1 " ***********************************************************
2 " * *
3 " * Copyright, C Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987 *
4 " * *
5 " * Copyright, C Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
6 " * *
7 " * Copyright c 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of *
8 " * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *
9 " * *
10 " ***********************************************************
12 " AS_ERROR_TABLE_ - answering service error messages.
14 " This module is installation replaceable.
15 " It contains the text for error messages typed by the answering service,
16 " to the operator and the user. Each installation may tailor these messages,
17 " inserting phone numbers or whatever, as necessary.
18 " An important motivation for having this table is so that installations
19 " may be as informative or non-informative as they please about the
20 " reasons for refusing login, depending on local security requirements.
22 " Some of the items in this table are actually control strings for ioa_$rs.
23 " All such items end with the suffix "_msg" in the external name.
25 " Items which are less informative than possible for security considerations
26 " are followed by the comment "security".
28 " Items in this table are divided into sections, based upon the module which
29 " references the items. Within a section, items are listed ALPHABETICALLY.
31 " THVV 10/72
32 " Modified 740913 by PG for AIM messages.
33 " Modified 750415 by PG to eliminate printer on characters from msgs.
34 " Modified April 1976 by T. Casey to add dialup_ messages for process creation loops and changing password.
35 " Modified May 1976 by T. Casey to change contents of the project-will-be-cut-off-soon messages.
36 " Modified 760819 by Roy Planalp to change text of 'password given incorrectly'
37 " and 'illegal process_overseer', home_dir, etc. messages.
38 " Modified 770824 by G. Palter to change messages marked as "security" to
39 " include more informative information.
40 " Modified Winter 1978 and Spring 1979 by T. Casey for MR7.0 and MR7.0a to add several new codes for absentee enhancements.
41 " Modified October 1979 by T. Casey for MR8.0 for process preservation across hangups.
42 " Converted to ALM and ribbon shifts removed January 1980 by C. Hornig
43 " Added must_change, activity_unbump, January 1981, E. N. Kittlitz
44 " Added cdt damage codes 1/82, BIM
45 " Modified password prompts to not have newlines, and the next person to back it out eats hot bits. ENK, 5/83.
46 " Modified December 1983 by C. Marker Added bad_terminal_id
47 " Modified 84-04-05 BIM for aclass_banner_msg.
48 " Modified 84-06-20 BIM for strict_trusted_path
49 " Modified 85-01-31 E. Swenson for better "Another...is logging in" messages.
50 " Modified 85-03-04 E. Swenson for new password error messages.
54 " 1) change85-12-10Herbst, approve87-07-14MCR7663,
55 " audit87-07-24Brunelle, install87-08-04MR12.1-1055:
56 " Surrounded $warn_msg with additional newlines to accomodate new warn
57 " software.
58 " 2) change86-04-01Swenson, approve87-07-14MCR7737,
59 " audit87-07-24Brunelle, install87-08-04MR12.1-1055:
60 " Add new codes for login server user control support.
61 " 3) change87-04-21GDixon, approve87-07-14MCR7741,
62 " audit87-07-24Brunelle, install87-08-04MR12.1-1055:
63 " Provide a badly needed reorganization of this table, ALPHABETICALLY
64 " within sections. Sites which have replaced this table should compare
65 " this version with >ldd>tools>s>as_error_table_.mr12.0.alm to determine
66 " the actual additions made for MR12.1. Future modifiers, please add new
67 " entries in ALPHABETICAL ORDER.
68 " 4) change87-07-14Parisek, approve87-07-14MCR7644,
69 " audit87-07-24Brunelle, install87-08-04MR12.1-1055:
70 " Added "disc_hd_msg" for notifying user of disconnection via the
71 " disconnect user command, "no_disc_hd" for notifying user of a hangup
72 " after disconnection via the user disconnect command due to OFF
73 " "trusted_path_login" installation parm value, and "no_perm_disc" for
74 " notifying user he lacks the disconnect_ok process attribute.
75 " 5) change87-11-03GDixon, approve88-08-15MCR7969,
76 " audit88-08-03Lippard, install88-08-29MR12.2-1093:
77 " A) Double quotes in error message for $need_project_for_cdp message.
78 " phx19391 as 491
82 include et_macros
84 et as_error_table_
87 " Messages produced by parse_login_line_
89 ec bad_login_arg_msg,badlgarg,login: Invalid argument ""^a"".
90 ec bad_login_arguments_string,badagstr,login: Error processing arguments following -arguments.
