1 add_epilogue: proc (cmnd_line);
 3 dcl  cmnd_line char (*);
 5 dcl  cu_$arg_count entry (fixed bin),
 6      nargs fixed bin;
 7 dcl  add_epilogue_handler_ entry (entry, fixed bin (35));
 8 dcl  err fixed bin (35);
 9 dcl  ioa_$ioa_stream entry options (variable),
10      exec_com entry options (variable),
11      stream_name char (16) init ("add_epilogue.str") static internal options (constant),
12      stream_iocb ptr;
13 dcl  iox_$attach_name entry (char (*), ptr, char (*), ptr, fixed bin (35)),
14      iox_$open entry (ptr, fixed bin, bit (1) aligned, fixed bin (35)),
15      iox_$close entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
16 dcl (error_table_$noarg,
17      error_table_$not_detached,
18      error_table_$not_closed) fixed bin (35) static external;
19 dcl (attached_here, open_here) bit (1);
20 dcl  com_err_ entry options (variable);
21 dcl  get_pdir_ entry () returns (char (168)),
22      pdir_name char (168);
24 dcl  prog char (12) init ("add_epilogue") static internal options (constant);
25 dcl (addr, null, rtrim) builtin;
27 /* end of declarations */
29           call cu_$arg_count (nargs);
30           if nargs = 0 then do;
31                call com_err_ (error_table_$noarg, prog,
32                     "Usage:^/  ^a Command-string^/  Command-string in quotes if it contains spaces",
33                     prog);
34                return;
35           end;
36           else if nargs > 1 then do;
37                call com_err_ (0, prog, "excess arguments.  put command line in quotes");
38                return;
39           end;
41           pdir_name = get_pdir_ ();
43           call iox_$attach_name (stream_name, stream_iocb,
44                "vfile_ " || rtrim (pdir_name) || ">dynamic_epilogue_.ec -extend",
45                null (), err);
46           if err = 0 then
47                attached_here = "1"b;
48           else if err = error_table_$not_detached then
49                attached_here = "0"b;
50           else do;
51 io_err:        call com_err_ (err, prog, "^a>^a", pdir_name, stream_name);
52                return;
53           end;
55           call iox_$open (stream_iocb, 2, "0"b, err);       /* stream output */
56           if err = 0 then
57                open_here = "1"b;
58           else if err = error_table_$not_closed then
59                open_here = "0"b;
60           else goto io_err;
62           if attached_here then
63                call ioa_$ioa_stream (stream_name, "&command_line off");
64           call ioa_$ioa_stream (stream_name, "^a", cmnd_line);
66           if open_here then do;
67                call iox_$close (stream_iocb, err);
68                if err ^= 0 then
69                     call com_err_ (err, prog, stream_name);
70           end;
72           if attached_here then do;                         /* use attachment as the cue for adding */
73                call add_epilogue_handler_ (dynamic_epilogue_, err);
74                if err ^= 0 then
75                     call com_err_ (err, prog, "dynamic_epilogue_");
76           end;
78           return;
80 /* dynamic epilogue procedure */
81 dynamic_epilogue_: entry ();
82           pdir_name = get_pdir_ ();
84           call exec_com (rtrim (pdir_name) || ">dynamic_epilogue_");
85           return;
87      end add_epilogue;