1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_result.incl.pl1 ..... 05/01/82 P. Prange. */
 4 /* format: style4,indattr,idind30 */
 5 dcl  result_ptr                    ptr;
 6 dcl  1 header_2                    aligned based (result_ptr),
 7        2 version                   fixed bin,
 8        2 info                      unaligned,
 9          3 gen_version_name        char (48),
10          3 access_name             char (32),
11          3 installation_compiled   char (32),
12          3 date_compiled           char (24),
13          3 severity                fixed bin,
14          3 transfer_arg_number     fixed bin (8),
15          3 mla                     fixed bin (8),
16          3 indefinite_recursions   fixed bin,
17          3 infinite_lookaheads     fixed bin,
18          3 max_lookahead_exceeded  fixed bin,
19          3 rules                   fixed bin,
20          3 productions             fixed bin,
21          3 states                  fixed bin,
22          3 synonyms                fixed bin,
23          3 optimization_gains,
24            4 read_transitions      fixed bin,
25            4 look_transitions      fixed bin,
26            4 read_look_states      fixed bin,
27            4 lookback_transitions  fixed bin,
28            4 apply_states          fixed bin,
29            4 multiple_look_transitions fixed bin,
30            4 multiple_look_states  fixed bin,
31            4 dpda_words            fixed bin,
32        2 dpda_offset               fixed bin (19),
33        2 dpda_size                 fixed bin,
34        2 skip_offset               fixed bin (19),
35        2 skip_size                 fixed bin,
36        2 terminal_characters_offset fixed bin (19),
37        2 terminal_characters_length fixed bin (21),
38        2 terminals_hash_list_offset fixed bin (19),
39        2 terminals_hash_list_size  fixed bin,
40        2 terminals_list_offset     fixed bin (19),
41        2 terminals_list_size       fixed bin,
42        2 variable_characters_offset fixed bin (19),
43        2 variable_characters_length fixed bin,
44        2 variables_hash_list_offset fixed bin (19),
45        2 variables_hash_list_size  fixed bin,
46        2 variables_list_offset     fixed bin (19),
47        2 variables_list_size       fixed bin,
48        2 standard_prelude_offset   fixed bin (19),
49        2 standard_prelude_length   fixed bin (21),
50        2 productions_list_offset   fixed bin (19),
51        2 productions_list_size     fixed bin,
52        2 symbols_list_offset       fixed bin (19),
53        2 symbols_list_size         fixed bin,
54        2 production_names_offset   fixed bin (19),
55        2 production_names_size     fixed bin,
56        2 default_transitions_offset fixed bin (19),
57        2 default_transitions_size  fixed bin,
58        2 source_list_offset        fixed bin (19),
59        2 options_offset            fixed bin (19),
60        2 actions_list_offset       fixed bin (19),
61        2 actions_list_size         fixed bin,
62        2 names_list_offset         fixed bin (19),
63        2 names_list_size           fixed bin,
64        2 name_characters_offset    fixed bin (19),
65        2 name_characters_length    fixed bin,
66        2 mlook_offset              fixed bin (19),
67        2 mlook_size                fixed bin,
68        2 unique_dpda_edges         fixed bin,               /* Should be a level 3 member of header_2.info */
69        2 optimization_gains,                                /* Shouldn't even exist. */
70          3 unique_dpda_edges       fixed bin,               /* Should be in header_2.info.optimization_gains. */
71          3 mla                     fixed bin,               /* This one too. */
72        2 options_switches          bit (36) unaligned;      /* Should be a level 3 member of header_2.info */
74 dcl  lalr_result_version_3         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3);
76 /* END INCLUDE FILE  ..... lalr_result.incl.pl1 ..... * */