91 ec bad_password_format,badpwfmt,login: Passwords must be 8 or less printing characters without spaces or semi-colons
92 ec need_authorization_for_cda,needauth,login: -change_default_auth requires that -authorization also be used.
93 ec need_project_for_cdp,needproj,login: syntax is ""login Person.NewDefaultProj -change_default_project.""
94 ec no_connect_aclass,nconacls,Your disconnected process^ #^d^ is not accessible from a terminal channel of this access class.
95 ec no_create_aclass,ncracls,You cannot create a process of the requested authorization from this terminal channel.
96 ec no_login_arg_msg,nolgarg,login: Expected argument missing after ""^a"".
97 ec only_one_connect_etc,oneconn,login: Only one of the arguments: -list -create -connect -new_proc -destroy can be given.
98 ec only_one_hold_no_hold,onehold,login: Only one of the arguments: -hold -no_hold can be given.
99 ec only_one_save_nosave,onesave,login: Only one of the arguments: -save_on_disconnect -no_save_on_disconnect can be given.
100 ec pw_format_warning,pwfmtwrn,login: Some of the characters entered as a password were ignored.
101 ec unrecognized_device,baddevc,login: Unrecognized terminal type ""^a"".
104 " Messages produced by lg_ctl_ and uc_login_
106 ec already_in_msg,already,^a.^a already logged in from ^a terminal ""^a"".
107 ec already_in_notify_msg,alrdynt,Another ^a ^a.^a is now logging in from ^a terminal ""^a"".
108 ec already_in_warn_msg,alrdy,Attempt to log in ^s^a.^a from ^a terminal ""^a"".
109 ec bad_anon_pw,anon_pw,Incorrect password supplied. " security
110 ec bad_password,bad_pass,Incorrect password supplied. " security
111 ec bad_personid,badpers,The user name you supplied is not registered. " security
112 ec bad_project,bad_proj,Specified project does not exist. " security
113 ec breach,breach,Security breach. Please contact administrative personnel. " security
114 ec breach_msg,brchmsg,Physical breach of security by ^a.^a from ^a ^a terminal ^a.
115 ec cant_give_dft_auth,cantdfta,You cannot login at your default authorization.
116 ec cant_give_that_authorization,cantauth,You cannot login at the requested authorization.
117 ec dft_auth_changed,da_chgd,Default authorization changed.
118 ec dft_proj_changed,dp_chgd,Default project changed.
119 ec ds_user_ignored,dsuser_x,No access check is required for this channel. The -user control argument is ignored.
120 ec ds_user_required,dsuser_r,You must use the control argument -user Person.Project for this channel.
121 ec illegal_hd_arg,illhd,You do not have permission to use the ""-home_dir"" argument.
122 ec illegal_ip_arg,illip,You do not have permission to use the ""-process_overseer"" argument.
123 ec illegal_om_arg,illom,You do not have permission to use the ""-outer_module"" argument.
124 ec illegal_save_arg,illsave,You do not have permission to use the ""-save_on_disconnect"" argument.
125 ec illegal_ss_arg,illss,You do not have permission to use the ""-subsystem"" argument.
126 ec last_login_msg,lliwas,Last login ^a from ^a terminal ""^a"".
127 ec login_anon_msg,logina,Anonymous user ^a.^a logged in ^a from ^a terminal ""^a"".
128 ec login_auth_msg,loginath,******^/Your authorization is ^a.^/******
129 ec login_msg,login,^a.^a logged in ^a from ^a terminal ""^a"".
130 ec long_ip_arg,longip,Argument to ""-process_overseer"" may not exceed 64 characters.
131 ec long_ss_arg,longss,Argument to ""-subsystem"" may not exceed 64 characters.
132 ec multiple_login_msg,multlogn,This is your ^d^a interactive login instance.
133 ec must_change,mustcpw,You must use the -change_password option to change your password.
134 ec must_use_generate_pw,use_gpw,Login incorrect. You must use the -generate_password option to change your password.
135 ec n_disconnected_procs_msg,ndiscon,You have ^d disconnected process^es^.
136 ec no_change,no_chnge,Change privilege denied. Contact User Accounts.
137 ec no_daemon_bit,non_daem,Permission to login as a daemon has not been granted.
138 ec no_disconnected_procs,nodiscon,You have no disconnected processes.
139 ec no_home_dir,hd_make,Home directory missing. Contact your project administrator.
140 ec no_line_permission,^lineacs,You do not have permission to use this channel.
