1 /****^  ***********************************************************
   2         *                                                         *
   3         * Copyright, (C) BULL HN Information Systems Inc., 1989   *
   4         *                                                         *
   5         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987                *
   6         *                                                         *
   7         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
   8         *                                                         *
   9         *********************************************************** */
  11 /* DISK_CONTROL - Device Control Module for Disks.
  12    coded 12/1/70 by N. I. Morris
  13    revised 7/1/73 - Lee J. Scheffler to add metering
  14    revised 12/73 by N. I. Morris to add DSU-191 disks.
  15    revised 4/8/74 by S.H.Webber to change lockptl metering code
  16    revised for new storage system - 3/27/75 by Noel I. Morris
  17    test_drive entry by Bernard Greenberg 4/9/76
  18    improved error handling by Noel I. Morris - 6/3/76
  19    bad channel removal added by Noel I. Morris - 8/16/77
  20    disk offline waiting added by Bernard Greenberg - 9/20/77
  21    changed to use reset status command in test_drive 2/1/79 by Michael R. Jordan
  22    modified for new seek optimization for MSU0500/1 devices 4/79 by Michael R. Jordan
  23    modified for io_manager conversion February 1981 by Chris Jones
  24    Modified July, 1981, WOS, to install Mike Jordan's fix to the 501 sector number
  25    overflow problem (too many sectors to represent in 20 bits).
  26    Modified February 1982 by C. Hornig for MR10 io_manager.
  27    Modified March 1982 by C. Hornig to unload disks.
  28    Modified March 1982 by J. Bongiovanni for queue_length_given_pvtx, new PVTE
  29    Modified July 1982 by J. Bongiovanni for read_sectors, write_sectors
  30    Modified June 1983 by Chris Jones for ioi rewrite
  31    Modified January 1984 by Chris Jones to add add_channel entry
  32    Modified April 1984 by T. Oke for system wide free_q.
  33    Modified April 1984 by T. Oke for dynamic channel table and the use of
  34    dskdcl_chans_per_subsys to define channel idx/subsystem relation.
  35    Modified May 1984 by T. Oke to save pvtx in queue entry for AZM analysis
  36    of queue.
  38    Modified for adaptive optimizer by T. Oke May 1984.
  39    Modified call_run to poll all sub-systems by T. Oke May 1984,
  40    Lossage counters moved to chantab and renamed.
  41    Modified to reset quentry.used in add_free_q by T. Oke November 1984.
  42    Modified Nov 26, 1984 by R. A. Fawcett to support dev 0 (fips). Also include
  43    Chris Jones's change for IMU-type detailed status delivery.
  44    Stepped zealousness of esd_reset_locks from "call call_run (sx)" to
  45    merely "call run" to prevent running un-reinitialized sub-systems.
  46    by T. Oke November 1984.
  47    Modified February 1985 by Chris Jones to allow a channel to be usurped if
  48    of its devices are deleted.
  49    Modified July 1985 by Paul Farley to correctly handle IMU style detailed status.
  50 */
  52 /****^  HISTORY COMMENTS:
  53   1) change(85-09-09,Fawcett), approve(85-09-09,MCR6979),
  54      audit(85-12-02,CLJones), install(86-03-21,MR12.0-1033):
  55      Add support for dev
  56      0 FIPS, Chris Jones's change for IMU-type detailed status delivery.
  57   2) change(86-04-01,Fawcett), approve(86-04-11,MCR7383),
  58      audit(86-05-27,Coppola), install(86-07-17,MR12.0-1097):
  59      Add support for subvolumes, and 512_word_io, devices 3380 and 3390.
  60   3) change(86-07-24,Fawcett), approve(86-10-30,PBF7383),
  61      audit(86-11-18,Beattie), install(86-11-21,MR12.0-1223):
  62      Add an optional third line to the disk error message that gives the
  63      subvolume name and logical record/sector for use with the
  64      record_to_vtocx command.
  65   4) change(86-10-29,Fawcett), approve(86-11-14,MCR7571),
  66      audit(86-11-18,Beattie), install(86-11-21,MR12.0-1223):
  67      Check the ioi_used bit before trying to place channels back in operation.
  68   5) change(87-05-22,Fawcett), approve(87-05-27,MCR7704),
  69      audit(87-07-08,Farley), install(87-07-17,MR12.1-1043):
  70      Move the check for the TEST type IO quentry. This allows the secondary
  71      channels to be used if the primary is down.
  72   6) change(87-05-27,Fawcett), approve(87-05-27,MCR7704),
  73      audit(87-07-08,Farley), install(87-07-17,MR12.1-1043):
  74      Set the "substat" variable to ANY so that matches in the disk_error_data
  75      segment can be found for such things as I/O system faults. Also display
  76      the I/O system fault word on the console.
  77   7) change(87-08-31,Fawcett), approve(87-08-31,PBF7704),
  78      audit(87-08-31,Farley), install(87-09-01,MR12.1-1095):
  79      Change to correct a bug in the sub-status reporting in the above fix.
  80   8) change(88-02-23,Farley), approve(88-02-23,MCR7759),
  81      audit(88-02-24,Fawcett), install(88-03-01,MR12.2-1029):
  82      Changed to set a new flag in the error code "all_paths_bad" and to give up
  83      if only one channel left and it is bad. At this time it will only be
  84      implemented for bootload_io. This is I/O done for BCE commands.
  85   9) change(88-02-23,Farley), approve(88-02-23,MCR7793),
  86      audit(88-02-24,Fawcett), install(88-03-01,MR12.2-1029):
  87      Changed the handle_error procedure to only display/retry TEST I/O errors
  88      when they are of the bad_path variety.  The retry will be done by removing
  89      the suspected bad path and re-queuing the I/O.  If bad_path error on all
  90      paths, set the device inoperative and post the I/O. Same during esd.
  91  10) change(88-03-18,Farley), approve(88-03-18,MCR7858),
  92      audit(88-04-11,Fawcett), install(88-04-19,MR12.2-1037):
  93      Changed disk_inter entry to set io_status_entry_ptr for all interrupt
  94      levels that will be processed.  A null ptr fault was occuring with level-1
  95      system faults.  Changed bad_dev error handling to set pvte inop when doing
  96      TEST I/O during an ESD.
  97  11) change(88-05-12,Farley), approve(88-06-03,MCR7906),
  98      audit(88-08-03,Fawcett), install(88-08-08,MR12.2-1080):
  99      Added a reconnect_announce_time variable to chantab to announce reconnect
 100      attempts the first time and every thirty seconds thereafter, until the I/O
 101      is successful.  All other times the messages will go only to the log as
 102      they normally do.  Also added I/O type to message.
 103  12) change(89-06-23,Farley), approve(89-07-26,MCR8122),
 104      audit(89-09-11,WAAnderson), install(89-09-22,MR12.3-1072):
 105      Added functionality to interpret_status and printerr procedures to
 106      seperate FIPS disk statuses from all others by checking the pvte.is_sv
 107      flag and using new fields in disk_error_data.  Also changed printerr to
 108      check the new "just_log" flag in disk_error_data.
 109  13) change(90-06-27,WAAnderson), approve(90-08-28,MCR8188),
 110      audit(90-09-21,Schroth), install(90-10-01,MR12.4-1035):
 111      Fix bug in esd_reset_locks and handle_error that caused ESD to fail.
 112                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 114 /*
 117    When a fatal error is detected by  the  disk  DIM,  the
 118    drive  involved is placed in a temporarily inoperative state.  If
 119    the drive corrects the problem by itself within  several  seconds
 120    and  sends  a special interrupt, the drive will be placed back in
 121    operation.  If no special is received within the  several  second
 122    time  limit, the DIM will attempt to use the drive once more.  If
 123    it generates another fatal error, the drive  will  be  placed  in
 124    broken  state.   The DIM will attempt to use a broken drive every
 125    several minutes.  The  receipt  of  a  special  interrupt,  or  a
 126    successful  attempt  to use a broken drive, will place that drive
 127    back in operation.  Read requests that are queued  for  a  broken
 128    drive  will  be posted as errors.  Write requests will be left in
 129    the queue and ignored util the broken drive  becomes  operational
 130    again.
 132 */
 134 /* format: style4,delnl,insnl,indattr,ifthen,dclind10 */
 135 disk_control:
 136      proc;
 138 dcl       a_pvtx                 fixed bin;                 /* index of PVT entry */
 139 dcl       a_coreadd              fixed bin (24);            /* absolute core address */
 140 dcl       a_devadd               bit (18) aligned;          /* secondary storage device address */
 141 dcl       a_intrpt               fixed bin (1);             /* non-zero if completion interrupt desired */
 142 dcl       a_queue_length         fixed bin;                 /* current number of elements in Q */
 143 dcl       a_sect_off             fixed bin (4);             /* sector offset for single sector requests */
 144 dcl       a_n_sectors            fixed bin;                 /* number of sectors for sector I/O */
 146 dcl       pvtx                   fixed bin;                 /* copied args to prevent page faults */
 147 dcl       coreadd                fixed bin (24);
 148 dcl       sect_off               fixed bin (4);
 149 dcl       n_sectors              fixed bin;
 150 dcl       record_offset          fixed bin;
 152 /* Local Automatic storage. */
 154 dcl       bootload_sw            bit (1) aligned;           /* set if I/O is being done for bootload Multics */
 155 dcl       call_run_sx            fixed bin;                 /* a_sx saved in call_run */
 156 dcl       channel_time           fixed bin (52);            /* time channel spent doing I/O */
 157 dcl       command                bit (6) aligned;           /* peripheral device command */
 158 dcl       cylinder               fixed bin (12);            /* cylinder heads are currently on */
 159 dcl       dcdcwp                 ptr;                       /* pointer to data xfer IDCW */
 160 dcl       dddcwp                 ptr;                       /* pointer to data xfer DCW */
 161 dcl       dev                    unsigned fixed bin (6);    /* disk device code */
 162 dcl       devadd                 fixed bin (18);            /* record number part of device address */
 163 dcl       dev_count              fixed bin;                 /* counter in getwork */
 164 dcl       entry_time             fixed bin (52);            /* time of call */
 165 dcl       errcd                  fixed bin (35);            /* error code to page control */
 166 dcl       i                      fixed bin;                 /* usually channel index */
 167 dcl       intrpt                 bit (1);                   /* if interrupt required */
 168 dcl       io_type                fixed bin;                 /* type of IO */
 169 dcl       lcp                    ptr;                       /* local channel pointer in handle_error */
 170 dcl       level                  fixed bin (3);             /* level of interrupt from IOM */
 171 dcl       majstat                fixed bin (5);             /* extended major status */
 172 dcl       mask                   fixed bin (71) aligned;    /* temp for wire and mask */
 173 dcl       masked                 bit (1);                   /* running masked */
 174 dcl       meter_start_time       fixed bin (52);            /* time of attempt to lock */
 175 dcl       name_rel               fixed bin (17);            /* rel offset of the disk_error_data ascii names */
 176 dcl       pdi                    fixed bin (6) unsigned;    /* Primary Device Index. */
 177 dcl       post_sw                bit (1) aligned;           /* "1"b if posting must be done */
 178 dcl       ptp                    ptr;                       /* temp for wire_and_mask */
 179 dcl       qrp                    bit (18) aligned;          /* rel ptr to queue entry */
 180 dcl       qx                     fixed bin (8);             /* index to queue entry */
 181 dcl       required               bit (1) aligned;           /* "1"b if IOI requires specific channel */
 182 dcl       sector                 fixed bin (21);            /* physical disk sector */
 183 dcl       sect_sw                bit (1);                   /* if sector IO */
 184 dcl       stat                   bit (36) aligned;          /* copy of special or fault status word */
 185 dcl       status_time            fixed bin (52);            /* time status received */
 186 dcl       sx                     fixed bin (8);             /* index of disk subsystem */
 187 dcl       sysc                   fixed bin;                 /* syserr report code */
 188 dcl       substat                bit (6) aligned;           /* substatus */
 189 dcl       temp_time              fixed bin (52);            /* for real time looping on inop chnl errors */
 190 dcl       usurped                bit (1) aligned;           /* "1"b if IOI usurped channel successfully */
 191 dcl       wait_time              fixed bin (52);            /* time from queuing to I/O completion */
 193 dcl       1 msg_buf              like io_msg aligned;       /* for syserr data */
 195 dcl       1 stat_entry           like io_status_entry;      /* the whole disaster */
 197 dcl       error_table_$bad_arg   fixed bin (35) ext static;
 198 dcl       error_table_$io_configured
 199                                  fixed bin (35) ext static;
 201 dcl       pds$processid          ext bit (36);
 202 dcl       page_fault$disk_offline_event
 203                                  bit (36) aligned ext;
 204 dcl       tc_data$system_shutdown
 205                                  ext fixed bin;
 207 dcl       ANY                    bit (6) init ("000000"b) static options (constant);
 208                                                             /* used for substatus that will match on any */
 209 dcl       (
 210           BOTH                   init ("1"b),
 211           SINGLE                 init ("0"b),
 212           ON                     init ("1"b),
 213           OFF                    init ("0"b),
 214           SUCCESS                init ("1"b),
 215           FAILURE                init ("0"b)
 216           )                      bit (1) aligned static options (constant);
 217 dcl       IDCW                   bit (3) init ("7"b3) static options (constant);
 218 dcl       (
 219           WRITE                  init ("31"b3),
 220           READ                   init ("25"b3),
 221           RESET_STATUS           init ("40"b3),
 222           UNLOAD                 init ("72"b3)
 223           )                      bit (6) static options (constant);
 224 dcl       UNLOCK                 bit (36) aligned init ((36)"0"b) static options (constant);
 225 dcl       (
 227                                  fixed bin (35) init (30000000),
 228                                                             /* thirty seconds for reconnect announce throttling */
 229           DISK_POLLING_TIME      fixed bin (35) init (2000000),
 230                                                             /* two seconds for lost interrupt */
 231           INOP_POLLING_TIME      fixed bin (35) init (5000000),
 232                                                             /* five seconds for dropping out of ready */
 233           BROKEN_POLLING_TIME    fixed bin (35) init (180000000),
 234                                                             /* three minutes for standby */
 235           CHANNEL_POLLING_TIME   fixed bin (35) init (60000000)
 236                                                             /* one minute for bad channel */
 237           )                      static options (constant);
 239 dcl       bootload_disk_post     entry (fixed bin (24), fixed bin (35));
 240 dcl       seek_512               bit (6) init ("30"b3) static options (constant);
 241 dcl       syserr                 entry options (variable);
 242 dcl       syserr$binary          entry options (variable);
