1 /* ***********************************************************
  2    *                                                         *
  3    * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1983 *
  4    *                                                         *
  5    *********************************************************** */
  7 /* format: style2,ifthenstmt,ifthendo,ifthen,^indnoniterdo,indcomtxt,^inditerdo,idind22 */
  9 /* cv_links_to_mail_table: copies the information from the mailbox links
 10    directory into the Mail Table, which is its replacement */
 12 /* Written: 11 August 1983 by B. Margolin */
 14 cv_links_to_mail_table:
 15      proc ();
 17           /*** Automatic/Based ***/
 19           dcl     1 alias_mte           aligned like mail_table_entry;
 20           dcl     area_ptr              ptr;
 21           dcl     arg                   char (arg_len) based (arg_ptr);
 22           dcl     arg_count             fixed bin;
 23           dcl     arg_len               fixed bin (21);
 24           dcl     arg_ptr               ptr;
 25           dcl     code                  fixed bin (35);
 26           dcl     dummy_ptr             ptr;
 27           dcl     1 new_mte             aligned like mail_table_entry;
 28           dcl     new_name_explanation  char (128);
 29           dcl     no_query              bit (1);
 30           dcl     1 old_mtre            aligned like mail_table_raw_entry;
 31           dcl     sci_ptr               ptr;
 33           /*** Static ***/
 35           dcl     LINKS_NAME            char (32) int static options (constant) init ("*.mbx");
 36           dcl     LOWERCASE             char (26) int static options (constant) init ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
 37           dcl     UPPERCASE             char (26) int static options (constant) init ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
 38           dcl     WHOAMI                char (22) int static options (constant) init ("cv_links_to_mail_table");
 39           dcl     VERSION               char (3) int static options (constant) init ("1.0");
 40           dcl     (
 41                   error_table_$bad_arg,
 42                   error_table_$badopt,
 43                   error_table_$not_privileged
 44                   )                     fixed bin (35) ext static;
 45           dcl     mlsys_data_$mailbox_link_directory
 46                                         char (168) unaligned external static;
 48           /*** Entries ***/
 50           dcl     com_err_              entry () options (variable);
 51           dcl     command_query_$yes_no entry () options (variable);
 52           dcl     hcs_$star_dir_list_   entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (3), ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin, ptr, ptr,
 53                                         fixed bin (35));
 54           dcl     mail_table_priv_$add  entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
 55           dcl     mail_table_priv_$get  entry (char(*) var, ptr, fixed bin(35));
 56           dcl     ssu_$abort_line       entry () options (variable);
 57           dcl     ssu_$arg_count        entry (ptr, fixed bin);
 58           dcl     ssu_$arg_ptr          entry (ptr, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (21));
 59           dcl     ssu_$destroy_invocation
 60                                         entry (ptr);
 61           dcl     ssu_$get_area         entry (ptr, ptr, char (*), ptr);
 62           dcl     ssu_$release_area     entry (ptr, ptr);
 63           dcl     ssu_$standalone_invocation
 64                                         entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), ptr, entry, fixed bin (35));
 66           /*** Misc ***/
 67           dcl     (cleanup, linkage_error)
 68                                         condition;
 69           dcl     (addr, binary, codeptr, divide, index, length, null, reverse, rtrim, substr)
 70                                         builtin;
 71 %page;
 72 %include mail_table_entry;
 73 %page;
 74 %include query_info;
 75 %page;
 76 %include star_structures;
 77 ^L
 78           area_ptr, sci_ptr = null ();
 79           code = 0;
 80           on cleanup call cleanup_proc ();
 81           call ssu_$standalone_invocation (sci_ptr, WHOAMI, VERSION, null (), abort_cltmt, code);
 82           if code ^= 0 then do;
 83                call com_err_ (code, WHOAMI, "Creating standalone subsystem invocation.");
 84                return;
 85           end;
 87           on linkage_error
 88                begin;
 89                     call ssu_$abort_line (sci_ptr, error_table_$not_privileged,
 90                          "Access to mail_table_priv_ gate is required.");
 91                end;
 92           dummy_ptr = codeptr (mail_table_priv_$add);
 93           revert linkage_error;
 95           call ssu_$arg_count (sci_ptr, arg_count);
 96           if arg_count > 1 then call ssu_$abort_line (sci_ptr, 0, "Usage:  ^a {-no_query}", WHOAMI);
 97           if arg_count = 1 then do;
 98                call ssu_$arg_ptr (sci_ptr, 1, arg_ptr, arg_len);
 99                if arg = "-no_query" | arg = "-nqy" then no_query = "1"b;
100                else if index (arg, "-") = 1 then call ssu_$abort_line (sci_ptr, error_table_$badopt, "^a", arg);
101                else call ssu_$abort_line (sci_ptr, error_table_$bad_arg, "^a", arg);
102           end;
103           else no_query = "0"b;
105           call ssu_$get_area (sci_ptr, null (), "star dir list", area_ptr);
