1 /* ***********************************************************
  2    *                                                         *
  3    * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987                *
  4    *                                                         *
  5    * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
  6    *                                                         *
  7    * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
  8    * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
  9    *                                                         *
 10    *********************************************************** */
 13 /* PDS - The Process Data Segment
 15    Last modified (Date and reason):
 16    2/6/76 by S. Webber Initial coding
 17    9/17/76 by R. Bratt to add seg_fault, bounds_fault, vtoc_read, and vtoc_write meters.
 18    11/03/76 by M. Weaver to extend stack header
 19    04/20/77 by M. Weaver to delete rntp and 7/77 to add name template_pds
 20    06/07/78 by E. Donner to add ring_events (to prevent delayed ipc wakeups)
 21    05/10/79 by B. Margulies to eliminate exmode_level
 22    05/09/79 by Mike Grady to use shared ring 0 stacks
 23    08/17/79 by J. A. Bush for exp under/overflow restart switches & cache parity diagnostics
 24    02/28/80 by B. Margulies to use the include file for the default overflow
 25    08/26/80 by J. A. Bush  for the DPS8/70M CPU
 26    value.
 27    02/23/81 by J. Bongiovanni to remove temp_mode_reg (moved to prds$mode_reg_enabled)
 28    03/81 by E. Donner to remove next_itt and ect_pointers
 29     3/82 BIM for lock_array cleanup.
 30    11/82 by J. Bongiovanni to make force_write_limit per-ring
 31     2/83 by E. N. Kittlitz for hfp_exponent_enabled.
 32     830621 BIM for level improvements.
 33    10/83 by E. N. Kittlitz to resurrect obsolescent network_ptbl_idx for MR10.2.
 34     83-11-02 by E. N. Kittlitz for block_lock_count in low page, hex exponent control.
 35     83-11-21 BIM to inhibit quota and save history registers by default
 36              in the initializer's process.
 37     83-12-01 E. N. Kittlitz for restart hex overflow fault control
 38     83-12-03 BIM to clear trace header properly. (and new trace format)
 39     84-12-10 Keith Loepere for throttle_segment_state_changes and other
 40              covert channel related variables.
 41   1985-01-21, BIM: admin_privileges to record ring 1 priv settings.
 42   1985-04-08, BIM: no_audit_ring1_fs_object_ops to suppress auditing
 43                    while in the mseg primitives and RCP.
 44 */
 46 /* format: style3,idind25 */
 47 pds:
 48      procedure;
 50 /* This program creates the pds data base */
 52 /* Automatic */
 54 dcl       1 cdsa                   aligned like cds_args;
 55 dcl       code                     fixed bin (35);
 57 /* Constants */
 59 dcl       pdsname                  char (3) aligned static init ("pds") options (constant);
 60 dcl       exclude_pad              (1) char (32) aligned static options (constant) init ("pad*");
 62 /* Builtins */
 64 dcl       (addr, bin, bit, decimal, divide, float, hbound, mod, null, rel, size, string, unspec)
 65                                    builtin;
 67 /* Entries */
 69 dcl       com_err_                 entry options (variable);
 70 dcl       create_data_segment_     entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
 71 dcl       get_temp_segment_        entry (char (*), ptr, fixed bin (35));
 72 dcl       release_temp_segment_    entry (char (*), ptr, fixed bin (35));
 73 dcl       hcs_$chname_file         entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35));
 74 dcl       get_wdir_                entry () returns (char (168));
 76 /* External Static */
 78 dcl       error_table_$segnamedup  fixed bin (35) ext;
 79 ^L
 81 dcl       pdsp                     ptr;
 83 dcl       1 pds                    aligned based (pdsp),
 84             2 page_fault_data      like mc,                 /* MC for page faults and timer runouts */
 85             2 fim_data             like mc,                 /* MC for normal faults */
 86             2 signal_data          aligned like mc,         /* storage for MC being signalled */
 87             2 history_reg_data     (64) fixed bin (71),     /* this must follow signal data */
 88             2 process_group_id     char (32),               /* user id for current process */
 89             2 cpu_time             fixed bin (52),          /* number that when subtracted from clock reading gives