 243 dcl       pxss$notify            entry (bit (36) aligned);
 244 dcl       page$done              entry (fixed bin (24), fixed bin (35));
 245 dcl       pmut$wire_and_mask     entry (fixed bin (71) aligned, ptr);
 246 dcl       pmut$unwire_unmask     entry (fixed bin (71) aligned, ptr);
 247 dcl       dctl$disk_inter        entry (fixed bin (35), fixed bin (3), bit (36) aligned);
 248 dcl       vtoc_interrupt         entry (fixed bin (24), fixed bin (35));
 249 dcl       ioi_masked$online_device_count
 250                                  entry (char (*)) returns (fixed bin);
 251 dcl       ioi_masked$interrupt   entry (fixed bin (35), fixed bin (3), bit (36) aligned);
 253 dcl       (abs, addr, addrel, bin, bit, clock, convert, divide, fixed, float, lbound, length, hbound, max, mod, null, ptr,
 254           rel, stacq, string, substr, unspec)
 255                                  builtin;
 256 ^L
 257 dcl       ME                     char (16) static options (constant) init ("disk_control");
 259 dcl       dev_mask               (0:63) bit (72) aligned static options (constant)
 260                                  init ("100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 261                                  "010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 262                                  "001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 263                                  "000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 264                                  "000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 265                                  "000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 266                                  "000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 267                                  "000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 268                                  "000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 269                                  "000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 270                                  "000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 271                                  "000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 272                                  "000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 273                                  "000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 274                                  "000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 275                                  "000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 276                                  "000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 277                                  "000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 278                                  "000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 279                                  "000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 280                                  "000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 281                                  "000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 282                                  "000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 283                                  "000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 284                                  "000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 285                                  "000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 286                                  "000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 287                                  "000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 288                                  "000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 289                                  "000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 290                                  "000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 291                                  "000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 292                                  "000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 293                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 294                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 295                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 296                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 297                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 298                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 299                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 300                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 301                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000"b,
 302                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000"b,
 303                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000"b,
 304                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000"b,
 305                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000"b,
 306                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000"b,
 307                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000"b,
 308                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000"b,
 309                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000"b,
 310                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000"b,
 311                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000"b,
 312                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000"b,
 313                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000"b,
 314                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000"b,
 315                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000"b,
 316                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000"b,
 317                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000"b,
 318                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000"b,
 319                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000"b,
 320                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000"b,
 321                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000"b,
 322                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000"b,
 323                                  "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000"b);
 324 ^L
 325 /* format: off */
 326 /* Assumptions:
 328 Several variables are expected to be correct through most of this program:
 330    dev    Device index of the devtab entry for the current device.
 331    dp     Devtab Pointer, indicates the current devtab to be operating upon.
 332           It is typically set from addr (disktab.devtab (pdi)).
 333    pdi    Primary Device Index of the current dev.  Found in devtab.pdi
 334           Used to determine primary device of shared devices.  The primary
 335           device will hold queue for all its shared spindles.
 336    sect_sw Sector switch indication for the current IO to be entered into a
 337           quentry (operation entry points), or when posting a completed IO.
 338           Major importance when posting an IO, since it must be correct for
 339           the coreadd being posted.
 340    sx     Subsystem index.  Indicates which subsystem is in use, in order of
 341           definition of subsystems in the config_file.
 343      When a disk interrupt is received, we take info on dev, pdi, coreadd,
 344 sect_sw from the entry in check_stat.  These should not be messed with, since
 345 check_stat will also return the queue element to the free_q and will call
 346 getwork to start fresh IO on the channel ASAP.  Sect_sw and coreadd must still
 347 be good at post time.
 349      Since on shared devices, a single pdi's queue will hold requests for more
 350 than a single device, the dev value is recovered from the selected queue in
 351 getwork (after xfer_join) to ensure we know who we are dealing with.
 353      Add_wq will add the new request to the queue of the pdi, but will do the
 354 appropriate statistics (other than queue stats) on the device (dev).  Same with
 355 del_q.
 356 */
 357 /* format: on */
 358 ^L
 359 /* Entry points to generate disk requests.  Setup the type of the IO and then
 360    enter common code to process entry conditions.  If we are doing testing or
 361    VTOCE IO, then we have to wire and mask.  If doing PAGE IO, then we are
 362    wired and masked. */
 365 write_sectors:
 366      entry (a_pvtx, a_coreadd, a_devadd, a_sect_off, a_n_sectors);
 368           io_type = VTOC_WRITE;
 369           goto go_sector;
 372 read_sectors:
 373      entry (a_pvtx, a_coreadd, a_devadd, a_sect_off, a_n_sectors);
 375           io_type = VTOC_READ;
 376 go_sector:
 377           devadd = bin (a_devadd, 18);                      /* copy device address */
 378           coreadd = a_coreadd;                              /* copy core address */
 380           sect_off = a_sect_off;                            /* setup offset */
 381           n_sectors = a_n_sectors;
 382           goto go_masked;                                   /* Enter masked env */
 385 test_drive:
 386      entry (a_pvtx);                                        /* test drive by issuing RSS */
 388           io_type = TEST;
 389           coreadd = bin (RESET_STATUS, 24);                 /* Device TEST command */
 390           goto go_test;
 394 unload_drive:
 395      entry (a_pvtx);                                        /* cycle down a drive */
 397           io_type = TEST;
 398           coreadd = bin (UNLOAD, 24);                       /* Device UNLOAD command */
 399 go_test:
 400           sect_off = 0;                                     /* no offset if TEST */
 401           n_sectors = 0;                                    /* no sectors if TEST */
 402           devadd = 0;                                       /* no core if TEST */
 404 /* Sector and Test IO must be masked and have the stack wired. */
 406 go_masked:
 407           call pmut$wire_and_mask (mask, ptp);              /* mask for processing */
 408           masked = "1"b;                                    /* so we unmask */
 409           intrpt = "0"b;
 410           goto go_common;
 413 /* Write/Read a Virtual Memory Page between Disk and a Memory Frame. */
 415 disk_write:
 416      entry (a_pvtx, a_coreadd, a_devadd, a_intrpt);
 418           io_type = PAGE_WRITE;
 419           goto go_page;
 421 disk_read:
 422      entry (a_pvtx, a_coreadd, a_devadd, a_intrpt);
 424           io_type = PAGE_READ;
 425 go_page:
 426           masked = "0"b;                                    /* run unmasked */
 427           devadd = bin (a_devadd, 18);                      /* copy device address */
 428           coreadd = a_coreadd;                              /* copy core address */
 429           sect_off = 0;                                     /* no sector offset */
 430           n_sectors = 0;
 431           if a_intrpt ^= 0 then
 432                intrpt = "1"b;                               /* completion interrupt */
 433           else intrpt = "0"b;
 434 ^L
 435 /* Initialize indices and pointers and lock database.  Then do operation. */
 438 go_common:
 439           entry_time = clock ();
 440           sect_sw = sector_map (io_type);
 441           bootload_sw = bootload_map (io_type);
 442           pvtep = addr (addr (pvt$array) -> pvt_array (a_pvtx));
 443                                                             /* Get pointer to PVT entry for this device. */
 444           pvtdip = addr (pvte.dim_info);                    /* Get pointer to DIM info. */
 445           sx = pvtdi.sx;                                    /* Extract index for this disk subsystem. */
 446           call setup;                                       /* Get pointers to data bases. */
 447           call lock (addr (disktab.call_lock_meters));      /* Lock the database. */
 449           dev = pvte.logical_area_number;                   /* Get physical device number. */
 450           pdi = disktab.devtab (dev).pdi;                   /* Get PDI. */
 451           dp = addr (disktab.devtab (pdi));                 /* Get pointer to info for primary device. */
 453 /* Test for device not to be used. */
 455           if devtab.abandoned then do;                      /* If device is hopelessly broken ... */
 456                errcd = 0;                                   /* Clear error code. */
 457                if ^write_map (io_type) then do;             /* If about to read ... */
 458                     erfp = addr (errcd);                    /* Get pointer for mismatching dcl. */
 459                     errflags.device_inoperative = "1"b;     /* Indicate read could not succeed. */
 460                end;
 461                call unlock;                                 /* Undo the lock. */
 462                call post;                                   /* Pretend write was successful. */
 463                go to call_exit;                             /* Clean up and exit. */
 464           end;
 466 /* Attempt to get free queue entry to fill in. */
 468           disktab.alloc_wait_meters.count = disktab.alloc_wait_meters.count + 1;
 469           if ^get_free_q () then do;                        /* Try to grab a free queue entry. */
 470                call lock_meter_start (addr (disktab.alloc_wait_meters));
 471                do while (^get_free_q ());                   /* Try to grab a free queue entry. */
 472                     call call_run (sx);                     /* If none, wait until some free up. */
 473                end;                                         /* Note: run destroys value of pvtep */
 474                call lock_meter_stop (addr (disktab.alloc_wait_meters));
 475           end;
 477 /* Compute physical sector address from input info.  Physical sector result
 478    accounts for unused sectors per cylinder. */
 480           if pvte.is_sv then do;                            /* convert the subvolume devadd to the real devadd */
 481                record_offset = mod (devadd, pvte.records_per_cyl);
 482                devadd = ((devadd - record_offset) * pvte.num_of_svs) + pvte.record_factor + record_offset;
 483           end;
 484           sector = devadd * sect_per_rec (pvte.device_type);/* raw sector. */
 485           cylinder = divide (sector, pvtdi.usable_sect_per_cyl, 12, 0);
 486           sector = sector + cylinder * pvtdi.unused_sect_per_cyl;
 487           sector = sector + sect_off;                       /* sector offset, if any. */
 489 /* Fill in the queue entry. */
 491           quentry.intrpt = intrpt;                          /* completion? */
 492           quentry.used = "1"b;                              /* in-use */
 493           quentry.type = io_type;                           /* Type of IO */
 494           quentry.coreadd = bit (coreadd, 24);              /* Insert the memory address for data xfer. */
 496           quentry.pvtx = a_pvtx;                            /* Save for azm */
 497           quentry.pdi = pdi;                                /* Also save PDI for this device. */
 498           quentry.dev = dev;                                /* Place device code in queue entry. */
 499           quentry.cylinder = cylinder;                      /* And the cylinder number. */
 501           quentry.n_sectors = n_sectors;                    /* And the number of sectors (sector I/O only) */
 502           quentry.sector = bit (sector, 21);                /* Save the disk device address. */
 504 /* Record time for AZM and stagnation testing. */
 506           quentry.time = entry_time;
 507 ^L
 508 /* If this is the only request for this device, try to start up a free channel.
