1 * ***********************************************************
  2 * *                                                         *
  3 * * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
  4 * *                                                         *
  5 * * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of        *
  6 * * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.      *
  7 * *                                                         *
  8 * ***********************************************************
 10           lbl       ,console_man
 11           ttl       console manager for 355 with multics
 12           rem
 13           rem
 14           pmc       off
 15           pcc       on
 16           detail    on
 17           editp     on
 18           rem
 19           rem
 20           symdef    cons
 21           rem
 22           symdef    wcon      write console routine
 23           rem                 called from outside in emergency
 24           symdef    contip    terminate interrupt processor for above
 25           rem
 26           symdef    consol    console interrupt processing routine
 27           symdef    consjt    so init can find jump tables
 28           rem
 29           symref    mdisp     dispatcher return
 30           symref    secdsp    event dispatcher return
 31           symref    dspqur    dispatcher queuer entry
 32           symref    conabt    console operator abort routine
 33           symref    invp      main interrupt processing routine
 34           symref    g3wjt     get 3rd word of jump table routine
 35           symref    octasc    octal to ascii conversion subroutine
 36           rem
 37           rem
 38           rem
 39           rem
 40           rem
 41           pmc       save,on
 42 cons      null
 43           start     cons,7
 44           ttls      console read and write routines
 45 ************************************************************************
 46 *
 47 * these routines are used to write messages
 48 * on the datanet-355 console and/or to receive messages from the
 49 * system operator.
 50 *
 51 * the routines have no queueing capability, so a "busy flag" is used to
 52 * prevent more than one access to the console at a time.  if the console
 53 * is busy at the time the user calls "write" or "wrcon," a return is made
 54 * immediately to a special "busy return" point in the user's calling
 55 * sequence.  at this time the user would (perhaps) queue up a time
 56 * delayed routine to retry at a later time.  if the console is not busy
 57 * when the user calls, his request will be initiated and control
 58 * returned to his "accepted return" point.
 59 *
 60 ************************************************************************
 61 *
 62 * calling sequence for "write" --
 63 *         pre-set registers -- the a, q, and x1 registers must be set up as
 64 *                   required by the dispatcher queuer.  this specifies the
 65 *                   routine which will be queued when the write operation
 66 *                   terminates.
 67 *
 68 *         tsy     write-*
 69 *         zero    <address of data icw>
 70 *         ---     <accepted return point>
 71 *         ---     <busy return point>
 72 *
 73 ************************************************************************
 74 *
 75 * calling sequence for "wrcon" --
 76 *
 77 *         pre-set registers -- the a, q, and x1 registers must
 78 *                   be set up as required by the dispatcher queuer.
 79 *                   this specifies the routine which will be queued
 80 *                   when the read operation has terminated.
 81 *
 82 *         tsy     wrcon-*
 83 *         zero    <address of output data icw>
 84 *         zero    <address of input-area data icw>
 85 *         ---     <accepted return point>
 86 *         ---     <busy return point>
 87 *
 88 ************************************************************************
 89           eject
 90 ************************************************************************
 91 *
 92 * console "terminate interrupt" processing routine
 93 *
 94 * the "terminate interrupt" is caused, naturally enough, when data
 95 * transfer between the console teletypewriter and the 355 terminates.
 96 *
 97 * several "abnormal" events can also cause this interrupt, and these
 98 * are indicated in the code.
 99 *
100 * the routine responds to this interrupt by indicating to the approprate
101 * user routine that his requested data transfer has been completed.
102 *
103 ************************************************************************
104 *
105 * console "special interrupt" processing routine
106 *
107 * the "special interrupt" is caused by pressing the "break" key on the
108 * console tty.  the routine "spcon" is called in response to this
109 * interrupt.  this is the method to be used by the operator to request
110 * the performance of the several special operations provided.
111 *
112 * the routine responds to the special interrupt by printing "???" to
113 * which the operator is expected to type in one of the commands
114 * listed below --
115 *
116 *         command variable(s)     function
117 *
118 *         abort                   abort 355.  cause an immediate dump.
