1 &command_line off
  2 &input_line off
  3 &ready off
  4 &comment_line off
  5 &control_line off
  6 &goto ENTRY &ec_name
  9 This ec is used to create a new lisp from scratch, or as close to scratch as we
 10 ever care to come.  Since it would take SO long to compile the compiler
 11 interpretively, we cheat and use the existing lisp compiler.  This ec exists to
 12 handle the various peculiarities of the installation procedure; for example,
 13 that none of the pl1 programs that actually make up the interpreter can be
 14 compiled with -optimize.
 16 This ec takes no command line arguments; it prompts for everything it needs.
 17 If you read all the comments that precede the third executable statement, you
 18 will understand how to use this ec, via its main entrypoint:
 20                     make_lisp_interpreter.ec
 22 The subroutine entrypoints are designed to be used to facilitate lisp
 23 development; don't call them directly unless you know how the ec works.  It is
 24 pretty self contained; it adds all the names to itself that it needs.  Note
 25 that leaving out all the comment chars in this document not only made it easier
 26 to edit, but significantly improves the performance of this ec.
 28 This ec produces the following six object programs to be installed in a system
 29 library:
 31                     bound_lisp_intrprtr_
 32                     bound_lisp_compiler_
 33                     bound_lisp_library_
 34                     lisp_standard_environment_
 35                     compiler.sv.lisp
 36                     lap.sv.lisp
 38 It also produces three directories, which respectively contain the source
 39 archives, the object archives, and the include files.  This contents of these
 40 directories are to be installed in various places in LDD.  The archives are
 41 ready for installation; the names of all the archive components are on the
 42 archives, they have been sorted, and the bound segments have been produced
 43 using the object archives as they are.
 45 Not all of the include files need be installed; all the include files which are
 46 specific to lisp will be in the directory; a list of changed include files
 47 which must be replaced is produced by the ec as it runs.  Any include file
 48 which has "lisp" as part of its name, and perhaps others, which do not appear
 49 in this directory are obsolete and may be deleted.  Consult installation
 50 instructions, if any, for a list of such segments, if any.
 53 Written:  14 January 1980 by J. Spencer Love^L
 54 This ec uses the following programs which are not part of standard service:
 56      memory (mem)     The RDMS variable managing program for exec_coms.  This
 57                       can be found in >libraries>rdms at MIT.  It must be used
 58                       until either an exec_com with variables is ready or until
 59                       Honeywell installs an acceptable substitute.
 61      match (nomatch)  These functions starmatch their first argument against
 62                       all the rest of their arguments, and return all the
 63                       strings that meet the named criterion.  They can be found
 64                       in >udd>p>jsl>s at MIT.  They must be used until the
 65                       arguments active function can be completed and installed.
 67      target           This function returns the pathname of the target of a
 68                       link.  It differs from status -link_path in that it
 69                       always returns a branch, and works correctly if given a
 70                       branch.  Versions exist at MIT in the AML and in the
 71                       Multics project library.  Maybe this will make standard
 72                       service some day.
 74 It also depends on the nested &if feature of the exec_com command in >exl>ecd.
 75 If this ec is run in an absentee process, the directions outlined in
 76 >exl>info>exec_com.usage.info must be followed.  This exec_com exists on both
 77 MIT and System M, and will be installed in SSS at some time in the future.
 79 The object files for lisp itself (the six object files created by this ec) and
 80 for these four programs must be shipped to all sites where Multics Lisp is to
 81 be brought up, subject to changes in this ec outlined above.  Naturally, if
 82 lisp is not to be recompiled at the site, only the six object programs produced
 83 by this ec need be shipped.
 85 The following memory variables are used:
 87      newsourcedir   This directory contains the source being picked up, in
 88                     archives.  The names must be of the form bound*_.**.s.archive,
 89                     the first component must be the same as the associated bound
 90                     segment name, and all the names of components must be on the
 91                     archive segments.  Also, the include files which are used must
 92                     be in the segment include_files.archive, in this directory.