 509    Otherwise, queue the request for processing later. */
 511           if ^(disktab.dev_busy | disktab.dev_queued) & dev_mask (pdi) then
 512                do i = 1 to disktab.nchan;                   /* If device is free with no other requests ... */
 513                cp = addr (ptr (disksp, disktab.channels) -> disk_channel_table (i));
 514                                                             /* Try to find a channel to run. */
 515                if chantab.in_use & ^chantab.active then do; /* If free usable channel ... */
 516                     call gotwork;                           /* Let's do this request. */
 517                     go to working;                          /* And exit the loop. */
 518                end;
 519           end;
 521           call add_wq;                                      /* Add item to end of appropriate queue. */
 523 /* Clean up and exit. */
 525 working:
 526           call unlock;                                      /* Unlock the data base now. */
 528 call_exit:
 529           if masked then
 530                call pmut$unwire_unmask (mask, ptp);         /* Restore vtoc_man's environment */
 532           return;
 533 ^L
 534 /* ESD_RESET_LOCKS - Reset data base locks on emergency shutdown. */
 536 esd_reset_locks:
 537      entry;
 539           disksp = addr (disk_seg$);
 541           unspec (disk_data.free_q) = "0"b;                 /* clear free_q */
 542           disk_data.free_q.depth = disk_data.free_q_size;   /* empty queue */
 544 /* This form of unlocking is used because it causes a load of "0"b and
 545    and ANSA instruction.  This will do a read/alter/re-write cycle and
 546    correctly update cache.  We cannot STACQ since it may not have been locked
 547    to our processid. */
 549           unspec (disk_data.lock) = unspec (disk_data.lock) & "0"b;
 551           do qx = 1 to disk_data.free_q_size;               /* Look at each queue entry. */
 552                qp = addr (disk_data.free_q_entries (qx));
 553                qrp = rel (qp);
 555                call add_free_q;                             /* Free all entries at ESD time. */
 556           end;
 558           do sx = 1 to disk_data.subsystems;
 559                call setup;                                  /* Get pointer to subsystem data. */
 560                call unlock;                                 /* Undo the lock. */
 562                call lock (addr (disktab.call_lock_meters)); /* Set the lock to us. */
 564                do dev = disktab.first_dev to disktab.last_dev;
 565                                                             /* Clear each device. */
 566                     dp = addr (disktab.devtab (dev));       /* Get pointer to info for device. */
 567                     devtab.broken, devtab.was_broken, devtab.inop = "0"b;
 568                                                             /* Try to use broken device. */
 569                     devtab.cylinder = 0;                    /* Reset positional info. */
 570                     unspec (devtab.wq) = "0"b;              /* Clear queue pointers */
 572 /* reset optimizer queue depth to reflect empty queues. */
 574                     do i = 0 to MAX_IO_TYPE;
 575                          devtab.forward = "1"b;
 576                          devtab.opt_info (i).depth = 0;
 577                     end;
 578                end;
 580                cp = ptr (disksp, disktab.channels);         /* Get pointer to channel table. */
 581                do i = 1 to disktab.nchan;                   /* Iterate through all channels. */
 582                     cp -> disk_channel_table (i).active = "0"b;
 583                                                             /* Mark all channels as not busy. */
 584                     cp -> disk_channel_table (i).inop = "0"b;
 585                                                             /* Mark as operative */
 586                     cp -> disk_channel_table (i).broken = "0"b;
 587                                                             /* Mark as not broken */
 588                     if ^(cp -> disk_channel_table (i).ioi_use) &
 589                        ^(cp -> disk_channel_table (i).in_use) then do;
 590                         cp -> disk_channel_table (i).in_use = "1"b;
 591                         disktab.channels_online = disktab.channels_online+1;
 592                       end;
 593                     cp -> disk_channel_table (i).erct = 0;  /* clear error count */
 594                end;
 596                disktab.dev_busy = "0"b;                     /* Clear busy device flags. */
 597                disktab.dev_queued = "0"b;                   /* Clear request queued flags. */
 599                call run;                                    /* Start this subsystem rolling. */
 600                call unlock;                                 /* Undo the lock. */
 601           end;
 603           return;
 604 ^L
 605 /* USURP_CHANNEL/CEDE_CHANNEL - Share disk channels with IOI. */
 607 usurp_channel:
 608      entry (a_sx, a_chx, a_required, a_iom_chx, a_statusp); /* Entry to usurp channel for IOI use. */
 610 dcl       a_sx                   fixed bin (8);             /* disk subsystem index */
 611 dcl       a_chx                  fixed bin (35);            /* disk channel index */
 612 dcl       a_required             bit (1) aligned;           /* "1"b if specific channel required */
 614 dcl       chx                    fixed bin (35);            /* chx as an integer */
 616           sx = a_sx;                                        /* Copy subsystem index. */
 617           required = a_required;                            /* Copy argument. */
 618           chx = a_chx;                                      /* copy chx */
 619           call setup;                                       /* Get appropriate pointers. */
 620           cp = addr (ptr (disksp, disktab.channels) -> disk_channel_table (chx));
 621                                                             /* Get pointer to chantab entry. */
 623           call pmut$wire_and_mask (mask, ptp);              /* Wire stack and mask interrupts. */
 624           call lock (addr (disktab.call_lock_meters));      /* Lock the disk database. */
 626           usurped = (required | ^(chantab.broken | chantab.inop)) &
 627                                                             /* Usurp if required or not defective channel, and ... */
 628                ((disktab.channels_online > 1) | ^chantab.in_use
 629                | (ioi_masked$online_device_count (disk_data.name (sx)) = 0));
 630                                                             /* Ensure last good channel will not be usurped. */
 632           if usurped then do;                               /* If we may, usurp the channel. */
 633                if chantab.in_use then                       /* If channel is being used, count it out. */
 634                     disktab.channels_online = disktab.channels_online - 1;
 635                chantab.in_use = "0"b;                       /* Take channel out of operation. */
 636                chantab.broken, chantab.inop = "0"b;         /* Clear flags. */
 637           end;
 639           call unlock;                                      /* Unlock the disk database. */
 640           call pmut$unwire_unmask (mask, ptp);              /* Unwire stack and unmask interrupts now. */
 642           if usurped then do;                               /* If channel now usurped ... */
 643                do while (chantab.active);                   /* Wait for I/O to stop. */
 644                end;
 645                a_iom_chx = chantab.chx;
 646                a_statusp = chantab.statusp;
 647                chantab.ioi_use = "1"b;                      /* Now allow IOI to use channel. */
 648           end;
 649           else do;
 650                a_iom_chx = 0;
 651                a_statusp = null ();
 652           end;
 654           return;
 655 ^L
 656 cede_channel:
 657      entry (a_sx, a_chx, a_iom_chx, a_statusp);             /* Entry to cede channel from IOI use. */
 659 dcl       a_iom_chx              fixed bin (35) parameter;
 660 dcl       a_statusp              ptr parameter;
 662 dcl       iom_chx                fixed bin (35);
 663 dcl       statusp                ptr;
 665           sx = a_sx;                                        /* Copy subsystem index. */
 666           chx = a_chx;                                      /* copy chx */
 667           iom_chx = a_iom_chx;
 668           statusp = a_statusp;
 669           call setup;                                       /* Get appropriate pointers. */
 670           cp = addr (ptr (disksp, disktab.channels) -> disk_channel_table (chx));
 671                                                             /* Get pointer to chantab entry. */
 673           chantab.chx = iom_chx;
 674           chantab.statusp = statusp;
 675           chantab.ioi_use = "0"b;                           /* Take channel back from IOI. */
 676           chantab.in_use = "1"b;                            /* Place channel back in operation. */
 677           disktab.channels_online = disktab.channels_online + 1;
 679           return;
 680 ^L
 681 /* Entry to manually add a deleted channel */
 683 add_channel:
 684      entry (a_sx, a_chx, a_code);
 686 dcl       a_code                 fixed bin (35) parameter;
 688           sx = a_sx;
 689           chx = a_chx;
 690           call setup;
 691           cp = addr (ptr (disksp, disktab.channels) -> disk_channel_table (chx));
 692           call pmut$wire_and_mask (mask, ptp);
 693           call lock (addr (disktab.call_lock_meters));
 694           if chantab.broken then do;
 695                chantab.broken = "0"b;
 696                chantab.in_use = "1"b;
 697                disktab.channels_online = disktab.channels_online + 1;
 698           end;
 699           else errcd = error_table_$io_configured;
 700           call unlock;
 701           call pmut$unwire_unmask (mask, ptp);
 702           if errcd = 0 then
 703                call syserr (ANNOUNCE, "^a: Adding channel ^a.", ME, chantab.chanid);
 704           a_code = errcd;
 705           return;
 706 ^L
 707 /* DISK_RUN - External entry to poll all disk subsystems. */
 709 disk_run:
 710      entry;                                                 /* here to keep going */
 712           entry_time = clock ();                            /* get time of entry */
 714           disksp = addr (disk_seg$);                        /* Get pointer to disk data base. */
 716           do sx = 1 to disk_data.subsystems;                /* Iterate through all disk subsystems. */
 717                call setup;                                  /* Get pointers to data base. */
 718                call lock (addr (disktab.run_lock_meters));  /* Lock the database. */
 719                call run;                                    /* Now perform run operation. */
 720                call unlock;                                 /* Unlock the data base when finished. */
 721           end;
 723           return;
 727 /* CALL_RUN - Entry to poll a single disk subsystem. */
 729 call_run:
 730      entry (a_sx);
 733           entry_time = clock ();
 735           sx = a_sx;                                        /* Copy the subsystem index. */
 736           call setup;
 737           call run;
 739 /* run the other sub-systems too.  But now we have to lock them if possible. */
 741           call_run_sx = a_sx;                               /* save sx to return to */
 742           do sx = 1 to disk_data.subsystems;
 743                if sx ^= call_run_sx then do;
 744                     call setup;
 745                     if stacq (disktab.lock, pds$processid, UNLOCK) then do;
 746                                                             /* locked it */
 747                          call run;
 748                          call unlock;
 749                     end;
 750                end;
 751           end;
 752           sx = call_run_sx;
 753           call setup;                                       /* restore sub-sys */
 754           return;
 755 ^L
 756 /* RUN - Internal entry to perform polling. */
 758 run:
 759      proc;
 761 /* Perform channel polling. */
 763           do i = 1 to disktab.nchan;                        /* Iterate through all channels. */
 764                cp = addr (ptr (disksp, disktab.channels) -> disk_channel_table (i));
 765                                                             /* Generate pointer to channel info table. */
 767                if chantab.inop & ^chantab.in_use then       /* If channel is inoperative ... */
 768                     if clock () - chantab.connect_time > CHANNEL_POLLING_TIME then do;
 769                          chantab.in_use = "1"b;             /* Try once more. */
 770                          disktab.channels_online = disktab.channels_online + 1;
 771                     end;
 773 /* format: off */
 774 /* Poll for disk completion.  This is required for allocation lock checks, and
 775    during run_locks from page control, since both are run masked, and this
 776    polling is the only way we would see disk completion.  This race hazard
 777    on normal 15-seconds run_locks will produce some interrupts without
 778    terminate status, but you can't win them all.  It may also produce some
 779    situations of interrupt wile not active. */
 780 /* format: on */
 782                if ^chantab.active then                      /* If channel is inactive ... */
 783                     call getwork;                           /* Fire it up. */
 785                else do;                                     /* Attempt to pick up status. */
 786                     status_time = clock ();                 /* For reconnect test, NOT race */
 787                     io_status_entry_ptr = addr (stat_entry);
 788                     call io_manager$get_status ((chantab.chx), io_status_entry_ptr);
 789                                                             /* See if any status has come in. */
 790                     io_status_word_ptr = addr (stat_entry.word1);
 791                     if /* case */ io_status_word.t then do; /* If status is present ... */
 792                          chantab.status_from_run = chantab.status_from_run + 1;
 793                          level = 3;                         /* Set terminate status level. */
 794                          call check_stat;                   /* Go examine the status. */
 796                          if post_sw then do;                /* If previous I/O must be posted ... */
 797                               call unlock;                  /* Don't call out with our lock set. */
 798                               call post;                    /* Do the posting. */
 799                               call lock (addr (disktab.call_lock_meters));
 800                                                             /* Relock our data base now. */
 801                          end;
 802                     end;
 804                     else if chantab.connect_time + DISK_POLLING_TIME < status_time then do;
 805                                                             /* If an interrupt has been lost ... */
 806                          idcwp = addr (chantab.scdcw);      /* Find out device in operation. */
 807                          dev = fixed (idcw.device, 6);      /* .. */
 808                          pdi = disktab.devtab (dev).pdi;    /* Get PDI for this device. */
 809                          if chantab.reconnect_announce_time < status_time then do;
 810                               chantab.reconnect_announce_time = status_time + ANNOUNCE_RECONNECT_DELTA;
 811                               sysc = ANNOUNCE;
 812                          end;
 813                          else sysc = LOG;
 814                          call syserr (sysc, "^a: Reconnected ^a I/O on ^a (channel ^a).", ME,
