Here are some pictures of CNO people. See the CNO Site History for more pictures.
I found pictures which appear to be from (at least) 2 different parties on my deck in Crystal in 1981. One party seems to be in celebration of my birthday (not sure which one!) and (perhaps) Ed and Maggie's engagement...or wedding...?
The second party is the one involving lots of champagne. Many of the same people at both parties, but Ed's wearing a short sleeve shirt in the one with cake and presents, long sleeve shirt in the other.
As far as those in the pics, I recognize Ed, Maggie, Cec, and Diane Anderson. I really should know everyone, shouldn't I? But I'm not sure. I'll try to scan a few and send them along - maybe someone else knows who's who! Anyway, here's a pic of the infamous bottles-on-the-railing, though I think that more came later...maybe no one was left to take a pic... We obviously ran out of champagne and had to resort to cheaper stuff...
Some of the prints say July 1981 on the back, some don't. Judging by the clothing, there were at least two different parties, though most of the attendees appear to be the same.
Thanks to Dave Jordan, Ed Sharpe, Dave Bergum, and Bob Asproth for picture identification.
Updated 06/03/20