1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE xmail_responses.incl.pl1 */
 4   1) change(86-02-07,Blair), approve(86-03-06,MCR7358),
 5      audit(86-04-21,RBarstad),  install(86-05-28,MR12.0-1062):
 6      85-03-05 JG Backs: Modified to add a response of date.
 7      85-03-11 JG Backs: Modified to add short forms of keywords (a,l,p,f).
 8      85-03-14 JG Backs: Modified to add ASK, SET, and S.
 9   2) change(86-02-07,Blair), approve(86-03-06,MCR7358),
10      audit(86-04-21,RBarstad),  install(86-05-28,MR12.0-1062):
11      Modify to add SEEN and UNSEEN.
12                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
14 /* Created 06/17/81 by Suzanne Krupp */
16 dcl (QUESTION char(1) init("?"),
17      LIST char(2) init("??"),
18      A char(1) init("a"),
19      ALL char(3) init("all"),
20      ASK char(3) init("ask"),
21      DATE char(4) init("date"),
22      F char(1) init("f"),
23      FIRST char(5) init("first"),
24      L char(1) init("l"),
25      LAST char(4) init("last"),
26      N char (1) init ("n"),
27      NO char(2) init("no"),
28      NEXT char(4) init("next"),
29      NEW char(3) init("new"),
30      P char(1) init("p"),
31      PREV char(4) init("prev"),
32      S char(1) init("s"),
33      SEEN char (4) init("seen"),
34      SET char(3) init("set"),
35      SEARCH char(6) init("search"),
36      UNSEEN char (6) init("unseen"),
37      Y char (1) init ("y"),
38      YES char(3) init("yes"))
39     int static options(constant);
41 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... xmail_responses.incl.pl1 */