1 " ***********************************************************
 2 " *                                                         *
 3 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1984 *
 4 " *                                                         *
 5 " ***********************************************************
 6 " PNT_FS_GATE_: This gate provides the un-privileged Ring-1 interfaces
 7 " for ACL manipulations of PNTs.  It also supports the suffix_pnt_
 8 " "validate" entrypoint for the extended object software.
 9 "
10 " Created 1984-07-25 by E. Swenson
11 " Modified 1984-09-18 by E. Swenson to make this gate unprivileged.
12 " Modified 1985-01-26 by E. Swenson to add back chname_file entry.
14           name      pnt_fs_gate_
16           include   gate_macros
17           include   stack_header
18           include   stack_frame
20           gate_info
22           gate      add_acl_entries,pnt_fs_interface_,add_acl_entries,4
23           gate      chname_file,pnt_fs_interface_,chname_file,5
24           gate      delete_acl_entries,pnt_fs_interface_,delete_acl_entries,4
25           gate      list_acl,pnt_fs_interface_,list_acl,6
26           gate      replace_acl,pnt_fs_interface_,replace_acl,5
27           gate      validate,pnt_fs_interface_,validate,3
29           end