1 /****^  ***********************************************************
   2         *                                                         *
   3         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987                *
   4         *                                                         *
   5         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
   6         *                                                         *
   7         * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
   8         * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
   9         *                                                         *
  10         *********************************************************** */
  12 compare_mst: proc;
  14 /* format: off */
  16 /* This command mounts two mst tapes (the names of which are given as arguments)
  17    and compares them, printing out all significant changes.
  19    Written 9/20/74 by C. D. Tavares.
  21    Rewritten by Kobziar 3/75 to handle additions, deletions, and moves. Also allows saving of segment contents
  22    if they are different, and header copmparisons corrected to ignore acl pad field.
  23    Can compare any number of collections, ie. service or bos tapes.
  25    Modified 11/05/80, W. Olin Sibert, to add -file control argument.
  26    Modified 06/08/84, Keith Loepere, to work when an object appears on a tape more than once.
  27    */
  30 /****^  HISTORY COMMENTS:
  31   1) change(87-01-12,GDixon), approve(87-04-16,MCR7614),
  32      audit(87-05-21,Farley), install(87-07-15,MR12.1-1040):
  33      Add support for comparing MST data coming from either tape or disk files,
  34      via -master_file and -copy_file control args.  Add a severity variable
  35      to allow testing of success/fail of the compare operation.  Modernize code
  36      somewhat (it needs more work, at some point in future, however).
  37                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
  40 %page;
  41           dcl     REWP                   char (64) static aligned options(constant)
  42                                          initial ("NULL   P  W   WP E   E P EW  EWPR   R  PR W R WPRE  RE PERW REWP");
  43           dcl     OFF_ON                 char (8) static aligned options(constant) initial ("OFF ON  ");
  44           dcl    (UNSET                  init(0),
  45                   MASTER                 init(1),
  46                   COPY                   init(2)) fixed bin int static options(constant);
  47           dcl     abs_changes            fixed bin int static options(constant) init (45);
  48           dcl     mst_name               (2) char (19) varying int static options(constant)
  49                                          initial ("compare_mst.master.", "compare_mst.copy.");
  50           dcl     rew                    char (24) static aligned options(constant) initial ("n    w e  ewr  r wre rew");
  52           dcl     arg                    char(argl) based(argp),
  53                   opt                    char(optl) based(optp);
  55           dcl     bits                   (bit_len) bit (1) unaligned based (bits_ptr); /* for index comparisons */
  57           dcl     1 bootstrap_header     aligned based,     /* special format for bound_bootload_0 header */
  58                     2 header_control_word like mst1.header_control_word aligned,
  59                     2 slte               like slte aligned,
  60                     2 minus_ones         (18) fixed bin (35), /* bad filler */
  61                     2 segment_control_word like mst1.segment_control_word aligned;
  63           dcl     1 collection_mark_data based,
  64                     2 pad                bit (36),          /* header word */
  65                     2 major              fixed bin (18) uns unal,
  66                     2 minor              fixed bin (18) uns unal;
  68           dcl     header_words           (bit_len) based fixed bin; /* entire header */
  70           dcl     1 mst1                 aligned based (mst_ptr (1)), /* Format of an MST segment header */
  71                     2 header             aligned,
  72                       3 header_control_word aligned,
  73                         4 collection_mark bit (18) unaligned, /* if non-zero, this is a 2-word collection mark only */
  74                         4 header_length  fixed bin (17) unaligned, /* length of REST of header, not counting first 2 wds */
  76                       3 slte             like slte aligned, /* first word of slte is a dummy, rest used */
  78                       3 names_array      aligned,           /* this is always there, except for bound_bootload_0 */
  79                         4 n_names        fixed bin aligned, /* number of names */
  80                         4 name_element   (n_names (1)) aligned,
  81                           5 n_chars      fixed bin aligned, /* number of chars in each name */
  82                           5 name         char (32) aligned, /* the name */
  84                       3 pathname_array   (has_branch (1)) aligned, /* This may or may not be there, hence the zero subscripting */
  85                         4 pathname_length fixed bin aligned,/* pathname is exactly this long, plus spaces to fill */
  86                         4 pathname       char (path_length (1)) aligned, /* out to end of a word */
  88                       3 acl_structure    (has_acl (1)) aligned, /* This also may or may not be there */
  89                         4 n_acls         fixed bin,         /* number of acl entries */
  90                         4 acl            (n_acls (1)) aligned, /* Each acl */
  91                           5 accessname   char (32) aligned,
  92                           5 mode         bit (3) aligned,   /* r, e, w */
  93                           5 pad          (2) fixed bin,
  95                       3 segment_control_word aligned,       /* This tells about the segment following */
  96                         4 ident          fixed bin (17) unaligned, /* This is always a one */
  97                         4 segment_length fixed bin (17) unaligned; /* in words, of seg following */
 100           dcl     1 mst2                 based (mst_ptr (2)) aligned, /* same thing as mst1; look up there. */
 101                     2 header             aligned,
 102                       3 header_control_word aligned,
 103                         4 collection_mark bit (18) unaligned,
 104                         4 header_length  fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 106                       3 slte             like slte aligned,
 108                       3 names_array      aligned,
 109                         4 n_names        fixed bin aligned,
 110                         4 name_element   (n_names (2)) aligned,
 111                           5 n_chars      fixed bin aligned,
 112                           5 name         char (32) aligned,
 114                       3 pathname_array   (has_branch (2)) aligned,
 115                         4 pathname_length fixed bin aligned,
 116                         4 pathname       char (path_length (2)) aligned,
 118                       3 acl_structure    (has_acl (2)) aligned,
 119                         4 n_acls         fixed bin,
 120                         4 acl            (n_acls (2)) aligned,
 121                           5 accessname   char (32) aligned,
 122                           5 mode         bit (3) aligned,
 123                           5 pad          (2) fixed bin,
 125                       3 segment_control_word aligned,
 126                         4 ident          fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 127                         4 segment_length fixed bin (17) unaligned;
 129           dcl     segment_1              (seg_length (1)) based fixed bin;
 130           dcl     segment_2              (seg_length (2)) based fixed bin;
 132           dcl     sys_id_pickup          char (8) aligned based;
 134           dcl     1 tp_name              based aligned,
 135                     2 order_info,                           /* info that we maintain relative to an object's order on the tape. */
 136                       3 name             char (32),         /* primary name of seg */
 137                       3 org_index        fixed bin,         /* value of org sequence in list before sort */
 138                       3 major_collection fixed bin,         /* segment contained within */
 139                       3 minor_collection fixed bin,
 140                       3 sw               unaligned,         /* status of this seg */
 141                         4 col            bit (1),           /* indicates a collection mark */
 142                         4 add            bit (1),
 143                         4 del            bit (1),
 144                         4 mov            bit (1),
 145                     2 info_ptr           ptr,               /* pts to seg  body if saving or moved */
 146                     2 head_ptr           ptr,               /* pts to header if seg  has been moved */