107           star_select_sw = star_LINKS_ONLY_WITH_LINK_PATHS;
108           call hcs_$star_dir_list_ (mlsys_data_$mailbox_link_directory, LINKS_NAME, star_select_sw, area_ptr,
109                star_branch_count, star_link_count, star_list_branch_ptr, star_list_names_ptr, code);
110           if code ^= 0 then
111                call ssu_$abort_line (sci_ptr, code, "Listing ^a in ^a.", LINKS_NAME, mlsys_data_$mailbox_link_directory);
113           /*** Initialize some structures used below ***/
114           old_mtre.version = MAIL_TABLE_RAW_ENTRY_VERSION_1;
115           old_mtre.mbz = ""b;
116           alias_mte.version, new_mte.version = MAIL_TABLE_ENTRY_VERSION_1;
117           query_info.version = query_info_version_6;
118           query_info.explanation_ptr = addr (new_name_explanation);
119                                                             /* Fill in length after calling ioa_ */
120           /*** Rest of the query_info defaults are correct ***/
122           do star_linkx = 1 to star_link_count;
123                call cv_link (star_links (star_linkx));
124           end;
127           call cleanup_proc ();
128           return;
130 abort_cltmt:
131      proc ();
133           go to GLOBAL_EXIT;
135      end abort_cltmt;
137 cleanup_proc:
138      proc ();
140           if area_ptr ^= null () then call ssu_$release_area (sci_ptr, area_ptr);
141           if sci_ptr ^= null () then call ssu_$destroy_invocation (sci_ptr);
142           return;
144      end cleanup_proc;
146 cv_link:
147      proc (P_link);
149           dcl     1 P_link              parameter aligned like star_links;
151           /*** Automatic ***/
153           dcl     buffer                char (256);
154           dcl     buffer_used           fixed bin (21);
155           dcl     case_ins_lookup       fixed bin;
156           dcl     case_sens_lookup      fixed bin;
157           dcl     code                  fixed bin (35);
158           dcl     dummy_address_ptr     ptr;
159           dcl     link_address_ptr      ptr;
160           dcl     link_name             char (32) varying;
161           dcl     link_target_dname     char (168);
162           dcl     link_target_ename     char (32);
163           dcl     mte_address_ptr       ptr;
164           dcl     name                  char (32) varying;
165           dcl     reverse_name          char (32);
166           dcl     trying_new_name       bit (1);
168           /*** Static ***/
170           dcl     (
171                   FOUND                 init (1),
172                   NOT_FOUND             init (2),
173                   AMBIGUOUS             init (3)
174                   )                     fixed bin int static options (constant);
175           dcl     (
176                   error_table_$id_not_found,
177                   mlsys_et_$ambiguous_address
178                   )                     fixed bin (35) ext static;
180           /*** Entries ***/
182           dcl     expand_pathname_      entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35));
183           dcl     mail_system_$compare_addresses
184                                         entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)) returns (bit (1) aligned);
185           dcl     mail_system_$create_forum_address
186                                         entry (char (*), char (*), char (*) var, char (*) var, ptr, fixed bin (35));
187           dcl     mail_system_$create_mailbox_address
188                                         entry (char (*), char (*), char (*) var, char (*) var, ptr, fixed bin (35));
189           dcl     mail_system_$create_mailing_list_address
190                                         entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*) var, char (*) var, ptr, fixed bin (35));
191           dcl     mail_system_$create_user_mailbox_address
192                                         entry (char (*) var, char (*) var, char (*) var, ptr, fixed bin (35));
193           dcl     mail_system_$free_address
194                                         entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
195           dcl     mail_table_$get       entry (char (*) var, ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35));
196           dcl     mail_table_priv_$get_raw_by_name
197                                         entry (char (*) var, ptr, fixed bin (35));
198           dcl     mlsys_utils_$format_address_field
199                                         entry (char (*) var, ptr, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (21),
200                                         fixed bin (35));
201           dcl     mlsys_utils_$parse_address_text
202                                         entry (char (*), ptr, fixed bin (35));
203           dcl     ssu_$print_message    entry () options (variable);
205           code = 0;
206           buffer_used = 0;                                  /* Haven't yet formatted the link target address */
207           trying_new_name = "0"b;
208           link_name = rtrim (star_list_names (P_link.nindex));
209           call strip_mbx_suffix (star_list_names (P_link.nindex), name);
210                                                             /* remove suffix */
211           link_address_ptr, mte_address_ptr = null ();      /* For cleanup handler */
213           on cleanup call free_addresses ();
215 CV_LINK_NEW_NAME:                                           /* come from query_add */
216           call mail_table_priv_$get_raw_by_name (name, addr (old_mtre), code);
