1 02/08/88 CURSES Operation Details
3 Insert and delete line and character:
5 The algorithm used by CURSES takes into account insert and delete
6 line and character functions, if available, in the terminal. Calling
7 the routine
8 idlokstdscr TRUE;
10 will enable insert/delete line. By default, CURSES will not use
11 insert/delete line. This was not done for performance reasons, since
12 there is no speed penalty involved. Rather, experience has shown
13 that some programs do not need this facility, and that if CURSES uses
14 insert/delete line, the result on the screen can be visually
15 annoying. Since many simple programs using CURSES do not need this,
16 the default is to avoid insert/delete line. Insert/delete character
17 is always considered.
20 Additional terminals:
22 CURSES will work even if absolute cursor addressing is not possible,
23 as long as the cursor can be moved from any location to any other
24 location. It considers local motions, parameterized motions, home,
25 and carriage return.
27 CURSES is aimed at full duplex, alphanumeric, video terminals. No
28 attempt is made to handle half-duplex, synchronous, hard copy, or
29 bitmapped terminals. Bitmapped terminals can be handled by
30 programming them to emulate an ordinary alphanumeric terminal. This
31 does not take advantage of the bitmap capabilities, but it is the
32 fundamental nature of CURSES to deal with alphanumeric terminals.
35 The CURSES handles terminals with the "magic cookie glitch" in their
36 video attributes. The term "magic cookie" means that a change in
37 video attributes is implemented by storing a "magic cookie" in a
38 location on the screen. The "cookie" takes up a space , preventing
39 an exact implementation of what the programmer wanted. CURSES takes
40 the extra space into account, and moves part of the line to the
41 right, as necessary. In some cases, this will unavoidably result in
42 losing text from the right hand edge of the screen. Advantage is
43 taken of existing spaces.
46 Multiple terminals:
48 Some applications need to display text on more than one terminal,
49 controlled by the same process. Even if the terminals are of
50 different types, CURSES can handle this.
52 All information about the current terminal is kept in a global
53 variable
55 struct screen *SP;
57 Although the screen structure is hidden from the user, the C compiler
58 will accept declarations of variables which are pointers. The user
59 program should declare one screen pointer variable for each terminal
60 it wishes to handle.
63 The routine
65 struct screen *newtermtype fd
67 will set up a new terminal of the given terminal type which does
68 output on file descriptor fd. A call to initscr is essentially
69 newtermgetenv"TERM"stdout. A program wishing to use more than
70 one terminal should use newterm for each terminal and save the value
71 returned as a reference to that terminal.
74 To switch to a different terminal, call
76 set_termterm
78 The old value of SP will be returned. The programmer should not
79 assign directly to SP because certain other global variables must
80 also be changed.
82 All CURSES routines always affect the current terminal. To handle
83 several terminals, switch to each one in turn with set_term, and then
84 access it. Each terminal must be set up with newterm, and closed
85 down with endwin.
88 Video attributes:
90 Video attributes can be displayed in any combination on terminals
91 with this capability. They are treated as an extension of the
92 standout capability, which is still present.
94 Each character position on the screen has 16 bits of information
95 associated with it. Seven of these bits are the character to be
96 displayed, leaving separate bits for nine video attributes. These
97 bits are used for standout, underline, reverse video, blink, dim,
98 bold, blank, protect, and alternate character set. Standout is taken
99 to be whatever highlighting works best on the terminal, and should be
100 used by any program that does not need specific or combined
101 attributes. Underlining, reverse video, blink, dim, and bold are the
102 usual video attributes. Blank means that the character is displayed
105 as a space, for security reasons. Protected and alternate character
106 set depend on the particular terminal. The use of these last three
107 bits is subject to change and not recommended. Note also that not
108 all terminals implement all attributes - in particular, no current
109 terminal implements both dim and bold.
111 The routines to use these attributes include
113 attrsetattrs wattrsetwin attrs
114 attronattrs wattronwin attrs
115 attroffattrs wattroffwin attrs
116 standout wstandoutwin
117 standend wstandendwin
120 Attributes, if given, can be any combination of a A_STANDOUT,
122 and A_ALTCHARSET. These constants, defined in CURSES.h, can be
123 combined with the C | or operator to get multiple attributes.
124 attrset sets the current attributes to the given attrs; attron turns
125 on the given attrs in addition to any attributes that are already on;
126 attroff turns off the given attributes, without affecting any others.
127 standout and standend are equivalent to attronA_STANDOUT and
128 attrsetA_NORMAL.
130 If the particular terminal does not have the particular attribute or
131 combination requested, CURSES will attempt to use some other
132 attribute in its place. If the terminal has no highlighting at all,
133 all attributes will be ignored.
136 Special keys:
138 Many terminals have special keys, such as arrow keys, keys to erase
139 the screen, insert or delete text, and keys intended for user
140 functions. The particular sequences these terminals send differs
141 from terminal to terminal. CURSES allows the programmer to handle
142 these keys.
144 A program using special keys should turn on the keypad by calling
146 keypadstdscr TRUE
148 at initialization. This will cause special characters to be passed
149 through to the program by the function getch. These keys have
150 constants which are listed in the section called "Input" in the
151 information segment introduction.gi.info
154 They have values starting at 0401, so they should not be stored in a
155 char variable, as significant bits will be lost.
