Multics > Library > Source
28 Jan 1984


This Multics source file was rescued from the messed-up source archive at MIT.

This is the VTOC manager. See The New Storage System and It Can Be Done for a description of the functions of this module.

This hardcore module ends with a special comment that starts with "BEGIN MESSAGE DOCUMENTATION." A program was run over the hardcore source to extract and process these comments into a manual that explained each message the system could produce on the operator's console. This manual was regenerated for each release.

Back to Multics Source index.

            vtoc_man.pl1                    01/28/84  1009.9r   01/28/84  1009.9      331704

/* ***********************************************************
   *                                                         *
   * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
   *                                                         *
   * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
   * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
   *                                                         *
   *********************************************************** */

    The specification of each function is given with the entry point declaration.
    Modified by :
    08/14/75    Andre Bensoussan - Written for the new storage system.
    06/02/76 by Bernard Greenberg for non-fatal write errors (hot buffers).
    06/07/76 by Bernard Greenberg for vtoc_man$stabilize.
    09/17/76 by R. Bratt to add per-process meters.
    03/12/80 by J. A. Bush to fix "out of buffers" bug
    04/16/81 by J. Bongiovanni to recover on crawlout with vtoc buffer lock ,
                   bug in cleanup_pv (vtoce 4 trashing), validate vtoc index
          03/08/82 by J. Bongiovanni for new PVTE and stocks
    07/07/82 by J. Bongiovanni - rewritten for new buffer strategy
             (almost always read entire VTOCE, do write in 1 I/O).
          07/26/82 by J. Bongiovanni to add free_vtoce_for_scavenge and
          11/06/82 by J. Bongiovanni to add pseudo-clock for scavenger race
    01/17/84 by Jeffrey I. Schiller to requeue I/O for "hot" buffers.


/* format: style3 */
     proc (Pvid, Pvtx, Vtocx, Parts, Copy_Vtocep, Code);

/*  Parameter  */

dcl Copy_Vtocep ptr;            /* Pointer to copy of VTOCE to be written or read into */
dcl Code        fixed bin (35);     /* Status code */
dcl Parts       bit (3);            /* Mask of parts of interest */
dcl Pvid        bit (36) aligned;       /* Physical Volume ID */
dcl Pvtx        fixed bin;      /* PVTE index */
dcl Vtocx       fixed bin;      /* VTOCE index on volume */

/*  Automatic  */

dcl bufx        fixed bin;
dcl code        fixed bin (35);
dcl hot_buffer_tried    bit (1);
dcl 1 local_vtoce_buffer
            aligned like vtoce_buffer;
dcl old_pseudo_clock    fixed bin (35);
dcl p99     pic "99";
dcl parts       bit (3);
dcl pvid        bit (36) aligned;
dcl pvtx        fixed bin;
dcl return_vtocx    fixed bin;
dcl vtocx       fixed bin;
dcl wait_event  bit (36) aligned;

/*  Static  */

dcl ALL_PARTS       bit (3) int static options (constant) init ("111"b);
dcl CORE_OFFSET (0:7) fixed bin int static options (constant) init (0, 128, 64, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0);
dcl MAX_PSEUDO_CLOCK    fixed bin (35) int static options (constant) init (1000000);
dcl MAX_STEPS       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (10000);
dcl PART_ONE        bit (3) int static options (constant) init ("100"b);
dcl SECTOR_OFFSET   (0:7) fixed bin int static options (constant) init (0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
dcl SECTORS_TO_WRITE    (0:7) fixed bin int static options (constant) init (0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2, 3);
dcl VALID_WRITE (0:7) bit (1) aligned int static options (constant)
            init ("0"b, "1"b, "1"b, "1"b, "1"b, "0"b, "1"b, "1"b);

/*  Based  */

dcl 1 Copy_Vtoce    aligned like vtoce_buffer based (Copy_Vtocep);

/*  External  */

dcl error_table_$invalid_pvtx
            fixed bin (35) external;
dcl error_table_$invalid_vtocx
            fixed bin (35) external;
dcl error_table_$pvid_not_found
            fixed bin (35) external;
dcl error_table_$vtoc_io_err
            fixed bin (35) external;
dcl error_table_$vtoce_free
            fixed bin (35) external;
dcl pds$processid   bit (36) aligned external;
dcl pds$process_group_id
            char (32) aligned external;
dcl pds$vtoc_reads  fixed bin (35) external;
dcl pds$vtoc_writes fixed bin (35) external;
dcl pvt$n_entries   fixed bin external;

/*  Entry  */

dcl dctl$read_sectors   entry (fixed bin, fixed bin (24), bit (18) aligned, fixed bin, fixed bin);
dcl dctl$write_sectors  entry (fixed bin, fixed bin (24), bit (18) aligned, fixed bin, fixed bin);
dcl disk_run        entry;
dcl lock$lock_fast  entry (ptr);
dcl lock$unlock_fast    entry (ptr);
dcl pxss$addevent   entry (bit (36) aligned);
dcl pxss$delevent   entry (bit (36) aligned);
dcl pxss$wait       entry;
dcl syserr      entry options (variable);
dcl vtoc_search$hash_in entry (ptr);
dcl vtoc_search$hash_out
            entry (ptr);
dcl vtoc_search$search  entry (fixed bin, fixed bin, ptr);
dcl vtoce_stock_man$check_in_use
            entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin (35));
dcl vtoce_stock_man$get_free_vtoce
            entry (ptr, fixed bin);
dcl vtoce_stock_man$return_if_not_free
            entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin (35));
dcl vtoce_stock_man$return_free_vtoce
            entry (ptr, fixed bin);

