1 /****^  ***********************************************************
   2         *                                                         *
   3         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987                *
   4         *                                                         *
   5         * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1984 *
   6         *                                                         *
   7         * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
   8         * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
   9         *                                                         *
  10         *********************************************************** */
  15 /****^  HISTORY COMMENTS:
  16   1) change(88-06-10,Lippard), approve(88-07-04,MCR7929),
  17      audit(88-07-08,Parisek), install(88-07-15,MR12.2-1057):
  18      Modified to return error code of 0 and status_code of
  19      error_table_$user_not_found in case where specific ACLs are requested to
  20      be listed and entry has an empty ACL.
  21                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
  24 /* format: style2 */
  26 asd_:
  27      procedure;
  29 /* Modified 10/84 Keith Loepere to audit operation as an access change. */
  30 /* Modified 84-07-03 BIM for ring number range checks.                    */
  31 /* Modified 6/84 Keith Loepere to use the new dc_find. */
  32 /* Modified 8/83 E. N. Kittlitz. setfaults$if_active pvid, vtocx args     */
  33 /* Modified 3/83 E. N. Kittlitz. setfaults on fatal_error if acl modified */
  34 /* Modified 5/82 BIM to use Legal PL/I in the case where list_* is called */
  35 /*                   on a null acl with a area pointer.                   */
  36 /*                   a one-dim array is allocated, but a count of 0 is    */
  37 /*                   returned, for compatability. (instead of returning   */
  38 /*                   an error code)                                       */
  39 /* Modified 3/82 BIM for no system free seg, refer extent entrypoints */
  40 /* Modified by B. Margulies 05/10/79 to remove pds$xmode level restriction
  41                     and allow setting exacls within validation level */
  42 /* Modified 07/77 by THVV for bad_dir_ check */
  43 /* Modified by R. Bratt 06/01/76 to call find_$finished */
  44 /* Modified by Kobziar 10/15/75 to copy et$user_not_found errors in delete structure */
  45 /* NSS, 4/25/75, by Greenberg */
  46 /* Modified by E. Stone Oct 1974 to place uid and dtem in double word */
  47 /* Modified to copy arguments before using - 9/74 by A. Mason */
  48 /* Modified by Kobziar on 11-12-73 to return dirseg and nondirseg error codes */
  50 /* This is the gate level acl proc and contains 18 entries for listing, deleting, replacing, and
  51 *   adding acl entries to segments, directories, and initial acls.
  52 *  Entrypoints whose names begin with r_ are identical in function, but take
  53 *  refer extend structures.
  54 *
  55 *  There are r_ entrypoints for acl listing, since for allocation of storage
  56 *  refer extents are cleaner. The other entrypoints stay as they are,
  57 *  because arrays are easier to declare in automatic structures.
  58 *
  59 *  It is always possible to pass addr (XXX_acl.entries), XXX_acl.count
  60 *  into the other entrypoint.
  61 *
  62 *   _^He_^Hn_^Ht_^Hr_^Hy                _^Ha_^Hr_^Hg_^Hu_^Hm_^He_^Hn_^Ht_^Hs
  63 *
  64 *   list_dall       (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_code)
  65 *   r_list_dall     (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_code);
  66 *   r_list_sall     (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_code);
  67 *   list_sall       as above. Dall lists all of a directory acl and used the dir_acl structure(below)
  68 *   .               while sall lists all of a segment's acl and uses the acl structure.
  69 *
  70 *   list_idall      (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_ring, a_code)
  71 *   list_isall      List of initial acls for segments and directories, for the specified ring.
  72 *   r_list_idall    (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_ring, a_code)
  73 *   r_list_isall    (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_ring, a_code);
  74 *
  75 *   del_dentries    (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_code)
  76 *   del_sentries    as above. Dentries and sentries use the del_acl structure and delete the specified acl entries.
  77 *   del_identries   (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_ring, a_code)
  78 *   del_isentries   Delete initial acls for segments and directories for the specified ring.
  79 *   replace_dall    (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_daemon_sw, a_code)
  80 *   replace_sall    as above. Dall replaces a dir acl with the one given and uses the dir_acl structure
  81 *   .               while sall replaces a segment's acl and uses the acl structure.
  82 *   replace_idall   (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_daemon_sw, a_ring, a_code)
  83 *   replace_isall   Replace initial acl for segments and directories fir the specified ring.
  84 *   add_dentries    (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_code)
  85 *   add_sentries    as above. Dentries adds (or changes the mode if the acl entry already exists) the
  86 *   .               given entries to a directory acl and uses the dir_acl structure, while sentries
  87 *   .               adds or changes the mode and uses the acl structure.
  88 *   add_identries   (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_ring, a_code)
  89 *   add_isentries   Add to initial acls of segments or directories for the specified ring.
  90 *
  91 *
  92 *
  93 *   _^Ha_^Hr_^Hg_^Hu_^Hm_^He_^Hn_^Ht              _^Hv_^Ha_^Hl_^Hu_^He
  94 *
  95 *   a_dir_name                char(*), the name of the directory (Input).
  96 *   a_entryname               char(*), the name of the brnach in the above directory whoes acl is to be read or
  97 *   .                         written (Input).
  98 *   a_area_ptr                ptr, used only in listing acls and pts to an area wher the entire acl should be
  99 *   .                         listed, otherwize it is null and only the modes in the given acl list will be listed.
 100 *   .                         (Input).