 815                               IO_TYPE (ptr (disksp, chantab.qrp) -> quentry.type), disk_name (SINGLE), chantab.chanid);
 816                          call connect (idcwp);              /* Reconnect */
 817                     end;
 818                end;
 819           end;
 822 /* Perform device polling. */
 824           do dev = disktab.first_dev to disktab.last_dev;   /* Poll all devices. */
 825                pdi = disktab.devtab (dev).pdi;              /* Get PDI for this device. */
 826                if pdi = dev then do;                        /* This is primary device. */
 827                     dp = addr (disktab.devtab (pdi));       /* Get pointer to primary device info. */
 829                     if /* case */ devtab.inop then          /* If device is inoperative ... */
 830                          if clock () - devtab.time_inop > INOP_POLLING_TIME then do;
 831                               disktab.dev_busy = disktab.dev_busy & ^dev_mask (pdi);
 832                          end;                               /* Try to use device again. */
 833                          else ;
 835                     else if devtab.broken then              /* If device is broken ... */
 836                          if clock () - devtab.time_inop > BROKEN_POLLING_TIME then do;
 837                               devtab.inop = "1"b;           /* Mark as inoperative again. */
 838                               devtab.was_broken = "1"b;     /* .. */
 839                               pvtep = addr (addr (pvt$array) -> pvt_array (devtab.pvtx));
 840                               call set_pvte_inop (OFF);
 841                               devtab.broken = "0"b;         /* Turn off broken flag. */
 842                          end;
 843                          else ;
 844                end;
 845           end;
 847           return;
 850      end run;
 851 ^L
 852 /* DISK_INTER - This is the interrupt side of the disk DIM. */
 854 disk_inter:
 855      entry (idx, ilevel, istat);                            /* called by io_manager at interrupt time */
 857 dcl       idx                    fixed bin (35),            /* channel ID index */
 858           istat                  bit (36) aligned,          /* status for specials or faults */
 859           ilevel                 fixed bin (3);             /* level of interrupt */
 861 dcl       int_idx                fixed bin (35);            /* idx as an integer */
 863           int_idx = idx;
 864           sx = divide (int_idx, dskdcl_chans_per_subsys, 17, 0);
 865                                                             /* Get index of this disk subsystem. */
 866           call setup;                                       /* Get pointer to data base. */
 868           i = int_idx - sx * dskdcl_chans_per_subsys + 1;   /* Compute expected channel table index. */
 869           cp = addr (ptr (disksp, disktab.channels) -> disk_channel_table (i));
 871           level = ilevel;                                   /* copy the level */
 872           stat = istat;
 873           if level = 7 then do;
 874                call check_special_stat;
 875                return;
 876           end;
 879           io_status_word_ptr = chantab.statusp;             /* point to status */
 881           if ^io_status_word.t then
 882                if level >= 3 then do;
 883                     chantab.no_status_terminate = chantab.no_status_terminate + 1;
 884                     return;
 885                end;
 888           if ^chantab.ioi_use then do;                      /* If terminate, marker, or fault ... */
 889                call lock (addr (disktab.int_lock_meters));  /* Lock the database. */
 890                io_status_entry_ptr = addr (stat_entry);     /* point to an area to return status */
 891                unspec (io_status_entry) = ""b;
 892                if /* case */ level = 3 then do;             /* Reget status, under lock */
 893                     call io_manager$get_status ((chantab.chx), io_status_entry_ptr);
 894                     io_status_word_ptr = addr (io_status_entry.word1);
 895                     if ^io_status_word.t then do;
 896                          chantab.no_io_terminate = chantab.no_io_terminate + 1;
 897                          call unlock;
 898                          return;
 899                     end;
 900                end;
 901                call check_stat;                             /* Go process the status. */
 902                call unlock;                                 /* Clear data base lock. */
 904                if post_sw then                              /* If posting previous operation ... */
 905                     call post;
 906           end;
 908           else                                              /* If status for IOI channel ... */
 909                call ioi_masked$interrupt ((chantab.ioi_ctx), level, stat);
 911           return;                                           /* And return to caller. */
 912 ^L
 913 check_special_stat:
 914      proc;
 916           io_special_status_ptr = addr (stat);              /* base our templates */
 917           if ^io_special_status.t then
 918                return;
 920           dev = fixed (io_special_status.device, 6);        /* Extract device address from status. */
 921           if dev = 0 & disktab.first_dev ^= 0 then          /* If special for disk controller ... */
 922                go to ioi_special;                           /* Perhaps IOI wants this one, but we don't. */
 923           if dev > disktab.last_dev then
 924                return;                                      /* Ignore this if number out-of-bounds. */
 926           dp = addr (disktab.devtab (dev));                 /* Get pointer to device info structure. */
 927           pdi = devtab.pdi;                                 /* Get PDI. */
 929           pvtx = devtab.pvtx;                               /* Get index to PVT entry for device. */
 930           if pvtx = 0 then
 931                return;                                      /* This will occur when an MPC broadcasts
 932                                                                a special interrupt status to all LA's attached to
 933                                                                it, and the MPC controls more than one
 934                                                                subsystem as seen by the PVT. */
 935           pvtep = addr (pvt_array (pvtx));                  /* Get pointer to PVT entry. */
 937           if pvte.storage_system then do;                   /* If storage system volume ... */
 938                call lock (addr (disktab.int_lock_meters));  /* Lock disk database. */
 940                dp = addr (disktab.devtab (pdi));
 941                if /* case */ devtab.broken then do;         /* If device declared broken ... */
 942                     call syserr (ANNOUNCE, "^a: Placing ^a in operation.", ME, disk_name (BOTH));
 943                     call set_pvte_inop (OFF);               /* Let ops get through */
 944                     devtab.inop = "1"b;                     /* Promote to inoperative state. */
 945                     devtab.was_broken = "1"b;               /* .. */
 946                     devtab.broken = "0"b;                   /* Attempt to use device again. */
 947                end;
 949                else if devtab.inop then do;                 /* If device is inoperative ... */
 950                     devtab.inop = "0"b;                     /* Attempt to place back in operation. */
 951                     disktab.dev_busy = disktab.dev_busy & ^dev_mask (pdi);
 952                end;
 954                call call_run (sx);                          /* Force run call on special interrupt. */
 956                call unlock;                                 /* Undo the lock now. */
 957           end;
 959           else do;                                          /* If not storage system volume ... */
 960 ioi_special:
 961                call ioi_masked$interrupt ((chantab.ioi_ctx), level, stat);
 962           end;                                              /* Pass on the status to IOI. */
 964           return;
 966      end check_special_stat;
 967 ^L
 968 /* Pick up and examine the status. */
 970 check_stat:
 971      procedure;
 973           errcd = 0;                                        /* Clear the error code */
 974           erfp = addr (errcd);
 975           post_sw = "0"b;                                   /* Clear posting required flag. */
 977           if ^chantab.active then do;                       /* If channel wasn't active, whisper bloody murder. */
 978                chantab.terminate_not_active = chantab.terminate_not_active + 1;
 979                call syserr (JUST_LOG, "^a: Unexpected IOM status ^24.3b for ^a (channel ^a).", ME,
 980                     string (io_status_word), disk_data.name (sx), chantab.chanid);
 981                return;
 982           end;
 984           status_time = clock ();
 986           qrp = chantab.qrp;                                /* Get pointer to queue entry. */
 987           qp = ptr (disksp, qrp);
 988           dev = quentry.dev;                                /* Extract device address from queue entry. */
 989           pdi = quentry.pdi;                                /* Get PDI for this request. */
 990           coreadd = bin (quentry.coreadd, 24);              /* Get memory address. */
 991           pvtx = quentry.pvtx;                              /* Get PVT index. */
 992           sect_sw = sector_map (quentry.type);
 993           bootload_sw = bootload_map (quentry.type);
 995           pvtep = addr (addr (pvt$array) -> pvt_array (pvtx));
 996                                                             /* Get pointer to PVT entry. */
 997           dp = addr (disktab.devtab (pdi));                 /* Get pointer to primary device info structure. */
1000 /* Remember this queue type entry so that we do the posting correctly. */
1002           io_type = quentry.type;
1005 /* Process termination status. */
1007           if level = 3 then do;                             /* If terminate status... */
1008                chantab.active = "0"b;                       /* Channel is no longer active. */
1009                disktab.dev_busy = disktab.dev_busy & ^dev_mask (pdi);
1010                                                             /* Indicate primary device no longer busy. */
1012 /* Process completion of detailed status read. */
1014                if /* case */ chantab.rsr then do;           /* If detailed status was just read ... */
1015                     if (string (io_status_word) & disk_data.status_mask) then
1016                                                             /* Don't print bad RSR's */
1017                          chantab.rsr = "0"b;                /* So clear this bit now. */
1018                     unspec (io_status_entry.detailed_status (*)) = unspec (chantab.detailed_status (*));
1019                                                             /* copy detail over */
1021                     io_status_word_ptr = addr (chantab.status);
1022                                                             /* Unsave previous error status. */
1023                     command = chantab.command;              /* And previous device command. */
1024                     call extract_status;                    /* Extract status info anew. */
1025                     call handle_error;                      /* Now handle the error. */
1027                     chantab.rsr = "0"b;                     /* Turn off the bit. */
1028                end;
1029 ^L
1030 /* Handle abnormal termination status. */
1032                else if string (io_status_word) & disk_data.status_mask then do;
1033                     call extract_status;                    /* Extract status info from status word. */
1034                     call interpret_status;                  /* Get pointer to interp data. */
1035                     call get_disk_command;                  /* Extract peripheral command. */
1037                     if disk_error_interp.rsr & (io_status_entry.detailed_status (1) = ""b) then do;
1038                                                             /* If RSR required and none available ... */
1039                          chantab.rsr = "1"b;                /* Do it now. */
1040                          chantab.status = string (io_status_word);
1041                                                             /* Save status info for after RSR. */
1042                          chantab.action_code = io_status_entry.action_code;
1043                          chantab.command = command;         /* Also the device command. */
1045                          idcwp = addr (chantab.dscdcw);
1046                          idcw.device = bit (dev);
1047                          call connect (idcwp);              /* Connect to RSR instruction. */
1048                     end;
1050                     else                                    /* If no RSR required ... */
1051                          call handle_error;                 /* Handle error right now. */
1052                end;
1053 ^L
1054 /* Test for nonzero tally residue in DCW. */
1056                else if io_status_entry.tally_residue ^= 0 then do;
1057                     majstat = 20;
1058                     substat = ANY;
1059                     call handle_error;                      /* Treat like any other error. */
1060                end;
1062 /* Handle successful termination of disk operation. */
1064                else do;                                     /* If we got here, operation was successful. */
1065                     post_sw = "1"b;                         /* Post the results. */
1067                     if io_status_word.sub & "010011"b then do;
1068                                                             /* If controller performed EDAC or auto retry ... */
1069                          disktab.edac_errors = disktab.edac_errors + 1;
1071                          if io_status_word.sub & "010000"b then
1072                                                             /* If EDAC performed ... */
1073                               majstat = 22;
1074                          else                               /* If auto retries performed ... */
1075                               majstat = 21;
1076                          substat = ANY;
1077                          call interpret_status;             /* Interpret status info. */
1078                          call get_disk_command ();          /* Get the command */
1079                          call printerr;                     /* Enter message in syserr log. */
1080                     end;
1082                     devtab.inop = "0"b;                     /* Clear this flag. */
1084                     if devtab.was_broken | devtab.broken then do;
1085                                                             /* Was disk previously inoperative? */
1086                          devtab.was_broken = "0"b;          /* Clear flag now. */
1087                          devtab.broken = "0"b;
1088                          call set_pvte_inop (OFF);
1089                          call syserr (ANNOUNCE, "^a: ^a now operational.", ME, disk_name (BOTH));
1090                     end;
1091                     chantab.inop = "0"b;                    /* Clear this flag. */
1092                end;
1094           end;                                              /* level 3 */
1095 ^L
1096 /* Handle system fault status. */
1098           else if level = 1 then do;                        /* If system fault word  ... */
1099                chantab.active = "0"b;                       /* Channel is no longer active. */
1100                disktab.dev_busy = disktab.dev_busy & ^dev_mask (pdi);
1101                                                             /* Indicate device no longer busy. */
1102                majstat = 19;
1103                substat = ANY;