/*  Builtin  */

dcl addr        builtin;
dcl bin     builtin;
dcl bit     builtin;
dcl convert     builtin;
dcl divide      builtin;
dcl mod     builtin;
dcl null        builtin;
dcl ptr     builtin;
dcl rel     builtin;
dcl size        builtin;
dcl substr      builtin;
dcl unspec      builtin;
/*        GET_VTOCE

    FUNCTION - This procedure copies the  vtoc  entry  defined  by  the
    input  arguments  (pvtx,vtocx)  into  the  caller's area pointed to by
    (copy_vtocep). The argument (parts) specifies  what  portions  of  the
    vtoc  entry is to be copied. The 64-word portion number i of the vtoce
    is copied into the user area only  if  bit  number  i  is  ON  in  the
    argument  parts.  Three  error  code may be returned: pvid_not_found,
    vtoc_io_err, or invalid_vtocx. */

    pvid = Pvid;
    pvtx = Pvtx;
    vtocx = Vtocx;
    parts = Parts;
    Code = 0;

    call SETUP_LOCK (pvtx, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto GET_VTOCE_RETURNS;

    call VALIDATE_VTOCX (vtocx, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto GET_VTOCE_RETURNS;

    call READ (pvtx, vtocx, parts, vtoc_buf_descp, vtoc_bufp, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto GET_VTOCE_RETURNS;

    unspec (local_vtoce_buffer) = unspec (vtoce_buffer);

    call UNLOCK;
    vtoc_buffer.meters.call_get = vtoc_buffer.meters.call_get + 1;

    if code = 0
    then call COPY_PARTS (parts, addr (local_vtoce_buffer), Copy_Vtocep);

    Code = code;

/*        READ_AHEAD_VTOCE -

    FUNCTION - This procedure initiates a read to a specified VTOC entry,
    unless the VTOC entry is already in a VTOC buffer. It is similar to
    get_vtoce, except that it does not wait, and it returns no data
    to the caller. It is intended for routines which scan the VTOC
    sequentially (or in any predetermined order), to overlap VTOC I/O
    with processing. Three error codes may be returned: pvid_not_found,
    vtoc_io_err, or invalid_vtocx. */

     entry (Pvid, Pvtx, Vtocx, Parts, Code);

    pvid = Pvid;
    pvtx = Pvtx;
    vtocx = Vtocx;
    parts = Parts;
    Code = 0;

    call SETUP_LOCK (pvtx, code);
    if code ^= 0

    call VALIDATE_VTOCX (vtocx, code);
    if code ^= 0

    call READ_AHEAD (pvtx, vtocx, parts, vtoc_buf_descp, vtoc_bufp, code);

    call UNLOCK;

    Code = code;


/*        PUT_VTOCE -

    FUNCTION - This procedure copies the vtoc  entry  from  the  user's
    area  located at (copy_vtocep) into the real vtoc entry defined by the
    (pvtx,vtocx) pair. The argument (parts) specifies what portions of the
    user's area is to be copied into the  real  vtoc  entry.  The  64-word
    portion  number  i  of  the user's vtoce is copied into the real vtoce
    only if bit number i is ON in the input argument parts. Three error
    codes may be returned: pvid_not_found, vtoc_io_err, or invalid_vtocx. */

     entry (Pvid, Pvtx, Vtocx, Parts, Copy_Vtocep, Code);

    pvid = Pvid;
    pvtx = Pvtx;
    vtocx = Vtocx;
    parts = Parts;
    Code = 0;

    call COPY_PARTS (parts, Copy_Vtocep, addr (local_vtoce_buffer));
                        /* Avoid segfault with buffers locked */

    call SETUP_LOCK (pvtx, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto PUT_VTOCE_RETURNS;

    call VALIDATE_VTOCX (vtocx, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto PUT_VTOCE_RETURNS;

    vtoc_buffer.unsafe_pvtx = pvtx;     /* Update in progress */

    call GET_BUFFER (pvtx, vtocx, vtoc_buf_descp, vtoc_bufp, code);
                        /* Get a buffer, wait until not out-of-service */
    if code ^= 0
    then goto PUT_VTOCE_RETURNS;
    call COPY_PARTS (parts, addr (local_vtoce_buffer), vtoc_bufp);
                        /* Update the buffer */
    call WRITE (parts, vtoc_buf_descp);     /* Write it out */

    vtoc_buffer.unsafe_pvtx = 0;
    call UNLOCK;
    vtoc_buffer.meters.call_put = vtoc_buffer.meters.call_put;
    Code = code;

    FUNCTION - This procedure removes a vtoc entry from the  free  pool
    for  the  physical volume defined by (pvtx), initializes the allocated
    VTOC entry with the data for the segment being created and returns the
    VTOC index of that entry. If there is no more free VTOC entry  in  the
    specified  physical  volume, it returns the value (-1). Three error code
    may be returned: pvid_not_found, vtoc_io_err, or invalid_vtocx. Whenever
    a  non  zero code is returned, the returned vtoc index is (-1). */

     entry (Pvid, Pvtx, Copy_Vtocep, Code) returns (fixed bin (17));

    pvid = Pvid;
    pvtx = Pvtx;
    Code = 0;
    return_vtocx = -1;

    unspec (local_vtoce_buffer) = unspec (Copy_Vtoce);/* Avoid segfaults with buffers locked */

    call SETUP_LOCK (pvtx, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto ALLOC_PUT_RETURNS;

    old_pseudo_clock = vtoc_buffer.scavenger_free_p_clock;

    call vtoce_stock_man$get_free_vtoce (pvtep, vtocx);
    if vtocx = -1
    then goto ALLOC_PUT_RETURNS;            /* None left */

