1 /****^  ***********************************************************
  2         *                                                         *
  3         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1988                *
  4         *                                                         *
  5         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
  6         *                                                         *
  7         * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
  8         * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
  9         *                                                         *
 10         *********************************************************** */
 15   1) change(86-06-09,GWMay), approve(85-12-23,MCR7320), audit(86-11-19,GDixon),
 16      install(86-11-21,MR12.0-1223):
 17      Added ability to abort upon return of non-zero code from backup_dump. This
 18      will allow the dumper to abort tape errors and not continue with the next
 19      entry in the control file.  The reason this should be done is to protect
 20      against data loss.
 21   2) change(87-05-10,Gilcrease), approve(87-07-31,MCR7686),
 22      audit(88-02-01,Farley), install(88-02-02,MR12.2-1019):
 23       Update dprint_msg version.
 24                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 28 /* This is the Multics dumper driver. */
 29 start_dump: proc;
 31 /* Initial coding by T.P. Skinner. */
 32 /* Modified 3 June 1970, R H Campbell. */
 33 /* IPC revision 25 March 1970, N I Morris. */
 34 /* Restart path comparison fixed BIM 12/82 */
 35 /* The Multics dumper driver is called at the time the system is brought up and will run the dumper until the
 36    end_dump command is given.  If the alarm clock fails to operate properly, the operator may manually start an
 37    increment by issuing the wakeup_dump command. */
 38 /* Changed to handle -no_primary, bugs fixed 09/24/79 S. Herbst */
 39 /* MCR 4311 Fix error messages 02/08/80 S. Herbst */
 40 /* Add -dprint and -no_dprint 03/19/80 S. Herbst */
 41 /* Changed to detach tape on cleanup 02/25/81 S. Herbst */
 42 /* Changed to prevent calling end_dump first with dumper uninitialized 07/01/81 S. Herbst */
 43 /* Changed dprinting to see -ds, -he, and -rqt 12/01/81 S. Herbst */
 44 /* Fixed restart option (again), Keith Loepere, 1/30/85. */
 46 dcl (m, n, i) fixed bin;                                    /* Temporary storage. */
 48 dcl (line, p, sp, ap) ptr;                                  /* .. */
 50 dcl  string based char (n);                                 /* The argument in the command line. */
 52 dcl  substring based char (n) aligned;                      /* For non-copying "substr (dump_dir, 1, n)". */
 54 dcl  dump_in_progress static bit (1);                       /* Flag to prevent recursive entry to wakeup_dump. */
 55 dcl  dumper_initialized static bit (1) init ("0"b);         /* Flag to prevent calling end_dump first */
 57 dcl  type static fixed bin,                                 /* Code for type of dump. */
 58      pid fixed bin (35),                                    /* Our process ID. */
 59     (map_name, err_name) char (32),                         /* Name of map "file_". */
 60      device char (16),
 61      mode char (6),
 62      dump_dir char (168),
 63      efpath char (168) aligned,
 64      dir char (168) aligned,
 65      dir_name char (168),
 66      error_string char (32),
 67      rings (3) fixed bin (6),
 68      rb (3) fixed bin (5),
 69      unique_chars_ entry (bit (*) aligned) returns (char (15) aligned); /* Get new map name. */
 71 dcl  static_map_name char (32) int static;                  /* saved for end_dump */
 72 dcl  time_now fixed bin (52),                               /* Time this pass started. */
 73      char1 char (1) based;
 75 dcl  chname static fixed bin (71);                          /* IPC event channel name. */
 77 dcl  code fixed bin;                                        /* Error code. */
 80 dcl  efl_name char (32);
 82 dcl  errsw bit (1) aligned;
 84 dcl  cleanup condition;
 86 dcl  start_dump$wakeup_dump external;                       /* Entry to wake up dumper. */
 88 dcl  backup_map_$beginning_line entry (fixed bin (52), ptr, fixed bin),
 89      backup_dump$abort_on_tape_errors entry (fixed bin),
 90      backup_util$get_real_name entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin),
 91      bk_output$output_finish entry;