1104                call handle_error;                           /* Use standard error handler. */
1105           end;
1108           else return;                                      /* Ignore anything else. */
1109 ^L
1110 /* If no posting to be done, don't do any of the following. */
1112           if post_sw then do;
1113                if io_type = TEST then do;
1114                     pvte.testing = "0"b;
1115                     post_sw = "0"b;
1116                end;                                         /* Perform metering on completed I/O (whether successful or not). */
1117                else do;
1118                     status_time = clock ();                 /* Get time now. */
1119                     channel_time = status_time - chantab.connect_time;
1120                                                             /* Compute time channel in use. */
1121                     wait_time = status_time - quentry.time;
1123                     optp = addr (devtab.opt_info (quentry.type));
1124                                                             /* get opt_info */
1126                     opt_info.channel_wait = opt_info.channel_wait + channel_time;
1127                     opt_info.queue_wait = opt_info.queue_wait + wait_time;
1129 /* Test for error */
1131                     if errcd ^= 0                           /* count a fatal error */
1132                          then
1133                          disktab.ferrors = disktab.ferrors + 1;
1134                end;
1136                call add_free_q;                             /* Scrap queue entry now. */
1137           end;
1139           if ^chantab.active then                           /* If channel is now free ... */
1140                call getwork;                                /* Look for more work to do. */
1142           return;                                           /* And return to caller. */
1143 ^L
1144 /* EXTRACT_STATUS - Extract major and substatus. */
1146 extract_status:
1147           proc;
1149                if /* case */ io_status_word.power then do;
1150                     majstat = 16;
1151                     substat = ANY;
1152                end;
1153                else if io_status_word.channel_stat then do;
1154                     majstat = 17;
1155                     substat = io_status_word.channel_stat;
1156                end;
1157                else if io_status_word.central_stat then do;
1158                     majstat = 18;
1159                     substat = io_status_word.central_stat;
1160                end;
1161                else do;
1162                     majstat = bin (io_status_word.major, 4);
1163                     substat = io_status_word.sub;
1164                end;
1167           end extract_status;
1171 /* INTERPRET_STATUS - Get interpretive info for status. */
1173 interpret_status:
1174           proc;
1177                dedp = addr (disk_error_data$);
1178                if pvte.is_sv then
1179                     dskerap = addrel (dedp, disk_error_data (majstat).finterp);
1180                else dskerap = addrel (dedp, disk_error_data (majstat).interp);
1182 /***** find first description, which is just after last used substatus array entry */
1183                name_rel = fixed (rel (addrel (dedp, disk_error_data (lbound (disk_error_data, 1)).namep)), 17);
1184                dskerp = addr (disk_status_interp_array (lbound (disk_status_interp_array, 1)));
1185                do i = lbound (disk_status_interp_array, 1) by 1 while (bin (rel (dskerp), 18) < name_rel);
1186                     dskerp = addr (disk_status_interp_array (i));
1187                     if (substat & disk_error_interp.bitmask) = disk_error_interp.bitson then
1188                          return;
1189                end;
1192           end interpret_status;
1196 /* GET_DISK_COMMAND - Find Command Causing Disk Error. */
1198 get_disk_command:
1199           proc;
1201                idcwp = addrel (diskp, bin (io_status_entry.next_lpw_offset, 18) - disktab.abs_mem_addr - 1);
1202                                                             /* Get pointer to IDCW. */
1203                do while (idcw.code ^= IDCW);                /* Search backward to IDCW. */
1204                     idcwp = addrel (idcwp, -1);
1205                end;
1206                command = idcw.command;                      /* Extract command from IDCW. */
1209           end get_disk_command;
1210 ^L
1211 /* PRINTERR - Print disk error message. */
1213 printerr:
1214           proc;
1216 dcl       type                   fixed bin;                 /* device type */
1217 dcl       record_address         fixed bin (18);            /* Multics page address */
1218 dcl       mjsdp                  ptr;                       /* major status description pointer */
1219 dcl       ssdp                   ptr;                       /* substatus description pointer */
1220 dcl       imu_detailed_status    (0:23) bit (8) based;      /* IMU detailed status bytes */
1221 dcl       logical_rec_addr       fixed bin (17);            /* logical record address of subvolume */
1222 dcl       logical_sector         fixed bin (21);            /* logical sector of subvolume */
1223 dcl       sector_offset          fixed bin (17);            /* used in calculation of logical_sector */
1225                if devtab.broken then
1226                     return;                                 /* Keep mum about broken devices. */
1228                sector = bin (chantab.select_data.sector);   /* get sector number of disk address of error */
1229                type = pvte.device_type;                     /* get device type */
1230                pvtdip = addr (pvte.dim_info);
1231                record_address =
1232                     divide (sector - (divide (sector, sect_per_cyl (type), 17, 0) * pvtdi.unused_sect_per_cyl),
1233                     sect_per_rec (type), 17, 0);
1235                if pvte.is_sv then do;
1236                     record_offset = mod (record_address, pvte.records_per_cyl);
1237                     logical_rec_addr =
1238                          divide ((record_address - pvte.record_factor - record_offset), pvte.num_of_svs, 17)
1239                          + record_offset;
1240                     sector_offset = mod (sector, sect_per_cyl (type));
1241                     logical_sector =
1242                          divide ((sector - (pvte.sv_num * sect_per_cyl (type)) - sector_offset), pvte.num_of_svs, 17)
1243                          + sector_offset;
1244                end;
1245                else do;
1246                     logical_rec_addr = record_address;
1247                     logical_sector = sector;
1248                end;
1251                if pvte.is_sv then
1252                     mjsdp = addrel (dedp, disk_error_data (majstat).fnamep);
1253                else mjsdp = addrel (dedp, disk_error_data (majstat).namep);
1254                ssdp = addrel (dedp, disk_error_interp.namep);
1256                unspec (msg_buf) = "0"b;                     /* Now build data portion of syserr message */
1257                io_msgp = addr (msg_buf);
1258                io_msg.level = bit (level, 3);
1259                io_msg.channel = chantab.chanid;
1260                io_msg.device = bit (dev);
1261                io_msg.type = chantab.action_code;
1262                io_msg.command = command;
1263                io_msg.status = string (io_status_word);
1264                io_msg.devname = disk_data.name (sx);
1266                if /* case */ devtab.broken | disk_error_interp.just_log then
1267                     sysc = JUST_LOG;
1268                else if mod (chantab.erct, 5) = 1 then
1269                     sysc = ANNOUNCE;
1270                else sysc = JUST_LOG;
1271                call syserr$binary (sysc, io_msgp, SB_disk_err, SBL_disk_err,
1272                     "^a: ^a ^[^12.3b^1s^;^1s^a^] for ^a (channel ^a).^/^2-rec ^o, sect ^o, main ^o^[^/^2-subvol ^a, logical rec ^o, logical sect ^o^;^3s^]^[^/^2-detailed status:^24( ^2.4b^).^;^s^]",
1273                     ME, mjsdp -> disk_status_descrip.chr, (level = 1), stat, ssdp -> disk_status_descrip.chr,
1274                     disk_name (SINGLE), chantab.chanid, record_address, sector, coreadd, pvte.is_sv, pvte.sv_name,
1275                     logical_rec_addr, logical_sector, (io_status_entry.detailed_status (1) ^= ""b),
1276                     addr (io_status_entry.detailed_status) -> imu_detailed_status);
1278                return;
1281           end printerr;
1282 ^L
1283 /* HANDLE_ERROR - Handle disk errors. */
1285 handle_error:
1286           proc;
1289                chantab.erct = chantab.erct + 1;
1290                disktab.errors = disktab.errors + 1;
1292                call interpret_status;                       /* Look this error up. */
1293                if io_type = TEST then
1294                     idcwp = addr (chantab.rssdcw);
1295                else idcwp = addr (chantab.scdcw);
1297                if ^(io_type = TEST & ^disk_error_interp.bad_path) then
1298                     call printerr;                          /* print and log error */
1300                if /* case */ chantab.erct <= disk_error_interp.max_retries & io_type ^= TEST then do;
1301                     if disk_error_interp.reseek then do;    /* If reseek desired before retry ... */
1302                          idcwp = addr (chantab.rstdcw);
1303                          idcw.device = bit (dev);
1304                          call connect (idcwp);              /* Connect to restore instruction. */
1305                     end;
1306                     else do;                                /* If retrying ... */
1307                          if disk_error_interp.bad_path then do;
1308                                                             /* Burn real time */
1309                               temp_time = clock ();
1310                               do while (clock () < temp_time + 750000);
1311                                                             /* 3/4 sec. */
1312                               end;
1313                          end;
1314                          call connect (idcwp);
1315                     end;
1316                end;
1318                else if disk_error_interp.bad_dev then do;   /* If error indicates a bad device ... */
1319                     if /* case */ devtab.inop | devtab.broken | io_type = TEST then do;
1320                                                             /* If device is already inoperative or broken ... */
1321                          if ^devtab.broken then             /* If not already broken ... */
1322                               if quentry.type ^= TEST then
1323                                    call syserr (BEEP, "^a: ^a requires intervention.", ME, disk_name (SINGLE));
1324                          devtab.broken = "1"b;              /* Break the device altogether. */
1325                          call set_pvte_inop (ON);
1326                          devtab.was_broken = "0"b;
1327                          devtab.inop = "0"b;                /* And clear this flag. */
1328                          devtab.time_inop = clock ();       /* Note the current time. */
1330                          errflags.device_inoperative = "1"b;/* Set error code. */
1331                          post_sw = "1"b;                    /* Going to post this as error. */
1332                     end;
1334                     else if tc_data$system_shutdown = 0 then do;
1335                                                             /* Device was not previously inoperative. */
1336                          devtab.inop = "1"b;                /* Mark it as inoperative. */
1337                          disktab.dev_busy = disktab.dev_busy | dev_mask (pdi);
1338                                                             /* Mark as busy to prevent further use. */
1339                          devtab.time_inop = clock ();       /* Note the current time. */
1340                          call add_wq;                       /* Place request at tail of queue. */
1341                     end;
1343                     else do;                                /* If during shutdown ... */
1344                          if quentry.type = TEST then
1345                               call set_pvte_inop (ON);
1346                          errflags.device_inoperative = "1"b;
1347                          post_sw = "1"b;                    /* Post this fact without further ado. */
1348                     end;
1349                end;
1350                else if disk_error_interp.bad_addr then do;  /* If disk address is no good ... */
1351                     if write_map (quentry.type) then        /* If writing ... */
1352                          errflags.reassign_address = "1"b;  /* Try another disk address. */
1353                     else                                    /* If reading ... */
1354                          errflags.seg_unusable = "1"b;      /* Mark segment as unusable. */
1355                     post_sw = "1"b;                         /* Post this as error. */
1356                end;
1358                else if disk_error_interp.bad_path then do;  /* If error indicates a bad channel or controller ... */
1359                     if chantab.inop then do;                /* If channel previously in trouble ... */
1360                          chantab.broken = "1"b;
1361                          chantab.inop = "0"b;
1362                     end;
1363                     else do;                                /* If channel just started to act up ... */
1364                          chantab.inop = "1"b;               /* Mark channel inoperative. */
1365                          chantab.connect_time = clock ();   /* Record the time. */
1366                     end;
1368                     if disktab.channels_online > 1 then do;
1369                          call syserr (BEEP, "^a: Removing channel ^a.", ME, chantab.chanid);
1370                          chantab.in_use = "0"b;
1371                          disktab.channels_online = disktab.channels_online - 1;
1372                     end;
1373                     else do;
1374                          if bootload_sw then do;            /* for this type I/O, give up. */
1375                               errflags.all_paths_bad = "1"b;
1376                               post_sw = "1"b;
1377                          end;
1378                          else if io_type = TEST then do;
1379                               call set_pvte_inop (ON);      /* effectively inop */
1380                               if (tc_data$system_shutdown ^= 0) then do;
1381                                   post_sw = "1"b;
1382                                   errflags.device_inoperative = "1"b;
1383                                   errflags.all_paths_bad = "1"b;
1384                                   return;
1385                               end;
1387                          end;
1388                          else if tc_data$system_shutdown ^= 0 then do;
1389                               errflags.device_inoperative = "1"b;
1390                                                             /* effectively inop */
1391                               errflags.all_paths_bad = "1"b;
1392                               post_sw = "1"b;
1393                          end;
1394                          else do;                           /* Just keep trying. */
1395                               chantab.erct = 0;
1396                               chantab.inop = "0"b;
1397                               call connect (addr (chantab.scdcw));
1398                          end;
1400 /* Every polling time re-ready channel entries for another try.  This way we
1401    are not stuck with just the last channel. */
1403                          do i = 1 to disktab.nchan;
1404                               lcp = addr (ptr (disksp, disktab.channels) -> disk_channel_table (i));
1405                               if ^(lcp -> chantab.ioi_use) then do;