 147                     2 move_index         fixed bin,         /* points to second list's correspondin g seg */
 148                     2 pos_n              fixed bin;         /* points to place in list where orjg name now is stored */
 150           dcl     1 tp1_names            (name_count (1)) based (np (1)) aligned like tp_name;
 151           dcl     1 tp2_names            (name_count (2)) based (np (2)) aligned like tp_name;
 153           dcl     argl                   fixed bin(21);
 154           dcl     anp                    (2) ptr;
 155           dcl     argp                   pointer;
 156           dcl     arg_count              fixed bin;
 157           dcl     argx                   fixed bin;
 158           dcl     atd                    char(256);
 159           dcl     bit_len                fixed bin;
 160           dcl     bits_ptr               pointer;
 161           dcl     boot_label             (2) bit(1) aligned;
 162           dcl     boot_ptr               (2) ptr;
 163           dcl     bootstrap_sw           (2) bit (1) aligned;
 164           dcl     1 bpi                  (2) aligned like boot_program_info;
 165           dcl     code                   fixed bin (35);
 166           dcl     collection             bit (1) aligned;
 167           dcl     copy_ptr               ptr;
 168           dcl     has_acl                dimension (2) fixed bin;
 169           dcl     has_branch             dimension (2) fixed bin;
 170           dcl     have_sysid             bit (1) aligned;
 171           dcl     i                      fixed bin;
 172           dcl     in_den                 (2) fixed bin;
 173           dcl     in_file_name           (2) char(168);
 174           dcl     in_tape_name           (2) char(32);
 175           dcl     iocb_ptr               (2) ptr;
 176           dcl     j                      fixed bin;
 177           dcl     k                      fixed bin;
 178           dcl     l1_index               fixed bin;
 179           dcl     l2_index               fixed bin;
 180           dcl     master_copy            fixed bin;
 181           dcl     mst_ptr                (2) pointer;
 182           dcl     mst_ptr_hold           (2) ptr;
 183           dcl     n_acls                 dimension (2) fixed bin;
 184           dcl     n_names                dimension (2) fixed bin;
 185           dcl     name_count             (2) fixed bin;
 186           dcl     name_len               fixed bin(18) uns unal;
 187           dcl     nelemt                 fixed bin (21);
 188           dcl     np                     (2) ptr;
 189           dcl     optl                   fixed bin(21);
 190           dcl     optp                   ptr;
 191           dcl     path_length            dimension (2) fixed bin;
 192           dcl     saving                 bit (1);
 193           dcl     sci_ptr                ptr;
 194           dcl     seg_len                fixed bin(18) uns unal;
 195           dcl     seg_length             (2) fixed bin;
 196           dcl     segment_name           char (32);
 197           dcl     set                    fixed bin;
 198           dcl     skip_1                 bit (1) aligned;
 199           dcl     sys_id                 (2) char (8) aligned;
 201           dcl     absolute_pathname_     entry (char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35));
 202           dcl     com_err_               entry options (variable);
 203           dcl     cu_$arg_list_ptr       entry returns(ptr);
 204           dcl     get_shortest_path_     entry (char(*)) returns(char(168));
 205           dcl     get_wdir_              entry returns (char (168));
 206           dcl     initiate_file_$create  entry (char(*), char(*), bit(*), ptr, bit(1) aligned, fixed bin(24),
 207                                              fixed bin(35));
 208           dcl     ioa_                   entry options (variable);
 209           dcl     iox_$attach_name       entry (char (*), ptr, char (*), ptr, fixed bin (35));
 210           dcl     iox_$close             entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
 211           dcl     iox_$control           entry (ptr, char(*), ptr, fixed bin(35));
 212           dcl     iox_$detach_iocb       entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
 213           dcl     iox_$get_chars         entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (21), fixed bin (35));
 214           dcl     iox_$open              entry (ptr, fixed bin, bit (1) aligned, fixed bin (35));
 215           dcl     parse_tape_reel_name_  entry (char(*), char(*));
 216           dcl     ssu_$abort_subsystem   entry() options(variable);
 217           dcl     ssu_$arg_count         entry (ptr, fixed bin);
 218           dcl     ssu_$arg_ptr           entry (ptr, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin(21));
 219           dcl     ssu_$destroy_invocation
 220                                          entry (ptr);
 221           dcl     ssu_$get_temp_segment  entry (ptr, char(*), ptr);
 222           dcl     ssu_$standalone_invocation
 223                                          entry (ptr, char(*), char(*), ptr, entry, fixed bin(35));
 224           dcl     terminate_file_        entry (ptr, fixed bin(24), bit(*), fixed bin(35));
 225           dcl     unique_chars_          entry (bit(*)) returns(char(15));
 228           dcl     compare_mst_severity_  fixed bin ext static init(0);
 230           dcl    (error_table_$bad_arg,
 231                   error_table_$badopt,
 232                   error_table_$end_of_info,
 233                   error_table_$inconsistent,
 234                   error_table_$noarg)
 235                                          fixed bin (35) external static;
 237           dcl     (abs, addr, binary, char, convert, divide, index, length,
 238                    ltrim, max, null, ptr, reverse, rtrim, size, string, substr)
 239                                          builtin;
 241           dcl     cleanup                condition;
 242 %page;
 243           compare_mst_severity_ = 4;
 244           bits_ptr = null ();
 245           boot_ptr = null ();
 246           iocb_ptr = null ();
 247           mst_ptr_hold = null ();
 248           np = null ();
 249           sci_ptr = null();
 250           on cleanup call clean_up;
 252           call ssu_$standalone_invocation (sci_ptr, "compare_mst", "1.0",
 253              cu_$arg_list_ptr(), exit_proc, code);
 254           if code ^= 0 then call com_err_ ("compare_mst", code, "Creating standalone ssu_ subsystem.");
 256           bootstrap_sw = "0"b;                              /* set for first pass */
 257           have_sysid = "0"b;
 258           saving = "0"b;
 260           call ssu_$arg_count (sci_ptr, arg_count);
 262           in_file_name, in_tape_name = "";
 263           in_den = UNSET;
 264           master_copy = UNSET;
 266           do argx = 1 to arg_count;
 267              call ssu_$arg_ptr (sci_ptr, argx, argp, argl);
 268              if index (arg, "-") = 1 then do;
 269                 if arg = "-save" then
 270                    saving = "1"b;
 271                 else if arg = "-master_volume" | arg = "-mvol" then do;
 272                    master_copy = MASTER;
 273 SETTAPE:           in_tape_name(master_copy), in_file_name(master_copy) = "";
 274                    if argx = arg_count then
 275                       call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, error_table_$noarg,
 276                          "^a must be followed by a tape volume name.", arg);
 277                    else do;
 278                       argx = argx + 1;
 279                       call ssu_$arg_ptr (sci_ptr, argx, optp, optl);
 280                       in_tape_name(master_copy) = opt;
 281                       end;
 282                    end;
 283                 else if arg = "-master_file" | arg = "-mf" then do;
 284                    master_copy = MASTER;
 285 SETFILE:           in_tape_name(master_copy), in_file_name(master_copy) = "";
 286                    if argx = arg_count then
 287                       call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, error_table_$noarg,
 288                          "^a must be followed by a file name.", arg);
 289                    else do;
 290                       argx = argx + 1;
 291                       call ssu_$arg_ptr (sci_ptr, argx, optp, optl);
 292                       in_file_name(master_copy) = opt;
 293                       end;
 294                    master_copy = UNSET;
 295                    end;
 296                 else if (arg = "-copy_volume" | arg = "-cvol") then do;
 297                    master_copy = COPY;
 298                    go to SETTAPE;
 299                    end;
 300                 else if (arg = "-copy_file" | arg = "-cf") then do;
 301                    master_copy = COPY;
 302                    go to SETFILE;
 303                    end;
 304                 else if arg = "-density" | arg = "-den" then do;
 305                    if argx = arg_count then
