1                     Bindfile for site_mcs
  4 /* bindfile for MCS, Multics Communications System */
  5 /* This version contains the basic core image for DN6780 type FNPs */
  6 /* Created 040680 by Frank Martinson */
  7 /* Modified 051881 by R. Holmstedt to specify no metering */
  8 /* Modified 051881 by R. Holmstedt to add colts module mclt */
 11   1) change(88-02-22,Farley), approve(88-02-22,MCR7843),
 12      audit(88-02-22,Beattie):
 13      Modified version => 7.6a to show change to utilities.
 14   2) change(88-08-25,Beattie), approve(88-08-15,MCR7965),
 15      audit(88-09-08,Farley):
 16      Changed to version 7.6b for changes to hsla_man and autobaud_tables which
 17      support autobauding between 300 and 9.6k baud.
 18   3) change(89-05-22,Beattie), approve(89-05-15,MCR8108),
 19      audit(89-06-15,Brunelle):
 20      Changed to version 7.6c for change to x25_tables which fixed a bug in
 21      input exhaust status processing.
 22                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 24 version:  7.6c;
 27 lsla:     0;
 28 hsla:     3;
 29 memory:   64;
 30 console:  yes;
 31 printer:  no;
 32 meter:    no;
 34 /* module load list */
 36 order:    scheduler,
 37           interpreter,
 38           breakpoint_man,
 39           control_tables,
 40           autobaud_tables,
 41           dia_man,
 42           mclt,
 43           hsla_man,
 44           console_man,
 45           utilities,
 46           trace,
 47           init;
 49 /* entry to init from bootload */
 51 entry:    istart;
 53 /* table size specifications */
 55 module:   hsla_man;
 56  type:    hsla;
 57  size:    97;
 59 module:   trace;
 60  type:    trace;
 61  mask:    317777;   /* trace enable mask */
 62  size:    2048;
 64 end;
 65 ^L
 68 The following symbols were defined, but were not referenced:
 70  Symbol Module                   Symbol Module                   Symbol Module                   Symbol Module
 72  sked   scheduler                idlmrk scheduler                idlend scheduler                chkiv  utilities
 73  intp   interpreter              cvaddr interpreter              adbyte interpreter              intend breakpoint_man
 74  bkpt   breakpoint_man           hungup control_tables           error  control_tables           cct.2  control_tables
 75  diftyp control_tables           cct.3  control_tables           chkaut control_tables           auto   autobaud_tables
 76  dia    dia_man                  mclt   mclt                     hsla   hsla_man                 cbufsz hsla_man
 77  cons   console_man              util   utilities                metert utilities                fulbuf utilities
 78  move   utilities                getubf utilities                trac   trace                    traceb trace
 79  init   init
 81 The following symbols were referenced, but were not defined:
 83  Symbol Module                   Symbol Module                   Symbol Module                   Symbol Module
 85  lip    scheduler                icmon  scheduler                mincs  interpreter              mincd  interpreter
 86  mupdat interpreter              mmsg   interpreter              ldcw   interpreter              astart control_tables
 87  gstar  control_tables           bscstr control_tables           tstart control_tables           vstart control_tables
 88  a1star control_tables           a2star control_tables           a3star control_tables           s1star control_tables
 89  s2star control_tables           s3star control_tables           pvstar control_tables           x25str control_tables
 90  hdlstr control_tables           acutst control_tables           ant202 control_tables           ahang  control_tables
 91  loutav dia_man                  ptrabf trace                    ptrace trace                    pspec  init
 92  pterm  init                     icmdat init
 96 The following symbols were defined:
 98 Symbol  Offset   Symbol  Offset   Symbol  Offset   Symbol  Offset   Symbol  Offset   Symbol  Offset
100 adbyte   13165   auto     17354   autost   17412   badint   41763   begin    14500   bfcksw   47274
101 bkpt     13332   brkhit   13550   brkptr   13347   brktab   13344   cbufsz   31123   cct.2    14200
102 cct.3    14300   cct.br   14400   chkaut   14700   chkiv    43314   colts    27222   conabt   41767
103 conchn   42264   conman   42715   cons     40762   consjt   41217   consol   41225   contip   41143
104 ctrl     13700   cvabs    46227   cvaddr   11140   denq     20530   derrq    21066   dia      17700
105 diajt    27121   diasel   26023   dicell   26551   diconf   26546   diftyp   14715   dindcw   25721
106 dlist    26042   dmail    20057   dmbx     26550   dspqur    5415   dterm    17712   ecgifl   24445
107 endtrc   51010   error    16416   etrint    6452   etrip     6344   etrmon    6453   exist    41742
108 fpsel    42160   frebfh   47522   frebuf   47107   frelbf   47557   fremem   47176   fresml   50366
109 fulbuf   45607   g3wjt     5357   getbfh   47275   getbfm   47010   getbuf   46447   getcmt   11444
110 getmem   46560   gettib   43250   getubf   47275   globsw    7210   hcfg     32337   hcheck   37461
111 hdcw     30132   hfv      41743   hgeti    32155   hintr    33524   hmode    32727   houtav   37672
112 hsla     30120   hslajt   40317   hungup   14573   hunmsk   33232   idlcnt    4742   idlend    4742
113 idlint    6434   idlmax    6446   idlmin    6450   idlmrk    4732   idloop    4733   ignore   42474
114 init     51056   inproc   43360   intend   13332   intp      7176   invp      4574   iomflt   41765
115 istart   55506   istat     7325   istbrk    7457   itest     7211   itmout    7426   iwrite    7257
116 lctlck   22671   maskr    14563   mclt     27210   mdisp     4676   meterc   45633   metert   45661
117 move     44436   msdsp     4706   mvpgsc   46301   mvpgtg   46321   mvplmm   46446   nxtrce   51007
118 obsel    43150   octasc   43233   outprc   45136   puteco   44570   secdsp    6212   setbpt   46173
119 setcct   32102   setime    6454   setptw   46154   shrcct   31620   signal   15053   simclk    6704
120 skdata    6442   sked      4540   stpchn   17330   tdhung   14500   tdip     30026   timrjt    7006
121 trac     50460   trace    50472   traceb   50720   util     41730   utsave   42242   wcon     41112   ^LBindmap for >spec>inst>1063>site_mcs, Version 7.6c
122 Created on 06/26/89  1451.1 mst Mon, by Hirneisen.SysMaint.a
124 Component                Modnum  Start  Length  Date Compiled   Directory
126 scheduler                     1   4540    2436  09/23/82 1211  >spec>inst>1063>o
127 interpreter                   3   7176    4134  11/18/82 1421  >spec>inst>1063>o
128 breakpoint_man                   13332     340  09/23/82 1201  >spec>inst>1063>o
129 control_tables                   13700    3454  04/10/86 1342  >spec>inst>1063>o
130 autobaud_tables                  17354     324  09/20/88 1434  >spec>inst>1063>o
131 dia_man                       2  17700    7306  01/12/87 1318  >spec>inst>1063>o
132 mclt                             27206     704  12/01/82 1442  >spec>inst>1063>o
133 hsla_man                      6  30120   10642  09/20/88 1433  >spec>inst>1063>o
134 console_man                   7  40762     740  09/23/82 1202  >spec>inst>1063>o
135 utilities                     4  41730    6530  03/01/88  857  >spec>inst>1063>o
136 trace                         8  50460     376  09/23/82 1212  >spec>inst>1063>o
137 init                          9  51056    5324  02/03/86  925  >spec>inst>1063>o