1 " ***********************************************************
2 " * *
3 " * Copyright, C Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987 *
4 " * *
5 " * Copyright, C Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1984 *
6 " * *
7 " * Copyright c 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of *
8 " * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *
9 " * *
10 " ***********************************************************
13 " 1) change85-07-23Palter, approve86-02-20MCR7345,
14 " audit86-02-21MSharpe, install86-07-11MR12.0-1091:
15 " Added not_own_message.
16 " 2) change85-12-30Coren, approve86-07-02MCR7415,
17 " audit86-07-02Margolin, install86-07-11MR12.0-1091:
18 " added listen_stopped, no_disconnected_processes,
19 " user_requested_hangup, user_requested_logout
20 " 3) change86-01-15Fawcett, approve86-04-11MCR7383,
21 " audit86-05-01Coppola, install86-07-17MR12.0-1097:
22 " Add error codes Incorrect authentication, Unknown authentication,
23 " Subvolume needed, for Subvolume support.
24 " 4) change86-05-02Elhard, approve86-05-02MCR7391,
25 " audit86-07-28DGHowe, install86-11-20MR12.0-1222:
26 " Added inconsistent_object_msf, bad_deferred_init, and bad_indirect_def
27 " error codes.
28 " 5) change86-05-15DGHowe, approve86-05-15MCR7375,
29 " audit86-07-30Schroth, install86-08-01MR12.0-1108:
30 " added error_table_$command_name_not_available comnotav.
31 " 6) change86-06-09Lippard, approve86-06-23MCR7438,
32 " audit86-08-04Hartogs, install86-08-19MR12.0-1120:
33 " Added no_odd_areas.
34 " 7) change86-06-24DGHowe, approve86-06-24MCR7396,
35 " audit86-11-18GDixon, install86-11-20MR12.0-1222:
36 " added invalid_heap_var_size,no_heap_defined and no_heap_sym.
37 " 8) change86-06-24DGHowe, approve86-06-24MCR7395,
38 " audit86-11-18GDixon, install86-11-20MR12.0-1222:
39 " added invalid_heap
40 " 9) change86-06-24DGHowe, approve86-06-24MCR7420,
41 " audit86-11-18GDixon, install86-11-20MR12.0-1222:
42 " added invalid_ptr_target.
43 " 10) change86-08-14GDixon, approve86-09-04MCR7532,
44 " audit86-09-05Martinson, install86-09-16MR12.0-1159:
45 " Properly capitalize the error message associated with
46 " error_table_$dt_time_conversion_error phx17750.
47 " 11) change86-08-18JSLove, approve86-08-18MCR7518,
48 " audit86-09-14Parisek, install86-10-02MR12.0-1174:
49 " Changed message of badstar to be specific to starnames, and added
50 " bad_file_name and null_name_component which are returned by
51 " check_star_name_.
52 " 12) change86-08-28Margolin, approve86-08-28MCR7474,
53 " audit86-08-28Coren, install86-09-30MR12.0-1169:
54 " Added synonyms badarg and bad_opt to bad_arg and badopt, respectively.
55 " 13) change87-04-06Parisek, approve87-06-10MCR7690,
56 " audit87-06-10GDixon, install87-08-04MR12.1-1055:
57 " Added the bad_vchannel, vchn_active, and vchn_not_found entries to
58 " support MNA MC interface.
59 " 14) change87-05-13Brunelle, approve87-06-10MCR7681,
60 " audit87-06-10GDixon, install87-08-04MR12.1-1055:
61 " Added the not_initialized entry to support anything not initialized
62 " properly. Used in connection_list_manager_ initially.
63 " 15) change87-06-12Lippard, approve87-06-29MCR7729,
64 " audit87-07-17Farley, install87-08-06MR12.1-1063:
65 " Added not_base_channel.
66 " 16) change87-07-06Rauschelbach, approve87-07-06MCR7736,
67 " audit87-07-21Farley, install87-08-06MR12.1-1063:
68 " Added no_appropriate_device, noappdev.
69 " 17) change87-09-08GWMay, approve87-09-08MCR7730,
70 " audit87-09-10GDixon, install87-09-10MR12.1-1104:
71 " added bad_pipe_syntax, pipesyn as part of command processor pipes.
72 " 18) change88-03-09Lippard, approve88-03-28MCR7869,
73 " audit88-04-26Parisek, install88-05-03MR12.2-1044:
74 " Added bad_mbx_acl_rs and bad_mbx_acl_awu.
75 " 19) change88-09-15Brunelle, approve88-09-15MCR7911,
76 " audit88-09-30Wallman, install88-10-28MR12.2-1199:
77 " Added no_forms_table_defined & bad_forms_option for eor forms processing.
80 "
81 " ERROR_TABLE_ - Standard Multics Status Codes.
82 " recoded in ALM - 6/21/77 by Noel I. Morris
83 "
84 " Modified:
85 " 09/22/84 by R. Michael Tague: Added as_request_sender_missing and
86 " as_request_invalid_request.
87 " 10/02/84 by R. Michael Tague: Added as_bump_user_not_found.
88 " 10/01/84 by Jim Lippard: Changed messages_deferred and messages_off
89 " to not refer to User.
90 " 84-10-04, WOS: Added codes for new logging software
91 " 1984-10-15 BIM: added as_sac_command_read
92 " 1984.11.02 MAP: added codes for IOM reconfiguration
93 " 84-11-05 by EJ Sharpe - added mdc_illegal_owner
94 " 84-12-05 by M. Weaver: added malformed_list_template_entry
95 " 84-12-05 EJ Sharpe - added ai_son_less, ai_parent_greater
96 " 84-12-06 EJ Sharpe - added ai_entry_vtoce_mismatch
97 " 85-01-16 MM Pozzo - added resource_awaiting_clear
98 " 85-02-18 MM Pozzo - added rcp_missing_registry_component
99 " 85-03-29 MM Pozzo - added unsupported_multi_class_volume
100 " 85-04-02 MM Pozzo - added incomplete_access_name
101 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
103 include et_macros
105 ^L
107 et error_table_,system
109 ^L
111 ec abs_reenter,absrentr,
112 absentee: Attempt to reenter user environment via a call to cu_$cl. Job terminated.
113 ec abs_timer_runout,abstimer,
114 absentee: CPU time limit exceeded. Job terminated.