 306                       call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, error_table_$noarg,
 307                          "^a must be followed by a tape density.", arg);
 308                    else do;
 309                       argx = argx + 1;
 310                       call ssu_$arg_ptr (sci_ptr, argx, optp, optl);
 311                       if opt = "800" | opt = "1600" | opt = "6250" then do;
 312                          if master_copy = UNSET then
 313                             call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr,
 314                                error_table_$inconsistent,
 315                                "^a ^a must follow either -mvol or -cvol.", arg,
 316                                opt);
 317                          else
 318                             in_den(master_copy) = convert(in_den(1), opt);
 319                          end;
 320                       else
 321                          call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr,
 322                             error_table_$bad_arg,
 323                             "^a ^a^/Allowed densities are: 800, 1600, 6250.",
 324                             arg, opt);
 325                       end;
 326                    end;
 327                 else
 328                    call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, error_table_$badopt, arg);
 329                 end;
 330              else if in_tape_name(MASTER) = "" & in_file_name(MASTER) = "" then
 331                 in_tape_name(MASTER) = arg;
 332              else if in_tape_name(COPY) = "" & in_file_name(COPY) = "" then
 333                 in_tape_name(COPY) = arg;
 334              else
 335                 call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, error_table_$bad_arg, arg);
 336              end;
 338           do i = MASTER to COPY;
 339              if in_tape_name(i) = "" & in_file_name(i) = "" then
 340                 call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, error_table_$noarg,
 341                    "^/A ^[master^;copy^] tape or file must be specified via -^[m^;c^]vol or -^[m^;c^]f.",
 342                    i, i, i);
 343              end;
 345           do i = MASTER to COPY;
 346              call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr, "boot pgm", boot_ptr(i));
 347              call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr, "buffer", mst_ptr_hold(i));
 348              call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr, "tape names", np(i));
 349              call get_in_medium (i);
 350              end;
 351           mst_ptr = mst_ptr_hold;
 352           call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr, "bit seg", bits_ptr);
 353           compare_mst_severity_ = 0;
 354 %page;
 355           call ioa_ ("^/Begin comparison.");
 357           if boot_label(MASTER) ^= boot_label(COPY) then do;
 358              call ioa_ (
 359                 "^/^[Master^;Copy^] MST has a bootload label program, while ^[Master^;Copy^] MST does not.",
 360                 boot_label(MASTER), boot_label(COPY));
 361              compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 362              end;
 363           else if boot_label(MASTER) then do;
 364              if bpi(MASTER).boot_program_name ^= bpi(COPY).boot_program_name then do;
 365                 call ioa_ ("Boot program names disagree.
 366   Master:  ^a
 367   Copy:    ^a", bpi(MASTER).boot_program_name, bpi(COPY).boot_program_name);
 368                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 369                 end;
 370              else if bpi(MASTER).boot_program_text_length ^=
 371                      bpi(COPY).boot_program_text_length then do;
 372                 call ioa_ ("Boot program lengths disagree.
 373   Master:  ^d
 374   Copy:    ^d",    bpi(MASTER).boot_program_text_length,
 375                    bpi(COPY).boot_program_text_length);
 376                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 377                 end;
 378              else do;
 379                 seg_length(MASTER) = bpi(MASTER).boot_program_text_length;
 380                 seg_length(COPY)   = bpi(COPY).boot_program_text_length;
 381                 mst_ptr = bpi.boot_program_ptr;
 382                 segment_name = "bootload label program";
 383                 call check_segments();
 384                 mst_ptr = mst_ptr_hold;
 385                 end;
 386              end;
 387 %page;
 389           call read_tape (MASTER);
 391 /* rewind first tape */
 392           call rewind_in_medium (MASTER);
 394           call read_tape (COPY);
 396           if have_sysid then call ioa_ ("System ^a to ^a", sys_id (MASTER), sys_id (COPY));
 398 /* rewind tape COPY */
 399           call rewind_in_medium (COPY);
 401           call sort_names (MASTER);
 402           call sort_names (COPY);
 403           call list_comp;                                   /* get add,del,and mov bits set up */
 405           bootstrap_sw = "0"b;                              /* reset for second pass */
 406           l1_index, l2_index = 1;
 407           skip_1 = "0"b;
 408 %page;
 410 /* now do the dirty work */
 411           do while ((l1_index ^> name_count (MASTER)) & (l2_index ^> name_count (COPY)));
 412              j = tp2_names (l2_index).pos_n;                /* use tape order to process names */
 413              if skip_1 then do;
 414                 skip_1 = "0"b;
 415                 goto try_2;
 416                 end;
 417              i = tp1_names (l1_index).pos_n;
 420              call read_header (MASTER, collection);
 421              if collection then
 422                 if ^tp1_names (i).sw.col then do;
 423 out_of_sync:       compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 424                    call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, 0,
 425                       "tape out of sync.");
 426                    end;
 427                 else do;
 428                    if tp1_names (i).sw.del then do;
 429                       call ioa_ ("^a mark deleted.", tp1_names (i).name);
 430                       compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 431                       end;
 432                    l1_index = l1_index + 1;
 433                    goto loop_cont;
 434                    end;
 435              else if segment_name ^= tp1_names (i).name then goto out_of_sync;
 438              if tp1_names (i).sw.del then do;
 439                 call ioa_ ("^a deleted", segment_name);
 440                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 441                 call skip_block (MASTER);
 442                 l1_index = l1_index + 1;
 443                 goto loop_cont;
 444                 end;
 446                                                             /* if moved, has first been read in already ? */
 447              if tp1_names (i).sw.mov then if tp1_names (i).move_index ^= 0 then do;
 448                                                             /* top segment already in  */
 449                 set = tp1_names (i).move_index; /* pick up other list offset */
 450                 mst_ptr (COPY) = tp2_names (set).head_ptr;
 451                 call header_setup_2;
 452                 call check_headers;
 453                 call read_segment (MASTER);
 454                 mst_ptr (COPY) = tp2_names (set).info_ptr;
 455                 call check_segments;
 456                 mst_ptr (COPY) = mst_ptr_hold (COPY);
 457                 l1_index = l1_index + 1;
 458                 goto loop_cont;
 459                 end;
 460              else do;                                       /* save the header and body */
 461                 call ioa_ ("^a moved down.", segment_name);
 462                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 463                 call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr,
 464                    "header", tp1_names(i).head_ptr);
 465                 bit_len = mst1.header_length + 2;
 466                 tp1_names (i).head_ptr -> header_words = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> header_words;
 467                 call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr,
 468                    "info", tp1_names(i).info_ptr);
 469                 mst_ptr (MASTER) = tp1_names (i).info_ptr;
 470                 call read_segment (MASTER);
 471                 mst_ptr (MASTER) = mst_ptr_hold (MASTER);
 472                 l1_index = l1_index + 1;
 473                 goto loop_cont;
 474                 end;
 476 try_2:
 477              call read_header (COPY, collection);
 478              if collection then
 479                 if ^tp2_names (j).sw.col then goto out_of_sync;
 480                 else do;
 481                    if tp2_names (j).sw.add then do;
 482                       call ioa_ ("^a mark added.", tp2_names (j).name);
 483                       compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 484                       end;
 485                    l2_index = l2_index + 1;
