1 /****^  ***********************************************************
   2         *                                                         *
   3         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987                *
   4         *                                                         *
   5         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1981 *
   6         *                                                         *
   7         *********************************************************** */
  11 /****^  HISTORY COMMENTS:
  12   1) change(1981-06-01,Stansbury), approve(), audit(), install():
  13      Created.
  14   2) change(1982-10-01,Stansbury), approve(), audit(), install():
  15      Modified - Changed the treatment of Lisp comment conventions from
  16      use of one semicolon to three semicolons, which is desired by
  17      various Lisp language formatters.
  18   3) change(1982-11-01,Stansbury), approve(), audit(), install():
  19      Modified - Added functionality to (add display)_pnotice to support
  20      public domain notices.  This functionality is invoked with the
  21      -public_domain control argument for add_pnotice. A public domain
  22      pnotice is expected to have the name "public_domain.pnotice".
  23      There should only be one such template.
  24   4) change(1983-06-01,Stansbury), approve(), audit(), install():
  25      Modified - Made display_pnotice smart enough to find embedded trade
  26      secret and public domain pnotices. Fixed miscellaneous bugs.
  27   5) change(1985-09-27,LJAdams), approve(1985-09-27,MCR7150),
  28      audit(1986-05-19,Gilcrease), install(1986-02-13,MR12.0-1017):
  29       - Removed the date from the template names.
  30       - Changed add_pnotice to allow multiple component prefixes for template
  31         names.
  32       - Added the default arguments -dc and -dts.
  33       - Default pnotices are no longer automatically applied if there are no
  34         existing pnotices.
  35       - The -long and -brief arguments have been added; -long is the default
  36         as -brief prints nothing.
  37       - Two new language types have been added.  Type 4 has a /****^ as a
  38         comment delimiter; this allows format pl1 to work properly on history
  39         comments.  Type 5 is for runoff and compose files. Blank lines will
  40         not be inserted before and after the history comment as they are
  41         interpeted as space blocks by compose.
  42   6) change(1986-04-17,LJAdams), approve(1986-05-05,MCR7393),
  43      audit(1986-05-19,Gilcrease), install(1986-09-05,MR12.0-1071):
  44      Change so that if the -long argument is specified , default copyrights
  45      will print if they have been added.
  46   7) change(1986-09-05,LJAdams), approve(1986-09-05,MCR7526),
  47      audit(1986-11-05,GDixon), install(1986-11-12,MR12.0-1213):
  48      Corrected looping problem with pnotices in invalid format.
  50      Corrected problem of losing a character when adding pnotice without
  51      the -nm option.
  53      phx20632 - was not picking up DEFAULT TRADE SECRET pnotices.
  55      phx20629 - suggestion was made to use error_table_$bad_file_name
  56      instead of error_table_$badstar.
  57   8) change(1987-04-17,LJAdams), approve(1987-04-20,MCR7674),
  58      audit(1987-05-04,Gilcrease), install(1987-05-08,MR12.1-1031):
  59      Add HBULL copyright as the default if the most recent pnotice is HIS,
  60      HIS_A, HIS_B, MIT_HIS, or MIT_HIS_A.
  61   9) change(1987-11-09,LJAdams), approve(1987-11-10,MCR7805),
  62      audit(1987-11-30,Wallman), install(1987-12-01,MR12.2-1007):
  63      Do not add blank line after pnotice box for compin or runoff files as they
  64      are interpreted as space blocks by compose.
  65  10) change(2021-11-11,GDixon), approve(2021-12-07,MCR10105),
  66      audit(2021-12-09,Swenson), install(2021-12-10,MR12.8-1014):
  67      Prevent pnotice comments from being added to info segments (suffix:
  68                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
  71 /* format: style2,ind2,ll79,dclind4,idind15,comcol41,linecom,ifthenstmt*/
  72 /* for mat: style2,ind2,ll131,dclind4,idind15,comcol41,linecom,ifthenstmt*/
  73 add_pnotice:
  74   proc;
  77 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
  78 /*                                                                                        */
  79 /* This command is used to insert software protection copyright or Trade Secret notices   */
  80 /* into source programs. The code is entirely new, it replaces the add_copyright and      */
  81 /* copyright_archive commands. This command uses the pnotice search list to find the text */
  82 /* of protection notices to add. The default search directory for this search list is     */
  83 /* >tools. The command also uses the pnotice_language_info_ database (created by CDS) to  */
  84 /* obtain information on the source language segment.                                     */
  85 /*                                                                                        */
  86 /* ENTRY:     display_pnotice                                                             */
  87 /*                                                                                        */
  88 /* This is the command used to print either the entire text of protection notices, or     */
  89 /* their primary names, as found in source programs. Since so much of the code is         */
  90 /* shareable, it is a separate external entry in add_pnotice.                             */
  91 /*                                                                                        */
  92 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
  94 %page;
  96 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
  97 /*                                                                                        */
  99 /* INLINE, AS WELL AS THE MOST FREQUENT PATH OF EXECUTION.                                */
 100 /*                                                                                        */
 101 /* Name                    Brief description                                              */
 102 /* init_structures         sets variables in the source_info and target_info structures.  */
 103 /* process_archive_components                                                             */
 104 /*                         main internal proc to begin archive processing.                */
 105 /* process_single_seg      main internal proc to begin free standing segment processing.  */
 106 /* get_language_info       obtains per-language parameters like comment delimiters, etc.  */
 107 /* pnotice_parse           finds the extents of a notice box, if any.                     */
 108 /* process_tokens          drives the parsing procedures to locate notices.               */
 109 /* parse_source_           primitive that provides mechanism for finding source tokens.   */
 110 /* parse_templates_        primitive that provides mechanism for finding template tokens. */
 111 /* find_line               used by parsing procs for processing line-by-line.             */
 112 /* continue_processing     function providing testing for further processing.             */
 113 /* sort_pnotices           sorts >1 notice into proper order.                             */
 114 /* ok_nine_year_rule       enforces LISD rule for new notices.                            */
 115 /* make_star_box           forms text and new star box for insertion.                     */
 116 /* add_text                builds new star box line-by-line.                              */
 117 /* check_acl               provides for possible need to force access.                    */
 118 /* insert_notice           puts new star box into proper place in a segment.              */
 119 /* reset_acl               provides mechanism to reset any forced access.                 */
 120 /* report                  used ONLY by display_pnotice to print output.                  */
 121 /* clean_up                standard clean up proc.                                        */
 122 /*                                                                                        */
 123 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
 125 %page;
 129 /*  A U T O M A T I C  */
 130     dcl current_year   fixed bin,
 131         current_year_a char (4),
 132         DFcopy_right   bit (1),         /* flag for default copyright                     */
 133         DFtrade_secret bit (1),         /* flag for default trade secret                  */
 134         Farchive       bit (1),         /* flag to indicate an archive                    */
 135         Fdisplay       bit (1),         /* ON if the display_pnotice entry called         */
 136         Fcopy_right    bit (1),         /* ON if default copyright given                  */
 137         Fmode_set      bit (1),
 138         Fmust_reset    bit (1),         /* ON if access is forced.                        */
 139         Fname          bit (1),         /* ON if a copyright template name given          */
 140         Fpublic_domain bit (1),         /* ON if -public_domain given                     */
 141         Ftrade_secret  bit (1),         /* ON if -trade_secret given                      */
 142         i              fixed bin (24),
 143         Iarg           fixed bin,
 144         Idx1           fixed bin (24),
 145         Itemplate      fixed bin (24),  /* index for templates                            */
 146         Larg           fixed bin (21),
 147         ME             char (32),
 148         Nargs          fixed bin,
 149         Parg           ptr,
 150         bit_count      fixed bin (24),
 151         code           fixed bin (35),
 152         common_archive_name
 153                        char (32),
 154         component      char (32),       /* component name in archive if any               */
 155         doing_all_components
 156                        bit (1),
 157         path           char (168),      /* pathname input to command                      */
 158         pdir           char (168) var,
 159         process_dir    char (168),      /* used by get_pdir_                              */
 160         save_name      char (32),       /* used to save template name                     */
 161         save_text      char (512) var,  /* used to save template text                     */
 162         seqno          fixed bin (18),  /* order templates occur in text                  */
 163         SI_yrno        fixed bin (24),  /* seq of yr in source                            */
 164         Sadd_default_pnotice
 165                        bit (1),
 166         Sdfcopyright   bit (1),
 167         Sno_args_given bit (1),
 168         Sold_style_pnotice
 169                        bit (1),         /* cmt_bgn delimiter is a slash/asterick          */
 170         Sprt_notice    bit (1),         /* print notice if -lg and new notices was added  */
 171         source_year    (10) fixed bin,  /* yr in pgm requesing pnotice                    */
 172         source_year_a  (10) char (4),
 173         used_old_argument
 174                        bit (1);         /* flag for old arg usage                         */
 178 /*  E X T E R N A L   E N T R I E S  */
 179     dcl add_char_offset_
 180                        entry (ptr, fixed bin (21)) returns (ptr) reducible,
 181         archive        entry options (variable),
 182         archive_$get_component
 183                        entry (ptr, fixed bin (24), char (*), ptr,
 184                        fixed bin (24), fixed bin (35)),
 185         archive_$next_component
 186                        entry (ptr, fixed bin (24), ptr, fixed bin (24),
 187                        char (*), fixed bin (35)),
 188         char_offset_   entry (ptr) returns (fixed bin (21)) reducible,
 189         check_star_name_$entry
 190                        entry (char (*), fixed bin (35)),
 191         com_err_       entry () options (variable),
 192         cu_$arg_count  entry (fixed bin, fixed bin (35)),
 193         cu_$arg_ptr    entry (fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (35)),
 194         cu_$generate_call
 195                        entry (entry, ptr),
 196         date_time_$format
 197                        entry (char (*), fixed bin (71), char (*), char (*))
 198                        returns (char (250) var),
 199         expand_pathname_$component
 200                        entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*),
 201                        fixed bin (35)),
 202         get_ec_version_
 203                        entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin, fixed bin (21),
 204                        fixed bin (35)),
 205         get_group_id_  entry () returns (char (32)),
 206         get_pdir_      entry () returns (char (168)),
 207         get_temp_segment_
 208                        entry (char (*), ptr, fixed bin (35)),
 209         hcs_$add_acl_entries
 210                        entry (char (*), char (*), ptr, fixed bin,
 211                        fixed bin (35)),
 212         hcs_$delentry_seg
 213                        entry (ptr, fixed bin (35)),
 214         hcs_$delete_acl_entries
 215                        entry (char (*), char (*), ptr, fixed bin,
 216                        fixed bin (35)),
 217         hcs_$initiate_count
 218                        entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (24),
 219                        fixed bin (2), ptr, fixed bin (35)),
 220         hcs_$list_acl  entry (char (*), char (*), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin,
 221                        fixed bin (35)),
 222         hcs_$make_seg  entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (5), ptr,
 223                        fixed bin (35)),
 224         ioa_           entry () options (variable),
 225         pathname_      entry (char (*), char (*)) returns (char (168)),
 226         pathname_$component
 227                        entry (char (*), char (*), char (*))
 228                        returns (char (194)),
 229         pnotice_mlr_   entry (ptr, fixed bin (21), ptr, fixed bin (21)),
 230         pnotice_mrl_   entry (ptr, fixed bin (21), ptr, fixed bin (21)),
 231         pnotice_paths_ entry (char (*), bit (*), ptr, fixed bin (35)),
 232         release_temp_segment_
 233                        entry (char (*), ptr, fixed bin (35)),
 234         terminate_file_
 235                        entry (ptr, fixed bin (24), bit (*), fixed bin (35));
 238 /*  I N T E R N A L   S T A T I C  */
 239     dcl Inconsistent_args
 240                        char (132) varying int static
 241                        init (
 242                        "^/The ""^a"" and ""^a"" may not be used together"),
 243         Not_found      char (132) varying int static
 244                        init (
 245                        "^/""^a"" not found in the pnotice search list.^/Use list pnotice_names to list valid names."