 93 dcl (error_table_$noarg,
 94      error_table_$no_dir,
 95      error_table_$argerr,
 96      error_table_$ioname_not_found,
 97      error_table_$namedup) ext fixed bin (35);
 99 dcl  bk_arg_reader_$dump_arg_reader entry (fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin);
101 dcl  timer_manager_$alarm_wakeup entry (fixed bin (71), bit (2), fixed bin (71)),
102      timer_manager_$reset_alarm_wakeup entry (fixed bin (71)),
103      copy_seg_ entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), bit (1) aligned, fixed binary),
104      clock_ entry (fixed bin (52)),                         /* Get current time. */
105      convert_date_to_binary_ entry (char (*), fixed bin (52), fixed bin),
106      cu_$arg_list_ptr entry (ptr),                          /* Arg list location */
107      cu_$arg_ptr entry (fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin), /* Get pointer to an argument */
108      cv_dec_ entry (char (*) aligned) returns (fixed bin (35)),
109      get_group_id_$get_process_id_ entry (fixed bin (35)),
110      ios_$attach entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), bit (72) aligned),
111      ios_$detach entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), bit (72) aligned),
112      ios_$get_at_entry_ entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin),
113      ios_$order entry (char (*), char (*) aligned, ptr, bit (72) aligned),
114      ios_$read entry (char (*), ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, bit (72) aligned),
115      ios_$seek entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin, bit (72) aligned),
116     (ipc_$create_ev_chn, ipc_$delete_ev_chn) entry (fixed bin (71), fixed bin),
117      ipc_$decl_ev_call_chn entry (fixed bin (71), ptr, ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin),
118      dprint_ entry (char (*) aligned, char (*), ptr, fixed bin),
119     (com_err_, ioa_, ioa_$rs, listen_$start) entry options (variable);
121 dcl  hphcs_$pxss_set_timax entry (fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));
124 dcl  hcs_$append_branchx entry (char (*) aligned, char (*), fixed bin (5), (3) fixed bin (6),
125      char (*) aligned, fixed bin (1), fixed bin (1), fixed bin (24), fixed bin),
126      hcs_$set_ring_brackets entry (char (*) aligned, char (*), (3) fixed bin (5), fixed bin),
127      hcs_$add_acl_entries entry (char (*) aligned, char (*), ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin),
128      get_group_id_$tag_star returns (char (32) aligned),
129      cu_$level_get returns (fixed bin),
130      get_wdir_ returns (char (168) aligned);
132 dcl 1 sysd_acl aligned,
133     2 aclname char (32) init ("*.SysDaemon.*"),
134     2 aclmode bit (36) init ("101"b),
135     2 zeropad bit (36) init (""b),
136     2 aclcode fixed bin (35) init (0);
138 dcl (addr, index, length, max, null, unspec, substr) builtin;
141 %include bk_ss_;
142 %include dprint_arg;
143 %include io_status;
144 /* ^L */
145           type = 0;                                         /* Normal entry, indicate "start_dump" called. */
146           bk_ss_$myname = "start_dump";
147           bk_ss_$datesw = ""b;                              /* Reset "dump all since given date" */
148           bk_ss_$dtdsw = "1"b;                              /* Default. Dump all changed since last dumped */
149           go to examine_arguments;                          /* Go get arguments. */
151 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
153 catchup_dump: entry;                                        /* Exception entry to make cutoff-time pass. */
155           type = 2;                                         /* Indicate catchup dump in progress. */
156           bk_ss_$myname = "catchup_dump";
157           bk_ss_$dtdsw = ""b;                               /* Reset "dump all changed since last dumped" */
158           bk_ss_$datesw = "1"b;                             /* Use "dump all changed since given date" */
159           call convert_date_to_binary_ ("2400.", bk_ss_$date, code); /* Get midnight of this date */
160           bk_ss_$date = bk_ss_$date - 172800000000;         /* Default. Dump all changed since midnight 2 days ago. */
161           go to examine_arguments;                          /* Go get arguments. */
163 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
166 complete_dump: entry;                                       /* Entry to do complete dump */
