This Multics source file was rescued from the messed-up source archive at MIT.

Fault Interceptor Module. This program is entered from the hardware fault vector when the CPU takes a fault.

Back to Multics Source index.

            fim.alm                         11/17/83  0850.4r   11/17/83  0846.2      361530

" FIM - Multics Fault Intercept Module.
"   Modification record: (Date and Reason)
"   13 October 1982 (Wednesday, this month) by E. N. Kittlitz for instruction size
"   06 October 1982 by BIM to check for signal_entry fault
"   in fim, running fim in collection 1.
"   24 March 1983 by J. A. Bush for 16/32K cache parity data capture
"   6 April 1983 by E. N. Kittlitz DRL in ring 0 causes crash.
"   sometime by BIM for bootload multics.
"   17 July 1981 by M. Weaver for undefined_pointer
"   04 June 81 by J. A. Bush to fix some unreported bugs
"   3 April 81 by Benson I. Margulies for null_pointer
"   17 Jan 81 by J. Bongiovanni for fault_counters
"   27 August 80 by J. A. Bush for the DPS8/70M
"   25 march 80 by J. A. Bush to fix negative exp. overflow bug
"   15 Jan 80 by J. A. Bush for cache parity error data capture
"   24 July 79 by J. A. Bush for new signal_entry and to merge fim_table  back in.
"   1 Feb 79 by D. Spector for new scs format for 8-cpu cioc
"   2/8/76 by Noel I. Morris for new reconfig
"   10/14/75 by R. Bratt for prelinking
"   6/20/75 by S.Webber for static handlers
"   3/75 by S. Webber for new restarting conventions and returning
"       history registers to users.
"   5/29/74 by M. Weaver to special case out of bounds on stack
"   11/1/73 by Steve Webber to allow truncation (stringsize) faults to be restarted
"   10/15/73 by Steve Webber to correct some illegal procedure "fanout" mapping problems.
"   07/21/71 by Richard H. Gumpertz to use prds_link to get prds segment number
"   5/30/70     - Noel I. Morris

"  ******************************************************
"  *                                                    *
"  *                                                    *
"  * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of   *
"  * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *
"  *                                                    *
"  *                                                    *
"  ******************************************************

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" FIM is transferred to as the result of a fault. The control
" unit data has been stored either in pds$fim_data or pds$signal_data.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    name    fim
    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>


    link    prds_link,prds$+0

    bool    lprp_insts,760000
    bool    minus_128,400000
    bool    dp_opcode,2000
    bool    inst_bit27_on,400
    bool    op_code_mask,777400
    bool    fstr_inst,470000
    bool    dfstr_inst,472000
    bool    cu_hreg,40
    bool    apu_hreg,140

    tempd   v_temp      temporary for virtual time computation
    tempd   v_delta     temporary to remember virtual_delta
    tempd   pad(2)
    temp8   mach_cond(6)    machine conditions
    temp8   history_registers(16)
    tempd   mc_ptr      pointer to machine conditions
    tempd   call_ptr        pointer to fault handling routine
    tempd   arglist(4)  argument list
    temp    fcode       fault code
    temp    temp(3)     temporary cells


" ACCESS_VIOLATION_ENTRY - Handle Access Violation Faults.

    segdef  access_violation_entry

    spri    prs,*           save prs
    eppbp   prs,*           bp -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs      save registers
    epplp   lp,*            set lp value
    spl bp|mc.eis_info      save eis ptrs and lengths
    tsx0    fim_util$fim_v_time_init    remember accrued virtual time
    tsx0    fim_util$check_fault  is it OK to take this fault?

    epaq    *       get our segment number
    era bp|mc.scu.ppr.psr_word  compare against procedure segment register
    ana scu.ppr.psr_mask,du were we in the fim?
    tze die_die_die_    suicide

    tra fault_join
" ONC_START_SHUT_ENTRY - entry to handle op-not-complete, startup and shutdown faults

    segdef  onc_start_shut_entry

    spri    prs,*           save prs
    eppbp   prs,*           bp -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs      save registers
    epplp   lp,*            set lp value
    spl bp|mc.eis_info      save eis ptrs and lengths
    tsx0    fim_util$fim_v_time_init    remember accrued virtual time

    tsx0    fim_util$check_fault    kill Multics if not legal fault
    eppbb   pds$history_reg_data    bb -> place to store history regs 
    tsx0    fim_util$check_mct      go save M.C.'s an hregs if required
    tsx0    fim_util$force_hist_regs    (ret ic +1) force save hregs in pds 
    tra onc_par_join        go join common code
" drl_entry - entry to handle derail faults, special case of signal_entry.

    segdef  drl_entry

    spri    sig_prs,*       save prs
    eppbp   sig_prs,*       bp -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs  save registers
    epplp   lp,*        set lp value
    spl bp|mc.eis_info  what the hell...
    ldq bp|mc.scu.ppr.prr_word check whether running in ring-0
    canq    scu.ppr.prr_mask,du ring number in ppr
    tnz drl_join        not ring 0

    stz scs$drl_message_pointer assume the worst
    lda bp|mc.scu.ilc_word
    eppbb   0,au        offset of DRL 
    lda bp|mc.scu.ppr.psr_word
    ana scu.ppr.psr_mask,du
    easpbb  0,au        segno of DRL
    lda bb|0        get the DRL instruction
    ana =o777777,du

    tze *+3     no operand
    eawpbb  0,au        operand of DRL instruction
    sprpbb  scs$drl_message_pointer
    tra fim_util$drl_fault_trouble punt ye system
" parity_entry - entry to handle parity faults

    segdef  parity_entry
    lcpr    cache_off,02        turn cache off in case this is cache parity
    spri    prs,*           save prs
    eppbp   prs,*           bp -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs      save registers
    epplp   lp,*            set lp value
    spl bp|mc.eis_info      save eis ptrs and lengths
    tsx0    fim_util$fim_v_time_init    remember accrued virtual time
    eppbb   pds$history_reg_data    bb -> place to store history regs 
    tsx0    fim_util$check_mct      go save M. C.'s and hregs if required
    tsx0    fim_util$force_hist_regs    (ret ic +1) force save hregs in pds
    lda bp|mc.fault_reg     load fault reg
    cana    12,dl           is it cache store or cache dir parity?
    tnz csd_par         xfer if yes
    tsx0    fim_util$check_fault    no, kill Multics if parity in hardcore etc.
    tra onc_par_join        and join common code

csd_par:    stz pds$cpar_info       initialize cache parity info structure
    cana    4,dl            is it cache store parity?
    tnz cstr_par            xfer if yes
    tsx0    fim_util$check_fault    no cache dir parity
    tsx0    save_cache      go save cache enable bits
    tra onc_par_join        and join common code

cstr_par:   lda bp|mc.scu.cpu_no_word   Get the cpu number in A
    ana scu.cpu_no_mask,dl
    arl scu.cpu_shift       right justify in AL
    ldx1    scs$processor_data,al   Get cache size
    anx1    7,du            in X1
    eax1    -1,1            can't have 0 size at this point
    epaq    fim_abs_seg$        get ptr to abs seg
    als 1           multiply by 2
    eax7    0,au            copy segno to x7
    eppap   fim_abs_seg$        set ap with abs_seg ptr
    eax2    15*2            set initial cu hreg index
cuhrlp: eax5    15*2            set initial apu hreg index
    tsx0    fnd_crd         go check for cache read cycle
    tra apuhrlp         return ic+1, cache read (L68)
    tra dps8_hit            return ic+2, cache read (DPS8)
dec_cux:    eax2    -2,2            return ic+3, not cache read
    tmi no_find         exit if no more cu hregs
    tra cuhrlp          go get next cu hreg

apuhrlp:    ldaq    bb|apu_hreg,5       load next apu hreg
    cana    apuhra.fap+apuhra.fanp,dl   is this final address (fanp or fap)?
    tze dec_apx         xfer if no, skip to next apu hreg
    qrl apuhra.finadd_shift     right justify abs addr
    anq =o777,dl            and out upper addr bits
    cmpq    bp|mc.fim_temp      is this the same as cu addr?
    tze addmatch            xfer if yes
dec_apx:    eax5    -2,5            no, go to nxt apu hreg
    tmi dec_cux         get nxt cu hreg is apu hregs exhausted
    tra apuhrlp         get nxt apu hreg

addmatch:   lda bb|apu_hreg+1,5     matching cu and apu address
    cana    apuhra.encache,dl       is segment encacheable?
    tze dec_cux         xfer if no, go to nxt cu/apu match
dps8_hit:                   " Enter here if dps8 cache read
    arl 12          zero out all but 24 bit address
    sta pds$cpar_info       and save
    eax6    0,al            copy lower 256k address to x6
    anx6    c_256k_mask,1       make mod <cache size> address
    ana c_abs_addr_mask,1       make absaddr mod <cache size>
    als 12          shift into position
    ora sdw.valid,dl        set directed fault bit
    ldq c_sdw_bounds,1      set up rest of sdw
    staq    dseg$,7         set sdw in dseg
    cams                "clear associative memory
    ldaq    ap|0,6          get memory contents
    staq    pds$cpar_mem_data       and save
    anx6    c_lv_st_mask,1      make address start at level 0
    eax3    -4          x3 counts levels
cparlvlp:   ldi,dl      set parity mask
    lcpr    cache_to_reg_mode,02    set cache dump mode
    ldaq    ap|0,6          dump cache contents
    lcpr    cache_off,02        reset cache dump mode
    sti bp|mc.fim_temp      save indicators
    eraq    pds$cpar_mem_data       exclusive or it with data in mem
    staq    pds$cpar_err_data       save it
    ldi 0,dl            reset parity mask
    lda bp|mc.fim_temp      load indicators
    cana,dl       parity error?
    tnz cpar_hit            xfer if yes
nxt_lvl:    adx6    c_lv_inc_tab,1      get set for nxt level
    eax3    1,3         any more levels?
    tmi cparlvlp            yes, go to nxt level
    tra dec_cux         no, go check previous read

cpar_hit:   ldi,dl      mask overflows
    lcaq    pds$cpar_err_data       get compliment of XOR data
    ldi 0,dl            reset overflow mask
    anaq    pds$cpar_err_data       and 2s compliment data with itself
    cmpaq   pds$cpar_err_data       if single bit failure, it should compare
    tnz nxt_lvl         multiple bit failure, go try nxt level
    ldi,dl      set parity mask
    lcpr    cache_to_reg_mode,02    set cache dump mode
    ldaq    ap|0,6          dump cache contents
    lcpr    cache_off,02        reset cache dump mode
    staq    pds$cpar_err_data       save it
    ldi 0,dl            reset parity mask
    eaa 0,6         copy level info to a
    arl c_lv_shift,1        position per cache size
    ana =o300,du            and out all but level
    ora =o400000,du     set flag for data capture
    orsa    pds$cpar_info       and save
no_find:    lda 0,du
    ldq 0,du            zero out abs seg sdw
    staq    dseg$,7
    cams    4           clear assosiative memory and cache
    tsx0    save_cache      go save cache enable bits
    tsx0    fim_util$check_fault    now go check to see if fault in hardcore
    tra onc_par_join        and go join common code
" signal_entry - entry to handle faults that are directly signalable
" in the outer rings (not ring 0)

    segdef  signal_entry

    spri    sig_prs,*           save prs
    eppbp   sig_prs,*           bp -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs      save registers
    epplp   lp,*            set lp value
    spl bp|mc.eis_info      save eis ptrs and lengths
    tsx0    fim_util$fim_v_time_init    remember accrued virtual time
    tsx0    fim_util$check_fault    kill Multics if not legal fault
    lda bp|mc.scu.fault_data_word
    ana scu.fi_num_mask,dl      get fault address
    sta bp|mc.errcode       temporarily save fault code
    arl 1           divide by 2
    aos wired_hardcore_data$fault_counters,al   increment fault counter
    als 1           multiply by 2
    ldaq    fault_table,al      pick up table entry
    anq audit_flags.mask,dl     do we need to audit this event?
    tze no_sig_audit        xfer if no.
    qls 18          put audit flags in upper half
    canq    pds$audit_flags     check appropriate audit flag
    tze no_sig_audit        xfer if not auditing
    tsx1    call_audit      yes, go do it
    tra 0,au            dispatch on entry value

call_signaller:             "most signalable faults come here directly
    eppbb   pds$history_reg_data    bb -> place to store history regs 
    tsx0    fim_util$check_mct      go save M. C.'s and hregs if required
    tsx0    fim_util$hist_regs      (ret ic +1) save hregs in pds
    tsx0    fim_util$reset_mode_reg     (ret ic +2) turn them back on now
    lda bp|mc.errcode       get fault code for retrieving name
    arl 1           divide by 2
    sta bp|mc.fim_temp      save the sct index for signal_
    als 1           multiply by 2
    stz bp|mc.errcode       initialize error code
    lda fault_table+1,al        pick up second word of fault table entry
    eppbb   0,au            get pointer to name from its left half word
    eppab   pds$condition_name      get pointer to place to store name
    ldq bb|0            get first word of string for ACC size
    qrl 27          right justify size of string
    adlq    1,dl            add 1 for count character
    mlr (pr,rl),(pr),fill(0)
    desc9a  bb|0,ql
    desc9a  ab|0,32
    eppsb   pds$stack_0_ptr,*       set SB to the ring 0 stack
    tra signaller$signaller     now give control to the signaller
" PRIMARY_FAULT_ENTRY - Most faults arrive at this entry.