 93                     The bind files must be in this directory, either free
 94                     standing or as part of an archive.  Links in this directory
 95                     can be used to pick up non-include files from the online
 96                     libraries or anywhere else.  Note that, if a file is part of
 97                     an archive, the primary  name of the segment or link must end
 98                     in ".archive" so the file will be extracted, not copied.
 99                     This is prompted for.
101      version        This is the version number printed out by the new lcp when
102                     invoked.  This is prompted for.
104      workdir        This directory will be the working directory during the
105                     execution of this ec.  It will be created if it does not
106                     already exist, and it must be initially empty (it will ask
107                     permission to clear it if it isn't), so this ec cannot reside
108                     there.  At the end, it will contain all the executable
109                     objects to be installed.  It will also contain three
110                     subdirectories which contain the source and object archives
111                     and all the include files, which are respectively to be
112                     installed various places in LDD.  This is prompted for.^L
113      listdir        This directory contains all the compilation listings.  It
114                     should have lots of quota.  It will also contain copies of
115                     the ec's, for dprinting.  This directory is not created as
116                     a subdir of workdir since about 2000 records of quota are
117                     needed to store the listings, and thus better control over
118                     this directory may be desired.  This is prompted for.
120      cmplrdir       This directory contains the lisp compiler used to compile the
121                     compiler.  This is prompted for.
123      envdir         This directory WILL CONTAIN the new lisp library when it is
124                     installed.  It is used for autoload initialization.  It is
125                     very important that this be correct, or tracing, the
126                     grinder and the lap function (not eq to the lap command)
127                     will not initialize properly.  This is prompted for.
129      sourcedir      This directory will contain the source archives in
130                     installable form and the file include_files.archive, which
131                     contains all the include files to be installed in LDD.
132                     This directory is automatically created as a subdirectory
133                     of workdir.
135      objectdir      This directory will contain the object archives in
136                     installable form.  This directory is automatically created
137                     as a subdirectory of workdir.
139      incldir        This directory will contain all the include files to be
140                     installed in LDD.  This directory is automatically created
141                     as a subdir of workdir.
143      retry_later    This is a list of pl1 programs which compiled with severity
144                     greater than zero.  The arguments to the compile_sources
145                     entrypoint and this become the value of sources when the
146                     compile_sources entrypoint is used.
148      sources        This is a list of all the pl1, alm, and lisp programs to
149                     compile.  It is used by the compile_sources entrypoint.
151      source         Name of the source archive or freestanding file, with the
152                     value of sourcedir prepended.
154      object         Name of the object archive, or the first component of the
155                     name of the freestanding file, with the value of objectdir
156                     prepended.