1406                                                             /* If channel really belongs to disk dim (not ioi or deleted) */
1407                                    if (lcp -> chantab.connect_time + CHANNEL_POLLING_TIME < clock ())
1408                                         | post_sw /* time to give up */ then do;
1409                                                             /* time to open up */
1411                                         lcp -> chantab.broken = "0"b;
1412                                                             /* not broken */
1413                                         lcp -> chantab.inop = "0"b;
1414                                                             /* operative */
1415                                         lcp -> chantab.erct = 0;
1416                                                             /* no errors */
1417                                         lcp -> chantab.active = "0"b;
1418                                                             /* not active */
1420                                         lcp -> chantab.in_use = "1"b;
1422 /* can use */
1423                                         lcp -> chantab.connect_time = clock ();
1424                                         disktab.channels_online = disktab.channels_online + 1;
1426                                    end;
1427                               end;
1428                          end;
1429                          return;
1430                     end;
1432                     post_sw = "0"b;                         /* Don't post this operation. */
1433                     call add_wq;                            /* Requeue the operation. */
1435 /* We should like to call call_run here, but this is indefinitely recursive. */
1438                     do i = 1 to disktab.nchan;              /* Iterate thru all channels. */
1439                          cp = addr (ptr (disksp, disktab.channels) -> disk_channel_table (i));
1440                                                             /* Find an idle channel */
1441                          if chantab.in_use & ^chantab.active then do;
1442                               call getwork;
1443                               return;
1444                          end;
1445                     end;
1446                end;
1447                else if disk_error_interp.bad_mem then do;   /* Too bad, core lost. */
1448                     errflags.fatal_error = "1"b;
1449                     errflags.memory_unusable = "1"b;
1450                     post_sw = "1"b;
1451                end;
1452                else do;                                     /* Very random error. */
1453                     errflags.fatal_error = "1"b;
1454                     post_sw = "1"b;                         /* Tell _^Hs_^Ho_^Hm_^Hebody. */
1455                end;
1457                return;
1460           end handle_error;
1462      end check_stat;
1463 ^L
1464 /* GETWORK - Look for more work to keep channel busy. */
1466 getwork:
1467      proc;
1469           if ^chantab.in_use then
1470                return;                                      /* chnl ^in use. */
1472           if ^disktab.dev_busy & disktab.dev_queued = "0"b then
1473                return;                                      /* no work to do */
1475 /* Scan drives in sequence to determine one which needs service. */
1477           do dev_count = lbound (disktab.devtab, 1) to hbound (disktab.devtab, 1);
1478                disktab.dev_index = disktab.dev_index + 1;   /* drive to check */
1479                if disktab.dev_index > hbound (disktab.devtab, 1) then
1480                     disktab.dev_index = lbound (disktab.devtab, 1);
1482                dev = disktab.dev_index;
1483                pdi = disktab.devtab (dev).pdi;
1485                if ^disktab.dev_busy & dev_mask (pdi) then do;
1486                                                             /* If primary device free */
1487                     dp = addr (disktab.devtab (pdi));       /* Get pointer to primary device info table. */
1488                     if ^devtab.broken                       /* Device usable */
1489                          then
1490                          if devtab.wq.depth > 0             /* work to do */
1491                          then do;
1492                               qp = ptr (disksp, devtab.wq.head);
1494 /* If only one element in queue, then we are as optimal as you get. */
1495 /* Stagnation control.  Head of queue is oldest request.  If it is older than
1496    disk_data.stagnate_time then we optimize with disk combing. */
1498                               if devtab.wq.depth > 1 then
1499                                    if quentry.time >= (clock () - disk_data.stagnate_time) then
1500                                         call find_shortest_seek;
1501                                    else call comb;          /* stagnation */
1503                               call del_q;                   /* Remove from queue. */
1504                               go to xfer_join;
1505                          end;
1506                end;
1507           end;
1509           return;                                           /* Nothing to do, so just return. */
1510 ^L
1511 /* FIND_SHORTEST_SEEK - Procedure to Get Request Closest to Current Arm Position. */
1513 find_shortest_seek:
1514           proc;
1516 dcl       (
1517           best_seek,                                        /* best nearest seek */
1518           this_seek                                         /* seek distance for comparison */
1519           )                      float bin (27),
1520           (
1521           best_pos_comb,                                    /* best pos comb */
1522           best_neg_comb,                                    /* best neg comb */
1523           this_comb                                         /* seek distance for comparison */
1524           )                      fixed bin (35),
1525           best_qp                ptr,                       /* pointer to best request */
1526           best_neg_qp            ptr,                       /* best neg comb */
1527           type                   fixed bin;                 /* type of this request */
1529                cylinder = devtab.cylinder;
1530                best_seek = 1.0e+30;                         /* maximum */
1532 /* Get type of queue entry to locate fraction and multipliers.  Determine
1533    Logical Seek Length for Nearest-Seek calculations. */
1535 seek_loop:
1536                type = quentry.type;
1537                this_seek = float (abs (quentry.cylinder - cylinder) * devtab.opt_info (type).multiplier);
1538                if this_seek = 0.0 then
1539                     goto seek_on_cylinder;                  /* ON-CYLINDER */
1541                if this_seek < best_seek then do;            /* pick best */
1542                     best_seek = this_seek;
1543                     best_qp = qp;
1544                end;
1546 /* Step to next queue entry as we scan the queue. */
1548                qrp = quentry.next;
1549                if qrp = "0"b then
1550                     goto seek_found;                        /* we have best */
1552                qp = ptr (disksp, qrp);                      /* pointer to entry. */
1553                goto seek_loop;
1556 seek_found:
1557                qp = best_qp;                                /* pick up best .. */
1558 seek_on_cylinder:                                           /* qp -> entry */
1559                qrp = rel (qp);
1560                return;
1561 ^L
1562 /* Combing optimization eliminates possible IO stagnation by moving the head
1563    in and out continuously in a combing motion. */
1565 comb:
1566           entry;
1568                devtab.comb = devtab.comb + 1;
1569                cylinder = devtab.cylinder;
1570                best_pos_comb = 34359738367;
1571                best_neg_comb = -34359738367;
1573 /* Attempt to maintain direction by appropriately setting comparison order
1574    between this cylinder and the current cylinder. */
1576 comb_loop:
1577                if devtab.forward then
1578                     this_comb = quentry.cylinder - cylinder;
1579                else this_comb = cylinder - quentry.cylinder;
1581                if this_comb = 0 then                        /* ON-CYLINDER */
1582                     goto seek_on_cylinder;                  /* Pick this one */
1583                else if this_comb > 0                        /* same direction */
1584                then do;
1585                     if this_comb < best_pos_comb then do;
1586                          best_pos_comb = this_comb;
1587                          best_qp = qp;
1588                     end;
1589                end;
1590                else do;                                     /* reverse direction */
1591                     if this_comb > best_neg_comb then do;
1592                          best_neg_comb = this_comb;
1593                          best_neg_qp = qp;
1594                     end;
1595                end;
1597                qrp = quentry.next;
1598                if qrp = "0"b then
1599                     goto comb_found;                        /* search complete */
1600                qp = ptr (disksp, qrp);
1601                goto comb_loop;
1604 comb_found:
1605                if best_pos_comb ^= 34359738367 then         /* if we found forward. */
1606                     qp = best_qp;                           /* pick up best .. */
1607                else qp = best_neg_qp;
1608                qrp = rel (qp);
1609                return;
1610           end find_shortest_seek;
1611 ^L
1612 /* GOTWORK - Found queue entry.  Start the I/O. */
1614 /* Presumes
1615    dp -> devtab(pdi)          Current devtab for this request's pdi.
1616    qp -> quentry              Quentry which has request to connect.
1617    cp -> chantab              Current channel table to connect request to.
1618 */
1620 gotwork:
1621      entry;
1623 xfer_join:
1624           if ^quentry.used then                             /* This must never happen. */
1625                call syserr (CRASH, "^a: Queuing error.", ME);
1627           chantab.qrp = rel (qp);                           /* Save queue entry index for later. */
1628           chantab.erct = 0;                                 /* Clear the retry error count. */
1629           chantab.reconnect_announce_time = 0;              /* force first reconnect to be announced */
1631           dev = quentry.dev;                                /* extract device */
1633           if quentry.type = TEST then do;
1634                idcwp = addr (chantab.rssdcw);               /* Get pointer to RSS. */
1635                idcw.command = substr (quentry.coreadd, 19, 6);
1636                idcw.device = bit (dev);                     /* Set device address. */
1638 /* Count TEST or UNLOAD calls. */
1640                optp = addr (disktab.devtab (dev).opt_info (quentry.type));
1641                if bin (quentry.coreadd, 24) = 58 then
1642                     opt_info.seek_sum = opt_info.seek_sum + 1;
1643                                                             /* UNLOAD */
1644                else opt_info.seek_count = opt_info.seek_count + 1;
1645                                                             /* TEST */
1648                call connect (idcwp);                        /* Get device status. */
1649           end;
1651           else do;                                          /* Normal seek op - */
1652                dcdcwp = addr (chantab.dcdcw);               /* Get pointer to data xfer IDCW. */
1653                dddcwp = addr (chantab.dddcw);               /* Get pointer to data xfer DCW. */
1654                idcwp = addr (chantab.scdcw);                /* Get pointer to SEEK or RSS IDCW. */
1656                idcw.device = bit (dev);                     /* Set device address */
1658                unspec (dcdcwp -> idcw) = "0"b;              /* clear idcw */
1659                dcdcwp -> idcw.code = IDCW;
1660                dcdcwp -> idcw.ext_ctl = "1"b;
1661                if write_map (quentry.type) then             /* set data transfer direction */
1662                     dcdcwp -> idcw.command = WRITE;
1663                else dcdcwp -> idcw.command = READ;
1665                dcdcwp -> idcw.ext = substr (quentry.coreadd, 1, length (idcw.ext));
1666                                                             /* Set address extension in IDCW. */
1667                dddcwp -> dcw.address = substr (quentry.coreadd, 7);
1668                                                             /* Set DCW address. */
1669                dcdcwp -> idcw.device = bit (dev);           /* Set up device address */
1670                                                             /* idcw.chan_cmd = "00"b3 is ok, = data xfer */
1673                chantab.select_data.sector = quentry.sector; /* set disk sector address */
1674                                                             /* At this point the check is made for the type of seek (512 or 64) */
1675                if idcw.command = seek_512 then do;          /* sector size is 512 */
1676                     if quentry.type = VTOC_READ | quentry.type = VTOC_WRITE then do;
1677                          dddcwp -> dcw.tally = bit (bin (192, 12));
1678                          chantab.select_data.limit = bit (bin (1, 12));
1679                     end;
1680                     else if quentry.type = PAGE_READ | quentry.type = PAGE_WRITE then do;
1681                          dddcwp -> dcw.tally = bit (bin (1024, 12));
1682                          chantab.select_data.limit = bit (bin (2, 12));
1683                     end;
1684                     else if sector_map (quentry.type) then do;
1685                          dddcwp -> dcw.tally = bit (bin ((512 * quentry.n_sectors), 12));
1686                          chantab.select_data.limit = bit (bin (quentry.n_sectors, 12));
1687                     end;
1688                end;
1689                else do;                                     /* sector size must be 64 */
1690                     if sector_map (quentry.type) then do;   /* If 64-word I/O ... */
1691                          dddcwp -> dcw.tally = bit (bin (64 * quentry.n_sectors, 12));
1692                                                             /* Set DCW tally. */
1693                          chantab.select_data.limit = bit (bin (quentry.n_sectors, 12));
1694                                                             /* Set sector count limit. */
1695                     end;
1696                     else do;                                /* If 1024-word I/O ... */
1697                          dddcwp -> dcw.tally = bit (bin (1024, 12));
1698                                                             /* Set DCW tally. */
1699                          chantab.select_data.limit = bit (bin (16, 12));
1700                                                             /* Set sector count limit. */
1701                     end;
1702                end;
1704                call connect (addr (chantab.scdcw));         /* Start up the channel. */
1706 /* find opt_info */
1708                optp = addr (disktab.devtab (dev).opt_info (quentry.type));
1709                cylinder = devtab.cylinder - quentry.cylinder;
1710                devtab.cylinder = quentry.cylinder;
1712 /* Determine direction of seek.  If going low cylinder to high, then
1713    devtab.forward is set true, if going  high to low it is set false.  If
1714    we stay on-cylinder, then we leave the direction as what it was. */
1715 /* We use this information to maintain combing. */
1717                if cylinder > 0                              /* Backward comb */
1718                     then
1719                     devtab.forward = "0"b;
1720                else if cylinder < 0                         /* Forward comb */
1721                     then
1722                     devtab.forward = "1"b;
