Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-631
Bootload Multics Task List

To:       Distribution

From:     Keith Loepere
          with an introduction by Tom Casey

Date:     08/23/83

Subject:  Bootload Multics Task List


     This  MTB contains  a task  list for  Bootload Multics.  For
each  task,  it provides  a brief  description, a  time estimate,
schedule and status information where known.

     The purpose of this MTB is  to present a complete picture of
the  magnitude  of the  effort involved  and the  directions that
design  discussions  are  taking,  and  to  indicate  our current
implementation priorities.  Tasks have  been scheduled to provide
capabilities required in Orion and Dipper test cells and System M
exposure prior to FCS.  It  is expected that the BOS-less version
of bootload Multics will be released in MR11 in 4Q84.

     In  the interest  of timely  publication, technical details,
including justification for design  decisions, have been omitted.
See  MTB  598,  rev 2,  (not  yet completed)  for  more technical
     The  tasks listed  below, if all  implemented, would provide
complete replacement  for all BOS functions.   However, the words
"optional" or  "not planned" in the  status column indicate doubt
as to when or if these functions should be provided.  Comments on
the need  for those functions,  as well as on  the schedule, time
estimates and  overall design, are invited.   They may be entered
in the Bootload_Multics forum.


Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-631
Bootload Multics Task List

bootload Multics list of      effort    status    start     stop
tasks                         [means              FW        FW
----------------------------- --------- ------    -----     ----

- boot from tape              [several  done

Currently,  Multics is  booted from  a bootstrap  system known as
BOS.   Since BOS  will not function  on new hardware  and is made
obsolete  thereby, it  is necessary to  be able  to boot directly
from a Multics system tape (MST) using the IOM boot function.

- bootload command            [3 weeks] done

During  Multics initialization,  Multics shall  be able  to pause
before activating  the file system  to permit activities  such as
saving  disk  contents, examining  the  software, etc,  which was
previously performed by BOS.  This requires a command environment
in which to run command programs to perform these functions.  The
various  functions  to  be  performed within  this  command level
constitutes the majority of the following list of items.

- configuration file editor   [3 weeks] done
                               (except for a possible conversion
                                           to use bootload qedx)

One of the functions required at  bootload Multics level is to be
able  to enter  and modify the  description of  the hardware that
will be used  for Multics.  A program must  be written to convert
between  a  user  description  of the  hardware  and  an internal
description.  This program replaces the BOS config function.

- text editor                 [2 weeks] done

A text editor must be made available for bootload Multics so that
automatic system startup procedures  (exec_com's) and other ascii
text may be edited.  This  involves modifications to qedx, one of
the standard editors, for  operation in the bootload environment.
This program replaces the BOS edit function.

- bootload file system        [2 weeks] done

A primitive  file system must  be provided to  hold the automatic
system startup procedures and other  ascii text to be used within
bootload Multics.  This also requires  commands to init this file
system,  delete, rename  and list  the files,  and also  to print
them.   System   conventions  for  multiple   file  access  (star
convention)  shall be  used.  These  files will  also be writable

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-631
Bootload Multics Task List

from within normal Multics operation.  This facility replaces the
BOS delete, list, rename, and edit print functions.

- exec_com facility           [2 weeks] done

There shall  be a method for  providing operator invokable system
startup  procedures.   This  facility  will  be  compatible  with
version  1  exec_com's  within  normal  Multics  operation.  This
facility replaces the BOS runcom, if, quiet, ready, tty and write

- system clock setting        [1 week]  done

A  method needs  to be  provided to  set the  system clock.  This
replaces the BOS time function.

- automatic creation of       [1 week]  done
  required disk partitions

Since bootload Multics  is to run before the  Multics file system
is active, it  needs its own reserved areas  of disk (partitions)
to use  for storing files  and other information.   To remove the
burden  for sites  of having to  reformat their  disks to contain
these areas, a program is  to be provided that will automatically
create them when bootload Multics is first run at the site.

- multiple disk copy program  [3 weeks] done

A program shall be provided for operation within bootload Multics
that can copy  the contents of disk packs  onto other disk packs.
If  possible, several  such copies  should be  allowed to proceed
concurrently.  This program replaces the BOS save copy function.

- program to save crash-to-   4 weeks   required  332.1     335.5
  able bootload Multics to disk;        saving portion written,
  toehold program to save/restore memory          not tested
  and toehold creation

Currently, when Multics crashes or  shuts down, it returns to the
BOS toehold, which first saves low  memory to disk and then loads
a  BOS core  image.  The bootload  Multics equivalent  of the BOS
core image is generated  by running early Multics initialization.
A  program must  be written to  save this  image appropriately to
disk, in a state such that it  can be loaded back into memory and
resume execution  at a known  point.  Also, the  bootload Multics
toehold must be  written.  This is a very  primitive program that
can be guaranteed to operate, in  spite of the failure (crash) of
Multics, to  write the state  of (some of) Multics  memory out to
disk and to read in the  image of bootload Multics saved on disk.
This  program (the  toehold) requires  a program  to generate the
device control lists necessary to perform this i/o.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-631
Bootload Multics Task List

- Multics crash/shutdown      2 weeks   required  336.2     338.1

The mechanism by  which Multics invokes the toehold  to perform a
crash or shutdown needs to be written.