168           type = 1;                                         /* Set up complete_dump code. */
169           bk_ss_$myname = "complete_dump";
170           bk_ss_$dtdsw, bk_ss_$datesw = ""b;                /* Reset and ignore dates.  We are dumping all. */
172 examine_arguments: call cu_$arg_list_ptr (ap);              /* Get arg ptr for sub */
174           on cleanup call bk_output$output_finish;          /* detach tape if released */
176           bk_ss_$control_name = "";                         /* Reset for later test */
177           bk_ss_$operator = "";
178           bk_ss_$tapesw = "1"b;
179           bk_ss_$holdsw = "1"b;
180           bk_ss_$wakeup_interval = 3600000000;              /* Default, one hour (in micro seconds) */
181           code = 0;
184           error_string = "Control file path required.";
185           m = 1;                                            /* First arg */
186           call cu_$arg_ptr (m, p, n, code);                 /* Get first arg - should be control file name */
187           if code ^= 0 then do;
188 arg_error:     call com_err_ (code, bk_ss_$myname, error_string);
189                go to final;
190           end;
192           if n = 0 then do;                                 /* Must have first argument */
193 noarg:         code = error_table_$noarg;
194                go to arg_error;
195           end;
197           if p -> char1 = "-" then go to arg_reader;        /* use argument reader if leading hyphen */
198           if substr (p -> string, n-4, 5) ^= ".dump"
199           then bk_ss_$control_name = p -> string || ".dump";
200           else bk_ss_$control_name = p -> string;           /* Got control file name */
202           error_string = "Operator name required.";
203           m = 2;                                            /* Second arg */
204           call cu_$arg_ptr (m, p, n, code);                 /* Get operator */
205           if code ^= 0 then go to arg_error;
206           if n = 0 then go to noarg;                        /* Must have operator */
207           if p -> char1 = "-" then go to arg_reader;        /* use standard argument reading routine */
209           bk_ss_$operator = p -> string;                    /* Got bk_ss_$operator */
211           error_string = "";
212           m = 3;                                            /* Get third arg */
213           call cu_$arg_ptr (m, p, n, code);                 /* Get number of tapes if any */
214           if code ^= 0 then
215                if code ^= error_table_$noarg then go to arg_error;
216                else do;                                     /* Set up default */
217                     bk_ss_$ntapes = 1;                      /* Default is one tape */
218                     code = 0;
219                     go to args_done;
220                end;
222           if p -> char1 = "-" then go to arg_reader;        /* Go to standard reading routine */
223           if p -> string = "2" then bk_ss_$ntapes = 2;
224           else bk_ss_$ntapes = 1;                           /* Not more than 2 tapes */
227           if bk_ss_$myname = "complete_dump" then m = 4;    /* Set up to read next arg */
228           else do;                                          /* Set timer interval if not complete dump */
229                call cu_$arg_ptr (4, p, n, code);            /* Get wakeup interval in minutes */
230                if code ^= 0
231                then if code ^= error_table_$noarg
232                     then go to arg_error;
233                     else do;                                /* Use default wakeup interval */
234                          code = 0;
235                          go to args_done;
236                     end;
238                if p -> char1 = "-" then go to arg_reader;   /* Do standart reading */
240                bk_ss_$wakeup_interval = cv_dec_ ((p -> string));
241                if bk_ss_$wakeup_interval <= 0 then go to interval_error;
242                if bk_ss_$wakeup_interval > 360 then do;
243 interval_error:     call ioa_ ("^a: Improper wakeup interval, ^d", bk_ss_$myname, bk_ss_$wakeup_interval);
244                     go to final;
245                end;
246                bk_ss_$wakeup_interval = bk_ss_$wakeup_interval * 60000000; /* in micro seconds */
247                m = 5;                                       /* set up to read next arg */
248           end;
250 arg_reader:
251           call bk_arg_reader_$dump_arg_reader (m, ap, code); /* Get any other arguments */
252           if code ^= 0 then go to final;
253 args_done:
255           if bk_ss_$restart_dumpsw & ^bk_ss_$no_primary then
256                call backup_util$get_real_name (addr (bk_ss_$restart_path), addr (bk_ss_$restart_path),
257                bk_ss_$restart_plen, code);                  /* Name may be longer or different */
259           if bk_ss_$control_name = "" | bk_ss_$operator = "" then do;
260                code = error_table_$argerr;                  /* Must have dump control file and operator */
261                call com_err_ (code, bk_ss_$myname, "Missing control file or operator name");
262                go to final;
263           end;
265           sp = addr (status);                               /* Get pointer to status structure. */
266           line = addr (dump_dir);                           /* Get pointer to IO buffer. */
267           call ios_$attach ("dump_control", "file_", bk_ss_$control_name, "r", sp -> status_bits); /* Control segment. */
268           if status.code ^= 0 then do;                      /* Was an error encountered? */
269                call com_err_ (status.code, bk_ss_$myname, "ios_$attach for ^a", bk_ss_$control_name);
270                go to final;                                 /* Quit. */
271           end;
273           if type ^= 1 then do;                             /* Is this a complete dump? */
274                call ipc_$create_ev_chn (chname, code);      /* Create an event channel. */
275                if code ^= 0 then do;
276                     call com_err_ (code, bk_ss_$myname, "ipc_$create_ev_chn");
277                     go to final;
278                end;                                         /* Make channel into call channel. */
279                call ipc_$decl_ev_call_chn (chname, addr (start_dump$wakeup_dump), null, 1, code);
280                if code ^= 0 then do;                        /* OK? */
281                     call com_err_ (code, bk_ss_$myname, "ipc_$decl_ev_call_chn");
282                     go to final;                            /* Give up. */
283                end;
284           end;
286           if (^bk_ss_$debugsw) & (type = 2) then do;
287                call get_group_id_$get_process_id_ (pid);    /* Get our process ID. */
288                call hphcs_$pxss_set_timax (pid, 7000000);   /* Help us along with priority. */
289           end;
291           dump_in_progress = "1"b;                          /* Set flag to prevent recursion. */
292           dumper_initialized = "1"b;                        /* and we're off and runnning... */
293           go to over;                                       /* Start dump pass. */
295 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
298 wakeup_dump: entry;                                         /* Enter here on alarm or operator wakeup. */
300           sp = addr (status);                               /* Get pointer for I/O system status. */
301           if dump_in_progress then do;                      /* Is a dump pass being done now? */
303                call ioa_ ("wakeup_dump:  Dump pass presently in progress; this call ignored.");
305                call listen_$start;                          /* Make sure we don't die. */
306                go to restart_IO;                            /* Ignore call. */
307           end;
309           call timer_manager_$reset_alarm_wakeup (chname);  /* Reset the alarm in case of manual invocation */
310           bk_ss_$myname = "wakeup_dump";
311           dump_in_progress = "1"b;                          /* Set flag. */
312           line = addr (dump_dir);                           /* Get pointer to directory name. */
313           call ioa_ ("^/Dumper waking up.");
315 over:     call clock_ (time_now);                           /* Read the clock. */
317           call ios_$seek ("dump_control", "read", "first", 0, sp -> status_bits); /* Reset read pointer. */
318           if status.code ^= 0 then do;                      /* OK? */
319                call com_err_ (status.code, bk_ss_$myname, "ios_$seek for ^a", bk_ss_$control_name);
320                go to stop;                                  /* Give up. */
321           end;
323           map_name, static_map_name = unique_chars_ (""b) || ".dump.map";       /* Make up new map name. */
324           rings (1), rings (2), rings (3) = max ((cu_$level_get ()), 4);