1724                opt_info.seek_sum = opt_info.seek_sum + abs (cylinder);
1725                opt_info.seek_count = opt_info.seek_count + 1;
1726           end;
1727      end getwork;
1728 ^L
1729 /* CONNECT - Start Up the Channel. */
1731 connect:
1732      procedure (listp);
1734 dcl       listp                  ptr parameter;
1735 dcl       1 ima                  aligned like io_manager_arg;
1737           ima.chx = chantab.chx;
1738           ima.pcw = ""b;
1739           ima.ptp = null ();
1740           ima.listp = listp;
1741           call io_manager$connect_abs (ima);                /* Fire up the channel. */
1742                                                             /* Fire up the channel. */
1743           chantab.connects = chantab.connects + 1;          /* Keep count of number of connects */
1744           chantab.active = "1"b;                            /* Indicate channel now active */
1745           chantab.connect_time = clock ();                  /* set time of connect */
1747           disktab.dev_busy = disktab.dev_busy | dev_mask (pdi);
1748                                                             /* Indicate primary device now busy. */
1750           return;
1753      end connect;
1757 /* POST - Notify system of completed operation. */
1759 post:
1760      proc;
1762           if /* case */ io_type = TEST then do;
1764 /*  test results have been indicated by this time. */
1765                post_sw = "0"b;
1766                return;
1767           end;
1770           if sect_sw then                                   /* If 64-word I/O ... */
1771                if bootload_sw then
1772                     call bootload_disk_post (coreadd, errcd);
1773                else call vtoc_interrupt (coreadd, errcd);
1774           else                                              /* If page I/O ... */
1775                call page$done (coreadd, errcd);
1777           post_sw = "0"b;                                   /* Clear switch to prevent double posting. */
1779           return;
1782      end post;
1783 ^L
1784 /* queue_length_given_pvtx - that says it all */
1786 queue_length_given_pvtx:
1787      entry (a_pvtx, a_queue_length);
1789           pvtep = addr (addr (pvt$array) -> pvt_array (a_pvtx));
1790                                                             /* PVTE for this device */
1791           pvtdip = addr (pvte.dim_info);                    /* Get pointer to DIM info */
1792           sx = pvtdi.sx;                                    /* Extract index for this disk subsystem */
1794           call setup;                                       /* Get pointers to databases */
1796           dev = pvte.logical_area_number;                   /* Device number */
1797           pdi = disktab.devtab (dev).pdi;                   /* Primary device number */
1798           dp = addr (disktab.devtab (pdi));                 /* Get pointer to info for primary device */
1800           a_queue_length = devtab.wq.depth;                 /* current amount queued */
1802           return;
1803 ^L
1804 /* TUNING control.  Externally accessible entry with which to setup tuning
1805    parameters in disk_seg.  It ensures valid parameters. */
1807 tune:
1808      entry (a_op, a_ptr, reason, ec);
1810 dcl       a_op                   char (*);                  /* type of tuning */
1811 dcl       a_ptr                  ptr;                       /* pointer to structure */
1812 dcl       reason                 char (*) varying;          /* textual description of error */
1813 dcl       ec                     fixed bin (35);
1815 dcl       stagnate_time          fixed bin (35) based (cptr);
1816                                                             /* for setting time */
1817 dcl       response               fixed bin (35);
1818 dcl       load                   fixed bin;
1819 dcl       cptr                   ptr;
1820 dcl       op                     char (16);
1822 %include disk_tune;
1823 %page;
1824           disksp = addr (disk_seg$);
1825           cptr = a_ptr;
1826           op = a_op;
1828           if op = STAGNATE_TIME then do;                    /* limit 6 min. */
1829                if stagnate_time > 360000000 | stagnate_time < 0 then do;
1830                     if stagnate_time < 0 then
1831                          reason = "stagnate time must be >= 0";
1832                     else reason = "stagname time must be <= 6 minutes";
1833                     ec = error_table_$bad_arg;
1834                     return;
1835                end;
1836                else disk_data.stagnate_time = a_ptr -> stagnate_time;
1837           end;
1838           else if op = SYS_TUNE then do;
1839                io_type = cptr -> sys_info_tune.type;
1840                if io_type < 0 | io_type > MAX_IO_TYPE then
1841                     goto bad_io_type;
1843                sysp = addr (disk_data.sys_info (io_type));
1845                if cptr -> sys_info_tune.map > MAX_IO_TYPE then
1846                     goto bad_map_type;
1848 /* if map is positive, then we update counter mapping. */
1850                if cptr -> sys_info_tune.map >= 0 then
1851                     sys_info.depth_map = rel (addr (disk_data.sys_info (cptr -> sys_info_tune.map)));
1853 /* if max_depth is > 1 then we update it.  If 0 we would divide by 0. */
1855                if cptr -> sys_info_tune.max_depth > 0 then
1856                     sys_info.max_depth = float (cptr -> sys_info_tune.max_depth);
1857           end;
1858           else if op = OPT_TUNE then do;
1859                io_type = cptr -> opt_info_tune.type;
1860                if io_type < 0 | io_type > MAX_IO_TYPE then
1861                     goto bad_io_type;
1863                do sx = 1 to disk_data.subsystems;
1864                     if cptr -> opt_info_tune.sub_sys = disk_data.array (sx).name then
1865                          goto tune_sub_sys;
1866                end;
1867                goto bad_io_sub_sys;
1869 tune_sub_sys:
1870                call setup;                                  /* locate disktab */
1871                dev = cptr -> opt_info_tune.dev;
1872                if dev < lbound (disktab.devtab, 1) | dev > hbound (disktab.devtab, 1) then
1873                     goto bad_io_dev;
1875                pdi = disktab.devtab (dev).pdi;              /* only tune pdi */
1876                if pdi ^= dev then
1877                     goto bad_io_dev;
1879                response = cptr -> opt_info_tune.response;
1880                if response < 1 then
1881                     goto response_range;
1882                load = cptr -> opt_info_tune.load;
1884                optp = addr (disktab.devtab (pdi).opt_info (io_type));
1885                if load > 1 then do;
1886                     opt_info.slope = float (response - 1) / float (load - 1);
1887                     opt_info.intercept = float ((response * load) - 1) / float (load - 1);
1888                end;
1889                else do;
1890                     opt_info.slope = 0.0;
1891                     opt_info.intercept = float (response);
1892                end;
1893           end;
1894           else if op = RESET_SYS then do;
1895                do i = 0 to MAX_IO_TYPE;                     /* sys_info.depth's */
1896                     disk_data.sys_info (i).depth = 0;
1897                end;
1898           end;
1899           else if op = RESET_MAX then do;
1900                disk_data.max_depth_reset_time = clock ();
1901                disk_data.free_q.max_depth = 0;
1902                do i = 1 to disk_data.subsystems;            /* each sub-sys */
1903                     diskp = ptr (disksp, disk_data.array (i).offset);
1904                     disktab.wq.max_depth = 0;
1905                end;
1906           end;
1907           reason = "";
1908           ec = 0;
1909           return;
1911 bad_io_type:
1912           reason = "invalid I/O type";
1913           ec = error_table_$bad_arg;
1914           return;
1916 bad_map_type:
1917           reason = "invalid map I/O type";
1918           ec = error_table_$bad_arg;
1919           return;
1921 bad_io_sub_sys:
1922           reason = "unknown subsystem";
1923           ec = error_table_$bad_arg;
1924           return;
1926 bad_io_dev:
1927           reason = "invalid device number";
1928           ec = error_table_$bad_arg;
1929           return;
1931 response_range:
1932           reason = "response value must be >= 1";
1933           ec = error_table_$bad_arg;
1934           return;
1935 ^L
1936 /* SETUP - Internal Procedure to set data base pointers. */
1938 setup:
1939      proc;
1942           disksp = addr (disk_seg$);                        /* Get a pointer to disk data segment. */
1943           pvt_arrayp = addr (pvt$array);                    /* Get a pointer to the PVT array. */
1944           diskp = ptr (disksp, disk_data.offset (sx));      /* Get pointer to info for this subsystem. */
1946           return;
1949      end setup;
1953 /* DISK_NAME - Internal Procedure to generate name of disk drive. */
1955 disk_name:
1956      proc (both) returns (char (21) aligned);
1958 dcl       both                   bit (1) aligned;
1959 dcl       pic99                  pic "99";
1960 dcl       this_name              char (8);
1961 dcl       other_name             char (12);
1962 dcl       other_dev              fixed bin;
1965           if dev = pdi                                      /* If this is the priamry, we must rely on buddy */
1966                then
1967                other_dev = disktab.devtab (pdi).buddy;
1968           else other_dev = pdi;
1970           this_name = disk_data.name (sx) || "_" || convert (pic99, dev);
1971           if other_dev = 0 then
1972                other_name = "";
1973           else other_name = " and " || disk_data.name (sx) || "_" || convert (pic99, other_dev);
1975           if both                                           /* return both device names, if appropriate */
1976                then
1977                return (this_name || other_name);
1978           else return (this_name);
1981      end disk_name;
1982 ^L
1984 /* LOCK/UNLOCK - Internal Procedures to Lock & Unlock Disk Database. */
1986 lock:
1987      proc (lmp);
1989 dcl       1 dlm                  like disk_lock_meters based (lmp) aligned,
1990                                                             /* database lock meters */
1991           lmp                    ptr;
1994           dlm.count = dlm.count + 1;                        /* Count locking attempt. */
1995           if ^stacq (disktab.lock, pds$processid, UNLOCK) then do;
1996                                                             /* Attempt to lock database. */
1997                call lock_meter_start (lmp);
1998                do while (^stacq (disktab.lock, pds$processid, UNLOCK));
1999                end;                                         /* Lock the disk data base. */
2000                call lock_meter_stop (lmp);
2001           end;
2003           return;
2006 unlock:
2007      entry;
2009           if ^stacq (disktab.lock, UNLOCK, disktab.lock) then
2010                ;                                            /* Unlock the data base. */
2012           return;
2015      end lock;
2019 /* LOCK_METER_START / LOCK_METER_STOP - Metering Procedures. */
2021 lock_meter_start:
2022      proc (lmp);
2024 dcl       1 dlm                  like disk_lock_meters based (lmp) aligned,
2025           lmp                    ptr;
2028           meter_start_time = clock ();                      /* Get time now. */
2029           dlm.waits = dlm.waits + 1;                        /* Count a wait. */
2031           return;
2034 lock_meter_stop:
2035      entry (lmp);
2037           dlm.wait_time = dlm.wait_time + (clock () - meter_start_time);
2038                                                             /* Meter time spent waiting. */
2039           return;
2042      end lock_meter_start;
2043 ^L
2044 /* GET_FREE_Q - Get a Queue Entry from the Free List. */
2046 get_free_q:
2047      proc returns (bit (1) aligned);
2049 dcl       type                   fixed bin;
2051 /* SPIN-LOCK til queue available. */
2053           do while (^stacq (disk_data.lock, pds$processid, UNLOCK));
2054           end;
2056           qrp = disk_data.free_q.head;                      /* Get rel ptr to head of free queue. */
2057           if qrp then do;                                   /* queue ^empty */
2058                qp = ptr (disksp, qrp);                      /* entry pointer */
2059                disk_data.free_q.head = quentry.next;        /* new Q head */
2061 /* if queue is now empty ground the tail, else ground our next's previous */
2063                if disk_data.free_q.head = "0"b then
2064                     disk_data.free_q.tail = "0"b;
2065                else ptr (disksp, quentry.next) -> quentry.prev = "0"b;
2067 /* Compile queue statistics.  Depth is really depth assigned from free_q. */
2069                disk_data.free_q.sum = disk_data.free_q.sum + disk_data.free_q.depth;
2070                disk_data.free_q.depth = disk_data.free_q.depth + 1;
2071                if disk_data.free_q.depth > disk_data.free_q.max_depth then
2072                     disk_data.free_q.max_depth = disk_data.free_q.depth;
2073                disk_data.free_q.count = disk_data.free_q.count + 1;
2075                if ^stacq (disk_data.lock, UNLOCK, disk_data.lock) then
2076                     ;                                       /* Unlock the database */
2077                return (SUCCESS);
2078           end;
2079           else do;                                          /* If queue is empty ... */
2080                if ^stacq (disk_data.lock, UNLOCK, disk_data.lock) then
2081                     ;                                       /* Unlock the database */
2082                return (FAILURE);
2083           end;
2084 ^L
2085 /* ADD_FREE_Q - Add Entry to End of Free Queue. */
2087 add_free_q:
2088      entry;
2090           quentry.used = "0"b;                              /* Queue entry is no longer in use. */
2092 /* SPIN-LOCK til queue is available to add free entry to it. */
2094           do while (^stacq (disk_data.lock, pds$processid, UNLOCK));
2095           end;                                              /* lock database */
2097 /* If queue is ^empty, then add to tail, else create head and tail to element. */
2099           if disk_data.free_q.tail ^= "0"b then
2100                ptr (disksp, disk_data.free_q.tail) -> quentry.next = qrp;
2101           else disk_data.free_q.head = qrp;
2103           quentry.prev = disk_data.free_q.tail;             /* link to prev */
2104           disk_data.free_q.tail = qrp;                      /* New tail */
2105           quentry.next = "0"b;                              /* clear next ptr. */
2107 /* Indicate element returned from system. */
2109           disk_data.free_q.depth = disk_data.free_q.depth - 1;
2111           if ^stacq (disk_data.lock, UNLOCK, disk_data.lock) then
2112                ;                                            /* Unlock the database */
2113           return;
2114 ^L
2115 /* ADD_WQ - Add Entry to End of Work Queue. */
2117 add_wq:
2118      entry;
2120 /* Indicate requests queued for device. */
2121 /* If queue is not empty, then add to tail, else create queue. */
2123           disktab.dev_queued = disktab.dev_queued | dev_mask (pdi);
2124           if devtab.wq.tail ^= "0"b then
2125                ptr (disksp, devtab.wq.tail) -> quentry.next = qrp;
2126           else devtab.wq.head = qrp;
2128           quentry.prev = devtab.wq.tail;
2129           quentry.next = "0"b;
2130           devtab.wq.tail = qrp;
2132 /* Compile queue statistics. */
2134           devtab.wq.sum = devtab.wq.sum + devtab.wq.depth;
2135           devtab.wq.depth = devtab.wq.depth + 1;
2136           if devtab.wq.depth > devtab.wq.max_depth then
2137                devtab.wq.max_depth = devtab.wq.depth;
2138           devtab.wq.count = devtab.wq.count + 1;
2140 /* Compile system loading statistics.