119 *         alter   aaaaa,bbbbbb    store bbbbbb in location aaaaa, absolute.
120 *         peek    aaaaa           write contents of loc aaaaa, absolute
121 *         peek    aaaaa,n         write n words starting at aaaaa.
122 *         test                    call the on-line t&d system.
123 *
124 * n.b. -- future developers
125 *         command words must be at least four (4) characters in length.  to
126 *         increase the number of variable fields, see the comments in the
127 *         "idx" subroutine.
128 ************************************************************************
129           rem
130           rem
131           systm
132           comreg
133           rem
134           pmc       restore
135 cr        bool      15
136 lf        bool      12
137 xoff      bool      23
138           ttls      write -- write console routine
139 ************************************************************************
140 *
141 *         write    write console routine
142 *
143 ************************************************************************
144           rem
145 write     subr      wri,(x1,inh)
146           rem
147           szn       nocon-*   see if console is not configured or down
148           tnz       w05-*     yes
149           szn       conbsy-*  ? console busy ?
150           tze       w10-*     no
151 w05       null
152           aos       write-*   yes, go to user's "busy return"
153           tra       wribak-*
154           rem
155           rem
156           rem
157 w10       null
158           aos       conbsy-*  set busy flag
159           aos       cwrite-*  set write operation control flag
160           aos       cwconf-*  set wcon routine in control flag
161           ldi       wrisi-*   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
162           rem
163           staq      cqueaq-*  save parameters of routine to be queued
164           stx1      cquex1-*  when write operation terminates
165           ldaq      csicw-*   set up status icw mailbox
166           staq      csicwa-*,*
167           ldx1      write-*,* set up data icw mailbox
168           ldaq      0,1
169           staq      cdicwa-*,*
170           staq      cwwicw-*  save output data icw
171           rem
172           sel       tych      issue write command
173           cioc      cwpcw-*
174           rem
175 wribak    null
176           aos       write-*
177           return    write
178           ttls      wrcon -- write-then-read console routine
179 ************************************************************************
180 *
181 *         wrcon   write-then-read console routine
182 *
183 ************************************************************************
184           rem
185 wrcon     subr      wrc,(inh,x1)
186           rem
187           szn       nocon-*   see if console is not configured or down
188           tnz       w105-*    yes
189           szn       conbsy-*  ? console busy ?
190           tze       w110-*    no
191 w105      null
192           aos       wrcon-*   yes, go to user's "busy return"
193           aos       wrcon-*
194           tra       wrcbak-*
195           rem
196           rem
197           rem
198 w110      null
199           aos       conbsy-*  set busy flag
200           aos       cwrite-*  set write operation control flag
201           stz       cwconf-*  clear wcon routine in control flag
202           ldi       wrcsi-*   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
203           rem
204           staq      cqueaq-*  save parameters of routine to be queued
205           stx1      cquex1-*  when read operation terminates
206           ldaq      csicw-*   set up status icw mailbox
207           staq      csicwa-*,*
208           ldx1      wrcon-*,* set up data icw mailbox
209           ldaq      0,1
210           staq      cdicwa-*,*
211           staq      cwwicw-*  save output data dcw
212           aos       wrcon-*   save input-area data icw
213           ldx1      wrcon-*,*
214           ldaq      0,1
215           staq      cwricw-*
216           rem
217           sel       tych      issue write command
218           cioc      cwpcw-*
219           rem
220 wrcbak    null
221           aos       wrcon-*   go to user's "accepted return" point
222           tra       wrcon-*,*
223           rem
224           rem       *********************************************************
225           rem       * continue after write operation terminates and initiate
226           rem       * the read operation
227           rem       *********************************************************
228           rem
229 wrcont    null
230           stz       cwrite-*  clear write operation control flag
231           ldaq      csicw-*   set up status icw mailbox
232           staq      csicwa-*,*
233           ldaq      cwricw-*  set up input-area data icw mailbox
234           staq      cdicwa-*,*
235           rem
236           cioc      crpcw-*
237           rem
238           tra       1,*       return to dispatcher
239 cdisp     ind       secdsp
240           ttls      wcon -- emergency write routine
241           rem
242           rem
243 **********************************************************************
244 *   wcon is the routine called from outside console_man to write error
245 *   messages and crash warnings on the console.
