1 /* Simple program to produce two trivial reports. */
2 dcl 1 input stream file "two_reports.mrpg.input",
3 2 the_data char32;
4 define 1 report report_one pagelength 12
5 on file "two_reports.file_one.report",
6 2 pagehead, 3 line 4, 4 "THIS REPORT PRODUCED ON " || %mmddyy, 3 line,
7 2 detail detail_one,
8 3 line +2, 4 "Line A, report one. The input is ", 4 the_data,
9 3 line, 4 "Line B, report one. The input is ", 4 the_data;
10 define 1 report report_two pagelength 12
11 on file "two_reports.file_two.report",
12 2 pagehead, 3 line 4, 4 "THIS REPORT PRODUCED ON " || %mmddyy, 3 line,
13 2 detail detail_two,
14 3 line +2, 4 "Report two, line A. The input is ", 4 the_data,
15 3 line, 4 "Report two, line B. The input is ", 4 the_data;
16 begin print report_one; print report_two;
17 end;