1 /****^  *****************************************************
  2         *                                                   *
  3         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987          *
  4         *                                                   *
  5         * Copyright (C) 1986 by Massachusetts Institute of  *
  6         * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. *
  7         *                                                   *
  8         ***************************************************** */
 11   1) change(86-08-19,JSLove), approve(86-08-19,MCR7518),
 12      audit(86-08-20,Parisek), install(86-10-02,MR12.0-1175):
 13      Created as a tool to verify that the current and future versions of
 14      match_star_name_ and check_star_name_ work properly.
 15   2) change(87-06-01,GDixon), approve(87-07-08,MCR7740),
 16      audit(87-07-15,Hartogs), install(87-08-04,MR12.1-1055):
 17       A) Modified to properly declare check_star_name_.
 18                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 20 /* format: style3,ifthenstmt,indcomtxt,indproc,idind30 */
 22 test_match_star_name:
 23      procedure () options (variable);
 25 declare   (addcharno, character, index, ltrim, rtrim, substr)
 26                                         builtin;
 28 declare   arg_count                     fixed bin (17),
 29           arg_len                       fixed bin (21),
 30           arg_ptr                       ptr,
 31           argx                          fixed bin (17),
 32           charx                         fixed bin (17),
 33           check_star_type               fixed bin (2),
 34           check_status                  fixed bin (35),
 35           entry_star_type               fixed bin (2),
 36           entry_status                  fixed bin (35),
 37           idx                           fixed bin (17),
 38           invert                        bit (1) aligned,
 39           mask                          bit (36),
 40           match_status                  fixed bin (35),
 41           path_star_type                fixed bin (2),
 42           path_status                   fixed bin (35),
 43           self_status                   fixed bin (35),
 44           star_mask                     bit (36) aligned,
 45           star_type                     fixed bin (2),
 46           status                        fixed bin (35),
 47           star_len                      fixed bin (21),
 48           star_ptr                      ptr,
 49           whoami                        char (32);
 51 declare   arg                           char (arg_len) based (arg_ptr),
 52           star                          char (star_len) based (star_ptr);
 54 declare   (
 55           error_table_$archive_pathname,
 56           error_table_$bad_arg,
 57           error_table_$bad_file_name,
 58           error_table_$badequal,
 59           error_table_$badpath,
 60           error_table_$badstar,
 61           error_table_$entlong,
 62           error_table_$inconsistent,
 63           error_table_$invalid_ascii,
 64           error_table_$nomatch,
 65           error_table_$nostars,
 66           error_table_$null_name_component
 67           )                             fixed bin (35) external;
 69 declare   check_star_name_              entry (char (*), bit (36), fixed bin (2), fixed bin (35)),
 70           check_star_name_$entry        entry (char (*), fixed bin (35)),
 71           check_star_name_$path         entry (char (*), fixed bin (35)),
 72           com_err_                      entry () options (variable),
 73           com_err_$suppress_name        entry () options (variable),
 74           convert_status_code_          entry (fixed bin (35), char (8) aligned, char (100) aligned),
 75           cu_$arg_count                 entry (fixed bin (17), fixed bin (35)),
 76           cu_$arg_ptr                   entry (fixed bin (17), ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (35)),
 77           ioa_                          entry () options (variable),
 78           match_star_name_              entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)),
 79           requote_string_               entry (char (*)) returns (char (*));
 80 %page;
 81 %include check_star_name;
 82 %page;
 83           whoami = "test_match_star_name";
 85           call cu_$arg_count (arg_count, status);
 86           if status ^= 0
 87           then do;
 88                     call com_err_ (status, whoami);
 89                     return;
 90                end;
 92           if arg_count < 2
 93           then do;
 94                     call com_err_$suppress_name (0, whoami, "Usage:  ^a key starname {matchnames}", whoami);
 95                     return;
 96                end;
 98           call cu_$arg_ptr (1, arg_ptr, arg_len, (0));
 99           if arg_len = 0 then go to INVALID_KEYWORD;
101           idx = index ("012", substr (arg, 1, 1)) - 1;
102           if idx >= 0
103           then do;
104                     check_star_type, entry_star_type, path_star_type = idx;
105                     check_status, entry_status, match_status, path_status, self_status = 0;
106                end;
107           else if substr (arg, 1, 1) = "b"
108           then do;
109                     check_star_type, entry_star_type, path_star_type = 0;
110                     check_status, entry_status, match_status, path_status, self_status = error_table_$badstar;
111                end;
112           else go to INVALID_KEYWORD;
114           if arg_len = 1 then go to DO_TEST;
115           charx = 2;
117           idx = index ("012", substr (arg, charx, 1)) - 1;
118           if idx >= 0
119           then do;
120                     entry_star_type = idx;
121                     entry_status = 0;
122                end;
123           else if substr (arg, charx, 1) = "b"
124           then do;
125                     entry_star_type = 0;
126                     entry_status = error_table_$badstar;
127                end;
128           else go to CHECK_NOMATCH;
130           if arg_len = charx then go to DO_TEST;
131           charx = charx + 1;
