1 &version 2
 2 &-  ***********************************************************
 3 &-  *                                                         *
 4 &-  * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
 5 &-  *                                                         *
 6 &-  * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
 7 &-  * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
 8 &-  *                                                         *
 9 &-  ***********************************************************
10 &-
11 &- utility functions for system admin operations
12 &-
13 &- Modification history:
14 &- Modified 1984-12-11, BIM: summarize_sys_log, new value, V2
15 &- Modified 1985-02-18, E. Swenson: Prevent eor from asking questions
16 &-   when there are problems with the segment to be printed.
17 &-
18 &trace &command off
19 &goto &1
20 &-
21 &label del
22 &if &[not [exists argument &2]] &then &quit
23 &if &[exists file &2] &then answer yes -bf delete &2
24 &quit
25 &-
26 &label dp
27 &label dprint
28 &if &[not [value_defined -pn sys_admin &3_addr]] &then &quit
29 &if &[not [exists argument &2]] &then &quit
30 &if &[not [exists file &2]] &then &quit
31 set_acl &2 r IO.SysDaemon
32 answer no eor -bf -he [value_get -pn sys_admin &3_addr] -ds [value_get -pn sys_admin &3_dest] &2 -q [default default &4]
33 &quit
34 &-
35 &label check_access
36 &- usage: ec util check_access OBJECT MODE {name}
37 &if [exists argument &4] &then &set USER "-user &4"
38 &else &set USER ""
39 &set ACCESS &[get_effective_access &2 &(USER)]
40 &set X 1
41 &label _loop_check_access
42 &if &[ngreater &(X) [length &3]] &then &goto _done_check_access
43 &if &[equal 0 [index &(ACCESS) [substr &3 &(X) 1]]]
44 &then &do
45       &if &is_af &then &return false
46       &else &do
47             &print Warning: &[default You &4] lack &[substr &3 &(X) 1] access to &2.
48             &quit
49       &end
50 &end
51 &set X &[plus &(X) 1]
52 &goto _loop_check_access
53 &label _done_check_access
54 &if &is_af &then &return true
55 &quit
57 &label &1
58 &print Invalid call to util.ec -- first argument &1
59 &quit
60 &- end