141 ec no_name,no_name,Expected argument missing. User name not supplied.
142 ec not_in_pdt,not_pdt,You are not registered on the specified project. " security
143 ec operator_not_allowed,no_oper,You are not allowed to log in as an operator. " security
144 ec password_changed,pw_chgd,Password changed.
145 ec password_expired,pwexprd,Password expired. Please contact administrative personnel. " security
146 ec password_expired_msg,pw_exp,login: Your password has expired. It must be changed once every ^d days. " security
147 ec password_locked,pwlocked,Password is locked. Please contact administrative personnel. " security
148 ec password_probe1_mail_msg,probe1ml,Password for user ^a given incorrectly from ^a terminal ""^a"".
149 ec password_probe1_msg,probed1,Your password was given incorrectly at ^a from ^a terminal ""^a"".
150 ec password_probe_mail_msg,probeml,Password for user ^a given incorrectly ^d times most recently from ^a terminal ""^a"".
151 ec password_probe_msg,probed,Your password was given incorrectly ^d times recently.^/Last bad password ^a from ^a terminal ""^a"".
152 ec password_trap,pwtrap,Password used: ^a.^a ^a ^a ^a
153 ec password_unused_too_long_msg,pw_old,login: Your password has not been used in more than ^d days.^/ It has automatically expired. " security
154 ec pdt_missing,no_pdt,Project definition table missing. Please contact User Accounts.
155 ec person_auth_msg,persauth,person authorization is ^a ^a.
156 ec prog_err,prog_err,Programming error in answering service. Please contact staff programmers.
157 ec ring_too_high,ringhigh,Initial ring is greater than the highest you may specify.
158 ec ring_too_low,ringlow,Initial ring is less than the lowest you may specify.
159 ec terminal_auth_msg,termauth,terminal access class is ^a ^a.
160 ec too_many_bad_pw,toombpw,Too many bad passwords for ^a.^a from ^a ^a terminal ^a.
161 ec user_fg_cpu_limit,ufgcpulm,Job time limit exceeds user's foreground cpu time limit.
162 ec user_max_bg,umxbg,You already have your limit of background absentee processes.
163 ec user_max_fg,umxfg,You already have your limit of interactive and foreground absentee processes.
166 " Messages produced by dialup_
168 ec aclass_banner_msg,acban,Channel access class: ^a.
169 ec activity_unbump,act_unbp,Automatic logout cancelled because of your recent activity.
170 ec ask_for_help,helphelp,Please contact programming staff if you need assistance in correcting this problem.
171 ec automatic_logout,autolog,Automatic logout.
172 ec bad_answerback,badansbk,Incorrect answerback for this line.
173 ec bad_login_word_msg,badword,Incorrect login word ""^a"".
174 ec bad_terminal_id,badtid,Invalid attempt to set terminal id.
175 ec coming_up,coming,Multics is coming up. Try again in a few minutes.
176 ec detach,detach,Automatic detach.
177 ec dial_request_error,drqerr,Error in dial request. ^a
178 ec dialup_error,duperr,Unexpected system error in answering service.
179 ec disc_hd_msg,dischold,Your process is now disconnected from this terminal.
180 ec fpe_caused_logout,fpelgout,Fatal error. Process has terminated and requested user logout.
181 ec generated_pw_err,gpw_err,New password typed incorrectly.
182 ec generated_pw_msg,gpw_msg,Your new password is ""^a"" pronounced ""^a"".
183 ec give_connect_request,giveconn,Please type list create connect new_proc destroy logout or help.
184 ec give_connect_request_no_disc,givecnnd,Please type create logout or help.
185 ec give_instructions,giveinst,Please give instructions regarding your disconnected processes.
186 ec greeting_msg,multics,Multics ^a: ^a Channel ^a^/Load = ^.1f out of ^.1f units: users = ^d ^a
187 ec hangup_msg,hangup,hangup^/
188 ec help_gpw_verify,helpgpvf,Verify your generated password before changing it or enter ""quit"" to not log in.
189 ec help_new_pw,helpnpw,Enter your new password or enter ""quit"" to not log in.
190 ec help_npw_verify,helpnpvf,Verify your new password before changing it or enter ""quit"" to not log in.
191 ec help_password,helppw,You must enter your password or ""quit"" to not log in.
192 ec illegal_new_proc,badnproc,You cannot ""new_proc"" to the requested authorization.
193 ec illegal_signal,badsignl,Invalid logout signal to answering service.
