bits              274 src/decNumber/decNumber.c #define SPECIALARG  (rhs->bits & DECSPECIAL)
bits              275 src/decNumber/decNumber.c #define SPECIALARGS ((lhs->bits | rhs->bits) & DECSPECIAL)
bits              299 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if (in<0) dn->bits=DECNEG;            // sign needed
bits              327 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if (dn->bits&DECSPECIAL || dn->digits>10 || dn->exponent!=0) ; // bad
bits              344 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       if (dn->bits&DECNEG && hi==214748364 && lo==8) return 0x80000000;
bits              349 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       if (dn->bits&DECNEG) return -i;
bits              359 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if (dn->bits&DECSPECIAL || dn->digits>10 || dn->exponent!=0
bits              360 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     || (dn->bits&DECNEG && !ISZERO(dn)));                   // bad
bits              430 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   uByte bits=0;                    // working flags [assume +ve]
bits              461 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           bits=DECNEG;
bits              483 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         dn->bits=bits | DECINF;
bits              489 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       dn->bits=bits | DECNAN;      // assume simple NaN
bits              492 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         dn->bits=bits | DECSNAN;
bits              521 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       bits=dn->bits;               // for copy-back
bits              625 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     dn->bits=bits;
bits              678 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   decAddOp(res, &dzero, rhs, set, (uByte)(rhs->bits & DECNEG), &status);
bits              768 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits=0;                          // sign=0
bits              869 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       a->bits&=~DECNEG;                 // .. and clear the sign
bits              883 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       b->bits&=~DECNEG;                 // .. and clear the sign
bits             1058 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         res->bits=DECNAN;
bits             1125 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits=0;                          // sign=0
bits             1225 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     res->bits=DECNEG|DECINF;            // -Infinity
bits             1298 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if (rhs->bits&(DECNAN|DECSNAN)) {
bits             1324 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (!(rhs->bits&(DECNEG|DECSPECIAL)) && !ISZERO(rhs)) {
bits             1370 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (a->bits&DECSPECIAL || ISZERO(a)) {
bits             1533 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if ((rhs->bits&(DECINF|DECNEG))==DECINF) {
bits             1574 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if ((rhs->bits&(DECINF|DECNEG))==(DECINF|DECNEG)) {
bits             1576 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     res->bits=DECNEG;                        // negative
bits             1631 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           if ((lhs->bits&(DECINF|DECNEG))==(DECINF|DECNEG)) {
bits             1633 src/decNumber/decNumber.c             res->bits=DECNEG;           // negative
bits             1641 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           if ((lhs->bits&(DECINF|DECNEG))==DECINF) {
bits             1724 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits=0;                          // sign=0
bits             1823 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   uByte bits=0;                    // result sign if errors
bits             1855 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         Flag rhsneg=rhs->bits&DECNEG;   // save rhs sign
bits             1865 src/decNumber/decNumber.c             if (rhsneg) res->bits|=DECINF;   // +Infinity [else is +0]
bits             1876 src/decNumber/decNumber.c             if (!rhsneg) res->bits|=DECINF;  // +Infinity [else is +0]
bits             1893 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       && isoddint) bits=DECNEG;         // .. to an odd power
bits             1897 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       uByte rbits=rhs->bits;            // save
bits             1905 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         if (!(rbits & DECNEG)) bits|=DECINF; // was not a **-n
bits             1907 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         res->bits=bits;
bits             1923 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         uByte rbits=rhs->bits;               // save
bits             1930 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           bits|=DECINF;
bits             1934 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         res->bits=bits;
bits             2095 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         dac->bits=(dac->bits & ~DECNEG) | bits; // force correct sign
bits             2767 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     t->bits=0; t->digits=3;
bits             2768 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     a->bits=0; a->digits=3;
bits             3107 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits=0;                          // sign=0
bits             3182 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   dest->bits=src->bits;
bits             3212 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits&=~DECNEG;                   // turn off sign
bits             3230 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits^=DECNEG;                    // invert the sign
bits             3249 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   sign=rhs->bits & DECNEG;              // save sign bit
bits             3251 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits&=~DECNEG;                   // clear the sign
bits             3252 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits|=sign;                      // set from rhs
bits             3390 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   dn->bits=0;
bits             3428 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if (dn->bits&DECSPECIAL) {       // Is a special value
bits             3434 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (dn->bits&DECSNAN) {        // signalling NaN
bits             3603 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   uByte bits;                      // result bits
bits             3632 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     diffsign=(Flag)((lhs->bits^rhs->bits^negate)&DECNEG);
bits             3645 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           bits=lhs->bits & DECNEG;      // get sign from LHS
bits             3647 src/decNumber/decNumber.c          else bits=(rhs->bits^negate) & DECNEG;// RHS must be Infinity
bits             3648 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         bits|=DECINF;
bits             3650 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         res->bits=bits;                 // set +/- infinity
bits             3659 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       bits=lhs->bits;                   // ..