    call VALIDATE_VTOCX (vtocx, code);      /* Make sure a valid index */
    if code ^= 0
    then do;
        call SET_VOL_TROUBLE (pvtep, vtocx, "Invalid free");
        goto RETRY_ALLOC;           /* Might win */

    call READ (pvtx, vtocx, ALL_PARTS, vtoc_buf_descp, vtoc_bufp, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto ALLOC_PUT_RETURNS;
    vtocep = vtoc_bufp;
    if vtoce.uid ^= ""b
    then do;
        call SET_VOL_TROUBLE (pvtep, vtocx, "UID ^= 0 in free VTOCE");
        goto RETRY_ALLOC;

    if vtoc_buffer.scavenger_free_p_clock ^= old_pseudo_clock
    then do;                    /* Scavenger has freed a VTOCE - better make sure it isn't this one */
        vtoc_buffer.meters.scavenger_free_checks = vtoc_buffer.meters.scavenger_free_checks + 1;
        call vtoce_stock_man$check_in_use (pvtep, vtocx, code);
        if code ^= 0
        then do;                /* Lost race */
            vtoc_buffer.meters.scavenger_free_losses = vtoc_buffer.meters.scavenger_free_losses + 1;
            goto RETRY_ALLOC;

    vtoc_buffer.unsafe_pvtx = pvtx;     /* Update in progress */

    unspec (vtoce_buffer) = unspec (local_vtoce_buffer);
    call WRITE (ALL_PARTS, vtoc_buf_descp);

    return_vtocx = vtocx;

    vtoc_buffer.unsafe_pvtx = 0;
    call UNLOCK;
    vtoc_buffer.meters.call_alloc = vtoc_buffer.meters.call_alloc + 1;

    Code = code;
    return (return_vtocx);
/*        FREE_VTOCE -

    FUNCTION - This procedure zeros the vtoc entry defined by the input
    arguments (pvtx,vtocx). Then it adds that vtoc entry in the free  pool
    for  the  physical  volume  defined  by  (pvtx). Three error codes may be
    returned: pvid_not_found, vtoc_io_err, or invalid_vtocx. */

     entry (Pvid, Pvtx, Vtocx, Code);

    pvid = Pvid;
    pvtx = Pvtx;
    vtocx = Vtocx;
    Code = 0;

    call SETUP_LOCK (pvtx, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto FREE_VTOCE_RETURNS;

    call VALIDATE_VTOCX (vtocx, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto FREE_VTOCE_RETURNS;

    call GET_BUFFER (pvtx, vtocx, vtoc_buf_descp, vtoc_bufp, code);
                        /* Get a buffer, wait for not out-of-service */
    if code ^= 0
    then goto FREE_VTOCE_RETURNS;

    unspec ( (1)) = ""b;      /* Mark it as free */
    call WRITE (PART_ONE, vtoc_buf_descp);

    call vtoce_stock_man$return_free_vtoce (pvtep, vtocx);
                        /* Return it to the stock */

    call UNLOCK;
    vtoc_buffer.meters.call_free = vtoc_buffer.meters.call_free + 1;

    Code = code;

          FUNCTION - frees a VTOCE that the volume scavenger thinks is lost
    (free but not in map). Under appropriate locks, it checks that the
    VTOCE is still free. It calls a special entry in vtoce_stock_man
    that frees it only if it is not already free. Four error codes may
    be returned: pvid_not_found, vtoc_io_err, invalid_vtocx, or 

    There is a race here, but it is safe. The VTOCE being freed could
    be in allocation, with the allocating process waiting for the
    read to complete. If we see the read completing before the
    allocating process, we will think that the VTOCE is free and
    mark it as such in the map. This is safe, since the VTOCE will
    never be allocated with a non-zero UID.

    On the other hand, it is annoying, since it causes spurious volume
    inconsistencies. The race is avoided by using a pseudo-clock, which
    is incremented under the VTOC Buffer Lock each time we free a
    VTOCE for the scavenger. VTOCE allocation checks the value of this
    pseudo-clock when it is given a vtocx and after the VTOCE read
    completes. If it has changed, it makes sure that the vtocx is

     entry (Pvid, Pvtx, Vtocx, Code);

    pvid = Pvid;
    pvtx = Pvtx;
    vtocx = Vtocx;
    Code = 0;

    call SETUP_LOCK (pvtx, code);
    if code ^= 0

    call VALIDATE_VTOCX (vtocx, code);
    if code ^= 0

    call READ (pvtx, vtocx, ALL_PARTS, vtoc_buf_descp, vtoc_bufp, code);
    if code ^= 0

    vtocep = vtoc_bufp;
    if vtoce.uid ^= ""b
    then do;
        code = error_table_$vtoce_free; /* Someone else did it */

    unspec (vtoce) = ""b;
    call WRITE (ALL_PARTS, vtoc_buf_descp);

    call vtoce_stock_man$return_if_not_free (pvtep, vtocx, code);

    vtoc_buffer.scavenger_free_p_clock = vtoc_buffer.scavenger_free_p_clock + 1;
    if vtoc_buffer.scavenger_free_p_clock > MAX_PSEUDO_CLOCK
    then vtoc_buffer.scavenger_free_p_clock = 0;

    call UNLOCK;

    Code = code;