115 ec abs_wired_memory,abswired,
116 One or more memory frames are abs-wired.
117 ec action_not_performed,notacted,
118 The requested action was not performed.
119 ec active_function,not_cmd,
120 This command cannot be invoked as an active function.
121 ec ai_above_allowed_max,ai_max,
122 Specified access class/authorization is greater than allowed maximum.
123 ec ai_already_set,aialrdy,
124 The channel already has a required access class.
125 ec ai_entry_vtoce_mismatch,aibdvtce,
126 Branch and VTOCE access class mismatch.
127 ec ai_invalid_binary,aibadbin,
128 Unable to convert binary access class/authorization to string.
129 ec ai_invalid_range,aibadrng,
130 The specified access classes/authorizations are not a valid range.
131 ec ai_invalid_string,aibadstr,
132 Unable to convert access class/authorization to binary.
133 ec ai_no_common_max,aincmax,
134 There are no access classes/authorizations in common between the two systems.
135 ec ai_out_range,aioutrng,
136 The specified access class/authorization is not within the permitted range.
137 ec ai_outside_common_range,aiocr,
138 The access class/authorization is not within the range in common between the two systems.
139 ec ai_parent_greater,aiparbig,
140 Parent access class is greater than its son.
141 ec ai_restricted,ai_stop,
142 Improper access class/authorization to perform operation.
143 ec ai_son_less,aisonles,
144 Entry access class is less than its parent.
145 ec already_assigned,assigned,
146 Indicated device assigned to another process.
147 ec already_initialized,noreinit,
148 Initialization has already been completed and will not be re-done.
149 ec apt_full,aptfull,
150 Active process table is full. Could not create process.
151 ec archive_component_modification,compmod,
152 This procedure may not modify archive components.
153 ec archive_fmt_err,acfmterr,
154 Format error encountered in archive segment.
155 ec archive_pathname,ac_path,
156 Archive component pathname not permitted.
157 ec area_too_small,areasmal,
158 Supplied area too small for this request.
159 ec arg_ignored,arg_ign,
160 Argument ignored.
161 ec argerr,,
162 There is an inconsistency in arguments to the storage system.
163 ec as_bump_user_not_found,asbmpusr,
164 The process to be bumped was not found.
165 ec as_request_sender_missing,assender,
166 The sender of an AS request has logged out before being validated
167 ec as_request_invalid_request,asinval,
168 The AS request message was too short or had a bad request type
169 ec as_sac_command_read,assacrd,
170 A send_admin_command line attempted to read from user_i/o.
171 ec asynch_change,asyncchg,
172 A previously referenced item has been changed by another opening.
173 ec asynch_deletion,asyncdel,
174 Record located by seek_key has been deleted by another opening.
175 ec asynch_insertion,as_ins,
176 Record with key for insertion has been added by another opening.
177 ec att_loop,,
178 Attachment loop.
179 ec auth_incorrect,authinc,
180 Incorrect authentication code.
181 ec auth_unknown,authun,
182 Unknown authentication code.
183 ec bad_acl_mode,badacmod,
184 Bad mode specification for ACL.
185 ec bad_argbadarg,bad_arg,
186 Invalid argument.
187 ec bad_arg_acc,badargac,
188 Improper access to given argument.
189 ec bad_bar_sp,badbarsp,
190 The signaller could not use the saved sp in the stack base for bar mode.
191 ec bad_channel,badchnnl,
192 Incorrect IO channel specification.
193 ec bad_class_def,badclass,
194 Bad class code in definition.
195 ec bad_command_name,badcomnm,
196 Improper syntax in command name.
197 ec bad_conversion,bad_conv,
198 Error in conversion.
199 " a conversion condition occurred while trying to convert
200 " a value.
202 ec bad_date,bad_date,
203 The date is incorrect.
204 ec bad_day_of_week,bad_dow,
205 The day-of-the-week is incorrect.
206 ec bad_deferred_init,baddefin,
207 Invalid link reference found in deferred initialiation structure.
208 " the target_relp value in a deferred init structure did not refer to a
209 " snapped link or the link_relp offset did not point to an unsnapped link.
211 ec bad_density,bad_dens,
212 Incorrect recording media density.
213 ec bad_dir,,
214 There is an inconsistency in this directory.
215 ec bad_entry_point_name,badename,
216 Illegal entry point name in make_ptr call.
217 ec bad_equal_name,bdeqlnam,
218 Illegal syntax in equal name.
219 ec bad_file,bad_file,
220 File is not a structured file or is inconsistent.
221 ec bad_file_name,badentry,
222 Invalid syntax in entryname.
223 ec bad_first_ref_trap,bdfrtrap,
224 Illegal structure provided for trap at first reference.
225 ec bad_handler_access,noacchd,
226 Improper access on handler for this signal.
227 ec bad_index,badindex,
228 Internal index out of bounds.
229 ec bad_indirect_def,bdinddef,
230 Improper target of indirect definition.
231 " A definition flagged as indirect either does not reference the linkage
232 " section, or points to something other than an ITS pointer snapped link
233 " or an unsnapped partial link.
235 ec bad_label,badlabel,
236 Incorrect detachable medium label.
237 ec bad_link_target_init_info,bdlkinit,
238 Illegal initialization info passed with create-if-not-found link.
239 ec bad_link_type,badlktyp,
240 Illegal type code in type pair block.
241 ec bad_linkage_access,bdlnkac,
242 Improper access on user's linkage segment.
243 ec bad_mbx_acl_awu,bdmacawu,
244 The a mode is required whenever the w or u mode is used. Please type ""help mailbox_acls"".
245 ec bad_mbx_acl_rs,bdmacrs,
246 The s mode is required whenever the r mode is used. Please type ""help mailbox_acls"".
247 ec bad_mode,badmode,
248 Improper mode specification for this device.
249 ec bad_mode_syntax,bdmdsynt,
250 Invalid syntax in mode string.
251 ec bad_mode_value,badmdval,
252 Invalid value for specified mode.
253 ec bad_mount_request,badmount,
254 Mount request could not be honored.
255 ec bad_mpx_load_data,badload,
256 Inconsistent multiplexer bootload data supplied.
257 ec bad_ms_file,badmsfil,
258 Directory or link found in multisegment file.
259 ec bad_name,,
260 The access name specified has an illegal syntax.
261 ec bad_new_key,x_newkey,
262 Bad argument to specify the new key of a record.
263 ec bad_password,badpass,
264 Incorrect password.
265 ec bad_pipe_syntax,pipesyn,
266 Illegal syntax in command line pipe.
267 ec bad_process_type,badproct,
268 Invalid process type.
269 ec bad_processid,badproci,
270 Current processid does not match stored value.
271 ec bad_ptr,badptr,
272 Argument is not an ITS pointer.
273 ec bad_resource_spec,bad_rsc,
274 Resource specification is invalid.
275 ec bad_segment,badseg,
276 There is an internal inconsistency in the segment.
277 ec bad_self_ref,badslfrf,
278 Illegal self reference type.
279 ec bad_stack_access,noaccsp,
280 Improper access on user's stack.
281 ec bad_string,badstrng,
282 Unable to process a search rule string.
283 ec bad_subr_arg,badsbarg,
284 Invalid argument to subroutine.
285 ec bad_tapeid,badtpid,
286 Invalid volume name.
287 ec bad_time,bad_time,
288 The time is incorrect.
289 " the time represented by hour, minute and second is
290 " invalid, e.g. 23:60 or negative time values
292 ec bad_trap_before_link,bdtrb4lk,
293 Trap-before-link procedure was unable to snap link.
294 ec bad_uidpath,baduidpn,
295 UID path cannot be converted to a pathname.
296 ec bad_vchannel,badvchn,
297 Incorrect virtual channel specification.
298 ec bad_volid,badvolid,
299 Invalid volume identifier.
300 ec bad_work_class,badwc,
301 Specified work class is not currently defined.
302 ec bad_year,bad_year,
303 The year is not part of the 20th Century 1901 through 1999.
304 ec badcall,,
305 Procedure called improperly.
306 " the environment was not set up properly before calling
307 " this procedure.