 246                        ),
 247         True           bit (1) int static options (constant) init ("1"b),
 248         False          bit (1) int static options (constant) init ("0"b),
 249         sfx_string     char (3) int static options (constant) init (" *
 250 "),
 251         STAR           char (1) int static options (constant) init ("*"),
 252         STARS          char (200) int static options (constant)
 253                        init ((200)"*"),
 254         SP_STAR        char (2) int static options (constant) init (" *"),
 255         SP_STAR_SP     char (3) int static options (constant) init (" * "),
 256         HT_SP_STAR     char (3) int static options (constant) init ("  *"),
 257         HT_SP_NL       char (3) int static options (constant) init ("
 258 "),
 259         SP             char (1) int static options (constant) init (" "),
 260         SPACES         char (200) int static options (constant)
 261                        init ((200)" "),
 262         NL             char (1) int static options (constant) init ("
 263 "),
 264         NL_NL          char (2) int static options (constant) init ("
 266 "),
 267         HT_SP_NL_VT_NP char (5) int static options (constant) init ("
 268 ^K^L");
 272 /*  E X T E R N A L   S T A T I C  */
 273     dcl (
 274         error_table_$archive_component_modification,
 275         error_table_$badopt,
 276         error_table_$bad_file_name,
 277         error_table_$improper_data_format,
 278         error_table_$inconsistent,
 279         error_table_$noarg,
 280         error_table_$not_done,
 281         error_table_$name_not_found,
 282         error_table_$nostars,
 283         error_table_$typename_not_found,
 284         error_table_$wrong_no_of_args
 285         )              fixed bin (35) ext static;
 288 /*  B U I L T I N  */
 289     dcl (addr, addrel, addcharno, before, char, charno, clock, convert,
 290         currentsize, dim, divide, hbound, index, length, lbound, ltrim, max,
 291         null, ptr, reverse, rtrim, search, string, substr, verify)
 292                        builtin;
 295 /*  B A S E D  */
 296     dcl argument       char (Larg) based (Parg);
 297                                         /* used to obtain args                            */
 300 /*  C O N D I T I O N S  */
 301     dcl (cleanup, not_in_write_bracket, no_write_permission)
 302                        condition;
 304 %page;
 306 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 308     ME = "add_pnotice";                 /* the add_pnotice command                        */
 309     Fdisplay = False;
 310     goto COMMON;
 312 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 315 display_pnotice:
 316   entry;
 318     ME = "display_pnotice";             /* the display_pnotice command                    */
 319     Fdisplay = True;
 321 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 324 COMMON:
 325     arg_list_arg_count = 0;
 326     Ppaths = null;
 327     Pcomp_info = null;
 328     Ptext = null;
 329     path = "";
 330     Farchive = False;
 331     Sprt_notice = False;
 332     current_year_a = date_time_$format ("^9999yc", clock (), "", "");
 333     current_year = convert (current_year, current_year_a);
 334     doing_all_components = False;
 335     call init_structures (source_info, target_info);
 336                                         /* init source and target info structures         */
 339     on cleanup call clean_up;
 341     target_info.long_output = True;     /* default output                                 */
 342     call init_variables;
 344     call cu_$arg_count (Nargs, code);
 345     if code ^= 0
 346     then
 347       do;
 348         call com_err_ (code, ME, "");
 349         return;
 350       end;
 351     if Nargs = 0
 352     then
 353       do;
 354         call ioa_ (
 355              "Syntax:  ^a path {-control_args} For details, type:  help ^a",
 356              ME, ME);
 357         return;
 358       end;
 359     do Iarg = 1 to Nargs;
 360       call cu_$arg_ptr (Iarg, Parg, Larg, code);
 361       if index (argument, "-") ^= 1
 362       then
 363         do;
 364           if path = ""
 365           then path = argument;
 366           else
 367             do;
 368               call com_err_ (error_table_$wrong_no_of_args, ME, "^a
 369 Multiple pathnames not allowed.", argument);
 370               goto FATAL_ERROR;
 371             end;
 372         end;
 373       else if (argument = "-trade_secret" | argument = "-public_domain")
 374       then
 375         do;
 376           used_old_argument = True;
 377           if argument = "-trade_secret" & ^Fdisplay then Ftrade_secret = True;
 378           else if argument = "-public_domain" & ^Fdisplay
 379           then Fpublic_domain = True;
 380         end;
 381       else if (argument = "-dts" | argument = "-default_trade_secret")
 382            & ^Fdisplay
 383       then DFtrade_secret = True;
 384       else if (argument = "-dc" | argument = "-default_copyright") & ^Fdisplay
 385       then DFcopy_right = True;
 386       else if (argument = "-name" | argument = "-nm") & ^Fdisplay
 387       then
 388         do;
 389           Iarg = Iarg + 1;
 390           call cu_$arg_ptr (Iarg, Parg, Larg, code);
 391           if code ^= 0
 392           then
 393             do;
 394 NAME_ERR:
 395               call com_err_ (code, ME, "
 396 The -name control arg requires a pnotice name operand.
 397 Use the list_pnotice_names command to print valid names.");
 398               return;
 399             end;
 400           if index (argument, ".") ^= 0
 401           then
 402             do;
 403               if reverse (before (reverse (argument), ".")) = "pnotice"
 404               then
 405                 do;
 406                   code = error_table_$improper_data_format;
 407                   goto NAME_ERR;
 408                 end;
 409               else ;
 410             end;
 411           if argument = "public_domain" then Fpublic_domain = True;
 412           if reverse (before (reverse (argument), ".")) = "trade_secret"
 413           then
 414             do;
 415               Ftrade_secret = True;
 416               Fname = True;
 417               source_info.notice_to_add.name = argument;
 418             end;
 419           else
 420             do;
 421               source_info.notice_to_add.name = argument;
 422               Fname = True;
 423             end;
 424         end;                            /* argument = -nm                       */
 425       else if argument = "-long" | argument = "-lg"
 426       then target_info.long_output = True;
 427       else if argument = "-brief" | argument = "-bf"
 428       then target_info.long_output = False;
 429       else
 430         do;
 431           code = error_table_$badopt;
 432           call com_err_ (code, ME);
 433           goto FATAL_ERROR;
 434         end;
 435     end;                                /* Iarg = 1 to Nargs                              */
 437     if Fdisplay
 438     then
 439       do;                               /* No pnotices are being added                    */
 440         call init_variables;
 441         goto GET_TEMPLATES;
 442       end;
 444     if used_old_argument & Ftrade_secret & Fname
 445     then
 446       do;
 447         code = error_table_$inconsistent;
 448         call com_err_ (code, ME, Inconsistent_args, "-trade_secret", "-name");
 449         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 450       end;
 451     if DFtrade_secret & Fname
 452     then
 453       do;
 454         code = error_table_$inconsistent;
 455         call com_err_ (code, ME, Inconsistent_args, "-default_trade_secret",
 456              "-name");
 457         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 458       end;
 459     if used_old_argument & Fpublic_domain & Fname
 460     then
 461       do;
 462         code = error_table_$inconsistent;
 463         call com_err_ (code, ME, Inconsistent_args, "-public_domain", "-name");
 464         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 465       end;
 466     if Fpublic_domain & (Ftrade_secret | DFtrade_secret)
 467     then
 468       do;
 469         code = error_table_$inconsistent;
 470         call com_err_ (code, ME,
 471              "The ""-public_domain"" control arg must be used alone.");
 472         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 473       end;
 474     if DFcopy_right & Fname
 475     then
 476       do;
 477         code = error_table_$inconsistent;
 478         call com_err_ (code, ME, Inconsistent_args, "-default_copyright",
 479              "-name");
 480         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 481       end;
 483     if path = ""
 484     then
 485       do;
 486         call com_err_ (error_table_$noarg, ME, "
 487 No pathname specified.");
 488         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 489       end;
 491 /* do some data gathering and checking first      */
 494     call pnotice_paths_ (ME, "00"b, Ppaths, code);
 495                                         /* fill in template info                          */
 496     if code ^= 0
 497     then                                /* pnotice_paths_ will complain for us.           */
 498          goto FATAL_ERROR;              /* things won't work this way                     */
 501     if Fdisplay
 502     then                                /* no pnotices to add                             */
 503          goto EXPAND_PATH;
 505 /* find out what notice we should add             */
 506     if (Ftrade_secret & ^Fname) | DFtrade_secret
 507     then
 508       do;
 509         do Itemplate = 1 to pnotice_paths.Ntemplates
 510              while (^pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).defaultTS);
 511         end;
 512         if Itemplate > pnotice_paths.Ntemplates
 513         then
 514           do;
 515             code = error_table_$name_not_found;
 516             call com_err_ (code, ME, Not_found, "default_trade_secret");
 517             goto FATAL_ERROR;
 518           end;
 519         else source_info.notice_to_add.name =
 520                   before (pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).primary_name,
 521                   ".pnotice");
 522         source_info.notice_to_add.type = TRADE_SECRET;
 523       end;
 524     else if Fpublic_domain
 525     then
 526       do;                               /* if public domain is desired                    */
 527         do Itemplate = 1 to pnotice_paths.Ntemplates
 528              while (pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).type ^= PUBLIC_DOMAIN);
 529         end;                            /* verify that the name is there.                 */
 530         if Itemplate > pnotice_paths.Ntemplates
 531         then
 532           do;
 533             code = error_table_$name_not_found;
 534             call com_err_ (code, ME, Not_found, "public_domain");
 535             goto FATAL_ERROR;
 536           end;
 537         else source_info.notice_to_add.name =
 538                   before (pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).primary_name,
 539                   ".pnotice");
 540         source_info.notice_to_add.type = PUBLIC_DOMAIN;
 541       end;
 542     else if (Fname & Ftrade_secret & ^used_old_argument)
 543          | (Fname & ^DFtrade_secret) | (Fname & ^Fpublic_domain)
 544     then
 545       do;                               /* if a template name was given,                  */
 546         do Itemplate = 1 to pnotice_paths.Ntemplates
 547              while (source_info.notice_to_add.name
 548              ^=
 549              before (pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).primary_name,
 550              ".pnotice"));
 551         end;                            /* verify that the name is there.                 */
 552         if Itemplate > pnotice_paths.Ntemplates
 553         then
 554           do;
 555             code = error_table_$name_not_found;
 556             call com_err_ (code, ME, Not_found, source_info.notice_to_add.name)
 557                  ;
 558             goto FATAL_ERROR;
 559           end;
 560         if Ftrade_secret
 561         then source_info.notice_to_add.type = TRADE_SECRET;
 562         else source_info.notice_to_add.type = COPYRIGHT;
 563       end;
 564     else
 565       do;                               /* use default copyright                          */
 566         do Itemplate = 1 to pnotice_paths.Ntemplates
 567              while (^pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).defaultC);
 568         end;
 569         if Itemplate > pnotice_paths.Ntemplates
 570         then
 571           do;
 572             code = error_table_$name_not_found;
 573             call com_err_ (code, ME, Not_found, "default_copyright");
 574             goto FATAL_ERROR;
 575           end;
 576         else
 577           do;                           /* input name if none of above criteria met       */
 578             source_info.notice_to_add.name =
 579                  before (pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).primary_name,
 580                  ".pnotice");
 581             source_info.notice_to_add.type = COPYRIGHT;
 582             if ^DFcopy_right then Sno_args_given = True;
 583             Sdfcopyright = True;
 584           end;
 585       end;                              /* default copyright                              */
 586 EXPAND_PATH:                            /* now work on the path we were given             */
 587     call expand_pathname_$component (path, source_info.dir, source_info.entry,
 588          component, code);              /* xlate the input path into dir, entry and       */
 589                                         /*  component                                     */
 590                                         /* comp is null unless archive component given    */
 593     if code ^= 0
 594     then
 595       do;
 596         call com_err_ (code, ME, path);
 597         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 598       end;
 599     target_info.dir = source_info.dir;  /* fill in target info directory name             */
 600     if index (source_info.entry, ".") = 0
 601     then
 602       do;
 603         code = error_table_$bad_file_name;
 604         if source_info.archive_name ^= ""
 605         then call com_err_ (code, ME,
 606                   "^/Entry must include language suffix. ^a",
 607                   pathname_$component (source_info.dir,
 608                   source_info.archive_name, source_info.entry));
 609         else call com_err_ (code, ME,
 610                   "^/Entry must include language suffix. ^a",
 611                   pathname_ (source_info.dir, source_info.entry));
 612         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 613       end;
 614     call check_star_name_$entry (source_info.entry, code);
 615     if code ^= 0
 616     then
 617       do;
 618         code = error_table_$nostars;
 619         call com_err_ (code, ME, "^/Processing ^a.",
 620              pathname_ (source_info.dir, source_info.entry));
 621         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 622       end;
 623     if component ^= ""
 624     then
 625       do;
 626         call check_star_name_$entry (component, code);
 627         if code ^= 0
 628         then
 629           do;
 630             code = error_table_$nostars;
 631             call com_err_ (code, ME, "^/Processing ^a.",
 632                  pathname_$component (source_info.dir, source_info.entry,
 633                  component));
 634             goto FATAL_ERROR;
 635           end;
 636         Farchive = True;                /* it is an archive                               */
 637       end;
 638     else if component = ""
 639     then if reverse (before (reverse (source_info.entry), ".")) = "archive"
 640          then Farchive = True;          /* we have been given an archive to deal with     */
 641     call hcs_$initiate_count (source_info.dir, source_info.entry, "",
 642          bit_count, 0, source_info.Pentry, code);
 643                                         /* initiate segment                               */
 644     if source_info.Pentry = null
 645     then
 646       do;
 647         call com_err_ (code, ME, "^/Initiating ^a.",
 648              pathname_ (source_info.dir, source_info.entry));
 649         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 650       end;
 651     source_info.Lentry = divide (bit_count, 9, 21, 0);
 652                                         /* compute its length                             */
 653     if Farchive
 654     then
 655       do;
 656         process_dir = get_pdir_ ();     /*  we need this with archives                    */
 657         pdir = rtrim (process_dir);
 658         source_info.archive_name = source_info.entry;
 659         common_archive_name = source_info.archive_name;
 660                                         /* used by display_pnotice                        */
 661         source_info.entry = component;
 662         source_info.Parchive = source_info.Pentry;
 663         source_info.Larchive = source_info.Lentry;
 664         target_info.archive_name = source_info.archive_name;
 665         target_info.Parchive = source_info.Pentry;
 666         target_info.Larchive = source_info.Lentry;
 667         if Fdisplay
 668         then call ioa_ ("^a^[>^]^a:", source_info.dir, source_info.dir ^= ">",
 669                   source_info.archive_name);
 670         call process_archive_components (source_info, target_info);
 671       end;
 672     else
 673       do;
 674         source_info.archive_name = "";
 675         source_info.Parchive = null;
 676         source_info.Larchive = 0;
 677         target_info.archive_name = "";
 678         target_info.Parchive = null;
 679         target_info.Larchive = 0;
 680         target_info.entry = source_info.entry;
 681         target_info.Pentry = source_info.Pentry;
 682         target_info.Lentry = source_info.Lentry;
 683         call process_single_seg (source_info, target_info);
 684       end;
 687     call clean_up;
 688     return;
 691 %page;
 693 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 695 init_structures:
 696   proc (SI, TI);
 698     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info,
 699         1 TI           aligned like target_info;
 701     SI.version = V_source_info_1;
 702     TI.version = V_target_info_1;
 703     SI.archive_name = "";
 705 init_structures$next_component:
 706   entry (SI, TI);                       /* this entry is used when an archive is processed*/
 707                                         /* to avoid resetting the archive_name            */
 708     SI.Pentry = null;
 709     SI.ec_version = 0;
 710     SI.text_pos = 0;
 711     SI.cmt_bgn = "";
 712     SI.cmt_end = "";
 713     SI.Pold_box = null;
 714     SI.Lold_box = 0;
 715     SI.Nnotices = 0;
 716     SI.notice_info (*).notice_name = "";
 717     SI.notice_info (*).notice_date = "";
