This Multics source file was rescued from the messed-up source archive at MIT.
This is a subroutine to print "big letters," used by the I/O Daemon's head and tail page. and by calendar.pl1. An ALM module with constants describing the standard alphabet is attached.
Dennis Capps wrote me:
When you were writing bigletter to use on print job banner pages, I asked you if it would handle backspaces. You said you had decided it was not important. A few minutes later, just as I reached my office, I realized why bigletter had to handle backspaces. I went back to your office and said backspace was needed to spell "Corbató" As I recall, you didn't say anything; you just turned to your console and began implementing backspaces in bigletter. I think this illustrates, besides your general desire to do a good job, the degree of influence of and respect for Corby.
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bigletter_.pl1 01/25/77 1656.1rew 01/25/77 1619.1 74655 /* ****************************************************** * * * * * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * * * * * ****************************************************** */ bigletter_: proc (inchar, writer); /* BIGLETTER_ - Create "big letters" for printing. Used by IO Daemon subroutine "head_sheet_" and routine "make_tape_labels", and others. This routine can make two sizes of letters: 9x8 large letters, and 5x5 small ones. The letters are printed according to a format matrix which shows where a mark should be made. Each input letter is looked up in a "translation alphabet" -- if not found, the letter is skipped. Only 132 characters will be put out on a line - this is 13 9x8 letters or 22 5x5 letters. An entry point is provided for the user who insists on making his own alphabet and format matrix, for the 8x9 case only. the $init entry sets this up, and the $var is used to write. THVV */ dcl inchar char (*); /* Input character string to be written. */ dcl writer entry (ptr, fixed bin); /* Input user program to write one line. */ dcl 1 letters (0:128) based (bigp) aligned, /* The matrix to be used. Subscript 0 is not used. */ 2 bits bit (item) aligned; /* 36 or 72 bit elements. */ dcl 1 letter based (letp) aligned, /* A single letter in the array. */ 2 bitrow (high) bit (wide) unal; /* .. consists of a matrix of bits */ dcl 1 letters9 (0: 128) based (bigp) aligned, /* Special for 9x8 */ 2 bits bit (72) aligned; dcl 1 letter9 based (letp) aligned, 2 bitrow9 bit (72); dcl 1 letters5 (0: 128) based (bigp) aligned, /* Special for 5x5 */ 2 bits bit (36) aligned; dcl 1 letter5 based (letp) aligned, 2 bitrow5 bit (36); dcl cx fixed bin (8) unal based (addr (c)); /* For convert char to number in fast case. */ dcl i fixed bin, /* index in input string */ ii fixed bin, /* horizontal index in output char */ m fixed bin, /* Constant part of above */ row fixed bin, /* vertical index in output */ inch char (22), /* Copy of input. */ incl fixed bin, /* Length of input. */ x fixed bin, /* horizontal index in output buffer */ k fixed bin, /* index of character in alphabet. */ c char (1) aligned, /* temp for one char of inchar */ big_letterp ptr int static init (null), /* pointer to user-supplied format matrix */ alpha char (128) aligned, /* actual lookup alphabet used. */ item fixed bin, /* width of element in "letters" -- 36 or 72 */ high fixed bin, /* letter height */ wide fixed bin, /* letter width */ bigp ptr, /* pointer to actual alphabet format matrix */ letp ptr; /* pointer to current letter format matrix */ dcl alphabet char (128) aligned int static init (""); /* user-supplied lookup alphabet */ dcl fill char (1) aligned int static init ("*"); /* user-supplied fill character */ dcl (letseg_$letseg, letseg_$littles) fixed bin ext; /* System alphabet format matrices */ dcl (null, length, substr, index) builtin; dcl linebuf char (132) aligned; /* Output buffer for one line. */ /* ===================================================== */ regular: bigp = addr (letseg_$letseg); /* Regular 9 x 8 big letters, upper and lower case. */ inch = inchar; /* Copy input for speed. */ incl = length (inchar) + 1 - verify (reverse (inchar), " "); m = 0; do row = 1 to 9; /* Will put out nine lines. */ linebuf = ""; /* Clean out line buffer. */ x = 1; /* Reset to left margin. */ do i = 1 to incl; /* Loop over the input string. */ c = substr (inch, i, 1); /* Get one character. */ if unspec (c) = "000001000"b