246 *
247 *   it does not return to its caller until the write is complete.
248 *   it expects that only level 0, 1, and 2 interrupts are enabled,
249 *   and that other interrupts will go to an "ignore" subroutine.
250 *
251 *   in general, contip will be the terminate interrupt processor
252 *   associated with this routine, rather than consol as for write
253 *   and wrcon.
254 *
255 *   calling sequence:
256 *
257 *         tsy     wcon-*
258 *         zero    <address of data icw>
259 *         ---     <error return>
260 *         ---     <normal return>
261 *
262 **********************************************************************
263           rem
264           rem
265 cntrlx    bool      30
266 sbits     bool      50
267           rem
268           rem
269           rem
270 wcon      subr      wco,(x1,inh)
271           rem
272           szn       nocon-*   is there a console?
273           tnz       wcobak-*  take error return if not
274           rem
275           szn       conflg-*,*          (=.crcon) console io enabled now?
276           tnz       wcook-*   no, ignore call
277           rem
278           aos       conbsy-*  mark console busy
279           ldx1      wcon-*,*  get icw address
280           ldaq      0,1       get icw
281           staq      cdicwa-*,*          put it in mailbox
282           ldaq      csicw-*   get status icw
283           staq      csicwa-*,*
284           rem
285           sel       tych
286           cioc      cwpcw-*   (write pcw)
287           rem
288 wco010    null
289           eni                 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
290           dis                 wait for interrupt
291           tra       -1
292           rem
293           ttls      contip -- terminate interrupt ptocessor for wcon
294           rem
295 contip    ind       **
296           sti       conind-*  hang on to indicators
297           inh                 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
298           szn       conbsy-*  if console isn't busy,
299           tnz       wco020-*
300           ldi       conind-*  restore indicators and
301           tra       contip-*,*          ignore interrupt
302           rem
303 wco020    null
304           lda       cstat-*   get status; is it "ready"?
305           tpl       wcobak-*  no, take error return
306           rem
307           arl       9         ptro or control char?
308           icana     sbits
309           tze       wcobak-*  neither, take error return
310           rem
311           ldx1      cdicwa-*,*          pick up last character transmitted
312           lda       -1,1,b.1
313           icmpa     cntrlx    "control-x"?
314           tze       wcobak-*  yes, error return
315           rem
316 wcook     aos       wcon-*    else bump for good return
317           rem
318 wcobak    null
319           aos       wcon-*    bump return address once
320           stz       conbsy-*  not busy any more
321           rem
322           return    wcon
323           rem
324           rem
325 conind    bss       1         for storing indicators
326           ttls      data for wcon, wrcon, write
327           rem
328           even
329 csicw     icw       cstat,b.0,1         status icw image
330 cwpcw     oct       0,44      pcw -- write
331 crpcw     oct       0,50      pcw -- read
332 cwwicw    bss       2         wrcon's current output data icw
333 cwricw    bss       2         wrcon's current input data icw
334 cqueaq    bss       2         queue data for wrcon
335           rem
336 cstat     bss       1         status store area
337 cquex1    bss       1         queue data for wrcon
338 conbsy    bss       1         console busy flag (<>0=busy)
339 nocon     bss       1         no console (<>0) flag
340 cwrite    bss       1         write operation control flag
341 cwconf    bss       1         wcon routine in control (<>0) flag
342           rem
343 csicwa    ind       tyst      address of console status icw mailbox
344 cdicwa    ind       tyicw     address of console data icw mailbox
345           rem
346 conflg    ind       .crcon
347           ttls      consol -- console interrupt processing routine
348 ************************************************************************
349 *
350 * the sequence of events in processing the terminate and special
351 * interrupts from the system console is as follows:
352 *
353 *         1.      the appropriate interrupt cell is set by the iom.
