1 /* Begin include file cc_info.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* format: ind3,ifthen,^inddcls,^elsestmt,indbegin,comcol68 */
 5 dcl     cc_info_ptr            pointer;
 6 dcl     C_version_info         char (160) init ("C Compiler Version 4.0, of June 1990") static options(constant);
 7 dcl     C_gen_number           fixed bin init (4) static options(constant);
10 dcl     MAX_LIB_INCL           fixed bin init (10) static options (constant);
12 dcl     1 cc_info              based (cc_info_ptr),
13           2 libraries          (MAX_LIB_INCL),
14             3 library_pathname char (168),                         /* the library pathname */
15             3 library_pathname_length fixed bin (21),              /* length of library pathname */
16           2 include_files      (MAX_LIB_INCL),
17             3 include_pathname char (168),                         /* the include directory pathname */
18             3 include_pathname_length fixed bin (21),              /* length of the include directory path name */
19           2 undefines          (MAX_LIB_INCL),
20             3 undefine_name    char (64),                          /* the undefine name */
21             3 undefine_name_length fixed bin (21),                 /* length of the undefine name */
22           2 defines            (MAX_LIB_INCL),
23             3 define_name      char (64),                          /* the define name */
24             3 define_name_length fixed bin (21);                   /* length of the define name */
26 /* End include file cc_info.incl.pl1 */