1 /* procedure to compare a group_id with another one possibly containing missing components */
 3 match_group_id_: proc (original, match) returns (bit(1));
 4  dcl (original, match) char(32) aligned;
 5  dcl group_id_part_ entry (char(32) aligned, fixed bin) returns (char(*));
 6  dcl i fixed bin;
 8  do i = 1 to 3;                         /* go through each part */
 9  if group_id_part_ (match,i) ^= ""      /* if matching group_id component is not null */
10     then if group_id_part_ (match,i) ^= group_id_part_ (original,i) then return("0"b); /* and it's not equal to original group_id component then return false */
11  end;                                   /* else keep looping */
13  return ("1"b);                         /* all components equal */
14 end;