 90                                                                virtual cpu time */
 91             2 virtual_delta        fixed bin (52),          /* temporary used in calculating VCPU time */
 92             2 virtual_time_at_eligibility
 93                                    fixed bin (52),          /* temporary used in calculation of VCPU time */
 94             2 temp_1               fixed bin (71),          /* temporary */
 95             2 temp_2               fixed bin (71),          /* temporary */
 96             2 time_1               fixed bin (52),          /* page fault metering time */
 97             2 time_v_temp          fixed bin (52),          /* temporary used in calculating VCPU time */
 98             2 fim_v_temp           fixed bin (52),          /* VCPU temporary for the FIM */
 99             2 fim_v_delta          fixed bin (71),          /* VCPU temporary for the FIM */
100             2 save_history_regs    bit (1) aligned,         /* = "1"b if history registers are to be saved */
101             2 hregs_saved          bit (1) aligned,         /* = "1"b if history regs were saved */
102             2 last_sp              ptr,                     /* stack pointer at getwork time */
103             2 apt_ptr              ptr,                     /* pointer to this process's APT entry */
104             2 arg_1                fixed bin (71),          /* argument for pxss */
105             2 arg_2                fixed bin (71),          /* argument for pxss */
106             2 arg_3                fixed bin (71),          /* argument for pxss */
107             2 arg_4                fixed bin (71),          /* argument for pxss */
108             2 access_authorization aligned like aim_template,
109                                                             /* access authorization for the process */
110             2 base_addr_reg        bit (18) aligned,        /* for BAR mode use */
111             2 alarm_ring           fixed bin (3),           /* setting for ring alarm register */
112             2 pxss_args_invalid    bit (36) aligned,        /* used by pxss masking/arg copying code */
113             2 processid            bit (0) unaligned,       /* process ID (added segdef) */
114             2 process_id           bit (36) aligned,        /* process ID */
115             2 vtime_count          fixed bin,               /* depth counter used in VCPU calculation */
116             2 pstep                bit (0) unaligned,       /* (added segdef for dstep) */
117             2 dstep                bit (18) aligned,        /* rel pointer to ASTE for dseg */
118             2 wakeup_flag          bit (36) aligned,        /* flag indicating type of wakeup */
119             2 pc_call              bit (36) aligned,        /* flag saying type of wait */
120             2 audit_flags          bit (36) aligned,        /* bits indicating types of auditing to do */
121             2 quota_inhib          fixed bin aligned,       /* ON if quota checking to be inhibited */
122             2 covert_event_count   fixed bin,               /* count of covert channel related segment state change events */
123             2 page_waits           fixed bin,               /* page faults */
124             2 number_of_pages_in_use
125                                    fixed bin,               /* used in calculating memory units */
126             2 post_purged          fixed bin,               /* number of post purgings */
127             2 connect_pending      bit (1) aligned,         /* turned on for delayed connects to be resent by fim */
128             2 segment_faults       fixed bin (35),          /* count of segment faults taken by this process */
129             2 bounds_faults        fixed bin (35),          /* count of bounds faults taken by this process */
130             2 vtoc_reads           fixed bin (35),          /* vtoc read I/Os done for this process */
131             2 vtoc_writes          fixed bin (35),          /* vtoc write I/Os done for this process */
132             2 mc_trace_seg         fixed bin,               /* seg number of object segment being traced */
133             2 mc_trace_sw          bit (2) aligned,         /* switch for M. C. Tracing "11"b => trace on */
134             2 stack_0_sdwp         ptr aligned,             /* ptr to stack sdw in dseg */
135             2 stack_0_ptr          ptr aligned,             /* ptr to base of ring 0 stack (wired for esd) */