    segdef  primary_fault_entry

    spri    prs,*           save prs
    eppbp   prs,*           bp -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs      save registers
    epplp   lp,*            set lp value
    spl bp|mc.eis_info      save eis ptrs and lengths
    tsx0    fim_util$fim_v_time_init    remember accrued virtual time
    tsx0    fim_util$check_fault    kill Multics if not legal fault
    eppbb   pds$history_reg_data  bb -> place to store history regs 
    tsx0    fim_util$check_mct  go save M.C.'s an hregs if required
    tsx0    fim_util$hist_regs  (ret ic +1) save hregs (if not saved by check_mct)
    tsx0    fim_util$reset_mode_reg   (ret ic +2) turn them back on now
    eppsb   pds$stack_0_ptr,*   make FIM's stack frame on the ring 0 stack
    ldx7    push        ..
    tsx0    fim_util$push_stack ..
    eppap   mach_cond       ap -> place for machine conditions
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    copy machine conditions into stack frame
    spribp  mc_ptr      set mc_ptr in stack frame
    ldaq    pds$fim_v_temp  save CPU time at start of fault
    staq    v_temp      ..
    ldaq    pds$fim_v_delta save virtual delta at start of fault
    staq    v_delta     ..
    szn pds$hregs_saved     do we want to copy hregs?
    tze no_hist
    eppap   history_registers   bb -> hregs either in mc_trace buffer or pds
    mlr (pr),(pr)       copy hregs into stack frame
    desc9a  bb|0,128*4
    desc9a  ap|0,128*4
no_hist:    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->

" Dispatch on Fault Code.

    stz bp|mc.errcode   clear the error code
    lda bp|mc.scu.fault_data_word get fault number
    ana scu.fi_num_mask,dl
    sta fcode       save the fault code
    arl 1       divide by 2
    aos wired_hardcore_data$fault_counters,al
    sta bp|mc.fim_temp  save the fault code in the MC
    als 1       multiply by 2
    ldaq    fault_table,al  pick up table entry
    anq audit_flags.mask,dl get special action code for this fault
    tnz audit_ck        we need to audit this event
    tra 0,au        dispatch on entry value


    qls 18      put audit flags in upper half
    canq    pds$audit_flags Check appropriate audit flag
    tze normal_set_fault    Not auditing, go back
    eppap   mc_ptr      Get machine conditions pointer
    spriap  arglist+2       Stuff it in arg list
    fld =1b24,dl        One argument
    ora =o4,dl      Make arglist header
    staq    arglist     Stuff it where it belongs
    call    protection_audit_$fault(arglist)  Call fault entry in auditor
    lda fcode       Pick up the fault code again
    lda fault_table,al  Pick up the table entry
    tra normal_set_fault    Go back


"   Set up the call to the appropriate handler.
"   The right half of the accumulator contains an offset
"   in the fim's linkage section of the procedure to call
"   to handle the fault.
"   All handlers are called in the following way:
"   call handler (mc_ptr)
"   where mc_ptr points to the machine conditions, not the
"   SCU data.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    arg call_signaller
    arg call_signal

    eax0    1
    tra standard.check_common

    eax0    0
    ldq sys_info$initialization_state
    cmpq    1,dl
    tmoz    call_signaller_signal,x0*

    eppap   lp|0,al*        generate pointer to the handler
    spriap  call_ptr        save the handler pointer

    fld =1b24,dl        set up argument list header (1 argument)
    ora =o4,dl
    staq    arglist

    eppap   mc_ptr      set up argument list (1st arg is mc_ptr)
    spriap  arglist+2

    tra call

"   Access Violation faults
"   All access violation subcases are separated out
"   in the next sequence of code. Some are signalled, some are handled
"   by the system.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lda bp|mc.scu.fault_data_word get sub-class of access violation fault
    ana -1,du       leave only sub-class bits
    eax7    0        Determine which is highest bit on.
    cana    =o400000,du  Test bit.
    tnz acv_bit_end

    eax7    2,7      On to next bit.
    als 1
    tnz acv_bit_loop     Unless all bits off.

    eaa avf,7   generate simulated code word
    cmpa    oob,du  see if bound fault (if so make special checks)
    tze check_special_oob   yes, make tests

    tra fixindex_1  must be normal access violation of some type

    ldq bp|mc.scu.tpr.tsr_word "fetch the TSR
    anq scu.tpr.tsr_mask,du leave only segment number
    eax7    null        get set for simfault
    cmpq    =o077777,du is it a null pointer?
    tze fixindex        yes, handle the null pointer.
    cmpq    =o077776,du is a terminate process?
    tze term_it     yes, go handle it
    eax7    undefp      get set for undefined_pointer
    cmpq    =o077775,du is it an undefined pointer?
    tze fixindex        yes, handle it
    eax7    stk_oob     get set for out_of_bounds on stack
    erq bp|mc.prs+6*2   exclusive or  stack segno with  tsr
    anq =o077777,du set indicators to note any difference
    tze fixindex        no,  call handler to extend stack
    tra fixindex_1  not special oob, treat as real oob

    eaa 0,7     new index in A
    sbla    fault_table,du  get relative address
    arl 18      right-justify
    tra set_fault       back to the dispatch table

"   Command faults
"   The command fault could be either hardware oriented, configuration
"   oriented, or an attempt to load a faulting packed pointer.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    eax7    com assume normal command fault
    ldq bp|mc.scu.port_stat_word check illegal action
    canq    scu.ial_mask,dl
    tnz fixindex        nonzero, treat as normal case
    ldq bp|scu.even_inst_word check for LPRPxx instruction
    anq =o770400,dl
    cmpq    lprp_insts,dl
    tnz fixindex        isn't LPRPxx, treat as normal

"   It is packed pointer fault. See if system version.

    eax7    ppf 
    ldq bp|mc.scu.ca_word   pick up faulting pointer pair
    lda bp|mc.scu.tpr.tsr_word
    ana scu.tpr.tsr_mask,du
    easp3   0,au        generate pointer
    eawp3   0,qu
    lda bb|0        pick up the packed pointer
    cana    =o100000,du check system bit
    tze fixindex        not ON. Treat as normal packed pointer fault
    ana =o000777,du
    cmpa    3,du
    tpl fixindex
    als 1       multiply by 2
    eax7    sppf,au
    tra fixindex
"   Overflow faults
"   The overflow fault could result from one of:
"   fixedoverflow
"   exponent overflow
"   exponent underflow
"   stringesize (EIS truncation fault)
"   The following code looks at the indicators to see what kind
"   of overflow fault occured and to remap the fault into the
"   corresponding name.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>
    ldq bp|mc.scu.indicators_word   get the indicators and ilc
    canq,dl      is it "fixedoverflow"?
    tnz ck_eis_size     yes go check for eis size.
    canq,dl      is it "underflow"?
    tze ck_eovfl            no, go check for exp overflow
    eax7    eufl            yes, set exp underflow index
    tsx1    ck_str_rd           go get op_code from object seg
    tra sig_index           return (ic+1), don't restart EIS
    tra set_und_rfi     return (ic+2) don't increment ic
    adlq    1,du            return (ic+3) increment ic
    stq bp|mc.scu.ilc_word      by one and restore ic word
    lda,dl set rfi and if bits
    orsa    bp|mc.scu.cu_stat_word  in cu status word
    stz bp|mc.regs+4        zero out saved a
    stz bp|mc.regs+5        and q regs
    lda minus_128,du        and set e reg to -128
    sta bp|mc.regs+6
    szn pds$exp_undfl_rest      restart fault in the fim?
    tze sig_index           xfer if no, go signal fault
    lda bp|mc.scu.indicators_word   get indicator reg
    ana =o177777,dl     and out negative indicator
    ora,dl      and set zero indicator
    stba    bp|mc.scu.indicators_word,14    and restore indicators
    lca,dl    reset exp over/under flow indicators
    ansa    bp|mc.scu.indicators_word
    tsx0    fim_util$reset_mode_reg turn hregs back on
    sznc    pds$connect_pending     is connect pending?
    tze no_con_pend     if not, skip next
    lxl1    prds$processor_tag      CPU tag in X1
    cioc    scs$cow_ptrs,1*         do a connect now
    lra =0          prevent ring alarm before cioc takes
    lreg    bp|mc.regs      restore the registers
    lpri    bp|mc.prs           and the prs
    rcu sig_scu,*           return to faulting location

    canq,dl      is it "overflow"?
    tze ck_trunc            no, go check truncation
    eax7    eovf            yes, load table index
    tsx1    ck_str_rd           check for fstr/dfstr instr
    tra sig_index           return (ic+1), don't restart EIS
    tra ck_ovfl_rest        return (ic+2), don't increment ic
    adlq    1,du            return (ic+3) increment ic
    stq bp|mc.scu.ilc_word      by one and restore ic word
    szn pds$exp_ovfl_rest       restart fault in fim?
    tze sig_index           xfer if no, go signal fault
    canx5   dp_opcode,du        yes, is this double precision?
    tnz doub_prec           xfer if yes
    fld pds$eovfl_value     no, load sp restart value
    tra str_rest_vlu        and go store it

    dfld    pds$eovfl_value     load dp restart value
    szn bp|mc.regs+4        is this a negative overflow?
    tpl no_negate           no, store value as is
    fneg    0           yes, negate the value
    staq    bp|mc.regs+4        and store it
    ste bp|mc.regs+6        store exponent
    lda,dl set rfi and if bits
    orsa    bp|mc.scu.cu_stat_word  in cu status word
    tra und_ovr_rest        go restart overflow

    eax7    ovfl            set up for "fixedoverflow"
    canq,dl       is it EIS fault?
    tnz ck_sz_loc           xfer if yes
    eaa 0,7         copy  fault index to a
    sbla    fault_table,du      get relative address
    arl 18          right justify
    tra signal_it           and go signal fault

    lda bp|scu.even_inst_word   is this potenialy eis instr?
    cana    inst_bit27_on,dl        if bit 27 is not on, can't be eis inst
    tze sig_index           no, signal fixedoverflow
    eax7    size_loc            set size fault index
    tra sig_index           and go signal it

    canq,dl       is it truncation?
    tze fim_util$fault_trouble  hardware error id none of above
    eax7    trun            yes, set truncation fault index
"   We have a "stringsize" condition. Set up the machine
"   conditions so we can restart the instruction.
    szn pds$pl1_machine     can we alter apparent machine ops?
    tze sig_index           xfer if no, bare 6180 machine
    tsx1    get_instruction_size
    adla    bp|mc.scu.ilc_word      increment ic by eis instr size
    sta bp|mc.scu.ilc_word      and restore ic word
    lca,dl     we must turn OFF this indicator so the next
    ansa    bp|mc.scu.indicators_word   EIS instruction will be correctly initialized
    lda,dl set rfi and if bits
    orsa    bp|mc.scu.cu_stat_word  in cu status word
    tra sig_index           go signal "stringsize"

