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   1 // vim: filetype=c:tabstop=4:ai:expandtab
   2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: ICU
   3 // scspell-id: ba161c23-f62c-11ec-b4ce-80ee73e9b8e7
   4 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   5 /* Decimal 32-bit format module header                                */
   6 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   7 /* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000, 2006.  All rights reserved.   */
   8 /*                                                                    */
   9 /* This software is made available under the terms of the             */
  10 /* ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later.                                */
  11 /*                                                                    */
  12 /* The description and User's Guide ("The decNumber C Library") for   */
  13 /* this software is called decNumber.pdf.  This document is           */
  14 /* available, together with arithmetic and format specifications,     */
  15 /* testcases, and Web links, on the General Decimal Arithmetic page.  */
  16 /*                                                                    */
  17 /* Please send comments, suggestions, and corrections to the author:  */
  18 /*                                                   */
  19 /*   Mike Cowlishaw, IBM Fellow                                       */
  20 /*   IBM UK, PO Box 31, Birmingham Road, Warwick CV34 5JL, UK         */
  21 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  23 #if !defined(DECIMAL32)
  24 # define DECIMAL32
  25 # define DEC32NAME     "decimal32"                    /* Short name   */
  26 # define DEC32FULLNAME "Decimal 32-bit Number"        /* Verbose name */
  27 # define DEC32AUTHOR   "Mike Cowlishaw"               /* Who to blame */
  29   /* parameters for decimal32s */
  30 # define DECIMAL32_Bytes  4             /* length                     */
  31 # define DECIMAL32_Pmax   7             /* maximum precision (digits) */
  32 # define DECIMAL32_Emax   96            /* maximum adjusted exponent  */
  33 # define DECIMAL32_Emin  -95            /* minimum adjusted exponent  */
  34 # define DECIMAL32_Bias   101           /* bias for the exponent      */
  35 # define DECIMAL32_String 15            /* maximum string length, +1  */
  36 # define DECIMAL32_EconL  6             /* exp. continuation length   */
  37   /* highest biased exponent (Elimit-1)                               */
  38 # define DECIMAL32_Ehigh                                               \
  39     (DECIMAL32_Emax+DECIMAL32_Bias-DECIMAL32_Pmax+1)
  41   /* check enough digits, if pre-defined                              */
  42 # if defined(DECNUMDIGITS)
  43 #  if (DECNUMDIGITS<DECIMAL32_Pmax)
  44 #   error decimal32.h needs pre-defined DECNUMDIGITS>=7 for safe use
  45 #  endif
  46 # endif
  48 # ifndef DECNUMDIGITS
  49 #  define DECNUMDIGITS DECIMAL32_Pmax  /* size if not already defined */
  50 # endif
  51 # ifndef DECNUMBER
  52 #  include "decNumber.h"               /* context and number library  */
  53 # endif
  55   /* Decimal 32-bit type, accessible by bytes */
  56   typedef struct {
  57     uint8_t bytes[DECIMAL32_Bytes];    /* decimal32: 1, 5, 6, 20 bits */
  58     } decimal32;
  60   /* special values [top byte excluding sign bit; last two bits are   */
  61   /* don't-care for Infinity on input, last bit don't-care for NaN]   */
  62 # if !defined(DECIMAL_NaN)
  63 #  define DECIMAL_NaN     0x7c          /* 0 11111 00 NaN             */
  64 #  define DECIMAL_sNaN    0x7e          /* 0 11111 10 sNaN            */
  65 #  define DECIMAL_Inf     0x78          /* 0 11110 00 Infinity        */
  66 # endif
  68   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
  69   /* Routines                                                         */
  70   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
  71   /* String conversions                                               */
  72   decimal32 * decimal32FromString(decimal32 *, const char *,
  73     decContext *);
  74   char * decimal32ToString(const decimal32 *, char *);
  75   char * decimal32ToEngString(const decimal32 *, char *);
  77   /* decNumber conversions                                            */
  78   decimal32 * decimal32FromNumber(decimal32 *, const decNumber *,
  79                                   decContext *);
  80   decNumber * decimal32ToNumber(const decimal32 *, decNumber *);
  82   /* Format-dependent utilities                                       */
  83   uint32_t    decimal32IsCanonical(const decimal32 *);
  84   decimal32 * decimal32Canonical(decimal32 *, const decimal32 *);
  86 #endif

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