpool_create(sir_threadpool** pool, size_t num_threads);
bool               41 src/libsir/include/sir/threadpool.h bool _sir_threadpool_add_job(sir_threadpool* pool, sir_threadpool_job* job);
bool               42 src/libsir/include/sir/threadpool.h bool _sir_threadpool_destroy(sir_threadpool** pool);
bool              302 src/libsir/include/sir/types.h             bool squelch;
bool              352 src/libsir/include/sir/types.h typedef bool (*sir_plugin_queryfn)(sir_plugininfo*);
bool              353 src/libsir/include/sir/types.h typedef bool (*sir_plugin_initfn)(void);
bool              354 src/libsir/include/sir/types.h typedef bool (*sir_plugin_writefn)(sir_level, const char*);
bool              355 src/libsir/include/sir/types.h typedef bool (*sir_plugin_cleanupfn)(void);
bool              372 src/libsir/include/sir/types.h     bool loaded;
bool              373 src/libsir/include/sir/types.h     bool valid;
bool              397 src/libsir/include/sir/types.h     bool (*fn)(void*); /**< Callback to be executed as part of the job. */
bool              408 src/libsir/include/sir/types.h     bool cancel;         /**< Causes threads in the pool to exit when true. */
bool               44 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_makeinit(sirinit* si) {
bool               48 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_init(sirinit* si) {
bool               52 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_cleanup(void) {
bool               56 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_isinitialized(void) {
bool               69 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_debug(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...) {
bool               77 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_info(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...) {
bool               85 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_notice(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...) {
bool               93 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_warn(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...) {
bool              101 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_error(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...) {
bool              109 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_crit(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...) {
bool              117 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_alert(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...) {
bool              125 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_emerg(PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, ...) {
bool              136 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_remfile(sirfileid id) {
bool              149 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_unloadplugin(sirpluginid id) {
bool              158 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_filelevels(sirfileid id, sir_levels levels) {
bool              164 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_fileopts(sirfileid id, sir_options opts) {
bool              170 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_settextstyle(sir_level level, sir_textattr attr, sir_textcolor fg,
bool              181 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_resettextstyles(void) {
bool              189 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_setcolormode(sir_colormode mode) {
bool              193 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_stdoutlevels(sir_levels levels) {
bool              199 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_stdoutopts(sir_options opts) {
bool              205 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_stderrlevels(sir_levels levels) {
bool              211 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_stderropts(sir_options opts) {
bool              217 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_sysloglevels(sir_levels levels) {
bool              228 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_syslogopts(sir_options opts) {
bool              239 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_syslogid(const char* identity) {
bool              249 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_syslogcat(const char* category) {
bool              267 src/libsir/src/sir.c bool sir_isprerelease(void) {
bool               36 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c bool _sir_condcreate(sir_condition* cond) {
bool               37 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c     bool valid = _sir_validptr(cond);
bool               52 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c bool _sir_condsignal(sir_condition* cond) {
bool               53 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c     bool valid = _sir_validptr(cond);
bool               68 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c bool _sir_condbroadcast(sir_condition* cond) {
bool               69 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c     bool valid = _sir_validptr(cond);
bool               83 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c bool _sir_conddestroy(sir_condition* cond) {
bool               84 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c     bool valid = _sir_validptr(cond);
bool               99 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c bool _sir_condwait(sir_condition* cond, sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool              100 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c     bool valid = _sir_validptr(cond) && _sir_validptr(mutex);
bool              116 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c bool _sir_condwait_timeout(sir_condition* cond, sir_mutex* mutex,
bool              118 src/libsir/src/sircondition.c     bool valid = _sir_validptr(cond) && _sir_validptr(mutex) && _sir_validptr(howlong);
bool               36 src/libsir/src/sirconsole.c bool _sir_write_stdio(FILE* stream, const char* message) {
bool               45 src/libsir/src/sirconsole.c bool _sir_config_console(HANDLE console) {
bool               78 src/libsir/src/sirconsole.c bool _sir_write_stdio(HANDLE console, const char* message, size_t len) {
bool               86 src/libsir/src/sirerrors.c bool __sir_seterror(uint32_t err, const char* func, const char* file, uint32_t line) {
bool              118 src/libsir/src/sirerrors.c bool __sir_handleerr(int code, const char* func, const char* file, uint32_t line) {
