1 " ***********************************************************
  2 " *                                                         *
  3 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987                *
  4 " *                                                         *
  5 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1984 *
  6 " *                                                         *
  7 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
  8 " *                                                         *
  9 " * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
 10 " * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
 11 " *                                                         *
 12 " ***********************************************************
 14 "
 15 "  cache_priv - privileged subroutine to perform static test of cache memory.
 16 "  Called from pl1 procedure cache_tester.
 17 "
 18 "  Entry description:
 19 "
 20 "  dcl  cache_priv$csh1 (csh2) entry (ptr, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (35));
 21 "  call cache_priv$csh1 (csh2) (wired_buf_ptr, buf_size, info_ptr, code);
 22 "
 23 "  where:
 24 "
 25 "  1. wired_buf_ptr - is a ptr to a wired encachable buffer. It is assumed that the
 26 "  wired buffer has been filled with the desired test data pattern, by the caller.
 27 "
 28 "  2. buf_size - is the buffer size in words. It should be one half the cache size.
 29 "
 30 "  3. info_ptr - is a ptr to a wired info structure which is a 3 element array of
 31 "  error/diagnostic info. The structure array elements are defined below. The data
 32 "  from the first 3 errors encountered is stored in the info structure.
 33 "
 34 "  4. code - is an indication of the existance of a cache error, and is also the
 35 "  count of the number of errors encounterd.
 36 "
 37 "  The cache_priv$csh1 entry is to test the lower half of cache memory defined by
 38 "  the program settable switch "csh1" in the cache mode register. The
 39 "  cache_priv$csh2 entry is to test the upper half of cache memory defined by the
 40 "  program settable switch "csh2" in the cache mode register.
 41 "
 42 "  Original coding by J. A. Bush 1/15/80
 43 "  Modified by J. A. Bush 6/20/80 to not inhibit so long
 44 "
 45 "  Modified  by R. A. Fawcett June 1984 to handle:
 46 "   1. Original type of DPS8M 8K cache
 47 "   2. VSSC cache for 8K 16K and 32K configs
 48 "   3. And do the same things for all types of CACHE including L68 2K.
 49 "      After the above changes Bush would not recognize this program.
 50 "
 51           name      cache_priv
 52           entry     csh1
 53           entry     csh2
 55           tempd     maskwd,ptwp,arglist(7) arguments for calls
 56           tempd     temp_fault_reg      temp storage for fault reg
 57           tempd     cam_wait
 58           temp      buf_length          storage for cache buffer length
 59           temp      temp_ind_reg        temp storage for ind reg
 60           temp      timer               temp storage for the timer register
 61           temp      not_me
 62 " The next equs are for the cpriv_info.err_data array in cache_tester.
 63 " They are based on the bb indexed by x4 and there are 3 possible error sets.
 65           equ       cache_data,0        error data in cache
 66           equ       ex_or_data,2        exclusive or of error data in memory and cache
 67           equ       fault_reg,4         storage for fault register
 68           equ       cache_addr,6        storage for error address in cache
 69           equ       ind_reg,7           storage for indicator register
 72           bool      par_err,1000        parity indicator
 73           bool      par_mask,400        parity mask indicator
 76 csh1:
 77 "**** entry to test lower half of cache  ***
 78           push
 79           eax3      0                   set cache on constant to csh1
 80           tra       c_com
 83 csh2:
 84 "**** entry to test upper half of cache  ***
 85           push
 86           eax3      1                   set cache on constant to csh2
 88 c_com:
 89           eppbp     ap|2,*              get cache buf ptr
 90           eppbp     bp|0,*
 91           eppbb     ap|6,*              get com region address
 92           eppbb     bb|0,*
 94           lxl7      ap|4,*              get buffer size in words
 95           stx7      buf_length          and save for comparisons
 96           eaa       0,x7                calc clear time based on cache size
 97           arl       3
 98           eax4      0,au                initialize csh_on wait count
 99           eax6      0                   start at address 0 of buffer
102           epplb     page$cam_wait
103           sprilb    cam_wait
105           epplb     maskwd              " mask so that no interups are taken
106           sprilb    arglist+2
107           epplb     ptwp
108           sprilb    arglist+4
109           ldaq      TWO_ARGS_ND
110           staq      arglist
111           call      pmut$wire_and_mask(arglist)
113           ldi       par_mask,dl         don't take parity fault
115           stt       timer               save the current timer
116           ldt       TIMER               set timer for 4min + (no fault)
119 prev_connects:
120           epplb     ptwp
121           sprilb    arglist+2
122           ldaq      ONE_ARG_ND
123           staq      arglist             cause other cpus to loop unitl
124           call      cam_wait,*(arglist)  cache is loaded
126 clear_cache:
128           lcpr      csh_off,02          insure that cache is OFF
129           xec       csh_on,3            turn appropriate cache segment on
130           eax4      -1,4                wait for cache hardware initialization
131           nop       0,du
132           tnz       *-2                 error counter (x4) is 0 on loop exit
134 l_loop:
135           ldaq      bp|0,6              fill cache by referencing wired buffer
136           eax6      4,6                 increment to next block address
137           eax7      -4,7                decrement block count
138           tnz       l_loop              xfer if not full
139           lcpr      csh_off,02          now turn cache off
141           stz       scs$cam_wait        trun others lose
143 set_up_check:
144           ldi       0,dl                initialize indicator reg
145           eax6      0                   all done initialize buffer index
146           cmpx3     1,du                are we testing upper cache memory?