136             2 tc_argp              ptr,                     /* arg ptr used by tc */
137             2 tc_mask              bit (72) aligned,        /* save tc mask */
138             2 exp_undfl_rest       bit (2) aligned,         /* fim restarts underflow: '1'b = binary, '01'b = hex */
139             2 exp_ovfl_rest        bit (2) aligned,         /* fim restarts exp overflow: '1'b = binary, '01'b = hex */
140             2 eovfl_value          bit (72) aligned,        /* value DFLD'ed by fim on restart binary overflow */
141             2 hex_eovfl_value bit (72) aligned,             /* value DFLD'ed by fim on restart hex overflow */
142             2 cpar_err_data        bit (72) aligned,        /* cache parity error data (from cache) */
143             2 cpar_mem_data        bit (72) aligned,        /* cache parity error data (from memory) */
144             2 cpar_info            bit (36) aligned,        /* diagnose flag, cache level and absaddr # */
145             2 hfp_exponent_enabled bit (1) aligned,         /* user allowed to set IR hex exp bit */
146             2 pre_empt_poll_return pointer,
147             2 block_lock_count     fixed bin,               /* count of locks held */
148             2 throttle_segment_state_changes bit (1) aligned,/* limit bandwidth of segment state covert channels */
149             2 first_covert_event_time fixed bin (52),
150             2 pad_for_trace_mod16  (6) fixed bin,
151             2 trace                (306) fixed bin (71),    /* system trace data */
152                                                             /* pds$trace + 16 defines the pds for idle procs */
153             2 timer_time_out       fixed bin (52),          /* time out time for the process */
154             2 timer_channel        fixed bin (71),          /* event channel for time out event */
155             2 term_channel         fixed bin (71),          /* channel used to signal process termination */
156             2 term_proc            bit (36) aligned,        /* process ID of process to signal term process */
157             2 pl1_machine          fixed bin,               /* nonzero if we do pl1-like things */
158             2 validation_level     fixed bin (3),
159             2 condition_name       aligned,                 /* ACC string for condition name */
160               3 len                fixed bin (8) unaligned,
161               3 chars              char (31) unaligned,
162             2 pad_obsolete         bit (36) aligned,
163             2 ips_mask             (0:7) bit (35) aligned,  /* IPS masks */
164             2 auto_mask            (0:7) bit (36) aligned,  /* array of automatic masks for IPS signals */
165             2 ring_alarm_val       (0:7) fixed bin,         /* used in checking validation level changes */
166             2 lock_id              bit (36) aligned,        /* UID used in some locking */
167             2 mc_trace_buf         ptr unaligned,           /* packed ptr to mc_trace wired buffer */
168             2 pad_end_of_page_0    bit (0) unaligned,
169             2 pathname_am          aligned like pam,        /* pathname associative memory */
170             2 initial_procedure    ptr,                     /* first procedure executed in a new process */
171             2 account_id           char (32) aligned,       /* not used yet */
172             2 access_name          aligned,                 /* alternate form of process group id */
173               3 user               char (32) aligned,
174               3 project            char (32) aligned,
175               3 tag                char (32) aligned,
176             2 home_dir             char (168) aligned,      /* home directory */
177             2 process_dir_name     char (32) aligned,       /* name of process directory */
178             2 wdir                 (0:7) ptr,               /* pointers to per-ring working directories */
179             2 wdir_uid             (0:7) bit (36) aligned,  /* UID of per-ring working directories */
180             2 transparent          bit (36) aligned,        /* transparent usage, mod, pd switch */
181             2 itt_head             bit (18) aligned,        /* top of present ITT list */
182             2 max_access_authorization
183                                    aligned like aim_template,
184                                                             /* max authorization this user can attain */
185             2 stacks               (0:7) ptr,               /* per-ring stack pointers */