 718     SI.notice_info (*).notice_type = 0; /* UNDEFINED                                      */
 719     TI.Pnew_box = null;
 720     TI.Lnew_box = 0;
 721     TI.Pstar_box = null;
 722     TI.Lstar_box = 0;
 723     TI.Nnotices = 0;
 724     seqno = 0;
 725     TI.notice (*) = "";
 727   end init_structures;
 729 %page;
 730 init_variables:
 731   proc;
 732     Fname = False;                      /* init vars used in arg processing               */
 733     Fcopy_right = False;
 734     DFcopy_right = False;
 735     DFtrade_secret = False;
 736     Sadd_default_pnotice = False;
 737     Sdfcopyright = False;
 738     Sno_args_given = False;
 739     Fpublic_domain = False;
 740     Ftrade_secret = False;
 741     used_old_argument = False;
 742     source_info.notice_to_add.name = "";
 743     source_info.notice_to_add.type = 0;
 745   end init_variables;
 746 %page;
 748 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 750     dcl 1 comp_info    based (Pcomp_info),
 751                                         /* structure of info on archive                   */
 752                                         /* components needing to be updated               */
 753           2 Ncomp      fixed bin,
 754           2 array      (0 refer (comp_info.Ncomp)),
 755             3 name     char (32),
 756             3 ptr      ptr,
 757             3 length   fixed bin (21);
 759     dcl Lcomp          fixed bin (21),  /* lgth of an archive component                   */
 760         Pal            ptr,             /* ptr to argument list when processing archives  */
 761         Parchive_paths ptr,             /* ptr to archive component paths                 */
 762         Pcomp_info     ptr,
 763         Pcomp          ptr,             /* ptr to an archive component                    */
 764         Pdesc          ptr,             /* ptr to descriptors when processing an archive  */
 765         comp_bc        fixed bin (24),  /* archive component's bit_count                  */
 766         comp_name      char (32),       /* archive component name                         */
 767         paths          (comp_info.Ncomp + 2) based (Parchive_paths) char (168);
 769 process_archive_components:
 770   proc (SI, TI);
 773 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
 774 /*                                                                                        */
 775 /* An internal procedure to provide capability for inserting notices into each component  */
 776 /* of an archive, or only a single component. The star name convention is not supported,  */
 777 /* and is checked long before this procedure is called.                                   */
 778 /*                                                                                        */
 779 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
 782     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info,
 783                                         /* IN                                             */
 784         1 TI           aligned like target_info;
 785                                         /* IN                                             */
 786     dcl Acode          fixed bin (35);
 787     dcl COMPONENT      char (Lcomp) based (Pcomp);
 789     if ^Fdisplay
 790     then
 791       do;                               /* if this is display_pnotice, skip this stuff    */
 792         Fmust_reset = False;
 793         Fmode_set = False;
 794         on cleanup
 795           begin;
 796             if Fmust_reset
 797             then call check_acl$reset_acl (TI.Pentry, TI.dir, TI.entry,
 798                       Fmode_set);       /* protect against inadvertent ACL changes        */
 799           end;
 800         call get_temp_segment_ (ME, Pcomp_info, Acode);
 801         if Acode ^= 0
 802         then
 803           do;
 804             call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "
 805 Obtaining temp seg for archive info.");
 806             goto FATAL_ERROR;
 807           end;
 808         comp_info.Ncomp = 0;
 809       end;
 810     if SI.entry = ""
 811     then                                /* path like foo.archive given                    */
 812          goto ALL_COMPONENTS;
 813     else goto SINGLE_COMPONENT;         /* path like foo::prog.pl1 given                  */
 817     doing_all_components = True;        /* in case the archive contains a surprise        */
 818     Pcomp = null;                       /* in case all components are processed           */
 820     call archive_$next_component (SI.Parchive, bit_count, Pcomp, comp_bc,
 821          comp_name, Acode);
 822     if Acode ^= 0
 823     then
 824       do;
 825         call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
 826              "^/Last component processed: ^a^/Error obtaining next component info.",
 827              pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry));
 828         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 829       end;
 830     else if Pcomp = null
 831     then                                /* we are finished                                */
 832          goto END_OF_COMPONENTS;
 833     SI.entry = comp_name;
 834     SI.Pentry = Pcomp;
 835     TI.entry = comp_name;
 836     TI.Pentry = Pcomp;
 837     if ^get_language_info (SI)
 838     then                                /* if it is a single component name, skip and     */
 839          goto NEXT_COMPONENT;           /* go on to the next one.                         */
 840     Lcomp = divide (comp_bc, 9, 21, 0);
 841     SI.Lentry = Lcomp;
 842     TI.Lentry = Lcomp;
 843     call pnotice_parse (SI);            /* parse the component inside the archive.        */
 844     if Fdisplay
 845     then
 846       do;                               /* if display_pnotice then just report info       */
 847         call report (SI, TI);
 848       end;
 849     else
 850       do;
 851         if ^continue_processing (SI, TI)
 852         then ;                          /* should we continue?                            */
 853         else
 854           do;                           /* this component must be processed               */
 855             comp_info.Ncomp = comp_info.Ncomp + 1;
 856             comp_info.array (Ncomp).length = Lcomp;
 857             comp_info.array (Ncomp).name = SI.entry;
 858             call hcs_$make_seg (process_dir, comp_info.array (Ncomp).name, "",
 859                  01010b, comp_info.array (Ncomp).ptr, Acode);
 860                                         /* make a copy in the pdir                        */
 861             if Acode ^= 0
 862             then
 863               do;
 864                 call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "
 865 Creating ^a>^a.", pdir, comp_info.array (Ncomp).name);
 866                 goto FATAL_ERROR;
 867               end;
 868             comp_info.array (Ncomp).ptr -> COMPONENT = COMPONENT;
 869                                         /* copy the seg contents                          */
 870             call make_star_box (SI, TI);
 871             TI.Pentry = comp_info.array (Ncomp).ptr;
 872                                         /* target is now in the pdir                      */
 873             TI.Pnew_box =
 874                  add_char_offset_ (TI.Pentry,
 875                  char_offset_ (SI.Pold_box) - char_offset_ (SI.Pentry));
 876                                         /* since the target seg is actually in the pdir,  */
 877                                         /* Pnew_box must point there, and be adjusted     */
 878                                         /* based on where the old box is found by parsing */
 879                                         /* the seg in the archive. That's what this does. */
 880             TI.Lnew_box = TI.Lstar_box;
 881             call insert_notice (SI, TI);
 882             if TI.long_output
 883             then if SI.archive_name ^= ""
 884                  then call ioa_ (
 885                            "^/The following notice was added to:^a^a^/^a",
 886                            "  ",
 887                            pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name,
 888                            SI.entry), save_name);
 889                  else call ioa_ (
 890                            "^/The following notice was added to ^a^a^/^a",
 891                            "  ", pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry), save_name);
 892           end;
 893       end;
 894     call init_structures$next_component (SI, TI);
 895                                         /* re-set values in the info structures           */
 896     goto NEXT_COMPONENT;                /* no notices found                               */
 900     call archive_$get_component (SI.Parchive, bit_count, component, Pcomp,
 901          comp_bc, Acode);
 902     if Acode ^= 0
 903     then
 904       do;
 905         call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "^/Processing ^a.",
 906              pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, component));
 907         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 908       end;
 909     SI.Pentry = Pcomp;
 910     TI.entry = component;
 911     TI.Pentry = Pcomp;
 912     if ^get_language_info (SI)
 913     then
 914       do;                               /* if user tried this on a single component name, */
 915         call com_err_ (error_table_$bad_file_name, ME, "
 916 Single-component names not permitted. ^a", SI.entry);
 917         goto FATAL_ERROR;
 918       end;
 919     Lcomp = divide (comp_bc, 9, 21, 0); /* get component length                           */
 920     SI.Lentry = Lcomp;
 921     TI.Lentry = Lcomp;
 922     call pnotice_parse (SI);
 923     if Fdisplay
 924     then
 925       do;
 926         call report (SI, TI);
 927       end;
 928     else
 929       do;
 930         if ^continue_processing (SI, TI)
 931         then ;                          /* should we continue?                            */
 932         else
 933           do;                           /* this component must be processed               */
 934             comp_info.Ncomp = comp_info.Ncomp + 1;
 935             comp_info.array (Ncomp).length = Lcomp;
 936             comp_info.array (Ncomp).name = SI.entry;
 937             call hcs_$make_seg (process_dir, comp_info.array (Ncomp).name, "",
 938                  01010b, comp_info.array (Ncomp).ptr, Acode);
 939                                         /* make a copy in the pdir                        */
 940             if Acode ^= 0
 941             then
 942               do;
 943                 call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "
 944 Creating ^a>^a.", pdir, comp_info.array (Ncomp).name);
 945                 goto FATAL_ERROR;
 946               end;
 947             comp_info.array (Ncomp).ptr -> COMPONENT = COMPONENT;
 948                                         /* copy the seg contents                          */
 949             call make_star_box (SI, TI);
 950             TI.Pentry = comp_info.array (Ncomp).ptr;
 951                                         /* target is now in the pdir                      */
 952             TI.Pnew_box =
 953                  add_char_offset_ (TI.Pentry,
 954                  char_offset_ (SI.Pold_box) - char_offset_ (SI.Pentry));
 955             TI.Lnew_box = TI.Lstar_box;
 956             call insert_notice (SI, TI);
 957             if TI.long_output
 958             then if SI.archive_name ^= ""
 959                  then call ioa_ ("The following notice was added to:^a^a^/^a",
 960                            "  ",
 961                            pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name,
 962                            SI.entry), save_name);
 963                  else call ioa_ ("The following notice was added to:^a^a^/^a",
 964                            "  ", pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry), save_name);
 965           end;
 966       end;
 968     if Fdisplay
 969     then                                /* if display_pnotice,                            */
 970          return;                        /* also exit here                                 */
 971     if comp_info.Ncomp = 0
 972     then                                /* if no components needed anything               */
 973          return;                        /* quietly exit                                   */
 977     Pal = addrel (Pcomp_info, currentsize (comp_info));
 978     al.header.arg_count = comp_info.Ncomp + 2;
 979     al.header.pad1 = "0"b;
 980     al.header.call_type = Interseg_call_type;
 981     al.header.desc_count = comp_info.Ncomp + 2;
 982     al.header.pad2 = "0"b;
 985     Pdesc = addrel (Pal, currentsize (al));
 986     desc (*).version2_ = "1"b;
 987     desc (*).type_ = char_desc;
 988     desc (*).pack_ = "1"b;
 989     desc (*).dimension_ = "0"b;
 990     desc (*).scale_ = 0;
 991     desc (*).precision_ = 0;
 994     Parchive_paths = addrel (Pdesc, currentsize (desc));
 995     paths (1) = "u";                    /* we will "update" the archive                   */
 996     paths (2) = rtrim (TI.dir) || ">" || TI.archive_name;
 997                                         /* the absolute path of the archive               */
 998     do Idx1 = 3 to comp_info.Ncomp + 2;
 999       paths (Idx1) = pdir || ">" || comp_info.array (Idx1 - 2).name;
1000     end;
1003     do Idx1 = 1 to comp_info.Ncomp + 2;
1004       desc (Idx1).precision_ = length (rtrim (paths (Idx1)));
1005       al.ap (Idx1) = addr (paths (Idx1));
1006       al.dp (Idx1) = addr (desc (Idx1));
1007     end;
1009     call check_acl (TI.Parchive, TI.dir, TI.archive_name, Fmust_reset);
1010                                         /* see if proper access                           */
1011     call cu_$generate_call (archive, Pal);
1012                                         /* pass the argument list along to the            */
1013                                         /* archive command                                */
1014     if Fmust_reset
1015     then call check_acl$reset_acl (TI.Parchive, TI.dir, TI.archive_name,
1016               Fmode_set);               /* if needed, restore access                      */
1019   end process_archive_components;
1020 %page;
1022 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1025 process_single_seg:
1026   proc (SI, TI);
1027     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info,
1028         1 TI           aligned like target_info;
1030     Fmust_reset = False;
1031     Fmode_set = False;
1032     on cleanup
1033       begin;
1034         if Fmust_reset
1035         then call check_acl$reset_acl (TI.Pentry, TI.dir, TI.entry, Fmode_set);
1036                                         /* protect against inadvertent ACL changes        */
1037       end;
1038     if ^get_language_info (SI)
1039     then
1040       do;                               /* if user tried to pass off a single comp name,  */
1041         call com_err_ (error_table_$bad_file_name, ME, "
1042 Single-component names not permitted. ^a", SI.entry);
1043         goto FATAL_ERROR;
1044       end;
1045     call pnotice_parse (SI);            /* parse the segment                              */
1046     if Fdisplay
1047     then
1048       do;                               /* if display_pnotice                             */
1049         call report (SI, TI);           /* just print info                                */
1050       end;
1051     else
1052       do;
1053         if ^continue_processing (SI, TI) then goto FATAL_ERROR;
1054         call make_star_box (SI, TI);    /* form the new box with text                     */
1055         call check_acl (TI.Pentry, TI.dir, TI.entry, Fmust_reset);
1056                                         /* if Fmust_reset is set, we forced access        */
1057         TI.Pnew_box = SI.Pold_box;      /* the new box begins at the same place as the old*/
1058         TI.Lnew_box = TI.Lstar_box;     /* lgth of new box is lgth of one in temp seg     */
1059         call insert_notice (SI, TI);    /* put it into the seg                            */
1060         if Fmust_reset
1061         then call check_acl$reset_acl (TI.Pentry, TI.dir, TI.entry, Fmode_set);
1062                                         /* put the old access back                        */
1063         if TI.long_output
1064         then
1065           do;
1066             if ^Sdfcopyright
1067             then call ioa_ ("The following notice was added to:^a^a^/^a", "  ",
1068                       pathname_ (source_info.dir, source_info.entry),
1069                       save_name);
1070             else if Sdfcopyright & Sprt_notice
1071             then call ioa_ ("The following notice was added to:^a^a^/^a", "  ",
1072                       pathname_ (source_info.dir, source_info.entry),
1073                       save_name);
1074           end;
1076       end;
1077   end process_single_seg;
1078 %page;
1080 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1083 get_language_info:
1084   proc (SI) returns (bit (1));
1087 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
1088 /*                                                                                        */
1089 /* This procedure determines the parameters of the language of the source segment. These  */
1090 /* parameters are: type, name, and comment begin and end delimiters.                      */
1091 /* If the source is an exec_com or absin, there are two added parameters needed: the      */
1092 /* version (ec_version) and the character position of the first non-version character     */
1093 /* (text_pos). These values are obtained from calling get_ec_version_.                    */
1094 /*                                                                                        */
1095 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
1098     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info;
1099                                         /* IN/OUT                                         */
1100     dcl Acode          fixed bin (35),
1101         Ilang          fixed bin,
1102         language       char (8) var;    /* language name                                  */
1103 %include pnotice_language_info_;
1106     SI.ec_version = 0;
1107     SI.text_pos = 0;
1108     if index (SI.entry, ".") = 0
1109     then                                /* primarily for the archive case, if it is a     */
1110          return (False);                /* single component name.                         */
1111     language = reverse (before (reverse (SI.entry), "."));
1112                                         /* determine language name                        */
1113     do Ilang = 1
1114          to hbound (pnotice_language_info.languages.lang_array, 1)
1115          while (language
1116          ^= pnotice_language_info.languages.lang_array (Ilang).lang_name);
1117     end;                                /* look it up in pnotice_language_info_           */
1118     if Ilang > pnotice_language_info.languages.N
1119     then
1120       do;