217           if code = 0 then do;
218                case_sens_lookup = FOUND;
219                if length (old_mtre.mailing_address) > 0 then do;
220                     call mlsys_utils_$parse_address_text ((old_mtre.mailing_address), mte_address_ptr, code);
221                     if code ^= 0 then do;
222                          call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code,
223                               "Parsing address in Mail Table entry for ^a: ^a; skipping to next link.", name,
224                               old_mtre.mailing_address);
225                          call abort_cv_link ();
226                     end;
227                end;
228                else if length (old_mtre.default_project) > 0 then do;
229                     call mail_system_$create_user_mailbox_address (old_mtre.name || "." || old_mtre.default_project, "",
230                          "", mte_address_ptr, code);
231                     if code ^= 0 then do;
232                          call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code,
233                               "Creating user mailbox address for Mail Table entry ""^a"" which^/has the primary name ""^a"" and the default project ""^a""; skipping to next link."
234                               , name, old_mtre.name, old_mtre.default_project);
235                          call abort_cv_link ();
236                     end;
237                end;
238                /*** else we just leave it null ***/
239           end;
240           else if code = error_table_$id_not_found then case_sens_lookup = NOT_FOUND;
241           else do;
242                call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code, "Looking up Mail Table entry for ^a, case sensitively.", name);
243                call abort_cv_link ();
244           end;
246           if case_sens_lookup = FOUND then
247                case_ins_lookup = FOUND;
248           else do;
249                call mail_table_$get (name, mte_address_ptr, (""), code);
250                if code = 0 then case_ins_lookup = FOUND;
251                else if code = mlsys_et_$ambiguous_address then case_ins_lookup = AMBIGUOUS;
252                else if code = error_table_$id_not_found then case_ins_lookup = NOT_FOUND;
253                else do;
254                     call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code, "Looking up Mail Table entry for ^a, case insensitively.",
255                          name);
256                     call abort_cv_link ();
257                end;
258                code = 0;
259           end;
261           /*** Get the address that the link points to ***/
262           if link_address_ptr = null () then
263                if substr (star_link_pathname, 1, length (">FORWARD>")) = ">FORWARD>" then do;
264                     call mlsys_utils_$parse_address_text (substr (star_link_pathname, length (">FORWARD>") + 1),
265                          link_address_ptr, code);
266                     if code ^= 0 then do;
267                          call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code, "Parsing address in link ^a: ^a; skipping to next link.",
268                               link_name, star_link_pathname);
269                          call abort_cv_link ();
270                     end;
271                end;
272                else do;
273                     call expand_pathname_ (star_link_pathname, link_target_dname, link_target_ename, code);
274                     if code ^= 0 then do;
275                          call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code,
276                               "Expanding pathname of target of link ^a: ^a; skipping to next link.", link_name,
277                               star_link_pathname);
278                          call abort_cv_link ();
279                     end;
280                     reverse_name = reverse (rtrim (link_target_ename));
281                     if index (reverse_name, reverse (".mbx")) = 1 then
282                          call mail_system_$create_mailbox_address (link_target_dname, link_target_ename, "", "", link_address_ptr, code);
283                     else if index (reverse_name, reverse (".mls")) = 1 then
284                          call mail_system_$create_mailing_list_address (link_target_dname, link_target_ename, "", "", "", link_address_ptr,
285                               code);
286                     else if index (reverse_name, reverse (".control")) = 1 | index (reverse_name, reverse (".forum")) = 1
287                     then call mail_system_$create_forum_address (link_target_dname, link_target_ename, "", "", link_address_ptr, code);
288                     else do;
289                          call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, 0,
290                               "Unrecognizable link target for ^a: ^a; skipping to next link.", link_name,
291                               star_link_pathname);
292                          call abort_cv_link ();
293                     end;
294                     if code ^= 0 then do;
295                          call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code,
296                               "Creating address for link ^a to ^a; skipping to next link.", link_name, star_link_pathname)
297                               ;
298                          call abort_cv_link ();
299                     end;
300                end;
301 ^L
302           /*** Now decide if we want to add the entry and aliases ***/
304 /* Here is how this heuristic works:
306    Calling mail_table_priv_$get_raw_by_name tells us if there is an exact match in the
307    Mail Table.  This information is in case_sens_lookup, which can either be
308    FOUND or NOT_FOUND.
310    Calling mail_table_$get tells us if there is a possibly-inexact
311    match, putting the information in case_ins_lookup.  FOUND means
312    there is exactly one case-insensitive match, NOT_FOUND means
313    there are none, and AMBIGUOUS means there are more than one.
315    Here are enumerated the possible combinations and their meanings:
316 */
317 /*^
318    #   sens        ins         meaning
319    -   ----        ---         -------
320    1   FOUND       FOUND       We have an exact match to an entry,
321                                but there may be other inexact
322                                matches.  If the existing Mail Table
323                                address and the link targets agree,
324                                then add the link's addnames as
325                                aliases.
326    2   NOT_FOUND   FOUND       We have an inexact match to a unique
327                                Mail Table entry.  Adding the entry
328                                would create an ambiguity.  If the
329                                existing Mail Table address and link
330                                targets agree then add the addnames
331                                as aliases.
332    3   FOUND       NOT_FOUND   ** Can't happen **
333    4   NOT_FOUND   NOT_FOUND   Simple case: there is no such entry
334                                in the Mail Table, so add it and add
335                                the addnames as aliases.
336    5   FOUND       AMBIGUOUS   ** Can't happen **
337    6   NOT_FOUND   AMBIGUOUS   We have an inexact match to several
338                                Mail Table entries.  Adding this
339                                would extend an existing ambiguity.
340                                Do so only if the user says so.
341 */
342 /*
343    In cases 1 and 2, mte_address_ptr will be the mailing address from the
344    Mail Table entry that was found, for use in comparing addresses.
346    If the links directory contains the following names:
347    FORD RK FOO ford
348    and the Mail Table contains:
349    Ford FORD rk
350    then the cases are as follows:
351    1: FORD
352    2: RK
353    4: FOO
354    6: ford
355 */
357           /*** If there is an exact match already in the Mail Table and they
358                both point to the same place, then use the addnames as aliases ***/
359           if case_sens_lookup = FOUND then                  /* Case 1 */
360                if mail_system_$compare_addresses (mte_address_ptr, link_address_ptr, (0)) then
361                     call add_aliases ();
362                else call query_add ();
363           /*** There are no matches, so just add it. ***/
364           else if case_sens_lookup = NOT_FOUND & case_ins_lookup = NOT_FOUND then do;
365                                                             /* Case 4 */
366                call add_entry ();
367                call add_aliases ();
368           end;
369           /*** We have an inexact match to a single entry, but they are
370                equivalent, so add the aliases. ***/
371           else if case_ins_lookup = FOUND then              /* Case 2 */
372                if mail_system_$compare_addresses (mte_address_ptr, link_address_ptr, (0)) then
373                     call add_aliases ();
374                else call query_add ();
375           /*** We have an inexact match, and adding it would extend or
376                create an ambiguity.  Query the user. ***/
377           else call query_add ();                           /* Cases 2 & 6 */
380           call free_addresses ();
381           return;
383 abort_cv_link:
384      proc ();
386           go to ABORT_CV_LINK;
388      end abort_cv_link;
390 free_addresses:
391      proc ();
393           if link_address_ptr ^= null () then call mail_system_$free_address (link_address_ptr, (0));
394           if mte_address_ptr ^= null () then call mail_system_$free_address (mte_address_ptr, (0));
395           return;
397      end free_addresses;
399 query_add:
400      proc ();
402           dcl     command_query_        entry () options (variable);
403           dcl     ioa_$rsnnl            entry () options (variable);
404           dcl     old_address_string    char (256) varying;
405           dcl     yes_sw                bit (1);
407           if no_query then do;                              /* He wants me to think for myself */
408                call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, 0,
409                     "Link ^a not converted because of case-insensitive Mail Table conflict.", link_name);
410                call abort_cv_link ();
411           end;
413           call format_link_address ();                      /* Fills buffer */
414           if case_sens_lookup = FOUND then do;              /* Addresses don't match */
415                if length (old_mtre.mailing_address) > 0 then
416                     old_address_string = old_mtre.mailing_address;
417                else old_address_string = old_mtre.name || "." || old_mtre.default_project;
418                call command_query_$yes_no (yes_sw, 0, WHOAMI,
419                     "The link ^a has the mailing address ^a."