186             2 kstp                 ptr,                     /* pointer to start of KST */
187             2 events_pending       bit (36) aligned,        /* special wakeups pending */
188             2 special_channels     bit (36) aligned,        /* special channels assigned */
189             2 event_masks          (7) bit (36) aligned,    /* per-ring mask for special channels */
190             2 initial_ring         fixed bin (3),           /* initial ring of execution for the process */
191             2 interrupt_ring       fixed bin (3),           /* lowest ring in which IPS interrupts are allowed */
192             2 highest_ring         fixed bin (3),           /* highest ring in which process can run */
193             2 prelinked_ring       bit (8) aligned,         /* bit(i) is ON if ring (i) is prelinked */
194             2 unique_scu_index     bit (36) aligned,        /* used to tag MC */
195             2 max_lot_size         (0:7) fixed bin,         /* sizes lots can grow to */
196             2 lot_stack_size       (0:7) fixed bin,         /* size of lot in stack (0 -> lot not in stack) */
197             2 clr_stack_size       (0:7) fixed bin,         /* size of CLR in stack */
198             2 link_meters_bins     (4) fixed bin,           /* histograms of linkage faults */
199             2 link_meters_times    (4) fixed bin (30),      /* histogram of linkage fault times */
200             2 link_meters_pgwaits  (4) fixed bin,           /* histogram of linkage faults PF's */
201             2 dmpr_copy_dirsegp    ptr,                     /* ptr to temp segment into which dirs are copied */
202             2 dmpr_pvid            bit (36),                /* pvid of volume being dumped */
203             2 dmpr_pvtx            fixed bin,               /* pvtx of volume being dumped  */
204             2 first_call           fixed bin,               /* ON until leave ring zero once */
205             2 mc_save_area         bit (18) aligned,        /* rel pointer to start of saved MC area */
206             2 mc_save_ptr          bit (18) aligned,        /* ptr to next mc save place */
207             2 mc_save_limit        bit (18) aligned,        /* max address where MC can be saved */
208             2 useable_lot          bit (8) aligned,         /* indicates whether lot can be referenced */
209             2 ring_events          bit (36) aligned,        /* per-ring indicator that itt messages copied to ect */
210             2 force_write_limit    (0:7) fixed bin,         /* limit on force-writing */
211                                                             /* Following must be doubleword aligned! */
212             2 ipc_vars             aligned,                 /* holds state of fast_hc_ipc at block */
213               3 ap                 pointer unal,
214               3 retsw              fixed bin (35),
215               3 save_entry_ret     fixed bin (35),
216               3 truncated_stacks   fixed bin (35),
217               3 chan               fixed bin (71),
218               3 block_start_steps  fixed bin (35),
219               3 stk_temp           fixed bin (35),
220             2 ipc_block_return     bit (36),                /* ipc block return address */
221             2 avg_block_steps      fixed bin (35, 18),
222             2 admin_privileges     bit (36) aligned,        /* There is a 1 here for each privilege that must be reset on exit from ring 1 */
223             2 no_audit_ring1_fs_object_ops bit (1) aligned, /* Ring 1 has asked to turn off ring 0 auditing */
224             2 pad_for_data_mod16   (6) fixed bin (35),
225             2 data                 bit (0) aligned;         /* to mark end of PDS for MC save area */
226 %page;
227           call get_temp_segment_ ("pds", pdsp, code);       /* Returns ZEROS */
229 /* Now begins the initialization */
231           pds.process_group_id = "Initializer.SysDaemon.z";
233           pds.access_authorization.categories = (18)"0"b;
234           pds.access_authorization.level = 0;
235           pds.access_authorization.dir = "1"b;              /* for initializer */
236           pds.access_authorization.seg = "1"b;
237           pds.access_authorization.rcp = "1"b;
238           pds.access_authorization.ipc = "1"b;
239           pds.access_authorization.soos = "1"b;             /* .. */
241           pds.max_access_authorization.categories = (18)"1"b || (18)"0"b;
242           pds.max_access_authorization.level = 7;