 486                    skip_1 = "1"b;
 487                    goto loop_cont;
 488                    end;
 489              else if segment_name ^= tp2_names (j).name then goto out_of_sync;
 492              if tp2_names (j).sw.add then do;
 493                 call ioa_ ("^a added.", segment_name);
 494                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 495                 if saving then do;
 496                    call initiate_file_$create (get_wdir_(),
 497                       "tp2." || segment_name, RW_ACCESS,
 498                       tp2_names (j).info_ptr, "0"b, 0, code);
 499                    if tp2_names (j).info_ptr = null then goto make_x;
 500                    mst_ptr (COPY) = tp2_names (j).info_ptr;
 501                    call read_segment (COPY);
 502                    mst_ptr (COPY) = mst_ptr_hold (COPY);
 503                    call terminate_file_ (tp2_names(j).info_ptr,
 504                       seg_length(COPY) * BITS_PER_WORD, TERM_FILE_TRUNC_BC_TERM,
 505                       code);
 506                    end;
 507                 else call skip_block (COPY);
 508                 l2_index = l2_index + 1;
 509                 skip_1 = "1"b;
 510                 goto loop_cont;
 511                 end;
 514              if tp2_names (j).sw.mov then
 515              if tp2_names (j).move_index ^= 0 then do;
 516                 set = tp2_names (j).move_index;
 517                 mst_ptr (MASTER) = tp1_names (set).head_ptr;
 518                 call header_setup_1;
 519                 call check_headers;
 520                 call read_segment (COPY);
 521                 mst_ptr (MASTER) = tp1_names (set).info_ptr;
 522                 call check_segments;
 523                 mst_ptr (MASTER) = mst_ptr_hold (MASTER);
 524                 l2_index = l2_index + 1;
 525                 skip_1 = "1"b;
 526                 goto loop_cont;
 527                 end;
 528              else do;
 529                 call ioa_ ("^a moved up.", segment_name);
 530                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 531                 call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr, "hdr." || segment_name,
 532                    tp2_names (j).head_ptr);
 533                 bit_len = mst2.header_length + 2;
 534                 tp2_names (j).head_ptr -> header_words = mst_ptr (COPY) -> header_words;
 535                 call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr, "tp2." || segment_name,
 536                    tp2_names (j).info_ptr);
 537                 mst_ptr (COPY) = tp2_names (j).info_ptr;
 538                 call read_segment (COPY);
 539                 mst_ptr (COPY) = mst_ptr_hold (COPY);
 540                 l2_index = l2_index + 1;
 541                 skip_1 = "1"b;
 542                 goto loop_cont;
 543                 end;
 544                                                             /* compare segments */
 545              call check_headers;
 546              call read_segment (MASTER);
 547              call read_segment (COPY);
 548              call check_segments;
 549              l1_index = l1_index + 1;
 550              l2_index = l2_index + 1;
 551 loop_cont:
 552              end;                                           /* do while */
 554           if l1_index > name_count (MASTER) then if l2_index ^> name_count (COPY)
 555              then i = 2;
 556           else goto detach_and_return;                      /* process end of longer tape */
 557           else i = 1;
 559           if i = 1 then j = l1_index;
 560           else j = l2_index;
 561           do while (j ^> name_count (i));
 562              call read_header (i, collection);
 563              if collection then goto incr_j;
 564              k = np (i) -> tp1_names (j).pos_n;
 565              if segment_name ^= np (i) -> tp1_names (k).name then goto out_of_sync;
 566              if np (i) -> tp1_names (k).sw.add then do;
 567                 call ioa_ ("^a added.", segment_name);
 568                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 569                 if saving then do;
 570                    call initiate_file_$create (get_wdir_ (),
 571                       "tp2." || segment_name, RW_ACCESS, mst_ptr (i), ""b, 0,
 572                       code);
 573                    if mst_ptr (i) = null then goto make_x;
 574                    call read_segment (i);
 575                    call terminate_file_ (mst_ptr (i),
 576                       seg_length(i) * BITS_PER_WORD, TERM_FILE_TRUNC_BC_TERM,
 577                       code);
 578                    mst_ptr (i) = mst_ptr_hold (i);
 579                    end;
 580                 else call skip_block (i);
 581                 end;
 582              else do;                                       /* must be deleted */
 583                 call skip_block (i);
 584                 call ioa_ ("^a deleted.", segment_name);
 585                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 586                 end;
 587 incr_j:      j = j + 1;
 588              end;
 589           call ioa_ ("End of comparison.^/");
 591 detach_and_return:
 592           call clean_up;
 593           return;                                           /* successful job finish */
 595 exit_proc:
 596           procedure;
 597           go to detach_and_return;
 598           end exit_proc;
 600 make_x:   compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 4);
 601           call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
 602              "Making -save segment in working directory.");
 603           go to detach_and_return;
 604 %page;
 605 clean_up: proc;
 606           do i = MASTER to COPY;
 607              if iocb_ptr (i) = null ()
 608                 then go to CLEAN;
 609              call iox_$close (iocb_ptr (i), code);
 610              call iox_$detach_iocb (iocb_ptr (i), code);
 611 CLEAN:       end;
 612           call ssu_$destroy_invocation (sci_ptr);
 613           end;
 614 %page;
 615 get_data: proc (index, data_ptr, data_words);
 617     dcl   index                          fixed bin,
 618           data_ptr                       ptr,
 619           data_words                     fixed bin(18) uns unal;
 621           call iox_$get_chars (iocb_ptr(index),
 622              data_ptr, data_words * CHARS_PER_WORD, (0), code);
 623           if code = error_table_$end_of_info then go to detach_and_return;
 624           else if code ^= 0 then do;
 625              call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
 626                 "Tape error on ^[master^;copy^] tape.", index);
 627              end;
 628           end get_data;
 631 get_in_file:
 632           proc (index);
 634     dcl   index                          fixed bin;
 636     dcl   1 control_word                 aligned,
 637             2 type                       fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 638             2 count                      fixed bin (18) uns unal;
 640           call absolute_pathname_ (in_file_name(index),
 641              in_file_name(index), code);
 642           if code ^= 0 then
 643              call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code, "^[-if^;-of^] ^a.",
 644                 index, in_file_name);
 646           in_file_name(index) = get_shortest_path_ (in_file_name(index));
 648           call iox_$attach_name (mst_name(index) || unique_chars_(""b),
 649              iocb_ptr(index), "vfile_ " || in_file_name(index) || " -old",
 650              null, code);
 651           if code ^= 0 then
 652              call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
 653                 "Cannot attach input file ^a.", in_file_name(index));
 656           call iox_$open (iocb_ptr(index), Stream_input, ("0"b), code);
 657           if code ^= 0 then
 658              call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
 659                 "Cannot open input file ^a.", in_file_name(index));
 661           call get_data (index, addr (control_word), size(control_word));
 662           if control_word.type = -1 then do;                /* bootload program control word */
 663                                                             /* It is written as a name, followed by the pgm.  */
 665              bpi(index).version = BOOT_PROGRAM_INFO_VERSION_1;
 666                                                             /* set version */
 667              boot_label(index) = "1"b;                      /* set flag to copy onto output tape */
 668              name_len = divide (length (bpi(index).boot_program_name), CHARS_PER_WORD, 18, 0);
 669              seg_len = control_word.count - name_len;       /* set copy length */
 670              call get_data (index, addr (bpi(index).boot_program_name), name_len);
 671              call get_data (index, boot_ptr(index), seg_len);
 672                                                             /* copy boot program in to temp seg */
 673              bpi(index).boot_program_ptr = boot_ptr(index); /* set new boot program ptr */