"   Illegal procedure faults
"   There are several subcases which are distinguished
"   They are:
"       illegal op code
"       illegal address and modifier
"       other illegal procedure faults
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "


    epaq    *       get our segment number
    era bp|mc.scu.ppr.psr_word  compare against procedure segment register
    ana scu.ppr.psr_mask,du were we in the fim?
    tze die_die_die_    suicide
    lda bp|mc.scu.fault_data_word get the fault dataister
    eax7    foc get set for illegal op code
    cana    scu.fd.ioc,du
    tnz sig_index       yes, use the given index

    eax7    bam get set for bad modifier or address
    cana    scu.fd.ia_im,du
    tnz sig_index

    eax7    ipr get set for all other illegal procedure
    tra sig_index
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   fnd_crd - subroutine to check for cache read cycle in current CU history reg
"   for cache parity diagnostics.
"   return is ic+1, if L68 cache read cycle,
"       ic+2, if dps8 cache read cycle (A reg contains abs addr, in upper)
"       ic+3, if not a cache read cycle
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

fnd_crd:    ldaq    bb|cu_hreg,2        load next cu hreg
    cmpx4   1,du            is this a dps8 cpu?
    tze cu_dps8         xfer if yes, otherwise  L68
    canq    cuhra.dir,dl        is this direct cu cycle?
    tnz 2,0         xfer if yes, skip to next cu hreg
    lls 18          position addr in al
    anq =o760000,du     mem cmd in qu
    tze l68_rd_cmd      xfer if single precision read
    cmpq    =o40000,du      no, is it D.P read?
    tze l68_rd_cmd      xfer if yes
    tra 2,0         not cache read, return ic+3

    ana =o777,dl            discard upper address
    sta bp|mc.fim_temp      save address
    tra 0,0         return ic+1, L68 cache read

cu_dps8:    cana    cuhr.pia,du     dps8 pia cycle?
    tze 2,0         No, return ic+3
    cana    cuhr.internal,du        dps8 cache cycle?
    tze 2,0         No, return ic+3
    lda bb|cu_hreg+1,2      got a hit, load abs addr in A
    tra 1,0         return ic+2, DPS8 cache read

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   save_cache - subroutine to save current state of cache memory enable bits
"   (csh1 and csh2) located in the prds$cache_luf_reg and then reset the bits
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lda prds$cache_luf_reg      get current cache enable bits
    ana =o600000,dl     and out all but csh1 and csh2
    als 10          position
    orsa    pds$cpar_info       and save in pds
    lda 3,dl
    ansa    prds$cache_luf_reg      turn off all cache enable bits
    tra 0,0         return to caller

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   ck_str_rd - subroutine to check if faulting instruction is a
"   FSTR or DFSTR by looking in the object segment at psr|ic.
"   entry:  tsx1    ck_str_rd
"   in regs:    QR =    ilc,indicator word from scu data
"       BP ->    machine conditions
"   out regs:   QR  is unchanged
"       x5  =   instruction op code
"   return: ic+1 if bit 27 is on (EIS instruction)
"       ic+2 if instruction is fstr or dfstr instruction
"       ic+3 if any other instruction
"   NOTE:
"   Theory of touching the text segment, as of 82-10-26.
"   Yes, we might take a page or segment fault on the load
"   of the instruction word.  However, it is VERY unlikely, given
"   selection algorithms for evicting a page/segment.
"   Further, the SDW and PTW are almost certainly in our AM, and
"   we haven't been listening to any connects to get them out.
"   If we take a seg_fault, we'll be using fim_data for machine
"   conditions, and the only fim routines that call this routine
"   are supposed to have come in using signal_data/signal_entry.
"   Thus, we don't have to worry about our data getting clobbered.
"   If we end up taking a seg-fault error (seg deleted), or
"   a page-fault error, we're just going to signal that error
"   anyhow. For anything except the original fault being in
"   ring zero, this means crawlout.  
"   For ring zero, we would conceivably have to worry about
"   someone having a handler for such an error and actually
"   wanting to restart the original fault. "It'll never happen."
"   All this makes us think that it isn't worth the expense
"   of moving the machine conditions to a stack frame before
"   touching the text instruction.  
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lda bp|mc.scu.ppr.psr_word
    ana scu.ppr.psr_mask,du
    eppab   0,qu            set word offset, pr.ringno=0
    easpab  0,au            get segno from psr
    lxl5    ab|0            load instruction op code in x5
    anx5    op_code_mask,du     just look at op code
    canx5   inst_bit27_on,du        is this an EIS instruction?
    tnz 0,1         yes, return ic+1
    cmpx5   fstr_inst,du        fstr instruction?
    tze 1,1         return ic+2 if yes
    cmpx5   dfstr_inst,du       no, dfstr instruction?
    tze 1,1         return ic+2 if yes
    tra 2,1         no, return ic+3

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   get_instruction_size - subroutine to determine the size of an instruction
"   by looking in the object segment at psr|ic.
"   entry:  tsx1    get_instruction_size
"   in regs:    QR =    ilc,indicator word from scu data
"       BP ->    machine conditions
"   out regs:   QR  is unchanged
"       X5  =   instruction op code
"       AU =    instruction size 
"   See the NOTE in check_str_rd.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lda bp|mc.scu.ppr.psr_word
    ana scu.ppr.psr_mask,du
    eppab   0,qu            get word offset from ilc, set PRab.ring = 0
    easpab  0,au            get segno from psr
    lxl5    ab|0            load instruction op code in x5
    anx5    op_code_mask,du     just look at op code
    lda 1,dl            default to 1 word
    canx5   inst_bit27_on,du        is this an EIS instruction?
    tze 0,1         no, return
    eaa gis_table           table pointer

gis_loop:   cmpx5   0,au            gone far enough down the table?
    tnc gis_found           got it
    eaa 1,au            get next entry
    tra gis_loop

    lda 0,au            return the size
    als 18  
    tra 0,1

    vfd 9o/057,1/1,8/0,18/4     mve,mvne
    vfd 9o/117,1/1,8/0,18/3     csl,csr,sztl,sztr,cmpb,mlr,mrl,cmpc
    vfd 9o/127,1/1,8/0,18/4     scd,scdr,scm,scmr
    vfd 9o/157,1/1,8/0,18/1     sptr
    vfd 9o/167,1/1,8/0,18/4     mvt,tct,tctr
    vfd 9o/177,1/1,8/0,18/1     lptr
    vfd 9o/217,1/1,8/0,18/3     ad2d,sb2d,mp2d,dv2d
    vfd 9o/227,1/1,8/0,18/4     ad3d,sb3d,mp3d,dv3d
    vfd 9o/277,1/1,8/0,18/1     lsdr,sbpb0-3,ssdr,lptp
    vfd 9o/307,1/1,8/0,18/3     mvn,btd,cmpn,dtb
    vfd 9o/777,9o/777,18/1      easpN,epbpN,sareg,spl,lareg,
                    " and all the others...

    eppsb   pds$stack_0_ptr,*   make FIM's stack frame on the ring 0 stack
    ldx7    push        ..
    tsx0    fim_util$push_stack ..
    eppap   mach_cond       ap -> place for machine conditions
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    copy machine conditions into stack frame
    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->
    spribp  mc_ptr      set mc_ptr in stack frame
    eppap   mc_ptr      Get machine conditions pointer
    spriap  arglist+2       Stuff it in arg list
    fld =1b24,dl        One argument
    ora =o4,dl      Make arglist header
    staq    arglist     Stuff it where it belongs
    call    protection_audit_$fault(arglist)  Call fault entry in auditor
    eppap   pds$signal_data copy M.C.s back to signal data
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc
    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>
    sprisp  sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr reset stack end pointer (and pop frame)
    lda bp|mc.errcode   restore the fault code from the MC
    lda fault_table,al  and pick up table entry
    tra 0,1     and return
    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->

" Make call to fault handler.

    call    call_ptr,*(arglist) make the call

" Test for error .

    eppbp   mach_cond       bp -> machine conditions
    szn bp|mc.errcode   test for error
    tnz call_signal ..

    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>

    eppap   prs,*       ap -> wired-down m.c.
    mlr (pr),(pr)
    desc9a  bp|mc.scu,8*4
    desc9a  ap|mc.scu,8*4

    ldaq    v_temp      restore virtual time parameters
    staq    pds$fim_v_temp  ..
    ldaq    v_delta     ..
    staq    pds$fim_v_delta ..

    lda fcode       get fault code again
    ldaq    fault_table,al  load table entry

    sprisp  sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr reset stack end pointer

    sznc    pds$connect_pending must we do connect?
    tze no_connect  if not, skip next
    lxl1    prds$processor_tag  CPU tag in X1
    cioc    scs$cow_ptrs,1*     do a connect now
    lra =0      prevent ring alarm before connect takes

    canq    =o1,dl      suspend virtual time?
    tze no_v_time_meter if not, don't meter
    tsx0    fim_util$fim_v_time_calc  compute virtual delta

    lpl bp|mc.eis_info      save eis ptrs and lengths
    lreg    bp|mc.regs  restore the registers
    lpri    bp|mc.prs       and the prs
    rcu scu,*       return to faulting location
"   Come here when time to signal the event.

    lda bp|mc.fim_temp  resignal?
    cana    =o400000,dl ..
    tze call_signal.1   no.

    als 1       get new fault code
    stca    fcode,07

    lxl7    fcode       get fault code for retrieving name
    lda fault_table+1,7  pick up second word of fault table entry
    eppbb   0,au        get pointer to name from its left half word
    eppab   pds$condition_name  get pointer to place to store name
    ldq bb|0        get first word of string for ACC size
    qrl 27      right justify size of string
    adlq    1,dl        add 1 for count character
    mlr (pr,rl),(pr),fill(0)
    desc9a  bb|0,ql
    desc9a  ab|0,32

    eppap   pds$signal_data
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc
    szn pds$hregs_saved
    tze signaller$signaller

    mlr (pr),(pr)
    desc9a  history_registers,128*4
    desc9a  ap|48,128*4
    tra signaller$signaller now give control to the signaller


" Arrive Here If Fault Occurred While Running in the FIM.

    eppsb   pds$stack_0_ptr,*   get a pointer to the base of the ring 0 stack
" Try to preserve stack history in case the original fault was
" on the ring 0 stack.

    eppsp   sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr,*  " where does it think it is?
    eax0    sp|0
    cmpx0   =o30000,du  reasonable ?
    tmoz    die_die_die_.use_end_ptr

    eppsp   sb|stack_header.stack_begin_ptr,* lay down frame at first available place
    sprisp  sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr

    ldx7    push        get size of stack frame
    tsx0    fim_util$push_stack make frame at base of pds

    lda -1,du
    tra die_die_die_.fake_ca

    lda bp|mc.scu.ca_word   get computed address
    ars 18      convert to fixed bin
    sta temp        save in stack (temporary cell)
    szn tc_data$wait_enable
    tze wired_fim$unexp_fault
    eppap   terminate_proc$terminate_proc  kill this process
    spriap  call_ptr        ..
    eppap   temp
    spriap  arglist+2
    fld =1b24,dl        one argument
    ora =o4,dl      make PL/1 calling sequence
    staq    arglist     ..
    tra call        make the call