147           tnz       c_loop              xfer if no, x7  has address 0 (start of lower cache)
148           ldx7      buf_length          yes set cache read address to upper half
150 c_loop:
151           inhibit   on
152           ldi       par_mask,dl         don't take parity fault here!!!
153           lcpr      cache_to_reg_mode,02
154           ldaq      bp|0,7              load data from cache
155           lcpr      csh_off,02          turn reg mode off
156           inhibit   off
157           sti       temp_ind_reg        save indicator reg
158           ldi       0,dl                and initialize
160           cmpaq     bp|0,6              data in cache equal to data in mem?
161           tze       par_chk             xfer if yes
162           cmpaq     csh_off             data in cache = csh_off constant?
163           tnz       cmp_err             xfer if no
165 par_chk:
166           lxl5      temp_ind_reg        but did we have a parity error?
167           canx5     par_err,du
168           tnz       cmp_err             xfer if yes
170 err_cont:
171           eax7      2,7                 increment cache address
172           eax6      2,6                 increment memory address
173           cmpx6     buf_length          last  cache addr looked at
174           tmi       c_loop              xfer if no
175           ldi       0,dl                yes, reset parity mask
176           eaa       0,4                 copy error index to a
177           arl       18+3                right justify and get real error count
178           sta       ap|8,*              and store in error code
181           epplb     maskwd              now we can unmask
182           sprilb    arglist+2
183           epplb     ptwp
184           sprilb    arglist+4
185           ldaq      TWO_ARGS_ND
186           staq      arglist
187           call      pmut$unwire_unmask(arglist)   unmask
189           ldt       timer               restore_timer
190           return                        all done this half
192 cmp_err:
194           cmpx4     24,du               do we have 3 errors already?
195           tmi       capture             no, go capture error data
196           eax4      8,4                 yes, just add 1 more to error count
197           tra       err_cont            and go loop trough rest of cache
199 capture:
200           scpr      temp_fault_reg,01 compare/parity error, save fault reg
201           staq      bb|cache_data,4     save cache data
202           eraq      bp|0,6              exclusive or cache and memory data
203           staq      bb|ex_or_data,4
204           lxl5      temp_ind_reg        but did we have a parity error?
205           anx5      par_err,du
206           sxl5      bb|ind_reg,4        save indicator reg of error
207           lda       temp_fault_reg      save fault reg
208           sta       bb|fault_reg,4
209           sxl7      bb|cache_addr,4     save cache address in error
210           eax4      8,4                 add 1 more to error count
211           tra       err_cont            and go loop trough rest of cache
213           inhibit   on
214           even
215 csh_on:   lcpr      csh1_on,02          turn csh1 on with xec instruction
216           lcpr      csh2_on,02          turn csh2 on with xec instruction
217           inhibit   off
219 csh1_on:  oct       500003              csh1 and operands on
220 csh2_on:  oct       300003              csh2 and operands on
222           even
223 csh_off:  oct       3
224           oct       707070707070        pattern to ignore csh_off constant
226 cache_to_reg_mode:
227           oct       10003               cache dump mode
229           even
231           zero      2,2
232           zero      0,0
234           zero      4,4
235           zero      0,0
237 TIMER:    oct       777777777777
238           end