1 /* BEGIN   INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_static_.incl.pl1 ..... 01/23/76 J Falksen */
  2 /* UPDATED INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_static_.incl.pl1 ..... 06/29/76 D. Ward */
  3 /* UPDATED INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_static_.incl.pl1 ..... 12/15/78 P. Prange */
  4 /* UPDATED INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_static_.incl.pl1 ..... 10/27/82 P. Prange */
  6 /* format: style4,indattr,idind30 */
  7 dcl  1 lalr_static_$identification external static,
  8        2 vers,
  9          3 lalr                    char (8) varying,
 10          3 scanner                 char (8) varying,
 11          3 old_lalrp               char (8) varying,
 12          3 new_lalrp               char (8) varying,
 13        2 date                      char (32),
 14        2 command_name              char (16);
 15 dcl  1 lalr_static_$default        external static,
 16        2 print_data,
 17          3 maxlength               fixed bin,               /* "user_output" line length. */
 18          3 list_maxlength          fixed bin,               /* List segment line length. */
 19          3 error_maxlength         fixed bin,               /* "error_output" line length. */
 20          3 page_length             fixed bin,               /* List segment page length (less top and bottom margins). */
 21        2 hash_modulus              fixed bin,
 22        2 mla_max                   fixed bin,
 23        2 options                   bit (36),
 24        2 transfer_arg_number       fixed bin;
 26 dcl  static_data_ptr               ptr;
 27 dcl  1 static_data                 based (static_data_ptr),
 28        2 io_data,
 29          3 file_pointer            (25) ptr,
 30          3 file_length             (25) fixed bin (24),
 31          3 acl_info_ptr            (25) ptr,
 32          3 open_mode               (25) fixed bin,
 33          3 print_data,
 34            4 indent                fixed bin,               /* column to begin folded lines */
 35            4 maxlength             fixed bin,               /* "user_output" line length. */
 36            4 linelength            fixed bin,               /* Length of current "user_output" line. */
 37            4 list_maxlength        fixed bin,               /* List segment line length. */
 38            4 error_maxlength       fixed bin,               /* "error_output" line length. */
 39            4 list_linelength       fixed bin,               /* Length of current list line. */
 40            4 error_linelength      fixed bin,               /* Length of current "error_output" line. */
 41            4 page_length           fixed bin,               /* List segment page length (less top and bottom margins). */
 42          3 pathnames,
 43            4 lalr,
 44              5 dname               char (168),              /* directory name */
 45              5 ename               char (32) varying,       /* segment name less its suffix */
 46              5 cname               char (32) varying,       /* archive component name less its suffix */
 47              5 suffix              char (32) varying,       /* suffix for segment name or archive component name */
 48            4 sem,
 49              5 dname               char (168),
 50              5 ename               char (32) varying,
 51              5 suffix              char (32) varying,
 52            4 table,
 53              5 dname               char (168),
 54              5 ename               char (32) varying,
 55              5 suffix              char (32) varying,
 56        2 info,
 57          3 date_time               char (24),               /* date and time processor was invoked */
 58          3 user_id                 char (32) varying,       /* user invoking the processor */
 59          3 multiple_lookahead,
 60            4 mla_max               fixed bin,               /* max allowed */
 61            4 mla_min               fixed bin,               /* amount needed */
 62            4 indefinite_recursions fixed bin,
 63            4 infinite_lookaheads   fixed bin,
 64            4 max_lookahead_exceeded fixed bin,
 65          3 transfer_arg_number     fixed bin,
 66          3 unique_dpda_edges       fixed bin,
 67          3 optimization_gains,
 68            4 read_transitions      fixed bin,
 69            4 look_transitions      fixed bin,
 70            4 read_look_states      fixed bin,
 71            4 lookback_transitions  fixed bin,
 72            4 apply_states          fixed bin,
 73            4 multiple_look_transitions fixed bin,
 74            4 multiple_look_states  fixed bin,
 75            4 unique_dpda_edges     fixed bin,
 76            4 dpda_words            fixed bin,
 77            4 mla_min               fixed bin,
 78          3 hash_modulus            fixed bin,
 79          3 options                 unaligned,
 80            4 alm_sw                bit (1),
 81            4 gmap_sw               bit (1),
 82            4 brief_sw              bit (1),
 83            4 c_sw                  bit (1),
 84            4 rule_only_sw          bit (1),
 85            4 sor_sw                bit (1),
 86            4 sym_sw                bit (1),
 87            4 dpda_sw               bit (1),
 88            4 term_sw               bit (1),
 89            4 separate_semantics_sw bit (1),
 90            4 no_eoi_sw             bit (1),
 91            4 tl_sw                 bit (1),
 92            4 thl_sw                bit (1),
 93            4 sem_sw                bit (1),
 94            4 called_from_command_level bit (1),
 95            4 count_sw              bit (1),
 96            4 opt_sw                bit (1),