" Storage and Constants.

illegal_fault:          "transfer vector for illegal fault
    tra fim_util$fault_trouble
    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->

" The following items must be filled in at
" system initialization time.

    segdef  lp,prs,scu,sig_prs,sig_scu

lp: its -1,1        lp value for fim
prs:    its -1,1        pointer to pds$fim_data
scu:    its -1,1        pointer to pds$fim_data+24
sig_prs:    its -1,1        pointer to pds$signal_data
sig_scu:    its -1,1        pointer to pds$signal_data+24

push:   push            " used to get size of stack frame
    vfd 36/3            constant to turn off cache, luf time max
    oct 10003           constant  to dump cache to aq, luf time max
" Tables indexed by cache size used for cache parity error diagnosis
c_sdw_bounds:           "template for last half of abs_seg sdw
    vfd 1/,o14/177,3/,o18/sdw.unpaged  for 2k (L68) cache
    vfd 1/,o14/777,3/,o18/sdw.unpaged  for 8k (DPS8) cache
    vfd 1/,o14/777,3/,o18/sdw.unpaged  for 8k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd 1/,o14/1777,3/,o18/sdw.unpaged  for 16k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd 1/,o14/3777,3/,o18/sdw.unpaged  for 32k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
c_lv_inc_tab:           " to increment cache levels
    vfd o18/1000,18/0   for 2k (L68) cache
    vfd o18/4000,18/0   for 8k (DPS8) cache
    vfd o18/4000,18/0   for 8k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd o18/10000,18/0  for 16k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd o18/20000,18/0  for 32k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
c_lv_st_mask:           " to mask to level 0 for start
    vfd o18/776,18/0    for 2k (L68) cache
    vfd o18/3776,18/0   for 8k (DPS8) cache
    vfd o18/3776,18/0   for 8k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd o18/7776,18/0   for 16k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd o18/17776,18/0  for 32k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
c_256k_mask:            " to mask cache addr within mod cache size
    vfd o18/3776,18/0   for 2k (L68) cache
    vfd o18/17776,18/0  for 8k (DPS8) cache
    vfd o18/17776,18/0  for 8k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd o18/37776,18/0  for 16k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd o18/77776,18/0  for 32k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
c_abs_addr_mask:            " to mask abs addr to mod cache size for SDW
    vfd 12/0,o15/77774,9/0  for 2k (L68) cache
    vfd 12/0,o15/77760,9/0  for 8k (DPS8) cache
    vfd 12/0,o15/77760,9/0  for 8k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd 12/0,o15/77740,9/0  for 16k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    vfd 12/0,o15/77700,9/0  for 32k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
c_lv_shift:         " to shift level info for saving
    dec 3       for 2k (L68) cache
    dec 5       for 8k (DPS8) cache
    dec 5       for 8k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    dec 6       for 16k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache
    dec 7       for 32k (DPS8 VS & SC) cache

" Dispatch Table for fim.
"   modified 1/7/76 by D. M. Wells to add neti condition
"   modified 2/26/76 by Noel I. Morris to place in separate segment.
"   modified July 77 by T. Casey to add susp and term.
"   modified Oct 77 by T. Casey to rename them to sus_ and trm_.
"   modified 7/79 by J. A. Bush for new signal_entry of fim and to merge back into the fim

"   Each entry in the dispatch table contains two words. The first
"   word has an entrypoint in the fim to transfer to to handle the fault
"   in the left half and a pointer relative to the linkage section of
"   an external entry to call in the right half. If the left half
"   is not standard, the right half is not defined.
"   The second word contains a relative pointer to the ACC string name
"   of the condition associated with the fault in the left half. The right
"   half contains flags, which currently are used to indicate 
"   the necessity of auditing this fault
"   (one or more bits in the left 15 bits of this field).
"   The presence of the low-order bit indicates that the time
"   for processing this fault should be accrued to virtual time.
"   ___________________________________________
"   |                    |                    |
"   |  FIM handler       |  External handler  |
"   _|_____________________|_____________________|
"   |        |        |
"   |  ACC string ptr    |  FLAGS     |
"   _|_____________________|_____________________|
"   The following macro is used to generate entries in the dispatch table.
"   The unique string (label) is the value of the SCT index.

    macro   table
    zero    &1,&2
    vfd 18/&U,18/&4

    use names
&U: acc "&3"

    use main

    use names
    use main
    join    /text/main,names


" External Links.

    link    am_fault_link,access_viol$am_fault
    link    ring_alarm_fault_link,ring_alarm$fault
    link    seg_fault_link,seg_fault$seg_fault
    link    hardware_fault_link,hardware_fault$hardware_fault
    link    boundfault_link,boundfault$boundfault
    link    linkage_fault_link,link_snap$link_fault
    link    owc_link,outward_call_handler$outward_call_handler
    link    stack_oob_handler,stack_oob_handler$stack_oob_handler


    table   standard,hardware_fault_link,shutdown
    table   call_signaller,,store
    table   call_signaller,,mme1
    table   call_signaller,,fault_tag_1
    table   illegal_fault,,timer_runout
    table   command_fault,,command
    table   call_signaller,,derail
    table   call_signaller,,lockup
    table   illegal_fault,,connect
    table   standard,hardware_fault_link,parity
    table   illegal_procedure,,illegal_procedure
    table   standard,hardware_fault_link,op_not_complete
    table   standard,hardware_fault_link,startup
    table   split_overflow,,ovrflo
    table   call_signaller,,zerodivide
    table   illegal_fault,,execute
    table   standard.signaller_check_coll,seg_fault_link,seg_fault_error,1
pf_loc: table   illegal_fault,,page_fault_error
    table   illegal_fault,,directed_fault_2
    table   call_signaller,,directed_fault_3
    table   access_violation,,accessviolation
    table   call_signaller,,mme2
    table   call_signaller,,mme3
    table   call_signaller,,mme4
    table   standard.signaller_check_coll,linkage_fault_link,linkage_error
    table   call_signaller,,fault_tag_3
    table   illegal_fault,,undefined_fault
    table   illegal_fault,,undefined_fault
    table   illegal_fault,,undefined_fault
    table   illegal_fault,,undefined_fault
    table   illegal_fault,,undefined_fault
    table   illegal_fault,,trouble


" Additional entries for subcases of faults.

foc:    table   call_signaller,,illegal_opcode,audit_flags.ipr
null:   table   call_signal,,null_pointer
bam:    table   call_signaller,,illegal_modifier,audit_flags.ipr
avf:    table   call_signal,,illegal_ring_order,audit_flags.acv_ring
    table   call_signal,,not_in_execute_bracket,audit_flags.acv_ring
    table   call_signal,,no_execute_permission,audit_flags.acv_mode
    table   call_signal,,not_in_read_bracket,audit_flags.acv_ring
    table   call_signal,,no_read_permission,audit_flags.acv_mode
    table   call_signal,,not_in_write_bracket,audit_flags.acv_ring
    table   call_signal,,no_write_permission,audit_flags.acv_mode
    table   call_signal,,not_a_gate,audit_flags.acv_ring
    table   call_signal,,not_in_call_bracket,audit_flags.acv_ring
    table   standard.signal_check_coll,owc_link,outward_call
    table   call_signal,,bad_outward_call,audit_flags.acv_ring
    table   call_signal,,inward_return,audit_flags.acv_ring
    table   call_signal,,cross_ring_transfer
    table   standard.signal_check_coll,ring_alarm_fault_link,ring_alarm_fault,1
    table   standard,am_fault_link,am_fault
oob:    table   standard.signal_check_coll,boundfault_link,out_of_bounds,1
ovfl:   table   call_signaller,,fixedoverflow
eovf:   table   call_signaller,,overflow
eufl:   table   call_signaller,,underflow
trun:   table   call_signaller,,stringsize
ipr:    table   call_signaller,,illegal_procedure
stk_oob:    table   standard.signal_check_coll,stack_oob_handler,storage
ppf:    table   call_signal,,packed_pointer_fault
sppf:   table   call_signal,,lot_fault
    table   call_signal,,isot_fault
    table   call_signal,,system_packed_pointer
quit_loc:   table   call_signal,,quit
alrm_loc:   table   call_signal,,alrm
cput_loc:   table   call_signal,,cput
rqo_loc:    table   call_signal,,record_quota_overflow
size_loc: table call_signaller,,size
    table   call_signal,,neti
com:    table   standard,hardware_fault_link,command
    table   call_signal,,sus_
    table   call_signal,,trm_
    table   call_signal,,wkp_
undefp: table   call_signal,,undefined_pointer

    include mc

    include stack_header


    include audit_flags

    include sdw
    include history_regs_dps8
    include history_regs_l68


            fim_util.alm                    08/11/83  1813.6r   08/11/83  1735.0      149139

" FIM_UTIL - Utility subroutines for the fim, wired_fim, and ii.
"   consolidated 10/18/76 by Noel I. Morris
"   Modified 1 Feb 79 by D. Spector for new scs format for 8-cpu cioc
"   Modified 8/27/79 by J. A. Bush to reorganize the check_fault subroutine
"   Modified 8/25/80 by J. A. Bush for the DPS8/70M CPU
"   Modified 2/23/81 by J. Bongiovanni for fast connect code
"   Modified 3/5/81 by J. Bongiovanni for OOSB on prds
"   Modified 3/23/81 by J. A. Bush to dump extended APU history reg. for DPS8/70M.
"   Modified 9/23/81 by J. A. Bush to not use QU mode when saving AMs
"   Modified 10/28/81 by J. Bongiovanni for bug in check_fault
"   Modified 2/8/82 by J. Bongiovanni to trap on masked in user ring (conditionally)
"   Modified 02/16/82 by J. A. Bush to not trash mc.fault_reg for sys_trouble crash
"   Modified 07/30/82 by J. Bongiovanni for scs$trouble_processid
"   Modified 10/13/82 by E. N. Kittlitz to clear indicators in v_time_init.
"   Modified sometime by B. I. Margulies for bootload multics.
"   Modified 4/7/83 by E. N. Kittlitz for drl_fault_trouble.

