1 " ***********************************************************
  2 " *                                                         *
  3 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987                *
  4 " *                                                         *
  5 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
  6 " *                                                         *
  7 " * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
  8 " * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
  9 " *                                                         *
 10 " ***********************************************************
 12 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
 13 "                                                                    "
 14 "         cam_cache                                                  "
 15 "                                                                    "
 16 "         Subroutine to clear ptw associative memory and (optionally)"
 17 "         cache memory on this and all other processors.             "
 18 "         The subroutine will not return until this has been         "
 19 "         accomplished.                                              "
 20 "                                                                    "
 21 "         This subroutine has two sets of entry points.  One set     "
 22 "         consists of entry points callable only from within         "
 23 "         bound_page_control (via tsx7).  For these, arguments are   "
 24 "         passed via the pxss/page_fault stack frame.  The other     "
 25 "         set consists of entry points callable externally (via      "
 26 "         the transfer-module page.  For these, arguments are        "
 27 "         passed in the usual (PL/1) manner.                         "
 28 "                                                                    "
 29 "         The only possible parameter to cam_cache entry points is   "
 30 "         an absolute memory address for selective cache clearing    "
 31 "         For calls from within bound_page_control, this address is  "
 32 "         passed in cell core_add in the stack frame.  For external  "
 33 "         calls, the PTW of the page containing the target address   "
 34 "         for selective clearing is passed in Argument 1.            "
 35 "                                                                    "
 36 "         The functions performed by the subroutine are as follows,  "
 37 "         with the internal and external entry points:               "
 38 "                                                                    "
 39 "         Clear all ptw associative memory, selectively clear cache  "
 40 "                   cam_cache (internal)                             "
 41 "                   cam_cache_ext (external)                         "
 42 "                                                                    "
 43 "         Clear all ptw associative memory, clear all cache          "
 44 "                   cam (internal)                                   "
 45 "                   cam_ext (external)                               "
 46 "                                                                    "
 47 "         Clear all ptw associative memory                           "
 48 "                   cam_ptws (internal)                              "
 49 "                   cam_ptws_ext (external)                          "
 50 "                                                                    "
 51 "         Clear all ptw associative memory, selectively clear cache, "
 52 "              set scs$cam_wait so that all other processors wait    "
 53 "              for scs$cam_wait to be cleared before resuming.       "
 54 "                   cam_with_wait (internal)                         "
 55 "                   cam_with_wait_ext (external)                     "
 56 "                                                                    "
 57 "^L
 58 "                                                                    "
 59 "         The protocol for multi-processor clearing is as follows:   "
 60 "                                                                    "
 61 "                   This processor obtains the connect lock.         "
 62 "                                                                    "
 63 "                   Under the connect lock, the processor            "
 64 "                      1. sets scs$cam_pair to the instructions      "
 65 "                         which do the clearing                      "
 66 "                      2. sets the scs$fast_cam_pending cell         "
 67 "                         non-zero for all other processors          "
 68 "                      3. if this is a cam-with-wait call, sets      "
 69 "                         the appropriate bit in scs$cam_wait for    "
 70 "                         all other processors                       "
 71 "                      4. sends a connect to all other processors    "
 72 "                      5. XED's the code in scs$cam_pair             "
 73 "                      6. waits for all scs$fast_cam_pending cells   "
 74 "                         to clear (indicating clearing done by      "
 75 "                         all other processors).                     "
 76 "                      7. releases the connect lock and returns      "
 77 "                   Note - if only one processor is active, most     "
 78 "                      of this is skipped.                           "
 79 "                                                                    "
 80 "                   Upon receipt of a connect, all other processors  "
 81 "                      1. if its scs$fast_cam_pending cell is set,   "
 82 "                         XED the code in scs$cam_pending and        "
 83 "                         clear it scs$fast_cam_pending cell         "
 84 "                      2. if its bit in scs$cam_wait is set, wait    "
 85 "                         for that bit to clear (this clearing is    "
 86 "                         done by the caller of cam_cache on the     "
 87 "                         originating processor).                    "
 88 "                                                                    "
 89 "                                                                    "
 90 "         There are only two ways a conect fired to another          "
 91 "         processor can be lost.  One is hardware failure, and the   "
 92 "         other is a processor put into step mode before the connect "
 93 "         and taken out of step mode after the connect.  There is    "
 94 "         a hedge against the latter here.  If all processors have   "
 95 "         not responded within an unreasonable amount of time, the   "
 96 "         connects are re-issued, and the waiting begins anew.       "
 97 "         This hedge should not be construed as implicitly condoning "
 98 "         putting a cpu on a multi-processor in step mode.  It may   "
 99 "         help in truly strange circumstances.                       "
100 "                                                                    "
101 "                                                                    "
102 "         This code was copied from page_fault and modified for      "
103 "         fast connects by J. Bongiovanni in February 1981.          "
104 "         Modified September 1983, E. N. Kittlitz per S. Harris      "
105 "           (UNCA) to not destroy temp_2/x0 if lock contention       "
106 "                                                                    "
107 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
109           name      cam_cache
110           segdef    cam_cache,cam_cache_ext
111           segdef    cam,cam_ext
112           segdef    cam_ptws,cam_ptws_ext
113           segdef    cam_with_wait,cam_with_wait_ext
115           iftarget  adp
116             warn    (WARNING: cam_cache has not been converted for the ADP.)