bool              172 src/libsir/src/sirerrors.c bool __sir_handlewin32err(DWORD code, const char* func, const char* file, uint32_t line) {
bool              283 src/libsir/src/sirerrors.c     bool success = true;
bool              308 src/libsir/src/sirerrors.c                 bool error = false;
bool              309 src/libsir/src/sirerrors.c                 bool warn  = false;
bool               55 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sir_updatefile(sirfileid id, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool               62 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sir_fcache_update(sfc, id, data);
bool               68 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sir_remfile(sirfileid id) {
bool               75 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sir_fcache_rem(sfc, id);
bool              109 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sirfile_open(sirfile* sf) {
bool              110 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sir_validptr(sf) && _sir_validstr(sf->path);
bool              131 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sirfile_write(sirfile* sf, const char* output) {
bool              132 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sirfile_validate(sf) && _sir_validstr(output);
bool              156 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sirfile_writeheader(sirfile* sf, const char* msg) {
bool              157 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sirfile_validate(sf) && _sir_validstr(msg);
bool              164 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c         bool fmttime = _sir_formattime(now, timestamp, SIR_FHTIMEFORMAT);
bool              177 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sirfile_needsroll(sirfile* sf) {
bool              178 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sirfile_validate(sf);
bool              197 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sirfile_roll(sirfile* sf, char** newpath) {
bool              201 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = false;
bool              205 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool split = _sirfile_splitpath(sf, &name, &ext);
bool              216 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c             bool fmttime = _sir_formattime(now, timestamp, SIR_FNAMETIMEFORMAT);
bool              224 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c                     bool exists = false;
bool              225 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c                     bool resolved = false;
bool              277 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c         bool rolled   = false;
bool              298 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sirfile_archive(sirfile* sf, const char* newpath) {
bool              299 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sirfile_validate(sf) && _sir_validstr(newpath);
bool              318 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sirfile_splitpath(const sirfile* sf, char** name, char** ext) {
bool              324 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sirfile_validate(sf) && _sir_validptrptr(name) && _sir_validptrptr(ext);
bool              365 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sirfile_validate(const sirfile* sf) {
bool              370 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sirfile_update(sirfile* sf, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              371 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sirfile_validate(sf);
bool              374 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c         bool updated = false;
bool              442 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sir_fcache_update(const sirfcache* sfc, sirfileid id, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              443 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sir_validptr(sfc) && _sir_validfileid(id) && _sir_validupdatedata(data);
bool              453 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sir_fcache_rem(sirfcache* sfc, sirfileid id) {
bool              454 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sir_validptr(sfc) && _sir_validfileid(id);
bool              457 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c         bool found = false;
bool              490 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sir_fcache_pred_path(const void* match, const sirfile* iter) {
bool              492 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool equal       = false;
bool              560 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sir_fcache_pred_id(const void* match, const sirfile* iter) {
bool              566 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool valid = _sir_validptr(sfc) && _sir_validptr(match) && _sir_validfnptr(pred);
bool              578 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sir_fcache_destroy(sirfcache* sfc) {
bool              579 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sir_validptr(sfc);
bool              596 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c bool _sir_fcache_dispatch(const sirfcache* sfc, sir_level level, sirbuf* buf,
bool              598 src/libsir/src/sirfilecache.c     bool retval = _sir_validptr(sfc) && _sir_validlevel(level) &&
bool               44 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c bool _sir_pathgetstat(const char* restrict path, struct stat* restrict st, sir_rel_to rel_to) {
bool               51 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c     bool relative         = false;
bool              134 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c bool _sir_pathexists(const char* path, bool* exists, sir_rel_to rel_to) {
bool              141 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c     bool stat_ret  = _sir_pathgetstat(path, &st, rel_to);
bool              149 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c bool _sir_openfile(FILE* restrict* restrict f, const char* restrict path,
bool              154 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c     bool relative         = false;
bool              245 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c     bool resolved = false;
bool              427 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c bool _sir_ispathrelative(const char* restrict path, bool* restrict relative) {
