1 .* ***********************************************************
  2 .* *                                                         *
  3 .* *                                                         *
  4 .* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1981 *
  5 .* *                                                         *
  6 .* *                                                         *
  7 .* ***********************************************************
  8 .*                                      DOCUMENT TITLE PAGE & PREFACE
  9 .ur .go %InputFileName%
 10 .*
 11 .la titlepage
 12 .la tp
 13 .srv issue_date
 14 .srv ABORT
 15 .indctl on
 16 .*
 17 .if %ArgCount% < 3                      ;.* must have at least 3 args
 18 .then     .err Needs at least three arguments.
 19           .srv ABORT -1
 20 .endif
 21 .*
 22 .ts %ABORT%
 23 .go tpret
 24 .*                                      build the masthead
 25 .fif
 26 .alr                                    ;.* set flush right
 27 .spd +4                                 ;.* product line base at 10 pc
 28 .if "%Arg1%" ^= ""
 29 .then     .fnt CSR 12                   ;.* product line in 12 pt CSR
 30           .ur .ur %%[uppercase "%Arg1%"]%%
 31           .fnt
 32           .spf 0.667                    ;.* with 8pt lead
 33 .endif
 34 .if "%Device%"(1,3) = "x97"
 35 .then     .fnt head14                   ;.* title in 14pt UNIVERS
 36 .else     .fnt 14                       ;.* title in 14pt CSR
 37 .endif
 38 .ls 1.333                               ;.* with 4 pt lead
 39 .srv ARGCT 2
 40 .la TITLE_LOOP
 41 .ur .ur .ur %%%%[uppercase "%%Arg%ARGCT%%%"]%%%%
 42 .srv ARGCT %ARGCT% + 1
 43 .ts %ARGCT% <= %ArgCount% - 1
 44 .go TITLE_LOOP
 45 .fnt                                    ;.* pop the font stack
 46 .*
 47 .*                                      build the security notice
 48 .*                                      centered hor & vert between
 49 .*                                      masthead and text
 50 .ur .ur .spb %%{8 - 1.333 * %ArgCount%}%%
 51 .alc
 52 .fnt HR 12                              ;.* in 12 pt HR
 53 .*                                      but should be reversed out of black
 54 .ur .ur .ur %%%%[uppercase "%%Arg%ArgCount%%%"]%%%%
 55 .fnt                                    ;.* pop the font stack
 56 .*
 57 .ur .ur .spb %%{8 - %ArgCount%}%%       ;.* space down to text
 58 .ls 1
 59 .fin
 60 .alb
 61 .*
 62 .fla                                    ;.* build the footer
 63 .ts "%issue_date%" = ""
 64 .ur .srv issue_date "%[month_name]% %[long_year]%"
 65 .fbb
 66 .if "%DeviceClass%" = "bitmap"
 67 .then     .inl 11pc
 68           .unl 3pc
 69 .endif
 71 .spf .5
 72 .unl -3pc
 73 .ur |%ORDER_NUMBER%%add_letter%||%issue_date%|
 74 .spf 4                                  ;.* leave room for logo
 75 .fbe
 76 .ts "%DeviceClass%" = "bitmap"
 77 .pdc 0,8pc,33pc                         ;.* left margin at 14pc from page
 78 .*
 79 .la tpret
 80 .indctl
 81 .rt
 82 .*                                      PREFACE
 83 .la preface
 84 .la pf
 85 .indctl on
 86 .if %ArgCount% > 0
 87 .then     .srv issue_date %Arg1%
 88 .else     .srv issue_date %[long_year]%
 89 .endif
 90 .if %ArgCount% > 1
 91 .then     .srv file_no "%Arg2%"
 92 .else     .srv file_no
 93 .endif
 94 .brp 2                                  ;.* this must be a back page
 95 .*
 96 ..onecol
 97 .fla
 98 .fbb
 99 .fnt CSR 7
100 .if "%DeviceClass%" = "bitmap" & "%DOCUMENT_TYPE%" = "photo"
101 .then     .ls .667                      ;.* set notice 7/8
102           .inr 35                       ;.* blocked at 16 pc
103           .*The information and specifications in this document are subject to
104           .+ change without notice. This document contains information about
105           .+ Honeywell products or services that may not be available outside
106           .+ the United States. Consult your Honeywell Marketing Representative.
107           .inr      ;.ls
108           .spf 1.5
109           .ur |%COPYRIGHT%*NHoneywell*NInformation*NSystems*NInc.,*N%issue_date%*M*M*M*
110           .+M*M*N*M*NFile *NNo.: *N%file_no%||%ORDER_NUMBER%%add_letter%|
111 .elseif   %ArgCount% <= 2
112 .then     .spb 7.5                      ;.* leave 1" for pasteup legal notice
113           .ur |%COPYRIGHT% Honeywell Information Systems Inc., %issue_date%|
114 .+|File No.: %%file_no%%|
115           .spb
116           .ur |%%draft%%%%add_date%%||%%draft_date%%     %ORDER_NUMBER%%%add_letter%%|
117 .elseif   "%Arg3%" = "notice"
118 .then
119 The information and specifications in this document are subject to
120 change without notice. This document contains information about
121 Honeywell products or services that may not be available outside
122 the United States. Consult your Honeywell Marketing Representative.
123           .spf
124           .ur |%COPYRIGHT% Honeywell Information Systems Inc., %issue_date%|
125 .+|File No.: %%file_no%%|
126           .spb
127           .ur |%%draft%%%%add_date%%||%%draft_date%%     %ORDER_NUMBER%%%add_letter%%|
128 .endif
129 .fnt
130 .fbe
131 .*
132 .fnt l0font 18
133 .if "%DeviceClass%" = "bitmap" & "%DOCUMENT_TYPE%" = "photo"
134 .then     .spd +4.5pc
135           .btt
136           .fif
137           .alo
138 Preface
139           .spf 6pc
140           .ett
141 .else     .spd +7
142           .tlh 4 ||PREFACE|
143 .endif
144 .fnt
145 .*
146 .indctl
147 .rt
148 .*
149 .la pf_cont
150 .brp 3 rl
151 .fla |%draft%%add_date%|%PageNo%|%draft_date%     %ORDER_NUMBER%%add_letter%|
152 .rt