1 /****^  ***********************************************************
  2         *                                                         *
  3         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987                *
  4         *                                                         *
  5         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1984 *
  6         *                                                         *
  7         * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
  8         * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
  9         *                                                         *
 10         *********************************************************** */
 13 /* format: style4 */
 14 chname: proc;
 16 /*        Last modified (Date and reasons):
 17    by Keith Loepere to provide audit info and to change PAM to use uid's, November 1984.
 18    by Keith Loepere to use the new dc_find, August 1984.
 19    by BIM 1984 for sst reformat.
 20    by E. N. Kittlitz, May 1983, search_ast$check.
 21    by E. N. Kittlitz, March 1983, to not backup entry.dtem.
 22    by Keith Loepere January 1983 so bad ring bracket error makes it to user.
 23    by J. Bongiovanni to always flush pam on directory rename
 24    by THVV for bad_dir_ check, 7/77
 25    by D. Vinograd to add new entry retv for use by the volume retriever, 9/76
 26    by S. Barr to use new hash table format, 9/76
 27    by R. Bratt to call find_$finished, 06/01/76
 28    by R. Bratt for pam flush, 2/3/76.
 29    by BSG for NSS, 4/25/75.
 30    by Bernard S. Greenberg for SST name table, Feb. 18, 1975.
 31    by Richard H. Gumpertz 9 July 71 to interpret user not on acl as "null 7,7,7" when checking validation level
 32    by Richard H Gumpertz on 8 July 71 to check brackets for >= validation level
 33 */
 35 cfile: entry (a_parent, a_ename, a_oldname, a_newname, a_code);
 37 /*
 38    This proceedure to used to add, delete, and rename segments. It has two
 39    entry points. The entry point cfile" takes a directory path name and entry name
 40    to determine the segment affected while the entry point "cseg" uses a pointer.
 42    USAGE: call chname$cfile(directory_name, entry_name, old_name, new_name, error_code);
 44    1. directory_name char(*)            path name of directory in which entry_name is an entry.
 46    2. entry_name char(*)                entry name of segment to be changed.
 48    3. old_name char(*)                            name to be deleted from name list of entry_name.
 50    4. new_name char(*)                            name to be added to name list of entry_name.
 52    5. error_code fixed bin(35)                    file system error code (Output).
 54    USAGE: call chname$cseg(segment_pointer, old_name, new_name, error_code);
 56    1. segment_pointer pointer           pointer to segment to be changed.
 58    2. - 4. Same as above.
 61    NOTE:  1. Caller must have write access with respect to the directory.
 63 */
 65 dcl  a_code fixed bin (35);
 66 dcl  a_ename char (*);
 67 dcl  a_ep ptr;
 68 dcl  a_newname char (*);
 69 dcl  a_oldname char (*);
 70 dcl  a_parent char (*);
 71 dcl  a_sp ptr;
 73 dcl  ep_known fixed bin static init (2) options (constant); ;
 74 dcl  file fixed bin static init (0) options (constant);
 75 dcl  seg fixed bin static init (1) options (constant); ;
 77 dcl  areap ptr;
 78 dcl  code fixed bin (35);
 79 dcl  ename char (32);
 80 dcl  entry_point fixed bin;
 81 dcl  just_delete_name bit (1) aligned;
 82 dcl  last_namep ptr;
 83 dcl  namecnt fixed bin (18);
 84 dcl  nep ptr;
 85 dcl  new_np ptr;
 86 dcl  newname char (32) aligned;
 87 dcl  newname_p ptr;
 88 dcl  next_np ptr;                                           /* ptr to next primary name before it is moved in */
 89 dcl  old_np ptr;
 90 dcl  oldname char (32) aligned;
 91 dcl  oldname_p ptr;
 92 dcl  parent char (168);
 93 dcl  pvid bit (36) aligned;
 94 dcl  save_fp bit (18);                                      /* save of old primary name forward thread */
 95 dcl  sp ptr;
 96 dcl  uid bit (36) aligned;
 97 dcl  vtocx fixed bin;
 99 dcl  active_hardcore_data$ensize fixed bin external;
100 dcl  error_table_$bad_ring_brackets fixed bin (35) external;
101 dcl  error_table_$namedup fixed bin (35) external;
102 dcl  error_table_$noalloc fixed bin (35) external;
103 dcl  error_table_$noentry fixed bin (35) external;
104 dcl  error_table_$nonamerr fixed bin (35) external;
105 dcl  error_table_$oldnamerr fixed bin (35) external;
106 dcl  error_table_$segnamedup fixed bin (35) external;
107 dcl  pds$processid bit (36) aligned ext;
108 dcl  1 pds$transparent aligned ext,
109        2 m bit (1) unaligned,
110        2 u bit (1) unaligned;
111 dcl  sst$ast_track bit (1) aligned external;
113 dcl  change_dtem entry (ptr);
114 dcl  fs_alloc$alloc entry (ptr, fixed bin, ptr);
115 dcl  fs_alloc$free entry (ptr, fixed bin, ptr);
116 dcl  hash$in entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));
117 dcl  hash$out entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));
118 dcl  hash$search entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));
119 dcl  level$get entry returns (fixed bin);
120 dcl  lock$dir_unlock entry (ptr);
121 dcl  lock$lock_ast entry;