157 A program using special keys should avoid using the escape key, since
158 most sequences start with escape, creating an ambiguity. CURSES will
159 set a one second alarm to deal with this ambiguity, which will cause
160 delay response to the escape key. It is a good idea to avoid escape
161 in any case, since there is eventually pressure for nearly any screen
162 oriented program to accept arrow key input.
165 Scrolling region:
167 There is a programmer accessible scrolling region. Normally, the
168 scrolling region is set to the entire window, but the calls
170 setscrregtop bot
171 wsetscrregwin top bot
173 set the scrolling region for stdscr or the given window to any
174 combination of top and bottom margins. When scrolling past the
175 bottom margin of the scrolling region, the lines in the region will
176 move up one line, destroying the top line of the region. If
177 scrolling has been enabled with scrollok, scrolling will take place
178 only within that window. Note that the scrolling region is a
179 software feature, and only causes a window data structure to scroll.
182 This may or may not translate to use of the hardware scrolling region
183 feature of a terminal, or insert/delete line.
188 CURSES copies from the current window to an internal screen image for
189 every call to refresh. If the programmer is only interested in
190 screen output optimization, and does not want the windowing or input
191 functions, an interface to the lower level routines is available.
192 This will make the program somewhat smaller and faster. The
193 interface is a subset of full CURSES, so that conversion between the
194 levels in not necessary to switch from MINICURSES to full CURSES.
197 The following functions of CURSES and terminfo are available to the
198 user of MINICURSES:
200 addchch addstrstr attroffat attronat
201 attrsetat clear erase initscr
202 moveyx mvaddchyxch mvaddstryxstr newterm
203 refresh standend standout
206 The following functions of CURSES and terminfo are not available to
207 the user of MINICURSES:
209 box clrtobot clrtoeol delch
210 deleteln delwin getch getstr
211 inch insch insertln longname
212 makenew mvdelch mvgetch mvgetstr
213 mvinch mvinsch mvprintw mvscanw
214 mvwaddch mvwaddstr mvwdelch mvwgetch
215 mvwgetstr mvwin mvwinch mvwinsch
216 mvwprintw mvwscanw newwin overlay
217 overwrite printw putp scanw
218 scroll setscrreg subwin touchwin
219 vidattr waddch waddstr wclear
222 wclrtobot wclrtoeol wdelch wdeleteln
223 werase wgetch wgetstr winsch
224 winsertln wmove wprintw wrefresh
225 wscanw wsetscrreg
227 The subset mainly requires the programmer to avoid use of more than
228 the one window stdscr. Thus, all functions beginning with "w" are
229 generally undefined. Certain high level functions that are
230 convenient but not essential are also not available, including printw
231 and scanw. Also, the input routine getch cannot be used with
232 MINICURSES. Features implemented at a low level, such as use of
233 hardware insert/delete line and video attributes, are available in
234 both versions. Also, mode setting routines such as crmode and noecho
235 are allowed.
237 To access MINICURSES, add -def MINICURSES to the CFLAGS in the
238 makefile. If routines are requested that are not in the subset, they
239 will cuase a linkage error upon execution.
242 TTY mode functions:
244 In addition to the save/restore routines savetty and resetty,
245 standard routines are available for going into and out of normal tty
246 mode. These routines are resetterm, which puts the terminal back
247 in the mode it was in when CURSES was started; fixterm, which
248 undoes the effects of resetterm, that is, restores the "current
249 CURSES mode"; and saveterm, which saves the current state to be
250 used by fixterm. endwin automatically calls resetterm. These
251 routines are also available at the terminfo level.
254 Typeahead check:
256 If the user types something during an update, the update will stop,
257 pending a future update. This is useful when the user hits several
258 keys, each of which causes a good deal of output. For example, in a
259 screen editor, if the user presses the "forward screen" key, which
260 draws the next screen full of text, several times rapidly, rather
261 than drawing screens of text, the updates will be cut short, and only
262 the last screen full will actually be displayed. This feature is
263 automatic and cannot be disabled.
266 getstr:
268 No matter what the setting of echo is, strings typed in here are
269 echoed at the current cursor location. The users erase and kill
270 characters are understood and handled. This makes it unnecessary for
271 an interactive program to deal with erase, kill and echoing when the
272 user is typing a line of text.
275 longname:
277 The longname function does not need any arguments. It returns a
278 pointer to a static area containing the actual long name of the
279 terminal.
282 Nodelay mode:
284 The call
286 nodelaystdscr TRUE
288 will put the terminal in "nodelay mode". While in this mode, any
289 call to getch will return -1 if there is nothing waiting to be read
290 immediately. This is useful for writing programs requiring "real
291 time" behavior where the users watch action on the screen and press a
292 key when they want something to happen. For example, the cursor can
293 be moving across the screen, in real time. When it reaches a certain
294 point, the user can press an arrow key to change direction at that
295 point.
298 Portability:
300 Several useful routines are provided to improve portability. The
301 implementation of these routines is different from system to system,
302 and the differences can be isolated from the user program by
303 including them in CURSES.
305 Functions erasechar and killchar return the characters which
306 erase one character, and kill the entire input line, respectively.
307 The function baudrate will return the current baud rate, as an
308 integer. For example at 9600 baud the integer 9600 will be
309 returned not the value B9600 from <sgtty.h>. The routine flushinp
310 will cause all typeahead to be thrown away.