 97            4 syn_sw                bit (1),
 98            4 lgsc_sw               bit (1),
 99            4 asm_sw                bit (1),
100            4 ada_sil_sw            bit (1),
101            4 nd_sw                 bit (1),
102            4 time_sw               bit (1),
103            4 controls_sw           bit (1),
104            4 prod_sw               bit (1),
105            4 origin_zero_sw        bit (1),
106            4 hrs_fmt_sw            bit (1),
107            4 mbz                   bit (1),
108            4 prod_names_sw         bit (1),
109            4 vl_sw                 bit (1),
110            4 dx_sw                 bit (1),
111            4 no_sem_hdr_sw         bit (1),
112            4 opt_lk_sw             bit (1),
113            4 opt_ap_sw             bit (1),
114            4 opt_rd_sw             bit (1),
115            4 list_sw               bit (1),
116          3 dbs                     unaligned,
117            4 db_parse_grammar      bit (1),
118            4 db_classify_symbols   bit (1),
119            4 db_make_backpointers  bit (1),
120            4 db_make_lr0_cfsm      bit (1),
121            4 db_remove_inadequacies bit (1),
122            4 db_make_dpda          bit (1),
123            4 db_compress_dpda      bit (1),
124            4 db_list_symbols       bit (1),
125            4 mbz1                  bit (1),
126            4 db_io_utility         bit (1),
127            4 db_make_vtr_table_1   bit (1),
128            4 db_make_vtr_table_2   bit (1),
129            4 db_make_skip_table    bit (1),
130            4 db_make_table         bit (1),
131            4 mbz2                  bit (4),
132            4 db_optimize           bit (1),
133            4 db_make_vtr_table     bit (1),
134            4 mbz3                  bit (16);
136 dcl  input_part_ptr                ptr;
137 dcl  1 input_part                  based (input_part_ptr),
138        2 parse,
139          3 line                    fixed bin,
140          3 position                fixed bin,
141          3 length                  fixed bin,
142        2 recover                   like input_part.parse,
143        2 order                     like input_part.parse,
144        2 prelude                   like input_part.parse,
145        2 synonym                   like input_part.parse;
146 ^L
148 /*        File numbering
150    no     files
151    ==     ========
152    1      lalr_f
153    2      lalrlist_f
154    3      sem_f
155    4      variable_characters_f
156    5      productions_list_f
157    6      unclassified_symbols_list_f, symbols_list_f
158    7      terminal_characters_f
159    8      terminals_list_f
160    9      variables_list_f
161    10     terminals_hash_list_f
162    11     variables_hash_list_f
163    12     set_f
164    13     vtr_f
165    14     L_f
166    15     states_f
167    16     symbol_characters_f, backpointers_f, transitions_f
168    17     configuration_f, mlook_f
169    18     dpda_f
170    19     table_f
171    20     result_f
172    21     heap_f
173    22     None
174    23     None
175    24     None
176    25     None
177 */
179 /*        symbolic definitions for the files      */
181 dcl  L_f                           fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (14);
182 dcl  backpointers_f                fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (16);
183 dcl  configuration_f               fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (17);
184 dcl  dpda_f                        fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (18);
185 dcl  heap_f                        fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (21);
186 dcl  lalr_f                        fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (1);
187 dcl  lalrlist_f                    fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (2);
188 dcl  mlook_f                       fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (17);
189 dcl  productions_list_f            fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (5);
190 dcl  result_f                      fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (20);
191 dcl  sem_f                         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3);
192 dcl  set_f                         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (12);
193 dcl  states_f                      fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (15);
194 dcl  symbol_characters_f           fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (16);
195 dcl  symbols_list_f                fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (6);
196 dcl  table_f                       fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (19);
197 dcl  terminal_characters_f         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (7);
198 dcl  terminals_hash_list_f         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (10);
199 dcl  terminals_list_f              fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (8);
200 dcl  transitions_f                 fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (16);
201 dcl  unclassified_symbols_list_f   fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (15);
202 dcl  variable_characters_f         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (4);
203 dcl  variables_hash_list_f         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (11);
204 dcl  variables_list_f              fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (9);
205 dcl  vtr_f                         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (13);
206 ^L
207 dcl  list                          char (4 * sys_info$max_seg_size) based (static_data.file_pointer (lalrlist_f));