1121         Acode = error_table_$typename_not_found;
1122         if doing_all_components
1123         then
1124           do;                           /* processing an entire archive, don't stop here  */
1125             if SI.archive_name ^= ""
1126             then call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
1127                       "^/The ^a suffix is not supported because it is not defined in pnotice_language_info_.^/Entry was skipped: ^a",
1128                       language,
1129                       pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry));
1130             else call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
1131                       "^/The ^a suffix is not supported because it is not defined in pnotice_language_info_.^/Entry was skipped: ^a",
1132                       language, pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
1133             return (False);
1134           end;
1135         else
1136           do;
1137             if reverse (before (reverse (SI.entry), ".")) = "archive"
1138             then call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
1139                       "^/Archived archives are not supported.");
1140             else if SI.archive_name ^= ""
1141             then call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
1142                       "^/The ^a suffix is not supported because it is not defined in pnotice_language_info_.^/Entry not processed: ^a",
1143                       language,
1144                       pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry));
1145             else call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
1146                       "^/The ^a suffix is not supported because it is not defined in pnotice_language_info_.^/Entry not processed: ^a",
1147                       language, pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
1148             goto FATAL_ERROR;
1149           end;
1150       end;
1152     SI.type = pnotice_language_info.languages.lang_array (Ilang).lang_type;
1153                                         /* type better be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6             */
1154     if SI.type < 1 | SI.type > 6
1155     then
1156       do;
1157         Acode = error_table_$typename_not_found;
1158         call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
1159              "
1160 Language type (^d) found for the ^a suffix in pnotice_language_info_ is not implemented.",
1161              SI.type, language);
1162         goto FATAL_ERROR;
1163       end;                              /* get comment delimiters                         */
1164     SI.cmt_bgn =
1165          pnotice_language_info.languages.lang_array (Ilang).comment_start;
1166     SI.cmt_end =
1167          pnotice_language_info.languages.lang_array (Ilang).comment_end;
1169     if SI.type = 3
1170     then
1171       do;
1172         if SI.archive_name ^= ""
1173         then
1174           do;                           /* can't support archived exec_coms               */
1175             call com_err_ (error_table_$archive_component_modification, ME,
1176                  "^/^a^/Processing of archived exec_coms is not supported.",
1177                  pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.archive_name));
1178             goto FATAL_ERROR;
1179           end;
1180         call get_ec_version_ (SI.dir, SI.entry, SI.ec_version, SI.text_pos,
1181              Acode);
1182         if Acode ^= 0
1183         then
1184           do;
1185             call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "^/Getting ec version.");
1186             goto FATAL_ERROR;
1187           end;
1188         if SI.text_pos < 1
1189         then                            /* prevent invalid subscripting                   */
1190              SI.text_pos = 1;
1191         if SI.ec_version = 1
1192         then SI.cmt_bgn = SI.cmt_bgn || SP;
1193         else SI.cmt_bgn = SI.cmt_bgn || "-";
1194       end;
1195     else if SI.type = 6
1196     then
1197       do;
1198         if SI.archive_name ^= ""
1199         then                            /* can't support archived exec_coms               */
1200              call com_err_ (error_table_$archive_component_modification, ME,
1201                   "^/^a^/Processing of archived exec_coms is not supported.",
1202                   pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.archive_name));
1203         else
1204              call com_err_ (error_table_$typename_not_found, ME,
1205                   "^/^a^/Processing of info segments is not supported.",
1206                   pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
1207         goto FATAL_ERROR;
1208       end;
1210     return (True);
1212   end get_language_info;
1213 %page;
1215 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1218 pnotice_parse:
1219   proc (SI);
1222 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
1223 /*                                                                                        */
1224 /* This procedure determines the extents of what appears to be a valid protection notice  */
1225 /* comment. This determination is somewhat different for the three types of defined       */
1226 /* languages. Once this is done, these extents are then used by the process_tokens and    */
1227 /* parse_source_ procedures to actually see if a match can be found within these extents. */
1228 /*                                                                                        */
1229 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
1232     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info;
1233                                         /* IN                                             */
1236     dcl rest           char (Lrest) based (Prest),
1237         Prest          ptr,
1238         Lrest          fixed bin (21),
1239         Icmt           fixed bin (21),
1240         rest_ch        (Lrest) char (1) based (Prest),
1241         cmt_bgn_length fixed bin (21),
1242         save_length    fixed bin (21),
1243         save_ptr       ptr,
1244         save_Prest     ptr,
1245         Spnotice       bit (1),
1246         Sstar_line     bit (1);
1248     dcl Pcomment       ptr,
1249         Lcomment       fixed bin (21),
1250         comment        char (Lcomment) based (Pcomment),
1251         comment_chr    (Lcomment) char (1) based (Pcomment),
1252         Pcomment_line  ptr,
1253         Lcomment_line  fixed bin (21),
1254         comment_line   char (Lcomment_line) based (Pcomment_line);
1256     dcl Ppnotice       ptr,
1257         Lpnotice       fixed bin (21),
1258         pnotice        char (Lpnotice) based (Ppnotice),
1259         pnotice_chr    (Lpnotice) char (1) based (Ppnotice),
1260         Ppnotice_line  ptr,
1261         Lpnotice_line  fixed bin (21),
1262         pnotice_line   char (Lpnotice_line) based (Ppnotice_line);
1264     dcl 1 pnotices     based (Ppnotices),
1265           2 Nwords     fixed bin (24),
1266           2 pword      (0 refer (Nwords)) char (80) var,
1267         Ppnotices      ptr;
1270     dcl 1 template     based (Ptemplate),
1271           2 Twords     fixed bin (24),
1272           2 tword      (0 refer (Twords)) char (80) var,
1273         Ptemplate      ptr;
1275     dcl Ntemplates_parsed
1276                        fixed bin;
1278     dcl Ibreak         fixed bin (21),
1279         Inonwhite      fixed bin (21),
1280         Iskip          fixed bin (21),
1281         Lword_text     fixed bin (21),
1282         Pword_text     ptr;
1284     dcl word_text      char (Lword_text) based (Pword_text),
1285         word_text_arr  (Lword_text) char (1) based (Pword_text);
1288     dcl WORD_BREAKS    char (30) var,
1289         SKIP_CHRS      char (30) var;
1291     dcl Acode          fixed bin (35);
1294     SI.Pold_box = SI.Pentry;
1295     SI.Lold_box = 0;
1296     Prest = SI.Pentry;
1297     Lrest = SI.Lentry;
1298     Sold_style_pnotice = False;
1299     source_year (*) = 0;
1300     source_year_a (*) = " ";
1301     cmt_bgn_length = length (SI.cmt_bgn);
1302     goto TYPE (SI.type);
1304 TYPE (1):
1305 TYPE (4):
1306     Icmt = verify (rest, HT_SP_NL_VT_NP);
1307                                         /* disregard white space at front.                */
1308     if Icmt = 0
1309     then                                /* an empty seg                                   */
1310          goto end_parse1;
1311     else
1312       do;
1313         Prest = addr (rest_ch (Icmt));
1314         Lrest = Lrest - (Icmt - 1);
1315       end;
1317     if length (SI.cmt_bgn) > length (rest) then goto end_parse1;
1318                                         /* no room left for comments                      */
1320     if SI.type = 4 & substr (rest, 1, length (SI.cmt_bgn)) ^= SI.cmt_bgn
1321          & substr (rest, 1, 2) = "/*"
1322     then Sold_style_pnotice = True;
1323     if ^Sold_style_pnotice
1324          & substr (rest, 1, length (SI.cmt_bgn)) ^= SI.cmt_bgn
1325     then goto end_parse1;
1327     save_length = 0;
1328     save_ptr = Prest;
1329     Icmt = 0;
1331     do while (pnotice_found ());        /* check for multiple pnotices                    */
1332       if (index (comment, "PROPRIETARY") > 0
1333            | index (comment, "PUBLIC DOMAIN") > 0
1334            | index (comment, "Copyright") > 0)
1335       then save_length = save_length + Lcomment;
1336     end;
1338     if save_length = 0
1339     then                                /* not a pnotice                                  */
1340          goto end_parse1;
1342     Pcomment = save_ptr;
1343     Lcomment = save_length;
1345     if ^valid_format ()
1346     then
1347       do;
1348         call com_err_ (error_table_$improper_data_format, ME,
1349              "^/^a^/^3xPnotice begin delimiters may not be on a line by themselves.",
1350              pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
1351         goto FATAL_ERROR;
1352       end;
1353     SI.Lold_box = Lcomment;
1354     call process_tokens;
1356 end_parse1:
1357     goto PARSE_CLEANUP;
1360 TYPE (3):                               /* adjust things for ec's and absin               */
1361     Prest = addr (rest_ch (SI.text_pos));
1362                                         /* adjust to avoid any "&version" lines           */
1363     Lrest = Lrest - (SI.text_pos - 1);
1364     SI.Pold_box = Prest;                /* after this, type 3 is just like type 2         */
1365 TYPE (2):
1366 TYPE (5):                               /* runoff and compint files                       */
1367     Icmt = verify (rest, HT_SP_NL_VT_NP);
1368                                         /* remove white space                             */
1369     if Icmt = 0
1370     then                                /* empty seg                                      */
1371          goto end_parse2;
1373     if (Icmt - 1) + length (SI.cmt_bgn) > length (rest)
1374     then                                /* no room left for any comments                  */
1375          goto end_parse2;
1377     Prest = addr (rest_ch (Icmt));
1378     Lrest = Lrest - (Icmt - 1);
1380     if substr (rest, 1, length (SI.cmt_bgn)) ^= SI.cmt_bgn
1381     then                                /* if first non-white ^= comment,                 */
1382          goto end_parse2;
1384     Spnotice = True;
1385     save_ptr = Prest;
1387     do while (Spnotice);
1388       Pcomment, save_Prest = Prest;
1389       Lcomment = Lrest;
1390       save_length = 0;
1391       Sstar_line = False;
1393       if substr (comment, 1, length (SI.cmt_bgn)) ^= SI.cmt_bgn
1394       then Spnotice = False;
1395       else
1396         do;
1397           if (substr (comment, length (SI.cmt_bgn) + length ("     "),
1398                length ("**********")) = "**********"
1399                | substr (comment, 1, length (SI.cmt_bgn)) = SI.cmt_bgn) &
1400                                         /* pnotices begin with a star line                */
1401                (index (comment, "PROPRIETARY") > 0
1402                | index (comment, "PUBLIC DOMAIN") > 0
1403                | index (comment, "Copyright") > 0)
1404           then
1405             do;
1406               do while (Lcomment > 0);  /* check for multiple pnotices                    */
1407                 Pcomment_line = Pcomment;
1408                 Lcomment_line = index (comment, NL);
1409                 if Lcomment_line = 0 then Lcomment_line = Lcomment;
1410                 Pcomment = addcharno (addr (comment_chr (Lcomment_line)), 1);
1411                 Lcomment = Lcomment - Lcomment_line;
1412                 save_length = save_length + Lcomment_line;
1413                 if Lcomment_line
1414                      > length (SI.cmt_bgn) + length ("     ")
1415                      + length ("**********")
1416                 then if substr (comment_line,
1417                           length (SI.cmt_bgn) + length ("     "),
1418                           length ("**********")) = "**********"
1419                      then
1420                        do;
1421                          if ^Sstar_line
1422                          then Sstar_line = True;
1423                          else
1424                            do;
1425                              Prest =
1426                                   addcharno (addr (rest_ch (save_length)), 1);
1427                              Lrest = Lrest - save_length;
1428                              Lcomment = 0;
1429                            end;
1430                        end;
1431               end;
1432               if Prest = save_Prest
1433               then                      /* nothing has changed so no pnotices found       */
1434                    Spnotice = False;
1435               Icmt = verify (rest, HT_SP_NL_VT_NP);
1436               Prest = addr (rest_ch (Icmt));
1437               Lrest = Lrest - (Icmt - 1);
1438               if (substr (rest, length (SI.cmt_bgn) + length ("     "),
1439                    length ("**********")) ^= "**********"
1440                    & substr (rest, 1, length (SI.cmt_bgn)) ^= SI.cmt_bgn)
1441                    | Lrest = 0
1442               then Spnotice = False;
1443             end;
1444           else                          /* no pnotices present                            */
1445                Spnotice = False;
1446         end;
1447     end;
1449     Pcomment = save_ptr;
1450     Lcomment = charno (Prest) - charno (Pcomment) - 1;
1451     if Lcomment <= 0
1452     then                                /* not a pnotice                                  */
1453          goto end_parse2;
1455     SI.Lold_box = Lcomment;
1456     call process_tokens;
1458 end_parse2:
1460     if Ptemplate ^= null then call release_temp_segment_ (ME, Ptemplate, code);
1462     if Ppnotices ^= null then call release_temp_segment_ (ME, Ppnotices, code);
1464     return;
1467 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1468 pnotice_found:
1469   proc returns (bit (1));
1471     dcl Inl            fixed bin (21);
1473     Icmt = verify (rest, HT_SP_NL_VT_NP);
1474     if Icmt > 0
1475     then
1476       do;
1477         Prest = addr (rest_ch (Icmt));
1478         Lrest = Lrest - (Icmt - 1);
1479       end;
1481     Pcomment = Prest;
1483     if Sold_style_pnotice & substr (rest, 1, 2) ^= "/*" then return (False);
1484     else if ^Sold_style_pnotice
1485          & substr (rest, 1, length (SI.cmt_bgn)) ^= SI.cmt_bgn
1486     then return (False);
1487     else
1488       do;                               /* see if line starts with cmt_bgn and has stars  */
1489         Inl = index (rest, NL);
1490         if Inl < length (cmt_bgn) + length ("     ") + length ("**********")
1491         then return (False);
1492         if substr (rest, length (cmt_bgn) + length ("     "),
1493              length ("**********")) ^= "**********"
1494         then return (False);
1495       end;
1497     if (SI.cmt_bgn = SI.cmt_end) & ^Sold_style_pnotice
1498     then                                /* TECO */
1499          Lcomment =
1500               index (substr (rest, length (SI.cmt_bgn) + 1), SI.cmt_end)
1501               + length (SI.cmt_end);
1502     else Lcomment = index (rest, SI.cmt_end) - 1 + length (SI.cmt_end);
1504     Lcomment = Lcomment + Icmt;         /* include any intervening ctl chars and white    */
1505                                         /* space if there are multiple pnotices           */
1507     Prest = addcharno (addr (rest_ch (Lcomment)), 1);
1508     Lrest = Lrest - Lcomment;
1510     return (True);
1512   end pnotice_found;                    /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1514 valid_format:
1515   proc returns (bit (1));
1517     i = index (comment, NL);
1518     if i <= cmt_bgn_length + length ("     ") + length ("**********")
1519     then return (False);
1520     if index (
1521          substr (comment, cmt_bgn_length + length ("     "),
1522          length ("**********")), "**********") = 0
1523     then return (False);
1525     return (True);
1526   end valid_format;
1528 %page;
1530 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1532 process_tokens:
1533   proc;
1536 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
1537 /*                                                                                        */
1538 /* This procedure is the driver for the parse_source_ and parse_templates_ primitives.    */
1539 /*                                                                                        */
1540 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
1542     dcl Scontinue      bit (1),
1543         Sfound         bit (1),
1544         Snomatch       bit (1);
1547     call parse_source_init;
1548     call parse_templates_$init;
1549     if SI.type = 1 | SI.type = 4
1550     then                                /* pl1 progs                                      */
1551          WORD_BREAKS = HT_SP_STAR;
1552     else WORD_BREAKS = SI.cmt_bgn || HT_SP_STAR;
1554     do while (Lcomment > 0);
1555       if get_pnotice_block ()
1556       then
1557         do;                             /* check for multile pnotice blocks               */
1558           do while (parse_pnotice_$block ());
1559             Ntemplates_parsed = 0;
1560             Scontinue, Snomatch = True;
1561             do while (Scontinue);
1562               if parse_templates_$get_next ()
1563               then
1564                 do;
1565                   call parse_templates_$line;
1566                   if Nwords ^= Twords
1567                   then ;
1568                   else
1569                     do;
1570                       Sfound = True;
1571                       do i = 1 to Nwords while (Sfound);
1572                         if pnotices.pword (i) = template.tword (i) then ;
1573                         else if template.tword (i) = "<yr>"
1574                              & verify (pnotices.pword (i), "0123456789") = 0
1575                              & length (pnotices.pword (i)) = length ("1986")
1576                         then ;
1577                         else if template.tword (i) = "<yr>."