 101 *   a_return_struc_ptr                  ptr, is set to point to allocation in area (if a_area_ptr given) of the
 102 *   .                         acl list. (Output)
 103 *   a_acl_ptr                 ptr, points to an acl, dir_acl, or del_acl structure. (Input for all except
 104 *   .                         when listing whole acl rather than specified acl's modes, when it must be null).
 105 *   a_acl_count               fixed bin(17), then number of acl entries in the given structure, (Input except
 106 *   .                         for list when listing whole acl, then output).
 107 *   a_daemon_sw               bit(1) aligned, used to specify if want a *.SysDaemon.* rw or sma acl entry appended
 108 *   .                         to the acl replacement list. "0"b = yes, "1"b = no, (Input).
 109 *   a_ring                              fixed bin(3), the initial acl's ring number.(Must be >= validation level).
 110 *   a_code                              fixed bin(35), is a standard file system error code. If non zero then no
 111 *   .                         processing has been performed except in the case of deleting, where a user_not_found
 112 *   .                         code in the del_acl structure indicates that this entry wasn't found.
 113 *
 114 **/
 116           dcl     a_acl_count            fixed bin (17) parameter;
 117           dcl     a_acl_ptr              ptr parameter;
 118           dcl     a_area_ptr             ptr parameter;
 119           dcl     a_code                 fixed bin (35) parameter;
 120           dcl     a_daemon_sw            bit (1) parameter; /* indicates whether to remove a *.SysDaemon.* acl */
 121           dcl     a_dir_name             char (*) parameter;
 122           dcl     a_entryname            char (*) parameter;
 123           dcl     a_return_struc_ptr     ptr parameter;
 124           dcl     a_ring                 fixed bin (3) parameter;
 126           dcl     1 acl1                 based (acl_entry_ptr) aligned,
 127                                                             /* one entry  of an input acl list */
 128                     2 ac_name,
 129                       3 person           char (32),
 130                       3 project          char (32),
 131                       3 tag              char (1),
 132                     2 mode               bit (36),
 133                     2 ex_mode            bit (36);
 134           dcl     arg_area               area based (area_ptr);
 136           dcl     1 a_n                  aligned like acl1;
 137           dcl     acl_entry_ptr          ptr;
 138           dcl     acl_start_ptr          ptr;
 139           dcl     add_sw                 bit (1);
 140           dcl     ael                    fixed bin;
 141           dcl     area_ptr               ptr;
 142           dcl     called_find            bit (1) aligned;
 143           dcl     caller_level           fixed bin (3) unsigned;
 144           dcl     code                   fixed bin (35);
 145           dcl     d_s                    bit (1) aligned;
 146           dcl     daemon_sw              bit (1) aligned;
 147           dcl     dirname                char (168);
 148           dcl     entryname              char (32);
 149           dcl     esw                    fixed bin (17);    /* indicates which entry point called */
 150           dcl     fail_sw                bit (1) aligned;
 151           dcl     fatal_error_sets_faults
 152                                          bit (1) aligned;
 153           dcl     i                      fixed bin;
 154           dcl     initial_acl            bit (1) aligned;
 155           dcl     locked                 bit (1) aligned;
 156           dcl     locked_for_write       bit (1) aligned;
 157           dcl     n_acls                 fixed bin;
 158           dcl     offset                 fixed bin;
 159           dcl     owning_structure       bit (36) aligned;
 160           dcl     refer_allocation       bit (1) aligned;   /* new style listing */
 161           dcl     return_acl_ptr         pointer;
 162           dcl     ring                   fixed bin (17);
 163           dcl     structure_supplied     bit (1) aligned;   /* no allocation needed */
 164           dcl     t_char1                char (32) aligned;
 165           dcl     t_char2                char (32) aligned;
 166           dcl     tag                    char (1) aligned;
 167           dcl     temp_access_name       char (32) aligned;
 168           dcl     temp_extended_mode     bit (36) aligned;
 169           dcl     temp_mode              bit (36);
 170           dcl     work_p                 ptr;
 172           dcl     acc_name_$elements     ext entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));
 173           dcl     acl_$add_entry         entry (fixed bin, bit (36) aligned, ptr, ptr, bit (1), fixed bin (35));
 174           dcl     acl_$del_acl           entry (fixed bin, bit (36) aligned, ptr);
 175           dcl     acl_$del_entry         entry (fixed bin, bit (36) aligned, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));
 176           dcl     acl_$list_entry        entry (fixed bin, bit (36) aligned, ptr, ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin (35));
 177           dcl     change_dtem            entry (ptr);
 178           dcl     check_gate_acl_        entry (ptr, bit (1) aligned, fixed bin (17), char (32) aligned, fixed bin (35));
 179           dcl     level$get              entry returns (fixed bin (3));
 180           dcl     lock$dir_lock_read     entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
 181           dcl     lock$dir_unlock        entry (ptr);
 182           dcl     setfaults$if_active    entry (bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin, bit (1) aligned);
 183           dcl     sum$dirmod             entry (ptr);
 185           dcl     error_table_$argerr    ext fixed bin (35);
 186           dcl     error_table_$bad_acl_mode
 187                                          ext fixed bin (35);
 188           dcl     error_table_$bad_ring_brackets
 189                                          ext fixed bin (35);
 190           dcl     error_table_$dirseg    ext fixed bin (35);
 191           dcl     error_table_$empty_acl ext fixed bin (35);
 192           dcl     error_table_$invalid_ascii
 193                                          ext fixed bin (35);
 194           dcl     error_table_$invalid_mode
 195                                          ext fixed bin (35);
 196           dcl     error_table_$noalloc   ext fixed bin (35);
 197           dcl     error_table_$nondirseg ext fixed bin (35);
 198           dcl     error_table_$null_info_ptr
 199                                          ext fixed bin (35);
 200           dcl     error_table_$user_not_found
 201                                          ext fixed bin (35);
 202           dcl     pds$processid          bit (36) aligned ext;
 204           dcl     ADD_DIR                fixed bin static options (constant) init (4);
 205           dcl     ADD_SEG                fixed bin static options (constant) init (8);
 206           dcl     DEL_DIR                fixed bin static options (constant) init (2);
 207           dcl     DEL_SEG                fixed bin static options (constant) init (6);