122 dcl  lock$unlock_ast entry;
123 dcl  pathname_am$flush entry (bit (36) aligned);
124 dcl  search_ast$check entry (bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin, fixed bin (35)) returns (ptr);
125 dcl  sum$dirmod entry (ptr);
127 dcl  (addr, bin, bit, clock, divide, fixed, null, ptr, rel, rtrim) builtin;
128 %page;
129           entry_point = file;                               /* entered via chname entry point */
130           parent = a_parent;
131           ename = a_ename;
133           go to common;
135 cseg: entry (a_sp, a_oldname, a_newname, a_code);
137           entry_point = seg;                                /* entered via chname$cseg entry point */
138           sp = a_sp;
139           goto common;
141 retv: entry (a_ep, a_oldname, a_newname, a_code);
143           ep = a_ep;
144           dp = ptr (ep, 0);
145           entry_point = ep_known;
147 common:
148           code = 0;
149           oldname = a_oldname;
150           newname = a_newname;
152           if newname = "" then just_delete_name = "1"b;     /* if no name is to be added, then just remove a name */
153           else just_delete_name = "0"b;                     /* otherwise adding or replacing a name */
155           if entry_point ^= ep_known then do;
156                if entry_point = file then call dc_find$obj_status_write (parent, ename, 0, FS_OBJ_RENAME, ep, code);
157                else call dc_find$obj_status_write_ptr (sp, FS_OBJ_RENAME, ep, code);
158                dp = ptr (ep, 0);
159                if code ^= 0 then go to finale;
161                if entry.bs then
162                     if ^(entry.dirsw) then
163                          if fixed (entry.ring_brackets (1), 3) < (level$get ()) then do;
164                               code = error_table_$bad_ring_brackets;
165                               go to unlock;
166                          end; else ;
167                     else if fixed (entry.ex_ring_brackets (1), 3) < (level$get ()) then do;
168                          code = error_table_$bad_ring_brackets;
169                          go to unlock;
170                     end; else ;
171           end;
173           namecnt = fixed (entry.nnames, 18);
175           if namecnt = 1 then if just_delete_name           /* Will there be any names left after oldname is deleted */
176                then do;                                     /* and no name is added */
177                     code = error_table_$nonamerr;
178                     go to unlock;
179                end;
181           areap = ptr (dp, dir.arearp);
183           dir.modify = pds$processid;
185           if just_delete_name then go to delete_name;
187           newname_p = addr (newname);
188           call hash$search (dp, newname_p, nep, code);
189           if code = 0 then do;
190                if ep = nep then code = error_table_$segnamedup;
191                else code = error_table_$namedup;
192                go to unlock;
193           end;
194           if code ^= error_table_$noentry then go to unlock;
196           call fs_alloc$alloc (areap, active_hardcore_data$ensize, new_np); /* allocate storage for newname */
197           if new_np = null then go to noalloc_err;
199           new_np -> names.name = newname;
201           new_np -> names.entry_rp = rel (ep);
202           new_np -> names.type = NAME_TYPE;
203           new_np -> names.size = active_hardcore_data$ensize;
204           new_np -> names.owner = entry.uid;
206           call hash$in (dp, new_np, code);
207           if code ^= 0 then go to hash_error;
209           last_namep = ptr (ep, entry.name_brp);
210           new_np -> names.bp = rel (last_namep);
211           last_namep -> names.fp = rel (new_np);
212           entry.name_brp = rel (new_np);
213           namecnt = namecnt + 1;                            /* increase count of number of names for "entry" */
216 delete_name: if oldname = "" then go to finish;
218           oldname_p = addr (oldname);
219           call hash$search (dp, oldname_p, nep, code);
220           if code ^= 0 then go to finish;                   /* if name not in hash table (most probably) */
221           if ep ^= nep then go to name_err;                 /* if name associated with another entry */
223           call hash$out (dp, oldname_p, old_np, code);      /* Hash "oldname" to find its place in the */
224           if code ^= 0 then do;                             /* hash table and vacate this place. */
225 name_err:      code = error_table_$oldnamerr;
226                go to finish;
227           end;
229           if old_np -> names.bp then do;                    /* not primary name */
230                ptr (old_np, old_np -> names.bp) -> names.fp = old_np -> names.fp;
231                if old_np -> names.fp then ptr (old_np, old_np -> names.fp) -> names.bp = old_np -> names.bp;
232                else entry.name_brp = old_np -> names.bp;
233           end;
234           else do;
236 /* * The name entry for the primary name is stored in the entry structure.  If the name being deleted or changed
237    * was the primary name, then the new primary name must be moved into this area.  The steps are:
238    *      1. The new primary name is hashed out.
