1 * ***********************************************************
  2 * *                                                         *
  3 * * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
  4 * *                                                         *
  5 * * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
  6 * * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
  7 * *                                                         *
  8 * ***********************************************************
 10           lbl       ,ibm3270_tables
 11           ttl       ibm3270_tables -- tables for ibm 3270 terminals
 12           editp     on
 13           pcc       off
 14           pmc       off
 15           detail    off
 16           rem
 17 i3270     null
 18           rem
 19           start     i3270,,c3ibmm0b0000
 20           rem
 21           rem
 22           symdef    st3270
 23           rem
 24           symref    bsctst    bisync test state handler
 25           symref    bscwt     bisync write routine
 26           symref    bscwtr    bisync write routine with rcv mode set
 27           symref    bscrd     bisync read routine
 28           symref    bsccki    bisync check input message routine
 29           symref    bsccko    bisync check output message routine
 30           symref    bscswa    bisync ack switching routine
 31           symref    bshang    when line hangs up
 32           symref    bscbad    for reporting bad blocks
 33           symref    cvaddr    convert tib ext address
 34           symref    setbpt
 35           rem
 36           pmc       save,on
 37           csbits
 38           tconst
 39           tib
 40           meters
 41           buffer
 42           bscdat
 43           pmc       restore
 44           rem
 45           rem
 46 epad      bool      377
 47 esyn      bool      062
 48           rem
 49           rem
 50           rem                 /* input scan control strings */
 51           rem
 52 inenq     chstr     (rescan,match,enq)
 53 ineot     chstr     (rescan,match,tibeot)
 54 inack     chstr     (rescan,match,dle,ignore,match,tiback)
 55 innak     chstr     (rescan,match,tibnak)
 56 indisc    chstr     (rescan,match,dle,ignore,match,tibeot)
 57 inwack    chstr     (rescan,match,dle,ignore,match,wack)
 58 inrvi     chstr     (rescan,match,dle,ignore,match,rvi)
 59           rem
 60           rem                 /* output bldmsg control strings */
 61           rem
 62 otack     chstr     (dle,tiback,seteom)
 63 otnak     chstr     (tibnak,seteom)
 64 otenq     chstr     (enq,seteom)
 65 oteot     chstr     (tibeot,seteom)
 66 otdisc    chstr     (dle,tibeot,seteom)
 67 otwack    chstr     (dle,wack,seteom)
 68 otttd     chstr     (stx,enq,seteom)
 69 otrvi     chstr     (dle,rvi,seteom)
 70 otpoll    equ       otenq
 71 otetpd    chstr     (tibeot,epad,esyn,esyn,esyn,esyn)
 72           rem
 73           ttls      3270 polling and input
 74 ************************************************************************
 75 *
 76 *         enter here for ibm 3270 terminal operation
 77 *
 78 ************************************************************************
 79           rem
 80 st3270    clrlcf    exflg1,naksw+nakksw+wacksw+ttdsw+ntrsw+rvisw+needrv
 81           clrlcf    exflg1,ctlmsg
 82           clrlcf    exflg2,pollok+polpnd
 83           setlcl    testrt,testst       /* so bisync uses my test state handler */
 84           rem
 85 ************************************************************************
 86 *
 87 *         wait for something to do
 88 *
 89 ************************************************************************
 90           rem
 91 idle      tstwrt    gosel     /* data to write, we can do a select */
 92           tstlcf    exflg2,polpnd,gopoll /* previoulsy asked to poll */
 93           setlcf    exflg2,pollok       /* can accept a poll req now */
 94           wait      0,idle,bsctst       /* if output comes in, check for rvi */
 95           status    0,dsr,bshang        /* if we lose the line, all bets are off */
 96           rem
 97 ************************************************************************
 98 *
 99 *         asked to start polling operation
100 *
101 ************************************************************************
102           rem
103 gopoll    unwind              /* in case subr interrupted */
104           clrlcf    exflg1,rvisw+nakksw
105           clrlcf    exflg2,pollok+polpnd+selop /* cant take poll req now */
106           setchr    tiback,ack0
107           setlcl    nakcnt,0  /* initialize nak counter */
108           setlcl    bidcnt,0  /* initialize bid timeout counter */
109 sndpol    bldmsg    otpoll,gopunt       /* get enq for poll message */