 208           dcl     LIST_DIR               fixed bin static options (constant) init (1);
 209           dcl     LIST_SEG               fixed bin static options (constant) init (5);
 210           dcl     REP_SEG                fixed bin static options (constant) init (7);
 211           dcl     REP_DIR                fixed bin static options (constant) init (3);
 213           dcl     (addr, bin, fixed, null, ptr, rtrim, substr)
 214                                          builtin;
 216           dcl     (area, any_other, bad_dir_, cleanup, seg_fault_error)
 217                                          condition;
 218 %page;
 220 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 222 list_idall:
 223      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_ring, a_code);
 224           initial_acl = "1"b;
 225           go to LIST_DALL_COMMON;
 226 list_dall:
 227      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_code);
 228           initial_acl = "0"b;
 231           refer_allocation = "0"b;
 233           go to R_LIST_DALL_COMMON;
 235 r_list_idall:
 236      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_ring, a_code);
 237           initial_acl = "1"b;
 238           go to R_LIST_DALL_COMMON_0;
 240 r_list_dall:
 241      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_code);
 242           initial_acl = "0"b;
 244           refer_allocation = "1"b;
 247           if initial_acl
 248           then ring = a_ring;
 250 /* list the alc of a directory */
 251           esw = LIST_DIR;
 252           go to LIST_COMMON;
 254 list_isall:
 255      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_ring, a_code);
 257           initial_acl = "1"b;
 258           go to LIST_SALL_COMMON;
 260 list_sall:
 261      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_code);
 263           initial_acl = "0"b;
 266           refer_allocation = "0"b;
 268           go to R_LIST_SALL_COMMON;
 270 r_list_isall:
 271      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_ring, a_code);
 272           initial_acl = "1"b;
 273           go to R_LIST_DALL_COMMON_0;
 275 r_list_sall:
 276      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_area_ptr, a_return_struc_ptr, a_code);
 277           initial_acl = "0"b;
 279           refer_allocation = "1"b;
 282           if initial_acl
 283           then ring = a_ring;
 285           esw = LIST_SEG;
 287 /* The listing entrypoints happen here, via two internal procedures */
 288 /* One is used when the structure is supplied, and selection is to take */
 289 /* place. That is process_specific_list. The other is for allocation */
 290 /* and return. That is process_list_all. */
 295           caller_level = level$get ();
 297           locked, locked_for_write, called_find, fatal_error_sets_faults = "0"b;
 299           area_ptr = a_area_ptr;
 300           if initial_acl
 301           then if ring < 0 | ring > 7
 302                then call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 303           d_s = esw < LIST_SEG;
 304           structure_supplied = (area_ptr = null);
 306           if structure_supplied
 307           then do;
 308                     if refer_allocation
 309                     then acl_ptr = a_return_struc_ptr;
 310                     else acl_ptr = a_acl_ptr;
 312                     if acl_ptr = null
 313                     then call fatal_error (error_table_$null_info_ptr);
 315                     if /* tree */ refer_allocation
 316                     then if d_s
 317                          then do;
 318                                    acl_count = directory_acl.count;
 319                                    acl_ptr = addr (directory_acl.entries);
 320                               end;
 321                          else do;
 322                                    acl_count = segment_acl.count;
 323                                    acl_ptr = addr (segment_acl.entries);
 324                               end;
 325                     else acl_count = a_acl_count;
 326                end;
 327           else do;
 328                     return_acl_ptr = null;
 329                     acl_ptr = null;
 330                     acl_count = 0;
 331                end;
 334           on cleanup call cleanup_;
 335 %page;
 336 Retry_process_list_all:                                     /** Come here is the dir changed asychronously */
 337           call check_pathname_find_read_lock_and_check_access;
 339           acl_entry_ptr = addr (a_n);                       /* used as a temp for constructing input acl ent */
 340           if initial_acl
 341           then do;
 342                     if d_s
 343                     then acl_start_ptr = addr (dir.iacl (ring).dir_frp);
 344                     else acl_start_ptr = addr (dir.iacl (ring).seg_frp);
 345                     if d_s
 346                     then n_acls = dir.iacl_count (ring).dir;
 347                     else n_acls = dir.iacl_count (ring).seg;
 348                     owning_structure = dir.uid;             /* dir is owner of iacl entries */
 349                end;
 350           else do;
 351                     acl_start_ptr = addr (entry.acl_frp);
 352                     n_acls = entry.acle_count;
 353                     owning_structure = entry.uid;           /* When checking and making acles, entry owns em */
 354                end;
 357 /***** If the acl is null, the only work to do (allocating a null structure) */
 358 /***** is done after the dir is unlocked. */
 360           if structure_supplied
 361           then call process_specific_list;
 362           else if n_acls > 0
 363           then call process_list_all;
 366 /* Both of these return with the dir locked, and acl_ptr and acl_count */
 367 /* ready to return */
 369           call dc_find$finished (dp, "1"b);
 371           if refer_allocation                               /* new style */
 372           then if structure_supplied
 373                then ;
 374                else do;
 375                          if acl_count = 0
 376                          then do;                           /* allocate 1-dim (legal pl1) */
 377                                    acl_count = 1;
 378                                    if d_s
 379                                    then do;
 380                                              allocate directory_acl in (arg_area);
 381                                              directory_acl.count = 0;
 382                                                             /* but report the fact that it is null */
 383                                         end;
 384                                    else do;
 385                                              allocate segment_acl in (arg_area);
 386                                              segment_acl.count = 0;
 387                                         end;
 388                                    return_acl_ptr = acl_ptr;/* share code with case just below */
 389                               end;
 390                          a_return_struc_ptr = return_acl_ptr;
 391                     end;
 393           else /* old style */
 394                if structure_supplied
 395           then ;
 396           else do;
 397                     if acl_count = 0                        /* null acl */
 398                     then do;