325           dir = get_wdir_ ();
326           call hcs_$append_branchx (dir, map_name, 01011b, rings, (get_group_id_$tag_star ()), 0, 0, 0, code);
327           if (code = 0) | (code = error_table_$namedup)
328           then call hcs_$add_acl_entries (dir, map_name, addr (sysd_acl), 1, code);
329           call ios_$attach ("map", "file_", map_name, "w", sp -> status_bits);
330           if status.code ^= 0 then do;                      /* All OK? */
331                call com_err_ (status.code, bk_ss_$myname, "ios_$attach for ^a", map_name);
332                go to stop;
333           end;
336           call ioa_$rs ("Dump control file: ^a, operator: ^a.", dump_dir, n, bk_ss_$control_name, bk_ss_$operator);
338           bk_ss_$mapsw = "1"b;                              /* Make sure map is enabled. */
339           call backup_map_$beginning_line (time_now, line, n); /* Write the ID line. */
341 next:     call ios_$read ("dump_control", line, 0, length (dump_dir), n, sp -> status_bits);
343           if status.code ^= 0 then do;                      /* OK? */
344                call com_err_ (status.code, bk_ss_$myname, "ios_$read for ^a", bk_ss_$control_name);
345                go to done;                                  /* Give up. */
346           end;
348           n = n - 1;                                        /* Remove NL from consideration. */
349           call ioa_ ("^/^a", line -> substring);            /* Space and type root name. */
350                                                             /* Is this a path name or comment? */
351           if substr (dump_dir, 1, length (">")) = ">" then do;
353                bk_ss_$save_path = line -> substring;        /* save the pathname */
354                bk_ss_$save_plen = n;                        /* and its length */
355                bk_ss_$pathsw = "1"b;                        /* and signal its presence */
356                if bk_ss_$restart_dumpsw then do;            /* Restarting this dump */
357                     if ^bk_ss_$no_primary then call backup_util$get_real_name
358                          (addr (bk_ss_$save_path), addr (bk_ss_$save_path), bk_ss_$save_plen, code);
359                     if substr (bk_ss_$save_path, 1, bk_ss_$save_plen) ^= substr (bk_ss_$restart_path, 1, bk_ss_$save_plen) then go to check_end;
360                                                             /* save path contained within restart path */
361                     if bk_ss_$save_plen < bk_ss_$restart_plen then
362                          if substr (bk_ss_$restart_path, bk_ss_$save_plen + 1, 1) ^= ">" then go to check_end;
363                                                             /* if save path ^= restart path, then restart path
364                                                             must be = save path || > || <subdirs> */
365                end;
366                                                            /* D U M P   S P E C I F I E D   S U B T R E E */
367               call backup_dump$abort_on_tape_errors (code);
368               if code ^= 0 then
369                   go to ended;
370           end;
372 check_end:
373           if ^ status.bits.end_of_data then                 /* Any more lines? */
374                go to next;
376 done:     call finish_maps (0);                             /* Detach and dprint map and error file. */
377           bk_ss_$mapsw = ""b;                               /* Clear switch to suppress comment from bk_output. */
378           if type = 2 then do;                              /* Is this exceptional case? */
379                if bk_ss_$no_contin then go to ended;        /*  DONE.  Do not continue */
380                bk_ss_$holdsw = ""b;                         /* Dismount tape when finished */
381                if bk_ss_$tapesw then                        /* Detach only if tape is present */
382                     call bk_output$output_finish ();        /* Detach the tape. */
383                call ioa_ ("^/Catchup_dump has finished; start_dump will be called."); /* Announce completion. */
384                type = 0;                                    /* Reset to normal incremental operation. */
385                bk_ss_$myname = "start_dump";
386                bk_ss_$dtdsw = "1"b;
387                bk_ss_$holdsw = "1"b;
388                bk_ss_$datesw = ""b;                         /* Turn off date check */