354 *
355 *         2.      the processor acknowledges the interrupt by executing a
356 *                   "tsy x,*" where "x" is the address of the appropriate
357 *                   interrupt vector, which points to a "jump table."
358 *
359 *         3.      the jump table routine stores the value of the ic and
360 *                   sends control to the "invp" routine.
361 *
362 *         4.      the "invp" routine saves registers and sends control to
363 *                   the routine "consol" below.
364 *
365 *         5.      "consol" determines from the 3rd word of the jump table
366 *                   which console interrupt (terminate or special) occurred,
367 *                   and enters the appropriate parameters into the event
368 *                   dispatcher's queue.
369 *
370 ************************************************************************
371           rem
372           rem       *********************************************************
373           rem       * terminate and special interrupt jump tables
374           rem       *********************************************************
375           rem
376 consjt    null                symbol that init finds
377 contmj    ind       **
378           tsy       invpx-*,*
379           vfd       12/0,6/modcon
380           rem
381 conspj    ind       **
382           tsy       invpx-*,*
383           vfd       12/-1,6/modcon
384           eject
385           rem       *********************************************************
386           rem       * console interrupt processing routine
387           rem       *********************************************************
388           rem
389 consol    null
390           inh                 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
391           tsy       g3wjtx-*,*          get 3rd word of jump table
392           iaq       0         ? terminate or special interrupt ?
393           tmi       con20-*   special, go process
394           rem
395           rem       terminate interrupt...
396           rem
397           ldaq      tmaq-*    queue up the terminate interrupt
398           ldx1      tmx1-*    processing routine in event
399 con10     null
400           tsy       tmquer-*,*          dispatcher
401           tra       cmdisp-*,*
402           rem
403           rem       special interrupt...
404           rem
405 con20     null
406           szn       sibusy-*  ? special interrupt already active ?
407           tnz       cmdisp-*,*          yes, ignore this one
408           aos       sibusy-*  no, set flag to block others
409           ldaq      spaq-*    queue up the special interrupt
410           ldx1      spx1-*    processing routine in event
411           tra       con10-*
412           rem
413           rem
414           rem
415 invpx     ind       invp      main interrupt processor
416 g3wjtx    ind       g3wjt
417 cmdisp    ind       mdisp     return to master dispatcher
418           rem
419 modcon    set       6
420           ttls      tmcon -- console terminate interrupt processor
421 ************************************************************************
422 *
423 *         tmcon   console terminate interrupt processor -- part 1
424 *
425 ************************************************************************
426           rem
427 tmcon     null
428           szn       conbsy-*  ? busy flag set ?
429           tnz       t10-*     yes, as it should be!
430           aos       tmeict-*  no, count this extraneous interrupt
431           tra       cdisp-*,* return to dispatcher
432           rem
433 t10       null
434 tsel      sel       **        select console channel
435           szn       cwrite-*  ? read or write termination ?
436           tze       tmread-*  read, go process accordingly
437           rem
438           rem       *********************************************************
439           rem       * process write termination status
440           rem       *********************************************************
441           rem
442           lda       cstat-*   ? status = ready ?
443           tmi       t30-*     yes
444           rem
445 t20       null
446           aos       cwrite-*
447           lda       cwrite-*  test to see if console may be down
448           cmpa      cntrbl-*  (377777 octal)
449           tnz       t25-*     no, keep hanging in there
450           rem
451           rem       we have tried to go to the console 131071 times.
452           rem       it must be down. set a switch to indicate this
453           rem       and disable interrupts for the console.
454           rem
455           sel       tych      select console channel
456           cioc      cnmpcw-*  connect to mask pcw
457           aos       nocon-*   set switch to indicate no console
458           tra       cdisp-*,* return to dispatcher
459 t25       null
460           ldaq      csicw-*   re-issue the write command
461           staq      csicwa-*,*
462           ldaq      cwwicw-*
463           staq      cdicwa-*,*
464           cioc      cwpcw-*
465           tra       cdisp-*,*
466           rem
467 t30       null
468           arl       9
469           icana     32        (000040)     ? status = ptro ?