117           ifend
119 channel_mask_set:
120           oct       17,17
122 "^L
123 cam_cache_ext:                          " external entry for coreadd cache clear
124           stz       pds$temp_2                    turn off wait flag
125           lda       ap|2,*              PTW is passed in
126           tsx7      cj1b                merge with common code
127 .rt:      short_return                  " exit
129 cam_cache:                              " entry to cam and clear cache
130           stz       pds$temp_2                    turn off wait flag
131 cj1a:     lda       core_add            put core_add in pds
132           als       coreadd_to_ptw.ls   shift to AU
133 cj1b:     ana       ptw_add_mask,du     mask extraneous bits
134           sta       pds$temp_1
135           eax0      0                   set flag for PTW clear with cache
136           tra       cam_join_1          join common code
138 cam_ext:  push
140           inhibit   on        <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>
141           lxl1      prds$processor_tag  get set for masking
142           lprpab    scs$mask_ptr,1
143           xec       scs$read_mask,1
144           staq      temp
145           lxl1      prds$processor_tag  we may have lost the processor
146           lprpab    scs$mask_ptr,1
147           ldaq      scs$sys_level
148           xec       scs$set_mask,1
150           tsx7      cam                 join common code
152           ldaq      temp                retrieve previous mask
153           oraq      channel_mask_set    turn on all channel mask
154           anaq      scs$open_level      turn off unconfigured channel mask bits
155           lxl1      prds$processor_tag
156           lprpab    scs$mask_ptr,1
157           xec       scs$set_mask,1
158           inhibit   off       <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->
160           return
162 cam:                                    "camp and cams, clear all cache
163           eax0      4
164           tra       cam_join_0          set switch not to full Cam
166 cam_with_wait_ext:
167           stc1      pds$temp_2          " external entry issue a cam
168                                         " and set scs$cam_wait
169           eax7      .rt
170           lda       ap|2,*
171           tra       cj1b
173 cam_with_wait:                          " entry from evict_page
174           stc1      pds$temp_2                    set wait flag
175           tra       cj1a
177 cam_ptws_ext:                           " remove only PTWs from AMs
178           eax7      .rt
179 cam_ptws:
180           eax0      2
182 cam_join_0:
183           stz       pds$temp_2                    set no wait sw
184 cam_join_1:
185           nop       0,du                allow for lockup fault reset, other CPU connect
186           nop       0,du                ditto
187           inhibit   on        <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>
188           lda       prds$processor_pattern  exclude this processor
189           era       =-1                 ..
190           ana       scs$processor       find which processors are running
191           tnz       hard_cam            hard case, multiple processors
193           ldx1      pds$temp_1                    prepare for cache selective cam, if needed
194           xed       cam_table,0         execute proper type of cam
195           tra       0,7
197 hard_cam:
198           lda       pds$processid       lock the connect lock
199           stac      scs$connect_lock    ..
200           tnz       cam_join_1          wait on other CPU without destroying x0, temp_2
201           szn       pds$temp_2                    see if waiting case
202           tze       wait_join           tra if no
203           lda       prds$processor_pattern  set flags for other processor(s)
204           era       =-1                 ..
205           ana       scs$processor       but not for this processor
206           sta       scs$cam_wait        set key word in scs
208 wait_join:
209           eax0      0,0                 test xr0 for coreadd case
210           tze       hard_cam_with_coreadd
211           ldaq      cam_table,0         access proper cams
212           tra       cam_join_2
214 hard_cam_with_coreadd:
215           ldaq      cam_other_for_cache get instructions for relocation
216           ora       pds$temp_1                    insert selective clear addr
217 cam_join_2:
218           staq      scs$cam_pair        set up for all cpu's
219 repeat:
220           eax0      0                   start counting with 0
221           ldq       0,dl                keep track of array size
222           lda       prds$processor_pattern   set up for all processors
223           era       =-1                 except us
224           ana       scs$processor       which are running
225 nextp:    stz       scs$fast_cam_pending,0  clear cell just in case
226           tpl       missing             processor not running or am us
227           stc1      scs$fast_cam_pending,0  flag for cam/cache clear
228           cioc      scs$cow_ptrs,0*     send connect
229 missing:  eax0      1,0                 bump to next processor
230           adq       4,dl                bump array size in chars
231           als       1                   shift bit pattern to next cpu high
232           tnz       nextp               more processors running
233           xed       scs$cam_pair        clear our own
235           inhibit   off       <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->
236           lda       1000,dl             bail-out of loop limit
237           epplb     scs$fast_cam_pending array of check-off cells
238 wait:     sba       1,dl                one more loop
239           tmi       repeat              try entire cycle again
240           cmpc      (),(pr,rl),fill(0)  check entire array clear
241           desc9a    0,0
242           desc9a    lb|0,ql
243           nop
244           nop
245           tnz       wait                all cells haven't cleared
247           lda       0,dl                clear the connect lock now
248           ansa      scs$connect_lock    ..
249           tra       0,7
251           even
252 cam_table:                              "table of appropriate CAM pairs
253           camp      4,1                 "clear selective cache and ptws
254           nop
256           camp                          "clear just ptws
257           nop
259           camp                          "clear ptws
260           cams      4                   "and all cache
262 cam_other_for_cache:
263           camp      4                   "clear selective cache and ptws
264           nop       0,du
266 "^L
267           include   pxss_page_stack
268           include   page_info
270           end