133           idx = index ("012", substr (arg, charx, 1)) - 1;
134           if idx >= 0
135           then do;
136                     path_star_type = idx;
137                     path_status = 0;
138                end;
139           else if substr (arg, charx, 1) = "b"
140           then do;
141                     path_star_type = 0;
142                     path_status = error_table_$badstar;
143                end;
144           else go to CHECK_NOMATCH;
146           if charx = arg_len then go to DO_TEST;
147           charx = charx + 1;
150           if substr (arg, charx) = "n"
151           then match_status = error_table_$nomatch;
152           else do;
154                     call com_err_ (0, whoami, "Invalid key ^a.", requote_string_ (rtrim (arg)));
155                     return;
156                end;
158 DO_TEST:
159           call cu_$arg_ptr (2, star_ptr, star_len, (0));
161           call check_star_name_ (star, CHECK_STAR_IGNORE_ALL, star_type, status);
162           if star_type ^= check_star_type | status ^= check_status
163           then call error ("CHECK", check_star_type, check_status);
165           call check_star_name_$entry (star, status);
166           if status >= 0 & status <= 2
167           then do;
168                     star_type = status;
169                     status = 0;
170                end;
171           else star_type = 0;
172           if star_type ^= entry_star_type | status ^= entry_status
173           then call error ("ENTRY", entry_star_type, entry_status);
175           call check_star_name_$path (star, status);
176           if status >= 0 & status <= 2
177           then do;
178                     star_type = status;
179                     status = 0;
180                end;
181           else star_type = 0;
182           if star_type ^= path_star_type | status ^= path_status then call error ("PATH", path_star_type, path_status);
184           star_type = -1;
185           call match_star_name_ (star, star, status);
186           if status ^= self_status then call error ("SELF", -1, self_status);
188           do argx = 3 to arg_count;
190                call cu_$arg_ptr (argx, arg_ptr, arg_len, (0));
192                call match_star_name_ (arg, star, status);
193                if status ^= match_status then call error ("MATCH", -1, match_status);
194           end;
196           return;
197 %page;
198 error:
199      procedure (test, expected_star_type, expected_status);
201 declare   test                          char (*) parameter,
202           expected_star_type            fixed bin (2) parameter,
203           expected_status               fixed bin (35) parameter;
205 declare   actual_message                char (256) varying,
206           expected_message              char (256) varying;
208           call classify_status (star_type, expected_star_type, status, expected_status, actual_message);
209           if expected_star_type = -1
210           then call classify_status (expected_star_type, expected_star_type, expected_status, expected_status + 1,
211                     expected_message);
212           else call classify_status (expected_star_type, expected_star_type + 1, expected_status, expected_status + 1,
213                     expected_message);
215           if test = "MATCH"
216           then call ioa_ ("^a:^9t^a  expected ^a got ^a with  ^a.", test, requote_string_ (star), expected_message,
217                     actual_message, requote_string_ (arg));
218           else call ioa_ ("^a:^9t^a  expected ^a got ^a.", test, requote_string_ (star), expected_message, actual_message)
219                     ;
221           return;
223      end error;
225 classify_status:
226      procedure (star_type, expected_star_type, status, expected_status, message);
228 declare   star_type                     fixed bin (2) parameter,
229           expected_star_type            fixed bin (2) parameter,
230           status                        fixed bin (35) parameter,
231           expected_status               fixed bin (35) parameter,
232           message                       char (256) varying parameter;
234 declare   buffer                        char (100) aligned;
236           if star_type = expected_star_type
237           then message = "";
238           else do;
239                     if star_type = 0 then message = "type 0";
240                     else if star_type = 1 then message = "type 1";
241                     else if star_type = 2 then message = "type 2";
242                     else message = "invalid type " || ltrim (character (star_type));
244                     if status = expected_status then return;
246                     message = message || " with ";
247                end;
249           if status = 0 then message = message || "NO_ERROR";
250           else if status = error_table_$archive_pathname then message = message || "ARCHIVE_PATHNAME";
251           else if status = error_table_$bad_arg then message = message || "BAD_ARG";
252           else if status = error_table_$bad_file_name then message = message || "BAD_FILE_NAME";
253           else if status = error_table_$badequal then message = message || "BADEQUAL";
254           else if status = error_table_$badpath then message = message || "BADPATH";
255           else if status = error_table_$badstar then message = message || "BADSTAR";
256           else if status = error_table_$entlong then message = message || "ENTLONG";
257           else if status = error_table_$inconsistent then message = message || "INCONSISTENT";
258           else if status = error_table_$invalid_ascii then message = message || "INVALID_ASCII";
259           else if status = error_table_$nomatch then message = message || "NOMATCH";
260           else if status = error_table_$nostars then message = message || "NOSTARS";
261           else if status = error_table_$null_name_component then message = message || "NULL_NAME_COMPONENT";
262           else do;
263                     call convert_status_code_ (status, (""), buffer);
264                     message = message || "unexpected ";
265                     message = message || requote_string_ (rtrim (buffer));