    name    fim_util

    segdef  check_fault validate a fault
    segdef  check_interrupt validate an interrupt
    segdef  fault_trouble   illegal fault condition
    segdef  drl_fault_trouble   illegal fault, you say what it is
    segdef  copy_mc     copy machine conditions
    segdef  push_stack  push stack frame
    segdef  push_stack_32   push stack frame with grace area
    segdef  set_mask        set controller mask to sys level
    segdef  restore_mask    restore previous controller mask
    segdef  hist_regs       save history regs and AMs
    segdef  force_hist_regs force save history regs and AMs
    segdef  check_mct       check and trace machine conditions and hregs
    segdef  reset_mode_reg  turn on hist reg and cache
    segdef  v_time_init start virtual time meter
    segdef  fim_v_time_init save virtual time for FIM
    segdef  v_time_calc stop virtual time meter
    segdef  fim_v_time_calc compute virtual time for FIM

    link    prds_link,prds$+0

    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Procedure to check validity of faults and interrupts
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    ldaq    pds$apt_ptr get pointer to our APT entry
    cmpaq   prds$idle_ptr   are we in idle process?
    tze idle_trouble    if so, stop the entire system at once

    szn wired_hardcore_data$trap_invalid_masked Are we trapping invalid sys_level
    tze check_interrupt no
    lxl1    prds$processor_tag
    lprpab  scs$mask_ptr,1
    xec scs$read_mask,1
    cmpaq   scs$sys_level   masked to system level
    tnz check_interrupt no
    lda bp|mc.scu.ppr.prr_word
    cana    scu.ppr.prr_mask,du in ring-0
    tnz masked_in_user_ring no--bye-bye
    lda bp|mc.scu.fault_data_word
    cana    scu.fd.ralr,du  possibly RALR (must also be ACV)
    tze check_interrupt no--let it slide
    ana scu.fi_num_mask+scu.fi_flag_mask,dl
    cmpa    2*FAULT_NO_ACV+1,dl is it an ACV
    tnz check_interrupt no
    lca trbl_masked_user_ring,dl
    tra check_fault_trouble

    lda bp|mc.scu.ppr.prr_word  check whether running in ring-0
    cana    scu.ppr.prr_mask,du ring number in ppr
    tnz not_invalid not ring-0

    eax7    0       nothing invalid yet
    lda bp|mc.prs+6*2   1st word of stack pointer
    ldq =o77777,dl  mask to check seg-no and val. ring
    cmk lp|prds_link    is stack=prds and ring-0
    tnz not_on_prds no
    ldx7    -trbl_prds_fi,du    fault on prds

    lda bp|mc.scu.tpr.tsr_word  now check for stack overflow
    ldq =o777777,dl ring number, segment number in TSR
    cmk lp|prds_link    was target prds
    tnz not_on_prds no
    lda bp|mc.scu.fault_data_word  stack overflow is OOSB
    cana    scu.fd.oosb,du  is it possibly OOSB (must also be acv)
    tze not_on_prds not at all
    ana scu.fi_num_mask+scu.fi_flag_mask,dl  check fault type
    cmpa    2*FAULT_NO_ACV+1,dl fault/access violation
    tnz not_on_prds no
    lca trbl_oosb_prds,dl   yes--oosb on prds (stack overflow)
    tra check_fault_trouble ..
    lda pds$processid   do we have ptr locked
    cmpa    sst$ptl
    tnz not_ptl_locked  no
    ldx7    -trbl_ptl_fi,du f/i with ptl locked
    eaa 0,7     any invalid condition found
    tze not_invalid no
    ars 18      set up sys_trouble_pending
    tra check_fault_trouble ..
    lca,dl    turn OFF parity mask
    ansa    bp|mc.scu.indicators_word

    tra 0,0     return to caller

    lca trbl_idle_flt,dl    fault while in idle process
    tra check_fault_trouble ..

    lca trbl_illeg_flt,dl   unrecognized fault
    tra check_fault_trouble

    lca trbl_r0_drl_flt,dl  ring 0 derail
    tra check_fault_trouble

    sta scs$sys_trouble_pending  set trouble flags

    lda pds$processid       save our process ID
    stac    scs$trouble_processid   if we're the first

    tsx1    save_fault_reg      save fault reg and cpu type

    lda sys_info$initialization_state Too early for connect?
    cmpa    =2,dl           Multiprocessing?
    tmoz    sys_trouble$sys_trouble Go directly to jail ...

    lxl1    prds$processor_tag  prepare to send connect
    cioc    scs$cow_ptrs,1*     ZAP

    dis *       cannot inhibit connects at a DIS
    tra -1,ic       STOP

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   COPY_MC - Procedure to copy machine conditions
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    mlr (pr),(pr)       copy machine conditions
    desc9a  bp|0,48*4
    desc9a  ap|0,48*4
    eppbp   ap|0        make bp -> copied conditions

    tra 0,0     return to caller

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   PUSH_STACK - Procedure to create a stack frame
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    eppap   sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr,*  ap -> place for frame
    sprisp  ap|stack_frame.prev_sp  save current sp
    eppsp   ap|0            set sp to new frame
    eppap   sp|0,7          ap -> end of frame
    spriap  sp|stack_frame.next_sp  save next sp
    spriap  sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr   save end pointer
    sprilp  sp|stack_frame.lp_ptr   save our linkage ptr

    tra 0,0         return to caller

    eppap   sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr,*  ap -> place for frame
    eppap   ap|32       leave room for push in progress
    tra push_join       join common code


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Procedures to save and restore controller masks
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lxl1    prds$processor_tag  processor tag in X1
    lprpab  scs$mask_ptr,1  get pointer for masking
    xec scs$read_mask,1 read mask, if assigned
    staq    bp|mc.mask  save it

    lxl1    prds$processor_tag  CPU tag in X1
    lprpab  scs$mask_ptr,1  get pointer for masking
    ldaq    scs$sys_level   going to mask all interrupts
    xec scs$set_mask,1  only if mask is assigned

    tra 0,0

    lxl1    prds$processor_tag  CPU tag in X1
    lprpab  scs$mask_ptr,1  get pointer for masking
    ldaq    bp|mc.mask  get original mask
    oraq    channel_mask_set    make sure channel mask is correct
    anaq    scs$open_level  ..
    xec scs$set_mask,1  restore the mask

    tra 0,0     return to caller

    oct 17,17

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Procedures to save history regs. Enter with bb -> place to store history regs.
"   hist_regs -     save history regs only if per-system 
"           (wired_hardcore_data$global_hregs) or per-process
"           (pds$save_history_regs) flags are set.
"   force_hist_regs -   save history regs unconditionaly
"   X4 is set  with the cpu type (0 = L68/DPS, 1 = DPS8) by the
"   save_fault_reg subroutine  which is called by the check_mct subroutine
"   which is called by all callers of this subroutine.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    szn wired_hardcore_data$global_hregs is global history reg save flag on?
    tmi force_hist_regs     xfer if yes
    szn pds$save_history_regs   no, is per_process hregs switch on?
    tmi force_hist_regs     xfer if yes
    stz pds$hregs_saved     no, zero switch for signaller
    tra 0,0         and return to caller

    lda =o400000,du     set hreg saved switch
    sta pds$hregs_saved     for signaller
    tsx1    save_am         go save associative memory
    ldq 2,du            get a 2 for stepping address
    eax6    4           4 blocks of
scpr1:  eax7    16          16 history registers
    eax3    0           set up for L68 CPU type initally
    cmpx4   1,du            is this a DPS8/70M CPU?
    tnz scpr2           xfer if no, it is L68
    eax3    48          yes, set up to skip first 48 hregs
scpr2:  lda scpr-1,6            get correct instruction
    sta bp|mc.fim_temp      save in stack
scpr3:  xec bp|mc.fim_temp      execute the instruction
    cmpx3   0,du            are we through skipping hregs?
    tze scpr4           yes, go increment address
    eax3    -1,3            no, skip another
    tra scpr3           and go execute scpr again

scpr4:  asq bp|mc.fim_temp      increment address of instruction
    eax7    -1,7            count down
    tnz scpr3           more of this 16 double word block
    eax6    -1,6            count down
    tnz scpr1           another kind of hreg

    eax7    64          initially set clear count to 64
    cmpx4   1,du            is this a DPS8/70M CPU?
    tze *+2         yes, clear all 64 hregs
    eax7    16          no, clear only 16 hregs
    lcpr    0,03            set all history regs to zero
    eax7    -1,7            count down
    tpnz    *-2         xfer if more to do
    tra 0,0         return to caller

scpr:   scpr    bb|0,40         OU History Regs for L68, OU/DU for DPS8
    scpr    bb|32,20            CU History Regs
    scpr    bb|64,10            DU History Regs for L68, extended APU for DPS8
    scpr    bb|96,00            APU History Regs

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Internal subroutine for saving fault register, extended fault 
"   register and CPU type (from RSW (2)), int the machine condition area.
"   entry via tsx1 save_fault_reg. Exit with x4 containing the CPU type
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    scpr    bp|mc.fim_temp,01       store the fault register
    ldaq    bp|mc.fim_temp
    sta bp|mc.fault_reg     save M.S. 36 bits
    rsw 2           get cpu type in a
    arl 30          position in al
    ana 3,dl    
    eax4    0,al            save cpu type in x4
    lrl mc.cpu_type_shift       merge with ext. fault reg
    stcq    bp|mc.cpu_type_word,70  and save in M.C.
    tra 0,1         return

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Internal subroutine for saving associative memory in the prds
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    eax3    4           4 instructions to execute
    eax6    3           initialy set for DPS8 (4 sets of 16)
    cmpx4   1,du            is it a DPS8 CPU?
    tze sam1            yes, go execute code
    eax6    0           no, only 1 set for each type on L68

sam1:   xec samt1-1,3           load LB with proper AM type
    lda samt2-1,3           load instruction to execute in A
    sta bp|mc.fim_temp      and save
    eax7    0,6         initialize counter
sam2:   eaq 0,7         copy to qu
    qls 4           multiply by 16
    cmpx3   2,du            is it for sdw_am_regs?
    tnz *+2         xfwr if no
    qls 1           yes, make it times 32
    stcq    bp|mc.fim_temp,30       set quad offset
    xec bp|mc.fim_temp      execute instruction
    eax7    -1,7            count down
    tpl sam2            do next set
    eax3    -1,3            count down instructions to exucute
    tnz sam1            go do next instuction set
    tra 0,1         return to caller

samt1:  epplb   prds$sdw_am_ptrs
    epplb   prds$sdw_am_regs
    epplb   prds$ptw_am_ptrs
    epplb   prds$ptw_am_regs

samt2:  ssdp    lb|0
    ssdr    lb|0
    sptp    lb|0
    sptr    lb|0


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Procedure to check if conditions are met for machine condition tracing
"   if conditions are not true for machine condition tracing, return is ic +1 (tra  0,0)
"   if conditions are met for machine condition tracing, then
"   return is ic +2 (tra   1,0), bb -> place to pick up history regs and
"   lb -> place to pick up machine conditions directly from machine condition trace buffer
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    tsx1    save_fault_reg      save fault reg and get CPU type in x4
    szn pds$mc_trace_sw     is this process tracing machine conditions?
    tpl 0,0         return to caller if no
    szn pds$mc_trace_seg        Does user want to trace all M. Cs?
    tze cp_hregs            xfer if seg number zero
    lda bp|mc.scu.ppr.psr_word  look at the psr
    ana scu.ppr.psr_mask,du     and out  everything except psr
    cmpa    pds$mc_trace_seg        compare psr to object we are tracing
    tze cp_hregs            xfer if psr = object we are tracing
    lda bp|mc.scu.tpr.tsr_word  look at tsr
    ana scu.tpr.tsr_mask,du     and out everthing except tsr
    cmpa    pds$mc_trace_seg        compare tsr to object we are tracing
    tnz 0,0         return to caller if psr or tsr don't have seg
    lprplb  pds$mc_trace_buf        get packed ptr to wired trace buffer
    stx0    lb|mctseg.x0save        safe store return address
    lxl5    lb|mctseg.hr_nxtad      x5 = rel ptr to next H. R. storage location
    cmpx5   lb|mctseg.hr_lim        do we have to roll over the trace?
    tmi hr_roll         xfer if no
    ldx5    lb|mctseg.hr_strt       yes, pick up initial storage location
    sxl5    lb|mctseg.hr_nxtad      store new location
    eax5    mctseg.hr_size,5        increment storage location
    sxl5    lb|mctseg.hr_nxtad      set rel ptr to next H. R. storage location
    eppbb   lb|-mctseg.hr_size,5    bb -> current HR storage location
    tsx0    force_hist_regs     go save history regs in mc_trace buf
    lprplb  pds$mc_trace_buf        get packed ptr to wired trace buffer
    ldx0    lb|mctseg.x0save        restore return address
    lxl5    lb|mctseg.mc_nxtad      x5 = rel ptr to next M. C. storage location
    cmpx5   lb|mctseg.mc_lim        do we have to roll over the trace?
    tmi mc_roll         xfer if no
    ldx5    lb|mctseg.mc_strt       yes, pick up initial storage location
    sxl5    lb|mctseg.mc_nxtad      store new location
    eax5    mctseg.mc_size,5        increment storage location
    sxl5    lb|mctseg.mc_nxtad      set rel ptr to next M. C. storage location
    epplb   lb|-mctseg.mc_size,5    lp -> current MC storage location
    mlr (pr),(pr)           move the data to wired buffer
    desc9a  bp|0,mctseg.mc_size*4
    desc9a  lb|0,mctseg.mc_size*4
    tra 1,0         return to caller at ic +2


