1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_configuration_sets.incl.pl1 ..... 07/28/76 J Falksen */
  3 /* format: style4,indattr,idind30 */
  4 dcl  null_set                      fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (0);
  5 dcl  read_set                      fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (1);
  6 dcl  multi_la_set                  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (2);
  7 dcl  apply_set                     fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3);
  8 dcl  contention_set                fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (4);
  9 dcl  inadequate_set                fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (5);
 10 dcl  adequate_set                  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (6);
 11 dcl  empty_set                     fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (7);
 13 dcl  set_type                      (0:7) char (15) char internal static options (constant) init (
 14                                    "null_set",
 15                                    "read_set",
 16                                    "multi_la_set",
 17                                    "apply_set",
 18                                    "contention_set",
 19                                    "inadequate_set",
 20                                    "adequate_set",
 21                                    "empty_set");
 23 dcl  set_size                      fixed bin;
 24 dcl  set_ptr                       ptr;
 25 dcl  1 set                         (set_size) aligned based (set_ptr),
 26        2 type                      fixed bin,               /* Type of set. */
 27        2 symbol                    fixed bin,               /* Symbol or contention level. */
 28        2 first                     fixed bin,               /* First configuration of the set. */
 29        2 last                      fixed bin,               /* Last configuration of the set. */
 30        2 basis_set_length          fixed bin,               /* Number of configuration's in basis set for read, apply, and
 31                                                                inadequate sets.  Zero or other sets. */
 32        2 link                      fixed bin;               /* In lalr_make_lr0_cfsm_: link to the next set whose
 33                                                                basis set has the same hash value.
 34                                                                In lalr_remove_inadequacies_: link from level 1 look ahead
 35                                                                and contention sets to the corresponding adequate sets.
 36                                                                Zero in other look ahead and contention sets and all
 37                                                                empty sets. Link to self in all other sets. */
 39 dcl  configuration_size            fixed bin;
 40 dcl  configuration_ptr             ptr;
 41 dcl  1 configuration               (configuration_size) aligned based (configuration_ptr),
 42        2 symbol                    fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 43        2 next_set                  fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 44        2 production                fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 45        2 mark                      fixed bin (17) unaligned;
 46 dcl  1 configuration_doublet       (configuration_size) aligned based (configuration_ptr),
 47        2 symbol_and_next_set       fixed bin (35),
 48        2 production_and_mark       fixed bin (35);
 49 dcl  configuration_entry           (configuration_size) fixed bin (71) aligned based (configuration_ptr);
 51 dcl  1 contention_configuration    (configuration_size) aligned based (configuration_ptr),
 52        2 symbol                    fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 53        2 next_set                  fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 54        2 final_set                 fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 55        2 initial_configuration     fixed bin (17) unaligned;
 56 dcl  1 contention_configuration_doublet (configuration_size) aligned based (configuration_ptr),
 57        2 symbol_and_next_set       fixed bin (35),
 58        2 final_set_and_initial_configuration fixed bin (35);
 59 dcl  contention_configuration_entry (configuration_size) fixed bin (71) aligned based (configuration_ptr);
 61 dcl  1 lookahead_configuration     (configuration_size) aligned based (configuration_ptr),
 62        2 symbol                    fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 63        2 next_set                  fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 64        2 adequate_set              fixed bin (17) unaligned,
 65        2 mbz                       fixed bin (17) unaligned;
 67 /*
 68    ^O     Meaning of configuration table entries
 70    ^O     1. in APPLY and INADEQUATE sets (ignored in ADEQUATE set except by get_next_reads)
 71    ^O       production (>0)   => Production being applied (productions_list entry).
 72    ^O       mark (=1)         => Marking first symbol, production name.
 73    ^O       symbol (<0)       => Variable naming the production (variables_list entry).
 74    ^O       next_set (=0)     => -not used-
 76    ^O     2. in READ, INADEQUATE, and ADEQUATE sets
 77    ^O       production (>0)   => Production in which symbol being read (productions_list entry).
 78    ^O       mark (>1)         => Which symbol being read (counting productions_list(i).first_symbol as 1).