389                if ^bk_ss_$debugsw then call hphcs_$pxss_set_timax (pid, 0); /* Reset timax */
390                go to over;                                  /* Start next pass immediately. */
391           end;
393           call ioa_ ("^/Dump finished.");
394           if type ^= 1 then do;                             /* Is this either type of incremental dump? */
395                call timer_manager_$alarm_wakeup (time_now + bk_ss_$wakeup_interval, "00"b, chname);
396                call ioa_ ("Dumper going to sleep.^/");
398 restart_IO:    call ios_$order ("user_i/o", "start", null, sp -> status_bits); /* Ensure tty does not lock up. */
400                if status.code ^= 0 then                     /* OK? */
401                     call com_err_ (status.code, bk_ss_$myname, "ios_$order on user_i/o"); /* No, give error comment. */
402                dump_in_progress = ""b;                      /* Indicate dump no longer active. */
403                bk_ss_$myname = "";                          /* done for now */
404                return;
405           end;
407           go to ended;
409 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
412 end_dump: entry;                                            /* Finish up dumping. */
414           bk_ss_$myname = "end_dump";
416           if ^dumper_initialized then do;
417                call com_err_ (0, bk_ss_$myname, "Dumper not initialized; ""end_dump"" ignored.");
418                return;
419           end;
421           sp = addr (status);                               /* Gotta set it again. */
423 ended:    bk_ss_$mapsw = ""b;                               /* Clear map enabling switch for following comment. */
425           bk_ss_$holdsw = ""b;                              /* Dismount tape when finished */
426           if bk_ss_$tapesw then                             /* Detach only if tape present */
427                call bk_output$output_finish ();
428           call finish_maps (1);                             /* Detach and dprint map and error file. */
430 stop:     call ios_$detach ("dump_control", "", "", sp -> status_bits); /* Detach control segment. */
432           if status.code ^= 0 then                          /* Terminated OK? */
433                call com_err_ (status.code, bk_ss_$myname, "ios_$detach for ^a", bk_ss_$control_name); /* Give comment. */
434           if type ^= 1 then do;                             /* Is this incremental? */
435                call ipc_$delete_ev_chn (chname, code);      /* Remove the event channel. */
436                if code ^= 0 then do;                        /* OK? */
437                     call com_err_ (code, bk_ss_$myname, "ipc_$delete_ev_chn");
438                     go to final;                            /* Give up. */
439                end;
440           end;
443 final:    bk_ss_$myname = "";                               /* reset name */
445           dumper_initialized = "0"b;                        /* can't call end_dump twice in a row */
447           return;                                           /* terminate processing */
449 /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
451 finish_maps: proc (detsw);
453 dcl  detsw fixed bin;                                       /* 0 if det err file only on complete, 1 if always. */
454 dcl (have_error_file, have_map) bit (1) aligned init ("0"b);
456                sp = addr (status);
457                dir = get_wdir_ ();
458                call ios_$detach ("map", "", "", sp -> status_bits);
459                if status.code ^= 0 then                     /* All OK? */
460                     if status.code ^= error_table_$ioname_not_found then
461                          call com_err_ (status.code, bk_ss_$myname, "ios_$detach for ^a", map_name); /* Give comment. */
462                     else;
463                else have_map = "1"b;
465                if detsw = 0 then if type ^= 1 then go to skip_errfile;
466                                                             /* Detach error file sometimes only. */
467                call ios_$get_at_entry_ ("err_file", device, err_name, mode, status.code); /* see if error file made */
468                if status.code ^= 0 then if status.code ^= error_table_$ioname_not_found
469                     then call com_err_ (status.code, bk_ss_$myname, "ios_$get_at_entry_ for err_file");
470                     else;
471                else do;
472                     call ios_$detach ("err_file", "", "", sp -> status_bits);