bits             3660 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       (void)bits;
bits             3663 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       res->bits^=negate;                // flip if rhs was negated
bits             3673 src/decNumber/decNumber.c             if (set->round!=DEC_ROUND_FLOOR) res->bits=0;
bits             3674 src/decNumber/decNumber.c              else res->bits=DECNEG;     // preserve 0 sign
bits             3696 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       bits=rhs->bits;                   // be clean
bits             3697 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       (void)bits;
bits             3763 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     bits=lhs->bits;           // assume sign is that of LHS
bits             3775 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         bits=(uByte)(rhs->bits^negate); // assumed sign is now that of RHS
bits             3783 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         dtiny.bits=lhs->bits;
bits             3825 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     res->bits=(uByte)(bits&DECNEG);     // it's now safe to overwrite..
bits             3835 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       res->bits^=DECNEG;           // flip the sign
bits             3898 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       if (set->round==DEC_ROUND_FLOOR) res->bits|=DECNEG;   // sign -
bits             3899 src/decNumber/decNumber.c                                   else res->bits&=~DECNEG;  // sign +
bits             4016 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   uByte bits;                      // working sign
bits             4043 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     bits=(lhs->bits^rhs->bits)&DECNEG;  // assumed sign for divisions
bits             4044 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     (void)bits;
bits             4060 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         res->bits=bits|DECINF;          // set +/- infinity
bits             4071 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           res->bits=bits;               // set +/- zero
bits             4095 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           res->bits=bits|DECINF;         // .. is +/- Infinity
bits             4109 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           res->bits=bits;               // sign as computed
bits             4114 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           res->bits=bits;               // sign as computed
bits             4143 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           res->bits=bits;                    // set +/- zero
bits             4419 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         bits=lhs->bits;                      // remainder sign is always as lhs
bits             4431 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           res->bits=(uByte)(bits&DECNEG);          // [cleaned]
bits             4527 src/decNumber/decNumber.c             bits^=DECNEG;               // flip the sign
bits             4535 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     res->bits=(uByte)(bits&DECNEG);          // [cleaned]
bits             4600 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   uByte  bits;                     // result sign
bits             4656 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   bits=(uByte)((lhs->bits^rhs->bits)&DECNEG);
bits             4657 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   (void)bits;
bits             4664 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (((lhs->bits & DECINF)==0 && ISZERO(lhs))
bits             4665 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       ||((rhs->bits & DECINF)==0 && ISZERO(rhs))) {
bits             4669 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     res->bits=bits|DECINF;         // infinity
bits             4867 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     res->bits=bits;                          // set sign
bits             5356 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       res->bits=DECINF|DECNEG;          // set - infinity
bits             5448 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     b->bits=DECNEG;                     // ln(0.10)->ln(0.99) always -ve
bits             5484 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       a->bits^=DECNEG;                  // make -a
bits             5486 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       a->bits^=DECNEG;                  // restore sign of a
bits             5595 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       else if ((lhs->bits ^ rhs->bits) & DECINF)
bits             5627 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       if (!set->extended) res->bits=0;       // subset specification; no -0
bits             5662 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         if (ISZERO(res) && !set->extended) res->bits=0; // subset; no -0
bits             5773 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     merged=(lhs->bits | rhs->bits) & (DECSNAN | DECNAN);
bits             5802 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           if (lhs->bits & DECNAN) result=-1; // pick rhs
bits             5831 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         if (result<0) res->bits=DECNEG;
bits             5841 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         uByte slhs=(lhs->bits & DECNEG);
bits             5842 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         uByte srhs=(rhs->bits & DECNEG);
bits             5918 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if ((lhs->bits | rhs->bits) & DECINF) {    // one or more infinities
bits             6314 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if ((dn->bits & DECSPECIAL)           // fast exit if special ..
bits             6557 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   dest->bits=src->bits;
bits             6953 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       dn->bits=0;                  // .. and sign
bits             7058 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   uByte sign=dn->bits&DECNEG;      // clean and save sign bit
bits             7088 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     dn->bits=sign;                 // set sign
bits             7090 src/decNumber/decNumber.c    else dn->bits=sign|DECINF;      // Value is +/-Infinity
bits             7115 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   dn->bits=0;                      // + sign
bits             7392 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   if (lhs->bits & DECSNAN)
bits             7395 src/decNumber/decNumber.c    else if (rhs->bits & DECSNAN) {
bits             7399 src/decNumber/decNumber.c    else if (lhs->bits & DECNAN);
bits             7408 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     res->bits=lhs->bits;                // need sign etc.
