1 private_daemon_server: pdsr: proc (mno, sender, time, message);
  3 dcl  (mno, sender, time, message) char (*);
  4 dcl  whoami char (32) static init ("private_daemon_server") options (constant);
  5 dcl  iox_$detach_iocb entry (ptr, fixed bin(35));
  6 dcl  iox_$find_iocb entry (char(*), ptr, fixed bin(35));
  7 dcl  iox_$destroy_iocb entry (ptr, fixed bin(35));
  8 dcl  iox_$attach_ptr entry (ptr, char(*), ptr, fixed bin(35));
  9 dcl  iox_$open entry (ptr, fixed bin, bit(1) aligned, fixed bin(35));
 10 dcl  iox_$write_record entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35));
 11 dcl  iox_$close entry (ptr, fixed bin(35));
 12 dcl  cu_$arg_count entry () returns (fixed bin);
 13 dcl  cu_$arg_ptr entry (fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35));
 14 dcl  com_err_ entry() options(variable);
 15 dcl  ioa_ entry() options(variable);
 16 dcl  ioa_$rsnnl entry() options(variable);
 17 dcl  debug bit (1) static init ("0"b);
 18 dcl  hcs_$initiate_count entry (char(*), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(24), fixed bin(2), ptr, fixed bin(35));
 19 dcl  hcs_$terminate_seg entry (ptr, fixed bin(1), fixed bin(35));
 20 dcl  send_admin_command entry options(variable);
 21 dcl  arg based (ap) char (al), ap ptr, al fixed bin (21);
 22 dcl  pathname char (168);
 23 dcl  seg_length fixed bin (24);
 24 dcl  seg_ptr ptr;
 25 dcl  seg_contents char (seg_length) based (seg_ptr);
 26 dcl  seg_initiated bit (1) init ("0"b);
 27 dcl  code fixed bin (35);
 28 dcl  expand_pathname_ entry (char(*), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35));
 29 dcl  dirname char (168), entryname char (32);
 30 dcl  log_iocb_ptr ptr internal static init (null ());
 31 dcl  buffer char (128) aligned;
 32 dcl  channel char (256);
 33 dcl  channel_index fixed bin;
 34 dcl  (length, rtrim) builtin;
 35 dcl  cleanup condition;
 37 %include iox_modes;
 39         on cleanup call clean_up ();
 41         pathname  = "";
 42         if  cu_$arg_count () > 4 then do;
 43              call cu_$arg_ptr (5, ap, al, code);
 44              if code ^= 0 then call error (code, "Determining mailbox");
 45              pathname = arg;
 46         end;
 48         if pathname = "" then call error (0, "No mailbox pathname supplied");
 50         if log_iocb_ptr = null () then do;
 51              call iox_$find_iocb ("pdsr_log_io", log_iocb_ptr, code);
 52              if code ^= 0 then call error (code, "Finding log iocb");
 53              call iox_$attach_ptr (log_iocb_ptr, "vfile_ >sc1>private_daemon_server_dir>pdsr_log -append",
 54                   null (), code);
 55              if code ^= 0 then call error (code, "Attaching log iocb");
 56         end;
 58         call expand_pathname_ (pathname, dirname, entryname, code);
 59         if code ^= 0 then call error (code, "Expanding mailbox path");
 61         call hcs_$initiate_count (dirname, substr (entryname, 1, length (rtrim (entryname)) - 3) || "pdsr", "", seg_length, (0), seg_ptr, code);
 62         if code ^= 0 then call error (code, "Initiating .pdsr segment");
 63         seg_initiated = "1"b;
 64         seg_length = divide (seg_length, 9, 24, 0); /* convert bits to chars */
 66         if message = "login" then do;
 68              if debug then do;
 69                   call announce ();
 70                   call ioa_ ("pdsr test: sc_command login ^a", rtrim (seg_contents, byte (10)));
 71              end;
 72              else do;
 73                   call announce ();
 74                   call send_admin_command ("sc_command login ", rtrim (seg_contents, byte(10)));
 75              end;
 76              goto done;
 77         end;
 79         if message = "logout" then do;
 80              if debug then do;
 81                   call announce ();
 82                   call ioa_ ("pdsr test: sc_command logout ^a", rtrim (seg_contents, byte (10)));
 83              end;
 84              else do;
 85                   call announce ();
 86                   call send_admin_command ("sc_command logout ", rtrim (seg_contents, byte(10)));
 87              end;
 88              goto done;
 89         end;
 91         if message = "quit" then do;
 92              channel = rtrim (seg_contents, byte (10));
 93              channel_index = index (channel, " ");
 94              channel = substr (channel, channel_index + 1, length (channel) - channel_index);
 95              channel_index = index (channel, " ");
 96              channel = substr (channel, channel_index + 1, length (channel) - channel_index);
 97              if debug then do;
 98                   call announce ();
 99                   call ioa_ ("pdsr test: sc_command quit ^a", channel);
100              end;
101              else do;
102                   call announce ();
103                   call send_admin_command ("sc_command quit ", rtrim (channel));
104              end;
105              goto done;
106         end;
108         call announce_illegal ();
110 done:
111         if seg_initiated then call hcs_$terminate_seg (seg_ptr, (0), code);
112         return;
114 announce:
115         proc ();
116         call iox_$open (log_iocb_ptr, Sequential_output, "0"b, code);
117         if code ^= 0 then call error (code, "Opening log");
118         call ioa_$rsnnl ("^a: ^a:  ^a Performing Daemon ^a",
119              buffer, 128, rtrim (entryname), rtrim(time), sender, message);
120         call iox_$write_record (log_iocb_ptr, addr (buffer), length (rtrim (buffer)),
121              code);
122         if code ^= 0 then call error (code, "Attempting to write log file");
123         call iox_$close (log_iocb_ptr, code);
124         if code ^= 0 then
125              call com_err_ (code, whoami, "Attempting to close log file");
126         return;
127    end announce;
129 announce_illegal:
130    proc ();
131    call iox_$open (log_iocb_ptr, Sequential_output, "0"b, code);
132    if code ^= 0 then call error (code, "Opening log");
133    call ioa_$rsnnl ("^a: ^a: Illegal request ^a received from ^a",
134         buffer, 128, entryname, time, message, sender);
135    call iox_$write_record (log_iocb_ptr, addr (buffer), length (rtrim (buffer)),
136         code);
137    if code ^= 0 then call error (code, "Attempting to write log file");
138    call iox_$close (log_iocb_ptr, code);
139    if code ^= 0 then
140         call com_err_ (code, whoami, "Attempting to close log file");
141    return;
142 end announce_illegal;
144 clean_up:
145    proc ();
146    if seg_initiated then call hcs_$terminate_seg (seg_ptr, (0), (0));
147    return;
148 end clean_up;
151 error:
152    proc (a_code, a_message);
153    dcl a_code fixed bin (35);
154    dcl a_message char (*);
155    call com_err_ (a_code, whoami, a_message);
156    goto done;
157 end error;
159 close_log:
160    entry ();
161    if log_iocb_ptr ^= null () then do;
162         call iox_$detach_iocb (log_iocb_ptr, code);
163         if code ^= 0 then do;
164              call com_err_ (code, whoami, "Attempting to detach log");
165              return;
166         end;
167    end;
168    log_iocb_ptr = null ();
169    return;
171 debug_on:
172         entry ();
173         debug = "1"b;
174         return;
176 debug_off:
177         entry ();
178         debug = "0"b;
179         return;
181 end private_daemon_server;