158      command        Unsuffixed name of the file currently being processed.^L
159 &label ENTRY
160 &print You are using the wrong version of exec_com.  Initiate the EXL version by typing "in >exl>ecd>ec -fc -a", then retry.
161 &quit
164 &label ENTRY get_for_lisp
165 &
166 memory set source [status -pri ||[mem newsourcedir]>&r1]
167 memory set object ||[spe ||[mem source]]
168 &if [equal &r1 ||[mem source]]
169 &then &goto NOT_IN_ARCHIVE &ec_name
170 answer yes -brief "archive x ||[mem newsourcedir]>||[mem source] ||[mem workdir]>&r1"
171 memory set object ||[spe ||[mem object] s].archive
172 &goto HAVE_SOURCE &ec_name
174 &label NOT_IN_ARCHIVE get_for_lisp
175 answer yes -brief "copy ||[mem newsourcedir]>&r1 ||[mem workdir]>=="
176 &
177 &label HAVE_SOURCE get_for_lisp
178 &if [not [exists entry &r1]]
179 &then &goto ABORT
180 memory set command [spe &r1]
181 &quit
184 &label ENTRY get_for_bootstrap
185 &
186 memory set source [status -pri ||[mem sourcedir]>&r1]
187 memory set object ||[spe ||[mem source]]
188 &if [equal &r1 ||[mem source]]
189 &then &goto NOT_IN_ARCHIVE &ec_name
190 answer yes -brief "archive x ||[mem sourcedir]>||[mem source] ||[mem workdir]>&r1"
191 memory set object ||[spe ||[mem object] s].archive
192 &goto HAVE_SOURCE &ec_name
194 &label NOT_IN_ARCHIVE get_for_bootstrap
195 answer yes -brief "copy ||[mem sourcedir]>&r1 ||[mem workdir]>=="
196 &
197 &label HAVE_SOURCE get_for_bootstrap
198 &if [not [exists entry &r1]]
199 &then &goto ABORT
200 memory set command [spe &r1]
201 &quit
204 &label ENTRY save_for_lisp
205 &
206 &if [equal .[suffix ||[mem &r1]] .archive]
207 &then archive [default rd &r3] ||[mem &r1dir]>||[mem &r1] &r2
208 &else &if [exists argument &r3]
209 &then answer yes -brief "copy &r2 ||[mem &r1dir]>=="
210 &else answer yes -brief "move &r2 ||[mem &r1dir]>=="
211 &quit^L
212 &label ENTRY compile_for_lisp
213 &
214 ec &ec_dir>get_for_lisp &r2
215 &goto COMPILE
217 &label ENTRY compile_for_bootstrap
218 ec &ec_dir>get_for_bootstrap &r2
219 &
220 &label COMPILE
221 &if [not [exists argument &r3]] &then &goto COMPILE_NOLIST
222 link ||[mem listdir]>||[mem command].list
223 ioa_ "^/Compiling ^a" &r2
224 &rf1
225 unlink ||[mem command].list
226 &goto EXIT &ec_name
229 &
230 ioa_ "^/Compiling ^a" &r2
231 &rf1
232 &goto EXIT &ec_name
234 &label EXIT compile_for_lisp
235 &
236 &if [equal &r1 pl1]
237 &then &if [ngreater [severity &r1] 0]
238 &then memory set retry_later ||[do "&rf(1)" &r2 |[mem retry_later]]
239 &
240 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp source &r2
241 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp object ||[mem command]
242 memory set sources ||[&ec_dir>nomatch &r2 |[mem sources]]
243 &quit
245 &label EXIT compile_for_bootstrap
246 &
247 &if [equal &r1 pl1]
248 &then &if [ngreater [severity &r1] 0]
249 &then memory set retry_later ||[do "&rf(1)" &r2 |[mem retry_later]]
250 &
251 delete &r2
252 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp object ||[mem command]
253 memory set bootsources ||[&ec_dir>nomatch &r2 |[mem bootsources]]
254 &quit^L
255 &label ENTRY bind_for_lisp
256 &
257 &if [exists argument [&ec_dir>match &r2.bind [archive_table (|[segs ||[mem objectdir]>&r2.**.archive -absolute_pathname])]]]
258 &then &goto HAVE_BINDFILE
259 &
260 ec &ec_dir>get_for_lisp &r2.bind
261 &if [exists segment ||[mem objectdir]>&r2.1.archive]
262 &then archive ad ||[mem objectdir]>&r2.1 &r2.bind
263 &else archive ad ||[mem objectdir]>&r2 &r2.bind
264 ec &ec_dir>process_archive (|[segs ||[mem objectdir]>&r2.**.archive -absolute_pathname])
265 &
266 &label HAVE_BINDFILE
267 &print
268 bind |[segs ||[mem objectdir]>&r2.**.archive -absolute_pathname]
269 delete_acl &r2 .. *.SysDaemon.*
270 set_acl &r2 re *.*.*
271 answer yes -brief "move &r2 ||[mem executabledir]>=="
272 memory set &r1 ||[&ec_dir>nomatch &r2.bind |[mem &r1]]
273 &quit
276 &label ENTRY process_archive
277 &
278 archive_sort &r1
279 delete_name [directory &r1]>([&ec_dir>nomatch **.*.archive [status -name &r1]])