bool              428 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c     bool valid = _sir_validstr(path) && _sir_validptr(relative);
bool              444 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c bool _sir_getrelbasepath(const char* restrict path, bool* restrict relative,
bool              641 src/libsir/src/sirfilesystem.c bool _sir_deletefile(const char* restrict path) {
bool               64 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c bool _sir_validfd(int fd) {
bool               85 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c bool __sir_validupdatedata(const sir_update_config_data* data, const char* func,
bool               90 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c     bool valid = true;
bool              116 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c bool __sir_validlevels(sir_levels levels, const char* func,
bool              134 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c bool __sir_validlevel(sir_level level, const char* func, const char* file,
bool              146 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c bool __sir_validopts(sir_options opts, const char* func, const char* file,
bool              164 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c bool __sir_validtextattr(sir_textattr attr, const char* func, const char* file,
bool              180 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c bool __sir_validtextcolor(sir_colormode mode, sir_textcolor color, const char* func,
bool              182 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c     bool valid = false;
bool              217 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c bool __sir_validcolormode(sir_colormode mode, const char* func, const char* file,
bool              297 src/libsir/src/sirhelpers.c bool _sir_getchar(char* input) {
bool               89 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_makeinit(sirinit* si) {
bool               90 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool retval = _sir_validptr(si);
bool              113 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_init(sirinit* si) {
bool              117 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool once_init = _sir_once(&static_once, _sir_init_static_once);
bool              153 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool init = true;
bool              212 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_cleanup(void) {
bool              217 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool cleanup   = true;
bool              218 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool destroyfc = _sir_fcache_destroy(sfc);
bool              226 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool destroypc = _sir_plugin_cache_destroy(spc);
bool              267 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_isinitialized(void) {
bool              278 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_sanity(void) {
bool              284 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_init_sanity(const sirinit* si) {
bool              288 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool levelcheck = true;
bool              292 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool regcheck = true;
bool              304 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool optscheck = true;
bool              323 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_updatelevels(const char* name, sir_levels* old, const sir_levels* new) {
bool              324 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool retval = _sir_validstr(name) && _sir_validptr(old) && _sir_validptr(new);
bool              337 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_updateopts(const char* name, sir_options* old, const sir_options* new) {
bool              338 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool retval = _sir_validstr(name) && _sir_validptr(old) && _sir_validptr(new);
bool              350 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_stdoutlevels(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              354 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_stdoutopts(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              358 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_stderrlevels(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              362 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_stderropts(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              366 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_sysloglevels(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              367 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool updated = _sir_updatelevels(SIR_DESTNAME_SYSLOG, &si->d_syslog.levels, data->levels);
bool              376 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_syslogopts(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              377 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool updated = _sir_updateopts(SIR_DESTNAME_SYSLOG, &si->d_syslog.opts, data->opts);
bool              386 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_syslogid(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              387 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool retval = _sir_validptr(si) && _sir_validptr(data);
bool              390 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool cur_ok = _sir_validstrnofail(si->d_syslog.identity);
bool              408 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_syslogcat(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool              409 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool retval = _sir_validptr(si) && _sir_validptr(data);
bool              412 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool cur_ok = _sir_validstrnofail(si->d_syslog.category);
bool              430 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_writeinit(const sir_update_config_data* data, sirinit_update update) {
bool              438 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool updated = update(&_cfg->si, data);
bool              450 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool enter = _sir_mapmutexid(mid, &m, &sec) && _sir_mutexlock(m);
bool              460 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool leave = _sir_mapmutexid(mid, &m, &sec) && _sir_mutexunlock(m);
