1 /* ******************************************************
  2    *                                                    *
  3    *                                                    *
  4    * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of   *
  5    * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *
  6    *                                                    *
  7    *                                                    *
  8    ****************************************************** */
 10 abs_control: proc;
 12 /*This procedure was written by Hunt, modified by Keller*/
 14 /* external procedure declarations */
 15 dcl
 16   (cu_$arg_count entry (fixed bin(17)),
 17    cu_$arg_ptr entry (fixed bin(17), ptr, fixed bin(17), fixed bin(35)),
 18    exec_com entry (char(*)),
 19    date_time_ entry (fixed bin(71),char(*)),
 20    com_err_ entry options(variable),
 21    cv_dec_check_ entry (char(*),fixed bin(35)) returns (fixed bin(35)),
 22    ipc_$create_ev_chn entry (fixed bin(71), fixed bin(35)),
 23    ipc_$decl_ev_call_chn entry(fixed bin(71), entry, ptr, fixed bin(17), fixed bin(35)),
 24    hcs_$make_seg entry (char(*), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(5), ptr, fixed bin(35)),
 25    hcs_$acl_add1 entry (char(*),char(*),char(*),fixed bin(5),dim(3) fixed bin(6), fixed bin(35)),
 26    get_process_id_ entry() returns (bit(36)),
 27    iox_$control entry(ptr, char(*), ptr, fixed bin(35)),
 28    timer_manager_$sleep entry (fixed bin(71), bit(2)),
 29    user_info_ entry(char(*),char(*)),
 30    ioa_$rsnnl entry options(variable),
 31    ioa_ entry options(variable),
 32    hcs_$wakeup entry(bit(36),fixed bin(71),fixed bin(71),fixed bin(35)))
 33 external;
 35 dcl iox_$user_io ptr external;
 36 dcl (null,clock) builtin;
 38 /* automatic storage */
 39 dcl (elapsed_mins, elapsed_time) float bin;
 40 dcl i fixed bin;
 41 dcl date_string char(24);
 42 dcl (dirlength, nargs, arglen, index) fixed bin(17);
 43 dcl  code fixed bin(35);
 44 dcl ringbr(3) fixed bin(6) init(4,4,4);
 45 dcl (argptr, msgptr) ptr;
 46 dcl dirname char(168);
 47 dcl user_id char(32);
 48 dcl project_id char(12);
 49 /* based storage */
 50 dcl  arg char(arglen) based(argptr);
 52 dcl 1 control_info based(segptr),
 53     2 low_sleep_time fixed bin(35),
 54     2 high_sleep_time fixed bin(35),
 55     2 ipc_channel fixed bin(71),
 56     2 ipc_second_channel fixed bin(71),
 57     2 start_time fixed bin(71),
 58     2 end_time fixed bin(71),
 59     2 process_id bit(36),
 60     2 sender_total fixed bin(35),
 61     2 sender_count fixed bin(35),
 62     2 (vcpusum, memusum, tcpusum, pfsum, vcpuave, memuave, tcpuave, pfave) float bin,
 63     2 pad fixed bin(35),
 64     2 process_array (50),
 65       3 virtual_cpu float bin,
 66       3 memory float bin,
 67       3 total_cpu float bin,
 68       3 demand_page float bin,
 69       3 slave_ev_chan fixed bin(71),
 70       3 slave_proc_id bit(36),
 71       3 pad bit(36);
 73 dcl event_message fixed bin(71);
 74 dcl 1 ev_msg based(msgptr) aligned,
 75       2 ev_channel fixed bin(71),
 76       2 ev_message fixed bin(71),
 77       2 sending_proc bit(36),
 78       2 origin,
 79         3 dev_signal bit(18) unal,
 80         3 sender_ring bit(18) unal,
 81       2 data_ptr ptr;
 82 /* static variables */
 83 dcl (startup, ending) bit(1) aligned internal static;
 84 dcl segptr ptr static init(null);
 85 dcl error_table_$itt_overflow fixed bin(35) ext static;
 87 /* begin procedure */
 88           startup,
 89           ending = "0"b;
 90           call user_info_(user_id,project_id);
 91           call ioa_$rsnnl(">udd>^a>^a",dirname,dirlength,project_id,user_id);
 92           call hcs_$make_seg(dirname,"abs_control_info","",01011b,segptr,code);
 93           if segptr=null() then
 94             do;
 95 err_ret:
 96               call com_err_(code,"abs_control","cannot initiate control of absentee jobs");
 97               return;
 98             end;
 99           control_info.sender_count = 0;
100           call cu_$arg_count(nargs);
101           if nargs^=1 then if nargs ^= 3
102           then do;
103 arg_number_error:
104                startup,
105                ending = "1"b;
106                call com_err_(0,"abs_control","arg count error");
107                return;
108                end;
109           call cu_$arg_ptr(1,argptr,arglen,code);
110           control_info.sender_total = cv_dec_check_(arg,code);
111           if code^=0
112           then do;
113 arg_error:
114                startup,
115                ending = "1"b;
116                call com_err_(0,"abs_control","bad argument");
117                return;
118                end;
119 common_init:
120           index = nargs - 1;
121           control_info.low_sleep_time = 2000000;            /* defaults of 2 seconds minimum */
122           control_info.high_sleep_time = 15000000;                    /* defaults of 15 seconds for max */
123           if index > 0 then do;
124                call cu_$arg_ptr(index,argptr,arglen,code);
125                control_info.low_sleep_time = cv_dec_check_(arg,code) * 1e6;     /*in microseconds*/
126                if code ^= 0 then go to arg_error;
127                call cu_$arg_ptr(index+1,argptr,arglen,code);
128                control_info.high_sleep_time = cv_dec_check_(arg,code) * 1e6;
129                if code ^= 0 then go to arg_error;
130                if index = 1 then return;
131                end;
133           call hcs_$acl_add1(dirname,"abs_control_info","*.*.*",01000b,ringbr,code);
134           if code^=0 then go to err_ret;