470           tze       t20-*     no, re-issue write command
471           szn       cwconf-*  ? wcon or wrcon initiated write ?
472           tze       wrcont-*  wrcon, return to issue read
473           rem
474 texit     null
475           inh                 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
476           stz       cwrite-*  no longer in write sequence
477           ldaq      cqueaq-*  queue user's courtesy call routine
478           ldx1      cquex1-*
479           tsy       tmquer-*,*
480           stz       conbsy-*  clear console busy flag
481           rem
482           szn       spint-*   ? special interrupt waiting ?
483           tze       cdisp-*,* no, return to dispatcher
484           ldaq      spaq-*    yes, queue special interrupt
485           ldx1      spx1-*    processor
486           tsy       tmquer-*,*
487           stz       spint-*
488           tra       cdisp-*,* return to dispatcher
489           rem
490           rem       *********************************************************
491           rem       * process read termination status
492           rem       *********************************************************
493           rem
494 tmread    null
495           lda       cstat-*
496           arl       9
497           icana     128       (000200)    ? status = timer runout ?
498           tnz       t20-*     yes, re-issue write command
499           rem
500 t40       null
501           icana     64        (000100)     ? status = tro ?
502           tnz       t20-*     yes, re-issue write command
503           ldx1      cdicwa-*,*          no, get last input character
504           lda       -1,1,b.1
505           icmpa     cntrlx    ? control-x ?
506           tze       t20-*     yes, re-issue write command
507           icmpa     cr+pbit   ? carriage return ?
508           tze       t50-*     yes
509           icmpa     xoff+pbit ? x-off ?
510           tnz       t20-*     no, re-issue write command
511           rem
512 t50       null
513           lda       cstat-*   ? status = ready ?
514           tpl       t20-*     no, re-issue write command
515           tra       texit-*
516           rem
517           rem
518           rem
519           even
520 tmaq      oct       13
521           ind       tmcon
522 tmx1      zero      0
523           rem
524 tmquer    ind       dspqur
525 tmeict    bss       1         count of extraneous interrupts
526 cntrbl    oct       377777
527           even
528 cnmpcw    oct       0,010000  mask bit on to disable channel
529           ttls      spcon -- console special interrupt processor
530 ************************************************************************
531 *
532 *          spcon  console special interrupt processor
533 *
534 ************************************************************************
535           rem
536 spcon     null
537           szn       conbsy-*  ? any outstanding console io ?
538           tze       sp9-*     no, proceed
539           aos       spint-*   yes, set special interrupt flag
540           tra       cdisp-*,* return to dispatcher
541           rem
542 sp9       null
543           lda       msg1p-*   set message "???"
544 sp9a      null
545           sta       sp15-*
546           rem
547 sp10      null
548           ldaq      spbaq-*   write-then-read message 1, 2, or 3
549           ldx1      spbx1-*
550           tsy       wrcon-*
551 sp15      zero      **
552           zero      spicwi
553           tra       cdisp-*,* accepted -- return to dispatcher
554           rem
555           ldaq      spaqt-*   busy -- re-queue with 5-second
556           ldx1      spx1-*    time delay
557           tsy       tmquer-*,*
558           tra       cdisp-*,*
559           rem
560           rem       *********************************************************
561           rem       * continue after operator's message has been read
562           rem       *********************************************************
563           rem
564 spconb    null
565           ldx1      spoptb-*  x1 points to op-code table
566           rem
567 sp100     null
568           ldaq      input-*   get 1st 4 characters of input data
569           cmpa      0,1       search
570           tnz       sp110-*   op-code
571           cmpq      1,1       table
572           tze       2,1*      for match
573           rem
574 sp110     null
575           iacx1     3         bump pointer
576           cmpx1     spopnd-*  ? end of table ?