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Procedure to reset mode registers to continue strobing
"   data into the history registers.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    epplb   prds$cache_luf_reg  point to cache/luf reg setting
    lcpr    lb|0,02     set cache enable and full luf time

    lda prds$mode_reg   retrieve template mode reg
    ora mr.enable_mr+mr.enable_hist,dl  enable mode reg and enable hist regs
    sta prds$mode_reg_enabled   save this mode reg value
    epplb   prds$mode_reg_enabled   get pointer to temp mode reg value
    lcpr    lb|0,04     reload the mode register
    tra 0,0         return to caller


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Procedures to suspend virtual time metering
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    tsx7    get_times       get fault time and virtual time

    aos pds$vtime_count step virtual time count
    tpnz    0,0     if already set, don't meter

    staq    pds$time_v_temp save for later
    ldi 0,dl        clear indicators as a service to our caller
    tra 0,0

    tsx7    get_times       get times

    szn pds$vtime_count metering already?
    tpl 0,0     if so, return

    staq    pds$fim_v_temp  save current virtual time
    ldaq    pds$virtual_delta   save current delta
    staq    pds$fim_v_delta ..
    ldi 0,dl        clear indicators as a service to our caller
    tra 0,0     and return to caller

    rccl    sys_info$clock_,*   read the clock
    staq    bp|mc.fault_time    save time of fault/interrupt
    sbaq    pds$cpu_time    compute virtual time
    tra 0,7     return to caller


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Procedures to reinstate virtual time metering
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lca 1,dl        decrement virtual time count
    asa pds$vtime_count ..
    tpl 0,0     if others, don't meter

    rccl    sys_info$clock_,*   read the clock
    adl 96,dl       add in correction delta
    sbaq    pds$cpu_time    get current value of CPU time
    sbaq    pds$time_v_temp get time we used
    staq    pds$time_v_temp save temporarily

    adaq    pds$virtual_delta   compute virtual time increment
    staq    pds$virtual_delta   and save

    ldaq    pds$time_v_temp time used in AQ again
    adaq    tc_data$delta_vcpu  compute total vcpu time
    staq    tc_data$delta_vcpu  ..

    tra 0,0

    szn pds$vtime_count metering virtual time?
    tpl 0,0     if not, just return

    ldaq    pds$virtual_delta   get current virtual delta
    sbaq    pds$fim_v_delta subtract original delta
    adaq    pds$fim_v_temp  correct FIM time
    staq    pds$time_v_temp store corrected time
    tra v_calc_join join common code


    include stack_frame


    include stack_header
    include mctseg


    include sys_trouble_codes

    include mode_reg

    include mc


    include fault_vector


            iom_interrupt.alm               10/20/82  1323.9r w 10/20/82  1315.7       69345

"  ******************************************************
"  *                                                    *
"  *                                                    *
"  * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of   *
"  * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *
"  *                                                    *
"  *                                                    *
"  ******************************************************

" iom_interrupt:  IOM interrupt handler
" Stolen from iom_manager and ii November 1980 by C. Hornig

    name    iom_interrupt

    segdef  interrupt_entry " interrupt vector transfers here
    segdef  iilink      " ITS ptr to linkage section
    segdef  prds_prs        " ITS ptr to space for spri
    segdef  prds_scu        " ITS ptr to space for SCU

    tempd   hlr_arglist(4)  " argument list for interrupt handler
    tempd   time        " time handler called
    tempd   imw_save        " current IMW for scan
    temp    int_level       " interrupt level for handler (1 3 5 7)
    temp    index       " index for this channel
    temp    chantab_base    " offset in chantab for this IOM
    temp    device      " offset in per_device for this channel
    temp    chx     " channel index from chantab
    temp    int_count       " handlers called this time around

" Index register conventions:

"   X0 - internal subroutine calls.
"   X1 - index into devtab.
"   X2 - index into mailbox.
"   X3 - Used to index iomd.per_iom.
"   X4 - interrupt cell #.
"   X5 - interrupt level #.
"   X6 - index in status queue

" Pointer Register Conventions:

"   AP -> machine conditions
"   AB -> inetrnal calls
"   BP -> <iom_data>|0
"   BB -> mailbox for this IOM.
"   LP -> linkage section
"   LB -> status queue

" These are initialized by initialize_faults

iilink: its -1,1        " our LP
prds_prs:   its -1,1        " where to store PRs
prds_scu:   its -1,1        " and CU info

    zero    6,4
zero:   zero    0


chanpos:                " table of chantab offsets
    zero    0,0*4*per_iom_size+32
    zero    0,1*4*per_iom_size+32
    zero    0,2*4*per_iom_size+32
    zero    0,3*4*per_iom_size+32
    zero    0,0*4*per_iom_size
    zero    0,1*4*per_iom_size
    zero    0,2*4*per_iom_size
    zero    0,3*4*per_iom_size
" This entry is transferred to by the interrupt vector.
" It is responsible for calling the interrupt handlers of various DIM's
" for which interrupts have been stored in the IMW array.
" It calls the interrupt routine as follows:
"   call int_proc (idx, int_level, data_word)
" where int_level (1 3 5 7) corresponds to the level passed by the channel
" to the IOM and data_word in the system fault or special status word.

    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>

    spri    prds_prs-*,ic*  " save pointer registers
    eppbp   prds_prs-*,ic*  " ab -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs  " save registers
    lxl7    bp|mc.scu.indicators_word
    canx7,du   " check for EIS
    tze 2,ic        " so we can save
    spl bp|mc.eis_info  " the pointers and lengths

    epplp   iilink-*,ic*    " set up LP

    tsx0    fim_util$v_time_init " meter virtual time

    tsx0    fim_util$check_interrupt " make sure we're not not prds

    tsx0    fim_util$check_mct  " go save M.C.s and hregs
                " if trace is on
    nop         " return ic +1

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Establish a stack frame and mask interrupts.
    epbpsb  prds$       " use prds
    ldx7    push_value-*,ic " get size of stack frame
    tsx0    fim_util$push_stack " push the frame

    tsx0    fim_util$set_mask   " mask to sys level

    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->

    tsx0    fim_util$reset_mode_reg
                " turn on hist regs and cache
    ldq bp|mc.scu.fault_data_word
    anq scu.fi_num_mask,dl  " get the interrupt number
    qrl scu.fi_num_shift
    eax4    0,ql        " interrupt cell in X4
    anq =7,dl       " get base channel table position
    lda chanpos,ql
    sta chantab_base    " save it for later

    eaa 0,x4        " get interrupt cell
    arl 18+2        " interrupt level in AL
    ora =1,dl       " always odd
    sta int_level       " save for handler

    ldaq    three_args_nd-*,ic  " Build argument list for handler
    staq    hlr_arglist " call handler (index, int_level, ""b)
    epplb   index
    sprilb  hlr_arglist+2
    epplb   int_level
    sprilb  hlr_arglist+4
    epplb   zero-*,ic
    sprilb  hlr_arglist+6
"   set up to search IMW area
    eppbp   iom_data$
    stz int_count       " no interrupts yet

    ldac    iom_mailbox$+iom_mailbox_seg.imw_array_word,x4
    tze null_int-*,ic   " no IMW bit set

    ldq 0,du        " make a fake float number
    lde 0,du
    lrl 1
    tra imw_begin-*,ic  " start scanning

" Scan the IMW for any bits on and process these interrupts.

    dfld    imw_save        " get back remaining bits
    tze interrupt_return    " no bits left

    ldi 0,dl        " clear hex and overflow bits
    era =o200000,du " clear the bit
    dfst    imw_save

    lda imw_save        " get channel number
    ars 36-8        " in AL
    neg 0
    ada chantab_base    " add chantab offset
    sta index       " store in case of error

    mrl (pr,al),(pr),fill(0) " Reference the channel table.
    desc9a  bp|iom_data.per_iom+per_iom.chantab_word,1
    desc9a  chx,4       " Word will be leading zero padded.

    eppap   hlr_arglist

    ldq chx     " chx in QL
    tze invalid_int-*,ic    " Ignore interrupt if channel not assigned.
    mpy per_device_size,dl
    eax1    -per_device_size,ql " index into per_device

    lda bp|iom_data.per_device+per_device.flags,x1
                " is there a handler?
    cana    per_device.in_use,du
    tze invalid_int-*,ic    " Return if no handler assigned.

    lda bp|iom_data.per_device+per_device.index,x1
    sta index       " save the handler's index
    stx1    device      " save per_device index for ext. call

    rccl    sys_info$clock_,*   " Get int_time now.
    staq    time        " And save it.

    short_call bp|iom_data.per_device+per_device.handler,x1*
                " Call handler.

    rccl    sys_info$clock_,*   " Get int_time again.
    sbaq    time        " Compute delta.

    eppbp   iom_data$       " re-establish addressability
    ldx1    device      " restore per_device offset
    adaq    bp|iom_data.per_device+per_device.interrupt_time,x1
    staq    bp|iom_data.per_device+per_device.interrupt_time,x1
    ldaq    bp|iom_data.per_device+per_device.interrupts,x1
    adl =1,dl       " update meters
    staq    bp|iom_data.per_device+per_device.interrupts,x1
    aos int_count       " count interrupts

    tra imw_retry-*,ic  " find more interrupts

    aos bp|iom_data.invalid_interrupts
                " meter unexpected interrupts
    short_call iom_error$invalid_interrupt
                " and tell the world
    eppbp   iom_data$       " re-establish addressability
    tra imw_retry-*,ic  " find more channels
null_int:               " meter interrupts with null IMW
    aos bp|iom_data.null_interrupts

    lda int_count       " meter multiple interrupts
    cmpa    =1,dl
    tmoz    2,ic
    aos bp|iom_data.multiple_interrupts

    ldaq    tc_data$interrupt_count
    adl 1,dl        " count interrupts
    staq    tc_data$interrupt_count

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Relinquish stack frame and open interrupt mask.
    eppbp   prds_prs-*,ic*  " restore MC ptr

    tsx0    fim_util$restore_mask
    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>

    epbpsb  sp|0        get ptr to base of stack
    sprisp  sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr  pop our stack frame

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Perform interrupt metering and exit.
    ldaq    bp|mc.fault_time    " get fault time
    ana =o777777,dl " clear CPU type
    staq    prds$iitemp " save for now
    rccl    sys_info$clock_,*   " read the clock
    sbaq    prds$iitemp " compute real time spent
    adaq    tc_data$interrupt_time " add in to total
    staq    tc_data$interrupt_time "    ..