473                     if status.code ^= 0 then if status.code ^= error_table_$ioname_not_found then
474                               call com_err_ (status.code, bk_ss_$myname, "ios_$detach for ^a", err_name);
475                          else;
476                     else do;
477                          have_error_file = "1"b;
478                          i = index (dir, " ");              /* make full name */
479                          efpath = substr (dir, 1, i-1) || ">" || err_name;
480                          rb (1), rb (2), rb (3) = max ((cu_$level_get ()), 4);
481                          call hcs_$set_ring_brackets (efpath, "", rb, code);
482                          if code ^= 0 then call com_err_ (code, bk_ss_$myname, "hcs_$set_ring_brackets for err file");
483                     end;
484                end;
486 /* Queue maps for printing. */
488 skip_errfile:  if ^bk_ss_$dprintsw then return;
489                dpap = addr (dprint_arg_buf);                /* Set up args to dprint */
490                unspec (dprint_arg) = "0"b;
491                dprint_arg.version = dprint_arg_version_9;
492                dprint_arg.copies = 1;
493                dprint_arg.delete = 1;
494                dprint_arg.queue = bk_ss_$dprint_queue;
495                dprint_arg.pt_pch = 1;
496                dprint_arg.notify = 0;
497                dprint_arg.output_module = 1;
498                dprint_arg.lmargin = 0;
499                dprint_arg.line_lth = -1;
500                dprint_arg.page_lth = -1;
501                dprint_arg.top_label = "";
502                dprint_arg.bottom_label = "";
503                dprint_arg.form_name = "";
504                dprint_arg.chan_stop_path = "";
505                if bk_ss_$dprint_heading_setsw then dprint_arg.heading = bk_ss_$dprint_heading;
506                else
507                   dprint_arg.heading = " for " || substr (bk_ss_$control_name, 1, length (dprint_arg.heading) - length (" for "));
508                if bk_ss_$dprint_request_type_setsw then dprint_arg.request_type = bk_ss_$dprint_request_type;
509                else dprint_arg.request_type = "";
510                if have_error_file then do;
511                     efl_name = err_name;
512                     dir_name = dir;
513                     if ^bk_ss_$debugsw then call copy_seg_ (dir_name, efl_name, ">udd>SysDaemon>error_file", efl_name,
514                          bk_ss_$myname, errsw, code);
515                     if code ^= 0 & code ^= error_table_$no_dir then call
516                          com_err_ (code, bk_ss_$myname, "copy of error file");
517                     if bk_ss_$dprint_destination_setsw then dprint_arg.destination = bk_ss_$dprint_destination;
518                     else dprint_arg.destination = "ERROR FILE";
519                     call dprint_ (dir, err_name, dpap, code);
520                     if code ^= 0 then call com_err_ (code, bk_ss_$myname, "Unable to dprint ^a>^a", dir, err_name);
521                end;
522                if ^have_map then return;
523                if type = 0 then do;                         /* Is this a normal incremental dump? */
524                     dprint_arg.destination = "INCREMENTAL";
525 DPRINT:             if bk_ss_$dprint_destination_setsw then dprint_arg.destination = bk_ss_$dprint_destination;
526                     call dprint_ (dir, static_map_name, dpap, code);
527                     if code ^= 0 then
528                          call com_err_ (code, bk_ss_$myname, "Unable to dprint ^a>^a", dir, static_map_name);
529                end;
530                else if type = 2 then do;                    /* Is this a catchup dump? */
531                     if bk_ss_$dprint_destination_setsw then dprint_arg.destination = bk_ss_$dprint_destination;
532                     else dprint_arg.destination = "CATCHUP MAP";
533                     go to DPRINT;
534                end;
535                else do;                                     /* This is a complete dump. */
536                     if bk_ss_$dprint_destination_setsw then dprint_arg.destination = bk_ss_$dprint_destination;
537                     else dprint_arg.destination = "COMPLETE MAP";
538                     dprint_arg.copies = bk_ss_$ntapes;      /* Want a map for each set. */
539                     go to DPRINT;
540                end;
542           end finish_maps;
544      end start_dump;