1578                              & length (pnotices.pword (i)) = length ("1986.")
1579                              &
1580                              verify (
1581                              substr (pnotices.pword (i), 1, length ("1986")),
1582                              "0123456789") = 0
1583                              &
1584                              substr (pnotices.pword (i), length ("1986."),
1585                              length (".")) = "."
1586                         then ;
1587                         else Sfound = False;
1588                       end;
1589                       if Sfound
1590                       then if i - 1 = Nwords then Scontinue, Snomatch = False;
1591                     end;
1592                 end;
1593               else Scontinue = False;
1594             end;
1596             if Snomatch
1597             then
1598               do;
1599                 if SI.archive_name ^= ""
1600                 then call com_err_ (error_table_$not_done, ME,
1601                           "^/^a contains an unknown or illegal notice.",
1602                           pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name,
1603                           SI.entry));
1604                 else call com_err_ (error_table_$not_done, ME,
1605                           "^/^a contains an unknown or illegal notice.",
1606                           pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
1607                 goto FATAL_ERROR;
1608               end;
1609             else call template_matched;
1610           end;
1611         end;
1612       else Lcomment = 0;
1613     end;
1615   end process_tokens;
1617 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1618 ^L
1619 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1621 get_pnotice_block:
1622   proc returns (bit (1));
1624     Spnotice = True;
1625     Sstar_line = False;
1626     Ppnotice = null;
1627     Lpnotice = 0;
1628     save_ptr = Pcomment;
1629     save_length = Lcomment;
1631     do while (Spnotice);
1632       Pcomment_line = Pcomment;
1633       Lcomment_line = index (comment, NL);
1634       if Lcomment_line = 0
1635       then
1636         do;
1637           Lcomment_line = Lcomment;
1638           Lcomment = 0;
1639         end;
1640       else
1641         do;
1642           Pcomment = addcharno (addr (comment_chr (Lcomment_line)), 1);
1643           Lcomment = Lcomment - Lcomment_line;
1644         end;
1645       if Lcomment_line
1646            > cmt_bgn_length + length ("     ") + length ("**********")
1647       then if substr (comment_line, cmt_bgn_length + length ("     "),
1648                 length ("**********")) = "**********"
1649            then
1650              do;
1651                if ^Sstar_line
1652                then
1653                  do;
1654                    Ppnotice = Pcomment_line;
1655                    Sstar_line = True;
1656                  end;
1657                else
1658                  do;
1659                    Sstar_line = False;
1660                    Spnotice = False;
1661                  end;
1662              end;
1663       if Ppnotice ^= null then Lpnotice = Lpnotice + Lcomment_line;
1664     end;
1666     if Lpnotice > 0
1667     then
1668       do;
1669         if Lcomment > 0
1670         then
1671           do;
1672             Icmt = verify (comment, HT_SP_NL_VT_NP);
1673             if Icmt > 0
1674             then
1675               do;
1676                 Pcomment = addr (comment_chr (Icmt));
1677                 Lcomment = Lcomment - (Icmt - 1);
1678               end;
1679             else Lcomment = 0;
1680           end;
1681         return (True);
1682       end;
1684     return (False);
1686   end get_pnotice_block;
1688 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1689 ^L
1690 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1692 parse_source_init:
1693   proc;
1695     SI_yrno = 0;                        /* Initialize date seq counter                    */
1697     call get_temp_segment_ (ME, Ppnotices, Acode);
1698                                         /* get area for pnotice_arr                       */
1699     if Acode ^= 0
1700     then
1701       do;
1702         call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "
1703 Obtaining temp seg for pnotice parse.");
1704         goto FATAL_ERROR;
1705       end;
1707     SKIP_CHRS = SI.cmt_bgn || SI.cmt_end || STAR || HT_SP_NL;
1709   end parse_source_init;
1711 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1712 ^L
1713 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1715 template_matched:
1716   proc;
1718     SI.Nnotices = SI.Nnotices + 1;
1719     if SI.Nnotices > dim (SI.notice_info, 1)
1720     then
1721       do;
1722         if SI.archive_name ^= ""
1723         then call ioa_ (
1724                   "^a^/Has more notices than this procedure currently implements.^/Only ^d are allowed.",
1725                   pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry),
1726                   dim (SI.notice_info, 1));
1727         else call ioa_ (
1728                   "^a^/Has more notices than this procdure currently implements.^/Only ^d are allowed.",
1729                   pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry), dim (SI.notice_info, 1));
1730         goto FATAL_ERROR;
1731       end;
1732     SI.notice_info (SI.Nnotices) = parse_templates_$get_template_pnotice ();
1734   end template_matched;
1736 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1737 ^L
1738 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1740 parse_pnotice_:
1741   proc;
1743 parse_pnotice_$block:
1744   entry returns (bit (1));
1746     pnotices.Nwords = 0;
1748     if verify (pnotice, SKIP_CHRS) = 0
1749     then                                /* if only blank and stars left                   */
1750          Lpnotice = 0;
1752     if Lpnotice = 0 then return (False);
1754     do while (parse_pnotice_$get_line ());
1755       if verify (pnotice_line, SKIP_CHRS) = 0
1756       then
1757         do;                             /* blank line                                     */
1758           if pnotices.Nwords = 0
1759           then ;                        /* no pnotices parsed yet                         */
1760           else return (True);
1761         end;
1762       else call parse_pnotice_$line;
1763     end;
1765     return (True);
1767 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1769 parse_pnotice_$get_line:
1770   entry returns (bit (1));
1772     dcl Iline          fixed bin (24);
1774     if length (pnotice) = 0 then return (False);
1776     Iline = index (pnotice, NL);
1777     if Iline = 0 | Lpnotice - Iline = 0
1778     then
1779       do;
1780         Ppnotice_line = Ppnotice;
1781         Lpnotice_line = length (pnotice);
1782         Lpnotice = 0;
1783       end;
1784     else
1785       do;
1786         Ppnotice_line = Ppnotice;
1787         Lpnotice_line = Iline - 1;
1788         Ppnotice = addcharno (addr (pnotice_chr (Iline)), 1);
1789         Lpnotice = Lpnotice - Iline;
1790       end;
1792     return (True);
1794 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1796 parse_pnotice_$line:
1797   entry;
1799     Pword_text = Ppnotice_line;
1800     Lword_text = Lpnotice_line;
1801     Inonwhite = verify (word_text, WORD_BREAKS);
1802                                         /* skip over cmt_bgn & white space                */
1803     if Inonwhite = 0 then Lword_text = 0;
1804     else if Inonwhite > 1
1805     then
1806       do;
1807         Pword_text = addr (word_text_arr (Inonwhite));
1808         Lword_text = length (word_text) - (Inonwhite - 1);
1809       end;
1811     do while (Lword_text > 0);
1812       Ibreak = search (word_text, WORD_BREAKS);
1813       if Ibreak = 0 then Ibreak = length (word_text) + 1;
1814       if Ibreak > 1
1815       then
1816         do;
1817           pnotices.Nwords = pnotices.Nwords + 1;
1818           pnotices.pword (Nwords) = substr (word_text, 1, Ibreak - 1);
1819           if length (pnotices.pword (Nwords)) >= length ("1986")
1820           then if verify (substr (pnotices.pword (Nwords), 1, 4), "0123456789")
1821                     = 0
1822                then                     /* store date for future use                      */
1823                     call store_date;
1824           Pword_text = addr (word_text_arr (Ibreak));
1825           Lword_text = length (word_text) - (Ibreak - 1);
1826         end;
1827       Iskip = verify (word_text, WORD_BREAKS);
1828                                         /* skip over all consecutive breaks chars         */
1829       if Iskip > 0
1830       then
1831         do;
1832           Pword_text = addr (word_text_arr (Iskip));
1833           Lword_text = length (word_text) - (Iskip - 1);
1834         end;
1835       else Lword_text = 0;              /* nothing but break characters remain            */
1836     end;
1838     return;
1840 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1842 store_date:
1843   proc;
1845     if length (pnotices.pword (Nwords)) = length ("1986.")
1846     then if substr (pnotices.pword (Nwords), length ("1986."), length ("."))
1847               ^= "."