194 ec init_err,init_err,Process cannot be initialized.
195 ec init_term_msg,initterm,Fatal error during process initialization. ^a
196 ec list_disconnected_msg,listdisc,^3d.^2xlogged in ^a over channel ^a terminal ""^a"".
197 ec login_args,loginags,Personid Projectid and optional arguments:
198 ec logout1_msg,logout1,^a.^a logged out ^a^/CPU usage ^d sec memory usage ^.1f units cost $^.2f.
199 ec logout_disconnected_msg,logodisc,^a.^a logged out ^a^/while disconnected. No process affected by this logout.
200 ec logout_msg,logout,^a.^a logged out ^a^/CPU usage ^d min ^d sec memory usage ^.1f units cost $^.2f.
201 ec long_ip_ss_args,longipss,Sum of ""-process_overseer"" and ""-subsystem"" argument lengths may not exceed 64 characters.
202 ec must_give_proc_no,giveproc,You must specify the process number since you have more than one disconnected process.
203 ec new_password_indistinct,pwindsct,The new password is equivalent to the old password.
204 ec new_pw_err,npw_err,New password typed incorrectly second time.
205 ec no_disc_hd,nodischd,Your process is now disconnected; this terminal will hangup to ensure secure logins.
206 ec no_init_proc,no_initp,Unable to locate process overseer procedure.
207 ec no_io_attach,no_ioatt,Unable to attach process I/O streams.
208 ec no_logout_hold,nolohold,logout -hold is not permitted.
209 ec no_perm_disc,nodiscok,Your process lacks the disconnect_ok attribute.
210 ec no_signal,nosignal,Process terminated without signalling answering service.
211 ec no_such_process_msg,nonesuch,You don't have a disconnected process number ^d.
212 ec not_implemented_msg,notimp,The ^a request is not yet implemented. Sorry.
213 ec now_logged_in,loggedin,You are now logged in but your terminal is not connected to a process.
214 ec npw_again_msg,npwagain,New Password Again:
215 ec npw_msg,npw_msg,New Password:
216 ec only_after_login_msg,aftrlogi,The ^a request is only valid after a successful login.
217 ec preaccess_request_error,prerqerr,Error in preaccess request. ^a
218 ec proc_term_loop_msg,proctmlp,Fatal error. Process has terminated. ^a^/You appear to be in a fatal process error loop.
219 ec proc_term_msg,procterm,Fatal error. Process has terminated. ^a^/New process created.
220 ec process_create_fail,nocr,Process cannot be created. Please contact programming staff.
221 ec pw_msg,pw_msg,Password:
222 ec rq_invalid_now_msg,rqinvlnw,The ""^a"" request is not valid at this time.
223 ec shutdown,shutdown,Multics is shutting down.
224 ec special_session,specsess,Special session in progress.
225 ec term_by_operator,operterm,Termination performed by operator.
226 ec try_again,tryag,Please try to login again or type ""help"" for instructions.
227 ec unknown_arg_msg,unkarg,Unknown argument ""^a"".
228 ec unknown_request_msg,unkreq,Unknown request ""^a"".
229 ec user_typed_quit,userquit,Login stopped by ""quit"".
232 " Messages produced by dial_ctl_
234 ec dial_connect_msg,dial_ok, ^a terminal ""^a"" dialed to ^a at ^a.
235 ec dial_sys_msg,dial_sys,^a ^a ^a dialed to Initializer.
236 ec dialagain,dl_again,Master process terminated. Please reissue dial command.
237 ec dialdied,dialdied,Master process logged out. Dial connection terminated.
238 ec dialnoline,dlnoline,Dial line not specified.
239 ec dialnotup,dialntup,Dial line not active.
242 " Messages produced by act_ctl_
244 ec cut_proj_date,projdate,Your project's account is past its termination date.
245 ec cut_proj_funds,projfund,Your project's account is out of funds.
246 ec cut_proj_other,projothr,Your project may not log in. Contact User Accounts.
247 ec cut_user_cut_msg,abslimit,User cutoff limit of $^.2f until ^a exceeded.
248 ec cut_user_date_msg,absdate,User cutoff date of ^a has arrived.
249 ec cut_user_limit_msg,limitu,User resource limit of $^.2f ^a exceeded.
250 ec cut_user_mlim_msg,mnthlim,User resource limit of $^.2f monthly exceeded.
251 ec cut_user_shift_msg,shiftlim,User resource limit of $^.2f for shift ^d exceeded.