 674              bpi(index).boot_program_text_length = seg_len;
 675              end;
 676           else do;
 677              boot_label(index) = "0"b;
 678              call iox_$close (iocb_ptr(index), (0));
 679              call iox_$open (iocb_ptr(index), Stream_input, ""b, (0));
 680              end;
 681           return;
 683 rewind_in_file:
 684           entry (index);
 686           call iox_$close (iocb_ptr(index), code);
 687           if code ^= 0 then do;
 688              compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 4);
 689              call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
 690                 "error in reopening. Aborting.");
 691              end;
 692           go to REWIND_FILE;
 694      end get_in_file;
 697 get_in_medium:
 698           proc (index);
 700     dcl   index                          fixed bin;
 702           if in_file_name(index) ^= "" then
 703              call get_in_file (index);
 704           else if in_tape_name(index) ^= "" then
 705              call get_in_tape (index);
 706           return;
 708 rewind_in_medium:
 709           entry (index);
 711           if in_file_name(index) ^= "" then
 712              call rewind_in_file (index);
 713           else
 714              call rewind_in_tape (index);
 716           end get_in_medium;
 718 get_in_tape:
 719           proc (index);
 721     dcl   index                          fixed bin;
 723     dcl   copy                           (seg_len) fixed bin(35) based;
 725           call parse_tape_reel_name_ (in_tape_name(index), atd);
 726           if in_den(index) ^= UNSET
 727              then atd = rtrim (atd) || " -density " || ltrim (char (in_den(index)));
 729           call iox_$attach_name (mst_name(index) || unique_chars_ (""b),
 730              iocb_ptr(index), "tape_mult_ " || rtrim (atd), null, code);
 731           if code ^= 0 then
 732              call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
 733                 "Cannot attach input tape ^a.", in_tape_name(index));
 736           call iox_$open (iocb_ptr(index), Stream_input, ("0"b), code);
 737           if code ^= 0 then
 738              call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
 739                 "Cannot open input tape ^a.", in_tape_name(index));
 741           bpi(index).version = BOOT_PROGRAM_INFO_VERSION_1; /* set version */
 742           call iox_$control (iocb_ptr(index), "get_boot_program",
 743              addr (bpi(index)), code);
 744           if code ^= 0 then
 745              call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
 746                 "Getting bootload program info from input tape ^a.",
 747                 in_tape_name(index));
 749           if bpi(index).boot_program_ptr ^= null then do;   /* if this tape has a boot label... */
 750              boot_label(index) = "1"b;                      /* set flag to copy onto output tape */
 751              seg_len = bpi(index).boot_program_text_length;
 752                                                             /* set copy length */
 753              boot_ptr(index) -> copy = bpi(index).boot_program_ptr -> copy;
 754                                                             /* copy boot program in to temp seg */
 755              bpi(index).boot_program_ptr = boot_ptr(index);
 756                                                             /* set new boot program ptr */
 757              end;
 758           else
 759              boot_label(index) = "0"b;
 760           return;
 762 rewind_in_tape:
 763           entry (index);
 765           call iox_$close (iocb_ptr (index), code);
 766           if code ^= 0 then do;
 767              compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 4);
 768              call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
 769                 "error in rewind, aborting");
 770              end;
 771           go to REWIND_TAPE;
 773           end get_in_tape;
 774 %page;
 775 read_header: proc (index, found_mark);
 777           dcl     found_mark             bit (1) aligned;
 778           dcl     index                  fixed bin;
 780 /* Get two words.  The first word will tell you how many more words to read to complete
 781    the header (i.e., it is the header length minus 2.)  If the collection mark is on, however, it
 782    is complete in itself.  In that case, you
 783    must reach in and get a whole fresh header. */
 786           call iox_$get_chars (iocb_ptr (index), mst_ptr (index), 8, nelemt, code); /* read 2 words */
 787           if code = 0 then do;
 788              if mst_ptr (index) -> mst1.collection_mark then do;
 789                 found_mark = "1"b;                          /* don't read rest of header; there is none */
 790                 return;
 791                 end;
 792              else call iox_$get_chars (iocb_ptr (index), ptr (mst_ptr (index), 2),
 793                 mst_ptr (index) -> mst1.header_length * 4, nelemt, code);
 794                                                             /* read rest of header */
 795              if code ^= 0 then call check_status;
 796              found_mark = "0"b;
 798              if index = 1 then call header_setup_1;
 799              else call header_setup_2;
 800              end;
 801           else if code ^= error_table_$end_of_info then call check_status;
 803           end;
 804 %page;
 805 header_setup_1: proc;
 807           n_names (MASTER) = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.n_names;
 808                                                             /* pull out number of names */
 809           if n_names (MASTER) = -1 then do;                 /* special bootstrap processing */
 810              if bootstrap_sw (MASTER) then do;
 811                 call ioa_ ("second bound_bootload_0 found on master tape. Aborting.");
 812                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 813                 goto detach_and_return;
 814                 end;
 815              bootstrap_sw (MASTER) = "1"b;
 816              n_names (MASTER) = 0;
 817              has_acl (MASTER) = 0;
 818              n_acls (MASTER) = 0;
 819              has_branch (MASTER) = 0;
 820              path_length (MASTER) = 0;
 821              segment_name = "bound_bootload_0";
 822              seg_length (MASTER) = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> bootstrap_header.segment_length;
 823              end;
 824           else do;
 825              has_acl (MASTER) = binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.slte.acl_provided); /* is there an acl? */
 826              has_branch (MASTER) = binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.slte.branch_required); /* is there a pathname? */
 827              if has_branch (MASTER) = 1 then path_length (MASTER) = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.pathname_length (1); /* get length */
 828              else path_length (MASTER) = 0;
 829              if has_acl (MASTER) = 1 then n_acls (MASTER) = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.n_acls (1);
 830              else n_acls (MASTER) = 0;
 831              segment_name = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.name (MASTER);
 832              seg_length (MASTER) = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.segment_length;
 833              end;
 834           end;
 836 header_setup_2: proc;                                       /* must use references based on mst2 varibs */
 838           n_names (COPY) = mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.n_names;
 839           if n_names (COPY) = -1 then do;
 840              if bootstrap_sw (COPY) then do;
 841                 call ioa_ ("second bound_bootload_0 found on copy tape. Aborting.");
 842                 compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 843                 goto detach_and_return;
 844                 end;
 845              bootstrap_sw(COPY) = "1"b;
 846              n_names (COPY) = 0;
 847              has_acl (COPY) = 0;
 848              n_acls (COPY) = 0;
 849              has_branch (COPY) = 0;
 850              path_length (COPY) = 0;
 851              segment_name = "bound_bootload_0";
 852              seg_length (COPY) = mst_ptr (COPY) -> bootstrap_header.segment_length;
 853              end;
 854           else do;
 855              has_acl (COPY) = binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.slte.acl_provided);
 856              has_branch (COPY) = binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.slte.branch_required);
 857              if has_branch (COPY) = 1 then path_length (COPY) = mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.pathname_length (1);
 858              else path_length (COPY) = 0;
 859              if has_acl (COPY) = 1 then n_acls (COPY) = mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.n_acls (1);
 860              else n_acls (COPY) = 0;
 861              segment_name = mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.name (1);
 862              seg_length (COPY) = mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.segment_length;