577           tnz       sp100-*   no, continue search
578           rem
579           arl       9
580           icmpa     cr+pbit   ? null line -- cr only ?
581           tze       sp115-*   yes, exit
582           rem
583           lda       msg3p-*   set message "what?"
584           tra       sp9a-*
585           rem
586 sp115     null
587           inh                 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
588           stz       sibusy-*  yes, ignore this message
589           tra       cdisp-*,*
590           rem
591           rem
592           rem
593           even
594 spicw1    icw       msg1,b.0,6
595 spicw2    icw       msg2,b.0,8
596 spicw3    icw       msg3,b.0,8
597 spicwi    icw       input,b.0,24
598 spaq      vfd       12/0,o6/14,18/spcon
599 spbaq     vfd       12/0,o6/14,18/spconb
600 spaqt     vfd       12/5,o6/14,18/spcon
601 input     bss       12
602           rem
603 pbit      bool      200
604 spx1      zero      0
605 spbx1     zero      0
606 spint     bss       1
607 sibusy    bss       1         "special interrupt processor" flag
608           rem
609 msg1p     zero      spicw1
610 msg2p     zero      spicw2
611 msg3p     zero      spicw3
612           rem
613 msg1      vfd       9/cr,9/lf
614           aci       2,???
615 msg2      vfd       9/cr,9/lf
616           aci       3,more?
617 msg3      vfd       9/cr,9/lf
618           aci       3,what?
619           rem
620           rem
621           rem
622 spoptb    zero      *+1
623           vfd       o18/101102
624           vfd       o18/317322
625           vfd       18/xabort
626           vfd       o18/120305
627           vfd       o18/305113
628           vfd       18/xpeek
629           vfd       o18/101314
630           vfd       o18/324305
631           vfd       18/xalter
632           vfd       o18/324305
633           vfd       o18/123324
634           vfd       18/xtest
635 spopnd    zero      *
636           ttls      operator command processing routines
637 ************************************************************************
638 *
639 *         abort
640 *
641 * this command causes an immediate system disaster dump (if a printer is
642 * configured) just as though a processor fault had occurred.
643 *
644 ************************************************************************
645           rem
646 xabort    null
647           stz       sibusy-*
648           tsy       1,*
649           ind       conabt
650           eject
651 ************************************************************************
652 *
653 *         peek    aaaaa
654 *         peek    aaaaa,n
655 *
656 * this command causes the contents of specified locations to be written
657 * onto the console teletypewriter.  if "n" is present, it specifies the
658 * number of words to be written, otherwise only one word will be written
659 * aaaaa specifies the address of the first, or only, word written.
660 *
661 * up to eight words will be printed per line
662 *
663 ************************************************************************
664           rem
665 xpeek     null
666           ldx3      spicwi-*  x3 points to input message
667           tsy       idx-*     extract one or two octal fields
668           rem
669           rem       c(idxof1) = address of 1st, or only, word to be typed
670           rem       c(idxof2) = number of words to be typed (0 = one word)
671           rem
672           szn       idxof2-*  if zero was specified, make it 1
673           tnz       2
674           aos       idxof2-*
675           rem
676 xpk10     null
677           lda       xalmem-*,*          mask address to allowable range
678           ansa      idxof1-*
679           ldq       idxof1-*  convert address to ascii
680           ldx3      xpkout-*
681           tsy       xpkcnv-*,*
682           rem
683           iacx3     0,b.1     leave extra blank after address
684           ila       9         initialize tally
685           sta       xpkicw+1-*
686           rem
687           lda       idxof2-*  get remaining count
688           icmpa     8
689           tmi       2         if it's less than 8, use as is
690           ila       8         else use 8
691           rem
692           iera      -1        c(a) <- -c(a)
693           iaa       1
694           sta       remain-*  hang on to remainder
695           rem
696 xpk15     null                conversion loop
697           iacx3     0,b.1     precede word with a blank
698           ldq       idxof1-*,*          convert data word to ascii
699           tsy       xpkcnv-*,*
700           rem
701           ila       7
702           asa       xpkicw+1-*          increment tally
703           aos       idxof1-*  and data address
704           aos       remain-*  more data words for this line?