1848          then goto RETURN;
1850     SI_yrno = SI_yrno + 1;
1851     source_year_a (SI_yrno) = substr (pnotices.pword (Nwords), 1, 4);
1852     source_year (SI_yrno) =
1853          convert (source_year (SI_yrno), source_year_a (SI_yrno));
1855 RETURN:
1856   end store_date;
1859   end parse_pnotice_;
1861 %page;
1863 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1866     dcl Ltline         fixed bin (21),  /* lgth of a template                             */
1867         Ptline         ptr,             /* ptr to template notice                         */
1868         tline          char (Ltline) based (Ptline);
1869                                         /* a template line of text                        */
1871 parse_templates_:
1872   proc;
1875 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
1876 /*                                                                                        */
1877 /* This internal procedure provides the primitive operations necessary for obtaining a    */
1878 /* token (word) from a pnotice template, resetting to parse a new template, and           */
1879 /* initially preparing for parsing.                                                       */
1880 /*                                                                                        */
1881 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
1883 parse_templates_$init:
1884   entry;
1886     call get_temp_segment_ (ME, Ptemplate, Acode);
1887     if Acode ^= 0
1888     then
1889       do;
1890         call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "
1891 Obtaining temp seg for template parse.");
1892         goto FATAL_ERROR;
1893       end;
1895     return;
1897 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1899 parse_templates_$get_next:
1900   entry returns (bit (1));
1902     Ntemplates_parsed = Ntemplates_parsed + 1;
1904     if Ntemplates_parsed <= pnotice_paths.Ntemplates
1905     then
1906       do;
1907         Ptline = pnotice_paths.templates (Ntemplates_parsed).Ptemplate;
1908         Ltline =
1909              pnotice_paths.templates (Ntemplates_parsed).Ltemplate
1910              - length (NL);
1911         return (True);
1912       end;
1914     return (False);
1916 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1919 parse_templates_$line:
1920   entry;
1922     template.Twords = 0;
1923     Pword_text = Ptline;
1924     Lword_text = Ltline;
1927     Inonwhite = verify (tline, HT_SP_NL);
1928                                         /* remove "white space"                           */
1929     if Inonwhite = 0
1930     then                                /* zero means there is nothing but white space    */
1931          Lword_text = 0;
1932     else if Inonwhite > 1
1933     then
1934       do;
1935         Pword_text = addr (word_text_arr (Inonwhite));
1936         Lword_text = length (word_text) - (Inonwhite - 1);
1937       end;
1939     do while (Lword_text > 0);
1940       template.Twords = template.Twords + 1;
1941       Ibreak = search (word_text, WORD_BREAKS);
1942       if Ibreak = 0
1943       then
1944         do;
1945           template.tword (Twords) = substr (word_text, 1, length (word_text));
1946           Lword_text = 0;
1947         end;
1948       else
1949         do;
1950           template.tword (Twords) = substr (word_text, 1, Ibreak - 1);
1951           Pword_text = addr (word_text_arr (Ibreak));
1952           Lword_text = length (word_text) - (Ibreak - 1);
1953           Iskip = verify (word_text, WORD_BREAKS);
1954                                         /* skip over all consecutive breaks chars         */
1955           if Iskip > 0
1956           then
1957             do;
1958               Pword_text = addr (word_text_arr (Iskip));
1959               Lword_text = length (word_text) - (Iskip - 1);
1960             end;
1961           else Lword_text = 0;          /* nothing but break characters remain            */
1962         end;
1963     end;
1965     return;
1968 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1971 parse_templates_$get_template_pnotice:
1972   entry returns (1 aligned, 2 char (32), 2 char (4), 2 fixed bin, 2 fixed bin);
1974     dcl 1 ret          aligned,
1975           2 Aname      char (32),
1976           2 Adate      char (4),
1977           2 Atype      fixed bin,
1978           2 Aseq       fixed bin;
1981     ret.Aname =
1982          before (pnotice_paths.templates (Ntemplates_parsed).primary_name,
1983          ".pnotice");
1984     if SI_yrno > 0
1985     then ret.Adate = source_year_a (SI_yrno);
1986     else ret.Adate = "";
1987     ret.Atype = pnotice_paths.templates (Ntemplates_parsed).type;
1988     seqno = seqno + 1;
1989     ret.Aseq = seqno;
1990     return (ret);
1992   end parse_templates_;
1994 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1998   end pnotice_parse;
2000 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2001 %page;
2003 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2005 continue_processing:
2006   proc (SI, TI) returns (bit (1));
2009 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2010 /*                                                                                        */
2011 /* This internal procedure must do some necessary checking on any notices found in        */
2012 /* source already and the notice that would be added. Specifically, checks must be made   */
2013 /* for duplicate notices already in the source. If this is found, only one copy is        */
2014 /* retained. A check must be made to see if the notice to add is already in the source.   */
2015 /* If it is, then an error message is produced, and nothing is done. Checks must be made  */
2016 /* to see if the source has mixed Trade Secret notices and copyrights. If this is so, an  */
2017 /* error message is produced, and nothing is done.                                        */
2018 /* Checks are also made for mixed public domain and copyright or trade secret notices in  */
2019 /* the source. A check is made to see if the action the user wants would be inconsistent  */
2020 /* with the notice(s) already in the source.                                              */
2021 /*                                                                                        */
2022 /*                                                                                        */
2023 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2026     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info,
2027                                         /* IN                                             */
2028         1 TI           aligned like target_info;
2029                                         /* OUT                                            */
2032     dcl Iname          fixed bin,
2033         Idx1           fixed bin,
2034         Idx2           fixed bin,
2035         Acode          fixed bin (35),
2036         match          bit (1),
2037         addC           bit (1),
2038         addTS          bit (1),
2039         addPD          bit (1),
2040         foundPD        bit (1),
2041         foundC         bit (1),
2042         foundTS        bit (1);
2045     Acode = 0;
2046     addC = False;
2047     addTS = False;
2048     addPD = False;
2049     foundPD = False;
2050     foundC = False;
2051     match = False;
2052     Iname = 1;
2054     if SI.Nnotices = 0
2055     then
2056       do;                               /* if the source had no notices,                  */
2057         if ^Fname & ^Ftrade_secret & ^DFtrade_secret & ^Fcopy_right
2058              & ^DFcopy_right & ^Fpublic_domain
2059         then
2060           do;
2061             call com_err_ (0, ME, "
2062 No protection notices were found in ^a ^a^[>^]^[^a::^;^s^]^a^a", "       ",
2063                  SI.dir, SI.dir ^= ">", SI.archive_name ^= "", SI.archive_name,
2064                  SI.entry, ".");
2065             return (False);
2066           end;
2068         TI.Nnotices = 1;                /* we must add the requested notice               */
2069         TI.notice (TI.Nnotices).name = SI.notice_to_add.name;
2070         TI.notice (TI.Nnotices).date = current_year_a;
2071         seqno = seqno + 1;
2072         TI.notice (TI.Nnotices).seq = ltrim (char (seqno));
2073         if Sdfcopyright then Sprt_notice = True;
2074         return (True);                  /* nothing remains to be done                     */
2075       end;
2079     if SI.notice_to_add.type = TRADE_SECRET then addTS = True;
2080     else if SI.notice_to_add.type = PUBLIC_DOMAIN then addPD = True;
2081     else addC = True;
2082     do Idx1 = 1 to SI.Nnotices;         /* now look at notices found                      */
2083       if SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_type = TRADE_SECRET then foundTS = True;
2084       else if SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_type = PUBLIC_DOMAIN
2085       then foundPD = True;
2086       else foundC = True;
2087     end;
2088     if foundC & foundTS
2089     then
2090       do;                               /* source had copyright and T. S. somehow         */
2091         Acode = error_table_$not_done;
2092         if SI.archive_name ^= ""
2093         then call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2094                   "^/Processing ^a. The module has mixed copyright and trade secret notices.",
2095                   pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry));
2096         else call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2097                   "^/Processing ^a. The module has mixed copyright and trade secret notices.",
2098                   pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
2099         return (False);
2100       end;
2101     if foundC & foundPD
2102     then
2103       do;                               /* source had copyright and public domain         */
2104         Acode = error_table_$not_done;
2105         if SI.archive_name ^= ""
2106         then call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2107                   "^/Processing ^a. The module has mixed copyright and public domain notices.",
2108                   pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry));
2109         else call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2110                   "^/Processing ^a.  The module has mixed copyright and public domain notices.",
2111                   pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
2112         return (False);
2113       end;
2114     if foundTS & foundPD
2115     then
2116       do;                               /* source had trade secret and public domain      */
2117         Acode = error_table_$not_done;
2118         if SI.archive_name ^= ""
2119         then call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2120                   "^/Processing ^a. The module has mixed trade secret and public domain notices.",
2121                   pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry));
2122         else call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2123                   "^/Processing ^a. The module has mixed trade secret and public domain notices.",
2124                   pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
2125         return (False);
2126       end;
2127     if addTS & foundTS
2128     then
2129       do;
2130         do Idx1 = 1 to SI.Nnotices
2131              while (SI.notice_to_add.name ^= SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name)
2132              ;
2133         end;
2134         if Idx1 ^> SI.Nnotices
2135         then
2136           do;
2137             Acode = error_table_$not_done;
2138             if SI.archive_name ^= ""
2139             then call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2140                       "^/Processing ^a.^/Duplicate Trade Secret notices not allowed.",
2141                       pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry));
2142             else call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2143                       "^/Processing ^a.^/Duplicate Trade Secret notices are not allowed.",
2144                       pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
2145             return (False);
2146           end;
2147       end;
2148     else if addPD & foundPD
2149     then
2150       do;
2151         Acode = error_table_$not_done;
2152         if SI.archive_name ^= ""
2153         then call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2154                   "^/Processing ^a.^/Multiple Public Domain notices not allowed.",
2155                   pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry));
2156         else call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2157                   "^/Processing ^a.^/Multiple Public Domain notices not allowed.",
2158                   pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
2159         return (False);
2160       end;
2161     else if addC & foundC then ;        /* the ONLY way to have >1 notice                 */
2162     else
2163       do;                               /* this will abort everything                     */
2164         Acode = error_table_$not_done;
2165         if SI.archive_name ^= ""
2166         then call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2167                   "^/Found ^[Copyright^;Trade Secret^;Public Domain^] notice in ^a.^/Cannot add ^a.",
2168                   SI.notice_info (1).notice_type,
2169                   pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry),
2170                   SI.notice_to_add.name);
2171         else call com_err_ (Acode, ME,
2172                   "^/Found ^[Copyright^;Trade Secret^;Public Domain^] notice in ^a.^/Cannot add ^a.",
2173                   SI.notice_info (1).notice_type, pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry),
2174                   SI.notice_to_add.name);
2175         return (False);
2176       end;
2179     TI.Nnotices = 0;
2180     if ^Ftrade_secret & ^Fpublic_domain
2181     then                                /* if we are working on a copyright...            */
2182          if ok_nine_year_rule (SI)
2183          then
2184            do;                          /* the new notice may be added.                   */
2185              do Idx1 = 1 to SI.Nnotices while
2186                                         /* check to see if new name being added or same   */
2187                                         /* name with a new date.                          */
2188                   ((SI.notice_to_add.name ^= SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name)
2189                   | (SI.notice_to_add.name = SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name
2190                   & current_year ^= source_year (Idx1)));
2191              end;
2192              if Idx1 > SI.Nnotices
2193              then
2194                do;
2195                  TI.Nnotices = 1;
2196                  TI.notice (1).name = SI.notice_to_add.name;
2197                                         /* shall be first                                 */
2198                  TI.notice (1).date = current_year_a;
2199                                         /* new notice yr                                  */
2200                  seqno = seqno + 1;
2201                  TI.notice (1).seq = ltrim (char (seqno));
2202                  if Sdfcopyright then Sprt_notice = True;
2203                end;
2204            end;
2207     if Sno_args_given
2208     then if ^Sadd_default_pnotice       /* if already there dont try to readd             */
2209          then return (False);
2211     if Fname & Ftrade_secret
2212     then
2213       do;
2214         TI.Nnotices = 1;
2215         TI.notice (1).name = SI.notice_to_add.name;
2216         seqno = seqno + 1;
2217         TI.notice (1).seq = ltrim (char (seqno));
2218       end;
2221     do Idx1 = 1 to SI.Nnotices - 1;
2222       do Idx2 = Idx1 + 1 to SI.Nnotices;
2223         if SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name
2224              = SI.notice_info (Idx2).notice_name
2225              & SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_date
2226              = SI.notice_info (Idx2).notice_date
2227         then                            /* if a dup is found, only one will be retained   */
2228              SI.notice_info (Idx2).notice_name = "";
2229       end;
2230     end;
2233     do Idx1 = 1 to SI.Nnotices;
2234       if SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name ^= ""
2235       then
2236         do;
2237           TI.Nnotices = TI.Nnotices + 1;/* the target structure contains notices          */
2238                                         /* that will be put into the source.              */
2239           TI.notice (TI.Nnotices).name = SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name;
2240           TI.notice (TI.Nnotices).date = SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_date;
2241           TI.notice (TI.Nnotices).seq =
2242                ltrim (char (SI.notice_info (Idx1).seq));
2243         end;
2244     end;
2247     if TI.Nnotices > 1 then call sort_pnotices (TI);
2248     do Idx1 = 1 to dim (SI.notice_info, 1)
2249          while (SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name ^= ""
2250          & SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name = TI.notice (Idx1).name
2251          & SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_date = TI.notice (Idx1).date);
2252     end;
2253     if Idx1 - 1 > dim (SI.notice_info, 1)
2254     then                                /* there is no change, do nothing.                */
2255          return (False);
2256     else return (True);
2259   end continue_processing;
2260 %page;
2262 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2264 sort_pnotices:
2265   proc (TI);
2268 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2269 /*                                                                                        */
2270 /* This procedure is called upon to sort multiple copyright notices into the proper       */
2271 /* order. The order must be "most recent first", i.e., the notice containing the most     */
2272 /* recent date must show up as the first notice in the comment box. Descending collating  */
2273 /* order, if you will.                                                                    */
2274 /*                                                                                        */
2275 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2279     dcl 1 V            aligned,         /* sort vector of pointers                        */
2280           2 N          fixed bin (18),
2281           2 vector     (dim (TI.notice, 1)) ptr unaligned;
2283     dcl 1 TI           aligned like target_info;
2284                                         /* IN/OUT                                         */