420                     || "^/The Mail Table entry ^a has the mailing address ^a."
421                     || "^/Should the link target replace this Mail Table address?"
422                     || "^/Answer ""no"" to specify another Mail Table entry name to use.",
423                     "The link ^a^s does not have the same mailing address as"
424                     || "^/the the Mail Table entry ^a^s; replace the Mail Table entry?", link_name, substr (buffer, 1, buffer_used), name,
425                     old_address_string);
426                if yes_sw then call replace_entry ();
427           end;
428           else do;
429                call command_query_$yes_no (yes_sw, 0, WHOAMI,
430                     "The ^[specified name ^a^;link ^a.mbx^], address ^a, matches ^[a Mail Table entry^;several Mail Table entries^] case-insensitively."
431                     || "^/Should it be added to the Mail Table anyway, ^[creating an^;adding to the^] ambiguity?"
432                     || "^/Answer ""no"" to specify another Mail Table entry name to use.",
433                     "The ^[name ^a^;link ^a.mbx^] conflicts case-insensitively"
434                     || "^/with ^s^[a^;several^] Mail Table entr^[y^;ies^]; add it anyway?", trying_new_name, name, substr (buffer, 1, buffer_used),
435                     (case_ins_lookup = FOUND), (case_ins_lookup = FOUND));
436                if yes_sw then call add_entry_force ();
437           end;
438           if yes_sw then do;
439                call add_aliases ();
440                return;
441           end;
443           /*** Query about a new name ***/
444           call command_query_$yes_no (yes_sw, 0, WHOAMI,
445                "Would you like to specify a Mail Table name to try instead of ^a, for the link ^a?",
446                "Would you like to specify the Mail Table entry corresponding to the link ^s^a?", name, link_name);
447           if ^yes_sw then return;
448           call ioa_$rsnnl ("Please specify the Mail Table entry name to use instead of ^a.", new_name_explanation,
449                query_info.explanation_len, name);
450           /*** query_info.explanation_ptr already points there ***/
451           call command_query_ (addr (query_info), name, WHOAMI, "New name:");
452           trying_new_name = "1"b;
453           if mte_address_ptr ^= null () then call mail_system_$free_address (mte_address_ptr, (0));
454                                                             /* So we can try a new one */
455           go to CV_LINK_NEW_NAME;
457      end query_add;
459 add_entry:
460      proc ();
462           dcl     code                  fixed bin (35);
463           dcl     mail_table_priv_$add  entry (ptr, bit (1), fixed bin (35));
464           dcl     ok_to_add             bit (1);
466           if trying_new_name then do;
467                call command_query_$yes_no (ok_to_add, error_table_$id_not_found, WHOAMI,
468                     "The name ""^a"" is not the name of an existing Mail Table entry.^/Do you really wish to create a new entry with this name?"