then do; /* handle backpsace */ if x > 10 then x = x - 10; /* .. overstriking will work */ go to skip0; end; if x > 125 then go to skip0; /* write max of 132 */ k = cx - 31; if k <= 0 then go to skip0; if k = 1 then do; /* Special-case blanks. */ x = x +10; go to skip0; end; if fill ^= " " then c = fill; /* Default makes all *'s - user can change. */ letp = addr (letters9 (k)); /* Find format matrix for the "K"th letter */ do ii = 1 to 8; /* Minor loop is over the letter width. */ if substr (bitrow9, m+ii, 1) then substr (linebuf, x, 1) = c; x = x + 1; /* Go to next column */ end; x = x + 2; /* Make room between letters. */ skip0: end; call writer (addr (linebuf), 132); /* Give the line to the user procedure. */ m = m + 8; /* Increment array index. */ end; return; /* Finished. */ /* Entry point to make 5 x 5 characters. */ five: entry (inchar, writer); bigp = addr (letseg_$littles); /* Find 5x5 letters. */ inch = inchar; /* Copy input for speed. */ incl = length (inchar) + 1 - verify (reverse (inchar), " "); m = 0; do row = 1 to 5; /* Will put out five lines. */ linebuf = ""; /* Clean out line buffer. */ x = 1; /* Reset to left margin. */ do i = 1 to incl; /* Loop over the input string. */ c = substr (inch, i, 1); /* Get one character. */ if unspec (c) = "000001000"b then do; /* handle backpsace */ if x > 7 then x = x - 7; /* .. overstriking will work */ go to skip1; end; if x > 128 then go to skip1; /* write max of 132 */ k = cx - 31; if k <= 0 then go to skip1; if k = 1 then do; /* Special-case blanks. */ x = x + 7; go to skip1; end; if fill ^= " " then c = fill; /* Default makes all *'s - user can change. */ letp = addr (letters5 (k)); /* Find format matrix for the "K"th letter */ do ii = 1 to 5; /* Minor loop is over the letter width. */ if substr (bitrow5, m+ii, 1) then substr (linebuf, x, 1) = c; x = x + 1; /* Go to next column */ end; x = x + 2; /* Make room between letters. */ skip1: end; call writer (addr (linebuf), 132); /* Give the line to the user procedure. */ m = m + 5; /* Increment array index. */ end; return; /* Finished. */ /* Entry to use user-specified alphabel for 9 x 8 characters */ var: entry (inchar, writer); if big_letterp = null then go to regular; /* If user never init'ed, use regular big letters */ bigp = big_letterp; /* Retrieve saved matrix pointer */ alpha = alphabet; /* .. and saved lookup alphabet */ wide = 8; /* Set sizes */ high = 9; /* ... */ item = 72; /* ... */ /* The main loop is on the height of the letters. */ inch = inchar; /* Copy input for speed. */ incl = length (inchar) + 1 - verify (reverse (inchar), " "); do row = 1 to high; /* Will put out "high" lines. */ linebuf = ""; /* Clean out line buffer. */ x = 1; /* Reset to left margin. */ do i = 1 to incl; /* Loop over the input string. */ c = substr (inch, i, 1); /* Get one character. */ if unspec (c) = "000001000"b then do; /* handle backpsace */ if x > (wide+2) then x = x-wide-2; /* .. overstriking will work */ go to skip; end; if x+wide > 133 then go to skip; /* write max of 132 */ k = index (alpha, c); /* Look up input character in lookup alphabet */ if k = 0 then go to skip; /* If not found, ignore character. */ if fill ^= " " then c = fill; /* Default makes all *'s - user can change. */ letp = addr (letters (k)); /* Find format matrix for the "K"th letter */ do ii = 1 to wide; /* Minor loop is over the letter width. */ if substr (bitrow (row), ii, 1) then substr (linebuf, x, 1) = c; x = x + 1; /* Go to next column */ end; x = x + 2; /* Make room between letters. */ skip: end; call writer (addr (linebuf), 132); /* Give the line to the user procedure. */ end; return; /* Finished. */ /* --------------------------------------------- */ init: entry (xp, a, f); /* Entry for the user who wants to play. */ dcl xp ptr, (a, f) char (*); fill = f; alphabet = a; big_letterp = xp; return; end bigletter_; letseg_.alm 01/25/77 1656.1rew 01/25/77 1629.0 47583 " ****************************************************** " * * " * * " * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * " * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * " * * " * * " ****************************************************** name letseg_ segdef letseg segdef littles letseg: oct 000000000000,000000000000 oct 000000000000,000000000000 oct 060140300601,403000014030 oct 314630000000,000000000000 oct 000220447762,237711022000 oct 000041766207,701337404000 oct 001617460301,406031743400 