110           calasm    bldpol,polad1       /* add in device selection stuff */
111           bldmsg    otetpd,gopunt
112           setlcf    exflg2,pollsw       /* remember current message is poll */
113 sndmsg    holdot
114           calsub    bscwtr    /* write poll */
115           dmpout
116 pollwt    setime    5         /* time limit for response */
117           calsub    bscrd
118           tstlcf    exflg2,timout,pollto /* timed out */
119           tstlcf    exflg1,naksw,nakpol /* got bad reply */
120           calasm    bsccki    /* check input message */
121           tstlcl    result,reseot,poleot /* eot, end of pool seq */
122           tstlcl    result,resack,pollgd /* got good reply */
123           tstlcl    result,resenq,enqpol /* got enq, so repeat prevous response */
124           goto      nakpol
125           rem
126 ************************************************************************
127 *
128 *         got eot in response to poll
129 *
130 ************************************************************************
131           rem
132 poleot    tstwrt    polend    /* if data to write, stop polling */
133           tstlcf    exflg2,autopl,conpol /* continue polling if autopoll */
134 polend    sendin              /* tell multics we stopped polling */
135           goto      idle
136 conpol    dumpin              /* thrwo away eot */
137           setime    1
138           wait      gopoll,idle,bsctst /* tetry poll in 1 second */
139           status    0,dsr,bshang
140           rem
141 ************************************************************************
142 *
143 *         got a good response in reply to a poll
144 *
145 ************************************************************************
146           rem
147 pollgd    meterm    0         /* meter input */
148           sendin              /* ship it */
149           calsub    bscswa    /* switch acks */
150 sndack    bldmsg    otack,gopunt        /* and acknowledge it */
151           setlcl    nakcnt,0  /* start counting over */
152           clrlcf    exflg1,nakksw       /* previous msg not nak */
153           clrlcf    exflg2,pollsw+autopl /* previous msg not poll */
154           rem                 /* also, good msg stops auto polling */
155           goto      sndmsg    /* go send the ack just built */
156           rem
157 ************************************************************************
158 *
159 *         got bad reply to poll, send nak
160 *
161 ************************************************************************
162           rem
163 nakpol    meter2    m.cnt1,1
164           dumpin              /* throw away bad msg */
165           addlcl    nakcnt,1  /* dont do this too often */
166           tstlcl    nakcnt,10,manynk
167 sndnak    bldmsg    otnak,gopunt        /* nak bad reply */
168           setlcf    exflg1,nakksw       /* last message was nak */
169           clrlcf    exflg2,pollsw       /* last message not poll */
170           goto      sndmsg    /* go send the nak */
171 manynk    meter2    m.cnt4,1
172           setlcl    ctlop,lstnak        /* report error to multics */
173           calsub    sndsta    /* report status */
174           goto      eotidl    /* send an eot and idle */
175           rem
176 ************************************************************************
177 *
178 *         got enq reply, so repeat out last response */
179 *
180 ************************************************************************
181           rem
182 enqpol    dumpin
183           tstlcf    exflg1,nakksw,sndnak
184           tstlcf    exflg2,pollsw,sndpol
185           goto      sndack
186           rem
187 ************************************************************************
188 *
189 *         come here to send an eot to the 3270, and go back to the idle state
190 *
191 ************************************************************************
192           rem
193 eotidl    bldmsg    oteot,gopunt
194           holdot
195           calsub    bscwt
196           dmpout
197           goto      idle
198           ttls      3270 device selection and output
199           rem
200 ************************************************************************
201 *
202 *         come here when output arrives
203 *
204 ************************************************************************
205           rem
206 gosel     setchr    tiback,ack0 /* initialize ack */
207           clrlcf    exflg2,pollok /* can't do polls now */
208           setlcf    exflg2,selop /* mark it as select operation */
209           setlcl    nakcnt,0
210           setlcl    bidcnt,0
211 sndsel    bldmsg    otpoll,gopunt
212           calasm    bldpol,selad1 /* build select msg (looks like poll msg) */
