1 06/18/88  LINT
  3 Name:
  5          lint -- a C program checker
  8 Synopsis:
 10          lint [-abhlnpuvx] [-DUI] files
 13 Description:
 15 LINT  attempts  to  detect  features  of  the C program files that are
 16 likely  to  be  bugs,  non-portable, or wasteful.  It also checks type
 17 usage  more  strictly  than  the  compiler.  Among the things that are
 18 currently  detected  are  unreachable statements, loops not entered at
 19 the  top,  automatic  variables  declared  and  not  used, and logical
 20 expressions whose value is constant.  Moreover, the usage of functions
 21 is checked to find functions that return values in some places and not
 22 in   others,  functions  called  with  varying  numbers  or  types  of
 23 arguments, and functions whose values are not used or whose values are
 24 used but none returned.
 27 Options:
 29 Any number of LINT options may be used in any order, intermixed with
 30 filename arguments.  The following options are used to suppress
 31 certain kinds of complaints.
 33 -a  Suppress complaints about assignments of long values to
 34     variables that are not long.
 36 -b  Suppress complaints about "break" statements that cannot be
 37     reached.  (Programs produced by lex or yacc will often result in
 38     many such complaints).
 40 -h  Do not apply heuristic test that attempt to intuit bugs, improve
 41     style, and reduce waste.
 44 -u  Suppress complaints about functions and external variables used
 45     and not defined, or defined and not used.  (This option is
 46     suitable for running LINT on a subset of files of a larger
 47     program).
 49 -v  Suppress complaints about unused arguments in functions.
 51 -x  Do not report variables referred to by external declarations but
 52     never used.
 55 The following arguments alter LINT's behavior.
 57 -lx  Include additional lint library llib-lx.ln.  For example, you can
 58      include  a  lint  version  of  the  Math  Library  llib-lm.ln  by
 59      inserting  -lm  on  the  command  line.   This  argument does not
 60      suppress the default use of llib-lc.ln.  This option can be used
 61      to   reference   local  lint  libraries  and  is  useful  in  the
 62      development of multi-file projects.
 64 -n   Do  not  check  compatibility  against either the standard or the
 65      portable lint library.
 68 -p   Attempt  to  check portability to other dialects (IBM and GCOS)
 69      of  C.  Along with stricter checking, this option causes all non-
 70      external  names  to  be  truncated  to  eight  characters and all
 71      external names to be truncated to six characters and one case.
 73 -c  Cause LINT to produce a .ln file for every .c file on the command
 74     line.  These .ln  files are the product of LINT's first pass only,
 75     and are not checked for inter-function compatibility.
 78 -o lib Cause LINT to create a lint library with the name llib-llib.ln.
 79      The  -c  option  nullifies  any use of the -o option.  The lint
 80      library  produced  is  the  input  that is given to LINT's second
 81      pass.   The  -o option simply causes this file to be saved in the
 82      named lint library.  To produce a llib-llib.ln without extraneous
 83      messages,  use  of  the -x option is suggested.  The -v option is
 84      useful  if  the  source  file(s)  for  the  lint library are just
 85      external  interfaces  (for  example,  the way the file llib-lc is
 86      written).   These  option settings are also available through the
 87      use of "lint comments" (see below).
 90 The -D, -U, and -I options of C preprocessor (cpp) are also recognized
 91 as  separate  arguments.   Other options are warned about and ignored.
 92 The   pre-processor   symbol   "lint"  is  defined  to  allow  certain
 93 questionable  code  to be altered or removed for LINT.  Therefore, the
 94 symbol  "lint"  should  be  thought of as a reserved word for all code
 95 that is planned to be checked by LINT.
 98 Invoking Lint:
100 Arguments  whose  names  end  with  .c are taken to be C source files.
101 Arguments  whose  names  end with .ln are taken to be the result of an
102 earlier invocation of LINT with either the -c or the -o option used.
104 The  .ln  files are analogous to .cob (object) files that are produced
105 by  the  c_compile  (cc) command when given a .c file as input.  Files
106 with other suffixes are warned about and ignored.
108 LINT  will  take  all  the  .c, .ln, and llib-lx.ln (specified by -lx)
109 files  and process them in their command line order.  By default, LINT
110 appends  the  standard  C  lint library (llib-lc.ln) to the end of the
111 list of files.  However, if the -p option is used, the portable C lint
112 library (llib-port.ln) is appended instead.  When the -c option is not
113 used,  the  second  pass  of LINT checks this list of files for mutual
114 compatibility.  When the -c option is used, the .ln and the llib-lx.ln
115 files are ignored.
118 Source Comments:
120 Certain conventional comments in the C source will change the behavior
121 of LINT.
123           /*NOTREACHED*/
124                at appropriate points stops comments about unreachable
125                code.  (This comment is typically placed just after
126                calls to functions like exit() ).
128           /*VARARGSn*/
129                suppresses the usual checking for variable numbers of
130                arguments in the following function declaration.  The
131                data types of the first n arguments are checked; a
132                missing n is taken to be 0.
135           /*ARGSUSED*/
136                turns on the -v options for the next function.
138           /*LINTLIBRARY*/
139                at the beginning of a file shuts off complaints about
140                unused functions and function arguments in this file.
141                This is equivalent to using the -v and -x options.
144 Diagnostics:
146 LINT produces its first output on a per-source-file basis.  Complaints
147 regarding  included  files  are collected and printed after all source
148 files  have  been  processed.   Finally, if the -c option is not used,
149 information gathered from all input files is collected and checked for
150 consistency.   At  this  point, if it is not clear whether a complaint
151 stems  from a given source file or from one of its included files, the
152 source file name will be printed followed by a question mark.
155 The  behavior  of  the -c and -o options allows for incremental use of
156 LINT on a set of C source files.  Generally, one invokes LINT once for
157 each  source  file  with  the  -c  option.   Each of these invocations
158 produces  a  .ln file which corresponds to the .c file, and prints all
159 messages  that  are about just that source file.  After all the source
160 files  have  been separately run through LINT, it is invoked once more
161 (without the -c option), listing all the .ln files with the needed -lx
162 options.   This  will  print all the inter-file inconsistencies.  This
163 scheme  works  well  with MAKE; it allows MAKE to be used to LINT only
164 the  source  files that have been modified since the last time the set
165 of source files were LINTed.