309 ec badequal,,
310 Illegal use of equals convention.
311 ec badoptbad_opt,,
312 Specified control argument is not accepted.
313 ec badpath,,
314 Bad syntax in pathname.
315 ec badringno,badrngno,
316 Input ring number invalid.
317 ec badstar,,
318 Invalid syntax in starname.
319 ec badsyntax,badsyntx,
320 Syntax error in ascii segment.
321 ec bdprtdmp,,
322 Bad part dump card in config deck.
323 ec begin_block,beginent,
324 Entry is for a begin block.
325 ec big_seg,bigseg,
326 Segment is too large. Please type ""help 256K_segments.gi"".
327 ec big_ws_req,bigwsreq,
328 Insufficient access to use specified block size.
329 ec bigarg,,
330 Argument too long.
331 ec bigger_ext_variable,bigexvar,
332 External variable or common block is not the same size as other uses of the same name.
333 ec bisync_bid_fail,bscbidf,
334 Bisync line did not respond to line bid sequence.
335 ec bisync_block_bad,bscblkbd,
336 Attempt to write improperly formated bisync block.
337 ec bisync_reverse_interrupt,bscrvi,
338 Reverse interrupt detected on bisync line.
339 ec blank_tape,blanktap,
340 The rest of the tape is blank.
341 ec boundviol,outbnd,
342 Attempt to access beyond end of segment.
343 ec buffer_big,buffbig,
344 Specified buffer size too large.
345 ec buffer_invalid_state,bufstate,
346 The buffer is in an invalid state.
347 ec cannot_trace,notrace,
348 This entry cannot be traced.
349 ec change_first,chfirst,
350 Attempt to change first pointer.
351 ec chars_after_delim,undelch,
352 Segment contains characters after final delimiter.
353 ec checksum_failure,^chksum,
354 Checksum error in data.
355 ec chnl_already_added,chnadded,
356 Channel is already added.
357 ec chnl_already_deleted,chndltd,
358 Channel is already deleted.
359 ec chnl_being_deleted,chndltg,
360 Channel is in the process of being deleted.
361 ec chnl_iom_active,chnlioma,
362 Cannot delete IOM with active channels.
363 ec chnl_iom_inactive,chnnoiom,
364 Cannot add channel while its IOM is inactive.
365 ec clnzero,nonzero,
366 There was an attempt to move segment to non-zero length entry.
367 ec command_line_overflow,clnovrfl,
368 Expanded command line is too large.
369 ec command_name_not_available,comnotav,
370 The command name is unavailable from the argument list.
371 ec copy_sw_on,copyswon,
372 There was an attempt to delete a segment whose copy switch was set.
373 ec cp_reserved_syntax,cpresv,
374 The command line contained syntax characters not supported in this environment.
375 ec cyclic_syn,cyc_syn,
376 Cyclic synonyms.
377 ec data_gain,datagain,
378 Data has been gained.
379 ec data_improperly_terminated,dtnoterm,
380 Relevant data terminated improperly.
381 ec data_loss,dataloss,
382 Data has been lost.
383 ec data_seq_error,datasqer,
384 Data sequence error.
385 ec date_conversion_error,daterr,
386 Unable to convert character date/time to binary.
387 ec deact_in_mem,deactmem,
388 Attempt to deactivate a segment with pages in memory.
389 ec defs_loop,defsloop,
390 Looping searching definitions.
391 ec dev_nt_assnd,notassnd,
392 IO device not currently assigned.
393 ec dev_offset_out_of_bounds,dvoffoob,
394 Specified offset out of bounds for this device.
395 ec device_active,devactiv,
396 I/O in progress on device.
397 ec device_attention,dvceattn,
398 Condition requiring manual intervention with handler.
399 ec device_attention_during_tm,dadwtm,
400 Device attention condition during eof record write.
401 ec device_busy,devbusy,
402 The requested device is not available.
403 ec device_code_alert,devcdalt,
404 Unrecognized character for this code translation.
405 ec device_deletion_deferred,dvdldef, " CLJ, 2/1/85
406 The device is in use. It will be deleted when it is unassigned.
407 ec device_end,devend,
408 Physical end of device encountered.
409 ec device_limit_exceeded,devlimex,
410 The process's limit for this device type is exceeded.
411 ec device_not_active,devntact,
412 The device is not currently active.
413 ec device_not_usable,devntuse,
414 Device is not currently usable.
415 ec device_parity,xmiterr,
416 Unrecoverable data-transmission error on physical device.
417 ec device_type_unknown,dt^known,
418 Device type unknown to the system.
419 ec dial_active,dialactv,
420 The process is already serving a dial qualifier.;
421 ec dial_id_busy,dialbusy,
422 The dial identifier is already in use.
423 ec dir_damage,dirdamag,
424 Directory irreparably damaged.
425 ec dirlong,,
426 Directory pathname too long.
427 ec dirseg,,
428 This operation is not allowed for a directory.
429 ec discrepant_block_count,dsblkcnt,
430 Number of blocks read does not agree with recorded block count.
431 ec dm_journal_pages_held,dmpghld,
432 Pages are held in memory for the journal.
433 ec dm_not_enabled,dmnten,
434 Data Management has not been enabled on the system.
435 ec dmpinvld,,
436 Attempt to re-copy an invalid dump.
437 ec dmpr_in_use,dmpinuse,
438 The resource is presently in use by a system dumper.
439 ec dmpvalid,,
440 Attempt to modify a valid dump.
441 ec dt_ambiguous_time,ambigtim,
442 All words in a time string must be in the same language.
443 " there is no language common to all words in the time
444 " string.
446 ec dt_bad_day_of_week,baddow,
447 The date given is not on the indicated day of the week.
448 " the returned clock reading does not fall on the given
449 " day of the week.
451 ec dt_bad_dm,bad_dm,
452 The day of the month is invalid.
453 " day_in_month<1 or day_in_month>month_size.
455 ec dt_bad_dy,bad_dy,
456 The day of the year is invalid.
457 " day_in_year < 0 or day_in_year > year_size which is
458 " 355 for 1582.
460 ec dt_bad_format_selector,badfsel,
461 The format string contains a selector which is not defined.
462 " unrecognized selector in format string.
464 ec dt_bad_fw,bad_fw,
465 The fiscal week number is invalid.
466 " fiscal_week < 1 or fiscal_week > year_max which is 52
467 " or 53.
469 ec dt_bad_my,bad_my,
470 The month number is invalid.
471 " month_in_year<1 or month_in_year>12.
473 ec dt_conflict,datemess,
474 There is a conflict in the day specifications.
475 " there is a conflicting combination of day-in-calendar,
476 " day-in-year, month-in-year, day-in-month and
477 " fiscal-week.
479 ec dt_date_not_exist,dategone,
480 The time period 1582-10-05 through 1582-10-14 does not exist.
481 " the date given is in the non-existant range of
482 " 1582-10-05 through 1582-10-14
484 ec dt_date_too_big,datebig,
485 The date is after 9999-12-31 GMT.
486 " the date given is after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.
488 ec dt_date_too_small,datesmal,
489 The date is before 0001-01-01 GMT.
490 " the date given is before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.
492 ec dt_hour_gt_twelve,hrlarge,
493 The hour value exceeds 12.
494 " the hour given exceeds 12.
496 ec dt_multiple_date_spec,multdate,
497 A date value has been given more than once.
498 " more than one instance of a date has been given.
500 ec dt_multiple_diw_spec,multdiw,
501 A day of the week value has been given more than once.
502 " day of the week specified more than once.
504 ec dt_multiple_meaning,multmean,
505 The time string does not have the same meaning in all languages.
506 " the time string does not have the same meaning in all
507 " potential languages, these being the intersection of
508 " all the languages possible for all words present.
510 ec dt_multiple_time_spec,multtime,
511 A time value has been given more than once.
512 " more than one instance of a time has been given.
514 ec dt_multiple_zone_spec,multzone,
515 A time zone value has been given more than once.
516 " the zone may only be specified once.
518 ec dt_no_format_selector,nofsel,
519 The format string contains no selectors.
520 " the format string contains no selectors and is not a
521 " known keyword.
523 ec dt_no_interval_units,noiunit,
524 No units were given in which to express the interval.
525 " no units given in which to express the interval.
527 ec dt_offset_too_big_negative,offbign,
528 Applying an offset gives a date before 0001-01-01 GMT.
529 " an offset is so big that when it is applied, it
530 " yields a date before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.
532 ec dt_offset_too_big_positive,offbigp,
533 Applying an offset gives a date after 9999-12-31 GMT.
534 " a negative offset is so big that when it is applied,
535 " it yields a date after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.
537 ec dt_size_error,dtsizerr,
538 The size condition occurred while converting the time string.
539 " the size condition occurred while converting the time string.
541 ec dt_time_conversion_error,ticverr,
542 An error has been found while converting a time string.
543 " For any of the following reasons:
544 " a. General syntax error
545 " b. Month without a day number.
546 " c. Midnight or noon preceded by an hour other than 12.
547 " d. Improper use of comma or period.
548 " e. Improper use of offset.
550 ec dt_unknown_time_language,badtlang,
551 The language given is not known to the system.
552 " the language specified by the caller was not found in
553 " time_info_.
555 ec dt_unknown_word,badword,
556 An unknown word was found in the time string.
557 " a word in a time string is not found in the time_info_
558 " token list.
560 ec dt_year_too_big,yearbig,
561 In the specified time zone the clock value is after the year 9999.
562 " the clock value given, when converted to the specified
563 " time zone, is after the year 9999.
565 ec dt_year_too_small,yearsmal,
566 In the specified time zone the clock value is before the year 0001.
567 " the clock value given, when converted to the specified
568 " time zone, is before the year 0001.