/*        AWAIT_VTOCE -

    FUNCTION - This procedure is called by  programs which  update vtoces
    and subsequently deposit addresses. It awaits all  pendant I/O on a sel-
    ected vtoce, so that the addresses  to  be  deposited will not be avail-
    able for  reassignment until it is  known that  they no longer appear in
    the old vtoce. This is solely for unrecoverable disk failures. The error
    codes which may be returned are pvid_not_found, vtoc_io_err, and invalid_vtocx. */

     entry (Pvid, Pvtx, Vtocx, Code);

    pvid = Pvid;
    pvtx = Pvtx;
    vtocx = Vtocx;
    Code = 0;

    call SETUP_LOCK (pvtx, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto AWAIT_RETURNS;

    call VALIDATE_VTOCX (vtocx, code);
    if code ^= 0
    then goto AWAIT_RETURNS;

    call vtoc_search$search (pvtx, vtocx, vtoc_buf_descp);
                        /* See if the VTOCE still has a buffer */
    if vtoc_buf_descp = null ()
    then goto AWAIT_RETURNS;            /* No - easy case */

    if vtoc_buf_desc.os
    then do;
        call WAIT (vtoc_buf_descp, code);   /* Wait until not out-of-service */
        if code ^= 0
        then goto AWAIT_RETURNS;        /* Might have disappeared */
        goto RETRY_AWAIT;

    if vtoc_buf_desc.write_sw & vtoc_buf_desc.err   /* Hot buffer */
    then code = error_table_$vtoc_io_err;

    call UNLOCK;
    vtoc_buffer.meters.call_await = vtoc_buffer.meters.call_await + 1;

    Code = code;
/*        CLEANUP_PV - 

    FUNCTION - Guarantees that the physical volume supplied does not have 
    any portion of its VTOC in the vtoc_buffers. If it does, and nothing can be
    done about it (hot buffer, hard I/O error), the volume inconsistency
    count is increased. */

     entry (Pvtx, Code);

    pvid = ""b;
    pvtx = Pvtx;
    vtocx = -1;
    Code = 0;

    call SETUP_LOCK (pvtx, code);           /* Will get non-zero code during demount */

    do bufx = 1 to vtoc_buffer.n_bufs;      /* Requeue writes on hot buffers */
         vtoc_buf_descp = addr (vtoc_buf_desc_array (bufx));
         if vtoc_buf_desc.pvtx = pvtx & vtoc_buf_desc.used = "1"b /* This volume, Buffer in use */
        & vtoc_buf_desc.err & vtoc_buf_desc.write_sw & ^vtoc_buf_desc.os
                        /* Hot buffer */
         then call WRITE (vtoc_buf_desc.parts_used, vtoc_buf_descp);

    do bufx = 1 to vtoc_buffer.n_bufs;      /* Wait for all out-of-service */
         vtoc_buf_descp = addr (vtoc_buf_desc_array (bufx));
         do while (vtoc_buf_desc.pvtx = pvtx & vtoc_buf_desc.used /* This volume, Buffer in use */
        & vtoc_buf_desc.os);        /* Out-of-service */
        call WAIT (vtoc_buf_descp, code);

    code = 0;
    do bufx = 1 to vtoc_buffer.n_bufs;      /* Flush buffers, abandon hot buffers */
         vtoc_buf_descp = addr (vtoc_buf_desc_array (bufx));
         if vtoc_buf_desc.pvtx = pvtx & vtoc_buf_desc.used
                        /* This volume, Buffer in use */
         then do;
             if vtoc_buf_desc.os
             then call syserr (CRASH, "vtoc_man: Buffer out-of-service curing cleanup");
             if vtoc_buf_desc.write_sw & vtoc_buf_desc.err
                        /* Hot buffer */
             then do;
                 call SET_VOL_TROUBLE (pvtep, (vtoc_buf_desc.vtocx),
                "Hot buffer abandoned during cleanup");
                 code = error_table_$vtoc_io_err;
             call FLUSH_BUFFER (vtoc_buf_descp);

    call UNLOCK;

    Code = code;
/*        STABILIZE - 

    FUNCTION - This entry is called only during emergency shutdown. It
    makes the vtoc_buffer consistent so that shutdown can succeed. This
    process includes busting the lock, rethreading all buffers into
    the hash table, abandoning in-progress reads, and setting in-progress
    writes to "hot". */


    pvid = ""b;
    pvtx = -1;
    vtocx = -1;

    vtoc_buffer_segp = addr (vtoc_buffer_seg$);
    vtoc_buffer.lock.processid = ""b;       /* Bust the lock */

    call SETUP_LOCK (pvtx, code);

    call RETHREAD;

    do bufx = 1 to vtoc_buffer.n_bufs;
         vtoc_buf_descp = addr (vtoc_buf_desc_array (bufx));
         if vtoc_buf_desc.used & vtoc_buf_desc.os   /* Buffer in use, I/O in progress */
         then if vtoc_buf_desc.write_sw
        then do;                /* Write */
            vtoc_buf_desc.err = "1"b;   /* Make hot */
            vtoc_buf_desc.os = "0"b;
        else call FLUSH_BUFFER (vtoc_buf_descp);

    call UNLOCK;

/*        CRAWLOUT -

    FUNCTION - This entry is called only by verify_lock when it has
    found the vtoc buffer lock held by the process.  It checks for
    inconsistent buffer states and corrects them (specifically, 
    out-of-service but no I/O queued).  Before doing this, it waits
    for the associated event, to cover the case where the I/O
    was queued successfully, but the crawlout occurred afterwards.
    If the I/O was not queued successfully, the wait will end
    via notify-time-out.  If a physical volume is
    potentially inconsistent ("unsafe"), the volume inconsistency
    count is increased. Note that the vtoc buffer lock is left locked
    on exit - verify_lock busts it for us. */


    vtoc_buffer_segp = addr (vtoc_buffer_seg$);
    vtoc_buf_desc_arrayp = ptr (vtoc_buffer_segp, vtoc_buffer.buf_desc_offset);
    vtoc_buf_arrayp = ptr (vtoc_buffer_segp, vtoc_buffer.buf_offset);
    pvt_arrayp = addr (pvt$array);