705           tnz       xpk15-*   yes, go convert next one
706           rem                 else write out the line
707           rem
708 xpk20     null
709           ldaq      xpkqa1-*
710           ldx1      xpkqx1-*
711           tsy       xpkwc-*,* write address and contents
712           zero      xpkicw
713           tra       xpdisp-*,*          (accepted)
714           tra       xpk20-*   (busy)
715           rem
716           rem       *********************************************************
717           rem       * continue processing after 1st write terminates
718           rem       *********************************************************
719           rem
720 xpeekb    null
721           rem
722           ila       -8        any more words to be typed?
723           asa       idxof2-*  yes if result > 0
724           tmi       2         no
725           tnz       xpk10-*   yes
726           rem
727 xpk50     null
728           lda       msg2p-*   set message "more?"
729           tra       sp9a-*
730           rem
731           rem
732           rem
733           even
734 xpkqa1    vfd       12/0,o6/14
735           ind       xpeekb
736 xpkicw    icw       xpkmsg,b.0,**
737           rem
738           rem                 new-line and 64 blanks initially
739 xpkmsg    vfd       9/cr,9/lf
740           aci       16
741           aci       16
742           rem
743 xpkout    zero      xpkmsg+1,b.0
744 xpkcnv    ind       octasc
745 xpkqx1    zero      0
746 xpkwc     ind       write
747 xpdisp    ind       secdsp
748 remain    bss       1         number of words remaining to be printed on line
749           eject
750 ************************************************************************
751 *
752 *         alter   aaaaa,bbbbbb
753 *
754 * this command causes the octal number  bbbbbb  to be stored in the
755 * location whose absolute octal address is aaaaa.
756 * the octal address, aaaaa, will be "anded" with either 077777 or
757 * 037777, depending on the size of core storage in use.
758 *
759 ************************************************************************
760           rem
761 xalter    null
762           ldx3      spicwi-*  x3 points to input message
763           tsy       idx-*     extract one or two octal fields
764           rem
765           lda       idxof1-*  limit address to 16k or 32k size
766           ana       xalmem-*,*
767           cax1
768           lda       idxof2-*  store data in specified address
769           sta       0,1
770           ila       1
771           sta       idxof2-*  peek location just altered
772           tra       xpk10-*
773           rem
774           rem
775           rem
776 xalmem    ind       .crmem    contains highest address in core
777           eject
778 ************************************************************************
779 *
780 *         test                    call the on-line t&d system
781 *
782 * this command will allow the future on-line t&d system to be called by
783 * the 355 console operator.
784 *
785 ************************************************************************
786           rem
787 xtest     null
788           stz       sibusy-*
789           tra       1,*       (temporary return)
790           ind       secdsp
791           rem
792           ttls      idx -- console input data extraction subroutine
793 ************************************************************************
794 *
795 * this subroutine is used to extract octal numbers from the input string
796 * typed on the system console.  the routine was designed to permit the
797 * operator to make quick corrections to the octal numbers he may be
798 * required to type.
799 *
800 * for the purposes of this subroutine, the input string is assumed to be
801 * one octal number or two octal numbers separated by a comma.  in the
802 * examples which follow, the first column is the input string, the
803 * symbol <eom> stands for either a "carriage return" or "x-off"
804 * character.  the second and third columns are the output of this sub-
805 * routine -- idxof1 = octal field #1 and idxof2 = octal field #2
806 *
807 * as the input string is scanned (from left to right), octits (which is
808 * the word used to refer to octal integers) are saved in one of the
809 * "octal field registers" until a non-octit is encountered.  if this
810 * non-octit is --
811 *
812 *         -- <eom>, control is immediately returned to the calling program.