bool              464 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_mapmutexid(sir_mutex_id mid, sir_mutex** m, void** section) {
bool              517 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_init_common_static(void) {
bool              526 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool created = _sir_mutexcreate(&cfg_mutex);
bool              543 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_once(sir_once* once, sir_once_fn func) {
bool              554 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_logv(sir_level level, PRINTF_FORMAT const char* format, va_list args) {
bool              579 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool gettime = _sir_clock_gettime(SIR_WALLCLOCK, &now_sec, &now_msec);
bool              588 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool fmt = _sir_formattime(now_sec, _cfg->state.timestamp, SIR_TIMEFORMAT);
bool              601 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool resolved_tid = false;
bool              648 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool match             = false;
bool              649 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool exit_early        = false;
bool              650 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool update_last_props = true;
bool              706 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool dispatched = _sir_dispatch(&, level, &buf);
bool              710 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_dispatch(const sirinit* si, sir_level level, sirbuf* buf) {
bool              711 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool retval       = true;
bool              716 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     static const bool styling = true;
bool              718 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     static const bool styling = false;
bool              723 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool wrote         = _sir_validstrnofail(writef) &&
bool              734 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool wrote         = _sir_validstrnofail(writef) &&
bool              779 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c const char* _sir_format(bool styling, sir_options opts, sirbuf* buf) {
bool              781 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool first = true;
bool              812 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool name = false;
bool              821 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool wantpid = !_sir_bittest(opts, SIRO_NOPID) && _sir_validstrnofail(buf->pid);
bool              822 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool wanttid = !_sir_bittest(opts, SIRO_NOTID) && _sir_validstrnofail(buf->tid);
bool              867 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_syslog_init(const char* name, sir_syslog_dest* ctx) {
bool              916 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_syslog_open(sir_syslog_dest* ctx) {
bool              960 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_syslog_write(sir_level level, const sirbuf* buf, const sir_syslog_dest* ctx) {
bool             1061 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_syslog_updated(sirinit* si, const sir_update_config_data* data) {
bool             1067 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool levels   = _sir_bittest(si->d_syslog._state.mask, SIRSL_LEVELS);
bool             1068 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool options  = _sir_bittest(si->d_syslog._state.mask, SIRSL_OPTIONS);
bool             1069 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool category = _sir_bittest(si->d_syslog._state.mask, SIRSL_CATEGORY);
bool             1070 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool identity = _sir_bittest(si->d_syslog._state.mask, SIRSL_IDENTITY);
bool             1071 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool is_init  = _sir_bittest(si->d_syslog._state.mask, SIRSL_IS_INIT);
bool             1072 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool is_open  = _sir_bittest(si->d_syslog._state.mask, SIRSL_IS_OPEN);
bool             1078 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool must_init = false;
bool             1092 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c         bool init = true;
bool             1115 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_syslog_close(sir_syslog_dest* ctx) {
bool             1189 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_clock_gettime(int clock, time_t* tbuf, long* msecbuf) {
bool             1246 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool gettime = _sir_clock_gettime(SIR_INTERVALCLOCK, &out->sec, &out->msec);
bool             1316 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_getthreadname(char name[SIR_MAXPID]) {
bool             1340 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c     bool success = true;
bool             1366 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_setthreadname(const char* name) {
bool             1414 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c bool _sir_gethostname(char name[SIR_MAXHOST]) {
bool             1435 src/libsir/src/sirinternal.c long __sir_nprocs(bool test_mode) {
bool               37 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutexcreate(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool               56 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutexlock(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool               65 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutextrylock(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool               74 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutexunlock(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool               83 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutexdestroy(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool               92 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutexcreate(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool              101 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutexlock(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool              110 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutextrylock(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool              117 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutexunlock(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool              126 src/libsir/src/sirmutex.c bool _sir_mutexdestroy(sir_mutex* mutex) {