    if vtoc_buffer.lock.processid ^= pds$processid
    then return;                /* Invalid call */

    call RETHREAD;              /* May be inconsistent */

    if vtoc_buffer.unsafe_pvtx ^= 0
    then do;                    /* Update in progress */
        pvtep = addr (pvt_array (vtoc_buffer.unsafe_pvtx));
        call SET_VOL_TROUBLE (pvtep, -1, "Update in progress on crawlout by " || pds$process_group_id);

    do bufx = 1 to vtoc_buffer.n_bufs;      /* Look for inconsistent buffers */
         vtoc_buf_descp = addr (vtoc_buf_desc_array (bufx));
         if vtoc_buf_desc.used & vtoc_buf_desc.os & ^vtoc_buf_desc.ioq
                        /* buffer in use, out-of-service, not queued */
         then do;
             pvtx = vtoc_buf_desc.pvtx;
             vtocx = vtoc_buf_desc.vtocx;
             wait_event = bit (bin (vtoc_buffer.wait_event_constant + vtoc_buf_desc.wait_index, 36), 36);
             call pxss$addevent (wait_event);
             call lock$unlock_fast (addr (vtoc_buffer.lock));
             call pxss$wait;        /* Wait 1 NTO interval */
             call lock$lock_fast (addr (vtoc_buffer.lock));
             if vtoc_buf_desc.used & vtoc_buf_desc.os
            & ^vtoc_buf_desc.ioq /* Buffer in use, out-of-service, not queued */
            & vtoc_buf_desc.pvtx = pvtx & vtoc_buf_desc.vtocx = vtocx
                        /* Still the same one */
             then do;
                 pvtep = addr (pvt_array (pvtx));
                 if vtoc_buf_desc.write_sw
                 then do;       /* Write */
                     call syserr (LOG,
                    "vtoc_man: write I/O recovered on crawlout by ^a for ^a_^a vtocx ^o",
                    pds$process_group_id, pvte.devname,
                    convert (p99, pvte.logical_area_number), vtocx);
                     vtoc_buf_desc.os = "0"b;
                     call WRITE (vtoc_buf_desc.parts_used, vtoc_buf_descp);
                 else do;       /* Read */
                     call syserr (LOG,
                    "vtoc_man: read reset on crawlout by ^a for ^a_^a vtocx ^o",
                    pds$process_group_id, pvte.devname,
                    convert (p99, pvte.logical_area_number), vtocx);
                     call FLUSH_BUFFER (vtoc_buf_descp);

/*        COPY_PARTS - copies VTOCE parts between two buffers as specified
    by a mask.

     proc (Parts, From_ptr, To_ptr);

dcl Parts       bit (3);
dcl From_ptr        ptr;
dcl To_ptr      ptr;

dcl partsx      fixed bin;

dcl 1 From_Vtoce_Buffer aligned like vtoce_buffer based (From_ptr);
dcl 1 To_Vtoce_Buffer   aligned like vtoce_buffer based (To_ptr);

    do partsx = 1 to N_PARTS_PER_VTOCE;
         if substr (Parts, partsx, 1) = "1"b
         then unspec ( (partsx)) = unspec ( (partsx));

     end COPY_PARTS;
/*        Routines to compute parameters needed by disk control

    CORE   - computes the absolute memory address

    RECORD - computes the Multics record number

    SECTOR - computes the sector within record

     proc (Vtoc_buf_descp) returns (fixed bin (24));

dcl Vtoc_buf_descp  ptr;
dcl 1 Vtoc_buf_desc aligned like vtoc_buf_desc based (Vtoc_buf_descp);

    return (vtoc_buffer.abs_addr + bin (Vtoc_buf_desc.buf_rel));

     end CORE;

     proc (Vtoc_buf_descp) returns (bit (18) aligned);

dcl Vtoc_buf_descp  ptr;
dcl 1 Vtoc_buf_desc aligned like vtoc_buf_desc based (Vtoc_buf_descp);

    return (bit (bin (VTOC_ORIGIN + divide (Vtoc_buf_desc.vtocx, N_VTOCE_PER_RECORD, 17), 18), 18));

     end RECORD;

     proc (Vtoc_buf_descp) returns (fixed bin (17));

dcl Vtoc_buf_descp  ptr;
dcl 1 Vtoc_buf_desc aligned like vtoc_buf_desc based (Vtoc_buf_descp);

    return (mod (Vtoc_buf_desc.vtocx, N_VTOCE_PER_RECORD) * N_SECTOR_PER_VTOCE);

     end SECTOR;
/*        SET_VOL_TROUBLE - increments the count of volume inconsistencies
    and logs a message into syserr.

     proc (Pvtep, Vtocx, Msg);

dcl Pvtep       ptr;
dcl Vtocx       fixed bin;
dcl Msg     char (*);

dcl 1 Pvte      aligned like pvte based (Pvtep);

    Pvte.vol_trouble_count = Pvte.vol_trouble_count + 1;

    call syserr (LOG, "vtoc_man: ^a ^[vtocx ^o ^;^1s^]on ^a_^a", Msg, (Vtocx ^= -1), Vtocx, Pvte.devname,
         convert (p99, Pvte.logical_area_number));

/*        RETHREAD - procedure to walk the vtoc_buffer linearly and
    thread all in-use buffers into the hash table. This is called
    if damage is suspected.