2141    Find map of counter to be used. */
2143           type = quentry.type;
2144           sysp = addr (disk_data.sys_info (type));
2145           do while (^stacq (disk_data.lock, pds$processid, UNLOCK));
2146           end;
2147           ptr (disksp, sys_info.depth_map) -> sys_info.depth = ptr (disksp, sys_info.depth_map) -> sys_info.depth + 1.0;
2148           optp = addr (devtab.opt_info (type));
2149           opt_info.depth = opt_info.depth + 1;
2151 /* Common processing for system IO loading and drive IO loading. */
2153 wq_common:
2154           sys_info.fraction =
2155                (sys_info.max_depth - ptr (disksp, sys_info.depth_map) -> sys_info.depth) / sys_info.max_depth;
2156           if sys_info.fraction < 0.0 then
2157                sys_info.fraction = 0.0;
2158           if ^stacq (disk_data.lock, UNLOCK, disk_data.lock) then
2159                ;                                            /* Unlock disk_data. */
2161 /* Compile drive load multiplier for this IO type.  The multiplier cannot drop
2162    below 1.0 to give a true PHYSICAL=LOGICAL mapping.  */
2164           opt_info.multiplier = (opt_info.intercept - float (opt_info.depth) * opt_info.slope) * sys_info.fraction;
2165           if opt_info.multiplier < 1.0 then
2166                opt_info.multiplier = 1.0;                   /* LIMIT to 1.0 */
2167           return;
2168 ^L
2169 /* DEL_Q - Delete Item from Queue. */
2171 del_q:
2172      entry;
2174 /* Remove item from queue, fixing previous and next entries, or head or tail */
2176           if quentry.prev = "0"b then                       /* head is prev */
2177                devtab.wq.head = quentry.next;
2178           else ptr (disksp, quentry.prev) -> quentry.next = quentry.next;
2180           if quentry.next = "0"b then                       /* tail is next */
2181                devtab.wq.tail = quentry.prev;
2182           else ptr (disksp, quentry.next) -> quentry.prev = quentry.prev;
2184 /* Fix queue statistics.  If queue is empty, indicate this for fast check. */
2186           devtab.wq.depth = devtab.wq.depth - 1;
2187           if devtab.wq.depth <= 0 then
2188                disktab.dev_queued = disktab.dev_queued & ^dev_mask (pdi);
2190 /* Do load statistics, use map of depth accumulator. */
2192           type = quentry.type;
2193           sysp = addr (disk_data.sys_info (type));
2194           do while (^stacq (disk_data.lock, pds$processid, UNLOCK));
2195           end;                                              /* lock disk_data */
2197 /* prevent possible -ve depth if map is changed on the fly. */
2199           ptr (disksp, sys_info.depth_map) -> sys_info.depth =
2200                max (0.0, ptr (disksp, sys_info.depth_map) -> sys_info.depth - 1.0);
2202           optp = addr (devtab.opt_info (type));
2203           opt_info.depth = opt_info.depth - 1;
2204           go to wq_common;                                  /* will unlock disk_data */
2206      end get_free_q;
2207 ^L
2208 /* set_pvte_inop ...  Internal procedure to deal with pvte.inoperative, notifying
2209    the global disk offline event as necessary.  */
2211 set_pvte_inop:
2212      proc (setting);
2214 dcl       setting                bit (1) aligned;
2217 /* pvtep is set */
2219           call set (addr (addr (pvt$array) -> pvt_array (devtab.pvtx)));
2220                                                             /* Set the first one (^)inop */
2221           if devtab.buddy ^= 0                              /* Must also do it to the buddy */
2222                then
2223                call set (addr (addr (pvt$array) -> pvt_array (disktab.devtab (devtab.buddy).pvtx)));
2225 set:
2226           proc (pvte_ptr);
2228 dcl       pvte_ptr               ptr;
2231                if pvte_ptr -> pvte.device_inoperative & ^setting then do;
2232                     pvte_ptr -> pvte.device_inoperative = "0"b;
2233                     call pxss$notify (page_fault$disk_offline_event);
2234                end;
2235                else pvte_ptr -> pvte.device_inoperative = setting;
2237                return;
2240           end set;
2242      end set_pvte_inop;
2243 ^L
2244 %include device_error;
2245 %page;
2246 %include disk_error_interp;
2247 %page;
2248 %include dskdcl;
2249 %page;
2250 %include fs_dev_types;
2251 %page;
2252 %include io_manager_dcls;
2253 %page;
2254 %include io_special_status;
2255 %page;
2256 %include io_status_entry;
2257 %page;
2258 %include io_syserr_msg;
2259 %page;
2260 %include iom_dcw;
2261 %page;
2262 %include iom_pcw;
2263 %page;
2264 %include pvte;
2265 %page;
2266 %include syserr_binary_def;
2267 %page;
2268 %include syserr_constants;
2269 ^L
2272    Message:
2273    disk_control: Adding channel ICC.
2275    S:     $info
2277    T:     $run
2279    M:     A message to confirm that channel ICC has been added to the system
2280    in response to a reconfigure command.
2282    A:     $ignore
2284    Message:
2285    disk_control: Reconnected IO_TYPE I/O on dskX_NN (channel ICC).
2287    S:     $info and/or $log
2289    T:     $run
2291    M:     A disk interrupt was apparently lost.
2292    Status for the disk did not arrive within the expected time.
2293    This may be an indication of a channel or controller malfunction.
2294    The system restarts the disk operation.
2296    A:     $ignore Unless these messages persist, which may indicate
2297    a hardware malfunction that needs investigation.  Some types of
2298    channel adapters and/or disk controllers can be "reset" in an attempt
2299    to correct the condition.
2301    Message:
2302    disk_control: Placing dskX_NN in operation.
2304    S:     $info
2306    T:     $run
2308    M:     A special interrupt has been received for a disk drive marked as
2309    broken. The system will attempt to use the device.
2311    A:     $ignore
2313    Message:
2314    disk_control: Unexpected IOM status SSSS for dskX_NN (channel ICC).
2316    S:     $info
2318    T:     $run
2320    M:     Status has been received from a channel which was not marked active.
2321    This is due to a disk subsystem or IOM problem,
2322    or to a logic error in the supervisor.
2323    See manual AN87, System Formats, for an interpretation
2324    of the status SSSS.
2325    The system ignores the status and attempts to continue operation.
2327    A:     $ignore
2329    Message:
2330    disk_control: dskX_NN now operational.
2332    S:     $info
2334    T:     $run
2336    M:     A disk drive which required intervention has successfully completed
2337    an I/O operation. The system will again use its contents.
2339    A:     $ignore
2341    Message:
2342    disk_control: MAJOR_STAT SUBSTAT for dskX_NN (channel ICC).
2343    .br
2344    rec RRRR, sect SSSS, main AAAA
2345    .br
2346    detailed status: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX
2348    S:     $info
2350    T:     $run
2352    M:     A disk error has occurred on drive dskX_NN.
2353    The major status and substatus are interpreted as character strings.
2354    The disk address is given both as a Multics record address in octal,
2355    and as an absolute sector number in octal.
2356    The main store address being used was AAAA octal.
2357    The third line gives the hexadecimal value of the detailed status
2358    in cases where this data is useful.
2359    See manual AN87, System Formats, for interpretation of this information.
2361    A:     Note for Customer Service action.
2362    The segment involved in a disk error can often be identified by
2363    an application of the "record_to_vtocx" tool to the Multics
2364    record number given in the message.
2366    Message:
2367    disk_control: MAJOR_STAT SUBSTAT for dskX_NN (channel ICC).
2368    .br
2369    rec RRRR, sect SSSS, main AAAA
2370    .br
2371    subvol V, logical rec OOOO, logical sect TTTT
2372    .br
2373    detailed status: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX
2375    S:     $info
2377    T:     $run
2379    M:     A disk error has occurred on drive dskX_NN.
2380    The major status and substatus are interpreted as character strings.
2381    The disk address is given both as a Multics record address in octal,
2382    and as an absolute sector number in octal.
2383    The main store address being used was AAAA octal.
2384    The subvolume name is V (the logical device name is dskX_NNV),
2385    the logical record address is OOOO octal
2386    and the logical sector number is TTTT octal.
2387    The fourth line gives the hexadecimal value of the detailed status
2388    in cases where this data is useful.
2389    See manual AN87, System Formats, for interpretation of this information.
2391    A:     Note for Customer Service action.
2392    The segment involved in a disk error can often be identified by
2393    an application of the "record_to_vtocx" tool to the Multics
2394    logical record number given in the message.
2396    Message:
2397    disk_control: dskX_NN requires intervention.
2399    S:     $beep
2401    T:     $run
2403    M:     A disk error has occurred which
2404    could have been caused by the pack or drive being broken
2405    or requiring operator attention.
2406    The system has retried the operation an appropriate number of times
2407    without success.
2408    The system will try the device
2409    periodically to check if it has been repaired.
2411    A:     Inspect the device.
2412    If it is not ready, ready it.
2413    If it is ready, try unreadying and re-readying it.
2414    If the drive cannot be made ready, contact Customer Service personnel.
2416    Message:
2417    disk_control: Removing channel ICC.
2419    S:     $beep
2421    T:     $run
2423    M:     Errors occurred indicative of a defective disk channel or MPC.
2424    The channel receiving the errors is placed offline.
2426    A:     $inform
2427    Also inform Customer Service personnel.
2429    Message:
2430    disk_control: Queuing error.
2432    S:     $crash
2434    T:     $run
2436    M:     $err
2438    A:     $recover
2442      end disk_control;