2285     dcl Idx1           fixed bin,
2286         Idx2           fixed bin;
2287     dcl 1 notice       aligned like target_info.notice based;
2288     dcl 1 sorted_data  (dim (TI.notice, 1)) aligned like target_info.notice;
2289     dcl sort_items_$char
2290                        entry (ptr, fixed bin (24));
2292     V.N = TI.Nnotices;
2293     do Idx1 = 1 to TI.Nnotices;
2294       V.vector (Idx1) = addr (TI.notice.sort_field (Idx1));
2295                                         /* get ptr value to it                            */
2296     end;
2297     call sort_items_$char (addr (V),
2298          length (string (TI.notice.sort_field (1))));
2299                                         /* sort on sort field                             */
2302     Idx2 = 1;
2303     do Idx1 = V.N to 1 by -1;
2304       sorted_data (Idx2) = V.vector (Idx1) -> notice;
2305       Idx2 = Idx2 + 1;
2306     end;
2307     do Idx2 = Idx2 to dim (sorted_data, 1);
2308       string (sorted_data (Idx2)) = "";
2309     end;
2311     TI.notice (*) = sorted_data (*);
2313   end sort_pnotices;
2315 %page;
2317 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2320 ok_nine_year_rule:
2321   proc (SI) returns (bit (1));
2323 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2324 /*                                                                                        */
2325 /* This internal procedure enforces the rule promulgated by Honeywell LISD management     */
2326 /* that consists of the following:                                                        */
2327 /* If a source program already has one (or more) copyright notice(s), and this program    */
2328 /* is invoked to insert another one, then no notice need be added if there is already a   */
2329 /* notice which is within nine years of the date of the new notice AND both notices are   */
2330 /* duplicates, with exception of the date. This rule does NOT apply to Trade Secret       */
2331 /* notices.                                                                               */
2332 /* If no -nm arg is given the most recent pnotice will have the nine-year rule applied    */
2333 /*                                                                                        */
2334 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2336     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info;
2337                                         /* IN                                             */
2338     dcl continue       bit (1),
2339         new_pnotice_vers
2340                        char (32) var,
2341         new_pnotice_date
2342                        char (4),
2343         current_pnotice_vers
2344                        char (32) var,
2345         current_pnotice_date
2346                        char (4);
2348     dcl HBull_name_array
2349                        (5) char (80) varying int static options (constant)
2350                        init ("HIS", "HIS_A", "HIS_B", "MIT_HIS", "MIT_HIS_A");
2352     dcl most_recent_date
2353                        char (4),
2354         Idx2           fixed bin;
2356     continue = True;
2357     new_pnotice_vers = before (SI.notice_to_add.name, ".");
2358     new_pnotice_date = current_year_a;
2359     most_recent_date = "";
2361     if Sno_args_given
2362     then
2363       do Idx1 = 1 to SI.Nnotices;
2364         if SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name = new_pnotice_vers
2365                                         /* default already exists so exit                 */
2366         then
2367           do;
2368             Sadd_default_pnotice = False;
2369             return (Sadd_default_pnotice);
2370           end;
2371         if most_recent_date < SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_date
2372         then most_recent_date = SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_date;
2373       end;
2375     do Idx1 = 1 to SI.Nnotices while (continue);
2376                                         /* go thru all notices in the segment             */
2377       current_pnotice_vers = SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name;
2378       current_pnotice_date = SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_date;
2380       if Sno_args_given
2381       then
2382         do;
2383           if SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_date = most_recent_date
2384           then
2385             do Idx2 = lbound (HBull_name_array, 1)
2386                  to hbound (HBull_name_array, 1);
2387               if SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name = HBull_name_array (Idx2)
2388                                         /* if a match is found exit & add HBull notice    */
2389               then Sadd_default_pnotice = True;
2390             end;
2391           else Sadd_default_pnotice = False;
2393           return (Sadd_default_pnotice);
2394         end;
2396       if current_pnotice_vers = new_pnotice_vers
2397       then
2398         do;                             /* if a matching version is found,                */
2399           if current_year <= source_year (Idx1) + 9
2400           then                          /* the new notice date must be more than          */
2401                                         /* nine years newer, else no need to add it.      */
2402                continue = False;
2403         end;
2404     end;
2405     return (continue);
2407   end ok_nine_year_rule;
2409 %page;
2411 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2414     dcl Lmax_line      fixed bin (21),  /* lgth of longest line in notice(s)              */
2415         Lmove          fixed bin (21),
2416         Lsave          fixed bin (21),
2417         Ltext          fixed bin (21),
2418         Psave          ptr,
2419         Ptext          ptr,
2420         move           char (Lmove) based,
2421                                         /* used to obtain template text                   */
2422         save_chr       (Lsave) char (1) based (Psave),
2423         star_box       char (target_info.Lstar_box)
2424                        based (target_info.Pstar_box);
2426 make_star_box:
2427   proc (SI, TI);
2430 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2431 /*                                                                                        */
2432 /* This procedure obtains a temporary segment, gets the text of all notices to put into   */
2433 /* the source segment, and then forms the star comment box.                               */
2434 /*                                                                                        */
2435 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2437     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info,
2438                                         /* IN                                             */
2439         1 TI           aligned like target_info;
2440                                         /* IN/OUT                                         */
2441     dcl box_line       char (128) var,
2442         Idate          fixed bin,
2443         Inotice        fixed bin,
2444         Nnotices_in_box
2445                        fixed bin;
2447     box_line = "";
2448     Nnotices_in_box = 0;
2449     Ltext = 0;
2450     Lmove = 0;
2451     if Ptext = null
2452     then
2453       do;
2454         call get_temp_segment_ (ME, Ptext, code);
2455                                         /* temp seg for text and star box                 */
2456         if code ^= 0
2457         then
2458           do;
2459             call com_err_ (code, ME, "
2460 Obtaining temp seg for text and star box.");
2461             goto FATAL_ERROR;
2462           end;
2463       end;
2464     else Ptext = ptr (Ptext, 0);        /* incase of multiple archive components          */
2465                                         /* don't want to get another temp seg,            */
2466                                         /* just start over.                               */
2467     Psave = Ptext;                      /* Psave will be moved along thru text            */
2468                                         /* get text of notices.                           */
2469     do Inotice = 1 to TI.Nnotices;      /* for each notice                                */
2470       do Itemplate = 1 to pnotice_paths.Ntemplates;
2471                                         /* search the template names                      */
2472         if TI.notice (Inotice).name
2473              =
2474              before (pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).primary_name,
2475              ".pnotice")
2476         then
2477           do;                           /* if a matching name is found,                   */
2478             Lmove = pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).Ltemplate + 1;
2479             Psave -> move =
2480                  pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).Ptemplate -> move;
2481                                         /* get the text of that template.                 */
2482             substr (Psave -> move, Lmove, 1) = NL;
2483                                         /* add a NL                                       */
2484                                         /* put the dates in template text               */
2485             Idate = 0;
2486             Idate = index (Psave -> move, "<yr>");
2487             if Idate ^= 0
2488             then substr (Psave -> move, Idate, 4) = TI.notice (Inotice).date;
2489             Ltext = Ltext + Lmove;
2490             if Inotice = 1
2491             then
2492               do;                       /* save data for print                            */
2493                 save_text = substr (Psave -> move, 1, Ltext);
2494                 save_name = SI.notice_to_add.name;
2495               end;
2496             Lsave = Lmove + 1;
2497             Psave = addr (save_chr (Lsave));
2498             Nnotices_in_box = Nnotices_in_box + 1;
2500           end;
2501       end;
2502     end;
2503     if Nnotices_in_box ^= TI.Nnotices
2504     then
2505       do;
2506         if SI.archive_name ^= ""
2507         then call com_err_ (0, ME,
2508                   "^/A programming error has occurred while processing ^a.^/Total number of notices (^d) is inconsistent with target information (^d).^/Operation not performed.",
2509                   pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry),
2510                   Nnotices_in_box, TI.Nnotices);
2511         else call com_err_ (0, ME,
2512                   "^/A programming error has occurred while processing ^a.^/Total number of notices (^d) is inconsistent with target information (^d).^/Operation not performed.",
2513                   pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry), Nnotices_in_box, TI.Nnotices);
2514         goto FATAL_ERROR;
2515       end;                              /* now find the longest line                      */
2516     call find_line$init (Ptext, Ltext); /* set find_line                                  */
2517     Lmax_line = 0;
2518     do while (find_line ());
2519       Lmax_line = max (Lmax_line, length (line));
2520                                         /* longest line                                   */
2521     end;
2523     TI.Pstar_box = Psave;               /* from here, Pstar_box marks the beginning of    */
2524                                         /* the new box                                    */
2525     TI.Lstar_box = 0;
2526     call add_text$init (addr (TI));     /* set up add_text                                */
2527     goto TYPE (SI.type);
2529 TYPE (1):                               /* cds   */
2530 TYPE (4):                               /* pl1   */
2531                                         /* first line made up of stars                    */
2532     call add_text$var (SI.cmt_bgn);
2533     call add_text$fixed (SP);
2534     call add_text$substr (STARS, Lmax_line + length ("*  *"));
2535     call add_text$fixed (NL);           /* second line is for looks                       */
2536     call add_text$substr (SPACES, length (SI.cmt_bgn) + length (SP));
2537     call add_text$fixed (STAR);
2538     call add_text$substr (SPACES, Lmax_line + length ("  "));
2539     call add_text$fixed (STAR);
2540     call add_text$fixed (NL);
2542     call find_line$init (Ptext, Ltext); /* set up for find_line                           */
2543     do while (find_line ());            /* get lines of text                              */
2544       call add_text$substr (SPACES, length (SI.cmt_bgn) + length (SP));
2545       call add_text$fixed (STAR);
2546       call add_text$fixed (SP);
2547       call add_text$fixed (line);
2548       call add_text$substr (SPACES, Lmax_line - length (line));
2549       call add_text$fixed (sfx_string);
2550     end;
2551     call add_text$substr (SPACES, length (SI.cmt_bgn) + length (SP));
2552     call add_text$substr (STARS, Lmax_line + length ("*  *"));
2553     call add_text$fixed (SP);
2554     call add_text$var (SI.cmt_end);
2555     if SI.Nnotices = 0
2556     then                                /* only do first time any notice was added                            */
2557          call add_text$fixed (NL_NL);
2558     else call add_text$fixed (NL);
2560     return;
2562 TYPE (2):                               /*cobol*/
2563 TYPE (3):                               /*exec_com*/
2564 TYPE (5):                               /*compin, runoff*/
2565                                         /* first line made up of stars                    */
2566     call add_text$var (SI.cmt_bgn);
2567     call add_text$fixed (SP);
2568     call add_text$substr (STARS, Lmax_line + 4);
2569     call add_text$fixed (NL);           /* next line is for readability                   */
2570     call add_text$var (SI.cmt_bgn);
2571     call add_text$fixed (SP_STAR);
2572     call add_text$substr (SPACES, Lmax_line + 2);
2573     call add_text$fixed (STAR);
2574     call add_text$fixed (NL);
2576     call find_line$init (Ptext, Ltext); /* set up for find_line                           */
2577     do while (find_line ());
2578       call add_text$var (SI.cmt_bgn);
2579       call add_text$fixed (SP_STAR_SP);
2580       call add_text$fixed (line);
2581       call add_text$substr (SPACES, Lmax_line - length (line));
2582       call add_text$fixed (sfx_string);
2583     end;
2584     call add_text$var (SI.cmt_bgn);
2585     call add_text$fixed (SP);
2586     call add_text$substr (STARS, Lmax_line + 4);
2587     if SI.type ^= 5
2588     then call add_text$fixed (NL);
2589     return;
2590   end make_star_box;
2591 %page;
2593 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2595 add_text:
2596   proc;
2599 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2600 /*                                                                                        */
2601 /* This procedure forms the text of a star comment box, one line at a time. It is called  */
2602 /* from the procedure make_star_box.                                                      */
2603 /*                                                                                        */
2604 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2606     dcl Lold_text      fixed bin (21);
2607     dcl TIptr          ptr;
2608     dcl 1 TI           aligned like target_info based (TIptr);
2610 add_text$init:
2611   entry (Aptr);
2612     dcl Aptr           ptr;
2614     TIptr = Aptr;
2615     return;
2617 add_text$fixed:
2618   entry (new_text);
2620     dcl new_text       char (*);        /* IN                                             */
2623     Lold_text = TI.Lstar_box;
2624     TI.Lstar_box = TI.Lstar_box + length (new_text);
2625     substr (star_box, Lold_text + 1) = new_text;
2626     return;
2628 add_text$var:
2629   entry (new_var_text);
2631     dcl new_var_text   char (*) var;    /* IN                                             */
2634     Lold_text = TI.Lstar_box;
2635     TI.Lstar_box = TI.Lstar_box + length (new_var_text);
2636     substr (star_box, Lold_text + 1) = new_var_text;
2637     return;
2639 add_text$substr:
2640   entry (Astring, Alength);
2642     dcl Astring        char (*),        /* IN                                             */
2643         Alength        fixed bin (21);
2645     Lold_text = TI.Lstar_box;
2646     TI.Lstar_box = TI.Lstar_box + Alength;
2647     substr (star_box, Lold_text + 1) = substr (Astring, 1, Alength);
2648     return;
2650   end add_text;
2652 %page;
2654 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2657 check_acl:
2658   proc (Aptr, Adir, Aentry, Amust_reset);
2660 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2661 /*                                                                                        */
2662 /* A procedure to check for validation level problems, as well as access so that the      */
2663 /* notices can be written into the segment. If proper access is not there, this           */
2664 /* procedure will try to force access. The reset_acl procedure will then restore things   */
2665 /* the way they were.                                                                     */
2666 /*                                                                                        */
2667 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2670     dcl Aptr           ptr,             /* IN                                             */
2671         Adir           char (*),        /* IN                                             */
2672         Aentry         char (*),        /* IN                                             */
2673         Amode_set      bit (1),         /* IN                                             */
2674         Amust_reset    bit (1);         /* OUT                                            */
2675     dcl Acode          fixed bin (35),
2676         old_mode       bit (36) aligned;/* original access to a seg, if acl forced        */
2679     dcl 1 acle         (1),             /* structure for the list_acl and                 */
2680                                         /* add_acl_entries calls                          */
2681           2 name       char (32) aligned,
2682           2 mode       bit (36) aligned,
2683           2 mbz        bit (36) aligned,
2684           2 code       fixed bin (35);
2686     dcl 1 del_acl      (1),             /* structure for the delete_acl_entries call      */
2687           2 name       char (32) aligned,
2688           2 code       fixed bin (35);
2690     dcl one_word       char (4) based,
2691         error_table_$lower_ring
2692                        fixed bin (35) ext static,
2693         error_table_$user_not_found
2694                        fixed bin (35) ext static;
2696     Amust_reset = False;                /* we've done nothing yet.                        */
