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17 Apr 1999

Project MAC 35th Anniversary

Tom Van Vleck

An event celebrating the 35th anniversary of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (which began life as MIT Project MAC) was held in Cambridge, Mass on April 12-14, 1999. LCS has some information online including transcripts and slides from the speeches.

Dan Bricklin has published a web site with dozens of great pictures.

The LCS 25th anniversary celebration was held in 1988 (I was there). Why the 1-year gap? Mike Dertouzos mentioned that Bill Gates couldn't be in Cambridge for such an event until April 1999, so they postponed it.

The event began on Monday night with a reception for 1200 at the Boston Museum of Science. The next day, there were speeches all day in MIT's Kresge Auditorium, beginning with a keynote by Bill Gates. He mentioned Multics.

That evening, we went to a Chinese dinner at the Royal East Restaurant on Main Street in Cambridge, located where Colleen's Chinese Cuisine (a favorite Multicians' lunch place) used to be. Some folks who didn't attend the LCS party had time to attend the dinner. Thanks to Tom Skinner for coordinating the dinner signup and reservations.

The next day had half a day of speeches, and then we were invited to see the simulcast of a speech by the Premier of China, visiting MIT amid crowds of demonstrators. I skipped the speech.

A great party. I smiled so much my face was tired.

Some of the people I saw there were:

People who attended the Multicians' Dinner:

Rich Kovalcik
Stan Dunten
Dennis Capps
Jeff Schiller
John Klensin
Stan Zanarotti
Bill Southworth

Tom Skinner
Jerry Grochow
Richard Barnes
Bob Mullen
Warren Montgomery
Ed Meyer
Doug Wells
Robert Coren
Barbara Southworth

Linda Skinner
Jerry Saltzer
Marlys Saltzer
Fernando Corbato
Emily Corbato
Dave Vinograd
John Gintell
Sue Rosenbaum

Dan Bricklin
Bob Frankston
Carla Marceau
Paul Green
Doug Hunt
Vic Voydock