280 add_name &r1 [archive_table &r1]
281 &quit^L
282 &label ENTRY rdc_pl1_macro
283 &
284 ec &ec_dir>get_for_lisp &r1.rd
285 ioa_ "^/Compiling ^a.rd" &r1
286 rdc &r1
287 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp source &r1.rd
288 &
289 link ||[mem listdir]>&r1.list
290 ioa_ "^/Compiling ^a.pl1" &r1
291 pl1 &r1 -map -optimize
292 &if [ngreater [severity pl1] 1]
293 &then &goto ABORT
294 unlink &r1.list
295 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp object &r1 r
296 &
297 ec &ec_dir>get_for_lisp &r2.macro
298 initiate &r1 -force
299 ioa_ "^/Compiling ^a.macro" &r2
300 &r1 &r2.macro
301 delete &r1.pl1 &r1
302 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp source &r2.macro
303 &
304 &if [not [exists segment &r2.alm]]
305 &then &goto SAVE_INCLUDE
306 &
307 link ||[mem listdir]>&r2.list
308 ioa_ "^/Compiling ^a.alm" &r2
309 alm &r2 -list
310 unlink &r2.list
311 delete &r2.alm
312 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp object &r2
313 &
314 memory set sources ||[&ec_dir>nomatch &r2.macro |[mem sources]]
315 &quit
316 &
317 &label SAVE_INCLUDE
318 answer yes -brief "move &r2.incl.alm ||[mem incldir]>=="
319 &
320 memory set sources ||[&ec_dir>nomatch &r2.macro |[mem sources]]
321 &quit^L
322 &label ENTRY initialize
323 &
324 initiate &ec_dir>memory memory mem -force
325 &
326 &if [or [equal "&q1" (-restart -rs)]] &then &goto SKIP_INIT
327 &if [exists argument &r1] &then &goto ABORT
328 &
329 memory set newsourcedir [path ||[response "New source directory?"]]
330 memory set version ||[response "Compiler version?"]
331 memory set workdir [path ||[response "Staging directory?"]]
332 memory set listdir [path ||[response "Listing directory?"]]
333 memory set cmplrdir [path ||[response "Existing lisp directory?"]]
334 memory set envdir [path ||[response "Directory to be installed in?"]]
335 &
336 memory set sources ||[do "&rf(1)" [archive_table ([segs ||[mem newsourcedir]>bound*.**.s.archive -absolute_pathname])] [segs ||[mem newsourcedir]>*.bind]]
337 memory set retry_later ""
338 &
339 &if [not [exists directory ||[mem listdir]]]
340 &then on command_error,command_question "" -brief "create_dir ||[mem listdir]"
341 &
342 &if [not [exists directory ||[mem workdir]]]
343 &then &if [on command_error,command_question "" "create_dir ||[mem workdir]"]
344 &then &goto ABORT
345 &
346 change_wdir ||[mem workdir]
347 &if [exists entry **]
348 &then &if [query "Clear staging directory?"]
349 &then answer yes -brief "delete ** -brief; delete_dir ** -brief; unlink ** -brief"
350 &else &goto ABORT
351 &
352 &if [not [exists directory ||[mem listdir]]]
353 &then &if [on command_error,command_question "" "create_dir ||[mem listdir]"]
354 &then &goto ABORT
355 &
356 memory set (source object executable incl)dir ||[mem workdir]>(source object executable include)
357 create_dir ||[mem (source object executable incl)dir]
358 add_name (||[mem (source object executable incl)dir]) (s o e incl)
359 &
360 &label SKIP_INIT
361 &
362 memory set sources ||[do "&rf(1)" |[mem retry_later] |[mem sources]]
363 memory set retry_later ""
364 &
365 &if [exists argument |[&ec_dir>match *.lisp |[mem sources]]]
366 &then memory set bootsources ||[do "&rf(1)" [archive_table ([segs ||[mem newsourcedir]>bound*.**.s.archive -absolute_pathname])] [segs ||[mem newsourcedir]>*.bind]]
367 &if [exists argument |[mem bootsources]]
368 &then memory set cobsources ||[match *.lisp [archive_table ([segments ||[mem newsourcedir]>*.**.s.archive -absolute_pathname])]]
369 &
370 &if [exists entry ||[mem incldir]>**.*.incl.*]
371 &then &goto SKIP_EXTRACT
372 change_wdir ||[mem incldir]
373 archive x ||[mem newsourcedir]>include_files.archive
374 &if [not [exists entry lisp_backquote_]]
375 &then link ||[mem cmplrdir]>lisp_backquote_
376 &label SKIP_EXTRACT
377 &                                                           NOTE: THE FOLLOWING DEPENDS ON THE INCLUDE LIBRARY ORGANIZATION
378 &                                                                 IF THIS CHANGES, IT MUST BE REFLECTED HERE.