569 ec dup_ent_name,dupename,
570 Duplicate entry name in bound segment.
571 ec duplicate_file_id,dupfid,
572 File identifier already appears in file set.
573 ec duplicate_request,dup_req,
574 A duplicate request was encountered.
575 ec echnego_awaiting_stop_sync,echostop,
576 Echo negotiation race occurred. Report this as a bug.
577 ec ect_already_initialized,ectinit,
578 The event channel table has already been initialized.
579 ec ect_full,ectfull,
580 The event channel table was full.
581 ec eight_unaligned,not8alin,
582 A pointer that must be eight word aligned was not so aligned.
583 ec empty_acl,emptyacl,
584 ACL is empty.
585 ec empty_archive,empty_ac,
586 Archive is empty.
587 ec empty_file,mt_file,
588 File is empty.
589 ec empty_search_list,empsrls,
590 Search list is empty.
591 ec end_of_info,eoi,
592 End of information reached.
593 ec entlong,,
594 Entry name too long.
595 ec eof_record,eofr,
596 End-of-file record encountered.
597 ec eov_on_write,eovonw,
598 Encountered end-of-volume on write.
599 ec event_calls_not_masked,callnmsk,
600 Event calls are not in masked state.
601 ec event_channel_cutoff,chnout,
602 Event channels in cutoff state.
603 ec event_channel_not_cutoff,chnnout,
604 Event channels not in cutoff state.
605 ec fatal_error,fatalerr,
606 A fatal error has occurred.
607 ec file_aborted,flabort,
608 Defective file section deleted from file set.
609 ec file_already_opened,fileopen,
610 File is already opened.
611 ec file_busy,filebusy,
612 File already busy for other I/O activity.
613 ec file_is_full,filefull,
614 There is no more room in the file.
615 ec file_not_opened,not_open,
616 No file is open under this reference name.
617 ec fim_fault,fimflt,
618 Illegal procedure fault in FIM by user's process.
619 ec first_reference_trap,firstref,
620 A first reference trap was found on the link target segment.
621 ec fnp_down,,
622 The FNP is not running.
623 ec force_unassign,forcunas,
624 The Operator refused to honor the mount request.
625 ec frame_scope_err,fscoperr,
626 Attempt to reference temporary storage outside the scope of this frame.
627 ec fsdisk_bad_label,fsbdlb,
628 Invalid storage system volume label.
629 ec fsdisk_drive_in_use,fsdinuse,
630 Drive in use already.
631 ec fsdisk_not_ready,fs^rdy,
632 Drive not ready.
633 ec fsdisk_not_salv,fs^salv,
634 Volume not salvaged.
635 ec fsdisk_not_storage,fs^stor,
636 Not a storage system drive.
637 ec fsdisk_old_label,fsoldlb,
638 Unsupported label version.
639 ec fsdisk_old_vtoc,fsoldvt,
640 Unsupported VTOC header version.
641 ec fsdisk_phydev_err,fsdeverr,
642 Physical device error.
643 ec fsdisk_pvtx_oob,fspvxoob,
644 PVT index out of range.
645 ec full_hashtbl,fullhash,
646 The directory hash table is full.
647 ec fulldir,,
648 There was an attempt to delete a non-empty directory.
649 ec hardcore_sdw,hcsdw,
650 Attempt to perform an illegal action on a hardcore segment.
651 ec higher_inconsistency,hi_incon,
652 The lock was set on behalf of an operation which must be adjusted.
653 ec id_already_exists,idexists,
654 Supplied identifier already exists in data base.
655 ec id_not_found,idnotfnd,
656 Supplied identifier not found in data base.
657 ec illegal_activation,bad_act,
658 There was an illegal attempt to activate a segment.
659 ec illegal_deactivation,deactive,
660 There was an illegal attempt to delete an AST entry.
661 ec illegal_ft2,bad_ft2,
662 Attempt to indirect through word pair containing a fault tag 2 in the odd word.
663 ec illegal_record_size,rec_size,
664 Record size must be positive and smaller than a segment
665 ec imp_bad_format,impbdfmt,
666 Format of IMP message was incorrect.
667 ec imp_bad_status,impbadst,
668 Bad status received from IMP.
669 ec imp_down,impdown,
670 Multics IMP is down.
671 ec imp_rfnm_pending,imprfnm,
672 A RFNM is pending on this IMP link.
673 ec improper_data_format,baddtfmt,
674 Data not in expected format.
675 ec improper_termination,badterm,
676 An improper attempt was made to terminate the process.
677 ec incompatible_attach,att^=opn,
678 Attach and open are incompatible.
679 ec incompatible_encoding_mode,incencmd,
680 Incompatible character encoding mode.
681 ec incompatible_file_attribute,incflatt,
682 Specified attribute incompatible with file structure.
683 ec incompatible_term_type,intrmtyp,
684 The specified terminal type is incompatible with the line type.
685 ec incomplete_access_name,incomnam,
686 Missing components in access name.
687 ec inconsistent,incnstnt,
688 Inconsistent combination of control arguments.
689 ec inconsistent_ect,badect,
690 The event channel table was in an inconsistent state.
691 ec inconsistent_msf,incnsmsf,
692 Multisegment file is inconsistent.
693 ec inconsistent_rnt,badrnt,
694 The reference name table is in an inconsistent state.
695 ec inconsistent_sst,badsst,
696 Active Segment Table threads in the SST are inconsistent.
698 ec inconsistent_object_msf,incobmsf,
699 Object MSF is inconsistent.
700 " disagreement between msf_map size indication and directory bit count,
701 " references to msf components outside the msf, etc.