244           pds.quota_inhib = 1;                               /* initializer ignore rqover until it is enabled */
245           pds.vtime_count = -1;
246           pds.process_id = (36)"1"b;
247           pds.lock_id = (36)"1"b;
248           pds.pl1_machine = 1;
249           pds.ips_mask (*) = (35)"1"b;
250           pds.force_write_limit (*) = 1;
252           pds.save_history_regs = "1"b;
253           pds.hregs_saved = "0"b;
254           pds.history_reg_data (*) = 0;
256           pds.mc_trace_buf = null;
257           pds.mc_trace_sw = "0"b;
258           pds.mc_trace_seg = 0;
260           pds.eovfl_value = unspec (Default_exponent_control_overflow_value);
261           pds.hex_eovfl_value = unspec (Default_hex_exponent_control_overflow_value);
262                                                             /* set default exp overflow restart value */
263           pds.exp_ovfl_rest, pds.exp_undfl_rest = "0"b;
265           pds.stack_0_sdwp = null;
266           pds.stack_0_ptr = null;
267           pds.pad_for_trace_mod16 (*) = 0;
269           unspec (pds.trace) = ""b;
270           trace_ptr = addr (pds.trace);
271           trace.last_available = divide (hbound (pds.trace, 1) * size (page_trace_entry) - 8, 2, 17, 0);
272           trace.threshold = .75 * float (decimal (trace.last_available));
274           pds.initial_procedure = null;
276           pds.access_name.user = "Initializer";
277           pds.access_name.project = "SysDaemon";
278           pds.access_name.tag = "z";
280           pds.home_dir = ">system_control_1";
281           pds.process_dir_name = ">process_dir_dir>!zzzzzzzbBBBBBB";
283           pds.wdir (*) = null;
284           pds.wdir_uid (*) = "0"b;
288           pds.stacks (*) = null;
290           pds.dmpr_pvid = "0"b;
291           pds.dmpr_pvtx = 0;
292           pds.dmpr_copy_dirsegp = null;
294           pds.kstp = null;
295           pds.first_call = 1;
296           pds.initial_ring = 1;
297           pds.interrupt_ring = 4;
298           pds.highest_ring = 7;
300           pds.max_lot_size (*) = 1024;
302           pds.mc_save_area = rel (addr (pds.data));
303           pds.mc_save_ptr = rel (addr (pds.data));
304           pds.mc_save_limit = bit (bin (4096, 18), 18);     /* Allow for as many as fit in 4K. */
306 /* Now make some checks on alignment of certain variables */
308           call check (addr (pds.ipc_vars), "ipc_vars", 2);
309           call check (addr (pds.page_fault_data), "page_fault_data", 16);
310           call check (addr (pds.trace), "trace", 16);
311           call check (addr (pds.signal_data), "signal_data", 16);
312           call check (addr (pds.eovfl_value), "eovfl_value", 2);
313           call check (addr (pds.hex_eovfl_value), "hex_eovfl_value", 2);
314           call check (addr (pds.data), "data", 16);
315           if bin (rel (addr (pds.pad_end_of_page_0)), 18) ^= 1024
316           then call com_err_ (0, pdsname, "Wired portion must end at 1024");
318 /* Now set up call to create data base */
320           cdsa.sections (1).p = addr (pds);
321           cdsa.sections (1).len = size (pds);
322           cdsa.sections (1).struct_name = "pds";
324           cdsa.seg_name = "pds";
325           cdsa.num_exclude_names = 1;
326           cdsa.exclude_array_ptr = addr (exclude_pad);
328           string (cdsa.switches) = "0"b;
329           cdsa.switches.have_text = "1"b;
331           call create_data_segment_ (addr (cdsa), code);
333           call release_temp_segment_ ("pds", pdsp, code);
335           call hcs_$chname_file (get_wdir_ (), "pds", "", "template_pds", code);
336           if code ^= 0
337           then if code ^= error_table_$segnamedup
338                then call com_err_ (code, pdsname, "Unable to add name template_pds.");
339 ^L
341 check:
342      proc (where, message, modulo);
344 dcl       where                    ptr;
345 dcl       message                  char (*);
346 dcl       modulo                   fixed bin;
347 dcl       remainder                fixed bin;
349           remainder = mod (bin (rel (where), 18), modulo);
350           if remainder ^= 0
351           then call com_err_ (0, pdsname, "The variable ^a is ^d words away from being aligned on a ^d-word boundary.",
352                     message, (modulo - remainder), modulo);
354      end check;
355 %page; %include aim_template;
356 %page; %include cds_args;
357 %page; %include exponent_control_info;
358 %page; %include mc;
359 %page; %include pathname_am;
360 %page; %include sys_trace;
361      end pds;