bool              140 src/libsir/src/sirplugins.c         bool data_valid = true;
bool              249 src/libsir/src/sirplugins.c bool _sir_plugin_unload(sir_plugin* plugin) {
bool              304 src/libsir/src/sirplugins.c bool _sir_plugin_rem(sirpluginid id) {
bool              312 src/libsir/src/sirplugins.c     bool retval = _sir_plugin_cache_rem(spc, id);
bool              325 src/libsir/src/sirplugins.c         bool unloaded = _sir_plugin_unload(*plugin);
bool              336 src/libsir/src/sirplugins.c bool _sir_plugin_cache_pred_id(const void* match, const sir_plugin* iter) {
bool              405 src/libsir/src/sirplugins.c bool _sir_plugin_cache_rem(sir_plugincache* spc, sirpluginid id) {
bool              435 src/libsir/src/sirplugins.c bool _sir_plugin_cache_destroy(sir_plugincache* spc) {
bool              455 src/libsir/src/sirplugins.c bool _sir_plugin_cache_dispatch(const sir_plugincache* spc, sir_level level, sirbuf* buf,
bool               46 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c bool _sir_queue_node_destroy(sir_queue_node** node, void** data) {
bool               47 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c     bool valid = _sir_validptrptr(node) && _sir_validptr(*node);
bool               59 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c bool _sir_queue_create(sir_queue** q) {
bool               60 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c     bool valid = _sir_validptrptr(q);
bool               71 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c bool _sir_queue_destroy(sir_queue** q) {
bool               72 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c     bool valid = _sir_validptrptr(q) && _sir_validptr(*q);
bool              105 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c bool _sir_queue_isempty(const sir_queue* q) {
bool              109 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c bool _sir_queue_push(sir_queue* q, void* data) {
bool              110 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c     bool retval = false;
bool              134 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c bool _sir_queue_pop(sir_queue* q, void** data) {
bool              135 src/libsir/src/sirqueue.c     bool retval = false;
bool               69 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_settextstyle(sir_level level, const sir_textstyle* style) {
bool               76 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c     bool updated              = false;
bool              115 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_resettextstyles(void) {
bool              122 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c     bool all_ok = true;
bool              134 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_formatstyle(sir_colormode mode, const sir_textstyle* style,
bool              171 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_validtextstyle(sir_colormode mode, const sir_textstyle* style) {
bool              195 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_setcolormode(sir_colormode mode) {
bool              221 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_settextstyle(sir_level level, const sir_textstyle* style) {
bool              239 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_resettextstyles(void) {
bool              243 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_formatstyle(sir_colormode mode, const sir_textstyle* style,
bool              251 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_validtextstyle(sir_colormode mode, const sir_textstyle* style) {
bool              257 src/libsir/src/sirtextstyle.c bool _sir_setcolormode(sir_colormode mode) {
bool               45 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c bool _sir_threadpool_create(sir_threadpool** pool, size_t num_threads) {
bool               64 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c         bool destroy = _sir_threadpool_destroy(pool);
bool               73 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c         bool destroy = _sir_threadpool_destroy(pool);
bool               80 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c     bool thrd_create = true;
bool              107 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c         bool destroy = _sir_threadpool_destroy(pool);
bool              115 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c bool _sir_threadpool_add_job(sir_threadpool* pool, sir_threadpool_job* job) {
bool              116 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c     bool retval = false;
bool              119 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c         bool locked = _sir_mutexlock(&pool->mutex);
bool              128 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c             bool unlocked = _sir_mutexunlock(&pool->mutex);
bool              136 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c bool _sir_threadpool_destroy(sir_threadpool** pool) {
bool              140 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c     bool locked = _sir_mutexlock(&(*pool)->mutex);
bool              147 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c         bool bcast = _sir_condbroadcast(&(*pool)->cond);
bool              150 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c         bool unlock = _sir_mutexunlock(&(*pool)->mutex);
bool              154 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c     bool destroy = true;
bool              194 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c         bool locked = _sir_mutexlock(&pool->mutex);
bool              210 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c             bool job_popped         = _sir_queue_pop(pool->jobs, (void**)&job);
bool              212 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c             bool unlocked = _sir_mutexunlock(&pool->mutex);
bool              223 src/libsir/src/sirthreadpool.c             bool unlocked = _sir_mutexunlock(&pool->mutex);
bool              292 src/simh/scp.c bool mlock_failure = false;
bool              264 src/simh/scp.h extern bool mlock_failure;
bool               90 src/simh/sim_os_mem.c   bool found_commit = false, found_free = false, found_buffers = false, found_cached = false, found_available = false;