379 set_search_paths translator ||[mem incldir] >ldd>include
380 &
381 change_wdir ||[mem workdir]
382 &
383 &quit^L
384 &label ENTRY make_lisp_interpreter
385 &
386 discard_output -osw error_output "add_name [&ec_dir>target &r0] (compile_for_lisp.ec rdc_pl1_macro.ec make_environments.ec get_for_lisp.ec bind_for_lisp.ec save_for_lisp.ec process_archive.ec initialize.ec cob_lcp_lisp_module.ec get_for_bootstrap.ec compile_for_bootstrap.ec)"
387 &
388 ec &ec_dir>initialize &r1
389 &
390 &if [exists argument [match lisp_subr_tv_.macro |[mem sources]]]
391 &then ec &ec_dir>rdc_pl1_macro compile_lisp_subr_tv lisp_subr_tv_
392 &
393 &if [exists argument [match lisp_error_table_.macro |[mem sources]]]
394 &then ec &ec_dir>rdc_pl1_macro compile_lisp_error_table lisp_error_table_
395 &
396 ec &ec_dir>compile_for_lisp pl1 ([match *.pl1 |[mem sources]]) -map -brief_table
397 &
398 ec &ec_dir>compile_for_lisp alm ([match *.alm |[mem sources]]) -list
399 &
400 initiate ||[mem cmplrdir]>bound_lisp_(intrprtr compiler library)_ -all -force
401 ec &ec_dir>compile_for_lisp lcp ([match *.lisp |[mem sources]])
402 &
403 ec &ec_dir>bind_for_lisp sources ([spe ([match *.bind [mem sources]]) bind])
404 &
405 &if [exists argument |[mem bootsources]]
406 &then ec &ec_dir>make_environments ||[mem version]
407 & ***Append version with X if to be installed in EXL***
408 ec &ec_dir>process_archive ([segments ||[mem sourcedir]>**.*.archive -absolute_pathname])
409 &
410 &print ^/Starting bootstrap.^/
411 unlink ||[mem incldir]>lisp_backquote_
412 link ||[mem executabledir]>lisp_backquote_ ||[mem incldir]>==
413 initiate ||[mem executabledir]>bound_lisp_(intrprtr compiler library)_ -all -force
415 &
416 & The following code is to be executed only if new c/g strategies are introcued
417 & in lcp, it doesn't work correctly and should be fixed if used
418 &
419 & ec &ec_dir>compile_for_bootstrap lcp ([match *.lisp [mem bootsources]]) -list
420 & &
421 & ec &ec_dir>bind_for_lisp bootsources ([spe ([match *.bind [mem bootsources]]) bind])
422 & &
423 & ec &ec_dir>make_environments ||[mem version]
424 & &
426 & The following statement causes all the lisp programs in lcp
427 & to be compiled and compared
428 ec &ec_dir>cob_lcp_lisp_module ([mem cobsources])
429 &
433 &if [exists entry ||[mem sourcedir]>make_lisp_interpreter.ec]
434 &then &if [nequal [status ||[mem sourcedir]>make_lisp_interpreter.ec -uid] [status &r0 -uid]]
435 &then &quit
436 &else delete ||[mem sourcedir]>make_lisp_interpreter.ec
437 answer yes -brief "copy &r0 ||[mem sourcedir]>make_lisp_interpreter.ec"
438 &
439 delete_acl (||[mem (source object incl)dir])>** .. *.SysDaemon.*
440 set_acl (||[mem (source object incl)dir])>** r *.*.*
441 &
442 &print ^/Done.^/
443 &print The directory which contains backquote.incl.lisp must have a link to the
444 &print installed version of lisp_backquote_ (in bound_lisp_library_).
