1 ;;; ***********************************************************
  2 ;;; *                                                         *
  3 ;;; * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
  4 ;;; *                                                         *
  5 ;;; * Copyright (c) 1978 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
  6 ;;; * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
  7 ;;; *                                                         *
  8 ;;; ***********************************************************
  9 ;;;
 10 ;;;
 11 ;;;       A hairy toy all for show.
 12 ;;;       The Emacs keyboard macro compiler.
 13 ;;;       BSG 2/18,24-25/78
 15 (%include e-macros)
 16 (declare (special comment-column))
 19 ;;;
 20 ;;;       Interim grinder.
 21 ;;;
 23 (defun macomp-output-to-buffer (x)
 24        (macomp-bufout-r x nil)                    ;recurse
 25        (new-line))
 27 (defun macomp-bufout-r (x indent)
 28        (if (null indent)(setq indent (cur-hpos))
 29            else
 30            (whitespace-to-hpos indent))
 31        (cond  ((fixp x)(insert-string (decimal-rep x))(insert-string "."))
 32               ((atom x)(insert-string (maknam (explode x))))
 33               ((memq (car x) '(if if-at if-back-at lambda cond let))
 34                (insert-string "(")
 35                (insert-string (car x))
 36                (insert-string " ")
 37                (macomp-bufout-finish-form (cdr x)(cur-hpos)))
 38               ((eq (car x) 'defun)
 39                (insert-string "(defun ")
 40                (let ((hp (cur-hpos)))
 41                     (macomp-bufout-r (cadr x) hp)
 42                     (insert-string " ")
 43                     (if (null (caddr x))          ;null lambda list
 44                         (insert-string "()")
 45                         else
 46                         (macomp-bufout-r (caddr x) nil))
 47                     (new-line)
 48                     (macomp-bufout-finish-form (cdddr x) hp)))
 49               ((and (eq (car x) 'quote)(null (cddr x)))
 50                (insert-string "'")
 51                (macomp-bufout-r (cadr x)(1+ indent)))
 52               ((eq (car x) 'do-forever)
 53                (insert-string "(do-forever ")
 54                (new-line)
 55                (macomp-bufout-finish-form (cdr x)(+ 2 indent)))
 56               ((memq (car x) '(prog2 progn))
 57                (insert-string "(")
 58                (insert-string (car x))
 59                (insert-string " ")
 60                (macomp-bufout-finish-form (cdr x)(cur-hpos)))
 61               ((eq (car x) 'prog)
 62                (insert-string "(prog ")
 63                (let ((hp (cur-hpos)))
 64                     (macomp-bufout-r (cadr x) hp)
 65                     (new-line)
 66                     (do l (cddr x)(cdr l)(null l)
 67                         (if (atom (car l))
 68                             (macomp-bufout-r (car l) 0)
 69                             (if (> (cur-hpos)(1+ hp))(insert-string " "))
 70                             (setq l (cdr l)))
 71                         (macomp-bufout-r (car l) hp)
 72                         (if (not (null (cdr l)))(new-line)))
 73                     (insert-string ")")))
 74               (t (macomp-bufout-random-list (car x)(cdr x) indent))))
 76 (defun macomp-bufout-random-list (the-car the-cdr indent)
 77        (insert-string "(")
 78        (macomp-bufout-r the-car (1+ indent))
 79        (if (> (+ (cur-hpos) 4) comment-column)
 80            (setq indent (if (atom the-car)(+ 2 indent)
 81                             else (+ 1 indent)))
 82            else
 83            (if (atom the-car))(setq indent (1+ (cur-hpos)))
 84            else (setq indent (1+ indent)))
 85        (do l the-cdr (cdr l) nil
 86            (if (null l)(insert-string ")")(stop-doing))
 87            (if (atom l)
 88                (insert-string " . ")
 89                (macomp-bufout-r l  nil)
 90                (insert-string ")")
 91                (stop-doing))
 92            (if (and (> (+ (cur-hpos) 4) comment-column)
 93                     (or (not (atom (cdr l)))
 94                         (not (atom (car l)))))
 95                (new-line)
 96                (whitespace-to-hpos indent)
 97                else (if (not (and (back-at '/) )(not (atom (car l)))))
 98                         (insert-string " ")))
 99            (macomp-bufout-r (car l) nil)))
103 (defun macomp-bufout-finish-form (x  hp)
104        (do l x (cdr l)(null l)
105            (macomp-bufout-r (car l) hp)
106            (if (not (null (cdr l)))(new-line)))
107        (insert-string ")"))
109 ^L
110 ;;;
111 ;;;       The actual displaylist-keyboard-macro to Lisp compiler.