 863              end;
 864           end;
 865 %page;
 866 check_headers: proc;
 869           if mst1.header_length ^= mst2.header_length then goto header_discrepancy;
 871           bit_len = mst1.header_length + 2;                 /* comparison of headers here */
 872           bits = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> header_words = mst_ptr (COPY) -> header_words;
 873           if (^string (bits)) ^= ""b then
 874           if ((n_acls (MASTER) = 0) | (n_acls (COPY) = 0)) then goto header_discrepancy;
 875           else do;                                          /* zero pad in acl structure */
 876              do k = 1 to n_acls (MASTER);
 877                 mst1.acl (1, k).pad (1), mst1.acl (1, k).pad (2) = 0;
 878                 end;
 879              do k = 1 to n_acls (COPY);
 880                 mst2.acl (1, k).pad (1), mst2.acl (1, k).pad (2) = 0;
 881                 end;
 882              bits = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> header_words = mst_ptr (COPY) -> header_words;
 883              if (^string (bits)) ^= ""b then goto header_discrepancy;
 884              end;
 885           return;
 887 header_discrepancy:
 888           call ioa_ ("^/Segment ^a:", segment_name);
 889           compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
 891 /* Now find out exactly why. */
 892           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.access ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.access then
 893              call ioa_ ("^-SDW access has changed from ^a to ^a",
 894                 substr (REWP, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.access) * 4 + 1, 4),
 895                 substr (REWP, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.access) * 4 + 1, 4));
 896           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.cache ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.cache then
 897              call ioa_ ("^-Cache bit has changed from ^a to ^a",
 898                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.cache) * 4 + 1, 3),
 899                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.cache) * 4 + 1, 3));
 900           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.wired ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.wired then
 901              call ioa_ ("^-Wired bit has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 902                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.wired) * 4 + 1, 3),
 903                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.wired) * 4 + 1, 3));
 904           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.paged ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.paged then
 905              call ioa_ ("^-Paged bit has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 906                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.paged) * 4 + 1, 3),
 907                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.paged) * 4 + 1, 3));
 908           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.per_process ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.per_process then
 909              call ioa_ ("^-Per-process bit has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 910                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.per_process) * 4 + 1, 3),
 911                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.per_process) * 4 + 1, 3));
 912 %page;
 913           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.acl_provided ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.acl_provided then
 914              call ioa_ ("^-ACL-provided switch has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 915                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.acl_provided) * 4 + 1, 3),
 916                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.acl_provided) * 4 + 1, 3));
 917           else if has_acl (MASTER) = 1 then
 918                if n_acls (MASTER) ^= n_acls (COPY) then goto print_acls;
 919           else do;
 920              bit_len = 11 * n_acls (MASTER) + 1;
 921              anp (MASTER) = addr (mst1.acl_structure (1));
 922              anp (COPY) = addr (mst2.acl_structure (1));
 923              bits = anp (MASTER) -> header_words = anp (COPY) -> header_words;
 924              if (^string (bits)) ^= ""b then do;
 925 print_acls:     call ioa_ ("^-Number of ACLs was ^d, now is ^d.",
 926                    n_acls (MASTER), n_acls (COPY));
 927                 if abs (n_acls (MASTER) - n_acls (COPY)) > abs_changes then do;
 928 too_much:          compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 4);
 929                    call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, 0,
 930                       "Probable bad tape, aborting.");
 931                    goto detach_and_return;
 932                    end;
 933                 call ioa_ ("^5xACL was:");
 934                 do k = 1 to n_acls (MASTER);
 935                    call ioa_ ("^-^3a  ^a",
 936                       substr (rew, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.acl (1, k).mode) * 3 + 1, 3),
 937                       mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.acl (1, k).accessname);
 938                    end;
 939                 call ioa_ ("^5xACL is:");
 940                 do k = 1 to n_acls (COPY);
 941                    call ioa_ ("^-^3a  ^a",
 942                       substr (rew, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.acl (1, k).mode) * 3 + 1, 3),
 943                       mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.acl (1, k).accessname);
 944                    end;
 945                 end;
 946              end;
 947           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.branch_required ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.branch_required then
 948              call ioa_ ("^-Hierarchy-branch required indicator has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 949                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.branch_required) * 4 + 1, 3),
 950                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.branch_required) * 4 + 1, 3));
 951           else if has_branch (MASTER) = 1 then
 952                if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.pathname (1) ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.pathname (1) then
 953              call ioa_ ("^-Pathname has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 954                 mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.pathname (1), mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.pathname (1));
 955           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.init_seg ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.init_seg then
 956              call ioa_ ("^-Initialization-seg indicator has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 957                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.init_seg) * 4 + 1, 3),
 958                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.init_seg) * 4 + 1, 3));
 959           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.temp_seg ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.temp_seg then
 960              call ioa_ ("^-Temp-seg indicator has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 961                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.temp_seg) * 4 + 1, 3),
 962                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.temp_seg) * 4 + 1, 3));
 963 %page;
 964           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.link_provided ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.link_provided then
 965              call ioa_ ("^-Linkage-provided indicator has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 966                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.link_provided) * 4 + 1, 3),
 967                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.link_provided) * 4 + 1, 3));
 968           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.link_sect ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.link_sect then
 969              call ioa_ ("^-Linkage-segment indicator has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 970                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.link_sect) * 4 + 1, 3),
 971                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.link_sect) * 4 + 1, 3));
 972           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.link_sect_wired ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.link_sect_wired then
 973              call ioa_ ("^-Linkage-wired indicator has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 974                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.link_sect_wired) * 4 + 1, 3),
 975                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.link_sect_wired) * 4 + 1, 3));