 399                               acl_count = 1;                /* allocate 1-dim (legal pl1) */
 400                               if d_s
 401                               then allocate directory_acl_array in (arg_area);
 402                               else allocate segment_acl_array in (arg_area);
 403                               acl_count = 0;                /* but report 0 count */
 404                          end;
 405                     a_return_struc_ptr = acl_ptr;
 406                     a_acl_count = acl_count;
 407                end;
 409           a_code = code;                                    /* reflect code from some bad entry */
 410           return;                                           /* So much for listing */
 412 %page;
 413 del_identries:
 414      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_ring, a_code);
 415           initial_acl = "1"b;                               /* delete initial acl entries for dir at ring */
 416           go to DEL_DENTRIES_COMMON;
 417 del_dentries:
 418      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_code);
 419                                                             /* del part of dir acl */
 420           initial_acl = "0"b;
 422           esw = DEL_DIR;
 423           goto start_proc;
 425 del_isentries:
 426      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_ring, a_code);
 427           initial_acl = "1"b;                               /* delete for segments */
 428           go to DEL_SENTRIES_COMMON;
 430 del_sentries:
 431      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_code);
 432                                                             /* del part of seg acl */
 433           initial_acl = "0"b;
 435           esw = DEL_SEG;
 436           goto start_proc;
 438 replace_idall:
 439      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_daemon_sw, a_ring, a_code);
 440           initial_acl = "1"b;                               /* replace inatial acl for dirs at ring */
 441           go to REPLACE_DALL_COMMON;
 443 replace_dall:
 444      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_daemon_sw, a_code);
 445                                                             /* replace a dir acl with one provided */
 446           initial_acl = "0"b;
 448           esw = REP_DIR;
 449           daemon_sw = a_daemon_sw;
 450           goto start_proc;
 452 replace_isall:
 453      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_daemon_sw, a_ring, a_code);
 454           initial_acl = "1"b;                               /* replace for segments */
 455           go to REPLACE_SALL_COMMON;
 457 replace_sall:
 458      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_daemon_sw, a_code);
 459                                                             /* replace s seg acl with one given */
 460           initial_acl = "0"b;
 462           esw = REP_SEG;
 463           daemon_sw = a_daemon_sw;
 464           goto start_proc;
 466 add_identries:
 467      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_ring, a_code);
 468           initial_acl = "1"b;                               /* add initial acls for dir at ring */
 469           go to ADD_DENTRIES_COMMON;
 471 add_dentries:
 472      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_code);
 473                                                             /* add or replace  toa dir acl */
 474           initial_acl = "0"b;
 476           esw = ADD_DIR;
 477           goto start_proc;
 479 add_isentries:
 480      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_ring, a_code);
 481           initial_acl = "1"b;                               /* add for segmemts */
 482           go to ADD_SENTRIES_COMMON;
 484 add_sentries:
 485      entry (a_dir_name, a_entryname, a_acl_ptr, a_acl_count, a_code);
 486                                                             /* add or relpace entries to seg acl */
 487           initial_acl = "0"b;
 489           esw = ADD_SEG;
 491 %page;
 492 start_proc:
 493           caller_level = level$get ();
 494           locked, locked_for_write, called_find, fatal_error_sets_faults = "0"b;
 496           acl_ptr = a_acl_ptr;
 497           acl_count = a_acl_count;
 499           if initial_acl
 500           then do;
 501                     ring = a_ring;
 502                     if ring < 0 | ring > 7
 503                     then call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 504                end;
 506           d_s = esw < LIST_SEG;
 508           if esw ^= REP_SEG & esw ^= REP_DIR
 509           then do;                                          /* if replacing, can replace with empty */
 510                     if acl_ptr = null
 511                     then call fatal_error (error_table_$null_info_ptr);
 513                     if acl_count = 0
 514                     then call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 515                end;
 517           if acl_ptr = null
 518           then acl_count = 0;
 519           else do;
 520                     on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 521                     call check_in_structure;
 522                     revert any_other;
 523                end;
 525           call check_pathname_find_read_lock_and_check_access;
 526 %page;
 527           acl_entry_ptr = addr (a_n);                       /* used as a temp for constructing input acl ent */
 528           if initial_acl
 529           then do;
 530                     if d_s
 531                     then acl_start_ptr = addr (dir.iacl (ring).dir_frp);
 532                     else acl_start_ptr = addr (dir.iacl (ring).seg_frp);
 533                     if d_s
 534                     then n_acls = dir.iacl_count (ring).dir;
 535                     else n_acls = dir.iacl_count (ring).seg;
 536                     owning_structure = dir.uid;             /* dir is owner of iacl entries */
 537                end;
 538           else do;
 539                     acl_start_ptr = addr (entry.acl_frp);
 540                     n_acls = entry.acle_count;
 541                     owning_structure = entry.uid;           /* When checking and making acles, entry owns em */
 542                end;
 543 %page;
 544           dir.modify = pds$processid;
 545           if ^initial_acl
 546           then do;
 547                     call change_dtem (ep);
 548                     fatal_error_sets_faults = "1"b;
 549                end;
 551 /*        *  *  *  delete  *  *  *      */
 553           if (esw = DEL_DIR) | (esw = DEL_SEG)
 554           then do;
 556                     on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 557                     delete_acl_array (*).status_code = 0;
 558                     revert any_other;
 560                     do i = 1 to acl_count;
 562                          on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 563                          temp_access_name = delete_acl_array (i).access_name;
 564                          revert any_other;
 566                          call acc_name_$elements (addr (temp_access_name), acl_entry_ptr, code);
 567                          if code ^= 0
 568                          then do;