112 ;;;
114 (declare (special macomp-last-cmd macomp-prog-needed-p macomp-default-search-string))
116 (defun macomp-compile-to-expr (name interp)
117        (setq macomp-last-cmd 'noop macomp-prog-needed-p nil
118              macomp-default-search-string nil)
119        (do ((outl nil)(inl (map 'macomp-preoptimize interp)(cdr inl))
120                       (thisform)(thisfun)(lastfun '@)
121                       (thisct)(lastct -1))
122            ((null inl)
123             (setq outl (nreverse outl))
124             (if macomp-prog-needed-p
125                 (setq outl (list (cons 'prog (cons '() outl)))))
126             (append (list 'defun name '()) outl))
127            (setq thisform (macomp-term-compile inl))
128            (if (not (null thisform))
129                (setq thisfun (cond ((eq (car thisform) 'do-times)
130                                     (setq thisct (cadr thisform))
131                                     (caddr thisform))
132                                    (t (setq thisct 1) thisform)))
133                 (if (equal thisfun lastfun)
134                    (setq outl
135                          (cons (list 'do-times
136                                      (setq thisct (+ thisct lastct))
137                                       thisfun)
138                                (cdr outl)))
139                    else
140                    (if (and (eq (car thisfun) 'insert-string)
141                             (eq (car lastfun) 'insert-string))
142                        (setq outl (cons (list 'insert-string
143                                               (catenate (cadr lastfun)
144                                                         (cadr thisfun)))
145                                         (cdr outl)))
146                        else
147                        (setq outl (cons thisform outl))))
148                (setq lastct thisct lastfun thisfun))))
150 (defun macomp-preoptimize (term)
151        (let ((fun (cdar term)))
152             (cond ((eq fun 'quote-char)
153                    (cond ((eq (cdadr term) 'String)
154                           (rplacd (cadr term) 'Input/ Characters)))
155                    (cond ((eq (cdadr term) 'Input/ Characters)
156                           ;;cant happen from macro edit buffer
157                           (cond ((samepnamep (caadr term) (ascii 15))
158                                  (rplaca (cadr term)(get_pname NL))))
159                           (rplaca term (cons (get_pname
160                                                (maknam (explode (caadr term))))
161                                              'String))
162                           (rplacd term (cddr term)))
163                          (t (rplaca term
164                                     '("Quote-char saw no input" . %macomp-ierr)))))
165                   ((eq fun 're-execute-command)
166                    (rplacd (car term) macomp-last-cmd))
167                   ((not (memq fun '(noop Numeric/ argument multiplier noop)))
168                    (setq macomp-last-cmd fun)))))
170 (defun macomp-term-compile (term)
171        (let ((sym (caar term))(fun (cdar term)))
172             (cond ((eq fun 'noop) nil)
173                   ((eq fun '%macomp-ierr)
174                    (list 'error sym))
175                   ((eq fun 'String)
176                    (setq sym (read-from-string sym))
177                    (do-forever                    ;Reduce strings.