239    *      2. The new primary name is threaded out.
240    *      3. The contents of the new primary name are copied into the slot in the entry.
241    *      4. The new primary name in its new location is hashed in.
242 */
243                if just_delete_name then next_np = ptr (dp, old_np -> names.fp);
244                else next_np = new_np;
246                call hash$out (dp, addr (next_np -> names.name), next_np, code);
247                if code ^= 0 then goto finish;
249 /* Unthread new primary name. */
251                if next_np -> names.fp = "0"b
252                then entry.name_brp = next_np -> names.bp;   /* end of chain */
253                else ptr (dp, next_np -> names.fp) -> names.bp = next_np -> names.bp;
254                ptr (dp, next_np -> names.bp) -> names.fp = next_np -> names.fp;
256 /* Copy new primary name into entry slot, but save old primary threads. */
258                save_fp = old_np -> names.fp;
259                old_np -> names = next_np -> names;
260                old_np -> names.fp = save_fp;
261                old_np -> names.bp = "0"b;
263                call hash$in (dp, old_np, code);
264                if code ^= 0 then goto finish;
265                old_np = next_np;                            /* set so space will be freed later */
267                if entry.bs & sst$ast_track then do;         /* AST names */
268                     uid = entry.uid;                        /* Must extract info before locking AST */
269                     pvid = entry.pvid;
270                     vtocx = entry.vtocx;
271                     temp_entry_name = newname;              /* This is the new name */
272                     call lock$lock_ast;
273                     nm_astep = search_ast$check (uid, pvid, vtocx, (0)); /* ignore code since it's just for name table */
274                     if nm_astep ^= null then
276 %include make_sstnt_entry;
277                     call lock$unlock_ast;
278                end;
279           end;
281           namecnt = namecnt - 1;                            /* decrease count of number of names for "entry" */
283           call fs_alloc$free (areap, active_hardcore_data$ensize, old_np); /* free storage for "oldname" */
284           if entry.dirsw
285           then call pathname_am$flush (entry.uid);
288 finish:   entry.nnames = namecnt;
289           if ^pds$transparent.m then                        /* is it ok to change date */
290                if entry.dtem ^= bit (fixed (clock (), 52), 36) then /* if 'now', don't bother. we're not setfaulting */
291                     call change_dtem (ep);                  /* if old, brighten it up */
292           dir.modify = "0"b;
293           call sum$dirmod (dp);                             /* Notify control that "parent" has been modified */
294           go to unlock1;
296 /* Error handlers. */
298 unlock:   dir.modify = "0"b;
299 unlock1:  if entry_point ^= ep_known then do;
300                if entry_point = file
301                then call dc_find$finished (dp, "1"b);
302                else call lock$dir_unlock (dp);
303           end;
304 finale:   a_code = code;
305           return;
307 hash_error:
308           call fs_alloc$free (areap, active_hardcore_data$ensize, new_np);
309           go to unlock;
310 noalloc_err:
311           code = error_table_$noalloc;
312           go to unlock;
314 /* format: off */
316 %page; %include aste;
317 %page; %include dc_find_dcls;
318 %page; %include dir_entry;
319 %page; %include dir_header;
320 %page; %include dir_ht;
321 %page; %include dir_name;
322 %page; %include fs_obj_access_codes;
323 %page; %include fs_types;
324 %page; %include sstnt;
325      end chname;