- bootload Multics shutdown   3 days    required  338.2     338.4

For  compatibility  with BOS,  bootload  Multics needs  a  way to
shutdown  to  BOS, if  bootload  Multics was  booted from  BOS as
opposed to the IOM.  If bootload Multics was booted from the IOM,
this will replace the BOS die function.

- automatic procedure         1 day     required  338.5     338.5

It is desirable  to be able to specify what  the system should do
when it crashes or is shutdown.   At crash or shut down time, BOS
simply performs the next step in its procedure (runcom) after the
step that booted the system.  Bootload Multics, however, will not
do this  and will need a  way to specify the  procedure to run at
crash  or  shut down.   This procedure  will be  specifiable from
either bootload Multics or normal Multics operation.

- toehold/flagbox variable    2 days    required  339.1     339.2

The  flagbox   area  of  the  toehold   is  used  to  communicate
information between normal Multics operation and bootload Multics
operation.   Both Multics  service and  bootload Multics commands
need to be  provided to manipulate this area.   This replaces the
BOS flag and the Multics flagbox facilities.

- Multics restarting          1 week    required  339.3     340.2

For  testing purposes,  Multics is  told to  shutdown to bootload
Multics.    Tools   within   bootload   Multics   are   used   to
examine/manipulate  the  saved  Multics image.   Multics  is then
restarted,  possibly  after modifying  machine  conditions.  This
restart  mechanism needs  to be  written.  This  replaces the BOS
contin and go functions.

- emergency shutdown          2 days    required  340.3     340.4

When Multics crashes and after any dump is taken, it is necessary
to perform a Multics function  known as emergency shutdown.  This
operation tries  to migrate to  disk the pages of  files found in
memory, thus providing a more  consistent state to the files than
would  exist otherwise.   A mechanism  by which  bootload Multics
will  invoke  this Multics  function needs  to be  written.  This
replaces the BOS esd command.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-631
Bootload Multics Task List

- disk saving to tape         [5 weeks] written,  340.5     343.4
                              3 weeks   needs testing,

A program must be provided to  save the contents of disks to tape
for backup  purposes.  It is  desirable for this  program to save
more than one disk at a time.  This activity includes the work to
provide tape  support for bootload  Multics, as well  as the base
level for support  of other device drivers needed  by many of the
other activities.  This function replaces the BOS save function.

- disk restoration from tape  3 weeks   required  343.5     346.4

A program must be written that can restore the contents of a disk
from previously saved tapes.  It is desirable for this program to
restore  more than  one disk  at a  time.  This  replaces the BOS
restor function.

- warm boot from disk         1 week    required  346.5     348.1

Multics is initially booted (cold booted) from the Multics system
tape  (MST).   The tape  is  then normally  demounted.   To allow
Multics to be booted again  after a shutdown or crash, especially
in cases  of unattended service, bootload  Multics shall save the
remaining contents of the MST  into a disk partition.  The actual
booting  of Multics  from bootload  Multics will  take place from
this partition.  The program to  copy the tape into the partition
and modifications to the remainder of initialization to boot from
the partition are needed.

- Multics address space       2 weeks   required  348.2     350.1

A package must be written to access Multics segments in the crash
image; it is used by the  dump/patch facility and the facility to
provide a dump.  This facility needs to be sufficiently robust to
deal with invalid tables, etc.  in the Multics crash image.  This
replaces the BOS apnd and sstn functions.

- dump/patch facility         3 weeks+  required  350.2     402.5

A dump/patch  facility that operates  on memory addresses  in the
crashed system, virtual addresses in the crashed system, and disk
addresses  is needed.   This will replace  the BOS  abs, dump and
patch facilities.

- disk dump program           4 weeks+  required  403.1     406.5

The  program  that examines  the  saved Multics  crash  image and
produces  a dump  image on disk  for dump analysis  tools must be
written.   The  disk dump  must  be compatible  with  the already

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-631
Bootload Multics Task List

existing  dump  analysis  tools.   This  replaces  the  BOS fdump

- firmware loading            2 weeks   required  407.1     409.1

Mechanisms must be provided for loading firmware into the various
controllers.    The   bootload    tape   controller   is   loaded
automatically; the  main disk controller  is loaded as  part of a
dialog  during  booting of  bootload Multics.   The rest  will be
loaded  automatically by  a program that  scans the configuration
file.  This will replace the BOS fwload function.

