1 globe: proc;
  3 /* This program draws the globe from any viewpoint.
  4    I have copied the CTSS incarnation of the program.
  5    */
  7 dcl (i, j, k, l, m, n) fixed bin,
  8      nelts fixed bin,                                       /* gui only lets me display 4000 lines */
  9      toomany fixed bin int static init (1000),
 10      ap ptr,
 11      al fixed bin,
 12      bchr char (al) unaligned based (ap),
 13      ec fixed bin,
 14      world_ptr ptr,
 15      temp_ptr ptr;
 17 dcl (fa1, fa2, fa3, fa4, fa5, fa6, fa7, fa8, fa9) float bin,
 18     (cosa, cosp, cost, sina, sint, sinp) float bin,
 19     (x0, y0, z0) float bin,
 20      z float bin,
 21      exit fixed bin init (0),
 22      mode fixed bin init (1),
 23      line fixed bin init (0),
 24     (ix, iy) fixed bin,
 25     (delx, dely) fixed bin,
 26     (xprev, yprev) fixed bin,
 27      icentr fixed bin init (0),
 28      jcentr fixed bin init (0),
 29      erase fixed bin init (0),
 30      TINY fixed bin init (2),
 31      rad float bin,
 32      radus float bin,
 33      factor float bin init (1.745329e-2),                   /* pi / 180 */
 34      frac float bin init (0.0e0);
 36 dcl  alpha float bin init (0.0e0),
 37      phi float bin init (42.36058333e0),                    /* Latitude of IPC 42-21-38.1 N */
 38      theta float bin init (288.9063333e0),                  /* Longitude of IPC 71-05-35.4 W */
 39      irad fixed bin,
 40      radius float bin init (1.0e0);
 42 dcl  gui_$ginit_ entry,
 43      gui_$gcirc_ entry (fixed bin, fixed bin),
 44      gui_$gvec_ entry (fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin),
 45      gui_$gsps_ entry (fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin),
 46      gui_$gdisp_ entry,
 47      gui_$grmv_ entry,
 48      gui_$geras_ entry;
 50 dcl 1 worldbin based (world_ptr) aligned,
 51     2 input (0:6048) fixed bin;
 53 dcl  temp fixed bin;
 55 dcl 1 component based (temp_ptr) aligned,
 56     2 x fixed bin (11) unal,
 57     2 y fixed bin (11) unal,
 58     2 z fixed bin (11) unal;
 60 dcl (addr, sin, cos, abs, null) builtin;
 61 dcl  name condition;
 62 dcl  sysin file;
 64 dcl  cu_$arg_ptr ext entry (fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin),
 65      hcs_$make_ptr entry (ptr, char (*) aligned, char (*) aligned, ptr, fixed bin),
 66      ioa_ ext entry options (variable),
 67      com_err_ ext entry options (variable),
 68      hcs_$terminate_noname ext entry (ptr, fixed bin);
 70 /* =============================================== */
 72           temp_ptr = addr (temp);
 73           call hcs_$make_ptr (null, "world.bin", "", world_ptr, ec);
 74           if world_ptr = null then do;
 75 er:            call com_err_ (ec, "globe", "world.bin");
 76                return;
 77           end;
 79           call gui_$ginit_;
 81 inform:   mode = 1;
 82           call ioa_ ("The following is an example of a complete input line:");
 83           call ioa_ (" phi = ^f, theta = ^f, alpha = ^f, radius = ^f;", phi, theta, alpha, radius);
 84           call ioa_ ("(phi and theta are latitude and longitude of the display center, and");
 85           call ioa_ (" alpha is rotation around the center. Radius 1.0 is full screen.)");
 86           call ioa_ ("To find the values of parameters, type:");
 87           call ioa_ (" mode = 0;");
 88           call ioa_ ("To exit from the program, type:");
 89           call ioa_ (" exit = 1;");
 91 start:    call ioa_ ("^/Enter input data");
 92           on name (sysin) begin;
 93                call ioa_ ("Illegal input.");
 94                go to inform;
 95           end;
 97           get data (phi, theta, alpha, radius, mode, exit);
 99           if exit = 1 then do;
100                call hcs_$terminate_noname (world_ptr, ec);
101                return;
102           end;
103           if mode = 0 then go to inform;
104           if erase = 0 then call gui_$geras_;
106           if phi < 0 then phi = 360.0e0 - phi;
107           if theta < 0 then theta = 360.0e0 - theta;
109           sinp = sin (phi * factor);
110           cosp = cos (phi * factor);
111           sint = sin (theta * factor);
112           cost = cos (theta * factor);
113           sina = sin (alpha * factor);
114           cosa = cos (alpha * factor);
116           fa1 = cost * cosa + sinp * sina * sint;
117           fa2 = -cosp * sina;
118           fa3 = cost * sina * sinp - sint * cosa;
119           fa4 = cost * sina - sint * cosa * sinp;
120           fa5 = cosp * cosa;
121           fa6 = -cost * cosa * sinp - sint * sina;
122           fa7 = sint * cosp;
123           fa8 = sinp;
124           fa9 = cost * cosp;
125           radus = radius * 512.e0;
126           irad = radus + 0.5e0;
127           line = 0;
128           rad = radus;
130           call gui_$gsps_ (0, irad, 0);
131           call gui_$gcirc_ (0, -irad);
133           call gui_$gdisp_;                                 /* Display the circle */
134           call gui_$grmv_;                                  /* Empty the display list */
135           nelts = 0;
136           do i = 6048 to 1 by -1;
138                if input (i) = -1 then go to done;
139                if input (i) = 0 then go to linend;
141                temp = input (i);
143                z0 = component.z / 1.e3 - 1.0e0;
144                y0 = component.y / 1.e3 - 1.0e0;
145                x0 = component.x / 1.e3 - 1.0e0;
147                z = fa7 * x0 + fa8 * y0 + fa9 * z0;
148                if z < frac then go to linend;
150                if mode ^= 2 then go to ster;
151                rad = radus / (z + 1.0e0);
153 ster:          ix = rad * (fa1 * x0 + fa2 * y0 + fa3 * z0);
154                iy = rad * (fa4 * x0 + fa5 * y0 + fa6 * z0);
155                ix = ix + icentr;
156                iy = iy + jcentr;
158                if abs (ix) > 1.e3 then go to linend;
159                if abs (iy) > 1.e3 then go to linend;
161                if line = 0 then go to newlin;
163                delx = ix - xprev;
164                dely = iy - yprev;
166                if abs (delx) < TINY then if abs (dely) < TINY then go to loop;
168                line = line + 1;
170                call gui_$gvec_ (delx, dely, 0);
171                nelts = nelts + 1;
172                go to more;
174 newlin:        call gui_$gsps_ (ix, iy, 0);
175                nelts = nelts + 1;
177                line = 1;
179 more:          xprev = ix;
180                yprev = iy;
182                go to loop;
184 linend:        if line = 1 then do;
185                     call gui_$gvec_ (1, 1, 0);
186                     nelts = nelts + 1;
187                end;
188                if nelts > toomany then do;
189                     call gui_$gdisp_;
190                     call gui_$grmv_;
191                     nelts = 0;
192                end;
194                line = 0;
196 loop:     end;
198 done:     call gui_$gsps_ (0, 512, 0);
199           call gui_$gdisp_;
201           call gui_$grmv_;
203           go to start;
205      end globe;