813 *
814 *         -- a comma, the saving of octits in the current octal field
815 *                   register is stopped, a pointer (x2) is bumped to point to
816 *                   the next octal field register, and scanning continues.
817 *
818 *         -- letter x, all octits and resulting octal fields are ignored,
819 *                   the octal field registers are reset to zero, and scanning
820 *                   begins with the next input character.
821 *
822 *         -- any other non-octit, the octits thus far typed and being saved
823 *                   in the current octal field register are ignored, the
824 *                   current octal field register is reset to zero, and
825 *                   scanning continues at the next character.
826 *
827 * the octal field registers will contain a maximum of six octits.  since
828 * each new octit enters the register at the right end by moving the pre-
829 * vious contents left, typing more than six octits removes the high
830 * order extra octits and saves only the low order six octits.
831 *
832 * examples --
833 *
834 *         input string                    idxof1  idxof2
835 *
836 *         123456<eom>                     123456  000000
837 *         123456,654321<eom>              123456  654321
838 *         1<eom>                          000001  000000
839 *         1,2<eom>                        000001  000002
840 *         1234567432,7654321346<eom>      567432  321346
841 *         13e12,456e556<eom>              000012  000556
842 *         123,456x321,654<eom>            000321  000654
843 *
844 ************************************************************************
845 *
846 * calling sequence --
847 *
848 *         x3 = character/word address of start of the input string
849 *
850 *         tsy     idx-*
851 *
852 * exit conditions --
853 *
854 *         x2 = address of last octal field register used
855 *
856 * n.b. -- future developers...
857 *                   the following must be done to modify this subroutine to
858 *                   handle more than the present two octal fields.
859 *         1.  following the instruction at <idx10+2>,
860 *             insert <stz idxof3-*>, <stz idxof4-*>, etc.
861 *         2.  change the instruction at <idxlof> to <idxlof zero idxof#+1>,
862 *             where # is the number of octal fields.
863 *         3.  following the instruction at <idxof2>,
864 *             insert <idxof3 bss 1>, <idxof4 bss 1>, etc.
865 *
866 ************************************************************************
867           rem
868 idx       ind       **
869           rem
870 idx10     null
871           ldx2      idxfof-*  x2 points to octal field register
872           stz       idxof1-*  clear octal field registers
873           stz       idxof2-*
874           stz       idxpco-*  clear pco flag
875           rem
876 idx20     null
877           lda       0,3,b.0   get current input character
878           icmpa     cr+pbit   ? carriage return ?
879           tze       idx-*,*   yes, return to user
880           icmpa     xoff+pbit ? x-off ?
881           tze       idx-*,*   yes, return to user
882           iacx3     0,b.1     bump input character pointer
883           cmpx2     idxlof-*  ? more than 2 octal fields ?
884           tze       idx-*,*   yes, return to user
885           rem
886           iana      127 (000177)        strip parity bit
887           caq
888           qrl       3
889           iaq       -6        ? current character an octit ?
890           tnz       idx30-*   no
891           szn       idxpco-*  ? previous character an octit ?
892           tnz       3         yes
893           stz       0,2       no, clear current octal field register,
894           aos       idxpco-*  set pco flag
895           ldq       0,2       store octit
896           als       18-3      in current octal
897           llr       3         field
898           stq       0,2       register
899           tra       idx20-*
900           rem
901 idx30     null
902           stz       idxpco-*  clear pco flag
903           icmpa     44        (000054)     ? current input character a comma ?
904           tnz       3         no
905           iacx2     1         yes, bump pointer to next field reg.
906           tra       idx20-*
907           rem
908           icmpa     88 (000130)         ? current input character the letter x ?
909           tze       idx10-*   yes, clear all and start over
910           tra       idx20-*   no, resume scanning
911           rem
912           rem
913           rem
914 idxfof    zero      idxof1
915 idxlof    zero      idxof2+1
916 idxof1    bss       1         octal field register #1
917 idxof2    bss       1         octal field register #2
918 idxpco    bss       1         previous character octit flag
919           end