- break key                   1 week    required  409.2     410.1

A  method  must be  provided  to interrupt  a  mistakenly started
operation.   This  requires  a  mechanism  within  the operator's
console software to recognize when  the operator hit a break, and
a mechanism by  which this signal gets sent  to the program being

- early initialization dumps  4 weeks   required  410.2     414.1

The debugging  facilities present within  bootload Multics cannot
be  used  until  bootload  Multics  becomes  operative.  Bootload
Multics cannot be used to examine failures in booting itself.  It
is  therefore  desirable, especially  for  the Orion  project, to
provide a method of dumping  the memory image of bootload Multics
to  tape  when a  failure occurs  in early  initialization.  This
program  must run  in a primitive  environment and  be written in
assembly  language.   A  Multics   program  must  be  written  to
understand this tape.

- printer support             2 weeks   required  414.2     416.1

A driver  will be provided that  allows arbitrary output destined
for the operator's console to be routed to a line printer.  Error
messages  will  continue to  go to  the operator's  console.  The
Multics  driver must  be modified  for bootload  use.  This would
replace the BOS prt function.

- operator's console alarm    1 day     required  416.2     416.2

A mechanism is needed so that automatic crash procedures can ring
the operator's  console alarm.  This would  replace the BOS write
alert function.

- cache examine program       3 days    optional  416.3     416.5

This would replace the BOS abs cache function.

- disk volume interpretor     2 days    optional  413.1     413.2

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-631
Bootload Multics Task List

A desirable tool would be  one that displayed information about a
disk pack.  This would replace the BOS rdlabl function.

- ready_on, ready_off         1 day     optional  417.1     417.1

Commands  may be  provided to  turn on  and off  the message that
bootload  Multics  prints  after completing  any  function.  This
would replace the BOS ready function.

- file_output, revert_output  1 day     optional  417.2     417.2

So as to make it easier to peruse what would otherwise be a large
amount  of printed  output, a command  will be  provided to route
output  destined  for  the  operator's console  into  a  file for
perusal with the text editor.

- operator prompting          1 day     optional  417.3     417.3

A mechanism  may be provided  to control the prompt  given to the
operator  when  waiting for  input.  This  would replace  the BOS
prompt function.

- disk test                   1 week    optional  417.4     418.3

A tool may  be written to test a  disk by writing/reading various
test patterns.  This would replace the BOS test function.

- dump tape contents          1 week    optional  418.4     419.3

It may be desirable to provide  a program to dump the contents of
a tape to  the console.  This would replace  the BOS label, print
and taped functions.

- memory save/restore to tape 1 week    not planned

It may be desirable to provide for the saving/restoring of all of
memory to tape.  This would replace the BOS core function.

- generation of a new MST     1 week    not planned

It may be desirable to provide  a program that can generate a new
MST from  within bootload Multics.  This  would be the equivalent
of the BOS bostap function.

- mpc dump                    2 weeks   not planned

A  program  may be  provided to  dump the  contents of  mpcs from
within  bootload  Multics.  (The  Multics software  that performs
this  function is  not appropriate  for bootload  Multics.)  This
would replace the BOS mpcd function.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-631
Bootload Multics Task List

- save to disk                2 weeks   not planned

A program may be provided to  save disk contents onto other disks
in packed  fashion (as opposed  to a straight  copy).  This would
replace the BOS save disk function.

- iom channel test            3 weeks   not planned

A program may  be provided to perform arbitrary  i/o tests on any
iom  channel.  (No  appropriate Multics  mechanism exists.)  This
would replace the BOS tstchn function.

- card reader support         unknown   not planned

A driver may be written to allow input from cards within bootload
Multics.   (The Multics  driver is  not appropriate  for bootload
use.)  This would replace the BOS cards function.

- card punch support          unknown   not planned

A driver  may be written  to allow bootload Multics  to output to
cards.  (The Multics driver is not appropriate for bootload use.)
This would replace the BOS punch function.

- loading new commands        very hard not planned

A  facility may  be provided to  load new  commands into bootload
Multics  while it  is operating,  instead of  loading a  new MST.
This would replace the BOS loaddm function.

- FNP support                 very hard not planned

A driver may be provided so that bootload Multics may communicate
with the  FNP.  This would  be done to  allow for dumping  of the
FNP.  (The  Multics driver is not  appropriate for bootload use.)
This would replace the BOS dmp355 and fd355 functions.

- formatting disk packs       very hard not planned

A  program  may  be provided  to  format disk  packs  from within
bootload Multics.  This is currently done by t&d's, and also once
Multics is operating.  (The standard disk driver does not support
the needed operations.)  This would replace the BOS fmt function.