178                      (or (memq (cdadr term) '(rubout-char String))(stop-doing))
179                      (if (eq (cdadr term) 'rubout-char)
180                          (if (not (> (stringlength sym) 0))(stop-doing))
181                          (rplacd term (cddr term))
182                          (setq sym (substr sym 1 (1- (stringlength sym)))))
183                      (if (eq (cdadr term) 'String)
184                          (setq sym (catenate sym (read-from-string (caadr term))))
185                          (rplacd term (cddr term))))
186                    (if (> (stringlength sym) 0)
187                        (list 'insert-string sym)))
188                   ((eq (cdadr term) 'Numeric/ argument)
189                     (macomp-comp-multipliers term))
190                   ((eq fun 'multiplier)
191                    (macomp-comp-multipliers term))
192                   ((let ((prop (get fun 'search-command)))
193                         (and prop (macomp-comp-searches prop term))))
194                   ((memq fun '(next-line-command prev-line-command))
195                    (let ((template
196                            (cond ((eq fun 'prev-line-command)
197                                   '(if (firstlinep)(command-quit) else (prev-line)))
198                                  (t '(if (lastlinep)(command-quit) else (next-line))))))
199                         (if (get (cdadr term) 'linepos-insensitive)
200                             template
201                             else
202                             (list fun))))
203                   ((eq fun 'macro-query)
204                    (setq macomp-prog-needed-p t)
205                    '(if (not (macro-query-get-answer))(return nil)))
206                   (t (list fun)))))
208 (mapc '(lambda (x)(putprop x t 'linepos-insensitive))
209       '(go-to-beginning-of-line go-to-end-of-line skip-over-indentation
210                                 indent-to-lisp indent-relative
211                                 prev-line-command next-line-command))
213 (defun macomp-comp-searches (prop term)
214        (prog (string cmd strterm escterm)
215              (setq cmd (car prop) strterm (cdr term) escterm (cdr strterm))
216              (if (memq (cdar strterm) '(escape new-line))   ;null string
217                  (setq escterm strterm strterm '(("""""" . String))))
218              (if (and (eq (cdar strterm) 'String)
219                       (memq (cdar escterm) '(new-line escape)))
220                  (setq string (read-from-string (caar strterm)))
221                  (or (stringp (setq string (macomp-search-defaultify string)))
222                      (go sdf-err))
223                  (setq cmd (list cmd string))
224                  (if (eq (car cmd) 'regexp-search)
225                      (setq cmd (list 'let (list (list 'm cmd))
226                                      '(and m (progn (release-mark m) t)))))
227                  (return (prog2 0
228                                 (list 'if (list 'not cmd)
229                                       '(search-failure-annunciator))
230                                 (rplacd term (cdr escterm))))
231                  else
232                  (setq string (caar strterm))
233                  (if (and (eq (cdar strterm) 'Input/ characters)
234                           (= (getcharn string (stringlength string)) 33))
235                      (setq string (substr string 1 (1- (stringlength string))))
236                      (or (stringp (setq string (macomp-search-defaultify string)))
237                          (progn (setq escterm strterm)
238                                 (go sdf-err)))
239                      (return (prog2 0
240                                     (list 'if (list 'not (list cmd string))
241                                           '(search-failure-annunciator))
242                                     (rplacd term (cdr strterm))))))
243              (return '(error "Search string too complex. Edit the macro first."))
244 sdf-err
245              (rplacd term (cdr escterm))
246              (return '(error "Default search string may not be assumed in extension."))))
249 (defun macomp-search-defaultify (s)
250        (cond ((nullstringp s) macomp-default-search-string)
251              (t (setq macomp-default-search-string s))))
253 (mapc '(lambda (x)(putprop (car x)(cdr x) 'search-command))
254       '((string-search         forward-search)
255         (reverse-string-search reverse-search)
256         (regexp-search-command regexp-search)
257         (incremental-search   forward-search)
258         (reverse-incremental-search reverse-search)
259         (multi-word-search WORD-SEARCH-FRAMMIS)))
261 (defun macomp-stfix-to-fixnum (x)
262        (let ((ibase 10.))(read-from-string x)))
264 (defun macomp-comp-multipliers (term)
265        (let ((rest term)(num 1))
266             (do-forever
267               (cond ((eq (cdadr rest) 'Numeric/ argument)
268                      (setq num (macomp-stfix-to-fixnum (caadr rest)))
269                      (setq rest (cddr rest)))
270                     ((eq (cdar rest) 'multiplier)
271                      (setq num (* 4 num))
272                      (setq rest (cdr rest)))
273                     (t (stop-doing))))
274             (prog2 0
275                    (let ((fun (cdar rest))
276                          (data (caar rest)))                ;look at function
277                         (cond ((eq fun 'String)
278                                (setq data (read-from-string data))
279                                (rplaca (car rest)
280                                        (maknam (explode
281                                                  (catenate
282                                                    (do ((l nil (cons c l))
283                                                         (x 0 (1+ x))
284                                                         (c (getchar data 1)))
285                                                        ((= x num)
286                                                         (get_pname (maknam l))))
287                                                    (substr data 2)))))
288                                nil)
289                               ((get fun 'argwants)
290                                (setq rest (cdr rest))
291                                  (list 'do-times num (list fun)))
292                               (t (setq rest (cdr rest))
293                                  (list 'let (list (list 'numarg num))(list fun)))))
294                    (rplacd term rest))))