 569                                    on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 570                                    delete_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 571                                    revert any_other;
 572                                    call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 573                               end;
 575                          call acl_$del_entry (n_acls, owning_structure, acl_start_ptr, acl_entry_ptr, code);
 576                          if code ^= 0
 577                          then do;
 578                                    if code = error_table_$user_not_found
 579                                    then do;
 580                                              on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 581                                              delete_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 582                                              revert any_other;
 583                                              code = 0;
 584                                              goto del_loop;
 585                                         end;
 586                                    else call fatal_error (code);
 587                               end;
 588                          if ^initial_acl
 589                          then entry.acle_count = entry.acle_count - 1;
 590                          else if d_s
 591                          then dir.iacl_count.dir (ring) = dir.iacl_count.dir (ring) - 1;
 592                          else dir.iacl_count.seg (ring) = dir.iacl_count.seg (ring) - 1;
 593                          dir.acle_total = dir.acle_total - 1;
 594 del_loop:
 595                     end;
 597                     go to CLEAN_RETURN;
 598                end;                                         /* esw  = DEL_DIR, DEL_SEG */
 599 %page;
 601 /*        *  *  *  replacement and addition  *  *  *        */
 603 /* esw = REP_DIR, REP_SEG, ADD_DIR, ADD_SEG */
 604 /* see if have to check gate */
 606           if ^initial_acl                                   /* ep is invalid if initial_acl = "1"b */
 607           then if ((esw = REP_SEG) | (esw = ADD_SEG)) & caller_level > 1
 608                     & fixed (entry.ring_brackets (2), 3) < fixed (entry.ring_brackets (3), 3)
 609                then do;
 610                          call check_gate_acl_ (acl_ptr, "0"b, acl_count, (""), code);
 611                          if code ^= 0
 612                          then call fatal_error (code);
 613                          if esw = ADD_SEG
 614                          then if entry.acl_frp ^= ""b
 615                               then do;                      /* trying to sneek own project in? */
 616                                         call check_gate_acl_ (acl_start_ptr, "1"b, (entry.acle_count), (""), code);
 617                                         if code ^= 0
 618                                         then call fatal_error (code);
 619                                    end;
 620                     end;
 622           if (esw = REP_DIR) | (esw = REP_SEG)
 623           then do;
 624                     if initial_acl
 625                     then if d_s
 626                          then ael = dir.iacl_count.dir (ring);
 627                          else ael = dir.iacl_count.seg (ring);
 628                     else ael = entry.acle_count;            /* start by deleting everything */
 629                     call acl_$del_acl (n_acls, owning_structure, acl_start_ptr);
 630                     n_acls = 0;
 631                     if initial_acl
 632                     then if d_s
 633                          then dir.iacl_count.dir (ring) = 0;
 634                          else dir.iacl_count.seg (ring) = 0;
 635                     else entry.acle_count = 0;
 636                     dir.acle_total = dir.acle_total - ael;  /* should *.SysDaemon be put back ? */
 637                     if ^daemon_sw
 638                     then do;
 639                               t_char1 = "*.SysDaemon.*  ";
 640                               call acc_name_$elements (addr (t_char1), acl_entry_ptr, (0));
 641                               acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.mode = RW_ACCESS;
 643                               if d_s
 644                               then acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ex_mode = SMA_ACCESS;
 645                               else acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ex_mode = ""b;
 646                               call acl_$add_entry (n_acls, owning_structure, acl_start_ptr, acl_entry_ptr, add_sw, code);
 647                               if code ^= 0                  /* should never happen */
 648                               then call fatal_error (code);
 650                               n_acls = 1;
 652                               if ^initial_acl
 653                               then entry.acle_count = entry.acle_count + 1;
 654                               else if d_s
 655                               then dir.iacl_count.dir (ring) = dir.iacl_count.dir (ring) + 1;
 656                               else dir.iacl_count.seg (ring) = dir.iacl_count.seg (ring) + 1;
 657                               dir.acle_total = dir.acle_total + 1;
 658                          end;
 659                end;
 661           do i = 1 to acl_count;
 663                on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 664                if d_s
 665                then do;
 666                          temp_access_name = directory_acl_array (i).access_name;
 667                          temp_mode = directory_acl_array (i).mode;
 668                          if substr (temp_mode, 4) ^= ""b
 669                          then do;
 670                                    directory_acl_array (i).status_code = error_table_$bad_acl_mode;
 671                                    call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 672                               end;
 673                     end;
 674                else do;
 675                          temp_access_name = segment_acl_array (i).access_name;
 676                          temp_mode = segment_acl_array (i).mode;
 677                          if substr (temp_mode, 5) ^= ""b    /* let a through */
 678                          then do;
 679                                    segment_acl_array (i).status_code = error_table_$bad_acl_mode;
 680                                    call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 681                               end;
 682                          temp_mode = temp_mode & REW_ACCESS;/* but not far */
 683                          temp_extended_mode = segment_acl_array (i).extended_mode;
 684                     end;
 685                revert any_other;
 687                call acc_name_$elements (addr (temp_access_name), acl_entry_ptr, code);
 688                if code ^= 0
 689                then do;
 690                          on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 691                          if d_s
 692                          then do;
 693                                    directory_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 694                                    go to BAD_ACLE;
 695                               end;
 696                          else do;