213           bldmsg    otetpd,gopunt
214           holdot
215           calsub    bscwtr    /* write/read subr in bsc_tables */
216           dmpout
217           rem
218 selwt     setime    5
219           calsub    bscrd     /* use bsc_tables subr to get response */
220           tstlcf    exflg2,timout,pollto /* timeout, try again */
221           rem
222 ************************************************************************
223 *
224 *         look at response to select
225 *
226 ************************************************************************
227           rem
228           inscan    inrvi,tstwck
229           goto      gotrvi    /* reverse interrupt */
230 tstwck    inscan    inwack,tstack
231           goto      selwck    /* wack */
232 tstack    inscan    inack,pollto /* if not ack, unrecognizable */
233           rem
234 ************************************************************************
235 *
236 *         got an ack for the select, do some writing
237 *
238 ************************************************************************
239           rem
240           calsub    bscswa    /* start with ack 1 */
241           dumpin              /* don't need the ack */
242           goto      chkout    /* look at output message */
243           rem
244 ************************************************************************
245 *
246 *         reverse interrupt on select, we should poll now
247 *
248 ************************************************************************
249           rem
250 gotrvi    dumpin
251           calsub    dmpall    /* get rid of all of output message */
252           setlcl    ctlop,lstrvi /* report rvi back */
253           calsub    sndsta
254           goto      eotidl    /* wait for poll order */
255           rem
256 ************************************************************************
257 *
258 *         wack in response to select, send eot, wait and try again
259 *
260 ************************************************************************
261           rem
262 selwck    meter2    m.cnt5,1
263           dumpin
264           calsub    dmpall
265           setlcl    ctlop,lstwck
266           calsub    sndsta
267           goto      eotidl    /* go wait for next order */
268           rem
269 ************************************************************************
270 *
271 *         examine current output message before sending it
272 *
273 ************************************************************************
274           rem
275 chkout    calasm    bsccko    /* bsc_tables output-message checking rtn */
276           tstlcl    result,resack,sendit /* normal message */
277           tstlcl    result,resinc,getmor /* incomplete message, get the rest of it */
278           tstlcl    result,resnul,outwt /* nothing there at all */
279           dmpout              /* it's no good, remove it */
280           tstlcl    result,reseot,endout /* normal termination, send eot */
281           calsub    bscbad    /* anything else is invalid */
282           goto      outwt     /* wait for more */
283 getmor    signal    sndout    /* ask for more */
284 outwt     setimv    ttdtim
285           wait      sndttd,chkout,bsctst /* arrival of output will stir us */
286           status    0,dsr,bshang /* so, alas, will lack of dsr */
287 endout    setlcl    ctlop,lstwrc        /* report write complete */
288           calsub    sndsta
289           goto      eotidl
290           rem
291 ************************************************************************
292 *
293 *         ready to send complete output message
294 *
295 ************************************************************************
296           rem
297 sendit    meterm    1         /* count output message */
298           holdot              /* hang on to it until sent */
299           signal    sndout    /* ask for next one */
300           setlcl    nakcnt,0  /* initialize counts */
301           setlcl    ttdcnt,0
302           setlcl    enqcnt,0
303           clrlcf    exflg1,ttdsw
304           rem
305 sndagn    calsub    bscwtr    /* write and read response */
306 sent      setime    3         /* which should come within 3 seconds */
307           calsub    bscrd     /* go get it */
308           tstlcf    exflg2,timout,ask /* didn't come, check up on it */
309           rem
310 ************************************************************************
311 *
312 *         have a response, let's examine it
313 *
314 ************************************************************************
315           rem
316           inscan    innak,gotrs1
317           goto      gotnak    /* nak, they didn't like it */
318 gotrs1    inscan    inack,gotrs2
319           goto      gudout    /* it was accepted */