703 ec incorrect_access,incacc,
704 Incorrect access to directory containing entry.
705 ec incorrect_device_type,incdevt,
706 Device type is inappropriate for this request.
707 ec incorrect_volume_type,incvolt,
708 Volume type is inappropriate for this request.
709 ec infcnt_non_zero,makunk,
710 There was an attempt to make a directory unknown that has inferior segments.
711 ec insufficient_accessmdc_no_access,insufacc,
712 Process lacks sufficient access to perform this operation.
713 ec insufficient_open,insufopn,
714 Insufficient information to open file.
715 ec invalid_array_size,invarsz,
716 The size of an array passed as an argument is invalid.
717 ec invalid_ascii,invascii,
718 The name specified contains non-ascii characters.
719 ec invalid_backspace_read,invbsr,
720 Invalid backspace_read order call.
721 ec invalid_block_length,invblk,
722 Invalid physical block length.
723 ec invalid_channel,invalchn,
724 The event channel specified is not a valid channel.
725 ec invalid_copy,invalcpy,
726 There was an attempt to create a copy without correct access.
727 ec invalid_cseg,invcseg,
728 Internal inconsistency in control segment.
729 ec invalid_delay_value,invdelay,
730 Invalid delay value specified.
731 ec invalid_device,invdev,
732 Attempt to attach to an invalid device.
733 ec invalid_dm_journal_index,invjx,
734 Invalid data management journal index.
735 ec invalid_elsize,invelsiz,
736 Invalid element size.
737 ec invalid_expiration,invexp,
738 File expiration date exceeds that of previous file.
739 ec invalid_file_set_format,infsfmt,
740 File set structure is invalid.
741 ec invalid_heap,bad_heap,
742 An invalid heap header has been found. This is likely due to the stack being overwritten.
743 ec invalid_heap_var_size,inhpvsiz,
744 An invalid size has been found for a heap variable.
745 ec invalid_label_format,invlbfmt,
746 File set contains invalid labels.
747 ec invalid_line_type,invlntyp,
748 Line type number exceeds maximum permitted value.
749 ec invalid_lock_reset,invalock,
750 The lock was locked by a process that no longer exists. Therefore the lock was reset.
751 ec invalid_max_length,ml<cl,
752 Attempt to set max length of a segment less than its current length.
753 ec invalid_mode,invmode,
754 Invalid mode specified for ACL.
755 ec invalid_move_qmax,nomvqmax,
756 Attempt to move more than maximum amount of quota.
757 ec invalid_move_quota,nomvquot,
758 Invalid move of quota would change terminal quota to non terminal.
759 ec invalid_mpx_type,invmpx,
760 Invalid multiplexer type specified.
761 ec invalid_preaccess_command,inprecom,
762 Undefined preaccess command.
763 ec invalid_project_for_gate,invprjgt,
764 Invalid project for gate access control list.
765 ec invalid_ptr_target,invprtar,
766 Unable to initialize a pointer used as the initial value of an external variable.
767 ec invalid_pvtx,invpvtx,
768 Invalid Physical Volume Table Entry index specified.
769 ec invalid_read,invread,
770 Attempt to read or move read pointer on device which was not attached as readable.
771 ec invalid_record_desc,invrdes,
772 Invalid variable-length record descriptor.
773 ec invalid_record_length,invrec,
774 Invalid logical record length.
775 ec invalid_resource_state,invrscst,
776 The request is inconsistent with the current state of the resources.
777 ec invalid_ring_brackets,badringb,
778 The ring brackets specified are invalid.
779 ec invalid_seek_last_bound,invseek,
780 Attempt to manipulate last or bound pointers for device that was not attached as writeable.
781 ec invalid_setdelim,invsetdl,
782 Attempt to set delimiters for device while element size is too large to support search.
783 ec invalid_stack_creation,badstkcr,
784 Attempt to create a stack which exists or which is known to process.
785 ec invalid_state,invalst,
786 Request is inconsistent with current state of device.
787 ec invalid_subsystem,invsbsys,
788 The specified subsystem either does not exist or is inconsistent.
789 ec invalid_system_type,badsystp,
790 The specified system type does not exist.
791 ec invalid_tape_record_length,badtaprl,
792 The record length is not an integral number of words.
793 ec invalid_tp_value,badtpval,
794 The supplied value is not acceptable for this tuning parameter.
795 ec invalid_volume_sequence,involseg,
796 Specified volumes do not comprise a valid volume set.
797 ec invalid_vtoce,invvtoce,
798 There was an attempt to use a VTOCE with invalid fields.
799 ec invalid_vtocx,invvtocx,
800 The VTOCE index specified is not within the range of valid indices for the device.
801 ec invalid_write,invwrite,
802 Attempt to write or move write pointer on device which was not attached as writeable.
803 ec invalidsegno,badsegno,
804 There was an attempt to use an invalid segment number.
805 ec io_assigned,ioassgn,
806 Specified IO resource already assigned.
807 ec io_configured,ioconf,
808 Specified IO resource already configured.
809 ec io_no_path,ionopath,
810 There is no available path to the specified IO resource.
811 ec io_no_permission,nopermit,
812 Process lacks permission to alter device status.
813 ec io_not_assigned,io^assgn,
814 Specified IO resource not assigned.
815 ec io_not_available,io^avail,
816 Specified IO resource is is use by another process.
817 ec io_not_configured,io^conf,
818 Specified IO resource not configured.
819 ec io_not_defined,io^def,
820 Specified IO resource not defined in configuration.
821 ec io_still_assnd,stilasnd,
822 IO device failed to become unassigned.
823 ec ioat_err,ioaterr,
824 Error in internal ioat information.
825 ec iom_already_added,iomaadd,
826 IOM is already active.
827 ec iom_already_deleted,iomadel,
828 IOM is already deleted.
829 ec iom_connect_fatal,iomfatal,
830 A connect to an IOM has left main memory in an unusable state.
831 ec iom_wrong_mailbox,iombadmb,
832 The IOM has its mailbox address switches set incorrectly.
833 ec iom_wrong_number,iombadnm,
834 The IOM has its number set incorrectly.
835 ec ioname_not_active,ionmnact,
836 Ioname not active.
837 ec ioname_not_found,ionmnfnd,
838 Ioname not found.
839 ec ionmat,,
840 Ioname already attached and active.
841 ec ips_has_occurred,ipsoccur,
842 An interprocess signal has occurred.
843 ec item_too_big,ittoobig,
844 The item specified is over the legal size.
845 ec itt_overflow,ittfull,
846 Not enough room in ITT for wakeup.
847 ec key_duplication,key_dup,
848 There is already a record with the same key.
849 ec key_order,keyorder,
850 Key out of order.
851 ec known_in_other_rings,kothrngs,
852 There was an attempt to terminate a segment which was known in other rings.
853 ec last_reference,last_ref,
854 This operation would cause a reference count to vanish.
855 ec lesserr,,
856 Too many ""<"" 's in pathname.
857 ec line_status_pending,lnstatp,
858 Operation not performed because of outstanding line_status information.
859 ec link,link,
860 This operation is not allowed for a link entry.
861 ec linkmoderr,linkmode,
862 The execute access is needed to directory containing the link.
863 ec listen_stopped,lstnstop,
864 The listen operation has been aborted by a stop_listen request.
865 ec lock_is_invalid,lockinv,
866 The lock does not belong to an existing process.
867 ec lock_not_locked,unlocked,
868 Attempt to unlock a lock that was not locked.
869 ec lock_wait_time_exceeded,loctimex,
870 The lock could not be set in the given time.
871 ec locked_by_other_process,hislock,
872 Attempt to unlock a lock which was locked by another process.
873 ec locked_by_this_process,mylock,
874 The lock was already locked by this process.
875 ec log_message_invalid_type,log^type,
876 The specified log message type is invalid.
877 ec log_out_of_service,loginop,
878 The specified log segment is not in service at this time.
879 ec log_segment_damaged,logbust,
880 The log segment is damaged.
881 ec log_segment_empty,logempty,