 697                                    segment_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 698 BAD_ACLE:
 699                                    revert any_other;
 700                                    call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 701                               end;
 702                     end;
 703                if d_s
 704                then do;
 705                          acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.mode = RW_ACCESS;
 706                          acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ex_mode = temp_mode;
 707                     end;
 708                else do;
 709                          acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.mode = temp_mode;
 710                          acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ex_mode = temp_extended_mode;
 711                     end;
 713                call acl_$add_entry (n_acls, owning_structure, acl_start_ptr, acl_entry_ptr, add_sw, code);
 714                if code ^= 0
 715                then call fatal_error (code);                /* hate to give up here, but no choice */
 716                n_acls = n_acls + 1;
 718                if add_sw
 719                then do;                                     /* acl added, up count */
 720                          if ^initial_acl
 721                          then entry.acle_count = entry.acle_count + 1;
 722                          else if d_s
 723                          then dir.iacl_count.dir (ring) = dir.iacl_count.dir (ring) + 1;
 724                          else dir.iacl_count.seg (ring) = dir.iacl_count.seg (ring) + 1;
 725                          dir.acle_total = dir.acle_total + 1;
 726                     end;
 728           end;                                              /* i do loop */
 731           if ^initial_acl
 732           then call setfaults$if_active ((entry.uid), (entry.pvid), (entry.vtocx), "1"b);
 733           call unlock_dir;
 734           a_code = 0;
 735           return;
 736 %page;
 737 check_pathname_find_read_lock_and_check_access:
 738      procedure;
 740           if initial_acl
 741           then do;                                          /* need ptr to locked dir */
 742                     dirname = a_dir_name;
 743                     entryname = a_entryname;
 744                     if dirname = ">"
 745                     then dirname = ">" || entryname;
 746                     else if entryname ^= ""                 /* compatable with old idiot programs */
 747                     then dirname = rtrim (dirname) || ">" || entryname;
 749                     if dirname = ""                         /* this is always invalid */
 750                     then call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 752                     if esw = LIST_DIR | esw = LIST_SEG
 753                     then do;
 754                               call dc_find$dir_read (dirname, dp, code);
 755                               if code ^= 0
 756                               then go to find_error;
 757                               called_find, locked = "1"b;
 758                          end;
 759                     else do;
 760                               call dc_find$dir_write (dirname, FS_OBJ_IACL_MOD, dp, code);
 761                               if code ^= 0
 762                               then go to find_error;
 763                               called_find, locked = "1"b;
 764                               locked_for_write = "1"b;      /* fine, ready to go for iacls */
 766                               if ring < caller_level | ring > 7
 767                                                             /* only 8 rings, folks */
 768                               then call fatal_error (error_table_$bad_ring_brackets);
 769                          end;
 770                end;
 771           else do;                                          /* ordinary acl */
 772                     dirname = a_dir_name;
 773                     entryname = a_entryname;
 775                     if dirname = ""                         /* this is always invalid */
 776                     then call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 778                     if esw = LIST_DIR | esw = LIST_SEG
 779                     then do;
 780                               call dc_find$obj_status_read (dirname, entryname, 1, ep, code);
 781                               if code ^= 0
 782                               then go to find_error;
 783                               locked, called_find = "1"b;
 784                               dp = ptr (ep, 0);
 785                          end;
 786                     else do;
 787                               call dc_find$obj_access_write (dirname, entryname, 1, FS_OBJ_ACL_MOD, ep, code);
 788                               if code ^= 0
 789                               then
 790 find_error:
 791                                    call fatal_error (code);
 792                               locked, called_find = "1"b;
 793                               dp = ptr (ep, 0);
 794                               locked_for_write = "1"b;
 796                               if entry.dirsw
 797                               then if caller_level > bin (entry.ex_ring_brackets (1), 3)
 798                                                             /* modify bracket */
 799                                    then call fatal_error (error_table_$bad_ring_brackets);
 800                                    else ;
 801                               else if caller_level > bin (entry.ring_brackets (1))
 802                               then call fatal_error (error_table_$bad_ring_brackets);
 803                          end;
 805                     if entry.dirsw
 806                     then do;
 807                               if esw > ADD_DIR
 808                               then call fatal_error (error_table_$dirseg);
 809                                                             /* have already checked mode, safe to return */
 810                          end;
 812                     else do;
 813                               if esw <= ADD_DIR
 814                               then call fatal_error (error_table_$nondirseg);
 815                          end;
 816                end;
 818 /* dp is set, ep is set for non-inacl case, access is okay */
 820      end check_pathname_find_read_lock_and_check_access;
 821 %page;
 822 check_in_structure:
 823      procedure;
 825 /* Precheck structure to return errors without doing anything. */
 826 /* check is repeated at actual run through acl to catch modifications */
 827 /* from other processes */
 829           declare fail_sw                bit (1) aligned;
 831           if esw = DEL_DIR | esw = DEL_SEG
 832           then delete_acl_array (*).status_code = 0;
 833           else if d_s
 834           then directory_acl_array (*).status_code = 0;
 835           else segment_acl_array (*).status_code = 0;
 837           fail_sw = "0"b;
 838           work_p = addr (a_n.ac_name);                      /* a_n is a temp hold structure */
 839           do i = 1 to acl_count;                            /* used for argument checking */
 841                if (esw = DEL_DIR) | (esw = DEL_SEG)