    tsx0    fim_util$v_time_calc " compute virtual time

    lxl1    bp|mc.scu.indicators_word
    canx1,du   " check for EIS if not don't reload pl
    tze 2,ic
    lpl bp|mc.eis_info  restore pointers and lengths
    lreg    bp|mc.regs  and registers
    lpri    prds_prs-*,ic*  restore prs
    rcu prds_scu-*,ic*  and dismiss the interrupt
    include iom_data
    include mc
    include stack_header


            sys_trouble.alm                 08/11/83  1813.6r   08/11/83  1735.0      111636

" ***********************************************************
" *                                                         *
" * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
" *                                                         *
" ***********************************************************
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   SYS_TROUBLE - Handle the system trouble connect
"   The system may be in serious trouble when this code
"   is entered.  No stack frame is created and no calls
"   are made.  All other processors are stopped and
"   the bootload processor returns to BOS.  A return
"   from BOS will cause all processors to be restarted.
"   Machine conditions for the system trouble interrupt
"   can be found at prds$sys_trouble_data.
"   Coded by Roger R. Schell - September 23, 1969
"   Recoded by Noel I. Morris - July 22, 1971
"   Modified 1 Feb 79 by D. Spector for new scs format for 8-cpu cioc
"   Modified by Noel I. Morris - February 8, 1976
"   Modified for BOS messages by Noel I. Morris - May 5, 1977
"   Modified 80 Sept 2 by Art Beattie - make it shutdown CPUs 4-7.
"   Modified by J. A. Bush 10/06/80 for the DPS8/70M CPU
"   Modified by J. Bongiovanni 3/4/81 for OOSB on prds
"   Modified by J. Bongiovanni 2/24/82 for Masked in User Ring
"   Modified by J. Bongiovanni 1/10/83 to ignore lockup faults absolutely
"   Modified by E. N. Kittlitz 4/11/83 for ring-0 derail crash mechanism.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    name    sys_trouble

    segdef  sys_trouble
    segdef  ignore_data

"  ******************************************************
"  *                                                    *
"  *                                                    *
"  * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of   *
"  * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *
"  *                                                    *
"  *                                                    *
"  ******************************************************

    equ bos_xed_loc,4   absolute location for BOS entry

    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>

    use main

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   Before spinning waiting for console I/O to die, and before going to
"   BOS, the fault vector for lockup is patched to do an SCU/RCU
"   in absolute mode. This must be in absolute mode, in case the lockup
"   happens in early BOS. The target of the SCU/RCU is in this program
"   rather than prds$ignore_data, since the latter may not be in the
"   low-order 256K.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
    bss ,8      " SCU data for SCU/RCU on lockup fault

    scu 0       " Put into fault vector for lockup fault
    rcu 0       " after absolute address inserted into Y-field


    lda prds$processor_pattern  get bit pattern for this CPU
    cana    scs$bos_restart_flags  are we restarting this processor?
    tnz restart     if so, get it running again

"   If this is the first processor to enter this code,
"   a system trouble connect must be sent to all other
"   processors to stop them too.

    lda scs$processor   get flags for all running CPU's
    stac    scs$trouble_flags   are we the first processor?
    tnz *+2     if not, skip broadcast
    tsx0    broadcast       broadcast system trouble connects to others

    tsx0    fim_util$set_mask   save mask and mask down


"   Copy the machine conditions into prds$sys_trouble_data.
"   This prevents overwriting the data when another
"   system trouble interrupt is used to restart CPU's.

    lda bp|mc.scu.fault_data_word  get fault code
    ana scu.fi_num_mask,dl  mask fault code
    arl scu.fi_num_shift    right-justify
    cmpa    FAULT_NO_CON,dl connect fault?
    tnz no_copy     if not, conditions already in trouble_data

    eppap   prds$sys_trouble_data  ap -> cache for machine conditions
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    copy the machine conditions

    eppbb   pds$history_reg_data    bb -> place to store history regs
    tsx0    fim_util$check_mct      go copy cpu type into machine conditions
    tsx0    fim_util$force_hist_regs    save the history registers in pds

    lda prds$processor_tag  CPU tag in A
    als 1       multiply by 2
    sdbr    scs$trouble_dbrs,al save DBR for debugging

"   If this is the bootload CPU, enter BOS.
"   Otherwise, die gracefully.

    lca 1,dl        all one's in A
    era prds$processor_pattern  CPU pattern mask in A
    ansa    scs$processor   indicate that this CPU is stopped

    lda prds$processor_tag  processor tag in A
    cmpa    scs$bos_processor_tag  is this the bootload CPU?
    tze enter_bos       if so, go to BOS

    dis -1,du       stop 
    tra *-1     I said stop!


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   The second trouble connect for restarting processors
"   causes control to be transferred here.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lda prds$processor_pattern  get bit for this processor
    orsa    scs$processor   indicate CPU is running again
    era =-1     complement to make a mask
    ansa    scs$bos_restart_flags  indicate processor has been restarted
    ansa    scs$sys_trouble_pending  turn off trouble flag for this processor

    eppbp   wired_fim$trouble_prs,*  bp -> system trouble m.c. area
    tsx0    fim_util$restore_mask  restore original controller mask

    szn scs$faults_initialized  see if system ready for cache
    tze trouble_exit    transfer if not
    tsx0    fim_util$reset_mode_reg  restore mode and cache mode regs

    tsx0    fim_util$v_time_calc  start virtual time meters again

    lpl bp|mc.eis_info  restore ptrs and lgths
    lreg    bp|mc.regs  and regs
    lpri    bp|mc.prs       and prs
    rcu wired_fim$trouble_scuinfo,* get running again


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   The following code copies an error message into the BOS
"   flagbox message buffer.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lda scs$sys_trouble_pending  get flags
    als 18      extract low-order
    ars 18      could be negative number
    neg 0       or zero
    tze rtb_no_message  if zero, no message

    eppbb   flagbox$        bb -> BOS flagbox
    mlr (),(pr)     copy program ID
    desc9a  sys_trouble_name,13
    desc9a  bb|fgbx.message,13

    mlr (id),(pr),fill(040) copy error message
    arg trouble_messages-1,al
    desc9a  bb|fgbx.message+3(1),64-13

    cmpa    trbl_r0_drl_flt,dl  is it a ring-0 derail?
    tnz non_drl     nope, that's all 
    szn scs$drl_message_pointer augment the message
    tze non_drl     nothing to say
    lprplb  scs$drl_message_pointer 
    lda lb|0        acc length in upper 9
    arl 27      lower 9, now
    mlr (pr,rl),(pr),fill(040) Your life story in 32 characters.
    desc9a  lb|0(1),al
    desc9a  bb|fgbx.message+8,64-32

non_drl:    ldq fgbx.mess+fgbx.alert,du  set flags for message printing
    orsq    bb|fgbx.rtb ..

    tra rtb_no_message  no, go back to BOS

    aci "sys_trouble: "


    macro   message
    desc9a  &U,&l1
    maclist off,save
    use message
    maclist restore
    aci "&1"
    maclist off,save
    use main
    maclist restore

    message (Page fault while on prds.)

    message (Fault/interrupt while on prds.)

    message (Fault in idle process.)

    message (Fault/interrupt with ptl set.)

    message (Unrecognized fault.)

    message (Unexpected fault.)

    message (Execute fault by operator.)

    message (Out-of-Segment-Bounds on prds.)

    message (Interrupts Masked in User Ring.)   

    message (Fault in bound_interceptors.)

    message (Ring 0 derail.)


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   The following code enters BOS by placing the two
"   absolute mode instructions needed to enter BOS
"   into the fault vector slot for the derail fault.
"   NOTE: bp must be preserved  across call to BOS since
"   we use it to restore pointer registers upon return.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    eppbb   fault_vector$+0 bb -> fault vector segment
    ldaq    bb|2*FAULT_NO_LUF+fv.fpair
    staq    lp|save_lockup_fault  save SCU/TRA
    absa    ignore_data abs addr in 0-23
    als 6       abs addr in 0-17 of Areg
    eaq 0,au        abs addr in 0-17 of Qreg
    oraq    ignore_scu_rcu  replace lockup fault vector
    staq    bb|2*FAULT_NO_LUF+fv.fpair

    szn scs$processor   all CPU's stopped?
    tnz *-1     if not, wait here

    lda 4,du        wait for operator's console output to finish
    sba 1,dl        to allow I/O to drain off
    tnz *-1     ..

    ldaq    bb|2*FAULT_NO_DRL+fv.fpair  grab SCU-TRA pair from fault vector
    staq    lp|save_derail_fault
    ldaq    bos_toehold$+bos_xed_loc  pick up code to enter BOS
    staq    bb|2*FAULT_NO_DRL+fv.fpair  set it in fault vector

drl:    drl 0       ****** BOS is entered here ******

    szn scs$connect_lock    did we enter through pmut call?
    tze drl     if not, cannot restart

    ldac    scs$trouble_flags   get and clear trouble flags
    sta scs$bos_restart_flags  set for restarting CPU's

    ldaq    lp|save_derail_fault
    staq    bb|2*FAULT_NO_DRL+fv.fpair  ..
    ldaq    lp|save_lockup_fault  restore lockup faults
    staq    bb|2*FAULT_NO_LUF+fv.fpair  ..

    tsx0    broadcast       send trouble connects to start CPU's

    tra restart     restart the bootload CPU


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   BROADCAST - Send system trouble connects to all other
"       processors.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    ldq hbound_processor_data,dl    initialize the Q with maximum configurable CPUs
    cmpq    prds$processor_tag  test for ourselves
    tze broadcast_next  don't hit ourselves
    lda scs$processor_data,ql  get processor data for this CPU
    cana,du  is it configured?
    tze broadcast_next  if not, don't hit it

    cioc    scs$cow_ptrs,ql*    Zap

    sbq 1,dl        step to next CPU
    tpl broadcast_loop  if more, get the others
    tra 0,0     return to caller


    use internal_static
    join    /link/internal_static

    bss ,2      place to save lockup fault SCU and TRA

    bss ,2      place to save derail fault SCU and TRA

    include mc


    include scs

    include fgbx

    include sys_trouble_codes

    include fault_vector


" Message:
" sys_trouble: Page fault while on prds.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    $err
" A:    $recov
" Message:
" sys_trouble: Fault/interrupt while on prds.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    $err
" A:    $recov
" Message:
" sys_trouble: Fault in idle process.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    $err
" A:    $recov
" Message:
" sys_trouble: Fault/interrupt with ptl set.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    $err
" A:    $recov
" Message:
" sys_trouble: Unrecognized fault.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    Unexpected or unrecognized fault subcondition.
"   Probable hardware malfunction.
" A:    $contact
" Message:
" sys_trouble: Unexpected fault.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $init
" M:    $err
" A:    $recov
" Message:
" sys_trouble: Execute fault by operator.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    Operator depressed execute pushbutton on processor.
" A:    $recov
" Message:
" sys_trouble:  Out-of-Segment-Bounds on prds.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    While running with the prds as a stack, an attempt was
"   made to reference beyond the end of the prds.  The likely
"   cause was stack overflow, due either to a recursive loop
"   in the procedures running on the prds or insufficient
"   space allocated for the prds.  If the latter, the size of
"   the prds should be increased by means of the TBLS Configuration
"   Card.
" A:    $recover
" Message:
" sys_trouble: Interrupts Masked in User Ring.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    During processing of a fault, it was noticed that interrupts
"   were masked in user-ring, an invalid condition. This is a
"   debug trap crash, enabled by the hidden tuning parameter
"   trap_invalid_masked.
" A:    Contact the Multics System Development staff.
" Message:
" sys_trouble: Fault in bound_interceptors.
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    A fault occured while handling another fault.
" A:    $recov
" Message:
" sys_trouble: Ring 0 derail. {MESSAGE}
" S:    $crash
" T:    $run
" M:    A supervisor software module discovered an untenable situation, and
"   crashed the system by executing a derail (DRL) instruction.
"   If MESSAGE is also present, it will be of the form:
"         "module: explanation", and further details can be found in
"   this documentation in the description of "module".
" A:    $recov


            wired_fim.alm                   09/09/82  1508.6rew 09/09/82  1503.4      121842

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   wired_fim
"   Last Modified: (Date and Reason)
"   Written 1/70 S.Webber
"   Modified by S.Webber 01/01/72 for followon
"   Modified by S.Webber 10/15/73 to add SPL/LPL code for all faults
"   Modified by S.Webber 12/18/73 to remove page fault code
"   Modified by Noel I. Morris 2/11/76 for new connect faults
"   Modified by Mike Grady 6/79 to do stop on prds
"   Modified by J. A. Bush 3/80 to store execute fault time in machine conditions
"   Modified by J. Bongiovanni 1/81 for fault_counters
"   Modified by J. Bongiovanni 2/81 for fast connect code,
"       traffic control race condition
"   Modified by J. A. Bush 6/3/81 to save fault time for unexpected faults
"   Modified by J. Bongiovanni 1/05/82 to fix CPU start wait bug
"   The following entries exist within this procedure:
"   connect_handler handles inter-processor communication
"   pre_empt_return return from pxss after pre-empt
"   ignore      certain faults are ignored here
"   timer_runout    timer runout faults are mapped into
"           pre-empts
"   unexp_fault unexpected faults come here during
"           system initialization
"   xec_fault       execute faults will cause return to BOS
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    name    wired_fim