    unspec (vtoc_buffer.hash_table) = ""b;      /* Clear out the old hash table */

    do bufx = 1 to vtoc_buffer.n_bufs;
         vtoc_buf_descp = addr (vtoc_buf_desc_array (bufx));
         if vtoc_buf_desc.used
         then call vtoc_search$hash_in (vtoc_buf_descp);

     end RETHREAD;
/*        FLUSH_BUFFER - procedure to clear a buffer descriptor and thread
    it out of the hash table.

     proc (Vtoc_buf_descp);

dcl Vtoc_buf_descp  ptr;
dcl 1 Vtoc_buf_desc aligned like vtoc_buf_desc based (Vtoc_buf_descp);

    call vtoc_search$hash_out (Vtoc_buf_descp);

    vtoc_buffer.search_index =
         divide (bin (rel (Vtoc_buf_descp)) - bin (rel (vtoc_buf_desc_arrayp)), size (vtoc_buf_desc), 17) + 1;
                        /* Set to look at this one first */

    unspec (Vtoc_buf_desc) = ""b;

     end FLUSH_BUFFER;
/*        GET_BUFFER - procedure to find a buffer given a pvtx and vtocx.
    If the VTOCE so defined already has a buffer, it is returned.
    Otherwise, one is allocated. This routine does not return until
    the buffer is not out-of-service.
    GET_BUFFER_NOWAIT - identical to GET_BUFFER, except that it does
    not wait for the buffer to be not out-of-service.

     proc (Pvtx, Vtocx, Vtoc_buf_descp, Vtoc_bufp, Code);

dcl Pvtx        fixed bin;
dcl Vtocx       fixed bin;
dcl Vtoc_buf_descp  ptr;
dcl Vtoc_bufp       ptr;
dcl Code        fixed bin (35);

dcl first_time  bit (1) aligned;
dcl skip_waiting    bit (1) aligned;
dcl steps       fixed bin;
dcl wait_sw     bit (1) aligned;
dcl 1 Vtoc_buf_desc aligned like vtoc_buf_desc based (Vtoc_buf_descp);

    wait_sw = "1"b;

     entry (Pvtx, Vtocx, Vtoc_buf_descp, Vtoc_bufp, Code);

    wait_sw = "0"b;

    Code = 0;
    vtoc_buffer.meters.get_buffer_calls = vtoc_buffer.meters.get_buffer_calls + 1;
    first_time = "1"b;

    call vtoc_search$search (Pvtx, Vtocx, Vtoc_buf_descp);
                        /* Look for exisitng buffer with this VTOCE */
    if Vtoc_buf_descp ^= null () & first_time
    then vtoc_buffer.meters.get_buffer_hits = vtoc_buffer.meters.get_buffer_hits + 1;
    first_time = "0"b;

    if Vtoc_buf_descp = null ()
    then do;                    /* Not there */
        steps = 0;
        skip_waiting = "1"b;        /* Skip those with notify_sw the first pass */
        bufx = vtoc_buffer.search_index;    /* Roving pointer */
        do while ("1"b);
             vtoc_buffer.meters.steps = vtoc_buffer.meters.steps + 1;
             steps = steps + 1;
             Vtoc_buf_descp = addr (vtoc_buf_desc_array (bufx));

             if ^Vtoc_buf_desc.used
             then goto FOUND;

             if Vtoc_buf_desc.os
             then vtoc_buffer.meters.skip_os = vtoc_buffer.meters.skip_os + 1;
             else if Vtoc_buf_desc.write_sw & Vtoc_buf_desc.err
             then vtoc_buffer.meters.skip_hot = vtoc_buffer.meters.skip_hot + 1;
             else if Vtoc_buf_desc.notify_sw & skip_waiting
             then vtoc_buffer.meters.skip_wait = vtoc_buffer.meters.skip_wait + 1;
             else goto FOUND;       /* Nemine contradiscente */

             if steps > MAX_STEPS
             then call syserr (CRASH, "vtoc_man: Out of buffers");

             bufx = bufx + 1;
             if bufx > vtoc_buffer.n_bufs
             then bufx = 1;
             if bufx = vtoc_buffer.search_index
             then do;           /* Went around once more */
                 skip_waiting = "0"b;   /* Only skip these on first pass */
                 call disk_run;     /* Poll for lost interrupts */

        if bufx >= vtoc_buffer.n_bufs
        then vtoc_buffer.search_index = 1;
        else vtoc_buffer.search_index = bufx + 1;
                        /* Set to look at next first */

        if Vtoc_buf_desc.used
        then call FLUSH_BUFFER (Vtoc_buf_descp);

        Vtoc_buf_desc.pvtx = Pvtx;
        Vtoc_buf_desc.vtocx = Vtocx;
        Vtoc_buf_desc.used = "1"b;
        Vtoc_buf_desc.wait_index = bufx;
        Vtoc_buf_desc.buf_rel = rel (addr (vtoce_buffer_array (bufx)));

        call vtoc_search$hash_in (Vtoc_buf_descp);


    if Vtoc_buf_desc.os & wait_sw
    then do;
        call WAIT (Vtoc_buf_descp, Code);
        if Code ^= 0
        then do;
            Vtoc_buf_descp = null ();
            Vtoc_bufp = null ();
        goto GET_BUFFER_RETRY;

    Vtoc_bufp = ptr (vtoc_buffer_segp, Vtoc_buf_desc.buf_rel);

     end GET_BUFFER;

/*        READ - Routine to read a VTOCE. It gets a buffer (possibly containing
    part of all of the VTOCE in question). If the parts desired are
    in the buffer, it returns with the buffer. If not, it reads the
    entire VTOCE and waits for the completion of the read. Note that
    the buffer can disappear if READ waits for an I/O (since it unlocks
    the vtoc buffers, waits, and relocks).