 842                then do;                                     /* when deleting acl entries, just perform name check */
 843                          call acc_name_$elements (addr (delete_acl_array (i).access_name), work_p, code);
 844                          if code ^= 0
 845                          then do;
 846                                    delete_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 847                                    if code ^= error_table_$invalid_ascii
 848                                    then fail_sw = "1"b;
 849                               end;
 850                     end;
 852                else if d_s
 853                then do;                                     /* look at directory acl modes and do name check */
 854                          if substr (directory_acl_array (i).mode, 4) ^= ""b
 855                          then do;
 856 bad_mode:
 857                                    directory_acl_array (i).status_code = error_table_$bad_acl_mode;
 858                                    fail_sw = "1"b;
 859                               end;
 860                          else if substr (directory_acl_array (i).mode, 1, 2) = "01"b
 861                          then do;                           /* do not allow m without s permission */
 862                                    directory_acl_array (i).status_code = error_table_$invalid_mode;
 863                                    fail_sw = "1"b;
 864                               end;
 866                          call acc_name_$elements (addr (directory_acl_array (i).access_name), work_p, code);
 867                          if code ^= 0
 868                          then do;
 869                                    fail_sw = "1"b;
 870                                    directory_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 871                               end;
 872                     end;
 874                else do;                                     /* look at segment acl modes and do name check */
 875                          if substr (segment_acl_array (i).mode, 5) ^= ""b
 876                          then do;                           /* permit a mode for compatability */
 877                                    segment_acl_array (i).status_code = error_table_$bad_acl_mode;
 878                                    fail_sw = "1"b;
 879                               end;
 880                          call acc_name_$elements (addr (segment_acl_array (i).access_name), work_p, code);
 881                          if code ^= 0
 882                          then do;
 883                                    fail_sw = "1"b;
 884                                    segment_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 885                               end;
 886                     end;
 887           end;                                              /* do i = 1 to acl_count */
 888           if fail_sw
 889           then do;
 890                     a_code = error_table_$argerr;
 891                     go to ERROR_RETURN;
 892                end;
 893      end check_in_structure;
 894 %page;
 895 process_specific_list:
 896      procedure;
 899           ael = acl_count;
 901 /* zero out all status codes for unambiguous errors */
 903           on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 904           if d_s
 905           then directory_acl_array (*).status_code = 0;
 906           else segment_acl_array (*).status_code = 0;
 907           revert any_other;
 909           fail_sw = "0"b;
 911           do i = 1 to ael;
 912                offset = 0;
 914                on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 915                if d_s
 916                then temp_access_name = directory_acl_array (i).access_name;
 917                else temp_access_name = segment_acl_array (i).access_name;
 918                revert any_other;
 920                call acc_name_$elements (addr (temp_access_name), acl_entry_ptr, code);
 921                if code ^= 0
 922                then do;
 923                          on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 924                          if d_s
 925                          then directory_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 926                          else segment_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 927                          revert any_other;
 928                          fail_sw = "1"b;
 929                          go to list_loop;
 930                     end;
 932                call acl_$list_entry (n_acls, owning_structure, acl_start_ptr, acl_entry_ptr, offset, code);
 934                if code ^= 0
 935                then if code = error_table_$empty_acl
 936                     then do;
 937                               on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 938                               if d_s
 939                               then do;
 940                                         directory_acl_array (*).status_code = error_table_$user_not_found;
 941                                         directory_acl_array (*).mode = ""b;
 942                                    end;
 943                               else do;
 944                                         segment_acl_array (*).status_code = error_table_$user_not_found;
 945                                         segment_acl_array (*).mode = ""b;
 946                                         segment_acl_array (*).extended_mode = ""b;
 947                                    end;
 948                               revert any_other;
 949                               code = 0;
 950                               return;
 951                          end;
 952                else if code = error_table_$user_not_found
 953                     then do;
 954                               on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 955                               if d_s
 956                               then do;
 957                                         directory_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 958                                         directory_acl_array (i).mode = ""b;
 959                                    end;
 960                               else do;
 961                                         segment_acl_array (i).status_code = code;
 962                                         segment_acl_array (i).mode = ""b;
 963                                         segment_acl_array (i).extended_mode = ""b;
 964                                    end;
 965                               revert any_other;
 966                               code = 0;
 967                               goto list_loop;               /* no such user is okay, continue */
 968                          end;
 969                     else call fatal_error (code);
 971                on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 972                if d_s
 973                then directory_acl_array (i).mode = acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ex_mode;
 974                else do;                                     /* check if can return ex mode */
 975                          segment_acl_array (i).mode = acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.mode;