oct 060220440604,460641474000 oct 030140000000,000000000000 oct 006030140300,601403003003 oct 600600601403,006014060300 oct 000142312657,753246214000 oct 000000300617,743006000000 oct 000000000000,000030060200 oct 000000000007,700000000000 oct 000000000000,000030060000 oct 006014060301,406030140300 oct 060631463146,314631414000 oct 030160140300,601403037400 oct 170430030140,603014077400 oct 376030140700,300301476000 oct 006034170663,157700601400 oct 771403007600,600643074000 oct 160621403706,314631436000 oct 776030140603,014030060000 oct 060631460606,314631414000 oct 060631461740,300611416000 oct 000000003006,000030060000 oct 000000003006,000030060200 oct 006030140603,003003003003 oct 000000003740,017600000000 oct 600600600600,603014060300 oct 170410020103,406014000060 oct 375006355132,264547677000 oct 170773036077,770360741400 oct 771413027714,130360777000 oct 375407006014,030060277000 oct 771413036074,170360576000 oct 777403007754,030060177400 oct 777403007754,030060140000 oct 375407006014,770360677000 oct 607417037774,170360741400 oct 170140300601,403006036000 oct 006014030060,170360677000 oct 615463307015,431461541400 oct 601403006014,030060177400 oct 607637336674,170360741400 oct 607617236674,571761741400 oct 375417036074,170360677000 oct 771413027714,030060140000 oct 375417036074,170362677002 oct 771413027714,130360741400 oct 375407003740,140340677000 oct 776140300601,403006014000 oct 607417036074,170360677000 oct 607417036074,154617014000 oct 607417036675,574760700400 oct 606630740603,614660741400 oct 403415461701,403006014000 oct 776014060301,406030177400 oct 036060140300,601403006017 oct 601401401401,401401401403 oct 740300601403,006014030360 oct 020120000000,000000000000 oct 000000000000,000000000377 oct 060060000000,000000000000 oct 000000003740,157760677400 oct 601403007754,170360777000 oct 000000003774,030060077400 oct 006014033774,170360677400 oct 000000003754,177660077000 oct 000160607703,006014030000 oct 000000003754,031760677000 oct 601403007754,170360741400 oct 000000300003,403006036000 oct 000000300001,403006154370 oct 001403146617,033063143000 oct 000001700601,403006017000 oct 000000005555,573366755400 oct 000000005754,170360741400 oct 000000003754,170360677000 oct 000000007754,170377540300 oct 000000003754,170337601407 oct 000000005616,630060140000 oct 000000003754,017600677000 oct 000000303741,403006014000 oct 000000006074,170360677400 oct 000000006074,154617014000 oct 000000006075,573371641000 oct 000000006063,603017141400 oct 000000006066,146607014170 oct 000000003740,603014077000 oct 006030140141,600603003003 oct 040100200400,002004010020 oct 600600603003,414014060300 oct 170020000000,000000000000 oct 000000000000,000000000000 littles: oct 000000000000 oct 000000000000 oct 102040020000 oct 240000000000 oct 257527650000 oct 372161370000 oct 635042714000 oct 212145370000 oct 021000000000 oct 144102030000 oct 301020460000 oct 112775220000 oct 002371000000 oct 000001440000 oct 000160000000 oct 000000010000 oct 021042100000 oct 105212420000 oct 106041070000 oct 311042174000 oct 740560370000 oct 430770204000 oct 770360370000 oct 164364270000 oct 761042100000 oct 311144460000 oct 311360460000 oct 000040020000 oct 003001440000 oct 104202020000 oct 017407600000 oct 101010420000 oct 350421020000 oct 772674174000 oct 105374304000 oct 750764370000 oct 370204074000 oct 750614370000 oct 770364174000 oct 770364100000 oct 370274274000 oct 430774304000 oct 342041070000 oct 020414270000 oct 431304504000 oct 410204174000 oct 435654304000 oct 434654704000 oct 350614270000 oct 750764100000 oct 350614674000 oct 750764304000 oct 370160370000 oct 762041020000 oct 430614270000 oct 430612420000 oct 430656704000 oct 425042504000 oct 425041020000 oct 761042174000 oct 344102070000 oct 404040404000 oct 341020470000 oct 042400000000 oct 000000174000 oct 040400000000 oct 105374304000 oct 750764370000 oct 370204074000 oct 750614370000 oct 770364174000 oct 770364100000 oct 370274274000 oct 430774304000 oct 342041070000 oct 020414270000 oct 431304504000 oct 410204174000 oct 435654304000 oct 434654704000 oct 350614270000 oct 750764100000 oct 350614674000 oct 750764304000 oct 370160370000 oct 762041020000 oct 430614270000 oct 430612420000 oct 430656704000 oct 425042504000 oct 425041020000 oct 761042174000 oct 144302030000 oct 102001020000 oct 301030460000 oct 341000000000 oct 000000000000 end
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