    READ_AHEAD - Similar to READ, except that it does not wait.

     proc (Pvtx, Vtocx, Parts, Vtoc_buf_descp, Vtoc_bufp, Code);

dcl Pvtx        fixed bin;
dcl Vtocx       fixed bin;
dcl Parts       bit (3);
dcl Vtoc_buf_descp  ptr;
dcl Vtoc_bufp       ptr;
dcl Code        fixed bin (35);

dcl wait_sw     bit (1) aligned;

dcl 1 Vtoc_buf_desc aligned like vtoc_buf_desc based (Vtoc_buf_descp);

    wait_sw = "1"b;
    goto READ_JOIN;

     entry (Pvtx, Vtocx, Parts, Vtoc_buf_descp, Vtoc_bufp, Code);

    wait_sw = "0"b;

    Code = 0;
    hot_buffer_tried = "0"b;            /* first time to retry_read */
    if wait_sw
    then call GET_BUFFER (Pvtx, Vtocx, Vtoc_buf_descp, Vtoc_bufp, Code);
    else call GET_BUFFER_NOWAIT (Pvtx, Vtocx, Vtoc_buf_descp, Vtoc_bufp, Code);
    if Code ^= 0
    then return;

    if ^wait_sw & Vtoc_buf_desc.os
    then return;

    if Vtoc_buf_desc.err            /* I/O error */
    then do;
        if ^Vtoc_buf_desc.write_sw      /* Not hot buffer */
        then call FLUSH_BUFFER (Vtoc_buf_descp);
        else if ^hot_buffer_tried then do;  /* Hot buffer, retry write */
             hot_buffer_tried = "1"b;
             pvt_arrayp = addr (pvt$array);
             pvtep = addr (pvt_array (Pvtx));
             call syserr (LOG,
            "vtoc_man: Write I/O being retried by ^a for ^a_^a vtocx ^o",
            pds$process_group_id, pvte.devname,
            convert (p99, pvte.logical_area_number), Vtocx);
             Vtoc_buf_desc.os = "0"b;       /* Should be anyhow... */
             call WRITE (Vtoc_buf_desc.parts_used, Vtoc_buf_descp);
             goto RETRY_READ;

        Code = error_table_$vtoc_io_err;
        Vtoc_buf_descp = null ();
        Vtoc_bufp = null ();

    if (Vtoc_buf_desc.parts_used & Parts) = Parts   /* Got what they want */
    then return;

    Vtoc_buf_desc.write_sw = "0"b;
    Vtoc_buf_desc.err = "0"b;
    Vtoc_buf_desc.notify_sw = "0"b;
    Vtoc_buf_desc.ioq = "0"b;
    Vtoc_buf_desc.os = "1"b;

    call dctl$read_sectors (Pvtx, CORE (Vtoc_buf_descp), RECORD (Vtoc_buf_descp), SECTOR (Vtoc_buf_descp),

    Vtoc_buf_desc.ioq = "1"b;
    Vtoc_buf_desc.parts_used = ALL_PARTS;

    vtoc_buffer.meters.disk_reads = vtoc_buffer.meters.disk_reads + 1;
    pds$vtoc_reads = pds$vtoc_reads + 1;

    if wait_sw
    then goto RETRY_READ;


     end READ;
/*        WRITE - This procedure writes the parts specified for a given
    vtoc buffer. It does not await its completion.

     proc (Parts, Vtoc_buf_descp);

dcl Parts       bit (3);
dcl Vtoc_buf_descp  ptr;

dcl partsx      fixed bin;

dcl 1 Vtoc_buf_desc aligned like vtoc_buf_desc based (Vtoc_buf_descp);

    if Vtoc_buf_desc.os
    then call syserr (CRASH, "vtoc_man: buffer out-of-service on write.");

    partsx = bin (Parts, 3);
    if ^VALID_WRITE (partsx)
    then call syserr (CRASH, "vtoc_man: Invalid write");

    Vtoc_buf_desc.err = "0"b;
    Vtoc_buf_desc.notify_sw = "0"b;
    Vtoc_buf_desc.ioq = "0"b;
    Vtoc_buf_desc.write_sw = "1"b;
    Vtoc_buf_desc.os = "1"b;

    call dctl$write_sectors ((Vtoc_buf_desc.pvtx), CORE (Vtoc_buf_descp) + CORE_OFFSET (partsx),
         RECORD (Vtoc_buf_descp), SECTOR (Vtoc_buf_descp) + SECTOR_OFFSET (partsx), SECTORS_TO_WRITE (partsx));

    Vtoc_buf_desc.ioq = "1"b;
    if VALID_WRITE (bin ((Parts | Vtoc_buf_desc.parts_used), 3))
    then Vtoc_buf_desc.parts_used = Vtoc_buf_desc.parts_used | Parts;
    else Vtoc_buf_desc.parts_used = Parts;

    vtoc_buffer.meters.disk_writes = vtoc_buffer.meters.disk_writes + 1;
    pds$vtoc_writes = pds$vtoc_writes + 1;

     end WRITE;
/*        WAIT - Procedure to wait until a specified buffer is no longer

     proc (Vtoc_buf_descp, Code);

dcl Vtoc_buf_descp  ptr;
dcl Code        fixed bin (35);

dcl 1 Vtoc_buf_desc aligned like vtoc_buf_desc based (Vtoc_buf_descp);

