1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_lexical_stack.incl.pl1 ..... 02/04/84 Prange.SLANG */
 2 /* format: style4,indattr,idind30 */
 3 dcl  1 lalr_lexical_stack          (-lalr_parser_info.lookahead_size:lalr_parser_info.lex_stack_size)
 4                                    based (lalr_parser_info.stack_ptr),
 5                                                             /* lalr_parser_info.lookahead_size:-1 is the FIFO lookahead stack
 6                                                                1:lalr_parser_info.lex_stack_size is the LIFO lexical stack */
 7        2 invariant_part,                                    /* LALR predefined data */
 8          3 symptr                  ptr,                     /* pointer to symbol (must be valid) */
 9          3 symlen                  fixed bin,               /* length of symbol (may be 0) */
10          3 line_id                 aligned,                 /* identification of line where symbol begins */
11            4 file                  fixed bin (17) unaligned,/* the include file number */
12            4 line                  fixed bin (17) unaligned,/* the line number within the include file */
13          3 symbol                  fixed bin,               /* encoding of the symbol */
14        2 variant_part,                                      /* optionally defined lexical/semantic data */
15          3 lexical_data_1          bit (36),
16          3 lexical_data_2          bit (72),
17          3 lexical_info_ptr        pointer;
19 /* END INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_lexical_stack.incl.pl1 ..... */