 976           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.combine_link ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.combine_link then
 977              call ioa_ ("^-Combine-linkage switch has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 978                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.combine_link) * 4 + 1, 3),
 979                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.combine_link) * 4 + 1, 3));
 980           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.pre_linked ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.pre_linked then
 981              call ioa_ ("^-Pre-linked indicator has changed from ^a to ^a.",
 982                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.pre_linked) * 4 + 1, 3),
 983                 substr (OFF_ON, binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.pre_linked) * 4 + 1, 3));
 984           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.cur_length ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.cur_length then
 985              call ioa_ ("^-Cur-length has changed from ^o to ^o.",
 986                 binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.cur_length, 35),
 987                 binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.cur_length, 35));
 988           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.ringbrack (1) ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.ringbrack (1) |
 989              mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.ringbrack (2) ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.ringbrack (2) |
 990              mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.ringbrack (3) ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.ringbrack (3) then
 991              call ioa_ ("^-Ring brackets have changed from ^d,^d,^d to ^d,^d,^d.",
 992                 binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.ringbrack (1), 35),
 993                 binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.ringbrack (2), 35),
 994                 binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.ringbrack (3), 35),
 995                 binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.ringbrack (1), 35),
 996                 binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.ringbrack (2), 35),
 997                 binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.ringbrack (3), 35));
 998           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.segno ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.segno then
 999              call ioa_ ("^-Segment number has changed from ^o to ^o.",
1000                 binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.segno, 35),
1001                 binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.segno, 35));
1002           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.max_length ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.max_length then
1003              call ioa_ ("^-Max length has changed from ^o to ^o.",
1004                 binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.max_length, 35),
1005                 binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.max_length, 35));
1006           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.bit_count ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.bit_count then
1007              call ioa_ ("^-Bit count has changed from ^d to ^d.",
1008                 binary (mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.bit_count, 35),
1009                 binary (mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.bit_count, 35));
1010 %page;
1011           if n_names (MASTER) = 0 then return;              /* bound_bootload_0 */
1012           if n_names (MASTER) ^= n_names (COPY) then goto print_names;
1013           else do;
1014              bit_len = 9 * n_names (MASTER) + 1;
1015              anp (MASTER) = addr (mst1.names_array);
1016              anp (COPY) = addr (mst2.names_array);
1017              bits = anp (MASTER) -> header_words = anp (COPY) -> header_words;
1018              if (^string (bits)) ^= ""b then do;
1019 print_names:    call ioa_ ("^-Number of names was ^d, now is ^d.",
1020                    n_names (MASTER), n_names (COPY));
1021                 if abs (n_names (MASTER) - n_names (COPY)) > abs_changes then goto too_much;
1022                 call ioa_ ("^5xNames were:");
1023                 do k = 1 to n_names (MASTER);
1024                    call ioa_ ("^-^a", mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.name (k));
1025                    end;
1026                 call ioa_ ("^5xNames are:");
1027                 do k = 1 to n_names (COPY);
1028                    call ioa_ ("^-^a", mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.name (k));
1029                    end;
1030                 end;
1031              end;
1032           if mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.segment_length ^= mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.segment_length then
1033              call ioa_ ("^-Segment length has changed from ^o to ^o.",
1034                 mst_ptr (MASTER) -> mst1.segment_length, mst_ptr (COPY) -> mst2.segment_length);
1036           end;
1037 %page;
1038 skip_block: proc (index);
1039           dcl     index                  fixed bin;
1040                                                             /* positioning not supported, so just read */
1041           call iox_$get_chars (iocb_ptr (index), mst_ptr (index), seg_length (index) * 4, nelemt, code);
1042           if code ^= 0 then call check_status;
1043           end;
1045 read_segment: proc (index);
1046           dcl     index                  fixed bin;
1048           call iox_$get_chars (iocb_ptr (index), mst_ptr (index), seg_length (index) * 4, nelemt, code);
1049           if code ^= 0 then call check_status;
1051           end;
1053 check_status: proc;
1054           compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 4);
1055           call ssu_$abort_subsystem (sci_ptr, code,
1056              "Error in manipulating tapes.");
1057           end;
1059 read_tape: proc (index);
1061           dcl     index                  fixed bin parameter;
1063           dcl     i                      fixed bin;
1064           dcl     last_collection_mark   fixed bin;
1065           dcl     name_index             fixed bin;
1066           dcl     1 tp_names             (name_count (index)) based (np (index)) aligned like tp_name;
1068           last_collection_mark = 0;
1069           name_index, name_count (index) = 0;
1070           do while (code ^= error_table_$end_of_info);      /* get the whole tape */
1071              call read_header (index, collection);
1072              if code = 0 then do;
1073                 name_index, name_count (index) = name_count (index) + 1;
1074                 tp_names (name_index).org_index = name_index;
1075                 tp_names (name_index).pos_n = name_index;   /* init */
1076                 tp_names (name_index).head_ptr = null;
1077                 tp_names (name_index).info_ptr = null;
1078                 if index = 1 then tp_names (name_index).sw.del = "1"b;
1079                                                             /* assume not on other tape */
1080                 else tp_names (name_index).sw.add = "1"b; /* assume everything new */
1081                 if collection then do;
1082                    do i = last_collection_mark + 1 to name_index;
1083                                                             /* record collection contained within */
1084                       tp_names (i).major_collection = mst_ptr (index) -> collection_mark_data.major;
1085                       tp_names (i).minor_collection = mst_ptr (index) -> collection_mark_data.minor;
1086                       end;
1087                    last_collection_mark = name_index;
1089                    tp_names (name_index).name = "collection." ||
1090                       ltrim (char (mst_ptr (index) -> collection_mark_data.major)) ||
1091                       "." || ltrim (char (mst_ptr (index) -> collection_mark_data.minor));
1092                    tp_names (name_index).sw.col = "1"b;
1093                    end;
1094                 else do;
1095                    tp_names (name_index).name = segment_name;
1096                    call skip_block (index);
1097                    if segment_name = "active_all_rings_data" then do;
1098                       have_sysid = "1"b;
1099                       sys_id (index) = mst_ptr (index) -> sys_id_pickup;
1100                       end;
1101                    end;
1102                 end;
1103              end;
1105           if substr (tp_names (name_index).name, 1, 10) ^= "collection" then do;
1106              call ioa_ ("tape ^d does not end in a collection mark.", index);
1107              compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
1108              end;
1109           return;
1110           end;
1111 %page;
1112 check_segments: proc;
