Over 100 Multics alumni/ae attended this event at MIT's Stata Center on Saturday, June 19, 2004.
See Dan Bricklin's weblog for an account with pictures.
Co-Chairs: | Robert M. Frankston | Paul A. Green | |
For MIT: | Martha M. Lawler | (617) 253-5563 |
John Guttag | Introduction and welcome |
Lee Scheffler | "Perspectives and Lessons From Multics" |
Paul Green | "The influence of Multics at Stratus Technologies" |
Olin Sibert | "Good, Bad, and Indifferent: The Influence of Multics Ideas on Modern Commercial Operating Systems" |
Benson Margulies | "Some Thoughts About the Multics Legacy" |
Paul Karger | "Thirty Years Later" |
Bob Frankston | "Whither Operating Systems -- what happens when a solution to a problem outlives that problem" |
Box lunch and Helicopter Lab Tour | |
Eric Grimson | "Computer-Assisted Surgery" |
Jack Dennis | "Segmentation: The Story of an Idea" |
Tour of Stata Center |
In the evening, we had a reception and reunion dinner at Hotel@MIT honoring Corby for his contributions and his influence on our own lives and careers. Corby attended, and we announced that we have established a new graduate student fellowship in his name. It's our way of saying "thanks" to him for the education that we all received under his leadership. If you would like to contribute, please contact Martha Lawler at MIT.
(Pictures by THVV unless noted.)
(Pictures by a photographer supplied by MIT.)
(Pictures by THVV unless noted.)