469                     , "Create a new entry?", name);
470                if ^ok_to_add then return;
471           end;
473 add_entry_force:
474      entry ();
476           new_mte.name = name;
477           call format_link_address ();
478           new_mte.mailing_address = substr (buffer, 1, buffer_used);
479           new_mte.default_project, new_mte.acs_path.dir, new_mte.acs_path.entry = "";
480           /*** new_mte.version was initialized out of the loop ***/
481           call mail_table_priv_$add (addr (new_mte), "0"b, code);
482           if code ^= 0 then do;
483                call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code, "Creating the Mail Table entry ^a.", name);
484                call abort_cv_link ();
485           end;
486           return;
488      end add_entry;
490 add_aliases:
491      proc ();
493           dcl     addname_idx           fixed bin;
494           dcl     alias                 char (32) varying;
495           dcl     check_alias           char (32) varying;
496           dcl     check_idx             fixed bin;
497           dcl     code                  fixed bin (35);
498           dcl     error_table_$id_already_exists
499                                         fixed bin (35) ext static;
500           dcl     mail_table_priv_$add_alias
501                                         entry (char (*) var, char (*) var, bit (1), fixed bin (35));
503           do addname_idx = (P_link.nindex + 1) to (P_link.nindex + P_link.nnames - 1);
504                                                             /* Skip the first name */
505                call strip_mbx_suffix (star_list_names (addname_idx), alias);
507                /*** First a quick check ***/
508                do check_idx = P_link.nindex to addname_idx - 1;
509                     call strip_mbx_suffix (star_list_names (check_idx), check_alias);
510                     if length (check_alias) = length (alias) then
511                          if translate (check_alias, UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE) = translate (alias, UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE) then
512                               go to NEXT_ADDNAME;           /* The addname is just case-different, so skip it */
513                end;
515                call mail_table_priv_$get (alias, addr (alias_mte), code);
516                if code ^= error_table_$id_not_found then do;
517                     if (code = 0) & (alias_mte.name = old_mtre.name) then
518                          go to NEXT_ADDNAME;                /* It's already HIS alias, so don't complain */
519                     else if code = 0 | code = mlsys_et_$ambiguous_address then
520                          call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, error_table_$id_already_exists,
521                               "The addname ^a.mbx will not be added as an alias for ^a.", alias, name);
522                     else call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code,
523                               "Retrieving Mail Table info for ""^a"".  It will not be added as an alias for ^a.", alias,
524                               name);
525                     code = 0;
526                     go to NEXT_ADDNAME;
527                end;
528                /*** OK, add the alias ***/
529                code = 0;
530                call mail_table_priv_$add_alias (name, alias, "0"b, code);
531                if code ^= 0 then do;
532                     call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code, "Adding ""^a"" as an alias for ^a.", alias, name);
533                     code = 0;
534                end;
536           end;
537           return;
539      end add_aliases;
541 replace_entry:
542      proc ();
544           dcl     code                  fixed bin (35);
545           dcl     mail_table_priv_$update
546                                         entry (ptr, bit (1), fixed bin (35));
548           call format_link_address ();
549           new_mte = old_mtre, by name;
550           new_mte.version = MAIL_TABLE_ENTRY_VERSION_1;     /* That's the only difference */
551           new_mte.mailing_address = substr (buffer, 1, buffer_used);
552           call mail_table_priv_$update (addr (new_mte), "0"b, code);
553           if code ^= 0 then do;
554                call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code, "Updating the mailing address for ^a.  Skipping to next link.",
555                     name);
556                call abort_cv_link ();
557           end;
558           return;
560      end replace_entry;
562 format_link_address:
563      proc ();
565           if buffer_used ^= 0 then return;                  /* Already formatted it */
566           call mlsys_utils_$format_address_field ("", link_address_ptr, -1, addr (buffer), length (buffer), buffer_used,
567                code);
568           if code ^= 0 then do;
569                call ssu_$print_message (sci_ptr, code, "Formatting address for link ^a.mbx: ^a; skipping to next link.",
570                     link_name, star_link_pathname);
571                call abort_cv_link ();
572           end;
573           return;
575      end format_link_address;
577 strip_mbx_suffix:
578      proc (P_suffixed_name, P_stripped_name);
580           dcl     P_suffixed_name       char (*);
581           dcl     P_stripped_name       char (*) varying;
583           P_stripped_name = rtrim (P_suffixed_name);
584           P_stripped_name = substr (P_stripped_name, 1, length (P_stripped_name) - length (".mbx"));
585           return;
587      end strip_mbx_suffix;
589      end cv_link;
591      end cv_links_to_mail_table;