1114           if seg_length (MASTER) ^= seg_length (COPY) then goto check_saving;
1115           bit_len = seg_length (MASTER);                              /* ready for bit comparison */
1117           bits = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> segment_1 = mst_ptr (COPY) -> segment_1; /* set up equal bits */
1119           if (^string (bits)) ^= ""b then goto segment_contents_discrepancy; /* something has been changed. */
1121           return;
1124 segment_contents_discrepancy:
1125           k = index (string (bits), "0"b) - 1;              /* j tells which word first noticed as changed */
1126           call ioa_ ("^/Segment ^a contains differences from word ^o.", segment_name, k);
1127           compare_mst_severity_ = max(compare_mst_severity_, 3);
1128           k = bit_len - index (reverse (string (bits)), "0"b);
1129           call ioa_ ("^-last difference found at word ^o.", k);
1130 check_saving:
1131           if saving then do;
1132              call initiate_file_$create (get_wdir_ (),
1133                 "tp1." || segment_name, RW_ACCESS, copy_ptr, ""b, 0, code);
1134              if copy_ptr = null then return;
1135              copy_ptr -> segment_1 = mst_ptr (MASTER) -> segment_1;
1136              call terminate_file_ (copy_ptr, size(segment_1) * BITS_PER_WORD,
1137                 TERM_FILE_TRUNC_BC_TERM, code);
1139              call initiate_file_$create (get_wdir_ (),
1140                 "tp2." || segment_name, RW_ACCESS, copy_ptr, ""b, 0, code);
1141              if copy_ptr = null then return;
1142              copy_ptr -> segment_2 = mst_ptr (COPY) -> segment_2;
1143              call terminate_file_ (copy_ptr, size(segment_2) * BITS_PER_WORD,
1144                 TERM_FILE_TRUNC_BC_TERM, code);
1145              end;
1146           return;
1147           end;
1148 %page;
1149 sort_names: proc (index);
1150                                                             /* shell sort, keeping track of original position */
1151           dcl     index                  fixed bin;
1153           dcl     1 hold_info            aligned like tp_name.order_info;
1154           dcl     sd                     fixed bin;
1155           dcl     si                     fixed bin;
1156           dcl     sj                     fixed bin;
1157           dcl     sk                     fixed bin;
1158           dcl     1 tp_names             (name_count (index)) aligned based (np (index)) like tp_name;
1160           sd = name_count (index);
1162 down:     sd = 1 + 2 * divide (sd, 4, 17, 0);
1163           do si = 1 to name_count (index) - sd;
1164              sj = si + sd;
1165 up:          sk = sj - sd;
1166              if tp_names (sk).name <= tp_names (sj).name then goto ok;
1168              hold_info = tp_names (sk).order_info;
1170              tp_names (sk).order_info = tp_names (sj).order_info;
1171              tp_names (tp_names (sk).org_index).pos_n = sk;
1173              tp_names (sj).order_info = hold_info;
1174              tp_names (tp_names (sj).org_index).pos_n = sj;
1176              if sk > sd then do;
1177                 sj = sk;
1178                 goto up;
1179                 end;
1180 ok:          end;
1181           if sd > 1 then goto down;
1183           end;
1184 %page;
1185 name_search: proc (tp_name_ptr, index, ret_ans);
1187 /* See if name exists on list(index).  Do binary search, preferring the object
1188 in the same collection as before. */
1190           dcl     index                  fixed bin;
1191           dcl     ret_ans                fixed bin;
1192           dcl     tp_name_ptr            ptr;
1194           dcl     low_index              fixed bin;
1195           dcl     high_index             fixed bin;
1196           dcl     1 tp_names             (name_count (index)) aligned based (np (index)) like tp_name;
1198           ret_ans = 0;
1199           low_index = 1;
1200           high_index = name_count (index);
1201           do while (high_index > low_index);
1202              k = divide (low_index + high_index, 2, 17);
1203              if tp_names (k).name = tp_name_ptr -> tp_name.name then go to match;
1204              else if tp_names (k).name < tp_name_ptr -> tp_name.name then low_index = k + 1; /* name in high half of subdivision */
1205              else high_index = k - 1;                       /* low half */
1206              end;
1207           if high_index < 1 then return;
1208           if low_index > name_count (index) then return;
1209           if tp_names (high_index).name = tp_name_ptr -> tp_name.name then do;
1210              k = high_index;
1211 match:
1213 /* Name the same; look for the one in the same collection. */
1215              do ret_ans = k to name_count (index) while (tp_name_ptr -> tp_name.name = tp_names (ret_ans).name),
1216                           k - 1 to 1 by -1 while (tp_name_ptr -> tp_name.name = tp_names (ret_ans).name);
1217                 if tp_name_ptr -> tp_name.major_collection = tp_names (ret_ans).major_collection &
1218                    tp_name_ptr -> tp_name.minor_collection = tp_names (ret_ans).minor_collection then return;
1219                 end;
1220              ret_ans = ret_ans + 1;                         /* pick first one found */
1221              end;
1222           return;
1223           end;
1224 %page;
1225 list_comp: proc;                                            /* find out what's added, deleted, or moved */
1226                                                             /* process in original order to get add/del counts rigHt */
1227           dcl     add_count              fixed bin;
1228           dcl     del_count              fixed bin;
1229           dcl     offset_1               fixed bin;
1230           dcl     offset_2               fixed bin;
1232           do i = 1 to name_count (MASTER);
1233              call name_search (addr (tp1_names (tp1_names (i).pos_n)), 2, offset_1);
1234              if offset_1 = 0 then go to d_lp_c;             /* remains marked as deleted */
1235              else do;
1236                 tp1_names (tp1_names (i).pos_n).sw.del = "0"b;
1237                 tp2_names (offset_1).sw.add = "0"b;
1238                 end;
1239 d_lp_c:      end;
1240                                                             /* check for movement by matching list position */
1241           i, j = 1;
1242           add_count, del_count = 0;
1243                                                             /* need process only shortest list */
1244           do while ((i <= name_count (MASTER)) & (j <= name_count (COPY)));
1245              if tp1_names (tp1_names (i).pos_n).sw.del |
1246                 tp1_names (tp1_names (i).pos_n).move_index ^= 0 then do;
1247                 i = i + 1;
1248                 go to l_cont;
1249                 end;
1250              if tp2_names (tp2_names (j).pos_n).sw.add |
1251                 tp2_names (tp2_names (j).pos_n).move_index ^= 0 then do;
1252                 j = j + 1;
1253                 go to l_cont;
1254                 end;
1255                                                             /* if names equal then ok */
1256              if tp1_names (tp1_names (i).pos_n).name = tp2_names (tp2_names (j).pos_n).name then do;
1257                 i = i + 1;
1258                 j = j + 1;
1259                 goto l_cont;
1260                 end;
1261                                                             /* see which side moved */
1262              call name_search (addr (tp1_names (tp1_names (i).pos_n)), COPY, offset_2);
1263              call name_search (addr (tp2_names (tp2_names (j).pos_n)), MASTER, offset_1);
1264                                                             /* find out which is farther, ignore adds,deletes */
1265              del_count = tp1_names (offset_1).org_index - tp1_names (tp1_names (i).pos_n).org_index;
1266              add_count = tp2_names (offset_2).org_index - tp2_names (tp2_names (j).pos_n).org_index;
1267                                                             /* mark one as moved */
1268              if del_count > add_count then do;              /* first tape's match is lower */
1269                 tp2_names (tp2_names (j).pos_n).sw.mov = "1"b;
1270                 tp1_names (offset_1).sw.mov = "1"b;
1271                 tp1_names (offset_1).move_index = tp2_names (j).pos_n;
1272                 j = j + 1;
1273                 goto l_cont;
1274                 end;
1275              else do;
1276                 tp1_names (tp1_names (i).pos_n).sw.mov = "1"b;
1277                 tp2_names (offset_2).sw.mov = "1"b;
1278                 tp2_names (offset_2).move_index = tp1_names (i).pos_n;
1279                 i = i + 1;
1280                 goto l_cont;
1281                 end;
1282 l_cont:      end;                                           /* do while */
1283           end;                                              /* proc */
1284 %page; %include access_mode_values;
1285 %page; %include iox_modes;
1286 %page; %include slte;
1287 %page; %include system_constants;
1288 %page; %include tape_mult_boot_info;
1289 %page; %include terminate_file;
1290      end;