252 ec inactive,inactive,Maximum inactive time exceeded.
253 ec proj_low_funds,wfunds,Your project's account has less than $^.2f ^d% of its funds remaining.
254 ec user_warn_days,udays,Your user cutoff will occur on ^a.
255 ec user_warn_funds,ufund,You have less than $^.2f remaining^a.
256 ec user_warn_pct,upct,You have less than ^d% of your funds remaining^a.
257 ec warn_proj_date,wdate,Your project's account has less than ^d days until its termination date.
260 " Messages produced by load_ctl_
262 ec bumped_in_group,bump_grp,
263 ec bumped_secondary,bump_sec,
264 ec gpabsmax,gpabsmax,Load control group full. Please try again later.
265 ec groupmax,groupmax,Load control group full. Please try again later.
266 ec grp_full,grp_full,Load control group full. Please try again later.
267 ec nf_nosec,nf_nosec,Load control group full. Please try again later.
268 ec no_group,no_group,Error in load control tables.
269 ec no_primary,no_prime,User may not be primary.
270 ec no_user_to_bump,cant_bum,Load control group full. Please try again later.
271 ec not_full,not_full,
272 ec preempt_emergency,pr_emrg,Emergency preemption.
273 ec preempt_emergency_prime,pr_emrgx,Emergency prime preemption.
274 ec preempt_group,pr_grp,Group preemption.
275 ec preempt_secondary,pr_sec,Secondary user preemption.
276 ec proj_max,proj_max,Project maximum users exceeded.
277 ec protec_msg,protec,You are protected from preemption.
278 ec protec_till_msg,protec1,You are protected from preemption until ^a.
279 ec saturate,saturate,There is no room to create a user process.
280 ec subject,subject,You are subject to preemption.
281 ec sys_full,sys_full,System full. Please try again later.
282 ec sysgrpfl,sysgrpfl,Load control group full. Please try again later.
285 " Messages produced by admin
287 ec admin_mode_busy,ambsy,Another terminal is already in admin mode.
288 ec special_sess_msg,specmsg,Special Session in progress.
289 ec sys_down_msg,sysdown,Multics is shutting down. ^a
290 ec try_again_at_msg,tagat,Try again at ^a.
291 ec warn_msg,warn,^/^/******** ^a^/From Operator: ^a^/********^/
294 " Messages produced by table updating.
296 ec chn_auth_excludes,chndown,Channel authorization changed to exclude user authorization range.
297 ec chn_deleted,chndelet,Terminal channel deleted.
298 ec chn_svc_changed,chnsvchg,Terminal channel service type changed.
299 ec person_auth_excludes,persdown,User PNT authorization changed to exclude authorization range.
300 ec proj_auth_excludes,projdown,Project authorization changed to exclude user authorization range.
301 ec proj_deleted,jdelete,Project deleted.
302 ec user_auth_excludes,userdown,User authorization range now excludes current authorization.
303 ec user_deleted,udelete,User deleted from project.
306 " Messages produced by asu_
308 ec bump_cancelled,bumpcanc,Your automatic logout has been cancelled.
309 ec bump_mins_msg,bump_min,^/You will be logged out in ^d minutes^a.
310 ec bump_secs_msg,bump_sec,^/You will be logged out in ^d seconds^a.
311 ec from_multics_msg,from_mx,^/******** ^a^/From Multics: ^a^a^/********
312 ec tty_already,ttyalrdy,This channel is already known.
313 ec tty_dim_err,ttyerror,TTY-dim error on this channel.
314 ec tty_is_master,ttymastr,This channel is the initializer console and should not be in the cdt.
315 ec tty_no_room,ttynroom,There is no room in the answer table for this channel.
318 " Messages involved with the CDT
320 ec cdt_not_shut_down,cdt^shut,The CDT was not shut down from the previous Multics session. It may be inconsistent.
321 ec cdt_rethreading_error,errrthd,Error while rethreading CDT. Operation aborted.
322 ec cdte_in_use_wrong,badinuse,The counts of CDT entries in use do not agree with the header. The header is corrected.
323 ec illegal_top_mpx_name,cdtbtn,A channel was found with a name reserved for a FNP.
324 ec repeated_cdt_damage,rptdmg,Repeated damage to cdt threads encountered. Operation aborted.
325 ec salvage_cdt,salvcdt,Threading inconsistencies found in CDT. Salvaging needed.
328 " Messages for login server support
330 ec already_logged_in,alrdlog,You are already logged in.
332 end