1 /* Begin include file curshdr.h */
  3 /* "@(#)curshdr.h   1.1"      (1.16     3/16/83)  */
  7 /*
  8  * IC and IL overheads and costs should be set to this
  9  * value if the corresponding feature is missing
 10  */
 11 #define INFINITY 500
 13 struct line
 14 {
 15           int     hash;                 /* hash value for this line, 0 if not known */
 16           struct line *next;  /* pointer to the next line in list of lines */
 17           short   bodylen;    /* the cost of redrawing this line */
 18           short   length;               /* the number of valid characters in line */
 19           chtype  *body;                /* the actual text of the line */
 20 };
 22 struct costs {
 23           short Cursor_address;
 24           short Cursor_home;
 25           short Carriage_return;
 26           short Tab;
 27           short Back_tab;
 28           short Cursor_left;
 29           short Cursor_right; /* current cost, which is 1 unless in insert
 30                                          * mode, since you can just output the
 31                                          * character you want to move over */
 32           short Right_base;   /* actual cost to do cursor_right */
 33           short Cursor_down;
 34           short Cursor_up;
 35           short Parm_left_cursor;
 36           short Parm_right_cursor;
 37           short Parm_up_cursor;
 38           short Parm_down_cursor;
 39           short Column_address;
 40           short Row_address;
 41           unsigned ilvar;               /* Insert line varying part * 32 */
 42           int   ilfixed;                /* Insert line fixed overhead */
 43           unsigned dlvar;               /* Delete line varying part * 32 */
 44           int   dlfixed;                /* Delete line fixed overhead */
 45           unsigned icvar;               /* Insert char varying part * 32 */
 46           int   icfixed;                /* Insert char fixed overhead */
 47           unsigned dcvar;               /* Delete char varying part * 32 */
 48           int   dcfixed;                /* Delete char fixed overhead */
 49           /* Should have costs for delete char/delete line here too. */
 50 };
 51 #define _cost(field) (SP->term_costs.field)
 53 struct map {
 54           char label[16];               /* Text the key is labelled with */
 55           char sends[16];               /* Characters sent when key is pressed */
 56           /*short*/ int keynum;                   /* "char" we pass back to program */
 57 };
 59 struct screen {
 60           unsigned fl_nonl    : 1;      /* we shouldn't output \n */
 61           unsigned fl_uppercase         : 1;      /* upper case terminal */
 62           unsigned fl_normtty : 1;      /* currently in normal tty mode */
 63           unsigned fl_my_term : 1;      /* user names his terminal type */
 64           unsigned fl_echoit  : 1;      /* in software echo mode */
 65           unsigned fl_rawmode : 1;      /* in raw or cbreak mode */
 66           unsigned fl_endwin  : 1;      /* has called endwin */
 67           unsigned phys_irm   : 1;      /* physically in insert char mode */
 68           unsigned virt_irm   : 1;      /* want to be in insert char mode */
 69           unsigned fl_nodelay : 1;      /* tty is in nodelay mode */
 70           struct line **cur_body;       /* physical screen image */
 71           struct line **std_body;       /* desired screen image */
 72           struct line *freelist;        /* free space list */
 73           short phys_x;                 /* physical cursor X position */
 74           short phys_y;                 /* physical cursor Y position */
 75           short virt_x;                 /* virtual cursor X position */
 76           short virt_y;                 /* virtual cursor Y position */
 77           short phys_top_mgn; /* physical top margin of scrolling region */
 78           short phys_bot_mgn; /* physical bottom margin of scrolling region */
 79           short des_top_mgn;  /* desired top margin of scrolling region */
 80           short des_bot_mgn;  /* desired bottom margin of scrolling region */
 81           chtype *curptr;               /* pointer to cursor */
 82           chtype virt_gr;               /* desired highlight state */
 83           chtype phys_gr;               /* current highlight state */
 84           short winsize;                /* no. of lines on which ID operations done */
 85           short doclear;                /* flag to say whether screen garbaged */
 86           short baud;                   /* baud rate of this tty */
 87           short check_input;  /* flag for input check */
 88           short check_fd;               /* file descriptor for input check */
 89           struct _win_st *std_scr;/* primary output screen */
 90           struct _win_st *cur_scr;/* what's physically on the screen */
 91           struct term *tcap;  /* TERMCAP strings and storage space */
 92           struct costs term_costs;/* costs of various capabilities */
 93           short kp_state;               /* 1 iff keypad is on, else 0 */
 94           short ml_above;               /* # memory lines above top of screen */
 95 #ifndef   NONSTANDARD
 96           SGTTY     save_tty_buf;       /* current state of this tty */
 97           FILE *term_file;    /* File to write on for output. */
 98 #endif              NONSTANDARD
 99 #ifdef              KEYPAD
100           struct map *kp;               /* keypad map */
101 #endif              KEYPAD
102           short *input_queue; /* a place to put stuff ungetc'ed */
103           FILE *input_file;   /* Where to get keyboard input */
104 };
106 #ifndef   NONSTANDARD
107 extern struct screen *SP;
108 #endif
110 #ifdef DEBUG
111 extern    FILE      *outf;
112 #endif
115 /* End include file curshdr.h */