882 The log segment is empty.
883 ec log_segment_full,logfull,
884 The log segment is full.
885 ec log_segment_invalid,log^val,
886 The specified segment is not a valid log segment.
887 ec log_uninitialized,log^init,
888 The log segment has not yet been initialized.
889 ec log_vol_full,logvolfl,
890 The logical volume is full.
891 ec log_wakeup_table_full,log>lstn,
892 No more listener entries are cuurrently available for this log.
893 ec logical_volume_is_connected,LViscon,
894 The logical volume is already attached.
895 ec logical_volume_is_defined,LVisdef,
896 The logical volume is already mounted.
897 ec logical_volume_not_connected,LVnotcon,
898 The logical volume is not attached.
899 ec logical_volume_not_defined,LVnotdef,
900 The logical volume is not mounted.
901 ec logical_volume_table_full,LVT_full,
902 The logical volume table is full.
903 ec long_record,long_rec,
904 Record is too long.
905 ec longeql,,
906 Equals convention makes entry name too long.
907 ec lost_device_position,lstdevps,
908 The sequential position on the device is unknown.
909 ec lower_ringbad_ring_brackets,low_ring,
910 Validation level not in ring bracket.
911 ec malformed_list_template_entry,badlstmp,
912 A compiler has generated incorrect list template initialization for an array or external variable.
913 ec masked_channel,maskchan,
914 The channel is masked.
915 ec master_dir,mastrdir,
916 This operation is not allowed for a master directory.
917 ec max_depth_exceeded,>levels,
918 The maximum depth in the storage system hierarchy has been exceeded.
919 ec mc_no_c_permission,mc^m,
920 Control permission missing on message coordinator source.
921 ec mc_no_d_permission,mc^d,
922 Daemon permission missing on message coordinator source.
923 ec mc_no_q_permission,mc^q,
924 Quit permission missing on message coordinator source.
925 ec mc_no_r_permission,mc^r,
926 Reply permission missing on message coordinator source.
927 ec mdc_bad_quota,mdcbadq,
928 Master directory quota must be greater than 0.
929 ec mdc_exec_access,mdcnoex,
930 Executive access to logical volume required to perform operation.
931 ec mdc_illegal_account,mdcilacc,
932 Illegal format of quota account name.
933 ec mdc_illegal_owner,mdcilown,
934 Illegal format of master directory owner name.
935 ec mdc_mdir_registered,mdcmdirg,
936 Quota account has master directories charged against it.
937 ec mdc_mdirs_registered,mdcmdreg,
938 Volume cannot be deleted because it contains master directories.
939 ec mdc_no_account,mdcnoact,
940 Specified quota account not found.
941 ec mdc_no_quota,mdcnoq,
942 Insufficient quota on logical volume.
943 ec mdc_no_quota_account,mdcnoqa,
944 No quota account for the logical volume.
945 ec mdc_not_mdir,mdcnotmd,
946 This operation allowed only on master directories.
947 ec mdc_path_dup,mdcpathd,
948 Pathname already listed.
949 ec mdc_path_dup_args,mdcdparg,
950 Pathname appears more than once in the list.
951 ec mdc_path_not_found,mdcpathn,
952 Pathname not found.
953 ec mdc_path_restrict,mdcpathr,
954 Path violates volume or account pathname restriction.
955 ec mdc_some_error,mdcsome,
956 One or more of the paths given are in error.
957 ec mdc_unregistered_mdir,mdcunreg,
958 Master directory missing from MDCS.
959 ec media_not_removable,mdntrmvb,
960 The specified volume cannot be unloaded from its device.
961 ec messages_deferred,msgdefer,
962 Messages are deferred.
963 ec messages_off,msgs_off,
964 Messages are not being accepted.
965 ec mismatched_iter,mismatit,
966 Mismatched iteration sets.
967 ec missent,,
968 Missing entry in outer module.
969 ec mode_string_truncated,mdetrunc,
970 Mode string has been truncated.
971 ec moderr,,
972 Incorrect access on entry.
973 ec mount_not_ready,mtnotrdy,
974 Requested volume not yet mounted.
975 ec mount_pending,mtpend,
976 Mount request pending.
977 ec mpx_down,mpx_down,
978 The multiplexer is not running.
979 ec msf,msf,
980 This operation is not allowed for a multisegment file.
981 ec multiple_io_attachment,multioat,
982 The stream is attached to more than one device.
983 ec mylock,mylock,
984 There was an attempt to lock a directory already locked to this process.
985 ec name_not_found,namenfd,
986 The name was not found.
987 ec namedup,,
988 Name duplication.
989 ec ncp_error,ncperror,
990 Network Control Program encountered a software error.
991 ec negative_nelem,negnelem,
992 Negative number of elements supplied to data transmission entry.
993 ec negative_offset,negofset,
994 Negative offset supplied to data transmission entry.
995 ec net_already_icp,sock_icp,
996 An initial connection is already in progress from this socket.
997 ec net_bad_gender,netbgend,
998 Bad socket gender involved in this request.
999 ec net_fhost_down,fhostdwn,
1000 Foreign host is down.
1001 ec net_fhost_inactive,netfhost,
1002 Communications with this foreign host not enabled.
1003 ec net_fimp_down,fimpdwn,
1004 Foreign IMP is down.
1005 ec net_icp_bad_state,bad_icp,
1006 Initial connection socket is in an improper state.
1007 ec net_icp_error,icp_err,
1008 A logical error has occurred in initial connection.
1009 ec net_icp_not_concluded,stillicp,
1010 The initial connection has not yet been completed.
1011 ec net_invalid_state,netstate,
1012 Request is inconsistent with state of socket.
1013 ec net_no_connect_permission,noconect,
1014 Process lacks permission to initiate Network connections.
1015 ec net_no_icp,no_icp,
1016 There is no initial connection in progress from this socket.
1017 ec net_not_up,netnotup,
1018 Network Control Program not in operation.
1019 ec net_rfc_refused,refused,
1020 Request for connection refused by foreign host.
1021 ec net_socket_closed,netclose,
1022 Network connection closed by foreign host.
1023 ec net_socket_not_found,netsockf,
1024 Specified socket not found in network data base.
1025 ec net_table_space,nettblsp,
1026 The NCP could not find a free table entry for this request.
1027 ec net_timeout,nettime,
1028 Connection not completed within specified time interval.
1029 ec new_offset_negative,newofneg,
1030 New offset for pointer computed by seek entry is negative.
1031 ec new_search_list,new_sl,
1032 A new search list was created.
1033 ec newnamerr,newname,
1034 User name to be added to acl not acceptable to storage system.
1035 ec nine_mode_parity,par9md,
1036 Attempt to write invalid data in 9 mode.
1037 ec no_a_permission,no_a,
1038 Append permission missing on directory.
1039 ec no_append,noappend,
1040 Append permission missing.
1041 ec no_appropriate_device,noappdev,
1042 No appropriate device is available.
1043 ec no_archive_for_equal,noaceql,
1044 No archive name in original pathname corresponding to equal name.
1045 ec no_backspace,nobacksp,
1046 Requested tape backspace unsuccessful.
1047 ec no_base_chnl_active,nobaschn,
1048 Cannot add channel with its associated base channel inactive.
1049 ec no_channel_meters,nochanm,
1050 No meters available for the specified channel.
1051 ec no_component,no_comp,
1052 Component not found in archive.
1053 ec no_connection,noconect,
1054 Unable to complete connection to external device.
1055 ec no_cpus_online,nocpus,
1056 The requested group of CPUs contains none which are online.
1057 ec no_create_copy,nocreate,
1058 Unable to create a copy.
1059 ec no_current_record,nocurrec,
1060 There is no current record.
1061 ec no_defs,nolkdefs,
1062 Bad definitions pointer in linkage.
1063 ec no_delimiter,nodelim,
1064 No delimiters found in segment to be sorted.
1065 ec no_device,nodevice,
1066 No device currently available for attachment.
1067 ec no_dialok,^dialok,
1068 The process does not have permission to make dial requests.
1069 ec no_dirnoaccess,nodir,
1070 Some directory in path specified does not exist.
1071 ec no_disconnected_processes,nodiscpr,
1072 You have no disconnected processes.
1073 ec no_e_permission,no_e,
1074 No execute permission on entry.