320 gotrs2    inscan    ineot,gotrs3
321           goto      repeot    /* they said eot, something is messed up */
322 gotrs3    inscan    inwack,ask /* if not wack, what is it? */
323           rem
324 ************************************************************************
325 *
326 *         wack in response to output message
327 *
328 ************************************************************************
329           rem
330           dumpin              /* throw away wack */
331           calsub    dmpall
332           meter2    m.cnt5,1
333           setlcl    ctlop,lstwkm        /* report wack to msg */
334           calsub    sndsta
335           goto      eotidl
336           rem
337 ************************************************************************
338 *
339 *         good message acknowledged, send next one
340 *
341 ************************************************************************
342           rem
343 gudout    dumpin              /* who needs ack? */
344           calsub    bscswa    /* switch acks */
345           dmpout
346           goto      chkout    /* look at next message */
347           rem
348 ************************************************************************
349 *
350 *         output hasn't come yet, use ttd to let him know we're still here
351 *
352 ************************************************************************
353           rem
354 sndttd    tstlcv    ttdcnt,ttdlmt,fakeot /* have we waited too long? */
355           addlcl    ttdcnt,1
356           bldmsg    otttd,gopunt /* send ttd message */
357           holdot
358           calsub    bscwtr
359           dmpout
360           setlcf    exflg1,ttdsw /* so we'll understand nak */
361           goto      sent      /* wait for nak */
362           rem
363 *         come here when we get the nak
364           rem
365 ttdnak    clrlcf    exflg1,ttdsw /* not ttd now */
366           goto      chkout
367           rem
368 ************************************************************************
369 *
370 *         our message got nak'ed
371 *
372 ************************************************************************
373           rem
374 gotnak    dumpin
375           tstlcf    exflg1,ttdsw,ttdnak /* if we were doing ttd, that's ok */
376           meter2    m.cnt2,1
377           tstlcl    nakcnt,3,nakerr /* drop it if too many */
378           addlcl    nakcnt,1  /* count this one */
379           goto      sndagn    /* try again */
380 nakerr    calsub    dmpall
381           meter2    m.cnt6,1
382           setlcl    ctlop,lstnko
383           calsub    sndsta
384           goto      eotidl
385           rem
386 ************************************************************************
387 *
388 *         got an eot response, something's wrong
389 *         report it so he can try poll to get status
390 *
391 ************************************************************************
392           rem
393 repeot    dumpin
394           calsub    dmpall    /* not likely to want output again */
395           setlcl    ctlop,lsteot
396           calsub    sndsta
397           goto      idle
398           rem
399 ************************************************************************
400 *
401 *         last response didn't come or was unrecognizable
402 *         send enq to get it repeated
403 *
404 ************************************************************************
405           rem
406 ask       meter2    m.cnt7,1
407           dumpin
408           tstlcl    enqcnt,enqlmt,fakeot /* too many of these */
409           addlcl    enqcnt,1
410           bldmsg    otenq,gopunt /* set up an enq */
411           holdot
412           calsub    bscwtr
413           dmpout
414           goto      sent      /* wait for response to repeat */
415           rem
416 ************************************************************************
417 *
418 *         time to send eot message, either because we can't send any more
419 *         output, or because it's done
420 *
421 ************************************************************************
422           rem
423 fakeot    setlcl    ctlop,lstabo /* this is abnormal one */
424           dmpout
425           calsub    sndsta
426           goto      eotidl
427           rem
428 ************************************************************************
429 *
430 *         subroutine to dump all pending output up to and including eot message
431 *
432 ************************************************************************
433           rem
434 dmpall    dmpout
435           tstwrt    dmpchk    /* next message already here? */
436           wait      0,dmpchk,bsctst /* no, wait for it to arrive */
437           status    0,dsr,bshang /* die if phone goes */