135           call ipc_$create_ev_chn(control_info.ipc_channel, code);
136           if code^=0 then go to err_ret;
137           call ipc_$decl_ev_call_chn(control_info.ipc_channel, synch, null(), 1, code);
138           if code^=0 then go to err_ret;
139           call ipc_$create_ev_chn(control_info.ipc_second_channel, code);
140           if code^=0 then go to err_ret;
141           call ipc_$decl_ev_call_chn(control_info.ipc_second_channel, interrupt, null(), 1, code);
142           if code^=0 then go to err_ret;
143           process_id=get_process_id_();
144           return;
146 set_sleep_time:     entry;
147           call cu_$arg_count(nargs);
148           if nargs ^= 2 then go to arg_number_error;
149           else go to common_init;
151 synch:    entry(msgptr);
152           if ^startup then do;
153                control_info.sender_count = sender_count+1;
154                control_info.slave_proc_id(control_info.sender_count) = ev_msg.sending_proc;
155                control_info.slave_ev_chan(control_info.sender_count) = ev_msg.ev_message;
156                if control_info.sender_count = control_info.sender_total then do;
157 force_start:        entry;
158                     control_info.sender_total = control_info.sender_count;
159                     startup = "1"b;
160                     control_info.vcpusum, control_info.memusum, control_info.tcpusum, control_info.pfsum = 0e0;
161                     call exec_com("reset_meters");
162                     do index = 1 to control_info.sender_total;
163                          event_message =  index;
164                          code = error_table_$itt_overflow;  /* initialize */
165                          do i=1 to 6 while(code = error_table_$itt_overflow);
166                               call hcs_$wakeup(control_info.process_array(index).slave_proc_id,
167                                    control_info.process_array(index).slave_ev_chan, event_message, code);
168                               if code = error_table_$itt_overflow
169                               then call timer_manager_$sleep(10, "11"b);   /* try again in 10 seconds */
170                               end;
171                          if code ^= 0 then call com_err_(code,"abs_control","wakeup error");
172                          end;
173                     control_info.sender_count = 0;
174                     control_info.start_time = clock();
175                     call date_time_(control_info.start_time,date_string);
176                     call ioa_("^3/BEGINNING OF METERING TEST--^a",date_string);
177                     end;
178                end;
179           call iox_$control (iox_$user_io,"start",null,code);
180           return;
182 interrupt:entry(msgptr);
184           if ^ending then do;
185                control_info.sender_count = control_info.sender_count+1;
186                index = ev_msg.ev_message;
187                control_info.vcpusum = control_info.vcpusum + control_info.process_array(index).virtual_cpu;
188                control_info.memusum = control_info.memusum + control_info.process_array(index).memory;
189                control_info.tcpusum = control_info.tcpusum + control_info.process_array(index).total_cpu;
190                control_info.pfsum = control_info.pfsum + control_info.process_array(index).demand_page;
191                call ioa_("        time ^.3f and memory units ^.3f from process ^d",
192                     control_info.process_array(index).virtual_cpu, control_info.process_array(index).memory, index);
193                     if control_info.sender_count = control_info.sender_total
194                     then do;
195 force_end:          entry;
196                          ending = "1"b;
197                          control_info.end_time = clock();
198                          call date_time_(control_info.end_time,date_string);
199                          call ioa_ ("^3/END OF METERING TEST --^a--",date_string);
200                          control_info.vcpuave = control_info.vcpusum/control_info.sender_count;
201                          control_info.memuave = control_info.memusum/control_info.sender_count;
202                          control_info.tcpuave = control_info.tcpusum/control_info.sender_count;
203                          control_info.pfave = control_info.pfsum/control_info.sender_count;
204                          call exec_com("print_meters");
205                          call ioa_ ("^3/END OF SUMMARIES");
206                          end;
207                end;
208           call iox_$control(iox_$user_io,"start",null,code);
209           return;
211 print_totals:       entry;
213                     elapsed_time = (control_info.end_time - control_info.start_time) * 1e-6;
214                     elapsed_mins = elapsed_time / 6e1;
215                     call ioa_(" ELAPSED REAL TIME IS ^.3f secs (^.3f mins)",
216                          elapsed_time, elapsed_mins);
217                     call ioa_ ("^2/SUMMARIES FOLLOW:^/");
218                     call ioa_ ("NUMBER OF PROCESSES: ^d^/", control_info.sender_count);
219                     call ioa_ ("              VIRTUAL CPU   MEMORY UNITS      TOTAL CPU    PAGE FAULTS");
220                     call ioa_ ("TOTALS    ^15.3f^15.3f^15.3f^15.0f", control_info.vcpusum, control_info.memusum,
221                          control_info.tcpusum, control_info.pfsum);
222                     call ioa_ ("AVERAGES  ^15.3f^15.3f^15.3f^15.0f", control_info.vcpuave, control_info.memuave,
223                          control_info.tcpuave, control_info.pfave);
224                     return;
226 end abs_control;