2697     on not_in_write_bracket
2698       begin;
2699         call com_err_ (error_table_$lower_ring, ME, "
2700 Writing ^a>^a.", Adir, Aentry);
2701         goto FATAL_ERROR;               /* non-local goto out of this mess                */
2702       end;
2704     on no_write_permission goto FORCE_ACL;
2705     Aptr -> one_word = Aptr -> one_word;/* try to write the first word of the seg.        */
2706     return;                             /* no need to go further if it worked.            */
2710     acle (1).name = get_group_id_ ();
2711     acle (1).mode = "0"b;
2712     acle (1).mbz = "0"b;
2713     acle (1).code = 0;
2714     call hcs_$list_acl (Adir, Aentry, null, null, addr (acle), 1, Acode);
2715     if acle (1).code ^= 0
2716     then if acle (1).code = error_table_$user_not_found
2717          then                           /* this user not in ACL                           */
2718               Amode_set = False;
2719          else goto ERROR;
2720     else
2721       do;
2722         if Acode ^= 0
2723         then
2724           do;
2725             acle (1).code = Acode;
2726             goto ERROR;
2727           end;
2728         Amode_set = True;               /* this user was in ACL                           */
2729         old_mode = acle (1).mode;       /* save current mode for restoring                */
2730       end;
2731     acle (1).mode = "101"b;             /* we need rw access                              */
2732     acle (1).mbz = "0"b;
2733     acle (1).code = 0;
2734     call hcs_$add_acl_entries (Adir, Aentry, addr (acle), 1, Acode);
2735     if Acode ^= 0
2736     then
2737       do;
2738         call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "
2739 Unable to force write access for ^a to ^a>^a.", acle (1).name, Adir, Aentry);
2740         goto FATAL_ERROR;
2741       end;
2742     Amust_reset = True;                 /* we will have to reset access.                  */
2743     return;
2744 ERROR:
2745     call com_err_ (acle (1).code, ME, "
2746 When listing ^a's access to ^a>^a", acle (1).name, Adir, Aentry);
2747     goto FATAL_ERROR;
2749 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2752 check_acl$reset_acl:
2753   entry (Aptr, Adir, Aentry, Amode_set);
2755     acle (1).name = get_group_id_ ();   /* this proc has its own stack frame, so don't    */
2756                                         /* rely on earlier name being there...            */
2757     if Amode_set
2758     then
2759       do;                               /* we must restore old mode                       */
2760         acle (1).mode = old_mode;
2761         acle (1).mbz = "0"b;
2762         acle (1).code = 0;
2763         call hcs_$add_acl_entries (Adir, Aentry, addr (acle), 1, Acode);
2764         if acle (1).code ^= 0
2765         then
2766           do;
2767             call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "
2768 Restoring access for ^a to ^a>^a.", acle (1).name, Adir, Aentry);
2769             return;
2770           end;
2771       end;
2772     else
2773       do;
2774         del_acl (1).name = acle (1).name;
2775         del_acl (1).code = 0;
2776         call hcs_$delete_acl_entries (Adir, Aentry, addr (del_acl), 1, Acode);
2777         if Acode ^= 0 then call com_err_ (Acode, ME, "
2778 Removing access for ^a to ^a>^a.", del_acl (1).name, Adir, Aentry);
2779         return;
2780       end;
2781     return;
2783   end check_acl;
2785 %page;
2787 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2790     dcl Lline          fixed bin (21),
2791         Ltemp          fixed bin (21),  /* lgth string searched by find_line              */
2792         Pline          ptr,
2793         Ptemp          ptr,             /* ptr to string used by find_line                */
2794         line           char (Lline) based (Pline),
2795                                         /* a line of notice text to be added              */
2796         temp           char (Ltemp) based (Ptemp),
2797                                         /* string searched by find_line                   */
2798         temp_chr       (Ltemp) char (1) based (Ptemp);
2800 find_line:
2801   proc returns (bit (1));
2804 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2805 /*                                                                                        */
2806 /* This internal procedure is used to obtain the text of pnotice templates, line by       */
2807 /* line, as they were built by the first half of the star_box internal procedure. These   */
2808 /* lines are used with format characters to build the actual comment box containing the   */
2809 /* notices.                                                                               */
2810 /*                                                                                        */
2811 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2814     if Ltemp <= 0
2815     then return (False);
2816     else
2817       do;
2818         Pline = Ptemp;
2819         Lline = search (temp, NL);      /* find end of this line                          */
2820         Ptemp = addcharno (addr (temp_chr (Lline)), 1);
2821         Ltemp = Ltemp - Lline;
2822         Lline = Lline - 1;              /* remove the NL                                  */
2823       end;
2824     return (True);
2826 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2829 find_line$init:
2830   entry (Pstr, Lstr);
2831     dcl Pstr           ptr,
2832         Lstr           fixed bin (21);
2833     Ptemp = Pstr;
2834     Ltemp = Lstr;
2835     return;
2837 find_line$remainder_length:
2838   entry returns (fixed bin (21));
2840     return (Ltemp);
2842   end find_line;
2844 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2847 %page;
2849 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2850     dcl new_box        char (target_info.Lnew_box)
2851                        based (target_info.Pnew_box);
2853 insert_notice:
2854   proc (SI, TI);
2857 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2858 /*                                                                                        */
2859 /* This procedure adds the notice to a segment. In the case of free-standing segments,    */
2860 /* the target is the segment itself, but for archives, the target is a copy of the        */
2861 /* archive component in the process dir. The archive command then will update the         */
2862 /* archive via process_archive_components.                                                */
2863 /*                                                                                        */
2864 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2867     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info,
2868                                         /* IN                                             */
2869         1 TI           aligned like target_info;
2870                                         /* IN                                             */
2873     dcl Psource        ptr,
2874         Ptarget        ptr;
2876     Psource = addcharno (TI.Pnew_box, SI.Lold_box);
2877     Ptarget = addcharno (TI.Pnew_box, TI.Lnew_box);
2878                                         /* determine proper size hole for append          */
2879                                         /* if new box is same size, we go by this.        */
2880     if TI.Lnew_box > SI.Lold_box
2881     then                                /* new notice box larger than old                 */
2882          call pnotice_mrl_ (Psource, SI.Lentry - SI.Lold_box, Ptarget,
2883               SI.Lentry - SI.Lold_box); /* append seg                                     */
2884     else if TI.Lnew_box < SI.Lold_box
2885     then                                /* new notice box smaller than old                */
2886                                         /* this may happen if source had >1 box in it     */
2887          call pnotice_mlr_ (Psource, SI.Lentry - SI.Lold_box, Ptarget,
2888               SI.Lentry - SI.Lold_box);
2890     TI.Lentry = (SI.Lentry - SI.Lold_box) + TI.Lnew_box;
2892     new_box = star_box;                 /* obtain new box from the temp seg               */
2893                                         /* copy box back from temp storage                */
2894                                         /* For an archive, the archive command will be    */
2895                                         /* used to update the archive after all components*/
2896                                         /*  have been processed                           */
2897     call terminate_file_ (TI.Pentry, TI.Lentry * 9, TERM_FILE_TRUNC_BC, code);
2898                                         /* set the bit count.                             */
2899                                         /* THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE WHERE BIT COUNTS ARE SET*/
2902   end insert_notice;
2903 %page;
2905 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
2907     dcl Lt             fixed bin (21),  /* used by display_pnotice for template lgth      */
2908         Pt             ptr,
2909         template       char (Lt) based, /* used by display_pnotice                        */
2910         dt             char (4);
2913 report:
2914   proc (SI, TI);
2917 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2918 /*                                                                                        */
2919 /* An internal procedure that is used ONLY by display_pnotice to report on the            */
2920 /* protection notices found in a source program.                                          */
2921 /*                                                                                        */
2922 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
2925     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info;
2926     dcl 1 TI           aligned like target_info;
2927     dcl Inotice        fixed bin,
2928         Itemplate      fixed bin;
2929     dcl pnames         (SI.Nnotices) char (32);
2930     dcl Iyr            fixed bin (24);
2933     if SI.Nnotices = 0
2934     then
2935       do;                               /* NO NOTICE                                      */
2936         if ^imbedded_notices (SI)
2937         then if SI.archive_name ^= ""
2938              then call ioa_ ("Warning: ^a has no protection notice.",
2939                        pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry))
2940                        ;
2941              else call ioa_ ("Warning: ^a has no protection notice.",
2942                        pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
2943         else if SI.archive_name ^= ""
2944         then call ioa_ ("Warning: ^a has an imbedded notice.",
2945                   pathname_$component (SI.dir, SI.archive_name, SI.entry));
2946         else call ioa_ ("Warning: ^a has an imbedded notice.",
2947                   pathname_ (SI.dir, SI.entry));
2948         return;
2949       end;
2950     if TI.long_output
2951     then
2952       do;                               /* LONG OUTPUT                                    */
2953         call ioa_ ("^[^5x^a^2s^;^s^a>^a^/^]", SI.archive_name ^= "", SI.entry,
2954              SI.dir, SI.entry);
2955         do Inotice = 1 to SI.Nnotices;
2956           do Itemplate = 1 to pnotice_paths.Ntemplates;
2957             if (SI.notice_info (Inotice).notice_name
2958                  =
2959                  before (pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).primary_name,
2960                  ".pnotice"))
2961             then
2962               do;
2963                 Lt = pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).Ltemplate;
2964                 Pt = pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).Ptemplate;
2966                 if index (Pt -> template, "<yr>") = 0
2967                 then call ioa_ ("^a^/", Pt -> template);
2968                 else
2969                   do;
2970                     Iyr = index (Pt -> template, "<yr>");
2971                     dt = SI.notice_info (Inotice).notice_date;
2972                     call print_template (Pt, Lt, Iyr, dt);
2973                   end;
2974                 Itemplate = pnotice_paths.Ntemplates;
2975               end;
2976           end;
2977         end;
2978       end;
2979     else
2980       do;                               /* SHORT OUTPUT                                   */
2981         do Idx1 = 1 to SI.Nnotices;
2982           pnames (Idx1) = SI.notice_info (Idx1).notice_name;
2983         end;
2984         call ioa_ ("^[^5x^a^2s^;^s^a>^a^/^]^(^40t^a^/^)",
2985              SI.archive_name ^= "", SI.entry, SI.dir, SI.entry, pnames);
2986       end;
2987   end report;
2988 %page;
2989 print_template:
2990   proc (Ppt, Plt, Pyr, Pdt);
2992     dcl Ppt            ptr,             /* pointer to template                            */
2993         Plt            fixed bin (21),  /* length of template                             */
2994         Pyr            fixed bin (24),  /* position of <yr> in template                   */
2995         Pdt            char (4),        /* source date                                    */
2996         store_template char (Plt),
2997         store_templateb
2998                        char (Plt) based;
3003 /************************************************************************/
3004 /*                                                                         */
3005 /* Procedure to print the template with the date in source       */
3006 /*                                                                         */
3007 /************************************************************************/
3009     store_template = Ppt -> store_templateb;
3010     substr (store_template, Pyr, 4) = Pdt;
3011     call ioa_ ("^a^/", store_template);
3012     return;
3014   end print_template;
3017 %page;
3019 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
3022 imbedded_notices:
3023   proc (SI) returns (bit (1));
3026 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
3027 /*                                                                                        */
3028 /* This procedure will check for 60 lines into the source looking for any imbedded        */
3029 /* protection notices. It is used by display_pnotice to provide a warning message about   */
3030 /* such notices.                                                                          */
3031 /*                                                                                        */
3032 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
3035     dcl 1 SI           aligned like source_info;
3036     dcl sub_seg        char (Lsub) based (Psub),
3037         Iseg           fixed bin,
3038         Lseg           fixed bin (21),
3039         Lsub           fixed bin (21),
3040         Pseg           ptr,
3041         Psub           ptr;
3043     Pseg = SI.Pentry;
3044     Lseg = SI.Lentry;
3045     Psub = Pseg;
3046     Lsub = 0;
3047     call find_line$init (Pseg, Lseg);
3048     do Iseg = 1 to 60 while (find_line ());
3049                                         /*  for 60 lines                                  */
3050       Lsub = Lsub + length (line) + length (NL);
3051     end;
3052     if (index (sub_seg, "Copyright") = 0 & index (sub_seg, "PROPRIETARY") = 0
3053          & index (sub_seg, "PUBLIC") = 0)
3054     then return (False);
3055     else return (True);                 /* something hidden                               */
3056   end imbedded_notices;
3058 %page;
3059 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
3061 clean_up:
3062   proc;
3065     if ^Farchive
3066     then
3067       do;                               /* this is a free standing segment.               */
3068         if source_info.Pentry ^= null
3069         then call terminate_file_ (source_info.Pentry, bit_count,
3070                   TERM_FILE_TERM, code);/* terminate seg. Don't set bit count.            */
3071       end;
3072     else
3073       do;                               /* this was an archive                            */
3074         if Pcomp_info ^= null
3075         then
3076           do;
3077             do Idx1 = 1 to comp_info.Ncomp;
3078                                         /* delete any component copies in pdir            */
3079               if comp_info.array (Idx1).ptr ^= null
3080               then
3081                 do;
3082                   call hcs_$delentry_seg (comp_info.array (Idx1).ptr, code);
3083                 end;
3084             end;
3085             call release_temp_segment_ (ME, Pcomp_info, code);
3086                                         /* now release the component temp seg             */
3087           end;
3088         if source_info.archive_name ^= ""
3089         then call terminate_file_ (source_info.Parchive, bit_count,
3090                   TERM_FILE_TERM, code);
3091         else if source_info.Pentry ^= null
3092         then call terminate_file_ (source_info.Pentry, bit_count,
3093                   TERM_FILE_TERM, code);/* terminate the archive, don't set bit count     */
3094       end;
3096 /* pnotice templates info                         */
3097     if Ppaths ^= null
3098     then
3099       do;
3100         do Itemplate = 1 to dim (pnotice_paths.templates, 1);
3101           call terminate_file_ (pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).Ptemplate,
3102                pnotice_paths.templates (Itemplate).Ltemplate * 9,
3103                TERM_FILE_TERM, code);
3104         end;
3105         call release_temp_segment_ (ME, Ppaths, code);
3106       end;
3109     if Ptext ^= null then call release_temp_segment_ (ME, Ptext, code);
3110                                         /* notice text and star box                       */
3113   end clean_up;
3114 %page;
3116 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
3118 %include arg_list;
3119     dcl arg_list_arg_count
3120                        fixed bin;
3121     dcl 1 al           aligned based (Pal),
3122                                         /* argument list passed to cu_$generate_call      */
3123           2 header     like arg_list.header,
3124           2 ap         (0 refer (al.header.arg_count)) ptr,
3125                                         /* argument pointers                              */
3126           2 dp         (0 refer (al.header.desc_count)) ptr;
3127                                         /* descriptor pointers                            */
3128 %page;
3129 %include descriptor;
3130     dcl 1 desc         (comp_info.Ncomp + 2) aligned based (Pdesc) like desc_;
3132 %page;
3133 %include desc_types;
3134 %page;
3135 %include pnotice_paths;
3136 %page;
3137 %include pnotice_source_info;
3138 %page;
3139 %include pnotice_target_info;
3140 %page;
3141 %include terminate_file;
3143   end add_pnotice;