bits             7418 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits&=~DECSNAN;        // convert any sNaN to NaN, while
bits             7419 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   res->bits|=DECNAN;          // .. preserving sign
bits             7446 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       dn->bits=DECNAN;                  // and make a quiet NaN
bits               75 src/decNumber/decNumber.h     uint8_t bits;        /* Indicator bits (see above)                */
bits              173 src/decNumber/decNumber.h # define decNumberIsFinite(dn)    (((dn)->bits&DECSPECIAL)==0)
bits              174 src/decNumber/decNumber.h # define decNumberIsInfinite(dn)  (((dn)->bits&DECINF)!=0)
bits              175 src/decNumber/decNumber.h # define decNumberIsNaN(dn)       (((dn)->bits&(DECNAN|DECSNAN))!=0)
bits              176 src/decNumber/decNumber.h # define decNumberIsNegative(dn)  (((dn)->bits&DECNEG)!=0)
bits              177 src/decNumber/decNumber.h # define decNumberIsQNaN(dn)      (((dn)->bits&(DECNAN))!=0)
bits              178 src/decNumber/decNumber.h # define decNumberIsSNaN(dn)      (((dn)->bits&(DECSNAN))!=0)
bits              179 src/decNumber/decNumber.h # define decNumberIsSpecial(dn)   (((dn)->bits&DECSPECIAL)!=0)
bits              182 src/decNumber/decNumber.h                                     && (((dn)->bits&DECSPECIAL)==0))
bits             1739 src/dps8/dps8_append.c                 doFault (FAULT_DF0 + cpu.PTW0.FC, (_fault_subtype) {.bits=0},
bits              235 src/dps8/dps8_decimal.c 
bits              428 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bits              429 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bits             1212 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bits             1213 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bits             2182 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         word24 bits = 9u * GET_AR_CHAR (ARn) + GET_AR_BITNO (ARn) + r;
bits             2186 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                               bits / 36) & MASK18;
bits             2191 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             SET_AR_CHAR_BITNO (ARn, (bits % 36) / 9,
bits             2192 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                                     bits % 9);
bits             2410 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         word24 bits = 9u * GET_AR_CHAR (ARn) + GET_AR_BITNO (ARn) - r;
bits             2412 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                              address + bits / 36) & MASK18;
bits             2415 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c             SET_AR_CHAR_BITNO (ARn, (- ((bits % 36) / 9)) & MASK2,
bits             2416 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c                                     (- (bits % 9)) & MASK4);
bits             7421 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             7429 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op2->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             7750 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             9234 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     int bits = (N * 9) - 1;
bits             9238 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         uint128 extBits = lshift_128 (construct_128 (MASK64, MASK64), (uint) bits);
bits             9242 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         uint128 extBits = ((uint128)-1 << bits);
bits             9247 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     uint128 zeroBits = complement_128 (lshift_128 (construct_128 (MASK64, MASK64), (uint) bits));
bits             9251 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c     uint128 zeroBits = ~((uint128)-1 << bits);
bits             9616 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             10018 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bits             10231 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             10239 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op2->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             10602 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             10610 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op2->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             10924 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             10932 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op2->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             11256 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             11264 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op2->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             11563 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             11571 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op2->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             11855 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             11863 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op2->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             12045 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c 
bits             12886 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             12903 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op2->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             13298 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op1->bits |= DECNEG;
bits             13315 src/dps8/dps8_eis.c         op2->bits |= DECNEG;
bits              262 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c            sim_printf ("  subfault number %llu (%llo)\n", (unsigned long long) cpu.subFault.bits,
bits              263 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c                    (unsigned long long)cpu.subFault.bits);
bits              359 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c const _fault_subtype fst_zero      = (_fault_subtype) {.bits=0};
bits              386 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c  sim_printf (" ACV %012llo PSR:IC %05o:%06o\r\n", subFault.bits, cpu.PPR.PSR, cpu.PPR.IC);
bits              397 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c                faultNumber, faultNumber, subFault.bits, subFault.bits,
bits              426 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c                     faultNumber, (unsigned long long)subFault.bits,
bits              461 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c         cpu . faultRegister [0] |= subFault.bits;
bits              678 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c         cpu.subFault.bits = 0; // XXX ???
bits              821 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c         cpu.subFault.bits = 0; // XXX ???
bits              896 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c                cpuNo, faultNo, faultNo, subFault.bits, subFault.bits);
bits              993 src/dps8/dps8_faults.c      doFault (FAULT_TRB, (_fault_subtype) {.bits=cpu.g7Faults}, "Dazed and confused in doG7Fault");
bits               96 src/dps8/dps8_faults.h # define fst_zero (_fault_subtype) {.bits=0}
bits              829 src/dps8/dps8_hw_consts.h     word36 bits;
bits             9643 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c              (_fault_subtype) {.bits=fi_addr},
bits             2371 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c 
bits             1742 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c static word36 extrASCII36 (uint8 * bits, uint woffset)
bits             1744 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     uint8 * p = bits + woffset * 4;
bits             1764 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word36 extr36 (uint8 * bits, uint woffset)
bits             1768 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     uint8 * p = bits + dwoffset * 9;
bits             1791 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c static void putASCII36 (word36 val, uint8 * bits, uint woffset)
bits             1793 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     uint8 * p = bits + woffset * 4;
bits             1800 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c void put36 (word36 val, uint8 * bits, uint woffset)
bits             1804 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     uint8 * p = bits + dwoffset * 9;
bits              884 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word36 extr36 (uint8 * bits, uint woffset);
bits              885 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h void put36 (word36 val, uint8 * bits, uint woffset);
bits              371 src/dps8/hdbg.c            (unsigned long long int)p->fault.subFault.bits,
bits              372 src/dps8/hdbg.c            (unsigned long long int)p->fault.subFault.bits,