445 &
446 &quit
447 ^L
448 &label ENTRY make_environments
449 &
450 initiate ||[mem executabledir]>bound_lisp_(intrprtr compiler library)_ -all -force
451 ec &ec_dir>get_for_lisp lisp_standard_environment_.ec
452 answer yes -brief "add_name lisp_standard_environment_.ec lisp_nostartup.ec"
453 &print ^/Compiling lisp_nostartup.sv.lisp
454 ec lisp_nostartup ||[mem envdir] ||[mem executabledir]
455 &print ^/Compiling lisp_standard_environment_
456 ec lisp_standard_environment_ ||[mem envdir] ||[mem executabledir]
457 &if [not [exists entry ||[mem listdir]>lisp_standard_environment_.ec]]
458 &then copy ||[mem workdir]>lisp_standard_environment_.ec ||[mem listdir]>==
459 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp source lisp_standard_environment_.ec
460 delete_acl lisp_standard_environment_ .. *.SysDaemon.*
461 set_acl lisp_standard_environment_ r *.*.*
462 answer yes -brief "move lisp_standard_environment_ ||[mem executabledir]>=="
463 &
464 initiate ||[mem executabledir]>bound_lisp_(intrprtr compiler library)_ -all -force
465 ec &ec_dir>get_for_lisp make_lcp.ec
466 &print ^/Compiling compiler.sv.lisp
467 ec make_lcp &r1 ||[mem envdir] ||[mem executabledir] ||[mem executabledir] ||[mem executabledir]
468 &if [not [exists entry ||[mem listdir]>make_lcp.ec]]
469 &then copy ||[mem workdir]>make_lcp.ec ||[mem listdir]>==
470 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp source make_lcp.ec
471 delete_acl compiler.sv.lisp .. *.SysDaemon.*
472 set_acl compiler.sv.lisp r *.*.*
473 answer yes -brief "move compiler.sv.lisp ||[mem executabledir]>=="
474 &
475 initiate ||[mem executabledir]>bound_lisp_(intrprtr compiler library)_ -all -force
476 ec &ec_dir>get_for_lisp make_lap.ec
477 &print ^/Compiling lap.sv.lisp
478 ec make_lap ||[mem executabledir]
479 &if [not [exists entry ||[mem listdir]>make_lap.ec]]
480 &then copy ||[mem workdir]>make_lap.ec ||[mem listdir]>==
481 ec &ec_dir>save_for_lisp source make_lap.ec
482 delete_acl lap.sv.lisp .. *.SysDaemon.*
483 set_acl lap.sv.lisp r *.*.*
484 answer yes -brief "move lap.sv.lisp ||[mem executabledir]>=="
485 &
486 delete lisp_nostartup.sv.lisp
487 &
488 &print ^/Finished making environments.^/
489 &quit^L
490 &label ENTRY cob_lcp_lisp_module
491 &
492 ioa_ "^/Compiling ^a" &r1
493 &
494 ec &ec_dir>get_for_bootstrap &r1
495 &
496 file_output ||[mem listdir]>||[mem command].cob -truncate
497 &
498 initiate ||[mem executabledir]>bound_lisp_(intrprtr compiler library)_ -all -force
499 lcp &r1
500 &
501 rename ||[mem command] ===.new
502 ac x ||[mem objectdir]>||[mem object] ||[mem command]
503 &
504 ioa_ "^2/Comparing ^a.boot1 with ^a.boot2:^/" &r1 &r1
505 ioa_$ioa_stream user_i/o "Comparing ^a" &r1
506 &
507 compare_object ||[mem command] ||[mem command].new
508 &
509 revert_output
510 &
511 delete ||[mem command] ||[mem command].new &r1
512 memory set cobsources ||[&ec_dir>nomatch &r1 |[mem cobsources]]
513 &
514 &quit
517 &label ABORT
518 signal can't_make_lisp
519 &goto ABORT