438           rem
439 dmpchk    outscn    ineot,dmpall        /* is it eot message? */
440           dmpout              /* yes, throw it away and we're done */
441           retsub
442           ttls      unsuccessful poll or select
443           rem
444 ************************************************************************
445 *
446 *         time out waiting for poll /select reply */
447 *
448 ************************************************************************
449           rem
450 pollto    meter2    m.cnt3,1
451           dumpin
452           bldmsg    oteot,gopunt        /* reset 3270 */
453           holdot
454           calsub    bscwtr
455           dmpout
456           tstlcl    bidlmt,0,pollt1     /* unmlimited retries */
457           addlcl    bidcnt,1
458           tstlcv    bidcnt,bidlmt,badpol
459 pollt1    tstlcf    exflg2,selop,sndsel /* send select again */
460           goto      sndpol    /* send poll again */
461 badpol    tstlcl    exflg2,selop,badsel
462           setlcl    ctlop,lstbdf        /* report poll failure */
463           calsub    sndsta
464           goto      idle
465 badsel    calsub    dmpall
466           setlcl    ctlop,lstslf        /* report select error */
467           calsub    sndsta
468           goto      idle
469           rem
470 ************************************************************************
471 *
472 *         routine to report line status and stop polling
473 *
474 ************************************************************************
475           rem
476 sndsta    clrlcf    exflg2,autopl+polpnd
477           linsta    ctlop
478           retsub
479           ttls      assembler language subroutines
480 ************************************************************************
481 *
482 *         routine to build a poll req by editing the poll address
483 *         into the current output buffer before the enq it
484 *         already has in it.
485 *
486 ************************************************************************
487           rem
488 bldpol    subr      blp
489           ldx3      0,3       get addr of arg
490           tsy       a.a001-*,*          =cvaddr, cvt to real address
491           cx3a
492           ora       l.a001-*  turn into char address
493           cax3
494           ldq       0,3,b.0   pick up count
495           iacx3     0,b.1     skip over count
496           lda       t.ocp,1   current buffer
497           tsy       a.a002-*,*          setbpt
498           cax2
499           cqa                 get count into a
500           asa       bf.tly,2  update tally with length of address
501           cx2a
502           iaa       bf.dta    address of data in buffer
503           ora       l.a001-*  make into character address
504           cax2
505           lda       0,2,b.0   pick up enq
506           sta       blpsv1-*  save for a while
507           iaq       0         to test the q
508 blp020    tze       blp010-*  no chars left in addr to copy
509           lda       0,3,b.0   pick up addr char
510           sta       0,2,b.0   copy into buffer
511           iacx2     0,b.1
512           iacx3     0,b.1
513           iaq       -1
514           tra       blp020-*  loop thru address
515 blp010    lda       blpsv1-*  retrieve the saved enq
516           sta       0,2,b.0   add to end of address
517           ldx2      l.a002-*  =0, means inline return
518           return    bldpol
519           rem
520 blpsv1    bss       1
521           rem
522 a.a001    ind       cvaddr
523 a.a002    ind       setbpt
524           rem
525 l.a001    ind       0,b.0
526 l.a002    oct       0
527           ttls      test_state handler
528 ************************************************************************
529 *
530 *         test state handler. most things are left to bsc handler
531 *
532 ************************************************************************
533           rem
534 testst    tstlcl    ctlop,lctpol,rqpoll /* poll request handled here */
535           tstlcl    ctlop,lctsta,stpaut /* stop auto polling */
536           waitm
537 rqpoll    clrlcf    exflg2,autopl       /* assume not auto-polling */
538           tstlcl    ctlvl1,0,rqpol2 /* it isnt */
539           setlcf    exflg2,autopl       /* it is */
540 rqpol2    tstlcf    exflg2,pollok,gopoll /* go start poll if ok now */
541           setlcf    exflg2,polpnd       /* otherwise, save for later */
542           waitm
543 stpaut    clrlcf    exflg2,autopl       /* auto polling will stop soon */
544           waitm
545           rem
546 gopunt    punt      0
547           rem
548 *
549 *         limit for number of enq's we will send in succession
550 *
551 enqlmt    equ       3
552           rem
553           end