"  ******************************************************
"  *                                                    *
"  *                                                    *
"  * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of   *
"  * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *
"  *                                                    *
"  *                                                    *
"  ******************************************************


    include pxss_page_stack


    segdef  prs,scuinfo
    segdef  int_scuinfo
    segdef  trouble_prs,trouble_scuinfo
    segdef  ignore_scuinfo
    segdef  my_linkage_ptr

    segdef  pre_empt_return
    segdef  ignore
    segdef  timer_runout
    segdef  connect_handler
    segdef  unexp_fault
    segdef  xec_fault

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   The following variables are set up during initialization.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

prs:    bss ,2
scuinfo:    bss ,2

    bss ,2

    bss ,2
    bss ,2

    bss ,2

    bss ,2


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   CONNECT_HANDLER -- Handle Connect Faults.
"   Connect faults may be sent for the following reasons:
"   1.  To cause a system trouble abort.
"   2.  To clear cache and associative memory.
"       (the clearing has already been done by
"        prds$fast_connect_code by the time we get here)
"   3.  To wait for a new CPU to start up.
"   4.  To cause a processor to delete itself.
"   5.  To cause a process pre-empt.
"   6.  To cause a process stop.
"   7.  To cause an IPS event to be signalled.
"   By the time this entry has been called, the fast connect
"   in the prds has been called.  This code has done the
"   following:
"   1.  If scs$fast_cam_pending was set for this cpu,
"       xed  scs$cam_pair
"       stz  scs$fast_cam_pending + <processor tag>
"   2.  Added 1 to the counter
"       wired_hardcore_data$fault_counters + <FAULT_NO_CON>
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>
    spri    prs,*       save prs
    eppbp   prs,*       bp -> place for machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs  save regs
    spl bp|mc.eis_info  save EIS ptrs and lgths
    epplp   my_linkage_ptr,*    set up linkage ptr

    tsx0    fim_util$v_time_init  start virtual time metering

    lda scs$sys_trouble_pending  system trouble?
    cana    prds$processor_pattern  for this CPU?
    tnz sys_trouble$sys_trouble  go handle it

    tsx0    fim_util$check_mct  go save M.C.s and hregs if trace is on
    nop         " return ic +1
    tsx0    fim_util$reset_mode_reg  start up hist regs again

    lda prds$processor_pattern  see if we're waiting for
    cana    scs$cam_wait        for all cams to clear
    tnz cam_wait            yes--go do it

    cana    scs$processor_start_wait  waiting for CPU to start up?
    tnz start_wait  if so, go wait

    lxl1    prds$processor_tag  CPU tag in X1
    lda scs$processor_data,1  look at CPU flags
    cana    processor_data.delete_cpu,du  is this CPU to delete itself?
    tnz delete_cpu  if so, cause a pre-emption

more:   epplb   pds$apt_ptr,*   lb -> APT entry for this process
    lda lb|apte.flags   look at process flags
    cana    apte.stop_pending,du  stop?
    tnz stop        go handle stop

    cana    apte.pre_empt_pending,du  pre-empt?
    tnz pre_empt        go handle pre-empt

    lda lb|apte.ips_message IPS message?
    tnz ips     go handle IPS
    tra exit        drop through to exit


    lda 1,dl        cannot handle fault now
    sta pds$alarm_ring  defer it until later

    tsx0    fim_util$v_time_calc  calculate virtual time

    lpl bp|mc.eis_info  restore EIS ptrs and lths
    lra pds$alarm_ring  FIM may have reset this
    lreg    bp|mc.regs  restore regs
    lpri    bp|mc.prs       and prs
    rcu scuinfo,*       good-bye


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   IGNORE -- several faults are ignored by directing them
"       to this entry.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    rcu ignore_scuinfo,*    restore the machine conditions

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   XEC_FAULT and UNEXP_FAULT -- These entries cause
"       the system to abort.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    spri    trouble_prs,*   save prs
    eppbp   trouble_prs,*   bp -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs  save regs
    spl bp|mc.eis_info  save EIS ptrs and lths
    epplp   my_linkage_ptr,*    establish linkage ptr
    rccl    sys_info$clock_,*   read the clock
    staq    bp|mc.fault_time    and save in machine conditions

    lca trbl_exec_flt,dl    set sys trouble indicator
    sta scs$sys_trouble_pending  ..
    lda pds$processid   save our process ID
    stac    scs$trouble_processid if we're the first
    tra sys_trouble$sys_trouble  map into sys_trouble code

    spri    trouble_prs,*   save prs
    eppbp   trouble_prs,*   bp -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs  save regs
    spl bp|mc.eis_info  save EIS ptrs and lths
    epplp   my_linkage_ptr,*    establish linkage ptr
    rccl    sys_info$clock_,*   read the clock
    staq    bp|mc.fault_time    and save in machine conditions

    lca trbl_unexp_flt,dl   set sys trouble indicator
    sta scs$sys_trouble_pending  ..
    lda pds$processid   save our process ID
    stac    scs$trouble_processid if we're the first
    tra sys_trouble$sys_trouble  map into sys_trouble code


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   TIMER_RUNOUT - Timer runouts are mapped into pre-empts.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    spri    prs,*       save prs
    eppbp   prs,*       bp -> machine conditions
    sreg    bp|mc.regs  save regs
    spl bp|mc.eis_info  save EIS ptrs and lths
    epplp   my_linkage_ptr,*    establish linkage ptr

    tsx0    fim_util$v_time_init  start virtual time meter

    tsx0    fim_util$check_mct  go save M.Cs ad hregs if trace is on
    nop         " return ic +1
    tsx0    fim_util$reset_mode_reg  start up hist regs

    aos wired_hardcore_data$fault_counters+FAULT_NO_TRO
    epplb   pds$apt_ptr,*   lb -> APT entry for this process
    ldx0    apte.pre_empt_pending,du  get pre-empt indicator flag
    orsx0   lb|apte.flags   set pre-empt flag

    tra pre_empt        join common code

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   DELETE_CPU - Cause a pre-empt to stop CPU.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lca 1,dl        all ones in A
    era prds$processor_pattern  get bit for CPU to be deleted
    ansa    scs$connect_lock    undo the connect lock

    tra cause_pre_empt  now, cause a pre-empt to take place


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   CAM_WAIT -- Wait for all cpus to clear, and originator to
"         give "Go"
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    eppsb   prds$       push a frame onto the prds
    ldx7    push        ..
    tsx0    fim_util$push_stack_32  ..

    eppap   notify_regs ap -> place to copy conditions
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    copy the conditions into stack

    tsx0    fim_util$set_mask   must uninhibit to prevent lockup
    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->

    lda prds$processor_pattern  get bit for this CPU
    cana    scs$cam_wait    still waiting?
    tze *+4     if not, exit loop
    llr 72
    llr 72
    tra *-4     if so, wait more

    tsx0    fim_util$restore_mask  can inhibit again
    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>

    cams    0       now, clear A.M.'s
    camp    0       ..

    eppap   prs,*       prepare to copy machine conditions back
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    ..

    eppap   sp|-32      get original stack end pointer
    spriap  sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr  pop our stack frame
    tra more        and leave


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   START_WAIT - Wait until new CPU has started up.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lca 1,dl        all ones in A
    era prds$processor_pattern  turn off bit for this CPU
    ansa    scs$processor_start_wait  check ourselves off

    eppsb   prds$       push a frame onto the prds
    ldx7    push        ..
    tsx0    fim_util$push_stack_32  ..

    eppap   notify_regs ap -> place to copy conditions
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    copy the conditions into stack

    tsx0    fim_util$set_mask   uninhibit to prevent lockups
    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->

    szn scs$connect_lock    test connect lock
    tze *+4     wait until it is cleared
    llr 72
    llr 72
    tra *-4

    tsx0    fim_util$restore_mask  can inhibit again
    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>

    eppap   prs,*       prepare to copy machine conditions back
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    ..

    eppap   sp|-32      get original stack end pointer
    spriap  sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr  pop our stack frame
    tra exit        all finished waiting


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   PRE_EMPT - Handle process pre-emptions.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    tsx0    ring_test       ring 0 & not idle?
    tra ralr_set_1  if so, delay this for later

    eppap   pds$page_fault_data copy machine conditions
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    ..

    tsx0    fim_util$set_mask   mask system controller

    eppsb   prds$       establish stack frame on the prds
    ldx7    push        ..
    tsx0    fim_util$push_stack ..
    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->

    tra pxss$pre_empt   go to pxss

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   PRE_EMPT_RETURN -- Transferred to when pre_empt has been processed
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    epplp   my_linkage_ptr,*
    eppbp   pds$page_fault_data get pointer to machine conditions

    tsx0    fim_util$restore_mask  restore old controller mask
    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>

    ldaq    sb|stack_header.stack_begin_ptr  restore prds to virgin state
    staq    sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr  ..

    tsx0    fim_util$v_time_calc  compute virtual time

    lpl bp|mc.eis_info  restore EIS ptrs and lths
    lreg    bp|mc.regs  restore regs
    lpri    bp|mc.prs       and prs
    rcu int_scuinfo,*   bye-bye


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   STOP - Handle process stop
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    tsx0    ring_test       ring 0 & not idle?
    tra ralr_set_1  if so, delay handling this

    eppap   pds$page_fault_data copy machine conditions
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    ..

    tsx0    fim_util$set_mask   mask system controller

    eppsb   prds$       Establish stack on prds
    ldx7    push        ..
    tsx0    fim_util$push_stack ..
    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->

    tra pxss$force_stop go to pxss

    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   IPS - Handle Interprocess Signals
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    tsx0    ring_test       ring 0 & not idle?
    tra ralr_set_1  we'll hear about this later

    eppap   pds$signal_data copy the machine conditions
    tsx0    fim_util$copy_mc    ..

    eppsb   pds$stack_0_ptr,*   Establish pageable stack.
    ldx7    push        ..
    tsx0    fim_util$push_stack ..

    tsx0    fim_util$v_time_calc  compute virtual time
    inhibit off <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->

    call    proc_int_handler$proc_int_handler

    inhibit on  <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>
    eppap   prs,*       copy SCU data only back
    mlr (pr),(pr)       ..
    desc9a  bp|mc.scu,8*4
    desc9a  ap|mc.scu,8*4

    sprisp  sb|stack_header.stack_end_ptr  release our stack frame
    tra exit_1      all finished


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
"   RING_TEST - internal subroutine to see if process
"       is in ring 0 and not an idle process
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    lda bp|mc.scu.ppr.prr_word  get PRR
    ana scu.ppr.prr_mask,du ..
    tnz 1,0     if outer ring, take second return

    lda lb|apte.flags   get process flags
    cana    apte.idle,du    idle process?
    tze 0,0     if not, take first return

    epaq    sp|0        get stack pointer in AQ
    eax7    0,au        stack segno in X7
    cmpx7   trouble_scuinfo is it prds?
    tze 0,0     if so, go away
    tra 1,0     if not, take second return


push:   push

    include mc


    include stack_header


    include scs

    include sys_trouble_codes


    include apte
    include fault_vector



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