266                end;
268           return;
270      end classify_status;
271 %page;
272 test_check_star_name:
273      entry () options (variable);
275           whoami = "test_check_star_name";
277           call cu_$arg_count (arg_count, status);
278           if status ^= 0
279           then do;
280                     call com_err_ (status, whoami);
281                     return;
282                end;
284           if arg_count ^= 4
285           then do;
286                     call com_err_$suppress_name (0, whoami, "Usage:  ^a starname mask_list type code", whoami);
287                     return;
288                end;
290           call cu_$arg_ptr (2, arg_ptr, arg_len, (0));
292           mask = ""b;
293           do while (arg_len > 0);
295                star_len = index (arg, ",") - 1;
296                if star_len < 0 then star_len = arg_len;
297                if star_len = 0
298                then do;
299                          call com_err_ (0, whoami, "Bad syntax in mask_list ^a.", requote_string_ (arg));
300                          return;
301                     end;
303                star_ptr = arg_ptr;
304                arg_len = arg_len - star_len - 1;
305                arg_ptr = addcharno (arg_ptr, star_len + 1);
307                invert = "0"b;
308                if substr (star, 1, 1) = "^"
309                then do;
310                          invert = "1"b;
311                          star_len = star_len - 1;
312                          star_ptr = addcharno (star_ptr, 1);
313                     end;
315                if star = "entry_default" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_ENTRY_DEFAULT;
316                else if star = "ignore_all" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_IGNORE_ALL;
317                else if star = "ignore_archive" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_IGNORE_ARCHIVE;
318                else if star = "ignore_entrypoint" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_IGNORE_ENTRYPOINT;
319                else if star = "ignore_equal" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_IGNORE_EQUAL;
320                else if star = "ignore_length" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_IGNORE_LENGTH;
321                else if star = "ignore_nonascii" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_IGNORE_NONASCII;
322                else if star = "ignore_null" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_IGNORE_NULL;
323                else if star = "ignore_path" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_IGNORE_PATH;
324                else if star = "process_archive" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_PROCESS_ARCHIVE;
325                else if star = "path_default" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_PATH_DEFAULT;
326                else if star = "process_entrypoint" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_PROCESS_ENTRYPOINT;
327                else if star = "process_path" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_PROCESS_PATH;
328                else if star = "reject_wild" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_REJECT_WILD;
329                else if star = "unimplemented" then star_mask = CHECK_STAR_UNIMPLEMENTED;
330                else do;
331                          call com_err_ (0, whoami, "Invalid mask keyword ^a.", requote_string_ (star));
332                          return;
333                     end;
335                if invert
336                then mask = mask & ^star_mask;
337                else mask = mask | star_mask;
338           end;
340           call cu_$arg_ptr (3, arg_ptr, arg_len, (0));
342           if arg = "0" | arg = "pl1" | arg = "pl/1" | arg = "PL1" | arg = "PL/I"
343           then check_star_type = STAR_TYPE_USE_PL1_COMPARE;
344           else if arg = "1" | arg = "match" | arg = "MATCH" then check_star_type = STAR_TYPE_USE_MATCH_PROCEDURE;
345           else if arg = "2" | arg = "any" | arg = "ANY" | arg = "every" | arg = "EVERY"
346           then check_star_type = STAR_TYPE_MATCHES_EVERYTHING;
347           else do;
348                     call com_err_ (0, whoami, "Invalid star type keyword ^a.", requote_string_ (arg));
349                     return;
350                end;
352           call cu_$arg_ptr (4, arg_ptr, arg_len, (0));
354           if arg = "0" | arg = "no_error" | arg = "NO_ERROR" then check_status = 0;
355           else if arg = "archive_pathname" | arg = "ARCHIVE_PATHNAME" then check_status = error_table_$archive_pathname;
356           else if arg = "bad_arg" | arg = "BAD_ARG" then check_status = error_table_$bad_arg;
357           else if arg = "bad_file_name" | arg = "BAD_FILE_NAME" then check_status = error_table_$bad_file_name;
358           else if arg = "badequal" | arg = "BADEQUAL" then check_status = error_table_$badequal;
359           else if arg = "badpath" | arg = "BADPATH" then check_status = error_table_$badpath;
360           else if arg = "badstar" | arg = "BADSTAR" then check_status = error_table_$badstar;
361           else if arg = "entlong" | arg = "ENTLONG" then check_status = error_table_$entlong;
362           else if arg = "inconsistent" | arg = "INCONSISTENT" then check_status = error_table_$inconsistent;
363           else if arg = "invalid_ascii" | arg = "INVALID_ASCII" then check_status = error_table_$invalid_ascii;
364           else if arg = "nostars" | arg = "NOSTARS" then check_status = error_table_$nostars;
365           else if arg = "null_name_component" | arg = "NULL_NAME_COMPONENT"
366           then check_status = error_table_$null_name_component;
367           else do;
368                     call com_err_ (0, whoami, "Invalid error keyword ^a.", requote_string_ (arg));
369                     return;
370                end;
372           call cu_$arg_ptr (1, star_ptr, star_len, (0));
374           call check_star_name_ (star, mask, star_type, status);
376           if star_type ^= check_star_type | status ^= check_status
377           then call error ("CHECK", check_star_type, check_status);
379           return;
381      end test_match_star_name;