1075 ec no_ext_sym,noextsym,
1076 External symbol not found.
1077 ec no_file,no_file,
1078 File does not exist.
1079 ec no_fim_flag,nofmflg,
1080 The FIM flag was not set in the preceding stack frame.
1081 ec no_handler,nohand,
1082 No unclaimed signal handler specified for this process.
1083 ec no_heap_defined,nohpdef,
1084 The heap has not been defined at this execution level.
1085 ec no_heap_sym,nohpsym,
1086 Heap symbol not found.
1087 ec no_info,noinfo,
1088 Insufficient access to return any information.
1089 ec no_initial_string,no_istr,
1090 No initial string defined for terminal type.
1091 ec no_io_interrupt,noiointr,
1092 No interrupt was received on the designated IO channel.
1093 ec no_io_page_tables,noiopts,
1094 Unable to allocate an I/O page table.
1095 ec no_iocb,no_iocb,
1096 No I/O switch.
1097 ec no_journals_free,nojrfree,
1098 There are no free Data Management journals indices.
1099 ec no_key,no_key,
1100 No key defined for this operation.
1101 ec no_label,no_label,
1102 Specified detachable volume has no label.
1103 ec no_line_status,nolinstt,
1104 No line_status information available.
1105 ec no_linkage,nolksect,
1106 Linkage section not found.
1107 ec no_log_message,lognomsg,
1108 The requested log message cannot be located.
1109 ec no_m_permission,no_m,
1110 Modify permission missing on entry.
1111 ec no_makeknown,nomkknwn,
1112 Unable to make original segment known.
1113 ec no_memory_for_scavenge,nomemsc,
1114 Insufficient memory for volume scavenge.
1115 ec no_message,nomsg,
1116 Message not found.
1117 ec no_move,no_move,
1118 Unable to move segment because of type access or quota.
1119 ec no_next_volume,nonxtvol,
1120 Unable to continue processing on next volume.
1121 ec no_null_refnames,nonullrf,
1122 The segment was not initiated with any null reference names.
1123 ec no_odd_areas,no_odd,
1124 An area may not begin at an odd address.
1125 ec no_operation,no_oper,
1126 Invalid I/O operation.
1127 ec no_r_permission,no_r,
1128 No read permission on entry.
1129 ec no_record,no_rec,
1130 Record not located.
1131 ec no_restart,norestrt,
1132 Supplied machine conditions are not restartable.
1133 ec no_room_for_dsb,nrmdsb,
1134 No room available for device status block.
1135 ec no_room_for_lock,cantlock,
1136 The record block is too small to contain a lock.
1137 ec no_s_permission,no_s,
1138 Status permission missing on directory containing entry.
1139 ec no_search_list,nosrls,
1140 Search list is not in search segment.
1141 ec no_search_list_default,no_sldef,
1142 Search list has no default.
1143 ec no_set_btcnt,nosetbc,
1144 Unable to set the bit count on the copy.
1145 ec no_stmt_delim,no_delim,
1146 A statement delimiter is missing.
1147 ec no_table,no_table,
1148 The specified table does not exist.
1149 ec no_term_type,notrmtyp,
1150 Unknown terminal type.
1151 ec no_terminal_quota,notrmq,
1152 An upgraded directory must have terminal quota.
1153 ec no_trap_proc,notrproc,
1154 Cannot find procedure to call link trap procedure.
1155 ec no_vla_support,novlasup,
1156 The system does not currently support very large array common.
1157 ec no_w_permission,no_w,
1158 No write permission on entry.
1159 ec no_wdir,no_wdir,
1160 No working directory set for this process.
1161 ec no_wired_structure,nowirebf,
1162 No wired structure could be allocated for this device request.
1163 ec noalloc,,
1164 There is no room to make requested allocations.
1165 ec noarg,,
1166 Expected argument missing.
1167 ec nodescr,,
1168 Expected argument descriptor missing.
1169 ec noentry,,
1170 Entry not found.
1171 ec nolinkag,,
1172 No/bad linkage info in the lot for this segment.
1173 ec nolot,,
1174 No linkage offset table in this ring.
1175 ec nomatch,,
1176 Use of star convention resulted in no match.
1177 ec non_matching_uid,bad_uid,
1178 Unique id of segment does not match unique id argument.
1179 ec nonamerr,noname,
1180 The operation would leave no names on entry.
1181 ec nondirseg,ndirseg,
1182 This operation is not allowed for a segment.
1183 ec nopart,nopart,
1184 The partition was not found.
1185 ec noprtdmp,,
1186 No part dump card in config deck.
1187 ec nostars,nostars,
1188 Star convention is not allowed.
1189 ec not_a_branch,notbrnch,
1190 Entry is not a branch.
1191 ec not_a_valid_iocb,badiocb,
1192 The supplied pointer does not point to a valid IOCB.
1193 ec not_a_wait_channel,notwait,
1194 Event channel is not a wait channel.
1195 ec not_abs_path,^abspath,
1196 Pathname supplied is not an absolute pathname.
1197 ec not_act_fnc,not_af,
1198 This active function cannot be invoked as a command.
1199 ec not_archive,not_arch,
1200 Segment is not an archive.
1201 ec not_attached,notattch,
1202 I/O switch or device is not attached.
1203 ec not_base_channel,not_base,
1204 Specified channel is not a base channel.
1205 ec not_bound,notbound,
1206 Segment is not bound.
1207 ec not_closed,not_clsd,
1208 I/O switch is not closed.
1209 ec not_detached,not_det,
1210 I/O switch is not detached.
1211 ec not_dm_ring,notdmrg,
1212 The validation level is higher than the Data Management ring.
1213 ec not_done,not_done,
1214 Not processed.
1215 ec not_in_trace_table,notintbl,
1216 Entry not found in trace table.
1217 ec not_initialized,notinit,
1218 Initialization has not been performed.
1219 ec not_link,^link,
1220 This operation may only be performed on a link entry.
1221 ec not_open,not_open,
1222 I/O switch is not open.
1223 ec not_own_message,^ownmsg,
1224 The specified message was not added by this user.
1225 ec not_privileged,not_priv,
1226 This operation requires privileged access not given to this process.
1227 ec not_ring_0,norng0,
1228 Signaller called while not in ring 0.
1229 ec not_seg_type,notsegt,
1230 Segment not of type specified.
1231 ec notadir,,
1232 Entry is not a directory.
1233 ec notalloc,,
1234 Allocation could not be performed.
1235 ec nrmkst,,
1236 There is no more room in the KST.
1237 ec null_brackets,nulbrack,
1238 Null bracket set encountered.
1239 ec null_dir,nulldir,
1240 The directory specified has no branches.
1241 ec null_info_ptr,noinfopt,
1242 Pointer to required information is null.
1243 ec null_name_component,nullcomp,
1244 The name contains a null component.
1245 ec obsolete_function,obsfnc,
1246 Attempt to perform an operation which is obsolete.
1247 ec odd_no_of_args,odd_arg,
1248 Odd number of arguments.
1249 ec old_dim,old_dim,
1250 Old DIM cannot accept new I/O call.
1251 ec oldnamerr,oldname,
1252 Name not found.
1253 ec oldobj,,
1254 Obsolete object segment format.
1255 ec oob_stack,oobstk,
1256 User stack space exhausted.
1257 ec oob_stack_ref,oobstkrf,
1258 Attempt to reference beyond end of stack.
1259 ec oosw,oosrv,
1260 There was an attempt to reference a directory which is out of service.
1261 ec order_error,ordererr,
1262 An error occurred while processing the order request.
1263 ec out_of_bounds,oob,
1264 Reference is outside allowable bounds.
1265 ec out_of_main_memory,outofmem,
1266 There is insufficient memory to wire the requested I/O buffer.
1267 ec out_of_sequence,outofseq,
1268 A call that must be in a sequence of calls was out of sequence.
1269 ec out_of_window,oowndow,
1270 The point or region specified lies outside the window.
1271 ec outward_call_failed,^outcall,
1272 Error making outward call after stack history destroyed.
1273 ec overlapping_more_responses,badmore,
1274 The yes and no response characters are not distinct.
1275 ec pathlong,,
1276 Pathname too long.
1277 ec picture_bad,picbad,
1278 The picture contains a syntax error.
1279 " the picture supplied is in error.
1281 ec picture_scale,picscl,
1282 The picture scale factor not in the range -128:+127.
1283 " the picture scale factor not in the range -128:+127.
1285 ec picture_too_big,picbig,
1286 The normalized picture exceeds 64 characters.
1287 " the normalized picture exceeds 64 characters.