 79    ^O       symbol (<0)       => Variable being read (variables_list entry),
 80    ^O              (>=0)      => terminal being read (terminals_list entry).
 81    ^O       next_set (>0)     => Next set to examine when symbol read.
 83    ^O     3. in CONTENTION set
 84    ^O       final_set (<0)    => Final set to examine when lookahead successful.
 85    ^O       initial_configuration (>0)
 86    => Initial configuration in this chain.
 87    ^O       symbol (>=0)      => Terminal being looked ahead at (terminals_list entry).
 88    ^O       abs(next_set) (>0)
 89    => Next set to examine if still in contention.
 91    ^O     4. in LOOKAHEAD set
 92    ^O       adequate_set (>0) => adequate set headed for (used by trace back)
 93    ^O       mbz (=0)          => -not used-
 94    ^O       symbol (>=0)      => The terminal being looked at (terminals_list entry).
 95    ^O       next_set (<0)     => Next set to examine when terminal present.
 97 */
 99 dcl  states_size                   fixed bin;
100 dcl  states_ptr                    ptr;
101 dcl  1 states                      (states_size) aligned based (states_ptr),
102        2 type                      fixed bin,
103        2 first                     fixed bin unaligned,
104        2 last                      fixed bin unaligned,
105        2 next                      fixed bin unaligned,
106        2 owner                     fixed bin unaligned,
107        2 stack_delete              fixed bin unaligned,
108        2 production                fixed bin unaligned;
110 dcl  transitions_size              fixed bin (19);
111 dcl  transitions_ptr               ptr;
112 dcl  1 transitions                 (transitions_size) aligned based (transitions_ptr),
113        2 symbol                    fixed bin unaligned,
114        2 next_state                fixed bin unaligned;
115 dcl  transitions_double            (transitions_size) fixed bin (35) aligned based (transitions_ptr);
117 dcl  vtr_ptr                       ptr;
118 dcl  1 vtr                         aligned based (vtr_ptr),
119        2 varb                      (0:variables_list_size) unaligned, /* Heads of lists of transitions on each variable. */
120          3 last                    fixed bin (17),          /* vtr.trans index of last transition on this variable. */
121          3 one                     bit (1),                 /* True if all transitions are to the same next set. */
122          3 first                   fixed bin (17) unsigned, /* vtr.trans index of first transition on this variable. */
123        2 trans                     (131071) aligned,
124          3 from                    fixed bin unaligned,     /* set index of set making the transition */
125          3 to                      fixed bin unaligned;     /* set index of the set to which the transition is being made. */
127 /* Note: Elements of vtr.trans and transitions must be structurally equivalent since lalr_make_dpda_
128    copies slices from one to the other by aliasing bit strings onto them.
129    Elements of transitions must also be structurally equivalent to those of DPDA since
130    lalr_compress_dpda_ copies slices from transitions to dpda by the same technique. */
132 /*
133    ^O     Meaning of states type mnemonics.
134    ^O
135    ^O     (letters before _)
136    ^O     rs        Read and stack.
137    ^O     rns       Read but do not stack (a.k.a. lookahead one).
138    Can also stack on some transitions if optimized.
139    ^O     mla       Multiple lookahead (lookahead > one).
140    ^O     as        Apply (possibly insignificant) semantics.
141    ^O
142    ^O     (after _)
143    ^O     t         Table of transitions.
144    ^O     ust       Use shared table.
145    ^O     def       Table of transitions with a default look transition or
146    ^O               a read or look transition on the marked symbol (but
147    ^O               not both).  This type is created by the optimization
148    ^O               phase only.
149    con    Table of transitions which continue to another table.
150    This type is created by the optimization phase only.
151    single Table of transitions all having the same next state.