    Code = 0;
    vtoc_buffer.meters.wait_calls = vtoc_buffer.meters.wait_calls + 1;

    do while (Vtoc_buf_desc.os);
         wait_event = bit (bin (vtoc_buffer.wait_event_constant + Vtoc_buf_desc.wait_index, 36), 36);
         call pxss$addevent (wait_event);
         Vtoc_buf_desc.notify_sw = "1"b;
         if Vtoc_buf_desc.os
         then do;
             vtoc_buffer.meters.wait_os = vtoc_buffer.meters.wait_os + 1;
             call UNLOCK;
             call pxss$wait;
             call LOCK_CHECK (Code);
             if Code ^= 0
             then return;
         else call pxss$delevent (wait_event);
         Vtoc_buf_desc.notify_sw = "0"b;

     end WAIT;

/*        VALIDATE_VTOCX - Routine to check whether a given VTOCE index
    corresponds to a VTOCE on the volume. 

     proc (Vtocx, Code);

dcl Vtocx       fixed bin;
dcl Code        fixed bin (35);

    if Vtocx < 0 | Vtocx >= pvte.n_vtoce
    then Code = error_table_$invalid_vtocx;
    else Code = 0;

/*        Setup, Locking, and Unlocking Routines

    SETUP_LOCK  - sets up global pointers, locks vtoc_buffers,
            checks PVTE for still there, not being demounted

          LOCK_CHECK  - locks vtoc_buffers,
            checks PVTE for still there, not being demounted

          UNLOCK      - unlocks vtoc_buffers

     proc (Pvtx, Code);

dcl Pvtx        fixed bin;
dcl Code        fixed bin (35);

dcl code        fixed bin (35);

    vtoc_buffer_segp = addr (vtoc_buffer_seg$);
    vtoc_buf_desc_arrayp = ptr (vtoc_buffer_segp, vtoc_buffer.buf_desc_offset);
    vtoc_buf_arrayp = ptr (vtoc_buffer_segp, vtoc_buffer.buf_offset);
    pvt_arrayp = addr (pvt$array);

    Code = 0;
    pvtep = null ();

    if Pvtx < 0 | Pvtx > pvt$n_entries
    then Code = error_table_$invalid_pvtx;
    else pvtep = addr (pvt_array (Pvtx));

    call LOCK_CHECK (code);
    if code ^= 0
    then Code = code;

     end SETUP_LOCK;

     proc (Code);

dcl Code        fixed bin (35);

    Code = 0;

    if pvtep ^= null ()
    then do;
        if (pvid ^= ""b & pvid ^= pvte.pvid)
        then Code = error_table_$pvid_not_found;
        else if pvte.device_inoperative
        then Code = error_table_$vtoc_io_err;
        else if pvte.being_demounted2
        then Code = error_table_$pvid_not_found;

    call lock$lock_fast (addr (vtoc_buffer.lock));

     end LOCK_CHECK;


    call lock$unlock_fast (addr (vtoc_buffer.lock));

     end UNLOCK;

%include disk_pack;
%include pvte;
%include syserr_constants;
%include vtoc_buffer;
%include vtoce;


vtoc_man: Invalid free vtocx XXXXX on dskX_NN

S:        $log

T:  $run

M:  A free VTOCE was allocated which has an invalid VTOCE index for the 
volume. This is indicative of damage to volume control structures. This
damage can be corrected by a volume salvage.

A:        $ignore

vtoc_man: UID ^= 0 in free VTOCE vtocx XXXXX dskX_NN

S:        $log

T:        $run

M:        The contents of VTOCE XXXXX on dskX_NN are incorrect, as free
VTOCEs should have a zero UID. The system attempts to find another free
VTOCE. This may indicate damage to volume control structures. This damage
can be corrected by a volume salvage.

A:        $ignore

vtoc_man: Buffer out-of-service during cleanup

S:        $crash

T:        When a volume is being demounted or during system shutdown.

M:        A likely software error in VTOC buffer management which caused
an inconsistency in the VTOC buffer.

A:        $recover

vtoc_man: Hot buffer abandoned during cleanup vtocx XXXXX dskX_NN

S:        $log

T:        When a volume is being demounted or during system shutdown.

M:        An update to VTOCE XXXXX on dskX_NN could not be completed
due to I/O errors. The VTOCE may be inconsistent or damaged.

A:        The VTOCE should be examined by means of dump_vtoce the next time
the volume is online. Any inconsistency can be corrected by a volume salvage.

vtoc_man: Write I/O being retried by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG for dskX_NN vtocx XXXXX

S:  $log

T:  $run

M:  A buffer previously marked as "hot" is being requeued for I/O.

A:  $ignore

vtoc_man: write I/O recovered on crawlout by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG for dskX_NN vtocx XXXXX

S:        $log

T:  $run

M:        The process of PERSON.PROJECT.TAG crawled out of ring-0 or terminated
with the VTOC buffer lock held. A buffer was marked out-of-service for write
to VTOCE XXXXX on dskX_NN for which no I/O had been queued. The write I/O
was requeued.

A:        $ignore

vtoc_man: read reset of crawlout by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG for dskX_NN vtocx XXXXXX

S:        $log

T:  $run

M:  The process of PERSON.PROJECT.TAG crawled out of ring-0 or terminated
with the VTOC buffer lock held. A buffer was marked out-of-service for read
to VTOCE XXXXX on dskX_NN for which no I/O had been queued. The read I/O was

A:        $ignore

vtoc_man: Update in progress on crawlout by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG dskX_NN

S:        $log

T:  $run

M:        The process of PERSON.PROJECT.TAG crawled out of ring-0 or terminated
with the vtoc buffer lock held and an update in progress for a VTOCE on dskX_NN.
The VTOCE may be inconsistent. Any inconsistency can be corrected by a volume salvage.

A:        $ignore

vtoc_man: buffer out-of-service on write

S:        $crash

T:  $run

M:  A likely software problem which caused an inconsistency in 
the VTOC buffer.

A:        $recover


     end vtoc_man$get_vtoce;

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