1289 ec positioned_on_bot,ponbot,
1290 Tape positioned on leader.
1291 ec private_volume,lvprivat,
1292 The logical volume is private.
1293 ec process_stopped,procstop,
1294 Target process in stopped state.
1295 ec process_unknown,procunkn,
1296 Target process unknown or in deactivated state.
1297 ec proj_not_found,no_proj,
1298 Specified project not found.
1299 ec pv_is_in_lv,PV_in_LV,
1300 The physical volume is already in the logical volume.
1301 ec pv_no_scavenge,pvnosc,
1302 The physical volume cannot be scavenged.
1303 ec pvid_not_found,pvntfnd,
1304 The physical volume is not mounted.
1305 ec quit_term_abort,qtabt,
1306 Aborted by quit or term.
1307 ec r0_refname,r0refnam,
1308 Attempt to use reference names in ring 0.
1309 ec rcp_attr_not_permitted,attr^pmt,
1310 Some attribute specified is not permitted for this resource.
1311 ec rcp_attr_protected,prot_att,
1312 Some attribute specified is protected.
1313 ec rcp_bad_attributes,rcpxatts,
1314 Resource attribute specification is invalid.
1315 ec rcp_missing_registry_component,rcprgcmp,
1316 Missing rcp registry component.
1317 ec rcp_no_auto_reg,^autoreg,
1318 The resource cannot be automatically registered.
1319 ec rcp_no_registry,norgstry,
1320 The registry was not found.
1321 ec record_busy,recbusy,
1322 Record locked by another process.
1323 ec recoverable_error,recoverr,
1324 Requested operation completed but non-fatal errors or inconsistencies were encountered.
1325 ec recursion_error,recurerr,
1326 Infinite recursion.
1327 ec refname_count_too_big,rcnt_big,
1328 The reference name count is greater than the number of reference names.
1329 ec regexp_invalid_star,rgxpinvs,
1330 Invalid use of * in regular expression.
1331 ec regexp_too_complex,rgxpcplx,
1332 Regular expression is too complex.
1333 ec regexp_too_long,rgxplong,
1334 Regular expression is too long.
1335 ec regexp_undefined,rgxpundf,
1336 Regular expression // is undefined.
1337 ec rel_chnl_active,rchnact,
1338 Cannot delete a base channel with related logical channels still active.
1339 ec request_id_ambiguous,reqidamb,
1340 The specified request id matches multiple requests.
1341 ec request_not_recognized,reqnorec,
1342 Request not recognized.
1343 ec request_pending,reqpend,
1344 Processing of request has not been completed.
1345 ec reservation_failed,resbad,
1346 The resource reservation request has failed.
1347 ec resource_assigned,rassnd,
1348 Resource already assigned to requesting process.
1349 ec resource_attached,rattchd,
1350 Resource already attached to the requesting process.
1351 ec resource_awaiting_clear,rsawclr,
1352 Resource is awaiting clear.
1353 ec resource_bad_access,rbadacc,
1354 Resource not accessible to the requesting process.
1355 ec resource_free,rsc_free,
1356 This operation not allowed for a free resource.
1357 ec resource_locked,rsc_lock,
1358 The resource is locked.
1359 ec resource_not_free,not_free,
1360 The resource is not free.
1361 ec resource_not_modified,rsc^modf,
1362 Specified resource property may not be modified in this manner.
1363 ec resource_reserved,rresvd,
1364 The resource is otherwise reserved.
1365 ec resource_spec_ambiguous,rscambig,
1366 Resource specification supplied is incomplete.
1367 ec resource_type_inappropriate,rcpinapp,
1368 Resource type is inappropriate for this request.
1369 ec resource_type_unknown,unkrsctp,
1370 Resource type unknown to the system.
1371 ec resource_unassigned,runasnd,
1372 Resource not assigned to requesting process.
1373 ec resource_unavailable,runavail,
1374 No appropriate resource available.
1375 ec resource_unknown,runknown,
1376 Resource not known to the system.
1377 ec retrieval_trap_on,retrap,
1378 Retrieval trap on for file special user is trying to access.
1379 ec root,,
1380 The directory is the ROOT.
1381 ec rqover,,
1382 Record quota overflow.
1383 ec run_unit_not_recursive,norunrec,
1384 There can be only one run unit at a time.
1385 ec safety_sw_on,sson,
1386 Attempt to delete segment whose safety switch is on.
1387 ec salv_pdir_procterm,salvptrm,
1388 Fatal salvaging of process directory.
1389 ec sameseg,,
1390 Attempt to specify the same segment as both old and new.
1391 ec scavenge_aborted,scabrt,
1392 The volume scavenge has been terminated abnormally.
1393 ec scavenge_in_progress,scinprg,
1394 The volume is being scavenged.
1395 ec scavenge_process_limit,scprlmt,
1396 Maximum number of simultaneous scavenges exceeded.
1397 ec seg_busted,segbust,
1398 Entry has been damaged. Please type ""help damaged_segments.gi"".
1399 ec seg_deleted,segdel,
1400 The segment has been deleted.
1401 ec seg_not_found,segntfnd,
1402 Segment not found.
1403 ec seg_unknown,notknown,
1404 Segment not known to process.
1405 ec segfault,,
1406 Segment fault occurred accessing segment.
1407 ec segknown,,
1408 Segment already known to process.
1409 ec seglock,,
1410 The segment is already locked.
1411 ec segnamedup,segnamdp,
1412 Name already on entry.
1413 ec segno_in_use,seginuse,
1414 The segment number is in use.
1415 ec short_record,shortrec,
1416 Record is too short.
1417 ec signaller_fault,sigflt,
1418 Fault in signaller by user's process.
1419 ec size_error,sizeerr,
1420 The size condition has occurred.
1421 " the size condition occurred during processing.
1423 ec smallarg,,
1424 Argument size too small.
1425 ec soos_set,,
1426 Security-out-of-service has been set on some branches due to AIM inconsistency.
1427 ec special_channel,spechan,
1428 The event channel specified is a special channel.
1429 ec special_channels_full,chnsfull,
1430 All available special channels have been allocated.
1431 ec stack_not_active,stkinact,
1432 The requested ring-0 stack is not active.
1433 ec stack_overflow,stkovrfl,
1434 Not enough room in stack to complete processing.
1435 ec strings_not_equal,string^=,
1436 Strings are not equal.
1437 ec subvol_needed,subvn,
1438 Subvolume needed for this type device.
1439 ec subvol_invalid,subinv,
1440 Subvolume is invalid for this device.
1441 ec synch_seg_limit,synchlim,
1442 Too many synchronized segments are active.
1443 ec synch_seg_segmove,synchsgm,
1444 Attempt to segment move synchronized segment with held pages.
1445 ec tape_error,tape_err,
1446 Tape error.
1447 ec termination_requested,termrqu,
1448 Process terminated because of system defined error condition.
1449 ec time_too_long,timelong,
1450 Specified time limit is too long.
1451 ec timeout,,
1452 The operation was not completed within the required time.
1453 ec too_many_acl_entries,manyacle,
1454 Access control list exceeds maximum size.
1455 ec too_many_args,t_m_args,
1456 Maximum number of arguments for this command exceeded.
1457 ec too_many_buffers,manybufs,
1458 Too many buffers specified.
1459 ec too_many_names,>names,
1460 Name list exceeds maximum size.
1461 ec too_many_read_delimiters,tmrdelim,
1462 Too many read delimiters specified.
1463 ec too_many_refs,manyrefs,
1464 Unable to increment the reference count because of upper bound limit.
1465 ec too_many_sr,toomnysr,
1466 Too many search rules.
1467 ec too_many_tokens,numtoken,
1468 The string contains more tokens than can be processed.
1469 " the time string contains more tokens than the
1470 " routine is prepared to handle.
1472 ec toomanylinks,>links,
1473 There are too many links to get to a branch.
1474 ec trace_table_empty,emptytbl,
1475 Trace table is empty.
1476 ec trace_table_full,fulltbl,
1477 Trace table is full.
1478 ec translation_aborted,tranabor,
1479 Fatal error. Translation aborted.
1480 ec translation_failed,tranfail,
1481 Translation failed.
1482 ec typename_not_found,typenfnd,
1483 Typename not found.
1484 ec unable_to_check_access,cantchk,
1485 It was not possible to complete access checking - access denied.
1486 ec unable_to_do_io,no_io,
1487 Unable to perform critical I/O.
1488 ec unbalanced_brackets,unbalbra,
1489 Brackets do not balance.
1490 ec unbalanced_parentheses,unbalpar,
1491 Parentheses do not balance.
1492 ec unbalanced_quotes,unbalquo,
1493 Quotes do not balance.
1494 ec undefined_mode,undefmod,
1495 Mode not defined.
1496 ec undefined_order_request,undorder,
1497 Undefined order request.
1498 ec undefined_ptrname,undptnam,
1499 Unrecognizable ptrname on seek or tell call.
1500 ec undeleted_device,undeldev,
1501 Cannot delete the only channel leading to an undeleted device.
1502 ec unexpected_condition,exexpcon,
1503 An unexpected condition was signalled during the operation.
1504 ec unexpected_device_status,unxpstat,
1505 Unexpected or inexplicable status received from device.
1506 ec unexpected_ft2,unexpft2,
1507 Attempt to execute instruction containing a fault tag 2.
1508 ec unexpired_file,unexpfl,
1509 Unable to overwrite an unexpired file.
1510 ec unexpired_volume,unexpvl,
1511 Unable to continue processing on unexpired volume.
1512 ec unimplemented_ptrname,unimptnm,
1513 Pointer name passed to seek or tell not currently implemented by it.
1514 ec unimplemented_version,not_imp,
1515 This procedure does not implement the requested version.
1516 " a structure is not a version this procedure can handle.
1518 ec uninitialized_volume,uninitvl,
1519 Unable to continue processing on uninitialized volume.
1520 ec unknown_tp,bad_tp,
1521 The specified tuning parameter does not exist.
1522 ec unknown_zone,bad_zone,
1523 The time zone is not acceptable.
1524 " the time zone specified by the caller was not found in
1525 " time_info_.
1527 ec unrecognized_char_code,urecgcc,
1528 Volume recorded in unrecognized character code.
1529 ec unregistered_volume,unregvol,
1530 The specified detachable volume has not been registered.
1531 ec unsupported_multi_class_volume,unsupvol,
1532 Multi-class volumes are not supported.
1533 ec unsupported_operation,unsupop,
1534 The requested operation is not supported.
1535 ec unsupported_terminal,bad_term,
1536 The specified terminal is not supported by the video system.
1537 ec user_not_found,usernfd,
1538 User-name not on access control list for branch.
1539 ec user_requested_logout,userlogo,
1540 The user voluntarily logged out.
1541 ec user_requested_hangup,userhngp,
1542 The user requested the connection to close.
1543 ec vchn_active,vchnact,
1544 virtual channel is currently in use.
1545 ec vchn_not_found,vchnnfnd,
1546 virtual channel not defined.
1547 ec vol_in_use,volinuse,
1548 The volume is in use by another process.
1549 ec volume_busy,volbusy,
1550 The requested volume is not available.
1551 ec volume_not_loaded,volntld,
1552 The requested volume is not loaded.
1553 ec volume_type_unknown,vt^known,
1554 Volume type unknown to the system.
1555 ec vtoc_io_err,vtocioer,
1556 Unrecoverable data-transmission error on VTOC.
1557 ec vtoce_connection_fail,vtocecnf,
1558 Some directory or segment in the pathname is not listed in the VTOC.
1559 ec vtoce_free,vtocefr,
1560 The VTOCE is already free.
1561 ec wakeup_denied,nowakeup,
1562 Insufficient access to send wakeup.
1563 ec wrong_channel_ring,wrchring,
1564 An event channel is being used in an incorrect ring.
1565 ec wrong_no_of_args,badargno,
1566 Wrong number of arguments supplied.
1567 ec zero_length_seg,zerosegl,
1568 Zero length segment.
1569 ec no_forms_table_defined,notabdef,
1570 No forms table defined for this request_type or device.
1571 ec bad_forms_option,badfrmop,
1572 Undefined forms option.
1574 end