209 dcl  lalr_print_                   generic (
210                                    lalr_print_$none when (ptr, char (*), char (*)),
211                                    lalr_print_$one_v when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*) varying),
212                                    lalr_print_$one when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*)),
213                                    lalr_print_$one_one_v when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*) varying),
214                                    lalr_print_$two when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*)),
215                                    lalr_print_$three when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*)),
216                                    lalr_print_$four when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*)),
217                                    lalr_print_$five when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*)),
218                                    lalr_print_$six when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*)),
219                                    lalr_print_$code when (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)),
220                                    lalr_print_$code_fb17 when (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35), fixed bin),
221                                    lalr_print_$code_fb17_fb17 when (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35), fixed bin, fixed bin),
222                                    lalr_print_$code_one when (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35), char (*)),
223                                    lalr_print_$code_line_id when (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35),
224                                    1 aligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned),
225                                    lalr_print_$code_char_two_line_ids when (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35), char (*),
226                                    1 aligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned,
227                                    1 aligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned),
228                                    lalr_print_$fb17 when (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (17)),
229                                    lalr_print_$fb17_one when (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin, char (*)),
230                                    lalr_print_$fb17_one_fb17 when (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin, char (*), fixed bin),
231                                    lalr_print_$one_fb17 when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin),
232                                    lalr_print_$one_fb17_one when (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin, char (*)));
233 dcl  lalr_print_$none              entry (ptr, char (*), char (*));
234 dcl  lalr_print_$one_v             entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*) varying);
235 dcl  lalr_print_$one               entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*));
236 dcl  lalr_print_$one_one_v         entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*) varying);
237 dcl  lalr_print_$two               entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*));
238 dcl  lalr_print_$three             entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*));
239 dcl  lalr_print_$four              entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*));
240 dcl  lalr_print_$five              entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*));
241 dcl  lalr_print_$six               entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*));
242 dcl  lalr_print_$code              entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35));
243 dcl  lalr_print_$code_fb17         entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35), fixed bin);
244 dcl  lalr_print_$code_fb17_fb17    entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35), fixed bin, fixed bin);
245 dcl  lalr_print_$code_one          entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35), char (*));
246 dcl  lalr_print_$code_line_id      entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35),
247                                    1 aligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned);
248 dcl  lalr_print_$code_char_two_line_ids entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35), char (*),
249                                    1 aligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned,
250                                    1 aligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 fixed bin (17) unaligned);
251 dcl  lalr_print_$fb17              entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (17));
252 dcl  lalr_print_$fb17_one          entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin, char (*));
253 dcl  lalr_print_$fb17_one_fb17     entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin, char (*), fixed bin);
254 dcl  lalr_print_$one_fb17          entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin);
255 dcl  lalr_print_$one_fb17_one      entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin, char (*));
257 dcl  iox_$put_chars                entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (35));
258 dcl  iox_$user_output              ptr external static;
259 dcl  iox_$error_output             ptr external static;
260 dcl  sys_info$max_seg_size         fixed bin (19) external static;
262 dcl  lalr_severity_                fixed bin (35) external static;
264 /* END     INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_static_.incl.pl1 ..... */