152    This type is used only with apply tables and is never shared.
153 */
154 dcl  1 null_states_type            internal static options (constant),
155        2 null                      fixed bin init (-1);
156 dcl  final                         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (0);
157 dcl  rs_t                          fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (1);
158 dcl  rs_ust                        fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (2);
159 dcl  rns_t                         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3);
160 dcl  rns_ust                       fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (4);
161 dcl  mla_t                         fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (5);
162 dcl  mla_ust                       fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (6);
163 dcl  as_t                          fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (7);
164 dcl  as_ust                        fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (8);
165 dcl  rns_def                       fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (9);
166 dcl  mla_def                       fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (10);
167 dcl  rns_con                       fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (11);
168 dcl  mla_con                       fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (12);
169 dcl  as_single                     fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (13);
171 dcl  erased_lookback               fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (0);
172 dcl  dont_care_state               fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (-1);
173 dcl  dont_care_symbol              fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (-1);
174 dcl  continuation_symbol           fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (-2);
175 dcl  erased_read_look              fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (-3);
177 /* Note: various procedures rely on the following invariants:
179    ^O      dont_care_state < erased_lookback <= 0 < lbound (states, 1)
180    ^O      erased_read_look < continuation_symbol < dont_care_symbol
181    ^O          < 0 <= lbound (terminals_list, 1)                      */
184 /* Format of states and transitions entries:
186    Each states entry specifies a  state.  states.type(i)  specifies the
187    "type" of state, for the i-th state. states.first(i) [f value below]
188    specifies  the  first entry of transitions to use. states.last(i) [l
189    value below] specifies the last.
191    For states types: rs_t,  rs_ust,  rns_t,  rns_ust,  mla_t,  mla_ust,
192    rns_def, mla_def, rns_con, and mla_con:
194    transitions(f), ..., transitions(l) is the table of terminal symbol/
195    next state pairs. transitions.symbol is a terminal to read. In state
196    types rns_def and mla_def the value dont_care_symbol is used  for  a
197    default  look  transition.  In  state  types rns_con and mla_con the
198    value continuation_symbol is used as  filler  in  the  first  entry.
199    Within  the  optimization phase, the value erased_read_look is given
200    to transitions.symbol in  rs_t  and  rns_t  states  to  represent  a
201    transition  that  has  been  erased.  transitions.next_state  is the
202    corresponding next state, i.e., states entry. Negative implies  that
203    the terminal symbol is being looked ahead at. In state types rns_con
204    and mla_con the  first  entry  specifies  the  state  at  which  the
205    terminal  symbol/next  state pairs continue. For states type rs_ust,
206    rns_ust, and mla_ust states.last(i) is not valid after optimization.
207    states.last(states.owner(i)) should be used instead.
209    states.production(i) is the look ahead level (zero for read  states)
210    and   states.stack_delete   (i)   is   zero.   After   optimization,
211    states.production(i) will still be one for rns_t, rns_ust,  rns_def,
212    and   rns_con   states  even  if  the  state  now  makes  only  read
213    transitions.
216    For all states types as_t, as_ust, and as_single:
218    states.stack_delete(i) is the number of entries to be  deleted  from
219    the  parse  and  lex  stacks.  (This  is one less than the number of
220    symbols in the production.) states.production(i) is  the  production
221    (productions_list index) being applied.
223    transitions(f), ..., transitions(l) is a table of look back  /  next
224    state pairs.
226    transitions.symbol is a lookback value, i.e., a value that can occur
227    in  the  parsing  stack, the number of a state that has already been
228    referenced. transitions.next_state is the corresponding  next  state
229    value,  i.e.,  next  states  entry.  A  value  of  zero  is given to
230    transitions.symbol to represent a transition that has been erased by
231    the   optimization  phase.  In  as_single  states  having  only  one
232    transitions entry, the value dont_care_state is used as a don't care
233    state number in transitions.symbol.
236    For state types rs_t, rns_t, mla_t, and as_t:
238    states.next(i) is the index of the first state (other than state  i)
239    using  the  i-th  state's transition table or zero if no other state
240    uses the table. states.owner(i) is  the  index  of  the  last  state
241    (possibly state i) using the i-th state's transition table.
243    For states types rs_ust, rns_ust, mla_ust, as_ust, rns_def, mla_def,
244    rns_con, and mla_con:
246    states.next(i) is the  index  of  the  next  state  using  the  same
247    transition  table as the i-th state or zero if the i-th state is the
248    last state using the table. states.owner(i) is the first state using
249    the transition table (i.e., the xxx_t type state).
251    /* END INCLUDE FILE ..... lalr_configuration_sets.incl.pl1 ..... */