 976                          segment_acl_array (i).extended_mode = acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ex_mode;
 977                     end;
 978                revert any_other;
 979 list_loop:
 980           end;
 981           if fail_sw
 982           then call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
 984      end process_specific_list;
 985 %page;
 986 process_list_all:
 987      procedure;
 988           declare saved_dir_change_pclock
 989                                          fixed bin (35);
 991           acl_count = n_acls;
 993 /* Unlock, allocate, relock */
 995           saved_dir_change_pclock = dir.change_pclock;
 997           call lock$dir_unlock (dp);
 998           locked = "0"b;
1000           on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
1001           on area call fatal_error (error_table_$noalloc);  /* specific takes precedence */
1003           if refer_allocation
1004           then do;
1005                     if d_s
1006                     then do;
1007                               allocate directory_acl in (arg_area);
1008                               directory_acl.count = acl_count;
1009                               directory_acl.version = ACL_VERSION_1;
1010                               return_acl_ptr = acl_ptr;
1011                               acl_ptr = addr (directory_acl.entries);
1012                          end;
1013                     else do;
1014                               allocate segment_acl in (arg_area);
1015                               segment_acl.count = acl_count;
1016                               segment_acl.version = ACL_VERSION_1;
1017                               return_acl_ptr = acl_ptr;
1018                               acl_ptr = addr (segment_acl.entries);
1019                          end;
1020                end;
1021           else do;
1022                     if d_s
1023                     then allocate directory_acl_array in (arg_area);
1024                     else allocate segment_acl_array in (arg_area);
1025                     return_acl_ptr = acl_ptr;
1026                end;
1028           revert any_other, area;
1030 /* Relock */
1031 /* hmmm, perhaps we should censor seg_deleted ... ? */
1033           on seg_fault_error signal bad_dir_;
1034           call lock$dir_lock_read (dp, code);
1035           if code ^= 0
1036           then call fatal_error (code);
1037           locked = "1"b;
1038           revert seg_fault_error;
1040           if dir.change_pclock ^= saved_dir_change_pclock
1041           then do;
1042                     call unlock_dir;                        /* Locked_for_write guaranteed "0"b */
1043                     go to Retry_process_list_all;
1044                end;
1046           acl_entry_ptr = addr (a_n);
1048           do i = 1 to acl_count;
1049                offset = i;                                  /* offset ^= 0, so list_entry will not match */
1051                call acl_$list_entry (acl_count, owning_structure, acl_start_ptr, acl_entry_ptr, offset, code);
1052                if code = error_table_$argerr
1053                then /* see if listing all and count wrong */
1054                     signal bad_dir_;
1056                else if code ^= 0
1057                then call fatal_error (code);
1059                t_char1 = acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ac_name.person;
1060                t_char2 = acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ac_name.project;
1061                tag = acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ac_name.tag;
1063                on any_other call fatal_error (error_table_$argerr);
1065 (nostringsize):
1066                begin;
1067                     if d_s
1068                     then do;
1069                               directory_acl_array (i).status_code = 0;
1070                               directory_acl_array (i).access_name =
1071                                    rtrim (t_char1) || "." || rtrim (t_char2) || "." || tag;
1072                               directory_acl_array (i).mode = acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ex_mode;
1073                               directory_acl_array (i).status_code = 0;
1074                          end;
1075                     else do;
1076                               segment_acl_array (i).status_code = 0;
1077                               segment_acl_array (i).access_name = rtrim (t_char1) || "." || rtrim (t_char2) || "." || tag;
1078                               segment_acl_array (i).mode = acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.mode;
1079                               segment_acl_array (i).extended_mode = acl_entry_ptr -> acl1.ex_mode;
1080                          end;
1081                end /* the begin block */;
1082                revert any_other;
1083           end;
1085      end process_list_all;
1086 %page;
1087 cleanup_:
1088      procedure;
1090                                                             /** ASSUME that if a cleanup is in progress that verify_lock will be */
1091                                                             /** called, so leave the dir locked for verify_lock to find and */
1092                                                             /** salvage. */
1094           if /* case */ esw = LIST_DIR | esw = LIST_SEG
1095           then do;
1096                     if /* case */ ^structure_supplied & acl_ptr ^= null
1097                     then if /* tree */ refer_allocation
1098                          then if d_s
1099                               then free directory_acl;
1100                               else free segment_acl;
1101                          else if d_s
1102                               then free directory_acl_array;
1103                               else free segment_acl_array;
1104                end;
1105           if called_find
1106           then call dc_find$finished (dp, "0"b);            /* leave locked for verify_lock */
1108      end cleanup_;
1110 unlock_dir:
1111      procedure;
1113           if locked_for_write
1114           then do;
1115                     call sum$dirmod (dp);
1116                     dir.modify = ""b;
1117                end;
1118           if called_find
1119           then call dc_find$finished (dp, locked);
1120           else if locked
1121           then call lock$dir_unlock (dp);
1122           locked, called_find = "0"b;
1123      end unlock_dir;
1126 fatal_error:
1127      procedure (cc);
1128           declare cc                     fixed bin (35);
1130           a_code = cc;
1131           if fatal_error_sets_faults                        /* only true if we have ep, etc. */
1132           then do;
1133                     call setfaults$if_active ((entry.uid), (entry.pvid), (entry.vtocx), "1"b);
1134                     fatal_error_sets_faults = ""b;
1135                end;
1136           call unlock_dir;
1137           call cleanup_;                                    /* Free space, locking left untouched */
1138           go to ERROR_RETURN;
1139      end fatal_error;
1141           return;
1142 %page;
1143 %include access_mode_values;
1144 %page;
1145 %include acl_structures;
1146 %page;
1147 %include dc_find_dcls;
1148 %page;
1149 %include dir_entry;
1150 %page;
1151 %include dir_header;
1152 %page;
1153 %include fs_obj_access_codes;
1154      end asd_;